blob: 10067d2c5f7b47684aca1c18938eba22bad4dce3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test_utils;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:json' as json;
import 'dart:uri';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:http/src/utils.dart';
/// The current server instance.
HttpServer _server;
/// The URL for the current server instance.
Uri get serverUrl => Uri.parse('http://localhost:${_server.port}');
/// A dummy URL for constructing requests that won't be sent.
Uri get dummyUrl => Uri.parse('');
/// Starts a new HTTP server.
void startServer() {
_server = new HttpServer();
_server.addRequestHandler((request) => request.path == '/error',
(request, response) {
response.statusCode = 400;
response.contentLength = 0;
_server.addRequestHandler((request) => request.path == '/loop',
(request, response) {
var n = int.parse(Uri.parse(request.uri).query);
response.statusCode = 302;
serverUrl.resolve('/loop?${n + 1}').toString());
response.contentLength = 0;
_server.addRequestHandler((request) => request.path == '/redirect',
(request, response) {
response.statusCode = 302;
response.headers.set('location', serverUrl.resolve('/').toString());
response.contentLength = 0;
_server.defaultRequestHandler = (request, response) {
consumeInputStream(request.inputStream).then((requestBodyBytes) {
response.statusCode = 200;
response.headers.contentType = new ContentType("application", "json");
response.headers.set('single', 'value');
var requestBody;
if (requestBodyBytes.isEmpty) {
requestBody = null;
} else if (request.headers.contentType.charset != null) {
var encoding = requiredEncodingForCharset(
requestBody = decodeString(requestBodyBytes, encoding);
} else {
requestBody = requestBodyBytes;
var content = {
'method': request.method,
'path': request.path,
'headers': {}
if (requestBody != null) content['body'] = requestBody;
request.headers.forEach((name, values) {
// These headers are automatically generated by dart:io, so we don't
// want to test them here.
if (name == 'cookie' || name == 'host') return;
content['headers'][name] = values;
var outputEncoding;
var encodingName = request.queryParameters['response-encoding'];
if (encodingName != null) {
outputEncoding = requiredEncodingForCharset(encodingName);
} else {
outputEncoding = Encoding.ASCII;
var body = json.stringify(content);
response.contentLength = body.length;
response.outputStream.writeString(body, outputEncoding);
_server.listen("", 0);
/// Stops the current HTTP server.
void stopServer() {
_server = null;
// TODO(nweiz): remove this once issue 7785 is fixed.
/// Buffers all input from an InputStream and returns it as a future.
Future<List<int>> consumeInputStream(InputStream stream) =>
new http.ByteStream(wrapInputStream(stream)).toBytes();
/// A matcher that matches JSON that parses to a value that matches the inner
/// matcher.
Matcher parse(matcher) => new _Parse(matcher);
class _Parse extends BaseMatcher {
final Matcher _matcher;
bool matches(item, MatchState matchState) {
if (item is! String) return false;
var parsed;
try {
parsed = json.parse(item);
} catch (e) {
return false;
return _matcher.matches(parsed, matchState);
Description describe(Description description) {
return description.add('parses to a value that ')
/// A matcher for HttpExceptions.
const isHttpException = const _HttpException();
/// A matcher for functions that throw HttpException.
const Matcher throwsHttpException =
const Throws(isHttpException);
class _HttpException extends TypeMatcher {
const _HttpException() : super("HttpException");
bool matches(item, MatchState matchState) => item is HttpException;
/// A matcher for RedirectLimitExceededExceptions.
const isRedirectLimitExceededException =
const _RedirectLimitExceededException();
/// A matcher for functions that throw RedirectLimitExceededException.
const Matcher throwsRedirectLimitExceededException =
const Throws(isRedirectLimitExceededException);
class _RedirectLimitExceededException extends TypeMatcher {
const _RedirectLimitExceededException() :
bool matches(item, MatchState matchState) =>
item is RedirectLimitExceededException;
/// A matcher for SocketIOExceptions.
const isSocketIOException = const _SocketIOException();
/// A matcher for functions that throw SocketIOException.
const Matcher throwsSocketIOException =
const Throws(isSocketIOException);
class _SocketIOException extends TypeMatcher {
const _SocketIOException() : super("SocketIOException");
bool matches(item, MatchState matchState) => item is SocketIOException;