blob: 45a65238414319514c4cbc59ea51fc06c5414173 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart_backend;
// TODO(ahe): This class is simply wrong. This backend should use
// elements when it can, not AST nodes. Perhaps a [Map<Element,
// TreeElements>] is what is needed.
class ElementAst {
final Node ast;
final TreeElements treeElements;
ElementAst(this.ast, this.treeElements);
factory ElementAst.rewrite(compiler, ast, treeElements, stripAsserts) {
final rewriter =
new FunctionBodyRewriter(compiler, treeElements, stripAsserts);
return new ElementAst(rewriter.visit(ast), rewriter.cloneTreeElements);
: this.treeElements = new TreeElementMapping(null);
// TODO(ahe): This class should not subclass [TreeElementMapping], if
// anything, it should implement TreeElements.
class AggregatedTreeElements extends TreeElementMapping {
final List<TreeElements> treeElements;
AggregatedTreeElements() : treeElements = <TreeElements>[], super(null);
Element operator[](Node node) {
final result = super[node];
return result != null ? result : getFirstNotNullResult((e) => e[node]);
Selector getSelector(Send send) {
final result = super.getSelector(send);
return result != null ?
result : getFirstNotNullResult((e) => e.getSelector(send));
DartType getType(Node node) {
final result = super.getType(node);
return result != null ?
result : getFirstNotNullResult((e) => e.getType(node));
getFirstNotNullResult(f(TreeElements element)) {
for (final element in treeElements) {
final result = f(element);
if (result != null) return result;
return null;
class VariableListAst extends ElementAst {
VariableListAst(ast) : super(ast, new AggregatedTreeElements());
add(VariableElement element, TreeElements treeElements) {
AggregatedTreeElements e = this.treeElements;
e[element.cachedNode] = element;
class FunctionBodyRewriter extends CloningVisitor {
final Compiler compiler;
final bool stripAsserts;
FunctionBodyRewriter(this.compiler, originalTreeElements, this.stripAsserts)
: super(originalTreeElements);
visitBlock(Block block) {
shouldOmit(Statement statement) {
if (statement is EmptyStatement) return true;
if (statement is ExpressionStatement) {
Send send = statement.expression.asSend();
if (send != null) {
Element element = originalTreeElements[send];
if (stripAsserts && identical(element, compiler.assertMethod)) {
return true;
return false;
rewriteStatement(Statement statement) {
if (statement is Block) {
Link statements = statement.statements.nodes;
if (!statements.isEmpty && statements.tail.isEmpty) {
Statement single = statements.head;
bool isDeclaration =
single is VariableDefinitions || single is FunctionDeclaration;
if (!isDeclaration) return single;
return statement;
NodeList statements = block.statements;
LinkBuilder<Statement> builder = new LinkBuilder<Statement>();
for (Statement statement in statements.nodes) {
if (!shouldOmit(statement)) {
return new Block(rewriteNodeList(statements, builder.toLink()));
class DartBackend extends Backend {
final List<CompilerTask> tasks;
final bool forceStripTypes;
final bool stripAsserts;
// TODO(antonm): make available from command-line options.
final bool outputAst = false;
Map<Element, TreeElements> get resolvedElements =>
* Tells whether it is safe to remove type declarations from variables,
* functions parameters. It becomes not safe if:
* 1) TypeError is used somewhere in the code,
* 2) The code has typedefs in right hand side of IS checks,
* 3) The code has classes which extend typedefs, have type arguments typedefs
* or type variable bounds typedefs.
* These restrictions can be less strict.
bool isSafeToRemoveTypeDeclarations(
Map<ClassElement, Set<Element>> classMembers) {
Set<DartType> processedTypes = new Set<DartType>();
List<DartType> workQueue = new List<DartType>();
workQueue.addAll( => classElement.thisType));
Element typeErrorElement =
compiler.coreLibrary.find(new SourceString('TypeError'));
DartType typeErrorType = typeErrorElement.computeType(compiler);
if (workQueue.indexOf(typeErrorType) != -1) {
return false;
void processTypeArguments(Element classElement, NodeList typeArguments) {
if (typeArguments == null) return;
for (Node typeArgument in typeArguments.nodes) {
if (typeArgument is TypeVariable) {
typeArgument = typeArgument.bound;
if (typeArgument == null) continue;
assert(typeArgument is TypeAnnotation);
DartType argumentType =
compiler.resolveTypeAnnotation(classElement, typeArgument);
assert(argumentType != null);
void processTypeAnnotationList(Element classElement, NodeList annotations) {
for (Link link = annotations.nodes; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail) {
TypeAnnotation typeAnnotation = link.head;
NodeList typeArguments = typeAnnotation.typeArguments;
processTypeArguments(classElement, typeArguments);
void processSuperclassTypeArguments(Element classElement, Node superclass) {
if (superclass == null) return;
MixinApplication superMixinApplication = superclass.asMixinApplication();
if (superMixinApplication != null) {
processTypeAnnotationList(classElement, superMixinApplication.mixins);
} else {
TypeAnnotation typeAnnotation = superclass;
NodeList typeArguments = typeAnnotation.typeArguments;
processTypeArguments(classElement, typeArguments);
while (!workQueue.isEmpty) {
DartType type = workQueue.removeLast();
if (processedTypes.contains(type)) continue;
if (type is TypedefType) return false;
if (type is InterfaceType) {
ClassElement element = type.element;
Node node = element.parseNode(compiler);
if (node is ClassNode) {
ClassNode classNode = node;
processTypeArguments(element, classNode.typeParameters);
processSuperclassTypeArguments(element, classNode.superclass);
processTypeAnnotationList(element, classNode.interfaces);
} else {
MixinApplication mixinNode = node;
processSuperclassTypeArguments(element, mixinNode.superclass);
if (mixinNode is NamedMixinApplication) {
NamedMixinApplication namedMixinNode = mixinNode;
processTypeArguments(element, namedMixinNode.typeParameters);
// Check all supertypes.
if (element.allSupertypes != null) {
return true;
DartBackend(Compiler compiler, List<String> strips)
: tasks = <CompilerTask>[],
forceStripTypes = strips.indexOf('types') != -1,
stripAsserts = strips.indexOf('asserts') != -1,
void enqueueHelpers(ResolutionEnqueuer world) {
// Right now resolver doesn't always resolve interfaces needed
// for literals, so force them. TODO(antonm): fix in the resolver.
final LITERAL_TYPE_NAMES = const [
'Map', 'List', 'num', 'int', 'double', 'bool'
final coreLibrary = compiler.coreLibrary;
for (final name in LITERAL_TYPE_NAMES) {
ClassElement classElement = coreLibrary.findLocal(new SourceString(name));
void codegen(CodegenWorkItem work) { }
void processNativeClasses(Enqueuer world,
Iterable<LibraryElement> libraries) { }
bool isUserLibrary(LibraryElement lib) {
return INTERNAL_HELPERS.indexOf(lib) == -1 && !lib.isPlatformLibrary;
void assembleProgram() {
// Conservatively traverse all platform libraries and collect member names.
// TODO(antonm): ideally we should only collect names of used members,
// however as of today there are problems with names of some core library
// interfaces, most probably for interfaces of literals.
final fixedMemberNames = new Set<String>();
for (final library in compiler.libraries.values) {
if (!library.isPlatformLibrary) continue;
library.implementation.forEachLocalMember((Element element) {
if (element.isClass()) {
ClassElement classElement = element;
// Make sure we parsed the class to initialize its local members.
// TODO(smok): Figure out if there is a better way to fill local
// members.
classElement.forEachLocalMember((member) {
final name =;
// Skip operator names.
if (!name.startsWith(r'operator$')) {
// Fetch name of named constructors and factories if any,
// otherwise store regular name.
// TODO(antonm): better way to analyze the name.
// Even class names are added due to a delicate problem we have:
// if one imports dart:core with a prefix, we cannot tell
// from dynamic invocation (alas!). So we'd better err on preserving
// those names.
// The VM will automatically invoke the call method of objects
// that are invoked as functions. Make sure to not rename that.
// TODO(antonm): TypeError.srcType and TypeError.dstType are defined in
// runtime/lib/error.dart. Overall, all DartVM specific libs should be
// accounted for.
* Tells whether we should output given element. Corelib classes like
* Object should not be in the resulting code.
bool shouldOutput(Element element) {
return !identical(element.kind, ElementKind.VOID)
&& isUserLibrary(element.getLibrary())
&& !element.isSynthesized
&& element is !AbstractFieldElement;
final elementAsts = new Map<Element, ElementAst>();
parse(element) => element.parseNode(compiler);
Set<Element> topLevelElements = new Set<Element>();
Map<ClassElement, Set<Element>> classMembers =
new Map<ClassElement, Set<Element>>();
// Build all top level elements to emit and necessary class members.
var newTypedefElementCallback, newClassElementCallback;
processElement(element, elementAst) {
new ReferencedElementCollector(
element, elementAst.treeElements,
newTypedefElementCallback, newClassElementCallback).collect();
elementAsts[element] = elementAst;
addTopLevel(element, elementAst) {
if (topLevelElements.contains(element)) return;
processElement(element, elementAst);
addClass(classElement) {
new ElementAst.forClassLike(parse(classElement)));
classMembers.putIfAbsent(classElement, () => new Set());
newTypedefElementCallback = (TypedefElement element) {
if (!shouldOutput(element)) return;
new ElementAst.forClassLike(parse(element)));
newClassElementCallback = (ClassElement classElement) {
if (!shouldOutput(classElement)) return;
(ClassElement classElement) {
if (shouldOutput(classElement)) addClass(classElement);
resolvedElements.forEach((element, treeElements) {
if (!shouldOutput(element) || treeElements == null) return;
var elementAst = new ElementAst.rewrite(
compiler, parse(element), treeElements, stripAsserts);
if (element.isField()) {
final list = (element as VariableElement).variables;
elementAst = elementAsts.putIfAbsent(
list, () => new VariableListAst(parse(list)));
(elementAst as VariableListAst).add(element, treeElements);
element = list;
if (element.isMember()) {
ClassElement enclosingClass = element.getEnclosingClass();
processElement(element, elementAst);
} else {
if (element.isTopLevel()) {
addTopLevel(element, elementAst);
// Add synthesized constructors to classes with no resolved constructors,
// but which originally had any constructor. That should prevent
// those classes from being instantiable with default constructor.
Identifier synthesizedIdentifier =
new Identifier(new StringToken(IDENTIFIER_INFO, '', -1));
for (ClassElement classElement in classMembers.keys) {
for (Element member in classMembers[classElement]) {
if (member.isConstructor()) continue NextClassElement;
if (classElement.constructors.isEmpty) continue NextClassElement;
// TODO(antonm): check with AAR team if there is better approach.
// As an idea: provide template as a Dart code---class C {; }---
// and then overwrite necessary parts.
ClassNode classNode = classElement.parseNode(compiler);
SynthesizedConstructorElementX constructor =
new SynthesizedConstructorElementX(classElement);
constructor.type = new FunctionType(
const Link<DartType>(),
const Link<DartType>(),
const Link<SourceString>(),
const Link<DartType>()
constructor.cachedNode = new FunctionExpression(
new Send(, synthesizedIdentifier),
new NodeList(new StringToken(OPEN_PAREN_INFO, '(', -1),
const Link<Node>(),
new StringToken(CLOSE_PAREN_INFO, ')', -1)),
new EmptyStatement(new StringToken(SEMICOLON_INFO, ';', -1)),
null, Modifiers.EMPTY, null, null);
elementAsts[constructor] =
new ElementAst(constructor.cachedNode, new TreeElementMapping(null));
// Create all necessary placeholders.
PlaceholderCollector collector =
new PlaceholderCollector(compiler, fixedMemberNames, elementAsts);
// Add synthesizedIdentifier to set of unresolved names to rename it to
// some unused identifier.
makePlaceholders(element) {
if (element.isClass()) {
// Create renames.
Map<Node, String> renames = new Map<Node, String>();
Map<LibraryElement, String> imports = new Map<LibraryElement, String>();
bool shouldCutDeclarationTypes = forceStripTypes
|| (compiler.enableMinification
&& isSafeToRemoveTypeDeclarations(classMembers));
compiler, collector, renames, imports,
fixedMemberNames, shouldCutDeclarationTypes);
// Sort elements.
final sortedTopLevels = sortElements(topLevelElements);
final sortedClassMembers = new Map<ClassElement, List<Element>>();
classMembers.forEach((classElement, members) {
sortedClassMembers[classElement] = sortElements(members);
if (outputAst) {
// TODO(antonm): Ideally XML should be a separate backend.
// TODO(antonm): obey renames and minification, at least as an option.
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
outputElement(element) { sb.add(parse(element).toDebugString()); }
// Emit XML for AST instead of the program.
for (final topLevel in sortedTopLevels) {
if (topLevel.isClass()) {
// TODO(antonm): add some class info.
} else {
compiler.assembledCode = '<Program>\n$sb</Program>\n';
final topLevelNodes = <Node>[];
final memberNodes = new Map<ClassNode, List<Node>>();
for (final element in sortedTopLevels) {
if (element.isClass() && !element.isMixinApplication) {
final members = <Node>[];
for (final member in sortedClassMembers[element]) {
memberNodes[elementAsts[element].ast] = members;
final unparser = new EmitterUnparser(renames);
emitCode(unparser, imports, topLevelNodes, memberNodes);
compiler.assembledCode = unparser.result;
// Output verbose info about size ratio of resulting bundle to all
// referenced non-platform sources.
void logResultBundleSizeInfo(Set<Element> topLevelElements) {
Iterable<LibraryElement> referencedLibraries =
// Sum total size of scripts in each referenced library.
int nonPlatformSize = 0;
for (LibraryElement lib in referencedLibraries) {
for (CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit in lib.compilationUnits) {
nonPlatformSize += compilationUnit.script.text.length;
int percentage = compiler.assembledCode.length * 100 ~/ nonPlatformSize;
log('Total used non-platform files size: ${nonPlatformSize} bytes, '
'bundle size: ${compiler.assembledCode.length} bytes (${percentage}%)');
log(String message) => compiler.log('[DartBackend] $message');
class EmitterUnparser extends Unparser {
final Map<Node, String> renames;
visit(Node node) {
if (node != null && renames.containsKey(node)) {
} else {
unparseSendReceiver(Send node, {bool spacesNeeded: false}) {
// TODO(smok): Remove ugly hack for library prefices.
if (node.receiver != null && renames[node.receiver] == '') return;
super.unparseSendReceiver(node, spacesNeeded: spacesNeeded);
unparseFunctionName(Node name) {
if (name != null && renames.containsKey(name)) {
} else {
* Some elements are not recorded by resolver now,
* for example, typedefs or classes which are only
* used in signatures, as/is operators or in super clauses
* (just to name a few). Retraverse AST to pick those up.
class ReferencedElementCollector extends Visitor {
final Compiler compiler;
final Element rootElement;
final TreeElements treeElements;
final newTypedefElementCallback;
final newClassElementCallback;
Element rootElement, this.treeElements,
this.newTypedefElementCallback, this.newClassElementCallback)
: this.rootElement = (rootElement is VariableElement)
? (rootElement as VariableElement).variables : rootElement;
visitClassNode(ClassNode node) {
// Temporary hack which should go away once interfaces
// and default clauses are out.
if (node.defaultClause != null) {
// Resolver cannot resolve parameterized default clauses.
TypeAnnotation evilCousine = new TypeAnnotation(
node.defaultClause.typeName, null);
visitNode(Node node) { node.visitChildren(this); }
visitTypeAnnotation(TypeAnnotation typeAnnotation) {
// We call [resolveReturnType] to allow having 'void'.
final type = compiler.resolveReturnType(rootElement, typeAnnotation);
Element typeElement = type.element;
if (typeElement.isTypedef()) newTypedefElementCallback(typeElement);
if (typeElement.isClass()) newClassElementCallback(typeElement);
void collect() {
compiler.withCurrentElement(rootElement, () {
compareBy(f) => (x, y) => f(x).compareTo(f(y));
List sorted(Iterable l, comparison) {
final result = new List.from(l);
return result;
compareElements(e0, e1) {
int result = compareBy((e) => e.getLibrary().canonicalUri.toString())(e0, e1);
if (result != 0) return result;
return compareBy((e) => e.position().charOffset)(e0, e1);
List<Element> sortElements(Iterable<Element> elements) =>
sorted(elements, compareElements);