blob: b8cb1961b1ce6096b783f7b57e52e353dc93b849 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "include/dart_api.h"
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "vm/assembler.h"
#include "vm/bigint_operations.h"
#include "vm/bootstrap.h"
#include "vm/class_finalizer.h"
#include "vm/code_generator.h"
#include "vm/code_patcher.h"
#include "vm/compiler.h"
#include "vm/compiler_stats.h"
#include "vm/dart.h"
#include "vm/dart_api_state.h"
#include "vm/dart_entry.h"
#include "vm/datastream.h"
#include "vm/debuginfo.h"
#include "vm/deopt_instructions.h"
#include "vm/double_conversion.h"
#include "vm/exceptions.h"
#include "vm/growable_array.h"
#include "vm/heap.h"
#include "vm/object_store.h"
#include "vm/parser.h"
#include "vm/runtime_entry.h"
#include "vm/scopes.h"
#include "vm/stack_frame.h"
#include "vm/symbols.h"
#include "vm/timer.h"
#include "vm/unicode.h"
namespace dart {
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, generate_gdb_symbols, false,
"Generate symbols of generated dart functions for debugging with GDB");
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, reject_named_argument_as_positional, true,
"Enforce new rules for optional parameters and disallow passing of named "
"arguments to optional positional formal parameters");
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, show_internal_names, false,
"Show names of internal classes (e.g. \"OneByteString\") in error messages "
"instead of showing the corresponding interface names (e.g. \"String\")");
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, trace_disabling_optimized_code, false,
"Trace disabling optimized code.");
DECLARE_FLAG(bool, trace_compiler);
DECLARE_FLAG(bool, eliminate_type_checks);
DECLARE_FLAG(bool, enable_type_checks);
static const char* kGetterPrefix = "get:";
static const intptr_t kGetterPrefixLength = strlen(kGetterPrefix);
static const char* kSetterPrefix = "set:";
static const intptr_t kSetterPrefixLength = strlen(kSetterPrefix);
cpp_vtable Object::handle_vtable_ = 0;
cpp_vtable Object::builtin_vtables_[kNumPredefinedCids] = { 0 };
cpp_vtable Smi::handle_vtable_ = 0;
// These are initialized to a value that will force a illegal memory access if
// they are being used.
#if defined(RAW_NULL)
#error RAW_NULL should not be defined.
#define RAW_NULL kHeapObjectTag
RawObject* Object::null_ = reinterpret_cast<RawInstance*>(RAW_NULL);
RawArray* Object::empty_array_ = reinterpret_cast<RawArray*>(RAW_NULL);
RawInstance* Object::sentinel_ = reinterpret_cast<RawInstance*>(RAW_NULL);
RawInstance* Object::transition_sentinel_ =
RawClass* Object::class_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::null_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::dynamic_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::void_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::unresolved_class_class_ =
RawClass* Object::type_arguments_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::instantiated_type_arguments_class_ =
RawClass* Object::patch_class_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::function_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::closure_data_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::redirection_data_class_ =
RawClass* Object::field_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::literal_token_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::token_stream_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::script_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::library_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::library_prefix_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::namespace_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::code_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::instructions_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::pc_descriptors_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::stackmap_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::var_descriptors_class_ =
RawClass* Object::exception_handlers_class_ =
RawClass* Object::deopt_info_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::context_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::context_scope_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::icdata_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::subtypetestcache_class_ =
RawClass* Object::api_error_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::language_error_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
RawClass* Object::unhandled_exception_class_ =
RawClass* Object::unwind_error_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(RAW_NULL);
#undef RAW_NULL
// Takes a vm internal name and makes it suitable for external user.
// Examples:
// Internal getter and setter prefixes are changed:
// get:foo -> foo
// set:foo -> foo=
// Private name mangling is removed, possibly twice:
// _ReceivePortImpl@6be832b -> _ReceivePortImpl
// _ReceivePortImpl@6be832b._internal@6be832b -> +ReceivePortImpl._internal
// The trailing . on the default constructor name is dropped:
// List. -> List
// And so forth:
// get:foo@6be832b -> foo
// _MyClass@6b3832b. -> _MyClass
// _MyClass@6b3832b.named -> _MyClass.named
static RawString* IdentifierPrettyName(const String& name) {
intptr_t len = name.Length();
intptr_t start = 0;
intptr_t at_pos = len; // Position of '@' in the name.
intptr_t dot_pos = len; // Position of '.' in the name.
bool is_setter = false;
for (int i = 0; i < name.Length(); i++) {
if (name.CharAt(i) == ':') {
ASSERT(start == 0);
if (name.CharAt(0) == 's') {
is_setter = true;
start = i + 1;
} else if (name.CharAt(i) == '@') {
ASSERT(at_pos == len);
at_pos = i;
} else if (name.CharAt(i) == '.') {
dot_pos = i;
intptr_t limit = (at_pos < dot_pos ? at_pos : dot_pos);
if (start == 0 && limit == len) {
// This name is fine as it is.
return name.raw();
const String& result =
String::Handle(String::SubString(name, start, (limit - start)));
// Look for a second '@' now to correctly handle names like
// "_ReceivePortImpl@6be832b._internal@6be832b".
at_pos = len;
for (int i = dot_pos; i < name.Length(); i++) {
if (name.CharAt(i) == '@') {
ASSERT(at_pos == len);
at_pos = i;
intptr_t suffix_len = at_pos - dot_pos;
if (suffix_len > 1) {
// This is a named constructor. Add the name back to the string.
const String& suffix =
String::Handle(String::SubString(name, dot_pos, suffix_len));
return String::Concat(result, suffix);
if (is_setter) {
// Setters need to end with '='.
const String& suffix = String::Handle(Symbols::Equals());
return String::Concat(result, suffix);
return result.raw();
template<typename type>
static bool IsSpecialCharacter(type value) {
return ((value == '"') ||
(value == '\n') ||
(value == '\f') ||
(value == '\b') ||
(value == '\t') ||
(value == '\v') ||
(value == '\r'));
template<typename type>
static type SpecialCharacter(type value) {
if (value == '"') {
return '"';
} else if (value == '\n') {
return 'n';
} else if (value == '\f') {
return 'f';
} else if (value == '\b') {
return 'b';
} else if (value == '\t') {
return 't';
} else if (value == '\v') {
return 'v';
} else if (value == '\r') {
return 'r';
return '\0';
void Object::InitOnce() {
// TODO(iposva): NoGCScope needs to be added here.
ASSERT(class_class() == null_);
// Initialize the static vtable values.
Object fake_object;
Smi fake_smi;
Object::handle_vtable_ = fake_object.vtable();
Smi::handle_vtable_ = fake_smi.vtable();
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
Heap* heap = isolate->heap();
// Allocate and initialize the null instance.
// 'null_' must be the first object allocated as it is used in allocation to
// clear the object.
uword address = heap->Allocate(Instance::InstanceSize(), Heap::kOld);
null_ = reinterpret_cast<RawInstance*>(address + kHeapObjectTag);
// The call below is using 'null_' to initialize itself.
InitializeObject(address, kNullCid, Instance::InstanceSize());
// Initialize object_store empty array to null_ in order to be able to check
// if the empty array was allocated (RAW_NULL is not available).
empty_array_ = Array::null();
Class& cls = Class::Handle();
// Allocate and initialize the class class.
intptr_t size = Class::InstanceSize();
uword address = heap->Allocate(size, Heap::kOld);
class_class_ = reinterpret_cast<RawClass*>(address + kHeapObjectTag);
InitializeObject(address, Class::kClassId, size);
Class fake;
// Initialization from Class::New<Class>.
// Directly set raw_ to break a circular dependency: SetRaw will attempt
// to lookup class class in the class table where it is not registered yet.
cls.raw_ = class_class_;
cls.raw_ptr()->state_bits_ = 0;
cls.raw_ptr()->type_arguments_instance_field_offset_ =
cls.raw_ptr()->num_native_fields_ = 0;
// Allocate and initialize the null class.
cls = Class::New<Instance>(kNullCid);
null_class_ = cls.raw();
// Allocate and initialize the free list element class.
cls = Class::New<FreeListElement::FakeInstance>(kFreeListElement);
// Allocate and initialize the sentinel values of Null class.
Instance& sentinel = Instance::Handle();
sentinel ^=
Object::Allocate(kNullCid, Instance::InstanceSize(), Heap::kOld);
sentinel_ = sentinel.raw();
Instance& transition_sentinel = Instance::Handle();
transition_sentinel ^=
Object::Allocate(kNullCid, Instance::InstanceSize(), Heap::kOld);
transition_sentinel_ = transition_sentinel.raw();
cls = Class::New<Instance>(kDynamicCid);
dynamic_class_ = cls.raw();
// Allocate the remaining VM internal classes.
cls = Class::New<UnresolvedClass>();
unresolved_class_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<Instance>(kVoidCid);
void_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<TypeArguments>();
type_arguments_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<InstantiatedTypeArguments>();
instantiated_type_arguments_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<PatchClass>();
patch_class_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<Function>();
function_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<ClosureData>();
closure_data_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<RedirectionData>();
redirection_data_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<Field>();
field_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<LiteralToken>();
literal_token_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<TokenStream>();
token_stream_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<Script>();
script_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<Library>();
library_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<LibraryPrefix>();
library_prefix_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<Namespace>();
namespace_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<Code>();
code_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<Instructions>();
instructions_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<PcDescriptors>();
pc_descriptors_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<Stackmap>();
stackmap_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<LocalVarDescriptors>();
var_descriptors_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<ExceptionHandlers>();
exception_handlers_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<DeoptInfo>();
deopt_info_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<Context>();
context_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<ContextScope>();
context_scope_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<ICData>();
icdata_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<SubtypeTestCache>();
subtypetestcache_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<ApiError>();
api_error_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<LanguageError>();
language_error_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<UnhandledException>();
unhandled_exception_class_ = cls.raw();
cls = Class::New<UnwindError>();
unwind_error_class_ = cls.raw();
ASSERT(class_class() != null_);
// Pre-allocate the Array and OneByteString class in the vm isolate so that
// we can create a symbol table and populate it with some frequently used
// strings as symbols.
cls = Class::New<Array>();
cls = Class::New<OneByteString>();
// Allocate and initialize the empty_array instance.
uword address = heap->Allocate(Array::InstanceSize(0), Heap::kOld);
empty_array_ = reinterpret_cast<RawArray*>(address + kHeapObjectTag);
InitializeObject(address, kArrayCid, Array::InstanceSize(0));
empty_array_->ptr()->length_ = Smi::New(0);
#define SET_CLASS_NAME(class_name, name) \
cls = class_name##_class(); \
str = Symbols::name(); \
cls.set_name(str); \
void Object::RegisterSingletonClassNames() {
Class& cls = Class::Handle();
String& str = String::Handle();
// Set up names for all VM singleton classes.
SET_CLASS_NAME(class, Class);
SET_CLASS_NAME(null, Null);
SET_CLASS_NAME(dynamic, Dynamic);
SET_CLASS_NAME(void, Void);
SET_CLASS_NAME(unresolved_class, UnresolvedClass);
SET_CLASS_NAME(type_arguments, TypeArguments);
SET_CLASS_NAME(instantiated_type_arguments, InstantiatedTypeArguments);
SET_CLASS_NAME(patch_class, PatchClass);
SET_CLASS_NAME(function, Function);
SET_CLASS_NAME(closure_data, ClosureData);
SET_CLASS_NAME(redirection_data, RedirectionData);
SET_CLASS_NAME(field, Field);
SET_CLASS_NAME(literal_token, LiteralToken);
SET_CLASS_NAME(token_stream, TokenStream);
SET_CLASS_NAME(script, Script);
SET_CLASS_NAME(library, LibraryClass);
SET_CLASS_NAME(library_prefix, LibraryPrefix);
SET_CLASS_NAME(namespace, Namespace);
SET_CLASS_NAME(code, Code);
SET_CLASS_NAME(instructions, Instructions);
SET_CLASS_NAME(pc_descriptors, PcDescriptors);
SET_CLASS_NAME(stackmap, Stackmap);
SET_CLASS_NAME(var_descriptors, LocalVarDescriptors);
SET_CLASS_NAME(exception_handlers, ExceptionHandlers);
SET_CLASS_NAME(deopt_info, DeoptInfo);
SET_CLASS_NAME(context, Context);
SET_CLASS_NAME(context_scope, ContextScope);
SET_CLASS_NAME(icdata, ICData);
SET_CLASS_NAME(subtypetestcache, SubtypeTestCache);
SET_CLASS_NAME(api_error, ApiError);
SET_CLASS_NAME(language_error, LanguageError);
SET_CLASS_NAME(unhandled_exception, UnhandledException);
SET_CLASS_NAME(unwind_error, UnwindError);
// Set up names for object array and one byte string class which are
// pre-allocated in the vm isolate also.
cls = Dart::vm_isolate()->object_store()->array_class();
str = Symbols::ObjectArray();
cls = Dart::vm_isolate()->object_store()->one_byte_string_class();
str = Symbols::OneByteString();
RawClass* Object::CreateAndRegisterInterface(const char* cname,
const Script& script,
const Library& lib) {
const String& name = String::Handle(Symbols::New(cname));
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(
Class::NewInterface(name, script, Scanner::kDummyTokenIndex));
return cls.raw();
void Object::RegisterClass(const Class& cls,
const String& name,
const Library& lib) {
ASSERT(name.Length() > 0);
ASSERT(name.CharAt(0) != '_');
void Object::RegisterPrivateClass(const Class& cls,
const String& public_class_name,
const Library& lib) {
ASSERT(public_class_name.Length() > 0);
ASSERT(public_class_name.CharAt(0) == '_');
String& str = String::Handle();
str = lib.PrivateName(public_class_name);
RawError* Object::Init(Isolate* isolate) {
ObjectStore* object_store = isolate->object_store();
Class& cls = Class::Handle();
Type& type = Type::Handle();
Array& array = Array::Handle();
// All RawArray fields will be initialized to an empty array, therefore
// initialize array class first.
cls = Class::New<Array>();
// Array and ImmutableArray are the only VM classes that are parameterized.
// Since they are pre-finalized, CalculateFieldOffsets() is not called, so we
// need to set the offset of their type_arguments_ field, which is explicitly
// declared in RawArray.
// Set up the growable object array class (Has to be done after the array
// class is setup as one of its field is an array object).
cls = Class::New<GrowableObjectArray>();
// canonical_type_arguments_ are NULL terminated.
array = Array::New(4);
// Setup type class early in the process.
cls = Class::New<Type>();
cls = Class::New<TypeParameter>();
// Pre-allocate the OneByteString class needed by the symbol table.
cls = Class::New<OneByteString>();
// Setup the symbol table for the symbols created in the isolate.
// Set up the libraries array before initializing the core library.
const GrowableObjectArray& libraries =
// Basic infrastructure has been setup, initialize the class dictionary.
Library& core_lib = Library::Handle(Library::CoreLibrary());
Library& core_impl_lib = Library::Handle(Library::CoreImplLibrary());
const GrowableObjectArray& pending_classes =
Context& context = Context::Handle(Context::New(0, Heap::kOld));
// Now that the symbol table is initialized and that the core dictionary as
// well as the core implementation dictionary have been setup, preallocate
// remaining classes and register them by name in the dictionaries.
const Script& impl_script = Script::Handle(
String& name = String::Handle();
cls = Class::New<Bool>();
name = Symbols::Bool();
RegisterClass(cls, name, core_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
cls = object_store->array_class(); // Was allocated above.
name = Symbols::ObjectArray();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, core_impl_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
cls = object_store->growable_object_array_class(); // Was allocated above.
name = Symbols::GrowableObjectArray();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, core_impl_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
cls = Class::New<ImmutableArray>();
ASSERT(object_store->immutable_array_class() != object_store->array_class());
name = Symbols::ImmutableArray();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, core_impl_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
cls = object_store->one_byte_string_class(); // Was allocated above.
name = Symbols::OneByteString();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, core_impl_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
cls = Class::New<TwoByteString>();
name = Symbols::TwoByteString();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, core_impl_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
cls = Class::New<FourByteString>();
name = Symbols::FourByteString();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, core_impl_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
cls = Class::New<ExternalOneByteString>();
name = Symbols::ExternalOneByteString();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, core_impl_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
cls = Class::New<ExternalTwoByteString>();
name = Symbols::ExternalTwoByteString();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, core_impl_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
cls = Class::New<ExternalFourByteString>();
name = Symbols::ExternalFourByteString();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, core_impl_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
cls = Class::New<Stacktrace>();
name = Symbols::Stacktrace();
RegisterClass(cls, name, core_impl_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
// Super type set below, after Object is allocated.
cls = Class::New<JSRegExp>();
name = Symbols::JSSyntaxRegExp();
RegisterClass(cls, name, core_impl_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
// Initialize the base interfaces used by the core VM classes.
const Script& script = Script::Handle(Bootstrap::LoadCoreScript(false));
// Allocate and initialize the pre-allocated classes in the core library.
cls = Class::New<Instance>(kInstanceCid);
name = Symbols::Object();
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
type = Type::NewNonParameterizedType(cls);
cls = object_store->type_class();
name = Symbols::Type();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, core_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
cls = object_store->type_parameter_class();
name = Symbols::TypeParameter();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, core_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
cls = Class::New<Integer>();
name = Symbols::IntegerImplementation();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, core_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
cls = Class::New<Smi>();
name = Symbols::Smi();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, core_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
cls = Class::New<Mint>();
name = Symbols::Mint();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, core_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
cls = Class::New<Bigint>();
name = Symbols::Bigint();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, core_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
cls = Class::New<Double>();
name = Symbols::Double();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, core_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
cls = Class::New<WeakProperty>();
name = Symbols::_WeakProperty();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, core_lib);
Library& scalarlist_lib = Library::Handle(Library::ScalarlistLibrary());
cls = Class::New<Int8Array>();
name = Symbols::_Int8Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
cls = Class::New<Uint8Array>();
name = Symbols::_Uint8Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
cls = Class::New<Int16Array>();
name = Symbols::_Int16Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
cls = Class::New<Uint16Array>();
name = Symbols::_Uint16Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
cls = Class::New<Int32Array>();
name = Symbols::_Int32Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
cls = Class::New<Uint32Array>();
name = Symbols::_Uint32Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
cls = Class::New<Int64Array>();
name = Symbols::_Int64Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
cls = Class::New<Uint64Array>();
name = Symbols::_Uint64Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
cls = Class::New<Float32Array>();
name = Symbols::_Float32Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
cls = Class::New<Float64Array>();
name = Symbols::_Float64Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
cls = Class::New<ExternalInt8Array>();
name = Symbols::_ExternalInt8Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
cls = Class::New<ExternalUint8Array>();
name = Symbols::_ExternalUint8Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
cls = Class::New<ExternalInt16Array>();
name = Symbols::_ExternalInt16Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
cls = Class::New<ExternalUint16Array>();
name = Symbols::_ExternalUint16Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
cls = Class::New<ExternalInt32Array>();
name = Symbols::_ExternalInt32Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
cls = Class::New<ExternalUint32Array>();
name = Symbols::_ExternalUint32Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
cls = Class::New<ExternalInt64Array>();
name = Symbols::_ExternalInt64Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
cls = Class::New<ExternalUint64Array>();
name = Symbols::_ExternalUint64Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
cls = Class::New<ExternalFloat32Array>();
name = Symbols::_ExternalFloat32Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
cls = Class::New<ExternalFloat64Array>();
name = Symbols::_ExternalFloat64Array();
RegisterPrivateClass(cls, name, scalarlist_lib);
// Set the super type of class Stacktrace to Object type so that the
// 'toString' method is implemented.
cls = object_store->stacktrace_class();
// Note: The abstract class Function is represented by VM class
// DartFunction, not VM class Function.
name = Symbols::Function();
cls = Class::New<DartFunction>();
RegisterClass(cls, name, core_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
type = Type::NewNonParameterizedType(cls);
cls = Class::New<Number>();
name = Symbols::Number();
RegisterClass(cls, name, core_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
type = Type::NewNonParameterizedType(cls);
name = Symbols::New("int");
cls = Class::New<Instance>(name, script, Scanner::kDummyTokenIndex);
RegisterClass(cls, name, core_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
type = Type::NewNonParameterizedType(cls);
name = Symbols::New("double");
cls = Class::New<Instance>(name, script, Scanner::kDummyTokenIndex);
RegisterClass(cls, name, core_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
type = Type::NewNonParameterizedType(cls);
cls = CreateAndRegisterInterface("String", script, core_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
type = Type::NewNonParameterizedType(cls);
cls = CreateAndRegisterInterface("List", script, core_lib);
pending_classes.Add(cls, Heap::kOld);
type = Type::NewNonParameterizedType(cls);
cls = object_store->bool_class();
type = Type::NewNonParameterizedType(cls);
cls = object_store->smi_class();
type = Type::NewNonParameterizedType(cls);
cls = object_store->mint_class();
type = Type::NewNonParameterizedType(cls);
// The classes 'Null' and 'void' are not registered in the class dictionary,
// because their names are reserved keywords. Their names are not heap
// allocated, because the classes reside in the VM isolate.
// The corresponding types are stored in the object store.
cls = null_class();
type = Type::NewNonParameterizedType(cls);
cls = void_class();
type = Type::NewNonParameterizedType(cls);
// The class 'dynamic' is registered in the class dictionary because its name
// is a built-in identifier, rather than a reserved keyword. Its name is not
// heap allocated, because the class resides in the VM isolate.
// The corresponding type, the "unknown type", is stored in the object store.
cls = dynamic_class();
type = Type::NewNonParameterizedType(cls);
// Allocate pre-initialized values.
Bool& bool_value = Bool::Handle();
bool_value = Bool::New(true);
bool_value = Bool::New(false);
// Setup some default native field classes which can be extended for
// specifying native fields in dart classes.
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->native_wrappers_library() != Library::null());
// Finish the initialization by compiling the bootstrap scripts containing the
// base interfaces and the implementation of the internal classes.
Error& error = Error::Handle();
error = Bootstrap::Compile(core_lib, script);
if (!error.IsNull()) {
return error.raw();
Script& patch_script = Script::Handle(Bootstrap::LoadCoreScript(true));
error = core_lib.Patch(patch_script);
if (!error.IsNull()) {
return error.raw();
error = Bootstrap::Compile(core_impl_lib, impl_script);
if (!error.IsNull()) {
return error.raw();
patch_script = Bootstrap::LoadCoreImplScript(true);
error = core_impl_lib.Patch(patch_script);
if (!error.IsNull()) {
return error.raw();
const Script& math_script = Script::Handle(Bootstrap::LoadMathScript(false));
const Library& math_lib = Library::Handle(Library::MathLibrary());
error = Bootstrap::Compile(math_lib, math_script);
if (!error.IsNull()) {
return error.raw();
patch_script = Bootstrap::LoadMathScript(true);
error = math_lib.Patch(patch_script);
if (!error.IsNull()) {
return error.raw();
const Script& isolate_script = Script::Handle(
const Library& isolate_lib = Library::Handle(Library::IsolateLibrary());
error = Bootstrap::Compile(isolate_lib, isolate_script);
if (!error.IsNull()) {
return error.raw();
patch_script = Bootstrap::LoadIsolateScript(true);
error = isolate_lib.Patch(patch_script);
if (!error.IsNull()) {
return error.raw();
const Script& mirrors_script = Script::Handle(
const Library& mirrors_lib = Library::Handle(Library::MirrorsLibrary());
error = Bootstrap::Compile(mirrors_lib, mirrors_script);
if (!error.IsNull()) {
return error.raw();
patch_script = Bootstrap::LoadMirrorsScript(true);
error = mirrors_lib.Patch(patch_script);
if (!error.IsNull()) {
return error.raw();
const Script& scalarlist_script = Script::Handle(
error = Bootstrap::Compile(scalarlist_lib, scalarlist_script);
if (!error.IsNull()) {
return error.raw();
patch_script = Bootstrap::LoadScalarlistScript(true);
error = scalarlist_lib.Patch(patch_script);
if (!error.IsNull()) {
return error.raw();
// Remove the Object superclass cycle by setting the super type to null (not
// to the type of null).
cls = object_store->object_class();
return Error::null();
void Object::InitFromSnapshot(Isolate* isolate) {
ObjectStore* object_store = isolate->object_store();
Class& cls = Class::Handle();
// Set up empty classes in the object store, these will get
// initialized correctly when we read from the snapshot.
// This is done to allow bootstrapping of reading classes from the snapshot.
cls = Class::New<Instance>(kInstanceCid);
cls = Class::New<Type>();
cls = Class::New<TypeParameter>();
cls = Class::New<Array>();
cls = Class::New<ImmutableArray>();
cls = Class::New<GrowableObjectArray>();
cls = Class::New<Int8Array>();
cls = Class::New<Uint8Array>();
cls = Class::New<Int16Array>();
cls = Class::New<Uint16Array>();
cls = Class::New<Int32Array>();
cls = Class::New<Uint32Array>();
cls = Class::New<Int64Array>();
cls = Class::New<Uint64Array>();
cls = Class::New<Float32Array>();
cls = Class::New<Float64Array>();
cls = Class::New<ExternalInt8Array>();
cls = Class::New<ExternalUint8Array>();
cls = Class::New<ExternalInt16Array>();
cls = Class::New<ExternalUint16Array>();
cls = Class::New<ExternalInt32Array>();
cls = Class::New<ExternalUint32Array>();
cls = Class::New<ExternalInt64Array>();
cls = Class::New<ExternalUint64Array>();
cls = Class::New<ExternalFloat32Array>();
cls = Class::New<ExternalFloat64Array>();
cls = Class::New<Integer>();
cls = Class::New<Smi>();
cls = Class::New<Mint>();
cls = Class::New<Double>();
cls = Class::New<Bigint>();
cls = Class::New<OneByteString>();
cls = Class::New<TwoByteString>();
cls = Class::New<FourByteString>();
cls = Class::New<ExternalOneByteString>();
cls = Class::New<ExternalTwoByteString>();
cls = Class::New<ExternalFourByteString>();
cls = Class::New<Bool>();
cls = Class::New<Stacktrace>();
cls = Class::New<JSRegExp>();
// Some classes are not stored in the object store. Yet we still need to
// create their Class object so that they get put into the class_table
// (as a side effect of Class::New()).
cls = Class::New<DartFunction>();
cls = Class::New<Number>();
cls = Class::New<WeakProperty>();
// Allocate pre-initialized values.
Bool& bool_value = Bool::Handle();
bool_value = Bool::New(true);
bool_value = Bool::New(false);
void Object::Print() const {
OS::Print("%s\n", ToCString());
RawString* Object::DictionaryName() const {
return String::null();
void Object::InitializeObject(uword address, intptr_t class_id, intptr_t size) {
// TODO(iposva): Get a proper halt instruction from the assembler which
// would be needed here for code objects.
uword initial_value = reinterpret_cast<uword>(null_);
uword cur = address;
uword end = address + size;
while (cur < end) {
*reinterpret_cast<uword*>(cur) = initial_value;
cur += kWordSize;
uword tags = 0;
ASSERT(class_id != kIllegalCid);
tags = RawObject::ClassIdTag::update(class_id, tags);
tags = RawObject::SizeTag::update(size, tags);
reinterpret_cast<RawObject*>(address)->tags_ = tags;
RawObject* Object::Allocate(intptr_t cls_id,
intptr_t size,
Heap::Space space) {
ASSERT(Utils::IsAligned(size, kObjectAlignment));
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
Heap* heap = isolate->heap();
uword address = heap->Allocate(size, space);
if (address == 0) {
// Use the preallocated out of memory exception to avoid calling
// into dart code or allocating any code.
const Instance& exception =
NoGCScope no_gc;
InitializeObject(address, cls_id, size);
RawObject* raw_obj = reinterpret_cast<RawObject*>(address + kHeapObjectTag);
ASSERT(cls_id == RawObject::ClassIdTag::decode(raw_obj->ptr()->tags_));
return raw_obj;
class StoreBufferObjectPointerVisitor : public ObjectPointerVisitor {
explicit StoreBufferObjectPointerVisitor(Isolate* isolate) :
ObjectPointerVisitor(isolate) {
void VisitPointers(RawObject** first, RawObject** last) {
for (RawObject** curr = first; curr <= last; ++curr) {
if ((*curr)->IsNewObject()) {
uword ptr = reinterpret_cast<uword>(curr);
RawObject* Object::Clone(const Object& src, Heap::Space space) {
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(src.clazz());
intptr_t size = src.raw()->Size();
RawObject* raw_obj = Object::Allocate(, size, space);
NoGCScope no_gc;
memmove(raw_obj->ptr(), src.raw()->ptr(), size);
if (space == Heap::kOld) {
StoreBufferObjectPointerVisitor visitor(Isolate::Current());
return raw_obj;
RawString* Class::Name() const {
ASSERT(raw_ptr()->name_ != String::null());
return raw_ptr()->name_;
RawString* Class::UserVisibleName() const {
if (FLAG_show_internal_names) {
return Name();
switch (id()) {
case kIntegerCid:
case kSmiCid:
case kMintCid:
case kBigintCid:
return Symbols::New("int");
case kDoubleCid:
return Symbols::New("double");
case kOneByteStringCid:
case kTwoByteStringCid:
case kFourByteStringCid:
case kExternalOneByteStringCid:
case kExternalTwoByteStringCid:
case kExternalFourByteStringCid:
return Symbols::New("String");
case kArrayCid:
case kImmutableArrayCid:
case kGrowableObjectArrayCid:
return Symbols::New("List");
case kInt8ArrayCid:
case kExternalInt8ArrayCid:
return Symbols::New("Int8List");
case kUint8ArrayCid:
case kExternalUint8ArrayCid:
return Symbols::New("Uint8List");
case kInt16ArrayCid:
case kExternalInt16ArrayCid:
return Symbols::New("Int16List");
case kUint16ArrayCid:
case kExternalUint16ArrayCid:
return Symbols::New("Uint16List");
case kInt32ArrayCid:
case kExternalInt32ArrayCid:
return Symbols::New("Int32List");
case kUint32ArrayCid:
case kExternalUint32ArrayCid:
return Symbols::New("Uint32List");
case kInt64ArrayCid:
case kExternalInt64ArrayCid:
return Symbols::New("Int64List");
case kUint64ArrayCid:
case kExternalUint64ArrayCid:
return Symbols::New("Uint64List");
case kFloat32ArrayCid:
case kExternalFloat32ArrayCid:
return Symbols::New("Float32List");
case kFloat64ArrayCid:
case kExternalFloat64ArrayCid:
return Symbols::New("Float64List");
if (!IsSignatureClass()) {
const String& name = String::Handle(Name());
return IdentifierPrettyName(name);
} else {
return Name();
RawType* Class::SignatureType() const {
const Function& function = Function::Handle(signature_function());
if (function.signature_class() != raw()) {
// This class is a function type alias. Return the canonical signature type.
const Class& canonical_class = Class::Handle(function.signature_class());
return canonical_class.SignatureType();
// Return the first canonical signature type if already computed.
const Array& signature_types = Array::Handle(canonical_types());
// The canonical_types array is initialized to the empty array.
if (signature_types.Length() > 0) {
// At most one signature type per signature class.
ASSERT(signature_types.Length() == 1);
Type& signature_type = Type::Handle();
signature_type ^= signature_types.At(0);
return signature_type.raw();
// A signature class extends class Instance and is parameterized in the same
// way as the owner class of its non-static signature function.
// It is not type parameterized if its signature function is static.
// See Class::NewSignatureClass() for the setup of its type parameters.
// During type finalization, the type arguments of the super class of the
// owner class of its signature function will be prepended to the type
// argument vector. Therefore, we only need to set the type arguments
// matching the type parameters here.
const TypeArguments& signature_type_arguments =
const Type& signature_type = Type::Handle(
Type::New(*this, signature_type_arguments, token_pos()));
// Return the still unfinalized signature type.
return signature_type.raw();
template <class FakeObject>
RawClass* Class::New() {
ASSERT(Object::class_class() != Class::null());
Class& result = Class::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(Class::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
FakeObject fake;
ASSERT((FakeObject::kClassId != kInstanceCid));
result.raw_ptr()->state_bits_ = 0;
// VM backed classes are almost ready: run checks and resolve class
// references, but do not recompute size.
result.raw_ptr()->type_arguments_instance_field_offset_ = kNoTypeArguments;
result.raw_ptr()->num_native_fields_ = 0;
result.raw_ptr()->token_pos_ = Scanner::kDummyTokenIndex;
return result.raw();
// Initialize class fields of type Array with empty array.
void Class::InitEmptyFields() {
if (Object::empty_array() == Array::null()) {
// The empty array has not been initialized yet.
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->interfaces_, Object::empty_array());
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->constants_, Object::empty_array());
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->canonical_types_, Object::empty_array());
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->functions_, Object::empty_array());
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->fields_, Object::empty_array());
bool Class::HasInstanceFields() const {
const Array& field_array = Array::Handle(fields());
Field& field = Field::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < field_array.Length(); ++i) {
field ^= field_array.At(i);
if (!field.is_static()) {
return true;
return false;
void Class::SetFunctions(const Array& value) const {
#if defined(DEBUG)
// Verify that all the functions in the array have this class as owner.
Function& func = Function::Handle();
intptr_t len = value.Length();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
func ^= value.At(i);
ASSERT(func.Owner() == raw());
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->functions_, value.raw());
void Class::AddClosureFunction(const Function& function) const {
GrowableObjectArray& closures =
if (closures.IsNull()) {
closures = GrowableObjectArray::New(4);
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->closure_functions_, closures.raw());
// Lookup the innermost closure function that contains token at token_pos.
RawFunction* Class::LookupClosureFunction(intptr_t token_pos) const {
if (raw_ptr()->closure_functions_ == GrowableObjectArray::null()) {
return Function::null();
const GrowableObjectArray& closures =
Function& closure = Function::Handle();
intptr_t num_closures = closures.Length();
intptr_t best_fit_token_pos = -1;
intptr_t best_fit_index = -1;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_closures; i++) {
closure ^= closures.At(i);
if ((closure.token_pos() <= token_pos) &&
(token_pos < closure.end_token_pos()) &&
(best_fit_token_pos < closure.token_pos())) {
best_fit_index = i;
best_fit_token_pos = closure.token_pos();
closure = Function::null();
if (best_fit_index >= 0) {
closure ^= closures.At(best_fit_index);
return closure.raw();
void Class::set_signature_function(const Function& value) const {
ASSERT(value.IsClosureFunction() || value.IsSignatureFunction());
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->signature_function_, value.raw());
void Class::set_class_state(RawClass::ClassState state) const {
ASSERT((state == RawClass::kAllocated) ||
(state == RawClass::kPreFinalized) ||
(state == RawClass::kFinalized));
set_state_bits(StateBits::update(state, raw_ptr()->state_bits_));
void Class::set_state_bits(intptr_t bits) const {
raw_ptr()->state_bits_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(bits);
void Class::set_library(const Library& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->library_, value.raw());
void Class::set_type_parameters(const TypeArguments& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->type_parameters_, value.raw());
intptr_t Class::NumTypeParameters() const {
const TypeArguments& type_params = TypeArguments::Handle(type_parameters());
if (type_params.IsNull()) {
return 0;
} else {
return type_params.Length();
intptr_t Class::NumTypeArguments() const {
// To work properly, this call requires the super class of this class to be
// resolved, which is checked by the SuperClass() call.
Class& cls = Class::Handle(raw());
if (IsSignatureClass()) {
const Function& signature_fun = Function::Handle(signature_function());
if (!signature_fun.is_static() &&
!signature_fun.HasInstantiatedSignature()) {
cls = signature_fun.Owner();
intptr_t num_type_args = NumTypeParameters();
const Class& superclass = Class::Handle(cls.SuperClass());
// Object is its own super class during bootstrap.
if (!superclass.IsNull() && (superclass.raw() != raw())) {
num_type_args += superclass.NumTypeArguments();
return num_type_args;
bool Class::HasTypeArguments() const {
if (!IsSignatureClass() && (is_finalized() || is_prefinalized())) {
// More efficient than calling NumTypeArguments().
return type_arguments_instance_field_offset() != kNoTypeArguments;
} else {
// No need to check NumTypeArguments() if class has type parameters.
return (NumTypeParameters() > 0) || (NumTypeArguments() > 0);
RawClass* Class::SuperClass() const {
const Type& sup_type = Type::Handle(super_type());
if (sup_type.IsNull()) {
return Class::null();
return sup_type.type_class();
void Class::set_super_type(const Type& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->super_type_, value.raw());
bool Class::HasFactoryClass() const {
const Object& factory_class = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->factory_class_);
return !factory_class.IsNull();
bool Class::HasResolvedFactoryClass() const {
const Object& factory_class = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->factory_class_);
return factory_class.IsClass();
RawClass* Class::FactoryClass() const {
Class& type_class = Class::Handle();
type_class ^= raw_ptr()->factory_class_;
return type_class.raw();
RawUnresolvedClass* Class::UnresolvedFactoryClass() const {
UnresolvedClass& unresolved_factory_class = UnresolvedClass::Handle();
unresolved_factory_class ^= raw_ptr()->factory_class_;
return unresolved_factory_class.raw();
void Class::set_factory_class(const Object& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->factory_class_, value.raw());
// Return a TypeParameter if the type_name is a type parameter of this class.
// Return null otherwise.
RawTypeParameter* Class::LookupTypeParameter(const String& type_name,
intptr_t token_pos) const {
const TypeArguments& type_params = TypeArguments::Handle(type_parameters());
if (!type_params.IsNull()) {
intptr_t num_type_params = type_params.Length();
TypeParameter& type_param = TypeParameter::Handle();
String& type_param_name = String::Handle();
AbstractType& bound = AbstractType::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_type_params; i++) {
type_param ^= type_params.TypeAt(i);
type_param_name =;
if (type_param_name.Equals(type_name)) {
intptr_t index = type_param.index();
bound = type_param.bound();
// Create a non-finalized new TypeParameter with the given token_pos.
if (type_param.IsFinalized()) {
// The index was adjusted during finalization. Revert.
index -= NumTypeArguments() - num_type_params;
} else {
ASSERT(type_param.index() == i);
return TypeParameter::New(*this, index, type_name, bound, token_pos);
return TypeParameter::null();
void Class::CalculateFieldOffsets() const {
Array& flds = Array::Handle(fields());
const Class& super = Class::Handle(SuperClass());
intptr_t offset = 0;
intptr_t type_args_field_offset = kNoTypeArguments;
if (super.IsNull()) {
offset = sizeof(RawObject);
} else {
type_args_field_offset = super.type_arguments_instance_field_offset();
offset = super.next_field_offset();
ASSERT(offset > 0);
// We should never call CalculateFieldOffsets for native wrapper
// classes, assert this.
ASSERT(num_native_fields() == 0);
// If the super class is parameterized, use the same type_arguments field.
if (type_args_field_offset == kNoTypeArguments) {
const TypeArguments& type_params = TypeArguments::Handle(type_parameters());
if (!type_params.IsNull()) {
ASSERT(type_params.Length() > 0);
// The instance needs a type_arguments field.
type_args_field_offset = offset;
offset += kWordSize;
ASSERT(offset != 0);
Field& field = Field::Handle();
intptr_t len = flds.Length();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
field ^= flds.At(i);
// Offset is computed only for instance fields.
if (!field.is_static()) {
ASSERT(field.Offset() == 0);
offset += kWordSize;
void Class::Finalize() const {
// Prefinalized classes have a VM internal representation and no Dart fields.
// Their instance size is precomputed and field offsets are known.
if (!is_prefinalized()) {
// Compute offsets of instance fields and instance size.
static const char* FormatPatchError(const char* format, const Object& obj) {
const char* msg = obj.ToCString();
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, format, msg) + 1;
char* result = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(result, len, format, msg);
return result;
// Apply the members from the patch class to the original class.
const char* Class::ApplyPatch(const Class& patch) const {
// Shared handles used during the iteration.
String& member_name = String::Handle();
const Script& patch_script = Script::Handle(patch.script());
const PatchClass& patch_class = PatchClass::Handle(
PatchClass::New(*this, patch_script));
Array& orig_list = Array::Handle(functions());
intptr_t orig_len = orig_list.Length();
Array& patch_list = Array::Handle(patch.functions());
intptr_t patch_len = patch_list.Length();
// TODO(iposva): Verify that only patching existing methods and adding only
// new private methods.
Function& func = Function::Handle();
Function& orig_func = Function::Handle();
const GrowableObjectArray& new_functions = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < orig_len; i++) {
orig_func ^= orig_list.At(i);
member_name =;
func = patch.LookupFunction(member_name);
if (func.IsNull()) {
// Non-patched function is preserved, all patched functions are added in
// the loop below.
} else if (!func.HasCompatibleParametersWith(orig_func) &&
!(func.IsFactory() && orig_func.IsConstructor() &&
(func.num_fixed_parameters() + 1 ==
orig_func.num_fixed_parameters()))) {
return FormatPatchError("mismatched parameters: %s", member_name);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < patch_len; i++) {
func ^= patch_list.At(i);
Array& new_list = Array::Handle(Array::MakeArray(new_functions));
// Merge the two list of fields. Raise an error when duplicates are found or
// when a public field is being added.
orig_list = fields();
orig_len = orig_list.Length();
patch_list = patch.fields();
patch_len = patch_list.Length();
Field& field = Field::Handle();
Field& orig_field = Field::Handle();
new_list = Array::New(patch_len + orig_len);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < patch_len; i++) {
field ^= patch_list.At(i);
member_name =;
// TODO(iposva): Verify non-public fields only.
// Verify no duplicate additions.
orig_field = LookupField(member_name);
if (!orig_field.IsNull()) {
return FormatPatchError("duplicate field: %s", member_name);
new_list.SetAt(i, field);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < orig_len; i++) {
field ^= orig_list.At(i);
new_list.SetAt(patch_len + i, field);
return NULL;
void Class::SetFields(const Array& value) const {
#if defined(DEBUG)
// Verify that all the fields in the array have this class as owner.
Field& field = Field::Handle();
intptr_t len = value.Length();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
field ^= value.At(i);
ASSERT(field.owner() == raw());
// The value of static fields is already initialized to null.
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->fields_, value.raw());
template <class FakeInstance>
RawClass* Class::New(intptr_t index) {
ASSERT(Object::class_class() != Class::null());
Class& result = Class::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(Class::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
FakeInstance fake;
result.raw_ptr()->state_bits_ = 0;
result.raw_ptr()->type_arguments_instance_field_offset_ = kNoTypeArguments;
result.raw_ptr()->num_native_fields_ = 0;
result.raw_ptr()->token_pos_ = Scanner::kDummyTokenIndex;
return result.raw();
template <class FakeInstance>
RawClass* Class::New(const String& name,
const Script& script,
intptr_t token_pos) {
Class& result = Class::Handle(New<FakeInstance>(kIllegalCid));
return result.raw();
RawClass* Class::New(const String& name,
const Script& script,
intptr_t token_pos) {
Class& result = Class::Handle(New<Instance>(name, script, token_pos));
return result.raw();
RawClass* Class::NewInterface(const String& name,
const Script& script,
intptr_t token_pos) {
Class& result = Class::Handle(New<Instance>(name, script, token_pos));
return result.raw();
RawClass* Class::NewSignatureClass(const String& name,
const Function& signature_function,
const Script& script) {
const Class& owner_class = Class::Handle(signature_function.Owner());
TypeArguments& type_parameters = TypeArguments::Handle();
// A signature class extends class Instance and is parameterized in the same
// way as the owner class of its non-static signature function.
// It is not type parameterized if its signature function is static.
if (!signature_function.is_static() &&
(owner_class.NumTypeParameters() > 0) &&
!signature_function.HasInstantiatedSignature()) {
type_parameters = owner_class.type_parameters();
const intptr_t token_pos = signature_function.token_pos();
Class& result = Class::Handle(New<Instance>(name, script, token_pos));
const Type& super_type = Type::Handle(Type::ObjectType());
const Array& empty_array = Array::Handle(Object::empty_array());
// Implements interface "Function".
const Type& function_type = Type::Handle(Type::Function());
const Array& interfaces = Array::Handle(Array::New(1, Heap::kOld));
interfaces.SetAt(0, function_type);
// Unless the signature function already has a signature class, create a
// canonical signature class by having the signature function point back to
// the signature class.
if (signature_function.signature_class() == Object::null()) {
} else {
// This new signature class is an alias.
// Do not yet mark it as finalized, so that the class finalizer can check it
// for illegal self references.
// Instances of a signature class can only be closures.
ASSERT(result.instance_size() == Closure::InstanceSize());
// Cache the signature type as the first canonicalized type in result.
const Type& signature_type = Type::Handle(result.SignatureType());
const Array& new_canonical_types = Array::Handle(Array::New(1, Heap::kOld));
new_canonical_types.SetAt(0, signature_type);
return result.raw();
RawClass* Class::NewNativeWrapper(const Library& library,
const String& name,
int field_count) {
Class& cls = Class::Handle(library.LookupClass(name));
if (cls.IsNull()) {
const Array& empty_array = Array::Handle(Object::empty_array());
cls = New<Instance>(name, Script::Handle(), Scanner::kDummyTokenIndex);
// Set super class to Object.
// Compute instance size.
intptr_t instance_size = (field_count * kWordSize) + sizeof(RawObject);
return cls.raw();
} else {
return Class::null();
void Class::set_name(const String& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->name_, value.raw());
void Class::set_script(const Script& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->script_, value.raw());
void Class::set_token_pos(intptr_t token_pos) const {
ASSERT(token_pos >= 0);
raw_ptr()->token_pos_ = token_pos;
void Class::set_is_interface() const {
set_state_bits(InterfaceBit::update(true, raw_ptr()->state_bits_));
void Class::set_is_abstract() const {
set_state_bits(AbstractBit::update(true, raw_ptr()->state_bits_));
void Class::set_is_const() const {
set_state_bits(ConstBit::update(true, raw_ptr()->state_bits_));
void Class::set_is_finalized() const {
void Class::set_is_prefinalized() const {
void Class::set_interfaces(const Array& value) const {
// Verification and resolving of interfaces occurs in finalizer.
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->interfaces_, value.raw());
void Class::AddDirectSubclass(const Class& subclass) const {
ASSERT(subclass.SuperClass() == raw());
// Do not keep track of the direct subclasses of class Object.
GrowableObjectArray& direct_subclasses =
if (direct_subclasses.IsNull()) {
direct_subclasses = GrowableObjectArray::New(4, Heap::kOld);
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->direct_subclasses_, direct_subclasses.raw());
#if defined(DEBUG)
// Verify that the same class is not added twice.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < direct_subclasses.Length(); i++) {
ASSERT(direct_subclasses.At(i) != subclass.raw());
RawArray* Class::constants() const {
return raw_ptr()->constants_;
void Class::set_constants(const Array& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->constants_, value.raw());
RawArray* Class::canonical_types() const {
return raw_ptr()->canonical_types_;
void Class::set_canonical_types(const Array& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->canonical_types_, value.raw());
void Class::set_allocation_stub(const Code& value) const {
ASSERT(raw_ptr()->allocation_stub_ == Code::null());
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->allocation_stub_, value.raw());
bool Class::IsCanonicalSignatureClass() const {
const Function& function = Function::Handle(signature_function());
return (!function.IsNull() && (function.signature_class() == raw()));
// If test_kind == kIsSubtypeOf, checks if type S is a subtype of type T.
// If test_kind == kIsMoreSpecificThan, checks if S is more specific than T.
// Type S is specified by this class parameterized with 'type_arguments', and
// type T by class 'other' parameterized with 'other_type_arguments'.
// This class and class 'other' do not need to be finalized, however, they must
// be resolved as well as their interfaces.
bool Class::TypeTest(
TypeTestKind test_kind,
const AbstractTypeArguments& type_arguments,
const Class& other,
const AbstractTypeArguments& other_type_arguments,
Error* malformed_error) const {
// Check for DynamicType.
// Each occurrence of DynamicType in type T is interpreted as the dynamic
// type, a supertype of all types.
if (other.IsDynamicClass()) {
return true;
// In the case of a subtype test, each occurrence of DynamicType in type S is
// interpreted as the bottom type, a subtype of all types.
// However, DynamicType is not more specific than any type.
if (IsDynamicClass()) {
return test_kind == kIsSubtypeOf;
// Check for NullType, which is not a subtype of any type, but is more
// specific than any type.
if (IsNullClass()) {
// User code cannot refer to class Null, therefore, we can only encounter
// NullType here as the type of the null constant, which must be treated
// separately in 'instance of' checks. Therefore, the NullType can only
// be encountered here during optimizations in 'more specific than' tests.
ASSERT(test_kind == kIsMoreSpecificThan);
return true;
// Check for reflexivity.
if (raw() == other.raw()) {
const intptr_t len = NumTypeArguments();
if (len == 0) {
return true;
// Since we do not truncate the type argument vector of a subclass (see
// below), we only check a prefix of the proper length.
// Check for covariance.
if (other_type_arguments.IsNull() ||
other_type_arguments.IsRawInstantiatedRaw(len)) {
return true;
if (type_arguments.IsNull() ||
type_arguments.IsRawInstantiatedRaw(len)) {
return test_kind == kIsSubtypeOf;
return type_arguments.TypeTest(test_kind,
// TODO(regis): Check for interface type S implementing method call() of
// function type T.
// Check for two function types.
if (IsSignatureClass() && other.IsSignatureClass()) {
const Function& fun = Function::Handle(signature_function());
const Function& other_fun = Function::Handle(other.signature_function());
return fun.TypeTest(test_kind,
// Check for 'direct super type' in the case of an interface
// (i.e. other.is_interface()) or implicit interface (i.e.
// !other.is_interface()) and check for transitivity at the same time.
Array& interfaces = Array::Handle(this->interfaces());
AbstractType& interface = AbstractType::Handle();
Class& interface_class = Class::Handle();
AbstractTypeArguments& interface_args = AbstractTypeArguments::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < interfaces.Length(); i++) {
interface ^= interfaces.At(i);
interface_class = interface.type_class();
interface_args = interface.arguments();
if (!interface_args.IsNull() && !interface_args.IsInstantiated()) {
// This type class implements an interface that is parameterized with
// generic type(s), e.g. it implements List<T>.
// The uninstantiated type T must be instantiated using the type
// parameters of this type before performing the type test.
// The type arguments of this type that are referred to by the type
// parameters of the interface are at the end of the type vector,
// after the type arguments of the super type of this type.
// The index of the type parameters is adjusted upon finalization.
interface_args = interface_args.InstantiateFrom(type_arguments);
// In checked mode, verify that the instantiated interface type
// arguments are within the bounds specified by the interface class.
// Note that the additional bounds check in checked mode may lead to a
// dynamic type error, but it will never change the result of the type
// check from true in production mode to false in checked mode.
if (FLAG_enable_type_checks && !interface_args.IsNull()) {
// Pass type_arguments as bounds instantiator.
if (!interface_args.IsWithinBoundsOf(interface_class,
malformed_error)) {
if (interface_class.TypeTest(test_kind,
malformed_error)) {
return true;
// Check the interface case.
if (is_interface()) {
// We already checked the case where 'other' is an interface. Now, 'this',
// an interface, cannot be more specific than a class, except class Object,
// because although Object is not considered an interface by the vm, it is
// one. In other words, all classes implementing this interface also extend
// class Object. An interface is also more specific than the DynamicType.
return (other.IsDynamicClass() || other.IsObjectClass());
const Class& super_class = Class::Handle(SuperClass());
if (super_class.IsNull()) {
return false;
// Instead of truncating the type argument vector to the length of the super
// type argument vector, we make sure that the code works with a vector that
// is longer than necessary.
return super_class.TypeTest(test_kind,
bool Class::IsTopLevel() const {
return String::Handle(Name()).Equals("::");
RawFunction* Class::LookupDynamicFunction(const String& name) const {
Function& function = Function::Handle(LookupFunction(name));
if (function.IsNull() || !function.IsDynamicFunction()) {
return Function::null();
return function.raw();
RawFunction* Class::LookupStaticFunction(const String& name) const {
Function& function = Function::Handle(LookupFunction(name));
if (function.IsNull() || !function.IsStaticFunction()) {
return Function::null();
return function.raw();
RawFunction* Class::LookupConstructor(const String& name) const {
Function& function = Function::Handle(LookupFunction(name));
if (function.IsNull() || !function.IsConstructor()) {
return Function::null();
return function.raw();
RawFunction* Class::LookupFactory(const String& name) const {
Function& function = Function::Handle(LookupFunction(name));
if (function.IsNull() || !function.IsFactory()) {
return Function::null();
return function.raw();
static bool MatchesAccessorName(const String& name,
const char* prefix,
intptr_t prefix_length,
const String& accessor_name) {
intptr_t name_len = name.Length();
intptr_t accessor_name_len = accessor_name.Length();
if (name_len != (accessor_name_len + prefix_length)) {
return false;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < prefix_length; i++) {
if (name.CharAt(i) != prefix[i]) {
return false;
for (intptr_t i = 0, j = prefix_length; i < accessor_name_len; i++, j++) {
if (name.CharAt(j) != accessor_name.CharAt(i)) {
return false;
return true;
RawFunction* Class::LookupFunction(const String& name) const {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const OneByteString& lookup_name = OneByteString::Cast(name);
Array& funcs = Array::Handle(isolate, functions());
if (funcs.IsNull()) {
// This can occur, e.g., for Null classes.
return Function::null();
Function& function = Function::Handle(isolate, Function::null());
OneByteString& function_name =
OneByteString::Handle(isolate, OneByteString::null());
intptr_t len = funcs.Length();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
function ^= funcs.At(i);
function_name ^=;
if (function_name.EqualsIgnoringPrivateKey(lookup_name)) {
return function.raw();
// No function found.
return Function::null();
RawFunction* Class::LookupGetterFunction(const String& name) const {
return LookupAccessorFunction(kGetterPrefix, kGetterPrefixLength, name);
RawFunction* Class::LookupSetterFunction(const String& name) const {
return LookupAccessorFunction(kSetterPrefix, kSetterPrefixLength, name);
RawFunction* Class::LookupAccessorFunction(const char* prefix,
intptr_t prefix_length,
const String& name) const {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
Array& funcs = Array::Handle(isolate, functions());
Function& function = Function::Handle(isolate, Function::null());
String& function_name = String::Handle(isolate, String::null());
intptr_t len = funcs.Length();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
function ^= funcs.At(i);
function_name ^=;
if (MatchesAccessorName(function_name, prefix, prefix_length, name)) {
return function.raw();
// No function found.
return Function::null();
RawFunction* Class::LookupFunctionAtToken(intptr_t token_pos) const {
// TODO(hausner): we can shortcut the negative case if we knew the
// beginning and end token position of the class.
Function& func = Function::Handle();
func = LookupClosureFunction(token_pos);
if (!func.IsNull()) {
return func.raw();
Array& funcs = Array::Handle(functions());
intptr_t len = funcs.Length();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
func ^= funcs.At(i);
if ((func.token_pos() <= token_pos) &&
(token_pos < func.end_token_pos())) {
return func.raw();
// No function found.
return Function::null();
RawField* Class::LookupInstanceField(const String& name) const {
const Field& field = Field::Handle(LookupField(name));
if (!field.IsNull()) {
if (field.is_static()) {
// Name matches but it is not of the correct kind, return NULL.
return Field::null();
return field.raw();
// No field found.
return Field::null();
RawField* Class::LookupStaticField(const String& name) const {
const Field& field = Field::Handle(LookupField(name));
if (!field.IsNull()) {
if (!field.is_static()) {
// Name matches but it is not of the correct kind, return NULL.
return Field::null();
return field.raw();
// No field found.
return Field::null();
RawField* Class::LookupField(const String& name) const {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const OneByteString& lookup_name = OneByteString::Cast(name);
const Array& flds = Array::Handle(isolate, fields());
Field& field = Field::Handle(isolate, Field::null());
OneByteString& field_name =
OneByteString::Handle(isolate, OneByteString::null());
intptr_t len = flds.Length();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
field ^= flds.At(i);
field_name ^=;
if (field_name.EqualsIgnoringPrivateKey(lookup_name)) {
return field.raw();
// No field found.
return Field::null();
RawLibraryPrefix* Class::LookupLibraryPrefix(const String& name) const {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Library& lib = Library::Handle(isolate, library());
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate, lib.LookupLocalObject(name));
if (!obj.IsNull() && obj.IsLibraryPrefix()) {
const LibraryPrefix& lib_prefix = LibraryPrefix::Cast(obj);
return lib_prefix.raw();
return LibraryPrefix::null();
const char* Class::ToCString() const {
const char* format = is_interface()
? "%s Interface: %s" : "%s Class: %s";
const Library& lib = Library::Handle(library());
const char* library_name = lib.IsNull() ? "" : lib.ToCString();
const char* class_name = String::Handle(Name()).ToCString();
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, format, library_name, class_name) + 1;
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, format, library_name, class_name);
return chars;
void Class::InsertCanonicalConstant(intptr_t index,
const Instance& constant) const {
// The constant needs to be added to the list. Grow the list if it is full.
Array& canonical_list = Array::Handle(constants());
const intptr_t list_len = canonical_list.Length();
if (index >= list_len) {
const intptr_t new_length = (list_len == 0) ? 4 : list_len + 4;
const Array& new_canonical_list =
Array::Handle(Array::Grow(canonical_list, new_length, Heap::kOld));
new_canonical_list.SetAt(index, constant);
} else {
canonical_list.SetAt(index, constant);
RawUnresolvedClass* UnresolvedClass::New(const LibraryPrefix& library_prefix,
const String& ident,
intptr_t token_pos) {
const UnresolvedClass& type = UnresolvedClass::Handle(UnresolvedClass::New());
return type.raw();
RawUnresolvedClass* UnresolvedClass::New() {
ASSERT(Object::unresolved_class_class() != Class::null());
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(UnresolvedClass::kClassId,
return reinterpret_cast<RawUnresolvedClass*>(raw);
void UnresolvedClass::set_token_pos(intptr_t token_pos) const {
ASSERT(token_pos >= 0);
raw_ptr()->token_pos_ = token_pos;
void UnresolvedClass::set_ident(const String& ident) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->ident_, ident.raw());
void UnresolvedClass::set_library_prefix(
const LibraryPrefix& library_prefix) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->library_prefix_, library_prefix.raw());
void UnresolvedClass::set_factory_signature_class(const Class& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->factory_signature_class_, value.raw());
RawString* UnresolvedClass::Name() const {
if (library_prefix() != LibraryPrefix::null()) {
const LibraryPrefix& lib_prefix = LibraryPrefix::Handle(library_prefix());
String& name = String::Handle();
String& str = String::Handle();
name =; // Qualifier.
str = Symbols::Dot();
name = String::Concat(name, str);
str = ident();
name = String::Concat(name, str);
return name.raw();
} else {
return ident();
const char* UnresolvedClass::ToCString() const {
return "UnresolvedClass";
intptr_t AbstractTypeArguments::Length() const {
// AbstractTypeArguments is an abstract class.
return -1;
RawAbstractType* AbstractTypeArguments::TypeAt(intptr_t index) const {
// AbstractTypeArguments is an abstract class.
return NULL;
void AbstractTypeArguments::SetTypeAt(intptr_t index,
const AbstractType& value) const {
// AbstractTypeArguments is an abstract class.
bool AbstractTypeArguments::IsResolved() const {
// AbstractTypeArguments is an abstract class.
return false;
bool AbstractTypeArguments::IsInstantiated() const {
// AbstractTypeArguments is an abstract class.
return false;
bool AbstractTypeArguments::IsUninstantiatedIdentity() const {
// AbstractTypeArguments is an abstract class.
return false;
RawString* AbstractTypeArguments::SubvectorName(
intptr_t from_index,
intptr_t len,
NameVisibility name_visibility) const {
ASSERT(from_index + len <= Length());
String& name = String::Handle();
const intptr_t num_strings = 2*len + 1; // "<""T"", ""T"">".
const Array& strings = Array::Handle(Array::New(num_strings));
intptr_t s = 0;
strings.SetAt(s++, String::Handle(Symbols::New("<")));
const String& kCommaSpace = String::Handle(Symbols::New(", "));
AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
type = TypeAt(from_index + i);
name = type.BuildName(name_visibility);
strings.SetAt(s++, name);
if (i < len - 1) {
strings.SetAt(s++, kCommaSpace);
strings.SetAt(s++, String::Handle(Symbols::New(">")));
ASSERT(s == num_strings);
name = String::ConcatAll(strings);
return Symbols::New(name);
bool AbstractTypeArguments::Equals(const AbstractTypeArguments& other) const {
ASSERT(!IsNull()); // Use AbstractTypeArguments::AreEqual().
if (this->raw() == other.raw()) {
return true;
if (other.IsNull()) {
return false;
intptr_t num_types = Length();
if (num_types != other.Length()) {
return false;
AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle();
AbstractType& other_type = AbstractType::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_types; i++) {
type = TypeAt(i);
other_type = other.TypeAt(i);
if (!type.Equals(other_type)) {
return false;
return true;
bool AbstractTypeArguments::AreEqual(
const AbstractTypeArguments& arguments,
const AbstractTypeArguments& other_arguments) {
if (arguments.raw() == other_arguments.raw()) {
return true;
if (arguments.IsNull()) {
return other_arguments.IsDynamicTypes(false, other_arguments.Length());
if (other_arguments.IsNull()) {
return arguments.IsDynamicTypes(false, arguments.Length());
return arguments.Equals(other_arguments);
bool AbstractTypeArguments::AreIdentical(
const AbstractTypeArguments& arguments,
const AbstractTypeArguments& other_arguments,
bool check_type_parameter_bounds) {
if (arguments.raw() == other_arguments.raw()) {
return true;
if (arguments.IsNull() || other_arguments.IsNull()) {
return false;
intptr_t num_types = arguments.Length();
if (num_types != other_arguments.Length()) {
return false;
AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle();
AbstractType& other_type = AbstractType::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_types; i++) {
type = arguments.TypeAt(i);
other_type = other_arguments.TypeAt(i);
if (!type.IsIdentical(other_type, check_type_parameter_bounds)) {
return false;
return true;
RawAbstractTypeArguments* AbstractTypeArguments::InstantiateFrom(
const AbstractTypeArguments& instantiator_type_arguments) const {
// AbstractTypeArguments is an abstract class.
return NULL;
bool AbstractTypeArguments::IsDynamicTypes(bool raw_instantiated,
intptr_t len) const {
ASSERT(Length() >= len);
AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle();
Class& type_class = Class::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
type = TypeAt(i);
if (!type.HasResolvedTypeClass()) {
if (raw_instantiated && type.IsTypeParameter()) {
// An uninstantiated type parameter is equivalent to dynamic.
ASSERT((!raw_instantiated && type.IsTypeParameter()) ||
return false;
type_class = type.type_class();
if (!type_class.IsDynamicClass()) {
return false;
return true;
static RawError* FormatError(const Error& prev_error,
const Script& script,
intptr_t token_pos,
const char* format, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
if (prev_error.IsNull()) {
return Parser::FormatError(script, token_pos, "Error", format, args);
} else {
return Parser::FormatErrorWithAppend(prev_error, script, token_pos,
"Error", format, args);
bool AbstractTypeArguments::IsWithinBoundsOf(
const Class& cls,
const AbstractTypeArguments& bounds_instantiator,
Error* malformed_error) const {
// This function may be called at compile time on (partially) uninstantiated
// type arguments and may return true, in which case a run time bounds check
// can be avoided.
ASSERT(Length() >= cls.NumTypeArguments());
const intptr_t num_type_params = cls.NumTypeParameters();
const intptr_t offset = cls.NumTypeArguments() - num_type_params;
AbstractType& this_type_arg = AbstractType::Handle();
AbstractType& cls_type_arg = AbstractType::Handle();
AbstractType& bound = AbstractType::Handle();
const TypeArguments& cls_type_params =
ASSERT((cls_type_params.IsNull() && (num_type_params == 0)) ||
(cls_type_params.Length() == num_type_params));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_type_params; i++) {
cls_type_arg = cls_type_params.TypeAt(i);
const TypeParameter& cls_type_param = TypeParameter::Cast(cls_type_arg);
bound = cls_type_param.bound();
if (!bound.IsDynamicType()) {
this_type_arg = TypeAt(offset + i);
Error& malformed_bound_error = Error::Handle();
if (bound.IsMalformed()) {
malformed_bound_error = bound.malformed_error();
} else if (!bound.IsInstantiated()) {
bound = bound.InstantiateFrom(bounds_instantiator);
if (!malformed_bound_error.IsNull() ||
!this_type_arg.IsSubtypeOf(bound, malformed_error)) {
// Ignore this bound error if another malformed error was already
// reported for this type test.
if ((malformed_error != NULL) && malformed_error->IsNull()) {
const String& type_arg_name =
const String& class_name = String::Handle(cls.Name());
const String& bound_name = String::Handle(bound.UserVisibleName());
const Script& script = Script::Handle(cls.script());
// Since the bound was canonicalized, its token index was lost,
// therefore, use the token index of the corresponding type parameter.
*malformed_error ^= FormatError(malformed_bound_error,
script, cls_type_param.token_pos(),
"type argument '%s' does not "
"extend bound '%s' of '%s'\n",
return false;
const Class& super_class = Class::Handle(cls.SuperClass());
if (!super_class.IsNull() &&
!IsWithinBoundsOf(super_class, bounds_instantiator, malformed_error)) {
return false;
return true;
bool AbstractTypeArguments::TypeTest(TypeTestKind test_kind,
const AbstractTypeArguments& other,
intptr_t len,
Error* malformed_error) const {
ASSERT(Length() >= len);
ASSERT(other.Length() >= len);
AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle();
AbstractType& other_type = AbstractType::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
type = TypeAt(i);
other_type = other.TypeAt(i);
if (!type.TypeTest(test_kind, other_type, malformed_error)) {
return false;
return true;
const char* AbstractTypeArguments::ToCString() const {
// AbstractTypeArguments is an abstract class, valid only for representing
// null.
if (IsNull()) {
return "NULL AbstractTypeArguments";
return "AbstractTypeArguments";
intptr_t TypeArguments::Length() const {
return Smi::Value(raw_ptr()->length_);
RawAbstractType* TypeArguments::TypeAt(intptr_t index) const {
return *TypeAddr(index);
void TypeArguments::SetTypeAt(intptr_t index, const AbstractType& value) const {
StorePointer(TypeAddr(index), value.raw());
bool TypeArguments::IsResolved() const {
AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle();
intptr_t num_types = Length();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_types; i++) {
type = TypeAt(i);
if (!type.IsResolved()) {
return false;
return true;
bool TypeArguments::IsInstantiated() const {
AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle();
intptr_t num_types = Length();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_types; i++) {
type = TypeAt(i);
if (!type.IsInstantiated()) {
return false;
return true;
bool TypeArguments::IsUninstantiatedIdentity() const {
AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle();
intptr_t num_types = Length();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_types; i++) {
type = TypeAt(i);
if (!type.IsTypeParameter()) {
return false;
const TypeParameter& type_param = TypeParameter::Cast(type);
if ((type_param.index() != i)) {
return false;
return true;
RawAbstractTypeArguments* TypeArguments::InstantiateFrom(
const AbstractTypeArguments& instantiator_type_arguments) const {
if (!instantiator_type_arguments.IsNull() &&
IsUninstantiatedIdentity() &&
(instantiator_type_arguments.Length() == Length())) {
return instantiator_type_arguments.raw();
const intptr_t num_types = Length();
TypeArguments& instantiated_array =
TypeArguments::Handle(TypeArguments::New(num_types, Heap::kNew));
AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_types; i++) {
type = TypeAt(i);
if (!type.IsInstantiated()) {
type = type.InstantiateFrom(instantiator_type_arguments);
instantiated_array.SetTypeAt(i, type);
return instantiated_array.raw();
RawTypeArguments* TypeArguments::New(intptr_t len, Heap::Space space) {
if (len < 0 || len > kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in TypeArguments::New: invalid len %"Pd"\n", len);
TypeArguments& result = TypeArguments::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(TypeArguments::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
// Length must be set before we start storing into the array.
return result.raw();
RawAbstractType** TypeArguments::TypeAddr(intptr_t index) const {
// TODO(iposva): Determine if we should throw an exception here.
ASSERT((index >= 0) && (index < Length()));
return &raw_ptr()->types_[index];
void TypeArguments::SetLength(intptr_t value) const {
// This is only safe because we create a new Smi, which does not cause
// heap allocation.
raw_ptr()->length_ = Smi::New(value);
RawAbstractTypeArguments* TypeArguments::Canonicalize() const {
if (IsNull() || IsCanonical()) {
return this->raw();
ObjectStore* object_store = Isolate::Current()->object_store();
// 'table' must be null terminated.
Array& table = Array::Handle(object_store->canonical_type_arguments());
ASSERT(table.Length() > 0);
intptr_t index = 0;
TypeArguments& result = TypeArguments::Handle();
result ^= table.At(index);
while (!result.IsNull()) {
if (this->Equals(result)) {
return result.raw();
result ^= table.At(++index);
// Not found. Add 'this' to table.
result ^= this->raw();
if (result.IsNew()) {
result ^= Object::Clone(result, Heap::kOld);
if (index == table.Length() - 1) {
table = Array::Grow(table, table.Length() + 4, Heap::kOld);
table.SetAt(index, result);
return result.raw();
const char* TypeArguments::ToCString() const {
if (IsNull()) {
return "NULL TypeArguments";
const char* format = "%s [%s]";
const char* prev_cstr = "TypeArguments:";
for (int i = 0; i < Length(); i++) {
const AbstractType& type_at = AbstractType::Handle(TypeAt(i));
const char* type_cstr = type_at.IsNull() ? "null" : type_at.ToCString();
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, format, prev_cstr, type_cstr) + 1;
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, format, prev_cstr, type_cstr);
prev_cstr = chars;
return prev_cstr;
intptr_t InstantiatedTypeArguments::Length() const {
return AbstractTypeArguments::Handle(
RawAbstractType* InstantiatedTypeArguments::TypeAt(intptr_t index) const {
const AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle(
if (!type.IsInstantiated()) {
const AbstractTypeArguments& instantiator_type_args =
return type.InstantiateFrom(instantiator_type_args);
return type.raw();
void InstantiatedTypeArguments::SetTypeAt(intptr_t index,
const AbstractType& value) const {
// We only replace individual argument types during resolution at compile
// time, when no type parameters are instantiated yet.
void InstantiatedTypeArguments::set_uninstantiated_type_arguments(
const AbstractTypeArguments& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->uninstantiated_type_arguments_, value.raw());
void InstantiatedTypeArguments::set_instantiator_type_arguments(
const AbstractTypeArguments& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->instantiator_type_arguments_, value.raw());
RawInstantiatedTypeArguments* InstantiatedTypeArguments::New() {
ASSERT(Object::instantiated_type_arguments_class() != Class::null());
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(InstantiatedTypeArguments::kClassId,
return reinterpret_cast<RawInstantiatedTypeArguments*>(raw);
RawInstantiatedTypeArguments* InstantiatedTypeArguments::New(
const AbstractTypeArguments& uninstantiated_type_arguments,
const AbstractTypeArguments& instantiator_type_arguments) {
const InstantiatedTypeArguments& result =
return result.raw();
const char* InstantiatedTypeArguments::ToCString() const {
if (IsNull()) {
return "NULL InstantiatedTypeArguments";
const char* format = "InstantiatedTypeArguments: [%s] instantiator: [%s]";
const char* arg_cstr =
const char* instantiator_cstr =
intptr_t len =
OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, format, arg_cstr, instantiator_cstr) + 1;
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, format, arg_cstr, instantiator_cstr);
return chars;
const char* PatchClass::ToCString() const {
const char* kFormat = "PatchClass for %s";
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(patched_class());
const char* cls_name = cls.ToCString();
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, kFormat, cls_name) + 1;
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, kFormat, cls_name);
return chars;
RawPatchClass* PatchClass::New(const Class& patched_class,
const Script& script) {
const PatchClass& result = PatchClass::Handle(PatchClass::New());
return result.raw();
RawPatchClass* PatchClass::New() {
ASSERT(Object::patch_class_class() != Class::null());
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(PatchClass::kClassId,
return reinterpret_cast<RawPatchClass*>(raw);
void PatchClass::set_patched_class(const Class& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->patched_class_, value.raw());
void PatchClass::set_script(const Script& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->script_, value.raw());
void Function::SetCode(const Code& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->code_, value.raw());
ASSERT(Function::Handle(value.function()).IsNull() ||
(value.function() == this->raw()));
void Function::SwitchToUnoptimizedCode() const {
const Code& current_code = Code::Handle(CurrentCode());
if (FLAG_trace_disabling_optimized_code) {
OS::Print("Disabling optimized code: '%s' entry: %#"Px"\n",
// Patch entry of the optimized code.
// Use previously compiled unoptimized code.
void Function::set_unoptimized_code(const Code& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->unoptimized_code_, value.raw());
RawContextScope* Function::context_scope() const {
if (IsClosureFunction()) {
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->data_);
return ClosureData::Cast(obj).context_scope();
return ContextScope::null();
void Function::set_context_scope(const ContextScope& value) const {
if (IsClosureFunction()) {
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->data_);
RawCode* Function::closure_allocation_stub() const {
if (IsClosureFunction()) {
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->data_);
return ClosureData::Cast(obj).closure_allocation_stub();
return Code::null();
void Function::set_closure_allocation_stub(const Code& value) const {
if (IsClosureFunction()) {
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->data_);
RawFunction* Function::parent_function() const {
if (IsClosureFunction()) {
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->data_);
return ClosureData::Cast(obj).parent_function();
return Function::null();
void Function::set_parent_function(const Function& value) const {
if (IsClosureFunction()) {
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->data_);
RawFunction* Function::implicit_closure_function() const {
if (IsClosureFunction() || IsSignatureFunction()) {
return Function::null();
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->data_);
ASSERT(obj.IsNull() || obj.IsFunction());
return (obj.IsNull()) ? Function::null() : Function::Cast(obj).raw();
void Function::set_implicit_closure_function(const Function& value) const {
ASSERT(!IsClosureFunction() && !IsSignatureFunction());
RawClass* Function::signature_class() const {
if (IsSignatureFunction()) {
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->data_);
ASSERT(obj.IsNull() || obj.IsClass());
return (obj.IsNull()) ? Class::null() : Class::Cast(obj).raw();
if (IsClosureFunction()) {
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->data_);
return ClosureData::Cast(obj).signature_class();
return Class::null();
void Function::set_signature_class(const Class& value) const {
if (IsSignatureFunction()) {
if (IsClosureFunction()) {
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->data_);
bool Function::IsRedirectingFactory() const {
if (!IsFactory() || (raw_ptr()->data_ == Object::null())) {
return false;
ASSERT(!IsClosureFunction()); // A factory cannot also be a closure.
return true;
RawType* Function::RedirectionType() const {
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->data_);
return RedirectionData::Cast(obj).type();
void Function::SetRedirectionType(const Type& type) const {
Object& obj = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->data_);
if (obj.IsNull()) {
obj = RedirectionData::New();
RawString* Function::RedirectionIdentifier() const {
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->data_);
return RedirectionData::Cast(obj).identifier();
void Function::SetRedirectionIdentifier(const String& identifier) const {
Object& obj = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->data_);
if (obj.IsNull()) {
obj = RedirectionData::New();
RawFunction* Function::RedirectionTarget() const {
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->data_);
return RedirectionData::Cast(obj).target();
void Function::SetRedirectionTarget(const Function& target) const {
Object& obj = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->data_);
if (obj.IsNull()) {
obj = RedirectionData::New();
void Function::set_data(const Object& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->data_, value.raw());
bool Function::IsInFactoryScope() const {
if (!IsLocalFunction()) {
return IsFactory();
Function& outer_function = Function::Handle(parent_function());
while (outer_function.IsLocalFunction()) {
outer_function = outer_function.parent_function();
return outer_function.IsFactory();
void Function::set_name(const String& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->name_, value.raw());
void Function::set_owner(const Object& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->owner_, value.raw());
void Function::set_result_type(const AbstractType& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->result_type_, value.raw());
RawAbstractType* Function::ParameterTypeAt(intptr_t index) const {
const Array& parameter_types = Array::Handle(raw_ptr()->parameter_types_);
AbstractType& parameter_type = AbstractType::Handle();
parameter_type ^= parameter_types.At(index);
return parameter_type.raw();
void Function::SetParameterTypeAt(
intptr_t index, const AbstractType& value) const {
const Array& parameter_types = Array::Handle(raw_ptr()->parameter_types_);
parameter_types.SetAt(index, value);
void Function::set_parameter_types(const Array& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->parameter_types_, value.raw());
RawString* Function::ParameterNameAt(intptr_t index) const {
const Array& parameter_names = Array::Handle(raw_ptr()->parameter_names_);
String& parameter_name = String::Handle();
parameter_name ^= parameter_names.At(index);
return parameter_name.raw();
void Function::SetParameterNameAt(intptr_t index, const String& value) const {
ASSERT(!value.IsNull() && value.IsSymbol());
const Array& parameter_names = Array::Handle(raw_ptr()->parameter_names_);
parameter_names.SetAt(index, value);
void Function::set_parameter_names(const Array& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->parameter_names_, value.raw());
void Function::set_kind(RawFunction::Kind value) const {
set_kind_tag(KindBits::update(value, raw_ptr()->kind_tag_));
void Function::set_is_static(bool value) const {
set_kind_tag(StaticBit::update(value, raw_ptr()->kind_tag_));
void Function::set_is_const(bool value) const {
set_kind_tag(ConstBit::update(value, raw_ptr()->kind_tag_));
void Function::set_is_external(bool value) const {
set_kind_tag(ExternalBit::update(value, raw_ptr()->kind_tag_));
void Function::set_token_pos(intptr_t value) const {
ASSERT(value >= 0);
raw_ptr()->token_pos_ = value;
void Function::set_kind_tag(intptr_t value) const {
raw_ptr()->kind_tag_ = static_cast<uint16_t>(value);
void Function::set_num_fixed_parameters(intptr_t value) const {
ASSERT(value >= 0);
ASSERT(Utils::IsInt(16, value));
raw_ptr()->num_fixed_parameters_ = static_cast<int16_t>(value);
void Function::set_num_optional_parameters(intptr_t value) const {
// A positive value indicates positional params, a negative one named params.
ASSERT(Utils::IsInt(16, value));
raw_ptr()->num_optional_parameters_ = static_cast<int16_t>(value);
void Function::SetNumOptionalParameters(intptr_t num_optional_parameters,
bool are_optional_positional) const {
ASSERT(num_optional_parameters >= 0);
set_num_optional_parameters(are_optional_positional ?
num_optional_parameters :
bool Function::is_optimizable() const {
return OptimizableBit::decode(raw_ptr()->kind_tag_) &&
(script() != Script::null()) &&
void Function::set_is_optimizable(bool value) const {
set_kind_tag(OptimizableBit::update(value, raw_ptr()->kind_tag_));
void Function::set_has_finally(bool value) const {
set_kind_tag(HasFinallyBit::update(value, raw_ptr()->kind_tag_));
void Function::set_is_native(bool value) const {
set_kind_tag(NativeBit::update(value, raw_ptr()->kind_tag_));
void Function::set_is_abstract(bool value) const {
set_kind_tag(AbstractBit::update(value, raw_ptr()->kind_tag_));
void Function::set_is_inlinable(bool value) const {
set_kind_tag(InlinableBit::update(value, raw_ptr()->kind_tag_));
bool Function::IsInlineable() const {
// '==' call is handled specially.
const String& equality_name = String::Handle(Symbols::EqualOperator());
return InlinableBit::decode(raw_ptr()->kind_tag_) &&
HasCode() &&
name() != equality_name.raw();
intptr_t Function::NumParameters() const {
return num_fixed_parameters() + NumOptionalParameters();
intptr_t Function::NumImplicitParameters() const {
if (kind() == RawFunction::kConstructor) {
if (is_static()) {
return 1; // Type arguments.
} else {
return 2; // Instance, phase.
if (!is_static() &&
kind() != RawFunction::kClosureFunction &&
kind() != RawFunction::kSignatureFunction) {
// Closure functions defined inside instance (i.e. non-static) functions are
// marked as non-static, but they do not have a receiver.
return 1; // Receiver.
return 0; // No implicit parameters.
bool Function::AreValidArgumentCounts(int num_arguments,
int num_named_arguments,
String* error_message) const {
if (FLAG_reject_named_argument_as_positional) {
if (num_named_arguments > NumOptionalNamedParameters()) {
if (error_message != NULL) {
const intptr_t kMessageBufferSize = 64;
char message_buffer[kMessageBufferSize];
"%d named passed, at most %"Pd" expected",
*error_message = String::New(message_buffer);
return false; // Too many named arguments.
const int num_pos_args = num_arguments - num_named_arguments;
const int num_opt_pos_params = NumOptionalPositionalParameters();
const int num_pos_params = num_fixed_parameters() + num_opt_pos_params;
if (num_pos_args > num_pos_params) {
if (error_message != NULL) {
const intptr_t kMessageBufferSize = 64;
char message_buffer[kMessageBufferSize];
// Hide implicit parameters to the user.
const intptr_t num_hidden_params = NumImplicitParameters();
"%"Pd"%s passed, %s%"Pd" expected",
num_pos_args - num_hidden_params,
num_opt_pos_params > 0 ? " positional" : "",
num_opt_pos_params > 0 ? "at most " : "",
num_pos_params - num_hidden_params);
*error_message = String::New(message_buffer);
return false; // Too many fixed and/or positional arguments.
if (num_pos_args < num_fixed_parameters()) {
if (error_message != NULL) {
const intptr_t kMessageBufferSize = 64;
char message_buffer[kMessageBufferSize];
// Hide implicit parameters to the user.
const intptr_t num_hidden_params = NumImplicitParameters();
"%"Pd"%s passed, %s%"Pd" expected",
num_pos_args - num_hidden_params,
num_opt_pos_params > 0 ? " positional" : "",
num_opt_pos_params > 0 ? "at least " : "",
num_fixed_parameters() - num_hidden_params);
*error_message = String::New(message_buffer);
return false; // Too few fixed and/or positional arguments.
return true;
// TODO(regis): Remove the following code once the flag is removed.
if (num_arguments > NumParameters()) {
if (error_message != NULL) {
const intptr_t kMessageBufferSize = 64;
char message_buffer[kMessageBufferSize];
// Hide implicit parameters to the user.
const intptr_t num_hidden_params = NumImplicitParameters();
"%"Pd" passed, %s%"Pd" expected",
num_arguments - num_hidden_params,
HasOptionalParameters() ? "at most " : "",
NumParameters() - num_hidden_params);
*error_message = String::New(message_buffer);
return false; // Too many arguments.
const int num_positional_args = num_arguments - num_named_arguments;
if (num_positional_args < num_fixed_parameters()) {
if (error_message != NULL) {
const intptr_t kMessageBufferSize = 64;
char message_buffer[kMessageBufferSize];
// Hide implicit parameters to the user.
const intptr_t num_hidden_params = NumImplicitParameters();
"%"Pd" %spassed, %"Pd" expected",
num_positional_args - num_hidden_params,
HasOptionalParameters() ? "positional " : "",
num_fixed_parameters() - num_hidden_params);
*error_message = String::New(message_buffer);
return false; // Too few arguments.
return true;
bool Function::AreValidArguments(int num_arguments,
const Array& argument_names,
String* error_message) const {
const int num_named_arguments =
argument_names.IsNull() ? 0 : argument_names.Length();
if (!AreValidArgumentCounts(num_arguments,
error_message)) {
return false;
// Verify that all argument names are valid parameter names.
String& argument_name = String::Handle();
String& parameter_name = String::Handle();
for (int i = 0; i < num_named_arguments; i++) {
argument_name ^= argument_names.At(i);
bool found = false;
const int num_positional_args = num_arguments - num_named_arguments;
const int num_parameters = NumParameters();
for (int j = num_positional_args; !found && (j < num_parameters); j++) {
parameter_name ^= ParameterNameAt(j);
if (argument_name.Equals(parameter_name)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
if (error_message != NULL) {
const intptr_t kMessageBufferSize = 64;
char message_buffer[kMessageBufferSize];
"no optional formal parameter named '%s'",
*error_message = String::New(message_buffer);
return false;
return true;
// Helper allocating a C string buffer in the zone, printing the fully qualified
// name of a function in it, and replacing ':' by '_' to make sure the
// constructed name is a valid C++ identifier for debugging purpose.
// Set 'chars' to allocated buffer and return number of written characters.
static intptr_t ConstructFunctionFullyQualifiedCString(const Function& function,
char** chars,
intptr_t reserve_len) {
const char* name = String::Handle(;
const char* function_format = (reserve_len == 0) ? "%s" : "%s_";
reserve_len += OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, function_format, name);
const Function& parent = Function::Handle(function.parent_function());
intptr_t written = 0;
if (parent.IsNull()) {
const Class& function_class = Class::Handle(function.Owner());
const char* class_name = String::Handle(function_class.Name()).ToCString();
ASSERT(class_name != NULL);
const Library& library = Library::Handle(function_class.library());
const char* library_name = String::Handle(library.url()).ToCString();
ASSERT(library_name != NULL);
const char* lib_class_format =
(library_name[0] == '\0') ? "%s%s_" : "%s_%s_";
reserve_len +=
OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, lib_class_format, library_name, class_name);
ASSERT(chars != NULL);
*chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(reserve_len + 1);
written = OS::SNPrint(
*chars, reserve_len + 1, lib_class_format, library_name, class_name);
} else {
written = ConstructFunctionFullyQualifiedCString(parent,
ASSERT(*chars != NULL);
char* next = *chars + written;
written += OS::SNPrint(next, reserve_len + 1, function_format, name);
// Replace ":" with "_".
while (true) {
next = strchr(next, ':');
if (next == NULL) break;
*next = '_';
return written;
const char* Function::ToFullyQualifiedCString() const {
char* chars = NULL;
ConstructFunctionFullyQualifiedCString(*this, &chars, 0);
return chars;
bool Function::HasCompatibleParametersWith(const Function& other) const {
const intptr_t num_fixed_params = num_fixed_parameters();
const intptr_t num_opt_pos_params = NumOptionalPositionalParameters();
const intptr_t num_opt_named_params = NumOptionalNamedParameters();
const intptr_t other_num_fixed_params = other.num_fixed_parameters();
const intptr_t other_num_opt_pos_params =
const intptr_t other_num_opt_named_params =
// A generative constructor may be compared to a redirecting factory and be
// compatible although it has an additional phase parameter.
const intptr_t num_ignored_params =
(other.IsRedirectingFactory() && IsConstructor()) ? 1 : 0;
if (FLAG_reject_named_argument_as_positional) {
// The default values of optional parameters can differ.
if (((num_fixed_params - num_ignored_params) != other_num_fixed_params) ||
(num_opt_pos_params < other_num_opt_pos_params) ||
(num_opt_named_params < other_num_opt_named_params)) {
return false;
if (other_num_opt_named_params == 0) {
return true;
// Check that for each optional named parameter of the other function there
// exists an optional named parameter of this function with an identical
// name.
// Note that SetParameterNameAt() guarantees that names are symbols, so we
// can compare their raw pointers.
const int num_params = num_fixed_params + num_opt_named_params;
const int other_num_params =
other_num_fixed_params + other_num_opt_named_params;
bool found_param_name;
String& other_param_name = String::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = other_num_fixed_params; i < other_num_params; i++) {
other_param_name = other.ParameterNameAt(i);
found_param_name = false;
for (intptr_t j = num_fixed_params; j < num_params; j++) {
if (ParameterNameAt(j) == other_param_name.raw()) {
found_param_name = true;
if (!found_param_name) {
return false;
return true;
// TODO(regis): Remove the following code once the flag is removed.
// The default values of optional parameters can differ.
const intptr_t num_opt_params = num_opt_pos_params + num_opt_named_params;
const intptr_t other_num_opt_params =
other_num_opt_pos_params + other_num_opt_named_params;
if (((num_fixed_params - num_ignored_params) != other_num_fixed_params) ||
(num_opt_params < other_num_opt_params)) {
return false;
// Check that for each optional named parameter of the other function there is
// a corresponding optional named parameter of this function with an identical
// name at the same position.
// Note that SetParameterNameAt() guarantees that names are symbols, so we can
// compare their raw pointers.
const int other_num_params = other_num_fixed_params + other_num_opt_params;
for (intptr_t i = other_num_fixed_params; i < other_num_params; i++) {
const String& other_param_name = String::Handle(other.ParameterNameAt(i));
if (ParameterNameAt(i) != other_param_name.raw()) {
return false;
return true;
// If test_kind == kIsSubtypeOf, checks if the type of the specified parameter
// of this function is a subtype or a supertype of the type of the specified
// parameter of the other function.
// If test_kind == kIsMoreSpecificThan, checks if the type of the specified
// parameter of this function is more specific than the type of the specified
// parameter of the other function.
// Note that we do not apply contravariance of parameter types, but covariance
// of both parameter types and result type.
bool Function::TestParameterType(
TypeTestKind test_kind,
intptr_t parameter_position,
intptr_t other_parameter_position,
const AbstractTypeArguments& type_arguments,
const Function& other,
const AbstractTypeArguments& other_type_arguments,
Error* malformed_error) const {
AbstractType& other_param_type =
if (!other_param_type.IsInstantiated()) {
other_param_type = other_param_type.InstantiateFrom(other_type_arguments);
if (other_param_type.IsDynamicType()) {
return true;
AbstractType& param_type =
if (!param_type.IsInstantiated()) {
param_type = param_type.InstantiateFrom(type_arguments);
if (param_type.IsDynamicType()) {
return test_kind == kIsSubtypeOf;
if (test_kind == kIsSubtypeOf) {
if (!param_type.IsSubtypeOf(other_param_type, malformed_error) &&
!other_param_type.IsSubtypeOf(param_type, malformed_error)) {
return false;
} else {
ASSERT(test_kind == kIsMoreSpecificThan);
if (!param_type.IsMoreSpecificThan(other_param_type, malformed_error)) {
return false;
return true;
bool Function::TypeTest(TypeTestKind test_kind,
const AbstractTypeArguments& type_arguments,
const Function& other,
const AbstractTypeArguments& other_type_arguments,
Error* malformed_error) const {
const intptr_t num_fixed_params = num_fixed_parameters();
const intptr_t num_opt_pos_params = NumOptionalPositionalParameters();
const intptr_t num_opt_named_params = NumOptionalNamedParameters();
const intptr_t other_num_fixed_params = other.num_fixed_parameters();
const intptr_t other_num_opt_pos_params =
const intptr_t other_num_opt_named_params =
if ((num_fixed_params != other_num_fixed_params) ||
(num_opt_pos_params < other_num_opt_pos_params) ||
(num_opt_named_params < other_num_opt_named_params)) {
return false;
// Check the result type.
AbstractType& other_res_type = AbstractType::Handle(other.result_type());
if (!other_res_type.IsInstantiated()) {
other_res_type = other_res_type.InstantiateFrom(other_type_arguments);
if (!other_res_type.IsDynamicType() && !other_res_type.IsVoidType()) {
AbstractType& res_type = AbstractType::Handle(result_type());
if (!res_type.IsInstantiated()) {
res_type = res_type.InstantiateFrom(type_arguments);
if (res_type.IsVoidType()) {
return false;
if (test_kind == kIsSubtypeOf) {
if (!res_type.IsSubtypeOf(other_res_type, malformed_error) &&
!other_res_type.IsSubtypeOf(res_type, malformed_error)) {
return false;
} else {
ASSERT(test_kind == kIsMoreSpecificThan);
if (!res_type.IsMoreSpecificThan(other_res_type, malformed_error)) {
return false;
if (FLAG_reject_named_argument_as_positional) {
// Check the types of fixed and optional positional parameters.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_fixed_params + other_num_opt_pos_params; i++) {
if (!TestParameterType(test_kind,
i, i, type_arguments, other, other_type_arguments,
malformed_error)) {
return false;
// Check the names and types of optional named parameters.
if (other_num_opt_named_params == 0) {
return true;
// Check that for each optional named parameter of type T of the other
// function type, there exists an optional named parameter of this function
// type with an identical name and with a type S that is a either a subtype
// or supertype of T (if test_kind == kIsSubtypeOf) or that is more specific
// than T (if test_kind == kIsMoreSpecificThan).
// Note that SetParameterNameAt() guarantees that names are symbols, so we
// can compare their raw pointers.
const int num_params = num_fixed_params + num_opt_named_params;
const int other_num_params =
other_num_fixed_params + other_num_opt_named_params;
bool found_param_name;
String& other_param_name = String::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = other_num_fixed_params; i < other_num_params; i++) {
other_param_name = other.ParameterNameAt(i);
found_param_name = false;
for (intptr_t j = num_fixed_params; j < num_params; j++) {
if (ParameterNameAt(j) == other_param_name.raw()) {
found_param_name = true;
if (!TestParameterType(test_kind,
j, i,
type_arguments, other, other_type_arguments,
malformed_error)) {
return false;
if (!found_param_name) {
return false;
// TODO(regis): Remove the following code once the flag is removed.
// Check the types of fixed parameters.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_fixed_params; i++) {
if (!TestParameterType(test_kind,
i, i, type_arguments, other, other_type_arguments,
malformed_error)) {
return false;
// Check the names and types of optional parameters.
// Check that for each optional named parameter of type T of the other
// function type, there is a corresponding optional named parameter of this
// function at the same position with an identical name and with a type S
// that is a either a subtype or supertype of T (if test_kind == kIsSubtypeOf)
// or that is more specific than T (if test_kind == kIsMoreSpecificThan).
// Note that SetParameterNameAt() guarantees that names are symbols, so we
// can compare their raw pointers.
const intptr_t other_num_params = other_num_fixed_params +
other_num_opt_pos_params + other_num_opt_named_params;
String& other_param_name = String::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = other_num_fixed_params; i < other_num_params; i++) {
other_param_name = other.ParameterNameAt(i);
if ((ParameterNameAt(i) != other_param_name.raw()) ||
i, i, type_arguments, other, other_type_arguments,
malformed_error)) {
return false;
return true;
bool Function::IsImplicitClosureFunction() const {
if (!IsClosureFunction()) {
return false;
const Function& parent = Function::Handle(parent_function());
return (parent.implicit_closure_function() == raw());
RawFunction* Function::New() {
ASSERT(Object::function_class() != Class::null());
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(Function::kClassId,
return reinterpret_cast<RawFunction*>(raw);
RawFunction* Function::New(const String& name,
RawFunction::Kind kind,
bool is_static,
bool is_const,
bool is_abstract,
bool is_external,
const Object& owner,
intptr_t token_pos) {
const Function& result = Function::Handle(Function::New());
const Array& empty_array = Array::Handle(Object::empty_array());
if (kind == RawFunction::kClosureFunction) {
const ClosureData& data = ClosureData::Handle(ClosureData::New());
return result.raw();
RawFunction* Function::NewClosureFunction(const String& name,
const Function& parent,
intptr_t token_pos) {
// Use the owner defining the parent function and not the class containing it.
const Object& parent_owner = Object::Handle(parent.raw_ptr()->owner_);
const Function& result = Function::Handle(
/* is_static = */ parent.is_static(),
/* is_const = */ false,
/* is_abstract = */ false,
/* is_external = */ false,
return result.raw();
RawFunction* Function::ImplicitClosureFunction() const {
// Return the existing implicit closure function if any.
if (implicit_closure_function() != Function::null()) {
return implicit_closure_function();
ASSERT(!IsSignatureFunction() && !IsClosureFunction());
// Create closure function.
const String& closure_name = String::Handle(name());
const Function& closure_function = Function::Handle(
NewClosureFunction(closure_name, *this, token_pos()));
// Set closure function's context scope.
ContextScope& context_scope = ContextScope::Handle();
if (is_static()) {
context_scope ^= ContextScope::New(0);
} else {
context_scope ^= LocalScope::CreateImplicitClosureScope(*this);
// Set closure function's result type to this result type.
// Set closure function's formal parameters to this formal parameters,
// removing the receiver if this is an instance method.
const int has_receiver = is_static() ? 0 : 1;
const int num_fixed_params = num_fixed_parameters() - has_receiver;
const int num_opt_params = NumOptionalParameters();
const bool has_opt_pos_params = HasOptionalPositionalParameters();
const int num_params = num_fixed_params + num_opt_params;
closure_function.SetNumOptionalParameters(num_opt_params, has_opt_pos_params);
AbstractType& param_type = AbstractType::Handle();
String& param_name = String::Handle();
for (int i = 0; i < num_params; i++) {
param_type = ParameterTypeAt(i + has_receiver);
closure_function.SetParameterTypeAt(i, param_type);
param_name = ParameterNameAt(i + has_receiver);
closure_function.SetParameterNameAt(i, param_name);
// Lookup or create a new signature class for the closure function in the
// library of the owner class.
const Class& owner_class = Class::Handle(Owner());
ASSERT(!owner_class.IsNull() && (Owner() == closure_function.Owner()));
const Library& library = Library::Handle(owner_class.library());
const String& signature = String::Handle(closure_function.Signature());
Class& signature_class = Class::ZoneHandle(
if (signature_class.IsNull()) {
const Script& script = Script::Handle(this->script());
signature_class = Class::NewSignatureClass(signature,
} else {
const Type& signature_type = Type::Handle(signature_class.SignatureType());
if (!signature_type.IsFinalized()) {
signature_class, signature_type, ClassFinalizer::kCanonicalize);
ASSERT(closure_function.signature_class() == signature_class.raw());
return closure_function.raw();
RawString* Function::BuildSignature(
bool instantiate,
NameVisibility name_visibility,
const AbstractTypeArguments& instantiator) const {
const GrowableObjectArray& pieces =
const String& kCommaSpace = String::Handle(Symbols::New(", "));
const String& kColonSpace = String::Handle(Symbols::New(": "));
const String& kLParen = String::Handle(Symbols::New("("));
const String& kRParen = String::Handle(Symbols::New(") => "));
const String& kLBracket = String::Handle(Symbols::New("["));
const String& kRBracket = String::Handle(Symbols::New("]"));
const String& kLBrace = String::Handle(Symbols::New("{"));
const String& kRBrace = String::Handle(Symbols::New("}"));
String& name = String::Handle();
if (!instantiate && !is_static()) {
// Prefix the signature with its type parameters, if any (e.g. "<K, V>").
// The signature of static functions cannot be type parameterized.
const String& kSpaceExtendsSpace =
String::Handle(Symbols::New(" extends "));
const String& kLAngleBracket = String::Handle(Symbols::New("<"));
const String& kRAngleBracket = String::Handle(Symbols::New(">"));
const Class& function_class = Class::Handle(Owner());
const TypeArguments& type_parameters = TypeArguments::Handle(
if (!type_parameters.IsNull()) {
intptr_t num_type_parameters = type_parameters.Length();
TypeParameter& type_parameter = TypeParameter::Handle();
AbstractType& bound = AbstractType::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_type_parameters; i++) {
type_parameter ^= type_parameters.TypeAt(i);
name =;
bound = type_parameter.bound();
if (!bound.IsNull() && !bound.IsDynamicType()) {
name = bound.BuildName(name_visibility);
if (i < num_type_parameters - 1) {
AbstractType& param_type = AbstractType::Handle();
const intptr_t num_params = NumParameters();
const intptr_t num_fixed_params = num_fixed_parameters();
const intptr_t num_opt_pos_params = NumOptionalPositionalParameters();
const intptr_t num_opt_named_params = NumOptionalNamedParameters();
const intptr_t num_opt_params = num_opt_pos_params + num_opt_named_params;
ASSERT((num_fixed_params + num_opt_params) == num_params);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_fixed_params; i++) {
param_type = ParameterTypeAt(i);
if (instantiate && !param_type.IsInstantiated()) {
param_type = param_type.InstantiateFrom(instantiator);
name = param_type.BuildName(name_visibility);
if (i != (num_params - 1)) {
if (num_opt_params > 0) {
if (num_opt_pos_params > 0) {
} else {
for (intptr_t i = num_fixed_params; i < num_params; i++) {
// The parameter name of an optional positional parameter does not need
// to be part of the signature, since it is not used.
if (!FLAG_reject_named_argument_as_positional ||
(num_opt_named_params > 0)) {
name = ParameterNameAt(i);
param_type = ParameterTypeAt(i);
if (instantiate && !param_type.IsInstantiated()) {
param_type = param_type.InstantiateFrom(instantiator);
name = param_type.BuildName(name_visibility);
if (i != (num_params - 1)) {
if (num_opt_pos_params > 0) {
} else {
AbstractType& res_type = AbstractType::Handle(result_type());
if (instantiate && !res_type.IsInstantiated()) {
res_type = res_type.InstantiateFrom(instantiator);
name = res_type.BuildName(name_visibility);
const Array& strings = Array::Handle(Array::MakeArray(pieces));
return Symbols::New(String::Handle(String::ConcatAll(strings)));
bool Function::HasInstantiatedSignature() const {
AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle(result_type());
if (!type.IsInstantiated()) {
return false;
const intptr_t num_parameters = NumParameters();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_parameters; i++) {
type = ParameterTypeAt(i);
if (!type.IsInstantiated()) {
return false;
return true;
RawClass* Function::Owner() const {
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->owner_);
if (obj.IsClass()) {
return Class::Cast(obj).raw();
return PatchClass::Cast(obj).patched_class();
RawScript* Function::script() const {
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->owner_);
if (obj.IsClass()) {
return Class::Cast(obj).script();
return PatchClass::Cast(obj).script();
bool Function::HasOptimizedCode() const {
return HasCode() && Code::Handle(raw_ptr()->code_).is_optimized();
RawString* Function::UserVisibleName() const {
const String& str = String::Handle(name());
return IdentifierPrettyName(str);
RawString* Function::QualifiedUserVisibleName() const {
String& tmp = String::Handle();
String& suffix = String::Handle();
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(Owner());
if (IsClosureFunction()) {
if (IsLocalFunction()) {
const Function& parent = Function::Handle(parent_function());
tmp = parent.QualifiedUserVisibleName();
} else {
return UserVisibleName();
} else {
if (cls.IsTopLevel()) {
return UserVisibleName();
} else {
tmp = cls.UserVisibleName();
suffix = Symbols::Dot();
tmp = String::Concat(tmp, suffix);
suffix = UserVisibleName();
return String::Concat(tmp, suffix);
const char* Function::ToCString() const {
const char* static_str = is_static() ? " static" : "";
const char* abstract_str = is_abstract() ? " abstract" : "";
const char* kind_str = NULL;
const char* const_str = is_const() ? " const" : "";
switch (kind()) {
case RawFunction::kRegularFunction:
case RawFunction::kClosureFunction:
case RawFunction::kGetterFunction:
case RawFunction::kSetterFunction:
kind_str = "";
case RawFunction::kSignatureFunction:
kind_str = " signature";
case RawFunction::kConstructor:
kind_str = is_static() ? " factory" : " constructor";
case RawFunction::kImplicitGetter:
kind_str = " getter";
case RawFunction::kImplicitSetter:
kind_str = " setter";
case RawFunction::kConstImplicitGetter:
kind_str = " const-getter";
const char* kFormat = "Function '%s':%s%s%s%s.";
const char* function_name = String::Handle(name()).ToCString();
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, kFormat, function_name,
static_str, abstract_str, kind_str, const_str) + 1;
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, kFormat, function_name,
static_str, abstract_str, kind_str, const_str);
return chars;
void ClosureData::set_context_scope(const ContextScope& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->context_scope_, value.raw());
void ClosureData::set_closure_allocation_stub(const Code& value) const {
ASSERT(raw_ptr()->closure_allocation_stub_ == Code::null());
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->closure_allocation_stub_, value.raw());
void ClosureData::set_parent_function(const Function& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->parent_function_, value.raw());
void ClosureData::set_signature_class(const Class& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->signature_class_, value.raw());
RawClosureData* ClosureData::New() {
ASSERT(Object::closure_data_class() != Class::null());
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(ClosureData::kClassId,
return reinterpret_cast<RawClosureData*>(raw);
const char* ClosureData::ToCString() const {
return "ClosureData class";
void RedirectionData::set_type(const Type& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->type_, value.raw());
void RedirectionData::set_identifier(const String& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->identifier_, value.raw());
void RedirectionData::set_target(const Function& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->target_, value.raw());
RawRedirectionData* RedirectionData::New() {
ASSERT(Object::redirection_data_class() != Class::null());
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(RedirectionData::kClassId,
return reinterpret_cast<RawRedirectionData*>(raw);
const char* RedirectionData::ToCString() const {
return "RedirectionData class";
RawString* Field::GetterName(const String& field_name) {
String& str = String::Handle();
str = String::New(kGetterPrefix);
str = String::Concat(str, field_name);
return str.raw();
RawString* Field::GetterSymbol(const String& field_name) {
String& str = String::Handle();
str = Field::GetterName(field_name);
return Symbols::New(str);
RawString* Field::SetterName(const String& field_name) {
String& str = String::Handle();
str = String::New(kSetterPrefix);
str = String::Concat(str, field_name);
return str.raw();
RawString* Field::SetterSymbol(const String& field_name) {
String& str = String::Handle();
str = Field::SetterName(field_name);
return Symbols::New(str);
RawString* Field::NameFromGetter(const String& getter_name) {
String& str = String::Handle();
str = String::SubString(getter_name, strlen(kGetterPrefix));
return str.raw();
RawString* Field::NameFromSetter(const String& setter_name) {
String& str = String::Handle();
str = String::SubString(setter_name, strlen(kSetterPrefix));
return str.raw();
bool Field::IsGetterName(const String& function_name) {
return function_name.StartsWith(String::Handle(String::New(kGetterPrefix)));
bool Field::IsSetterName(const String& function_name) {
return function_name.StartsWith(String::Handle(String::New(kSetterPrefix)));
void Field::set_name(const String& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->name_, value.raw());
RawInstance* Field::value() const {
ASSERT(is_static()); // Valid only for static dart fields.
return raw_ptr()->value_;
void Field::set_value(const Instance& value) const {
ASSERT(is_static()); // Valid only for static dart fields.
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->value_, value.raw());
void Field::set_type(const AbstractType& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->type_, value.raw());
RawField* Field::New() {
ASSERT(Object::field_class() != Class::null());
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(Field::kClassId,
return reinterpret_cast<RawField*>(raw);
RawField* Field::New(const String& name,
bool is_static,
bool is_final,
bool is_const,
const Class& owner,
intptr_t token_pos) {
const Field& result = Field::Handle(Field::New());
if (is_static) {
} else {
return result.raw();
RawString* Field::UserVisibleName() const {
const String& str = String::Handle(name());
return IdentifierPrettyName(str);
const char* Field::ToCString() const {
const char* kF0 = is_static() ? " static" : "";
const char* kF1 = is_final() ? " final" : "";
const char* kF2 = is_const() ? " const" : "";
const char* kFormat = "Field <%s.%s>:%s%s%s";
const char* field_name = String::Handle(name()).ToCString();
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(owner());
const char* cls_name = String::Handle(cls.Name()).ToCString();
intptr_t len =
OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, kFormat, cls_name, field_name, kF0, kF1, kF2) + 1;
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, kFormat, cls_name, field_name, kF0, kF1, kF2);
return chars;
void LiteralToken::set_literal(const String& literal) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->literal_, literal.raw());
void LiteralToken::set_value(const Object& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->value_, value.raw());
RawLiteralToken* LiteralToken::New() {
ASSERT(Object::literal_token_class() != Class::null());
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(LiteralToken::kClassId,
return reinterpret_cast<RawLiteralToken*>(raw);
RawLiteralToken* LiteralToken::New(Token::Kind kind, const String& literal) {
const LiteralToken& result = LiteralToken::Handle(LiteralToken::New());
if (kind == Token::kINTEGER) {
const Integer& value = Integer::Handle(Integer::New(literal, Heap::kOld));
ASSERT(value.IsSmi() || value.IsOld());
} else if (kind == Token::kDOUBLE) {
const Double& value = Double::Handle(Double::NewCanonical(literal));
} else {
return result.raw();
const char* LiteralToken::ToCString() const {
const String& token = String::Handle(literal());
return token.ToCString();
RawArray* TokenStream::TokenObjects() const {
return raw_ptr()->token_objects_;
void TokenStream::SetTokenObjects(const Array& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->token_objects_, value.raw());
RawExternalUint8Array* TokenStream::GetStream() const {
return raw_ptr()->stream_;
void TokenStream::SetStream(const ExternalUint8Array& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->stream_, value.raw());
void TokenStream::DataFinalizer(void *peer) {
ASSERT(peer != NULL);
RawString* TokenStream::PrivateKey() const {
return raw_ptr()->private_key_;
void TokenStream::SetPrivateKey(const String& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->private_key_, value.raw());
RawString* TokenStream::GenerateSource() const {
Iterator iterator(*this, 0);
const ExternalUint8Array& data = ExternalUint8Array::Handle(GetStream());
const GrowableObjectArray& literals =
const String& private_key = String::Handle(PrivateKey());
intptr_t private_len = private_key.Length();
String& blank = String::Handle(String::New(" "));
String& newline = String::Handle(String::New("\n"));
String& two_newlines = String::Handle(String::New("\n\n"));
String& double_quotes = String::Handle(String::New("\""));
String& dollar = String::Handle(String::New("$"));
String& two_spaces = String::Handle(String::New(" "));
String& raw_string = String::Handle(String::New("r"));
Token::Kind curr = iterator.CurrentTokenKind();
Token::Kind prev = Token::kILLEGAL;
// Handles used in the loop.
Object& obj = Object::Handle();
String& literal = String::Handle();
// Current indentation level.
int indent = 0;
while (curr != Token::kEOS) {
// Remember current values for this token.
obj = iterator.CurrentToken();
literal = iterator.MakeLiteralToken(obj);
// Advance to be able to use next token kind.
Token::Kind next = iterator.CurrentTokenKind();
// Handle the current token.
if (curr == Token::kSTRING) {
bool is_raw_string = false;
bool escape_characters = false;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < literal.Length(); i++) {
if (IsSpecialCharacter(literal.CharAt(i))) {
escape_characters = true;
// TODO(4995): Temp solution for raw strings, this will break
// if we saw a string that is not a raw string but has back slashes
// in it.
if ((literal.CharAt(i) == '\\')) {
if ((next != Token::kINTERPOL_VAR) &&
(next != Token::kINTERPOL_START) &&
(prev != Token::kINTERPOL_VAR) &&
(prev != Token::kINTERPOL_END)) {
is_raw_string = true;
} else {
escape_characters = true;
if ((prev != Token::kINTERPOL_VAR) && (prev != Token::kINTERPOL_END)) {
if (is_raw_string) {
if (escape_characters) {
literal = String::EscapeSpecialCharacters(literal, is_raw_string);
} else {
if ((next != Token::kINTERPOL_VAR) && (next != Token::kINTERPOL_START)) {
} else if (curr == Token::kINTERPOL_VAR) {
if (literal.CharAt(0) == Scanner::kPrivateIdentifierStart) {
literal = String::SubString(literal, 0, literal.Length() - private_len);
} else if (curr == Token::kIDENT) {
if (literal.CharAt(0) == Scanner::kPrivateIdentifierStart) {
literal = String::SubString(literal, 0, literal.Length() - private_len);
} else {
// Determine the separation text based on this current token.
const String* separator = NULL;
switch (curr) {
case Token::kLBRACE:
separator = &newline;
case Token::kRBRACE:
if (indent == 0) {
separator = &two_newlines;
} else {
separator = &newline;
case Token::kSEMICOLON:
separator = &newline;
case Token::kPERIOD:
case Token::kLPAREN:
case Token::kLBRACK:
case Token::kTIGHTADD:
case Token::kINTERPOL_VAR:
case Token::kINTERPOL_START:
case Token::kINTERPOL_END:
separator = &blank;
// Determine whether the separation text needs to be updated based on the
// next token.
switch (next) {
case Token::kRBRACE:
case Token::kSEMICOLON:
case Token::kPERIOD:
case Token::kCOMMA:
case Token::kLPAREN:
case Token::kRPAREN:
case Token::kLBRACK:
case Token::kRBRACK:
case Token::kINTERPOL_VAR:
case Token::kINTERPOL_START:
case Token::kINTERPOL_END:
separator = NULL;
case Token::kELSE:
separator = &blank;
// Do nothing.
// Update the few cases where both tokens need to be taken into account.
if (((curr == Token::kIF) || (curr == Token::kFOR)) &&
(next == Token::kLPAREN)) {
separator = &blank;
} else if ((curr == Token::kASSIGN) && (next == Token::kLPAREN)) {
separator = & blank;
} else if ((curr == Token::kLBRACE) && (next == Token::kRBRACE)) {
separator = NULL;
if (separator != NULL) {
if (separator == &newline) {
for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) {
// Setup for next iteration.
prev = curr;
curr = next;
const Array& source = Array::Handle(Array::MakeArray(literals));
return String::ConcatAll(source);
intptr_t TokenStream::ComputeSourcePosition(intptr_t tok_pos) const {
Iterator iterator(*this, 0);
intptr_t src_pos = 0;
Token::Kind kind = iterator.CurrentTokenKind();
while (iterator.CurrentPosition() < tok_pos && kind != Token::kEOS) {
kind = iterator.CurrentTokenKind();
src_pos += 1;
return src_pos;
intptr_t TokenStream::ComputeTokenPosition(intptr_t src_pos) const {
Iterator iterator(*this, 0);
intptr_t index = 0;
Token::Kind kind = iterator.CurrentTokenKind();
while (index < src_pos && kind != Token::kEOS) {
kind = iterator.CurrentTokenKind();
index += 1;
return iterator.CurrentPosition();
RawTokenStream* TokenStream::New() {
ASSERT(Object::token_stream_class() != Class::null());
TokenStream& result = TokenStream::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(TokenStream::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
RawTokenStream* TokenStream::New(intptr_t len) {
if (len < 0 || len > kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in TokenStream::New: invalid len %"Pd"\n", len);
uint8_t* data = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(::malloc(len));
ASSERT(data != NULL);
const ExternalUint8Array& stream = ExternalUint8Array::Handle(
ExternalUint8Array::New(data, len, data, DataFinalizer, Heap::kOld));
const TokenStream& result = TokenStream::Handle(TokenStream::New());
return result.raw();
// Helper class for creation of compressed token stream data.
class CompressedTokenStreamData : public ValueObject {
static const intptr_t kIncrementSize = 16 * KB;
CompressedTokenStreamData() :
stream_(&buffer_, Reallocate, kIncrementSize),
GrowableObjectArray::New(kInitialTokenCount, Heap::kOld))),
literal_str_(String::Handle()) {
const String& empty_literal = String::Handle();
~CompressedTokenStreamData() {
// Add an IDENT token into the stream and the token objects array.
void AddIdentToken(String* ident) {
if (ident != NULL) {
// If the IDENT token is already in the tokens object array use the
// same index instead of duplicating it.
intptr_t index = FindIdentIndex(ident);
if (index == -1) {
ASSERT(ident != NULL);
} else {
} else {
// Add a LITERAL token into the stream and the token objects array.
void AddLiteralToken(Token::Kind kind, String* literal) {
if (literal != NULL) {
// If the literal token is already in the tokens object array use the
// same index instead of duplicating it.
intptr_t index = FindLiteralIndex(kind, literal);
if (index == -1) {
ASSERT(literal != NULL);
literal_token_ = LiteralToken::New(kind, *literal);
} else {
} else {
// Add a simple token into the stream.
void AddSimpleToken(intptr_t kind) {
// Return the compressed token stream.
uint8_t* GetStream() const { return buffer_; }
// Return the compressed token stream length.
intptr_t Length() const { return stream_.bytes_written(); }
// Return the token objects array.
const GrowableObjectArray& TokenObjects() const {
return token_objects_;
intptr_t FindIdentIndex(String* ident) {
ASSERT(ident != NULL);
intptr_t hash_value = ident->Hash() % kTableSize;
GrowableArray<intptr_t>& value = ident_table_[hash_value];
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) {
intptr_t index = value[i];
token_obj_ = token_objects_.At(index);
if (token_obj_.IsString()) {
const String& ident_str = String::Cast(token_obj_);
if (ident->Equals(ident_str)) {
return index;
return -1;
intptr_t FindLiteralIndex(Token::Kind kind, String* literal) {
ASSERT(literal != NULL);
intptr_t hash_value = literal->Hash() % kTableSize;
GrowableArray<intptr_t>& value = literal_table_[hash_value];
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) {
intptr_t index = value[i];
token_obj_ = token_objects_.At(index);
if (token_obj_.IsLiteralToken()) {
const LiteralToken& token = LiteralToken::Cast(token_obj_);
literal_str_ = token.literal();
if (kind == token.kind() && literal->Equals(literal_str_)) {
return index;
return -1;
void WriteIndex(intptr_t value) {
stream_.WriteUnsigned(value + Token::kNumTokens);
static uint8_t* Reallocate(uint8_t* ptr,
intptr_t old_size,
intptr_t new_size) {
void* new_ptr = ::realloc(reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr), new_size);
return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(new_ptr);
static const int kInitialTokenCount = 32;
static const intptr_t kTableSize = 128;
uint8_t* buffer_;
WriteStream stream_;
GrowableArray<intptr_t> ident_table_[kTableSize];
GrowableArray<intptr_t> literal_table_[kTableSize];
const GrowableObjectArray& token_objects_;
Object& token_obj_;
LiteralToken& literal_token_;
String& literal_str_;
RawTokenStream* TokenStream::New(const Scanner::GrowableTokenStream& tokens,
const String& private_key) {
// Copy the relevant data out of the scanner into a compressed stream of
// tokens.
CompressedTokenStreamData data;
intptr_t len = tokens.length();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Scanner::TokenDescriptor token = tokens[i];
if (token.kind == Token::kIDENT) { // Identifier token.
if (FLAG_compiler_stats) {
CompilerStats::num_ident_tokens_total += 1;
} else if (Token::NeedsLiteralToken(token.kind)) { // Literal token.
if (FLAG_compiler_stats) {
CompilerStats::num_literal_tokens_total += 1;
data.AddLiteralToken(token.kind, token.literal);
} else { // Keyword, pseudo keyword etc.
ASSERT(token.kind < Token::kNumTokens);
if (FLAG_compiler_stats) {
CompilerStats::num_tokens_total += len;
data.AddSimpleToken(Token::kEOS); // End of stream.
// Create and setup the token stream object.
const ExternalUint8Array& stream = ExternalUint8Array::Handle(
const TokenStream& result = TokenStream::Handle(New());
NoGCScope no_gc;
const Array& tokens = Array::Handle(Array::MakeArray(data.TokenObjects()));
return result.raw();
const char* TokenStream::ToCString() const {
return "TokenStream";
TokenStream::Iterator::Iterator(const TokenStream& tokens, intptr_t token_pos)
: tokens_(tokens),
stream_(data_.ByteAddr(0), data_.Length()),
cur_token_obj_index_(-1) {
bool TokenStream::Iterator::IsValid() const {
return !tokens_.IsNull();
Token::Kind TokenStream::Iterator::LookaheadTokenKind(intptr_t num_tokens) {
intptr_t saved_position = stream_.Position();
Token::Kind kind = Token::kILLEGAL;
intptr_t value = -1;
intptr_t count = 0;
while (count < num_tokens && value != Token::kEOS) {
value = ReadToken();
count += 1;
if (value < Token::kNumTokens) {
kind = static_cast<Token::Kind>(value);
} else {
value = value - Token::kNumTokens;
obj_ = token_objects_.At(value);
if (obj_.IsLiteralToken()) {
const LiteralToken& literal_token = LiteralToken::Cast(obj_);
kind = literal_token.kind();
} else {
ASSERT(obj_.IsString()); // Must be an identifier.
kind = Token::kIDENT;
return kind;
intptr_t TokenStream::Iterator::CurrentPosition() const {
return cur_token_pos_;
void TokenStream::Iterator::SetCurrentPosition(intptr_t value) {
void TokenStream::Iterator::Advance() {
cur_token_pos_ = stream_.Position();
intptr_t value = ReadToken();
if (value < Token::kNumTokens) {
cur_token_kind_ = static_cast<Token::Kind>(value);
cur_token_obj_index_ = -1;
cur_token_obj_index_ = value - Token::kNumTokens;
obj_ = token_objects_.At(cur_token_obj_index_);
if (obj_.IsLiteralToken()) {
const LiteralToken& literal_token = LiteralToken::Cast(obj_);
cur_token_kind_ = literal_token.kind();
ASSERT(obj_.IsString()); // Must be an identifier.
cur_token_kind_ = Token::kIDENT;
RawObject* TokenStream::Iterator::CurrentToken() const {
if (cur_token_obj_index_ != -1) {
return token_objects_.At(cur_token_obj_index_);
} else {
return Smi::New(cur_token_kind_);
RawString* TokenStream::Iterator::CurrentLiteral() const {
obj_ = CurrentToken();
return MakeLiteralToken(obj_);
RawString* TokenStream::Iterator::MakeLiteralToken(const Object& obj) const {
if (obj.IsString()) {
return reinterpret_cast<RawString*>(obj.raw());
} else if (obj.IsSmi()) {
Token::Kind kind = static_cast<Token::Kind>(
ASSERT(kind < Token::kNumTokens);
if (Token::IsPseudoKeyword(kind) || Token::IsKeyword(kind)) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ObjectStore* object_store = isolate->object_store();
String& str = String::Handle(isolate, String::null());
const Array& symbols = Array::Handle(isolate,
str ^= symbols.At(kind - Token::kFirstKeyword);
return str.raw();
return Symbols::New(Token::Str(kind));
} else {
ASSERT(obj.IsLiteralToken()); // Must be a literal token.
const LiteralToken& literal_token = LiteralToken::Cast(obj);
return literal_token.literal();
bool Script::HasSource() const {
return raw_ptr()->source_ != String::null();
RawString* Script::Source() const {
String& source = String::Handle(raw_ptr()->source_);
if (source.IsNull()) {
const TokenStream& token_stream = TokenStream::Handle(tokens());
return token_stream.GenerateSource();
} else {
return raw_ptr()->source_;
void Script::set_url(const String& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->url_, value.raw());
void Script::set_source(const String& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->source_, value.raw());
void Script::set_kind(RawScript::Kind value) const {
raw_ptr()->kind_ = value;
void Script::set_tokens(const TokenStream& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->tokens_, value.raw());
void Script::Tokenize(const String& private_key) const {
const TokenStream& tkns = TokenStream::Handle(tokens());
if (!tkns.IsNull()) {
// Already tokenized.
// Get the source, scan and allocate the token stream.
TimerScope timer(FLAG_compiler_stats, &CompilerStats::scanner_timer);
const String& src = String::Handle(Source());
Scanner scanner(src, private_key);
if (FLAG_compiler_stats) {
CompilerStats::src_length += src.Length();
void Script::GetTokenLocation(intptr_t token_pos,
intptr_t* line,
intptr_t* column) const {
const String& src = String::Handle(Source());
const String& dummy_key = String::Handle(Symbols::Empty());
const TokenStream& tkns = TokenStream::Handle(tokens());
intptr_t src_pos = tkns.ComputeSourcePosition(token_pos);
Scanner scanner(src, dummy_key);
*line = scanner.CurrentPosition().line;
*column = scanner.CurrentPosition().column;
void Script::TokenRangeAtLine(intptr_t line_number,
intptr_t* first_token_index,
intptr_t* last_token_index) const {
const String& src = String::Handle(Source());
const String& dummy_key = String::Handle(Symbols::Empty());
const TokenStream& tkns = TokenStream::Handle(tokens());
Scanner scanner(src, dummy_key);
scanner.TokenRangeAtLine(line_number, first_token_index, last_token_index);
if (*first_token_index >= 0) {
*first_token_index = tkns.ComputeTokenPosition(*first_token_index);
if (*last_token_index >= 0) {
*last_token_index = tkns.ComputeTokenPosition(*last_token_index);
RawString* Script::GetLine(intptr_t line_number) const {
const String& src = String::Handle(Source());
intptr_t current_line = 1;
intptr_t line_start = -1;
intptr_t last_char = -1;
for (intptr_t ix = 0;
(ix < src.Length()) && (current_line <= line_number);
ix++) {
if ((current_line == line_number) && (line_start < 0)) {
line_start = ix;
if (src.CharAt(ix) == '\n') {
} else if (src.CharAt(ix) == '\r') {
if ((ix + 1 != src.Length()) && (src.CharAt(ix + 1) != '\n')) {
} else {
last_char = ix;
// Guarantee that returned string is never NULL.
String& line = String::Handle(Symbols::Empty());
if (line_start >= 0) {
line = String::SubString(src, line_start, last_char - line_start + 1);
return line.raw();
RawString* Script::GetSnippet(intptr_t from_line,
intptr_t from_column,
intptr_t to_line,
intptr_t to_column) const {
const String& src = String::Handle(Source());
intptr_t length = src.Length();
intptr_t line = 1;
intptr_t column = 1;
intptr_t lookahead = 0;
intptr_t snippet_start = -1;
intptr_t snippet_end = -1;
char c = src.CharAt(lookahead);
while (lookahead != length) {
if (snippet_start == -1) {
if ((line == from_line) && (column == from_column)) {
snippet_start = lookahead;
} else if ((line == to_line) && (column == to_column)) {
snippet_end = lookahead;
if (c == '\n') {
column = 0;
if (lookahead != length) {
// Replace '\r' with '\n' and a sequence of '\r' '\n' with a single '\n'.
if (src.CharAt(lookahead) == '\r') {
c = '\n';
if (lookahead + 1 != length && src.CharAt(lookahead) == '\n') {
} else {
c = src.CharAt(lookahead);
String& snippet = String::Handle();
if ((snippet_start != -1) && (snippet_end != -1)) {
snippet =
String::SubString(src, snippet_start, snippet_end - snippet_start);
return snippet.raw();
RawScript* Script::New() {
ASSERT(Object::script_class() != Class::null());
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(Script::kClassId,
return reinterpret_cast<RawScript*>(raw);
RawScript* Script::New(const String& url,
const String& source,
RawScript::Kind kind) {
const Script& result = Script::Handle(Script::New());
return result.raw();
const char* Script::ToCString() const {
return "Script";
DictionaryIterator::DictionaryIterator(const Library& library)
: array_(Array::Handle(library.dictionary())),
// Last element in array is a Smi.
size_(Array::Handle(library.dictionary()).Length() - 1),
next_ix_(0) {
RawObject* DictionaryIterator::GetNext() {
int ix = next_ix_++;
ASSERT(array_.At(ix) != Object::null());
return array_.At(ix);
void DictionaryIterator::MoveToNextObject() {
Object& obj = Object::Handle(array_.At(next_ix_));
while (obj.IsNull() && HasNext()) {
obj = array_.At(next_ix_);
ClassDictionaryIterator::ClassDictionaryIterator(const Library& library)
: DictionaryIterator(library) {
RawClass* ClassDictionaryIterator::GetNextClass() {
int ix = next_ix_++;
Object& obj = Object::Handle(array_.At(ix));
return Class::Cast(obj).raw();
void ClassDictionaryIterator::MoveToNextClass() {
Object& obj = Object::Handle(array_.At(next_ix_));
while (!obj.IsClass() && HasNext()) {
obj = array_.At(next_ix_);
LibraryPrefixIterator::LibraryPrefixIterator(const Library& library)
: DictionaryIterator(library) {
RawLibraryPrefix* LibraryPrefixIterator::GetNext() {
int ix = next_ix_++;
Object& obj = Object::Handle(array_.At(ix));
return LibraryPrefix::Cast(obj).raw();
void LibraryPrefixIterator::Advance() {
Object& obj = Object::Handle(array_.At(next_ix_));
while (!obj.IsLibraryPrefix() && HasNext()) {
obj = array_.At(next_ix_);
void Library::SetName(const String& name) const {
// Only set name once.
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->name_, name.raw());
void Library::SetLoadInProgress() const {
// Should not be already loaded.
ASSERT(raw_ptr()->load_state_ == RawLibrary::kAllocated);
raw_ptr()->load_state_ = RawLibrary::kLoadInProgress;
void Library::SetLoaded() const {
// Should not be already loaded or just allocated.
raw_ptr()->load_state_ = RawLibrary::kLoaded;
void Library::SetLoadError() const {
// Should not be already loaded or just allocated.
raw_ptr()->load_state_ = RawLibrary::kLoadError;
void Library::GrowDictionary(const Array& dict, intptr_t dict_size) const {
// TODO(iposva): Avoid exponential growth.
intptr_t new_dict_size = dict_size * 2;
const Array& new_dict =
Array::Handle(Array::New(new_dict_size + 1, Heap::kOld));
// Rehash all elements from the original dictionary
// to the newly allocated array.
Object& entry = Class::Handle();
String& entry_name = String::Handle();
Object& new_entry = Object::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < dict_size; i++) {
entry = dict.At(i);
if (!entry.IsNull()) {
entry_name = entry.DictionaryName();
intptr_t hash = entry_name.Hash();
intptr_t index = hash % new_dict_size;
new_entry = new_dict.At(index);
while (!new_entry.IsNull()) {
index = (index + 1) % new_dict_size; // Move to next element.
new_entry = new_dict.At(index);
new_dict.SetAt(index, entry);
// Copy used count.
new_entry = dict.At(dict_size);
new_dict.SetAt(new_dict_size, new_entry);
// Remember the new dictionary now.
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->dictionary_, new_dict.raw());
void Library::AddObject(const Object& obj, const String& name) const {
ASSERT(obj.IsClass() ||
obj.IsFunction() ||
obj.IsField() ||
ASSERT(LookupLocalObject(name) == Object::null());
const Array& dict = Array::Handle(dictionary());
intptr_t dict_size = dict.Length() - 1;
intptr_t index = name.Hash() % dict_size;
Object& entry = Object::Handle();
entry = dict.At(index);
// An empty spot will be found because we keep the hash set at most 75% full.
while (!entry.IsNull()) {
index = (index + 1) % dict_size;
entry = dict.At(index);
// Insert the object at the empty slot.
dict.SetAt(index, obj);
Smi& used = Smi::Handle();
used ^= dict.At(dict_size);
intptr_t used_elements = used.Value() + 1; // One more element added.
used = Smi::New(used_elements);
dict.SetAt(dict_size, used); // Update used count.
// Rehash if symbol_table is 75% full.
if (used_elements > ((dict_size / 4) * 3)) {
GrowDictionary(dict, dict_size);
// Invalidate the cache of loaded scripts.
if (loaded_scripts() != Array::null()) {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->loaded_scripts_, Array::null());
// Lookup a name in the library's export namespace.
RawObject* Library::LookupExport(const String& name) const {
if (HasExports()) {
const Array& exports = Array::Handle(this->exports());
Namespace& ns = Namespace::Handle();
Object& obj = Object::Handle();
for (int i = 0; i < exports.Length(); i++) {
ns ^= exports.At(i);
obj = ns.Lookup(name);
if (!obj.IsNull()) {
return obj.raw();
return Object::null();
RawObject* Library::LookupEntry(const String& name, intptr_t *index) const {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Array& dict = Array::Handle(isolate, dictionary());
intptr_t dict_size = dict.Length() - 1;
*index = name.Hash() % dict_size;
Object& entry = Object::Handle(isolate);
String& entry_name = String::Handle(isolate);
entry = dict.At(*index);
// Search the entry in the hash set.
while (!entry.IsNull()) {
entry_name = entry.DictionaryName();
if (entry_name.Equals(name)) {
return entry.raw();
*index = (*index + 1) % dict_size;
entry = dict.At(*index);
return Object::null();
void Library::ReplaceObject(const Object& obj, const String& name) const {
ASSERT(obj.IsClass() || obj.IsFunction() || obj.IsField());
ASSERT(LookupLocalObject(name) != Object::null());
intptr_t index;
LookupEntry(name, &index);
// The value is guaranteed to be found.
const Array& dict = Array::Handle(dictionary());
dict.SetAt(index, obj);
void Library::AddClass(const Class& cls) const {
AddObject(cls, String::Handle(cls.Name()));
// Link class to this library.
RawArray* Library::LoadedScripts() const {
// We compute the list of loaded scripts lazily. The result is
// cached in loaded_scripts_.
if (loaded_scripts() == Array::null()) {
// Iterate over the library dictionary and collect all scripts.
const GrowableObjectArray& scripts =
Object& entry = Object::Handle();
Class& cls = Class::Handle();
Script& owner_script = Script::Handle();
DictionaryIterator it(*this);
Script& script_obj = Script::Handle();
while (it.HasNext()) {
entry = it.GetNext();
if (entry.IsClass()) {
owner_script = Class::Cast(entry).script();
} else if (entry.IsFunction()) {
owner_script = Function::Cast(entry).script();
} else if (entry.IsField()) {
cls = Field::Cast(entry).owner();
owner_script = cls.script();
} else {
if (owner_script.IsNull()) {
bool is_unique = true;
for (int i = 0; i < scripts.Length(); i++) {
script_obj ^= scripts.At(i);
if (script_obj.raw() == owner_script.raw()) {
// We already have a reference to this script.
is_unique = false;
if (is_unique) {
// Add script to the list of scripts.
// Create the array of scripts and cache it in loaded_scripts_.
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->loaded_scripts_, Array::MakeArray(scripts));
return loaded_scripts();
// TODO(hausner): we might want to add a script dictionary to the
// library class to make this lookup faster.
RawScript* Library::LookupScript(const String& url) const {
const Array& scripts = Array::Handle(LoadedScripts());
Script& script = Script::Handle();
String& script_url = String::Handle();
intptr_t num_scripts = scripts.Length();
for (int i = 0; i < num_scripts; i++) {
script ^= scripts.At(i);
script_url = script.url();
if (script_url.Equals(url)) {
return script.raw();
return Script::null();
RawFunction* Library::LookupFunctionInSource(const String& script_url,
intptr_t line_number) const {
Script& script = Script::Handle(LookupScript(script_url));
if (script.IsNull()) {
// The given script url is not loaded into this library.
return Function::null();
// Determine token position at given line number.
intptr_t first_token_pos, last_token_pos;
script.TokenRangeAtLine(line_number, &first_token_pos, &last_token_pos);
if (first_token_pos < 0) {
// Script does not contain the given line number.
return Function::null();
return LookupFunctionInScript(script, first_token_pos);
RawFunction* Library::LookupFunctionInScript(const Script& script,
intptr_t token_pos) const {
Class& cls = Class::Handle();
Function& func = Function::Handle();
ClassDictionaryIterator it(*this);
while (it.HasNext()) {
cls = it.GetNextClass();
if (script.raw() == cls.script()) {
func = cls.LookupFunctionAtToken(token_pos);
if (!func.IsNull()) {
return func.raw();
// Look in anonymous classes for toplevel functions.
Array& anon_classes = Array::Handle(this->raw_ptr()->anonymous_classes_);
intptr_t num_anonymous = raw_ptr()->num_anonymous_;
for (int i = 0; i < num_anonymous; i++) {
cls ^= anon_classes.At(i);
if (script.raw() == cls.script()) {
func = cls.LookupFunctionAtToken(token_pos);
if (!func.IsNull()) {
return func.raw();
return Function::null();
RawObject* Library::LookupLocalObject(const String& name) const {
intptr_t index;
return LookupEntry(name, &index);
static bool ShouldBePrivate(const String& name) {
(name.Length() >= 1 &&
name.CharAt(0) == '_') ||
(name.Length() >= 5 &&
(name.CharAt(4) == '_' &&
(name.CharAt(0) == 'g' || name.CharAt(0) == 's') &&
name.CharAt(1) == 'e' &&
name.CharAt(2) == 't' &&
name.CharAt(3) == ':'));
RawField* Library::LookupFieldAllowPrivate(const String& name) const {
// First check if name is found in the local scope of the library.
Field& field = Field::Handle(LookupLocalField(name));
if (!field.IsNull()) {
return field.raw();
// Do not look up private names in imported libraries.
if (ShouldBePrivate(name)) {
return Field::null();
// Now check if name is found in any imported libs.
const Array& imports = Array::Handle(this->imports());
Namespace& import = Namespace::Handle();
Object& obj = Object::Handle();
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < this->num_imports(); j++) {
import ^= imports.At(j);
obj = import.Lookup(name);
if (!obj.IsNull() && obj.IsField()) {
field ^= obj.raw();
return field.raw();
return Field::null();
RawField* Library::LookupLocalField(const String& name) const {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
Field& field = Field::Handle(isolate, Field::null());
Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Object::null());
obj = LookupLocalObject(name);
if (obj.IsNull() && ShouldBePrivate(name)) {
String& private_name = String::Handle(isolate, PrivateName(name));
obj = LookupLocalObject(private_name);
if (!obj.IsNull()) {
if (obj.IsField()) {
field ^= obj.raw();
return field.raw();
// No field found.
return Field::null();
RawFunction* Library::LookupFunctionAllowPrivate(const String& name) const {
// First check if name is found in the local scope of the library.
Function& function = Function::Handle(LookupLocalFunction(name));
if (!function.IsNull()) {
return function.raw();
// Do not look up private names in imported libraries.
if (ShouldBePrivate(name)) {
return Function::null();
// Now check if name is found in any imported libs.
const Array& imports = Array::Handle(this->imports());
Namespace& import = Namespace::Handle();
Object& obj = Object::Handle();
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < this->num_imports(); j++) {
import ^= imports.At(j);
obj = import.Lookup(name);
if (!obj.IsNull() && obj.IsFunction()) {
function ^= obj.raw();
return function.raw();
return Function::null();
RawFunction* Library::LookupLocalFunction(const String& name) const {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
Object& obj = Object::Handle(isolate, Object::null());
obj = LookupLocalObject(name);
if (obj.IsNull() && ShouldBePrivate(name)) {
String& private_name = String::Handle(isolate, PrivateName(name));
obj = LookupLocalObject(private_name);
if (obj.IsFunction()) {
return Function::Cast(obj).raw();
// No function found.
return Function::null();
RawObject* Library::LookupObject(const String& name) const {
// First check if name is found in the local scope of the library.
Object& obj = Object::Handle(LookupLocalObject(name));
if (!obj.IsNull()) {
return obj.raw();
// Now check if name is found in any imported libs.
const Array& imports = Array::Handle(this->imports());
Namespace& import = Namespace::Handle();
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < this->num_imports(); j++) {
import ^= imports.At(j);
obj = import.Lookup(name);
if (!obj.IsNull()) {
return obj.raw();
return Object::null();
RawClass* Library::LookupClass(const String& name) const {
Object& obj = Object::Handle(LookupObject(name));
if (!obj.IsNull() && obj.IsClass()) {
return Class::CheckedHandle(obj.raw()).raw();
return Class::null();
RawClass* Library::LookupLocalClass(const String& name) const {
Object& obj = Object::Handle(LookupLocalObject(name));
if (!obj.IsNull() && obj.IsClass()) {
return Class::CheckedHandle(obj.raw()).raw();
return Class::null();
RawClass* Library::LookupClassAllowPrivate(const String& name) const {
// See if the class is available in this library or in the top level
// scope of any imported library.
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(isolate, LookupClass(name));
if (!cls.IsNull()) {
return cls.raw();
// Now try to lookup the class using its private name, but only in
// this library (not in imported libraries).
if (ShouldBePrivate(name)) {
String& private_name = String::Handle(isolate, PrivateName(name));
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(LookupLocalObject(private_name));
if (obj.IsClass()) {
return Class::Cast(obj).raw();
return Class::null();
RawLibraryPrefix* Library::LookupLocalLibraryPrefix(const String& name) const {
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(LookupLocalObject(name));
if (obj.IsLibraryPrefix()) {
return LibraryPrefix::Cast(obj).raw();
return LibraryPrefix::null();
void Library::AddAnonymousClass(const Class& cls) const {
intptr_t num_anonymous = this->raw_ptr()->num_anonymous_;
Array& anon_array = Array::Handle(this->raw_ptr()->anonymous_classes_);
if (num_anonymous == anon_array.Length()) {
intptr_t new_len = (num_anonymous == 0) ? 4 : num_anonymous * 2;
anon_array = Array::Grow(anon_array, new_len);
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->anonymous_classes_, anon_array.raw());
anon_array.SetAt(num_anonymous, cls);
raw_ptr()->num_anonymous_ = num_anonymous;
RawLibrary* Library::ImportLibraryAt(intptr_t index) const {
Namespace& import = Namespace::Handle(ImportAt(index));
if (import.IsNull()) {
return Library::null();
return import.library();
RawNamespace* Library::ImportAt(intptr_t index) const {
if ((index < 0) || index >= num_imports()) {
return Namespace::null();
const Array& import_list = Array::Handle(imports());
Namespace& import = Namespace::Handle();
import ^= import_list.At(index);
return import.raw();
bool Library::ImportsCorelib() const {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
Library& imported = Library::Handle(isolate);
intptr_t count = num_imports();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
imported = ImportLibraryAt(i);
if (imported.IsCoreLibrary()) {
return true;
LibraryPrefix& prefix = LibraryPrefix::Handle(isolate);
LibraryPrefixIterator it(*this);
while (it.HasNext()) {
prefix = it.GetNext();
count = prefix.num_imports();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
imported = prefix.GetLibrary(i);
if (imported.IsCoreLibrary()) {
return true;
return false;
void Library::AddImport(const Namespace& ns) const {
Array& imports = Array::Handle(this->imports());
intptr_t capacity = imports.Length();
if (num_imports() == capacity) {
capacity = capacity + kImportsCapacityIncrement;
imports = Array::Grow(imports, capacity);
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->imports_, imports.raw());
intptr_t index = num_imports();
imports.SetAt(index, ns);
set_num_imports(index + 1);
// Convenience function to determine whether the export list is
// non-empty.
bool Library::HasExports() const {
return exports() != Object::empty_array();
// We add one namespace at a time to the exports array and don't
// pre-allocate any unused capacity. The assumption is that
// re-exports are quite rare.
void Library::AddExport(const Namespace& ns) const {
Array &exports = Array::Handle(this->exports());
intptr_t num_exports = exports.Length();
exports = Array::Grow(exports, num_exports + 1);
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->exports_, exports.raw());
exports.SetAt(num_exports, ns);
void Library::InitClassDictionary() const {
// The last element of the dictionary specifies the number of in use slots.
// TODO(iposva): Find reasonable initial size.
const int kInitialElementCount = 16;
const Array& dictionary =
Array::Handle(Array::New(kInitialElementCount + 1, Heap::kOld));
dictionary.SetAt(kInitialElementCount, Smi::Handle(Smi::New(0)));
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->dictionary_, dictionary.raw());
void Library::InitImportList() const {
const Array& imports =
Array::Handle(Array::New(kInitialImportsCapacity, Heap::kOld));
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->imports_, imports.raw());
raw_ptr()->num_imports_ = 0;
RawLibrary* Library::New() {
ASSERT(Object::library_class() != Class::null());
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(Library::kClassId,
return reinterpret_cast<RawLibrary*>(raw);
RawLibrary* Library::NewLibraryHelper(const String& url,
bool import_core_lib) {
const Library& result = Library::Handle(Library::New());
result.StorePointer(&result.raw_ptr()->name_, url.raw());
result.StorePointer(&result.raw_ptr()->url_, url.raw());
result.raw_ptr()->private_key_ = Scanner::AllocatePrivateKey(result);
result.raw_ptr()->dictionary_ = Object::empty_array();
result.raw_ptr()->anonymous_classes_ = Object::empty_array();
result.raw_ptr()->num_anonymous_ = 0;
result.raw_ptr()->imports_ = Object::empty_array();
result.raw_ptr()->exports_ = Object::empty_array();
result.raw_ptr()->loaded_scripts_ = Array::null();
result.raw_ptr()->corelib_imported_ = true;
result.raw_ptr()->load_state_ = RawLibrary::kAllocated;
result.raw_ptr()->index_ = -1;
if (import_core_lib) {
const Library& core_lib = Library::Handle(Library::CoreLibrary());
const Namespace& ns = Namespace::Handle(
Namespace::New(core_lib, Array::Handle(), Array::Handle()));
return result.raw();
RawLibrary* Library::New(const String& url) {
return NewLibraryHelper(url, false);
void Library::InitCoreLibrary(Isolate* isolate) {
const String& core_lib_url = String::Handle(Symbols::New("dart:core"));
const Library& core_lib =
Library::Handle(Library::NewLibraryHelper(core_lib_url, false));
const Namespace& core_ns = Namespace::Handle(
Namespace::New(core_lib, Array::Handle(), Array::Handle()));
const String& core_impl_lib_url =
const Library& core_impl_lib =
Library::Handle(Library::NewLibraryHelper(core_impl_lib_url, false));
const Namespace& impl_ns = Namespace::Handle(
Namespace::New(core_impl_lib, Array::Handle(), Array::Handle()));
const Library& math_lib = Library::Handle(Library::MathLibrary());
const Namespace& math_ns = Namespace::Handle(
Namespace::New(math_lib, Array::Handle(), Array::Handle()));
// Hook up predefined classes without setting their library pointers. These
// classes are coming from the VM isolate, and are shared between multiple
// isolates so setting their library pointers would be wrong.
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(Object::dynamic_class());
core_lib.AddObject(cls, String::Handle(cls.Name()));
void Library::InitMathLibrary(Isolate* isolate) {
const String& url = String::Handle(Symbols::New("dart:math"));
const Library& lib = Library::Handle(Library::NewLibraryHelper(url, true));
const Library& core_impl_lib = Library::Handle(Library::CoreImplLibrary());
const Namespace& impl_ns = Namespace::Handle(
Namespace::New(core_impl_lib, Array::Handle(), Array::Handle()));
void Library::InitIsolateLibrary(Isolate* isolate) {
const String& url = String::Handle(Symbols::New("dart:isolate"));
const Library& lib = Library::Handle(Library::NewLibraryHelper(url, true));
void Library::InitMirrorsLibrary(Isolate* isolate) {
const String& url = String::Handle(Symbols::New("dart:mirrors"));
const Library& lib = Library::Handle(Library::NewLibraryHelper(url, true));
const Library& isolate_lib = Library::Handle(Library::IsolateLibrary());
const Namespace& isolate_ns = Namespace::Handle(
Namespace::New(isolate_lib, Array::Handle(), Array::Handle()));
const Library& wrappers_lib =
const Namespace& wrappers_ns = Namespace::Handle(
Namespace::New(wrappers_lib, Array::Handle(), Array::Handle()));
void Library::InitScalarlistLibrary(Isolate* isolate) {
const String& url = String::Handle(Symbols::New("dart:scalarlist"));
const Library& lib = Library::Handle(Library::NewLibraryHelper(url, true));
const Library& core_impl_lib = Library::Handle(Library::CoreImplLibrary());
const Namespace& impl_ns = Namespace::Handle(
Namespace::New(core_impl_lib, Array::Handle(), Array::Handle()));
void Library::InitNativeWrappersLibrary(Isolate* isolate) {
static const int kNumNativeWrappersClasses = 4;
ASSERT(kNumNativeWrappersClasses > 0 && kNumNativeWrappersClasses < 10);
const String& native_flds_lib_url = String::Handle(
const Library& native_flds_lib = Library::Handle(
Library::NewLibraryHelper(native_flds_lib_url, false));
static const char* const kNativeWrappersClass = "NativeFieldWrapperClass";
static const int kNameLength = 25;
ASSERT(kNameLength == (strlen(kNativeWrappersClass) + 1 + 1));
char name_buffer[kNameLength];
String& cls_name = String::Handle();
for (int fld_cnt = 1; fld_cnt <= kNumNativeWrappersClasses; fld_cnt++) {
cls_name = Symbols::New(name_buffer);
Class::NewNativeWrapper(native_flds_lib, cls_name, fld_cnt);
RawLibrary* Library::LookupLibrary(const String &url) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
Library& lib = Library::Handle(isolate, Library::null());
String& lib_url = String::Handle(isolate, String::null());
GrowableObjectArray& libs = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(
isolate, isolate->object_store()->libraries());
for (int i = 0; i < libs.Length(); i++) {
lib ^= libs.At(i);
lib_url = lib.url();
if (lib_url.Equals(url)) {
return lib.raw();
return Library::null();
RawError* Library::Patch(const Script& script) const {
ASSERT(script.kind() == RawScript::kPatchTag);
return Compiler::Compile(*this, script);
bool Library::IsKeyUsed(intptr_t key) {
intptr_t lib_key;
const GrowableObjectArray& libs = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(
Library& lib = Library::Handle();
String& lib_url = String::Handle();
for (int i = 0; i < libs.Length(); i++) {
lib ^= libs.At(i);
lib_url ^= lib.url();
lib_key = lib_url.Hash();
if (lib_key == key) {
return true;
return false;
RawString* Library::PrivateName(const String& name) const {
// ASSERT(strchr(name, '@') == NULL);
String& str = String::Handle();
str ^= name.raw();
str = String::Concat(str, String::Handle(this->private_key()));
str = Symbols::New(str);
return str.raw();
RawLibrary* Library::GetLibrary(intptr_t index) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const GrowableObjectArray& libs =
if ((0 <= index) && (index < libs.Length())) {
Library& lib = Library::Handle();
lib ^= libs.At(index);
return lib.raw();
return Library::null();
void Library::Register() const {
ASSERT(Library::LookupLibrary(String::Handle(url())) == Library::null());
ObjectStore* object_store = Isolate::Current()->object_store();
GrowableObjectArray& libs =
RawLibrary* Library::CoreLibrary() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->core_library();
RawLibrary* Library::CoreImplLibrary() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->core_impl_library();
RawLibrary* Library::MathLibrary() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->math_library();
RawLibrary* Library::IsolateLibrary() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->isolate_library();
RawLibrary* Library::MirrorsLibrary() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->mirrors_library();
RawLibrary* Library::ScalarlistLibrary() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->scalarlist_library();
RawLibrary* Library::NativeWrappersLibrary() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->native_wrappers_library();
const char* Library::ToCString() const {
const char* kFormat = "Library:'%s'";
const String& name = String::Handle(url());
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, kFormat, name.ToCString()) + 1;
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, kFormat, name.ToCString());
return chars;
RawLibrary* LibraryPrefix::GetLibrary(int index) const {
if ((index >= 0) || (index < num_imports())) {
const Array& imports = Array::Handle(this->imports());
const Namespace& import = Namespace::CheckedHandle(imports.At(index));
return import.library();
return Library::null();
bool LibraryPrefix::ContainsLibrary(const Library& library) const {
intptr_t num_current_imports = num_imports();
if (num_current_imports > 0) {
Library& lib = Library::Handle();
const String& url = String::Handle(library.url());
String& lib_url = String::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_current_imports; i++) {
lib = GetLibrary(i);
lib_url = lib.url();
if (url.Equals(lib_url)) {
return true;
return false;
void LibraryPrefix::AddImport(const Namespace& import) const {
intptr_t num_current_imports = num_imports();
// The library needs to be added to the list.
Array& imports = Array::Handle(this->imports());
const intptr_t length = (imports.IsNull()) ? 0 : imports.Length();
// Grow the list if it is full.
if (num_current_imports >= length) {
const intptr_t new_length = length + kIncrementSize;
imports = Array::Grow(imports, new_length, Heap::kOld);
imports.SetAt(num_current_imports, import);
set_num_imports(num_current_imports + 1);
RawClass* LibraryPrefix::LookupLocalClass(const String& class_name) const {
Array& imports = Array::Handle(this->imports());
Object& obj = Object::Handle();
Namespace& import = Namespace::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_imports(); i++) {
import ^= imports.At(i);
obj = import.Lookup(class_name);
if (!obj.IsNull() && obj.IsClass()) {
// TODO(hausner):
return Class::Cast(obj).raw();
return Class::null();
RawLibraryPrefix* LibraryPrefix::New() {
ASSERT(Object::library_prefix_class() != Class::null());
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(LibraryPrefix::kClassId,
return reinterpret_cast<RawLibraryPrefix*>(raw);
RawLibraryPrefix* LibraryPrefix::New(const String& name,
const Namespace& import) {
const LibraryPrefix& result = LibraryPrefix::Handle(LibraryPrefix::New());
return result.raw();
void LibraryPrefix::set_name(const String& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->name_, value.raw());
void LibraryPrefix::set_imports(const Array& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->imports_, value.raw());
void LibraryPrefix::set_num_imports(intptr_t value) const {
raw_ptr()->num_imports_ = value;
const char* LibraryPrefix::ToCString() const {
const char* kFormat = "LibraryPrefix:'%s'";
const String& prefix = String::Handle(name());
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, kFormat, prefix.ToCString()) + 1;
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, kFormat, prefix.ToCString());
return chars;
const char* Namespace::ToCString() const {
const char* kFormat = "Namespace for library '%s'";
const Library& lib = Library::Handle(library());
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, kFormat, lib.ToCString()) + 1;
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, kFormat, lib.ToCString());
return chars;
bool Namespace::HidesName(const String& name) const {
// Check whether the name is in the list of explicitly hidden names.
if (hide_names() != Array::null()) {
const Array& names = Array::Handle(hide_names());
String& hidden = String::Handle();
intptr_t num_names = names.Length();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_names; i++) {
hidden ^= names.At(i);
if (name.Equals(hidden)) {
return true;
// The name is not explicitly hidden. Now check whether it is in the
// list of explicitly visible names, if there is one.
if (show_names() != Array::null()) {
const Array& names = Array::Handle(show_names());
String& shown = String::Handle();
intptr_t num_names = names.Length();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_names; i++) {
shown ^= names.At(i);
if (name.Equals(shown)) {
return false;
// There is a list of visible names. The name we're looking for is not
// contained in the list, so it is hidden.
return true;
// The name is not filtered out.
return false;
RawObject* Namespace::Lookup(const String& name) const {
const Library& lib = Library::Handle(library());
intptr_t ignore = 0;
// Lookup the name in the library's symbols.
Object& obj = Object::Handle(lib.LookupEntry(name, &ignore));
if (obj.IsNull()) {
// Lookup in the re-exported symbols.
obj = lib.LookupExport(name);
if (obj.IsNull() || HidesName(name)) {
return Object::null();
return obj.raw();
RawNamespace* Namespace::New() {
ASSERT(Object::namespace_class() != Class::null());
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(Namespace::kClassId,
return reinterpret_cast<RawNamespace*>(raw);
RawNamespace* Namespace::New(const Library& library,
const Array& show_names,
const Array& hide_names) {
ASSERT(show_names.IsNull() || (show_names.Length() > 0));
ASSERT(hide_names.IsNull() || (hide_names.Length() > 0));
const Namespace& result = Namespace::Handle(Namespace::New());
result.StorePointer(&result.raw_ptr()->library_, library.raw());
result.StorePointer(&result.raw_ptr()->show_names_, show_names.raw());
result.StorePointer(&result.raw_ptr()->hide_names_, hide_names.raw());
return result.raw();
RawError* Library::CompileAll() {
Error& error = Error::Handle();
const GrowableObjectArray& libs = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(
Library& lib = Library::Handle();
Class& cls = Class::Handle();
for (int i = 0; i < libs.Length(); i++) {
lib ^= libs.At(i);
ClassDictionaryIterator it(lib);
while (it.HasNext()) {
cls ^= it.GetNextClass();
if (!cls.is_interface()) {
error = Compiler::CompileAllFunctions(cls);
if (!error.IsNull()) {
return error.raw();
Array& anon_classes = Array::Handle(lib.raw_ptr()->anonymous_classes_);
for (int i = 0; i < lib.raw_ptr()->num_anonymous_; i++) {
cls ^= anon_classes.At(i);
error = Compiler::CompileAllFunctions(cls);
if (!error.IsNull()) {
return error.raw();
return error.raw();
RawInstructions* Instructions::New(intptr_t size) {
ASSERT(Object::instructions_class() != Class::null());
if (size < 0 || size > kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in Instructions::New: invalid size %"Pd"\n", size);
Instructions& result = Instructions::Handle();
uword aligned_size = Instructions::InstanceSize(size);
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(Instructions::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
const char* Instructions::ToCString() const {
return "Instructions";
intptr_t PcDescriptors::Length() const {
return Smi::Value(raw_ptr()->length_);
void PcDescriptors::SetLength(intptr_t value) const {
// This is only safe because we create a new Smi, which does not cause
// heap allocation.
raw_ptr()->length_ = Smi::New(value);
uword PcDescriptors::PC(intptr_t index) const {
return static_cast<uword>(*(EntryAddr(index, kPcEntry)));
void PcDescriptors::SetPC(intptr_t index, uword value) const {
*(EntryAddr(index, kPcEntry)) = static_cast<intptr_t>(value);
PcDescriptors::Kind PcDescriptors::DescriptorKind(intptr_t index) const {
return static_cast<PcDescriptors::Kind>(*(EntryAddr(index, kKindEntry)));
void PcDescriptors::SetKind(intptr_t index, PcDescriptors::Kind value) const {
*(EntryAddr(index, kKindEntry)) = value;
intptr_t PcDescriptors::DeoptId(intptr_t index) const {
return *(EntryAddr(index, kDeoptIdEntry));
void PcDescriptors::SetDeoptId(intptr_t index, intptr_t value) const {
*(EntryAddr(index, kDeoptIdEntry)) = value;
intptr_t PcDescriptors::TokenPos(intptr_t index) const {
return *(EntryAddr(index, kTokenPosEntry));
void PcDescriptors::SetTokenPos(intptr_t index, intptr_t value) const {
*(EntryAddr(index, kTokenPosEntry)) = value;
intptr_t PcDescriptors::TryIndex(intptr_t index) const {
return *(EntryAddr(index, kTryIndexEntry));
void PcDescriptors::SetTryIndex(intptr_t index, intptr_t value) const {
*(EntryAddr(index, kTryIndexEntry)) = value;
RawPcDescriptors* PcDescriptors::New(intptr_t num_descriptors) {
ASSERT(Object::pc_descriptors_class() != Class::null());
if (num_descriptors < 0 || num_descriptors > kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in PcDescriptors::New: "
"invalid num_descriptors %"Pd"\n", num_descriptors);
PcDescriptors& result = PcDescriptors::Handle();
uword size = PcDescriptors::InstanceSize(num_descriptors);
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(PcDescriptors::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
const char* PcDescriptors::KindAsStr(intptr_t index) const {
switch (DescriptorKind(index)) {
case PcDescriptors::kDeoptBefore: return "deopt-before ";
case PcDescriptors::kDeoptAfter: return "deopt-after ";
case PcDescriptors::kPatchCode: return "patch ";
case PcDescriptors::kLazyDeoptJump: return "lazy-deopt ";
case PcDescriptors::kIcCall: return "ic-call ";
case PcDescriptors::kFuncCall: return "fn-call ";
case PcDescriptors::kReturn: return "return ";
case PcDescriptors::kOther: return "other ";
return "";
void PcDescriptors::PrintHeaderString() {
// 4 bits per hex digit + 2 for "0x".
const int addr_width = (kBitsPerWord / 4) + 2;
// "*" in a printf format specifier tells it to read the field width from
// the printf argument list.
OS::Print("%-*s\tkind \tdeopt-id\ttok-ix\ttry-ix\n",
addr_width, "pc");
const char* PcDescriptors::ToCString() const {
if (Length() == 0) {
return "No pc descriptors\n";
// 4 bits per hex digit.
const int addr_width = kBitsPerWord / 4;
// "*" in a printf format specifier tells it to read the field width from
// the printf argument list.
const char* kFormat =
// First compute the buffer size required.
intptr_t len = 1; // Trailing '\0'.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < Length(); i++) {
len += OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, kFormat, addr_width,
// Allocate the buffer.
char* buffer = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
// Layout the fields in the buffer.
intptr_t index = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < Length(); i++) {
index += OS::SNPrint((buffer + index), (len - index), kFormat, addr_width,
return buffer;
// Verify assumptions (in debug mode only).
// - No two deopt descriptors have the same deoptimization id.
// - No two ic-call descriptors have the same deoptimization id (type feedback).
// A function without unique ids is marked as non-optimizable (e.g., because of
// finally blocks).
void PcDescriptors::Verify(const Function& function) const {
#if defined(DEBUG)
// TODO(srdjan): Implement a more efficient way to check, currently drop
// the check for too large number of descriptors.
if (Length() > 3000) {
if (FLAG_trace_compiler) {
OS::Print("Not checking pc decriptors, length %"Pd"\n", Length());
// Only check ids for unoptimized code that is optimizable.
if (!function.is_optimizable()) return;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < Length(); i++) {
PcDescriptors::Kind kind = DescriptorKind(i);
// 'deopt_id' is set for kDeopt and kIcCall and must be unique for one kind.
intptr_t deopt_id = Isolate::kNoDeoptId;
if ((DescriptorKind(i) == PcDescriptors::kDeoptBefore) ||
(DescriptorKind(i) == PcDescriptors::kIcCall)) {
deopt_id = DeoptId(i);
for (intptr_t k = i + 1; k < Length(); k++) {
if (kind == DescriptorKind(k)) {
if (deopt_id != Isolate::kNoDeoptId) {
ASSERT(DeoptId(k) != deopt_id);
#endif // DEBUG
uword PcDescriptors::GetPcForKind(Kind kind) const {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < Length(); i++) {
if (DescriptorKind(i) == kind) {
return PC(i);
return 0;
void Stackmap::SetCode(const dart::Code& code) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->code_, code.raw());
bool Stackmap::GetBit(intptr_t bit_index) const {
int byte_index = bit_index >> kBitsPerByteLog2;
int bit_remainder = bit_index & (kBitsPerByte - 1);
uint8_t byte_mask = 1U << bit_remainder;
uint8_t byte = raw_ptr()->data_[byte_index];
return (byte & byte_mask);
void Stackmap::SetBit(intptr_t bit_index, bool value) const {
int byte_index = bit_index >> kBitsPerByteLog2;
int bit_remainder = bit_index & (kBitsPerByte - 1);
uint8_t byte_mask = 1U << bit_remainder;
uint8_t* byte_addr = &(raw_ptr()->data_[byte_index]);
if (value) {
*byte_addr |= byte_mask;
} else {
*byte_addr &= ~byte_mask;
RawStackmap* Stackmap::New(intptr_t pc_offset,
BitmapBuilder* bmap,
intptr_t register_bit_count) {
ASSERT(Object::stackmap_class() != Class::null());
ASSERT(bmap != NULL);
Stackmap& result = Stackmap::Handle();
// Guard against integer overflow of the instance size computation.
intptr_t length = bmap->Length();
intptr_t payload_size =
Utils::RoundUp(length, kBitsPerByte) / kBitsPerByte;
if ((payload_size < 0) ||
(payload_size >
(kSmiMax - static_cast<intptr_t>(sizeof(RawStackmap))))) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in Stackmap::New: invalid length %"Pd"\n",
// Stackmap data objects are associated with a code object, allocate them
// in old generation.
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(Stackmap::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
// When constructing a stackmap we store the pc offset in the stackmap's
// PC. StackmapTableBuilder::FinalizeStackmaps will replace it with the pc
// address.
ASSERT(pc_offset >= 0);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
result.SetBit(i, bmap->Get(i));
return result.raw();
const char* Stackmap::ToCString() const {
if (IsNull()) {
return "{null}";
} else {
const char* kFormat = "%#"Px": ";
intptr_t fixed_length = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, kFormat, PC()) + 1;
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
// Guard against integer overflow in the computation of alloc_size.
// TODO(kmillikin): We could just truncate the string if someone
// tries to print a 2 billion plus entry stackmap.
if (Length() > (kIntptrMax - fixed_length)) {
FATAL1("Length() is unexpectedly large (%"Pd")", Length());
intptr_t alloc_size = fixed_length + Length();
char* chars = isolate->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(alloc_size);
intptr_t index = OS::SNPrint(chars, alloc_size, kFormat, PC());
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < Length(); i++) {
chars[index++] = IsObject(i) ? '1' : '0';
chars[index] = '\0';
return chars;
RawString* LocalVarDescriptors::GetName(intptr_t var_index) const {
ASSERT(var_index < Length());
const Array& names = Array::Handle(raw_ptr()->names_);
ASSERT(Length() == names.Length());
const String& name = String::CheckedHandle(names.At(var_index));
return name.raw();
void LocalVarDescriptors::SetVar(intptr_t var_index,
const String& name,
RawLocalVarDescriptors::VarInfo* info) const {
ASSERT(var_index < Length());
const Array& names = Array::Handle(raw_ptr()->names_);
ASSERT(Length() == names.Length());
names.SetAt(var_index, name);
raw_ptr()->data_[var_index] = *info;
void LocalVarDescriptors::GetInfo(intptr_t var_index,
RawLocalVarDescriptors::VarInfo* info) const {
ASSERT(var_index < Length());
*info = raw_ptr()->data_[var_index];
const char* LocalVarDescriptors::ToCString() const {
return "LocalVarDescriptors";
RawLocalVarDescriptors* LocalVarDescriptors::New(intptr_t num_variables) {
ASSERT(Object::var_descriptors_class() != Class::null());
if (num_variables < 0 || num_variables > kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in LocalVarDescriptors::New: "
"invalid num_variables %"Pd"\n", num_variables);
LocalVarDescriptors& result = LocalVarDescriptors::Handle();
uword size = LocalVarDescriptors::InstanceSize(num_variables);
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(LocalVarDescriptors::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
result.raw_ptr()->length_ = num_variables;
const Array& names = Array::Handle(Array::New(num_variables, Heap::kOld));
result.raw_ptr()->names_ = names.raw();
return result.raw();
intptr_t LocalVarDescriptors::Length() const {
return raw_ptr()->length_;
intptr_t ExceptionHandlers::Length() const {
return Smi::Value(raw_ptr()->length_);
void ExceptionHandlers::SetLength(intptr_t value) const {
// This is only safe because we create a new Smi, which does not cause
// heap allocation.
raw_ptr()->length_ = Smi::New(value);
intptr_t ExceptionHandlers::TryIndex(intptr_t index) const {
return *(EntryAddr(index, kTryIndexEntry));
void ExceptionHandlers::SetTryIndex(intptr_t index, intptr_t value) const {
*(EntryAddr(index, kTryIndexEntry)) = value;
intptr_t ExceptionHandlers::HandlerPC(intptr_t index) const {
return *(EntryAddr(index, kHandlerPcEntry));
void ExceptionHandlers::SetHandlerPC(intptr_t index,
intptr_t value) const {
*(EntryAddr(index, kHandlerPcEntry)) = value;
RawExceptionHandlers* ExceptionHandlers::New(intptr_t num_handlers) {
ASSERT(Object::exception_handlers_class() != Class::null());
if (num_handlers < 0 || num_handlers > kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in ExceptionHandlers::New: "
"invalid num_handlers %"Pd"\n",
ExceptionHandlers& result = ExceptionHandlers::Handle();
uword size = ExceptionHandlers::InstanceSize(num_handlers);
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(ExceptionHandlers::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
const char* ExceptionHandlers::ToCString() const {
if (Length() == 0) {
return "No exception handlers\n";
// First compute the buffer size required.
const char* kFormat = "%"Pd" => %#"Px"\n";
intptr_t len = 1; // Trailing '\0'.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < Length(); i++) {
len += OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, kFormat, TryIndex(i), HandlerPC(i));
// Allocate the buffer.
char* buffer = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
// Layout the fields in the buffer.
intptr_t index = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < Length(); i++) {
index += OS::SNPrint((buffer + index),
(len - index),
return buffer;
intptr_t DeoptInfo::Length() const {
return Smi::Value(raw_ptr()->length_);
intptr_t DeoptInfo::FromIndex(intptr_t index) const {
return *(EntryAddr(index, kFromIndex));
intptr_t DeoptInfo::Instruction(intptr_t index) const {
return *(EntryAddr(index, kInstruction));
const char* DeoptInfo::ToCString() const {
if (Length() == 0) {
return "No DeoptInfo";
// Convert to DeoptInstr.
GrowableArray<DeoptInstr*> deopt_instrs(Length());
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < Length(); i++) {
deopt_instrs.Add(DeoptInstr::Create(Instruction(i), FromIndex(i)));
// Compute the buffer size required.
intptr_t len = 1; // Trailing '\0'.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < Length(); i++) {
len += OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, "[%s]", deopt_instrs[i]->ToCString());
// Allocate the buffer.
char* buffer = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
// Layout the fields in the buffer.
intptr_t index = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < Length(); i++) {
index += OS::SNPrint((buffer + index),
(len - index),
return buffer;
RawDeoptInfo* DeoptInfo::New(intptr_t num_commands) {
ASSERT(Object::deopt_info_class() != Class::null());
DeoptInfo& result = DeoptInfo::Handle();
uword size = DeoptInfo::InstanceSize(num_commands);
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(DeoptInfo::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
void DeoptInfo::SetLength(intptr_t value) const {
// This is only safe because we create a new Smi, which does not cause
// heap allocation.
raw_ptr()->length_ = Smi::New(value);
void DeoptInfo::SetAt(intptr_t index,
intptr_t instr_kind,
intptr_t from_index) const {
*(EntryAddr(index, kInstruction)) = instr_kind;
*(EntryAddr(index, kFromIndex)) = from_index;
Code::Comments& Code::Comments::New(intptr_t count) {
Comments* comments;
if (count < 0 || count > (kIntptrMax / kNumberOfEntries)) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in Code::Comments::New: invalid count %"Pd"\n", count);
if (count == 0) {
comments = new Comments(Object::empty_array());
} else {
comments = new Comments(Array::New(count * kNumberOfEntries));
return *comments;
intptr_t Code::Comments::Length() const {
if (comments_.IsNull()) {
return 0;
return comments_.Length() / kNumberOfEntries;
intptr_t Code::Comments::PCOffsetAt(intptr_t idx) const {
return Smi::CheckedHandle(
comments_.At(idx * kNumberOfEntries + kPCOffsetEntry)).Value();
void Code::Comments::SetPCOffsetAt(intptr_t idx, intptr_t pc) {
comments_.SetAt(idx * kNumberOfEntries + kPCOffsetEntry,
const String& Code::Comments::CommentAt(intptr_t idx) const {
return String::CheckedHandle(
comments_.At(idx * kNumberOfEntries + kCommentEntry));
void Code::Comments::SetCommentAt(intptr_t idx, const String& comment) {
comments_.SetAt(idx * kNumberOfEntries + kCommentEntry, comment);
Code::Comments::Comments(RawArray* comments)
: comments_(Array::Handle(comments)) {
void Code::set_stackmaps(const Array& maps) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->stackmaps_, maps.raw());
void Code::set_deopt_info_array(const Array& array) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->deopt_info_array_, array.raw());
void Code::set_object_table(const Array& array) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->object_table_, array.raw());
void Code::set_resolved_static_calls(const GrowableObjectArray& val) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->resolved_static_calls_, val.raw());
const Code::Comments& Code::comments() const {
Comments* comments = new Code::Comments(raw_ptr()->comments_);
return *comments;
void Code::set_comments(const Code::Comments& comments) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->comments_, comments.comments_.raw());
RawCode* Code::New(intptr_t pointer_offsets_length) {
if (pointer_offsets_length < 0 || pointer_offsets_length > kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in Code::New: invalid pointer_offsets_length %"Pd"\n",
ASSERT(Object::code_class() != Class::null());
Code& result = Code::Handle();
uword size = Code::InstanceSize(pointer_offsets_length);
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(Code::kClassId, size, Heap::kOld);
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
RawCode* Code::FinalizeCode(const char* name,
Assembler* assembler,
bool optimized) {
ASSERT(assembler != NULL);
// Allocate the Instructions object.
Instructions& instrs =
// Copy the instructions into the instruction area and apply all fixups.
// Embedded pointers are still in handles at this point.
MemoryRegion region(reinterpret_cast<void*>(instrs.EntryPoint()),
Dart_FileWriterFunction perf_events_writer = Dart::perf_events_writer();
if (perf_events_writer != NULL) {
const char* format = "%"Px" %"Px" %s%s\n";
uword addr = instrs.EntryPoint();
uword size = instrs.size();
const char* marker = optimized ? "*" : "";
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, format, addr, size, marker, name);
char* buffer = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len + 1);
OS::SNPrint(buffer, len + 1, format, addr, size, marker, name);
(*perf_events_writer)(buffer, len);
DebugInfo* pprof_symbol_generator = Dart::pprof_symbol_generator();
if (pprof_symbol_generator != NULL) {
ASSERT(strlen(name) != 0);
pprof_symbol_generator->AddCode(instrs.EntryPoint(), instrs.size());
if (FLAG_generate_gdb_symbols) {
ASSERT(strlen(name) != 0);
intptr_t prolog_offset = assembler->prolog_offset();
if (prolog_offset > 0) {
// In order to ensure that gdb sees the first instruction of a function
// as the prolog sequence we register two symbols for the cases when
// the prolog sequence is not the first instruction:
// <name>_entry is used for code preceding the prolog sequence.
// <name> for rest of the code (first instruction is prolog sequence).
const char* kFormat = "%s_%s";
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, kFormat, name, "entry");
char* pname = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len + 1);
OS::SNPrint(pname, (len + 1), kFormat, name, "entry");
DebugInfo::RegisterSection(pname, instrs.EntryPoint(), prolog_offset);
(instrs.EntryPoint() + prolog_offset),
(instrs.size() - prolog_offset));
} else {
DebugInfo::RegisterSection(name, instrs.EntryPoint(), instrs.size());
const ZoneGrowableArray<int>& pointer_offsets =
// Allocate the code object.
Code& code = Code::ZoneHandle(Code::New(pointer_offsets.length()));
NoGCScope no_gc;
// Set pointer offsets list in Code object and resolve all handles in
// the instruction stream to raw objects.
ASSERT(code.pointer_offsets_length() == pointer_offsets.length());
for (int i = 0; i < pointer_offsets.length(); i++) {
int offset_in_instrs = pointer_offsets[i];
code.SetPointerOffsetAt(i, offset_in_instrs);
const Object* object = region.Load<const Object*>(offset_in_instrs);
region.Store<RawObject*>(offset_in_instrs, object->raw());
// Hook up Code and Instruction objects.
return code.raw();
RawCode* Code::FinalizeCode(const Function& function,
Assembler* assembler,
bool optimized) {
// Calling ToFullyQualifiedCString is very expensive, try to avoid it.
if (FLAG_generate_gdb_symbols ||
Dart::perf_events_writer() != NULL ||
Dart::pprof_symbol_generator() != NULL) {
return FinalizeCode(function.ToFullyQualifiedCString(),
} else {
return FinalizeCode("", assembler);
// Check if object matches find condition.
bool Code::FindRawCodeVisitor::FindObject(RawObject* obj) {
return RawInstructions::ContainsPC(obj, pc_);
RawCode* Code::LookupCode(uword pc) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
NoGCScope no_gc;
FindRawCodeVisitor visitor(pc);
RawInstructions* instr;
instr = isolate->heap()->FindObjectInCodeSpace(&visitor);
if (instr != Instructions::null()) {
return instr->ptr()->code_;
return Code::null();
intptr_t Code::GetTokenIndexOfPC(uword pc) const {
intptr_t token_pos = -1;
const PcDescriptors& descriptors = PcDescriptors::Handle(pc_descriptors());
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < descriptors.Length(); i++) {
if (descriptors.PC(i) == pc) {
token_pos = descriptors.TokenPos(i);
return token_pos;
uword Code::GetPcForDeoptId(intptr_t deopt_id, PcDescriptors::Kind kind) const {
const PcDescriptors& descriptors = PcDescriptors::Handle(pc_descriptors());
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < descriptors.Length(); i++) {
if ((descriptors.DeoptId(i) == deopt_id) &&
(descriptors.DescriptorKind(i) == kind)) {
uword pc = descriptors.PC(i);
ASSERT((EntryPoint() < pc) && (pc < (EntryPoint() + Size())));
return pc;
return 0;
uword Code::GetDeoptBeforePcAtDeoptId(intptr_t deopt_id) const {
return GetPcForDeoptId(deopt_id, PcDescriptors::kDeoptBefore);
uword Code::GetDeoptAfterPcAtDeoptId(intptr_t deopt_id) const {
return GetPcForDeoptId(deopt_id, PcDescriptors::kDeoptAfter);
const char* Code::ToCString() const {
const char* kFormat = "Code entry:0x%d";
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, kFormat, EntryPoint()) + 1;
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, kFormat, EntryPoint());
return chars;
uword Code::GetPatchCodePc() const {
const PcDescriptors& descriptors = PcDescriptors::Handle(pc_descriptors());
return descriptors.GetPcForKind(PcDescriptors::kPatchCode);
uword Code::GetLazyDeoptPc() const {
const PcDescriptors& descriptors = PcDescriptors::Handle(pc_descriptors());
return descriptors.GetPcForKind(PcDescriptors::kLazyDeoptJump);
bool Code::ObjectExistsInArea(intptr_t start_offset,
intptr_t end_offset) const {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < this->pointer_offsets_length(); i++) {
const intptr_t offset = this->GetPointerOffsetAt(i);
if ((start_offset <= offset) && (offset < end_offset)) {
return false;
return true;
intptr_t Code::ExtractIcDataArraysAtCalls(
GrowableArray<intptr_t>* node_ids,
const GrowableObjectArray& ic_data_objs) const {
ASSERT(node_ids != NULL);
const PcDescriptors& descriptors =
ICData& ic_data_obj = ICData::Handle();
intptr_t max_id = -1;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < descriptors.Length(); i++) {
if (descriptors.DescriptorKind(i) == PcDescriptors::kIcCall) {
intptr_t deopt_id = descriptors.DeoptId(i);
if (deopt_id > max_id) {
max_id = deopt_id;
ic_data_obj = CodePatcher::GetInstanceCallIcDataAt(descriptors.PC(i));
return max_id;
RawArray* Code::ExtractTypeFeedbackArray() const {
ASSERT(!IsNull() && !is_optimized());
GrowableArray<intptr_t> deopt_ids;
const GrowableObjectArray& ic_data_objs =
const intptr_t max_id =
ExtractIcDataArraysAtCalls(&deopt_ids, ic_data_objs);
const Array& result = Array::Handle(Array::New(max_id + 1));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < deopt_ids.length(); i++) {
intptr_t result_index = deopt_ids[i];
ASSERT(result.At(result_index) == Object::null());
result.SetAt(result_index, Object::Handle(ic_data_objs.At(i)));
return result.raw();
RawStackmap* Code::GetStackmap(uword pc, Array* maps, Stackmap* map) const {
// This code is used during iterating frames during a GC and hence it
// should not in turn start a GC.
NoGCScope no_gc;
if (stackmaps() == Array::null()) {
// No stack maps are present in the code object which means this
// frame relies on tagged pointers.
return Stackmap::null();
// A stack map is present in the code object, use the stack map to visit
// frame slots which are marked as having objects.
*maps = stackmaps();
*map = Stackmap::null();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < maps->Length(); i++) {
*map ^= maps->At(i);
if (map->PC() == pc) {
return map->raw(); // We found a stack map for this frame.
// If the code has stackmaps, it must have them for all safepoints.
return Stackmap::null();
RawContext* Context::New(intptr_t num_variables, Heap::Space space) {
ASSERT(num_variables >= 0);
ASSERT(Object::context_class() != Class::null());
if (num_variables < 0 || num_variables > kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in Context::New: invalid num_variables %"Pd"\n",
Context& result = Context::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(Context::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
const char* Context::ToCString() const {
return "Context";
RawContextScope* ContextScope::New(intptr_t num_variables) {
ASSERT(Object::context_scope_class() != Class::null());
if (num_variables < 0 || num_variables > kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in ContextScope::New: invalid num_variables %"Pd"\n",
intptr_t size = ContextScope::InstanceSize(num_variables);
ContextScope& result = ContextScope::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(ContextScope::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
intptr_t ContextScope::TokenIndexAt(intptr_t scope_index) const {
return Smi::Value(VariableDescAddr(scope_index)->token_pos);
void ContextScope::SetTokenIndexAt(intptr_t scope_index,
intptr_t token_pos) const {
VariableDescAddr(scope_index)->token_pos = Smi::New(token_pos);
RawString* ContextScope::NameAt(intptr_t scope_index) const {
return VariableDescAddr(scope_index)->name;
void ContextScope::SetNameAt(intptr_t scope_index, const String& name) const {
StorePointer(&(VariableDescAddr(scope_index)->name), name.raw());
bool ContextScope::IsFinalAt(intptr_t scope_index) const {
return Bool::Handle(VariableDescAddr(scope_index)->is_final).value();
void ContextScope::SetIsFinalAt(intptr_t scope_index, bool is_final) const {
VariableDescAddr(scope_index)->is_final = Bool::Get(is_final);
RawAbstractType* ContextScope::TypeAt(intptr_t scope_index) const {
return VariableDescAddr(scope_index)->type;
void ContextScope::SetTypeAt(
intptr_t scope_index, const AbstractType& type) const {
StorePointer(&(VariableDescAddr(scope_index)->type), type.raw());
intptr_t ContextScope::ContextIndexAt(intptr_t scope_index) const {
return Smi::Value(VariableDescAddr(scope_index)->context_index);
void ContextScope::SetContextIndexAt(intptr_t scope_index,
intptr_t context_index) const {
VariableDescAddr(scope_index)->context_index = Smi::New(context_index);
intptr_t ContextScope::ContextLevelAt(intptr_t scope_index) const {
return Smi::Value(VariableDescAddr(scope_index)->context_level);
void ContextScope::SetContextLevelAt(intptr_t scope_index,
intptr_t context_level) const {
VariableDescAddr(scope_index)->context_level = Smi::New(context_level);
const char* ContextScope::ToCString() const {
return "ContextScope";
const char* ICData::ToCString() const {
const char* kFormat = "ICData target:%s";
const String& name = String::Handle(target_name());
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, kFormat, name.ToCString()) + 1;
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, kFormat, name.ToCString());
return chars;
void ICData::set_function(const Function& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->function_, value.raw());
void ICData::set_target_name(const String& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->target_name_, value.raw());
void ICData::set_deopt_id(intptr_t value) const {
raw_ptr()->deopt_id_ = value;
void ICData::set_num_args_tested(intptr_t value) const {
raw_ptr()->num_args_tested_ = value;
void ICData::set_ic_data(const Array& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->ic_data_, value.raw());
intptr_t ICData::TestEntryLength() const {
return num_args_tested() + 1 /* target function*/;
intptr_t ICData::NumberOfChecks() const {
// Do not count the sentinel;
return (Array::Handle(ic_data()).Length() / TestEntryLength()) - 1;
void ICData::WriteSentinel() const {
const Smi& sentinel_value = Smi::Handle(Smi::New(kIllegalCid));
const Array& data = Array::Handle(ic_data());
for (intptr_t i = 1; i <= TestEntryLength(); i++) {
data.SetAt(data.Length() - i, sentinel_value);
#if defined(DEBUG)
// Used in asserts to verify that a check is not added twice.
bool ICData::HasCheck(const GrowableArray<intptr_t>& cids) const {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < NumberOfChecks(); i++) {
GrowableArray<intptr_t> class_ids;
Function& target = Function::Handle();
GetCheckAt(i, &class_ids, &target);
bool matches = true;
for (intptr_t k = 0; k < class_ids.length(); k++) {
if (class_ids[k] != cids[k]) {
matches = false;
if (matches) {
return true;
return false;
#endif // DEBUG
void ICData::AddCheck(const GrowableArray<intptr_t>& class_ids,
const Function& target) const {
ASSERT(num_args_tested() > 1); // Otherwise use 'AddReceiverCheck'.
ASSERT(class_ids.length() == num_args_tested());
const intptr_t old_num = NumberOfChecks();
Array& data = Array::Handle(ic_data());
const intptr_t new_len = data.Length() + TestEntryLength();
data = Array::Grow(data, new_len, Heap::kOld);
intptr_t data_pos = old_num * TestEntryLength();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < class_ids.length(); i++) {
// kIllegalCid is used as terminating value, do not add it.
ASSERT(class_ids[i] != kIllegalCid);
data.SetAt(data_pos++, Smi::Handle(Smi::New(class_ids[i])));
data.SetAt(data_pos, target);
void ICData::AddReceiverCheck(intptr_t receiver_class_id,
const Function& target) const {
#if defined(DEBUG)
GrowableArray<intptr_t> class_ids(1);
#endif // DEBUG
ASSERT(num_args_tested() == 1); // Otherwise use 'AddCheck'.
ASSERT(receiver_class_id != kIllegalCid);
const intptr_t old_num = NumberOfChecks();
Array& data = Array::Handle(ic_data());
const intptr_t new_len = data.Length() + TestEntryLength();
data = Array::Grow(data, new_len, Heap::kOld);
intptr_t data_pos = old_num * TestEntryLength();
if ((receiver_class_id == kSmiCid) && (data_pos > 0)) {
// Instert kSmiCid in position 0.
const intptr_t zero_class_id = GetReceiverClassIdAt(0);
ASSERT(zero_class_id != kSmiCid); // Simple duplicate entry check.
const Function& zero_target = Function::Handle(GetTargetAt(0));
data.SetAt(0, Smi::Handle(Smi::New(receiver_class_id)));
data.SetAt(1, target);
data.SetAt(data_pos, Smi::Handle(Smi::New(zero_class_id)));
data.SetAt(data_pos + 1, zero_target);
} else {
data.SetAt(data_pos, Smi::Handle(Smi::New(receiver_class_id)));
data.SetAt(data_pos + 1, target);
void ICData::GetCheckAt(intptr_t index,
GrowableArray<intptr_t>* class_ids,
Function* target) const {
ASSERT(index < NumberOfChecks());
ASSERT(class_ids != NULL);
ASSERT(target != NULL);
const Array& data = Array::Handle(ic_data());
intptr_t data_pos = index * TestEntryLength();
Smi& smi = Smi::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_args_tested(); i++) {
smi ^= data.At(data_pos++);
(*target) ^= data.At(data_pos);
void ICData::GetOneClassCheckAt(intptr_t index,
intptr_t* class_id,
Function* target) const {
ASSERT(class_id != NULL);
ASSERT(target != NULL);
ASSERT(num_args_tested() == 1);
const Array& data = Array::Handle(ic_data());
intptr_t data_pos = index * TestEntryLength();
Smi& smi = Smi::Handle();
smi ^= data.At(data_pos);
*class_id = smi.Value();
*target ^= data.At(data_pos + 1);
intptr_t ICData::GetClassIdAt(intptr_t index, intptr_t arg_nr) const {
GrowableArray<intptr_t> class_ids;
Function& target = Function::Handle();
GetCheckAt(index, &class_ids, &target);
return class_ids[arg_nr];
intptr_t ICData::GetReceiverClassIdAt(intptr_t index) const {
ASSERT(index < NumberOfChecks());
const Array& data = Array::Handle(ic_data());
const intptr_t data_pos = index * TestEntryLength();
Smi& smi = Smi::Handle();
smi ^= data.At(data_pos);
return smi.Value();
RawFunction* ICData::GetTargetAt(intptr_t index) const {
const Array& data = Array::Handle(ic_data());
const intptr_t data_pos = index * TestEntryLength() + num_args_tested();
Function& target = Function::Handle();
target ^= data.At(data_pos);
return target.raw();
RawFunction* ICData::GetTargetForReceiverClassId(intptr_t class_id) const {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < NumberOfChecks(); i++) {
if (GetReceiverClassIdAt(i) == class_id) {
return GetTargetAt(i);
return Function::null();
RawICData* ICData::AsUnaryClassChecksForArgNr(intptr_t arg_nr) const {
ASSERT(num_args_tested() > arg_nr);
if ((arg_nr == 0) && (num_args_tested() == 1)) {
// Frequent case.
return raw();
const intptr_t kNumArgsTested = 1;
ICData& result = ICData::Handle(ICData::New(
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < NumberOfChecks(); i++) {
const intptr_t class_id = GetClassIdAt(i, arg_nr);
intptr_t duplicate_class_id = -1;
for (intptr_t k = 0; k < result.NumberOfChecks(); k++) {
if (class_id == result.GetReceiverClassIdAt(k)) {
duplicate_class_id = k;
if (duplicate_class_id >= 0) {
// This check is valid only when checking the receiver.
ASSERT((arg_nr != 0) ||
(result.GetTargetAt(duplicate_class_id) == GetTargetAt(i)));
} else {
// This will make sure that Smi is first if it exists.
return result.raw();
bool ICData::AllTargetsHaveSameOwner(intptr_t owner_cid) const {
if (NumberOfChecks() == 0) return false;
Class& cls = Class::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < NumberOfChecks(); i++) {
cls = Function::Handle(GetTargetAt(i)).Owner();
if ( != owner_cid) {
return false;
return true;
bool ICData::AllReceiversAreNumbers() const {
if (NumberOfChecks() == 0) return false;
Class& cls = Class::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < NumberOfChecks(); i++) {
cls = Function::Handle(GetTargetAt(i)).Owner();
const intptr_t cid =;
if ((cid != kSmiCid) &&
(cid != kMintCid) &&
(cid != kBigintCid) &&
(cid != kDoubleCid)) {
return false;
return true;
// Returns true if all targets are the same.
// TODO(srdjan): if targets are native use their C_function to compare.
bool ICData::HasOneTarget() const {
ASSERT(NumberOfChecks() > 0);
const Function& first_target = Function::Handle(GetTargetAt(0));
Function& test_target = Function::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = 1; i < NumberOfChecks(); i++) {
test_target = GetTargetAt(i);
if (first_target.raw() != test_target.raw()) {
return false;
return true;
RawICData* ICData::New(const Function& function,
const String& target_name,
intptr_t deopt_id,
intptr_t num_args_tested) {
ASSERT(Object::icdata_class() != Class::null());
ASSERT(num_args_tested > 0);
ICData& result = ICData::Handle();
// IC data objects are long living objects, allocate them in old generation.
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(ICData::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
// Number of array elements in one test entry (num_args_tested + 1)
intptr_t len = result.TestEntryLength();
// IC data array must be null terminated (sentinel entry).
const Array& ic_data = Array::Handle(Array::New(len, Heap::kOld));
return result.raw();
RawSubtypeTestCache* SubtypeTestCache::New() {
ASSERT(Object::subtypetestcache_class() != Class::null());
SubtypeTestCache& result = SubtypeTestCache::Handle();
// SubtypeTestCache objects are long living objects, allocate them in the
// old generation.
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(SubtypeTestCache::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
const Array& cache = Array::Handle(Array::New(kTestEntryLength));
return result.raw();
void SubtypeTestCache::set_cache(const Array& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->cache_, value.raw());
intptr_t SubtypeTestCache::NumberOfChecks() const {
// Do not count the sentinel;
return (Array::Handle(cache()).Length() / kTestEntryLength) - 1;
void SubtypeTestCache::AddCheck(
intptr_t instance_class_id,
const AbstractTypeArguments& instance_type_arguments,
const AbstractTypeArguments& instantiator_type_arguments,
const Bool& test_result) const {
intptr_t old_num = NumberOfChecks();
Array& data = Array::Handle(cache());
intptr_t new_len = data.Length() + kTestEntryLength;
data = Array::Grow(data, new_len);
intptr_t data_pos = old_num * kTestEntryLength;
data.SetAt(data_pos + kInstanceClassId,
data.SetAt(data_pos + kInstanceTypeArguments, instance_type_arguments);
data.SetAt(data_pos + kInstantiatorTypeArguments,
data.SetAt(data_pos + kTestResult, test_result);
void SubtypeTestCache::GetCheck(
intptr_t ix,
intptr_t* instance_class_id,
AbstractTypeArguments* instance_type_arguments,
AbstractTypeArguments* instantiator_type_arguments,
Bool* test_result) const {
Array& data = Array::Handle(cache());
intptr_t data_pos = ix * kTestEntryLength;
Smi& instance_class_id_handle = Smi::Handle();
instance_class_id_handle ^= data.At(data_pos + kInstanceClassId);
*instance_class_id = instance_class_id_handle.Value();
*instance_type_arguments ^= data.At(data_pos + kInstanceTypeArguments);
*instantiator_type_arguments ^=
data.At(data_pos + kInstantiatorTypeArguments);
*test_result ^= data.At(data_pos + kTestResult);
const char* SubtypeTestCache::ToCString() const {
return "SubtypeTestCache";
const char* Error::ToErrorCString() const {
return "Internal Error";
const char* Error::ToCString() const {
// Error is an abstract class. We should never reach here.
return "Error";
RawApiError* ApiError::New() {
ASSERT(Object::api_error_class() != Class::null());
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(ApiError::kClassId,
return reinterpret_cast<RawApiError*>(raw);
RawApiError* ApiError::New(const String& message, Heap::Space space) {
ASSERT(Object::api_error_class() != Class::null());
ApiError& result = ApiError::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(ApiError::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
void ApiError::set_message(const String& message) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->message_, message.raw());
const char* ApiError::ToErrorCString() const {
const String& msg_str = String::Handle(message());
return msg_str.ToCString();
const char* ApiError::ToCString() const {
return "ApiError";
RawLanguageError* LanguageError::New() {
ASSERT(Object::language_error_class() != Class::null());
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(LanguageError::kClassId,
return reinterpret_cast<RawLanguageError*>(raw);
RawLanguageError* LanguageError::New(const String& message, Heap::Space space) {
ASSERT(Object::language_error_class() != Class::null());
LanguageError& result = LanguageError::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(LanguageError::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
void LanguageError::set_message(const String& message) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->message_, message.raw());
const char* LanguageError::ToErrorCString() const {
const String& msg_str = String::Handle(message());
return msg_str.ToCString();
const char* LanguageError::ToCString() const {
return "LanguageError";
RawUnhandledException* UnhandledException::New(const Instance& exception,
const Instance& stacktrace,
Heap::Space space) {
ASSERT(Object::unhandled_exception_class() != Class::null());
UnhandledException& result = UnhandledException::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(UnhandledException::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
void UnhandledException::set_exception(const Instance& exception) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->exception_, exception.raw());
void UnhandledException::set_stacktrace(const Instance& stacktrace) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->stacktrace_, stacktrace.raw());
const char* UnhandledException::ToErrorCString() const {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
Object& strtmp = Object::Handle();
const Instance& exc = Instance::Handle(exception());
strtmp = DartLibraryCalls::ToString(exc);
const char* exc_str =
"<Received error while converting exception to string>";
if (!strtmp.IsError()) {
exc_str = strtmp.ToCString();
const Instance& stack = Instance::Handle(stacktrace());
strtmp = DartLibraryCalls::ToString(stack);
const char* stack_str =
"<Received error while converting stack trace to string>";
if (!strtmp.IsError()) {
stack_str = strtmp.ToCString();
const char* format = "Unhandled exception:\n%s\n%s";
int len = (strlen(exc_str) + strlen(stack_str) + strlen(format)
- 4 // Two '%s'
+ 1); // '\0'
char* chars = isolate->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, format, exc_str, stack_str);
return chars;
const char* UnhandledException::ToCString() const {
return "UnhandledException";
RawUnwindError* UnwindError::New(const String& message, Heap::Space space) {
ASSERT(Object::unwind_error_class() != Class::null());
UnwindError& result = UnwindError::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(UnwindError::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
void UnwindError::set_message(const String& message) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->message_, message.raw());
const char* UnwindError::ToErrorCString() const {
const String& msg_str = String::Handle(message());
return msg_str.ToCString();
const char* UnwindError::ToCString() const {
return "UnwindError";
bool Instance::Equals(const Instance& other) const {
if (this->raw() == other.raw()) {
return true; // "===".
if (other.IsNull() || (this->clazz() != other.clazz())) {
return false;
NoGCScope no_gc;
// Raw bits compare.
const intptr_t instance_size = Class::Handle(this->clazz()).instance_size();
ASSERT(instance_size != 0);
uword this_addr = reinterpret_cast<uword>(this->raw_ptr());
uword other_addr = reinterpret_cast<uword>(other.raw_ptr());
for (intptr_t offset = sizeof(RawObject);
offset < instance_size;
offset += kWordSize) {
if ((*reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(this_addr + offset)) !=
(*reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(other_addr + offset))) {
return false;
return true;
RawInstance* Instance::Canonicalize() const {
if (this->IsCanonical()) {
return this->raw();
Instance& result = Instance::Handle();
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(this->clazz());
Array& constants = Array::Handle(cls.constants());
const intptr_t constants_len = constants.Length();
// Linear search to see whether this value is already present in the
// list of canonicalized constants.
intptr_t index = 0;
while (index < constants_len) {
result ^= constants.At(index);
if (result.IsNull()) {
if (this->Equals(result)) {
return result.raw();
// The value needs to be added to the list. Grow the list if
// it is full.
result ^= this->raw();
if (result.IsNew()) {
// Create a canonical object in old space.
result ^= Object::Clone(result, Heap::kOld);
cls.InsertCanonicalConstant(index, result);
return result.raw();
RawType* Instance::GetType() const {
if (IsNull()) {
return Type::NullType();
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(clazz());
AbstractTypeArguments& type_arguments = AbstractTypeArguments::Handle();
if (cls.HasTypeArguments()) {
type_arguments = GetTypeArguments();
const Type& type = Type::Handle(
Type::New(cls, type_arguments, Scanner::kDummyTokenIndex));
return type.raw();
RawAbstractTypeArguments* Instance::GetTypeArguments() const {
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(clazz());
intptr_t field_offset = cls.type_arguments_instance_field_offset();
ASSERT(field_offset != Class::kNoTypeArguments);
AbstractTypeArguments& type_arguments = AbstractTypeArguments::Handle();
type_arguments ^= *FieldAddrAtOffset(field_offset);
return type_arguments.raw();
void Instance::SetTypeArguments(const AbstractTypeArguments& value) const {
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(clazz());
intptr_t field_offset = cls.type_arguments_instance_field_offset();
ASSERT(field_offset != Class::kNoTypeArguments);
SetFieldAtOffset(field_offset, value);
bool Instance::IsInstanceOf(const AbstractType& other,
const AbstractTypeArguments& other_instantiator,
Error* malformed_error) const {
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(clazz());
if (cls.IsNullClass()) {
if (!IsNull()) {
// We can only encounter Object::sentinel() or
// Object::transition_sentinel() if type checks were not eliminated at
// compile time. Both sentinels are instances of the Null class, but they
// are not the Object::null() instance.
ASSERT((raw() == Object::transition_sentinel()) ||
(raw() == Object::sentinel()));
return true; // We are doing an instance of test as part of a type check.
// The null instance can be returned from a void function.
if (other.IsVoidType()) {
return true;
// Otherwise, null is only an instance of Object and of dynamic.
// It is not necessary to fully instantiate the other type for this test.
Class& other_class = Class::Handle();
if (other.IsTypeParameter()) {
if (other_instantiator.IsNull()) {
return true; // Other type is uninstantiated, i.e. dynamic.
const TypeParameter& other_type_param = TypeParameter::Cast(other);
const AbstractType& instantiated_other = AbstractType::Handle(
other_class = instantiated_other.type_class();
} else {
other_class = other.type_class();
return other_class.IsObjectClass() || other_class.IsDynamicClass();
if (other.IsVoidType()) {
return false;
AbstractTypeArguments& type_arguments = AbstractTypeArguments::Handle();
const intptr_t num_type_arguments = cls.NumTypeArguments();
if (num_type_arguments > 0) {
type_arguments = GetTypeArguments();
if (!type_arguments.IsNull() && !type_arguments.IsCanonical()) {
type_arguments = type_arguments.Canonicalize();
// Verify that the number of type arguments in the instance matches the
// number of type arguments expected by the instance class.
// A discrepancy is allowed for closures, which borrow the type argument
// vector of their instantiator, which may be of a super class of the class
// defining the closure. Truncating the vector to the correct length on
// instantiation is unnecessary. The vector may therefore be longer.
ASSERT(type_arguments.IsNull() ||
(type_arguments.Length() == num_type_arguments) ||
(cls.IsSignatureClass() &&
(type_arguments.Length() > num_type_arguments)));
Class& other_class = Class::Handle();
AbstractTypeArguments& other_type_arguments = AbstractTypeArguments::Handle();
// In case 'other' is not instantiated, we could simply call
// other.InstantiateFrom(other_instantiator), however, we can save the
// allocation of a new AbstractType by inlining the code.
if (other.IsTypeParameter()) {
if (other_instantiator.IsNull()) {
// An uninstantiated type parameter is equivalent to dynamic.
return true;
const TypeParameter& other_type_param = TypeParameter::Cast(other);
AbstractType& instantiated_other = AbstractType::Handle(
if (instantiated_other.IsDynamicType() ||
instantiated_other.IsTypeParameter()) {
return true;
other_class = instantiated_other.type_class();
other_type_arguments = instantiated_other.arguments();
} else {
other_class = other.type_class();
other_type_arguments = other.arguments();
if (!other_type_arguments.IsNull() &&
!other_type_arguments.IsInstantiated()) {
other_type_arguments =
return cls.IsSubtypeOf(type_arguments, other_class, other_type_arguments,
bool Instance::IsClosure() const {
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(clazz());
return cls.IsSignatureClass();
RawInstance* Instance::New(const Class& cls, Heap::Space space) {
Instance& result = Instance::Handle();
intptr_t instance_size = cls.instance_size();
ASSERT(instance_size > 0);
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(, instance_size, space);
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
uword addr = reinterpret_cast<uword>(result.raw_ptr());
// Initialize fields.
intptr_t offset = sizeof(RawObject);
// Initialize all native fields to NULL.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < cls.num_native_fields(); i++) {
*reinterpret_cast<uword*>(addr + offset) = 0;
offset += kWordSize;
return result.raw();
bool Instance::IsValidFieldOffset(int offset) const {
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(clazz());
return (offset >= 0 && offset <= (cls.instance_size() - kWordSize));
const char* Instance::ToCString() const {
if (IsNull()) {
return "null";
} else if (raw() == Object::sentinel()) {
return "sentinel";
} else if (raw() == Object::transition_sentinel()) {
return "transition_sentinel";
} else if (Isolate::Current()->no_gc_scope_depth() > 0) {
// Can occur when running disassembler.
return "Instance";
} else {
if (IsClosure()) {
return Closure::ToCString(*this);
const char* kFormat = "Instance of '%s'";
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(clazz());
AbstractTypeArguments& type_arguments = AbstractTypeArguments::Handle();
const intptr_t num_type_arguments = cls.NumTypeArguments();
if (num_type_arguments > 0) {
type_arguments = GetTypeArguments();
const Type& type =
Type::Handle(Type::New(cls, type_arguments, Scanner::kDummyTokenIndex));
const String& type_name = String::Handle(type.Name());
// Calculate the size of the string.
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, kFormat, type_name.ToCString()) + 1;
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, kFormat, type_name.ToCString());
return chars;
bool AbstractType::IsResolved() const {
// AbstractType is an abstract class.
return false;
bool AbstractType::HasResolvedTypeClass() const {
// AbstractType is an abstract class.
return false;
RawClass* AbstractType::type_class() const {
// AbstractType is an abstract class.
return Class::null();
RawUnresolvedClass* AbstractType::unresolved_class() const {
// AbstractType is an abstract class.
return UnresolvedClass::null();
RawAbstractTypeArguments* AbstractType::arguments() const {
// AbstractType is an abstract class.
return NULL;
intptr_t AbstractType::token_pos() const {
// AbstractType is an abstract class.
return -1;
bool AbstractType::IsInstantiated() const {
// AbstractType is an abstract class.
return false;
bool AbstractType::IsFinalized() const {
// AbstractType is an abstract class.
return false;
bool AbstractType::IsBeingFinalized() const {
// AbstractType is an abstract class.
return false;
bool AbstractType::IsMalformed() const {
// AbstractType is an abstract class.
return false;
RawError* AbstractType::malformed_error() const {
// AbstractType is an abstract class.
return Error::null();
void AbstractType::set_malformed_error(const Error& value) const {
// AbstractType is an abstract class.
bool AbstractType::Equals(const Instance& other) const {
// AbstractType is an abstract class.
return false;
bool AbstractType::IsIdentical(const AbstractType& other,
bool check_type_parameter_bound) const {
// AbstractType is an abstract class.
return false;
RawAbstractType* AbstractType::InstantiateFrom(
const AbstractTypeArguments& instantiator_type_arguments) const {
// AbstractType is an abstract class.
return NULL;
RawAbstractType* AbstractType::Canonicalize() const {
// AbstractType is an abstract class.
return NULL;
RawString* AbstractType::BuildName(NameVisibility name_visibility) const {
if (IsTypeParameter()) {
return TypeParameter::Cast(*this).name();
// If the type is still being finalized, we may be reporting an error about
// a malformed type, so proceed with caution.
const AbstractTypeArguments& args =
const intptr_t num_args = args.IsNull() ? 0 : args.Length();
String& class_name = String::Handle();
intptr_t first_type_param_index;
intptr_t num_type_params; // Number of type parameters to print.
if (HasResolvedTypeClass()) {
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(type_class());
num_type_params = cls.NumTypeParameters(); // Do not print the full vector.
if (name_visibility == kInternalName) {
class_name = cls.Name();
} else {
ASSERT(name_visibility == kUserVisibleName);
// Map internal types to their corresponding public interfaces.
class_name = cls.UserVisibleName();
if (num_type_params > num_args) {
first_type_param_index = 0;
if (!IsFinalized() || IsBeingFinalized() || IsMalformed()) {
// Most probably a malformed type. Do not fill up with "dynamic",
// but use actual vector.
num_type_params = num_args;
} else {
ASSERT(num_args == 0); // Type is raw.
// No need to fill up with "dynamic".
num_type_params = 0;
} else {
first_type_param_index = num_args - num_type_params;
if (cls.IsSignatureClass()) {
// We may be reporting an error about a malformed function type. In that
// case, avoid instantiating the signature, since it may lead to cycles.
if (!IsFinalized() || IsBeingFinalized() || IsMalformed()) {
return class_name.raw();
// In order to avoid cycles, print the name of a typedef (non-canonical
// signature class) as a regular, possibly parameterized, class.
if (cls.IsCanonicalSignatureClass()) {
const Function& signature_function = Function::Handle(
// Signature classes have no super type.
ASSERT(first_type_param_index == 0);
return signature_function.InstantiatedSignatureFrom(args,
} else {
const UnresolvedClass& cls = UnresolvedClass::Handle(unresolved_class());
class_name = cls.Name();
num_type_params = num_args;
first_type_param_index = 0;
String& type_name = String::Handle();
if (num_type_params == 0) {
type_name = class_name.raw();
} else {
const String& args_name = String::Handle(
type_name = String::Concat(class_name, args_name);
// The name is only used for type checking and debugging purposes.
// Unless profiling data shows otherwise, it is not worth caching the name in
// the type.
return Symbols::New(type_name);
RawString* AbstractType::ClassName() const {
if (HasResolvedTypeClass()) {
return Class::Handle(type_class()).Name();
} else {
return UnresolvedClass::Handle(unresolved_class()).Name();
bool AbstractType::IsBoolType() const {
return HasResolvedTypeClass() &&
(type_class() == Type::Handle(Type::BoolType()).type_class());
bool AbstractType::IsIntType() const {
return HasResolvedTypeClass() &&
(type_class() == Type::Handle(Type::IntType()).type_class());
bool AbstractType::IsDoubleType() const {
return HasResolvedTypeClass() &&
(type_class() == Type::Handle(Type::Double()).type_class());
bool AbstractType::IsNumberType() const {
return HasResolvedTypeClass() &&
(type_class() == Type::Handle(Type::Number()).type_class());
bool AbstractType::IsStringInterface() const {
return HasResolvedTypeClass() &&
(type_class() == Type::Handle(Type::StringInterface()).type_class());
bool AbstractType::IsFunctionType() const {
return HasResolvedTypeClass() &&
(type_class() == Type::Handle(Type::Function()).type_class());
bool AbstractType::IsListInterface() const {
return HasResolvedTypeClass() &&
(type_class() == Type::Handle(Type::ListInterface()).type_class());
bool AbstractType::TypeTest(TypeTestKind test_kind,
const AbstractType& other,
Error* malformed_error) const {
// In case the type checked in a type test is malformed, the code generator
// may compile a throw instead of a run time call performing the type check.
// However, in checked mode, a function type may include malformed result type
// and/or malformed parameter types, which will then be encountered here at
// run time.
if (IsMalformed()) {
if ((malformed_error != NULL) && malformed_error->IsNull()) {
*malformed_error = this->malformed_error();
return false;
if (other.IsMalformed()) {
if ((malformed_error != NULL) && malformed_error->IsNull()) {
*malformed_error = other.malformed_error();
return false;
// AbstractType parameters cannot be handled by Class::TypeTest().
// When comparing two uninstantiated function types, one returning type
// parameter K, the other returning type parameter V, we cannot assume that K
// is a subtype of V, or vice versa. We only return true if K == V, i.e. if
// they have the same index (both are finalized, so their indices are
// comparable).
// The same rule applies When checking the upper bound of a still
// uninstantiated type at compile time. Returning false will defer the test
// to run time. But there are cases where it can be decided at compile time.
// For example, with class A<K, V extends K>, new A<T, T> called from within
// a class B<T> will never require a run time bounds check, even it T is
// uninstantiated at compile time.
if (IsTypeParameter()) {
const TypeParameter& type_param = TypeParameter::Cast(*this);
if (other.IsTypeParameter()) {
const TypeParameter& other_type_param = TypeParameter::Cast(other);
return type_param.index() == other_type_param.index();
} else if (FLAG_enable_type_checks) {
// In checked mode, if the upper bound of this type is more specific than
// the other type, then this type is more specific than the other type.
const AbstractType& type_param_bound =
if (type_param_bound.IsMoreSpecificThan(other, malformed_error)) {
return true;
return false;
if (other.IsTypeParameter()) {
return false;
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(type_class());
return cls.TypeTest(test_kind,
const char* AbstractType::ToCString() const {
// AbstractType is an abstract class.
return "AbstractType";
RawType* Type::NullType() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->null_type();
RawType* Type::DynamicType() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->dynamic_type();
RawType* Type::VoidType() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->void_type();
RawType* Type::ObjectType() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->object_type();
RawType* Type::BoolType() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->bool_type();
RawType* Type::IntType() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->int_type();
RawType* Type::SmiType() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->smi_type();
RawType* Type::MintType() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->mint_type();
RawType* Type::Double() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->double_type();
RawType* Type::Number() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->number_type();
RawType* Type::StringInterface() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->string_interface();
RawType* Type::Function() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->function_type();
RawType* Type::ListInterface() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->list_interface();
RawType* Type::NewNonParameterizedType(const Class& type_class) {
const TypeArguments& no_type_arguments = TypeArguments::Handle();
Type& type = Type::Handle();
type ^= Type::New(Object::Handle(type_class.raw()),
type ^= type.Canonicalize();
return type.raw();
void Type::set_is_finalized_instantiated() const {
void Type::set_is_finalized_uninstantiated() const {
void Type::set_is_being_finalized() const {
ASSERT(!IsFinalized() && !IsBeingFinalized());
bool Type::IsMalformed() const {
return raw_ptr()->malformed_error_ != Error::null();
void Type::set_malformed_error(const Error& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->malformed_error_, value.raw());
RawError* Type::malformed_error() const {
return raw_ptr()->malformed_error_;
bool Type::IsResolved() const {
if (IsFinalized()) {
return true;
if (!HasResolvedTypeClass()) {
return false;
const AbstractTypeArguments& args =
return args.IsNull() || args.IsResolved();
bool Type::HasResolvedTypeClass() const {
const Object& type_class = Object::Handle(raw_ptr()->type_class_);
return !type_class.IsNull() && type_class.IsClass();
RawClass* Type::type_class() const {
Class& type_class = Class::Handle();
type_class ^= raw_ptr()->type_class_;
return type_class.raw();
RawUnresolvedClass* Type::unresolved_class() const {
UnresolvedClass& unresolved_class = UnresolvedClass::Handle();
unresolved_class ^= raw_ptr()->type_class_;
return unresolved_class.raw();
RawString* Type::TypeClassName() const {
if (HasResolvedTypeClass()) {
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(type_class());
return cls.Name();
} else {
const UnresolvedClass& cls = UnresolvedClass::Handle(unresolved_class());
return cls.Name();
RawAbstractTypeArguments* Type::arguments() const {
return raw_ptr()->arguments_;
bool Type::IsInstantiated() const {
if (raw_ptr()->type_state_ == RawType::kFinalizedInstantiated) {
return true;
if (raw_ptr()->type_state_ == RawType::kFinalizedUninstantiated) {
return false;
const AbstractTypeArguments& args =
return args.IsNull() || args.IsInstantiated();
RawAbstractType* Type::InstantiateFrom(
const AbstractTypeArguments& instantiator_type_arguments) const {
AbstractTypeArguments& type_arguments =
type_arguments = type_arguments.InstantiateFrom(instantiator_type_arguments);
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(type_class());
Type& instantiated_type = Type::Handle(
Type::New(cls, type_arguments, token_pos()));
ASSERT(type_arguments.IsNull() ||
(type_arguments.Length() == cls.NumTypeArguments()));
return instantiated_type.raw();
bool Type::Equals(const Instance& other) const {
if (raw() == other.raw()) {
return true;
if (!other.IsType()) {
return false;
const AbstractType& other_type = AbstractType::Cast(other);
ASSERT(IsFinalized() && other_type.IsFinalized());
if (IsMalformed() || other_type.IsMalformed()) {
return false;
if (type_class() != other_type.type_class()) {
return false;
return AbstractTypeArguments::AreEqual(
bool Type::IsIdentical(const AbstractType& other,
bool check_type_parameter_bounds) const {
if (raw() == other.raw()) {
return true;
if (!other.IsType()) {
return false;
// Both type classes may not be resolved yet.
String& name = String::Handle(TypeClassName());
String& other_name = String::Handle(Type::Cast(other).TypeClassName());
if (!name.Equals(other_name)) {
return false;
return AbstractTypeArguments::AreIdentical(
false); // Bounds are only checked at the top level.
RawAbstractType* Type::Canonicalize() const {
if (IsCanonical() || IsMalformed()) {
ASSERT(IsMalformed() || AbstractTypeArguments::Handle(arguments()).IsOld());
return this->raw();
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(type_class());
Array& canonical_types = Array::Handle(cls.canonical_types());
if (canonical_types.IsNull()) {
// Types defined in the VM isolate are canonicalized via the object store.
return this->raw();
const intptr_t canonical_types_len = canonical_types.Length();
// Linear search to see whether this type is already present in the
// list of canonicalized types.
// TODO(asiva): Try to re-factor this lookup code to make sharing
// easy between the 4 versions of this loop.
Type& type = Type::Handle();
intptr_t index = 0;
while (index < canonical_types_len) {
type ^= canonical_types.At(index);
if (type.IsNull()) {
if (!type.IsFinalized()) {
ASSERT((index == 0) && cls.IsSignatureClass());
if (this->Equals(type)) {
return type.raw();
// Canonicalize the type arguments.
AbstractTypeArguments& type_args = AbstractTypeArguments::Handle(arguments());
type_args = type_args.Canonicalize();
// The type needs to be added to the list. Grow the list if it is full.
if (index == canonical_types_len) {
const intptr_t kLengthIncrement = 2; // Raw and parameterized.
const intptr_t new_length = canonical_types.Length() + kLengthIncrement;
const Array& new_canonical_types =
Array::Handle(Array::Grow(canonical_types, new_length, Heap::kOld));
new_canonical_types.SetAt(index, *this);
} else {
canonical_types.SetAt(index, *this);
return this->raw();
void Type::set_type_class(const Object& value) const {
ASSERT(!value.IsNull() && (value.IsClass() || value.IsUnresolvedClass()));
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->type_class_, value.raw());
void Type::set_arguments(const AbstractTypeArguments& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->arguments_, value.raw());
RawType* Type::New(Heap::Space space) {
ASSERT(Isolate::Current()->object_store()->type_class() != Class::null());
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(Type::kClassId,
return reinterpret_cast<RawType*>(raw);
RawType* Type::New(const Object& clazz,
const AbstractTypeArguments& arguments,
intptr_t token_pos,
Heap::Space space) {
const Type& result = Type::Handle(Type::New(space));
result.raw_ptr()->type_state_ = RawType::kAllocated;
return result.raw();
void Type::set_token_pos(intptr_t token_pos) const {
ASSERT(token_pos >= 0);
raw_ptr()->token_pos_ = token_pos;
void Type::set_type_state(int8_t state) const {
ASSERT((state == RawType::kAllocated) ||
(state == RawType::kBeingFinalized) ||
(state == RawType::kFinalizedInstantiated) ||
(state == RawType::kFinalizedUninstantiated));
raw_ptr()->type_state_ = state;
const char* Type::ToCString() const {
if (IsResolved()) {
const AbstractTypeArguments& type_arguments =
if (type_arguments.IsNull()) {
const char* format = "Type: class '%s'";
const char* class_name =
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, format, class_name) + 1;
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, format, class_name);
return chars;
} else {
const char* format = "Type: class '%s', args:[%s]";
const char* class_name =
const char* args_cstr =
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, format, class_name, args_cstr) + 1;
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, format, class_name, args_cstr);
return chars;
} else {
return "Unresolved Type";
void TypeParameter::set_is_finalized() const {
bool TypeParameter::Equals(const Instance& other) const {
if (raw() == other.raw()) {
return true;
if (!other.IsTypeParameter()) {
return false;
const TypeParameter& other_type_param = TypeParameter::Cast(other);
if (IsFinalized() != other_type_param.IsFinalized()) {
return false;
if (parameterized_class() != other_type_param.parameterized_class()) {
return false;
if (index() != other_type_param.index()) {
return false;
const String& type_param_name = String::Handle(name());
const String& other_type_param_name = String::Handle(;
return type_param_name.Equals(other_type_param_name);
bool TypeParameter::IsIdentical(const AbstractType& other,
bool check_type_parameter_bound) const {
if (raw() == other.raw()) {
return true;
if (!other.IsTypeParameter()) {
return false;
const TypeParameter& other_type_param = TypeParameter::Cast(other);
// IsIdentical may be called on type parameters belonging to different
// classes, e.g. to an interface and to its default factory class.
// Therefore, both type parameters may have different parameterized classes
// and different indices. Compare the type parameter names only, and their
// bounds if requested.
String& type_param_name = String::Handle(name());
String& other_type_param_name = String::Handle(;
if (!type_param_name.Equals(other_type_param_name)) {
return false;
if (check_type_parameter_bound) {
AbstractType& this_bound = AbstractType::Handle(bound());
AbstractType& other_bound = AbstractType::Handle(other_type_param.bound());
// Bounds are only checked at the top level.
const bool check_type_parameter_bounds = false;
if (!this_bound.IsIdentical(other_bound, check_type_parameter_bounds)) {
return false;
return true;
void TypeParameter::set_parameterized_class(const Class& value) const {
// Set value may be null.
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->parameterized_class_, value.raw());
void TypeParameter::set_index(intptr_t value) const {
ASSERT(value >= 0);
raw_ptr()->index_ = value;
void TypeParameter::set_name(const String& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->name_, value.raw());
void TypeParameter::set_bound(const AbstractType& value) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->bound_, value.raw());
RawAbstractType* TypeParameter::InstantiateFrom(
const AbstractTypeArguments& instantiator_type_arguments) const {
if (instantiator_type_arguments.IsNull()) {
return Type::DynamicType();
return instantiator_type_arguments.TypeAt(index());
RawTypeParameter* TypeParameter::New() {
ASSERT(Isolate::Current()->object_store()->type_parameter_class() !=
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(TypeParameter::kClassId,
return reinterpret_cast<RawTypeParameter*>(raw);
RawTypeParameter* TypeParameter::New(const Class& parameterized_class,
intptr_t index,
const String& name,
const AbstractType& bound,
intptr_t token_pos) {
const TypeParameter& result = TypeParameter::Handle(TypeParameter::New());
result.raw_ptr()->type_state_ = RawTypeParameter::kAllocated;
return result.raw();
void TypeParameter::set_token_pos(intptr_t token_pos) const {
ASSERT(token_pos >= 0);
raw_ptr()->token_pos_ = token_pos;
void TypeParameter::set_type_state(int8_t state) const {
ASSERT((state == RawTypeParameter::kAllocated) ||
(state == RawTypeParameter::kBeingFinalized) ||
(state == RawTypeParameter::kFinalizedUninstantiated));
raw_ptr()->type_state_ = state;
const char* TypeParameter::ToCString() const {
const char* format = "TypeParameter: name %s; index: %d";
const char* name_cstr = String::Handle(Name()).ToCString();
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, format, name_cstr, index()) + 1;
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, format, name_cstr, index());
return chars;
const char* Number::ToCString() const {
// Number is an interface. No instances of Number should exist.
return "Number";
const char* Integer::ToCString() const {
// Integer is an interface. No instances of Integer should exist.
return "Integer";
RawInteger* Integer::New(const String& str, Heap::Space space) {
// We are not supposed to have integers represented as two byte or
// four byte strings.
const OneByteString& onestr = OneByteString::Cast(str);
int64_t value;
if (!OS::StringToInt64(onestr.ToCString(), &value)) {
const Bigint& big = Bigint::Handle(Bigint::New(onestr, space));
return big.raw();
return Integer::New(value, space);
RawInteger* Integer::New(int64_t value, Heap::Space space) {
if ((value <= Smi::kMaxValue) && (value >= Smi::kMinValue)) {
return Smi::New(value);
return Mint::New(value, space);
double Integer::AsDoubleValue() const {
return 0.0;
int64_t Integer::AsInt64Value() const {
return 0;
int Integer::CompareWith(const Integer& other) const {
return 0;
RawInteger* Integer::AsInteger() const {
if (IsSmi()) return raw();
if (IsMint()) {
Mint& mint = Mint::Handle();
mint ^= raw();
if (Smi::IsValid64(mint.value())) {
return Smi::New(mint.value());
} else {
return raw();
Bigint& big_value = Bigint::Handle();
big_value ^= raw();
if (BigintOperations::FitsIntoSmi(big_value)) {
return BigintOperations::ToSmi(big_value);
} else if (BigintOperations::FitsIntoMint(big_value)) {
return Mint::New(BigintOperations::ToMint(big_value));
} else {
return big_value.raw();
RawInteger* Integer::ArithmeticOp(Token::Kind operation,
const Integer& other) const {
// In 32-bit mode, the result of any operation between two Smis will fit in a
// 32-bit signed result, except the product of two Smis, which will be 64-bit.
// In 64-bit mode, the result of any operation between two Smis will fit in a
// 64-bit signed result, except the product of two Smis (unless the Smis are
// 32-bit or less).
if (IsSmi() && other.IsSmi()) {
Smi& left_smi = Smi::Handle();
Smi& right_smi = Smi::Handle();
left_smi ^= raw();
right_smi ^= other.raw();
const intptr_t left_value = left_smi.Value();
const intptr_t right_value = right_smi.Value();
switch (operation) {
case Token::kADD:
return Integer::New(left_value + right_value);
case Token::kSUB:
return Integer::New(left_value - right_value);
case Token::kMUL: {
if (Smi::kBits < 32) {
// In 32-bit mode, the product of two Smis fits in a 64-bit result.
return Integer::New(static_cast<int64_t>(left_value) *
} else {
// In 64-bit mode, the product of two 32-bit signed integers fits in a
// 64-bit result.
ASSERT(sizeof(intptr_t) == sizeof(int64_t));
if (Utils::IsInt(32, left_value) && Utils::IsInt(32, right_value)) {
return Integer::New(left_value * right_value);
// Perform a Bigint multiplication below.
case Token::kTRUNCDIV:
return Integer::New(left_value / right_value);
case Token::kMOD: {
const intptr_t remainder = left_value % right_value;
if (remainder < 0) {
if (right_value < 0) {
return Integer::New(remainder - right_value);
} else {
return Integer::New(remainder + right_value);
return Integer::New(remainder);
// In 32-bit mode, the result of any operation between two 63-bit signed
// integers (or 32-bit for multiplication) will fit in a 64-bit signed result.
// In 64-bit mode, 63-bit signed integers are Smis, already processed above.
if ((Smi::kBits < 32) && !IsBigint() && !other.IsBigint()) {
const int64_t left_value = AsInt64Value();
if (Utils::IsInt(63, left_value)) {
const int64_t right_value = other.AsInt64Value();
if (Utils::IsInt(63, right_value)) {
switch (operation) {
case Token::kADD:
return Integer::New(left_value + right_value);
case Token::kSUB:
return Integer::New(left_value - right_value);
case Token::kMUL: {
if (Utils::IsInt(32, left_value) && Utils::IsInt(32, right_value)) {
return Integer::New(left_value * right_value);
// Perform a Bigint multiplication below.
case Token::kTRUNCDIV:
return Integer::New(left_value / right_value);
case Token::kMOD: {
const int64_t remainder = left_value % right_value;
if (remainder < 0) {
if (right_value < 0) {
return Integer::New(remainder - right_value);
} else {
return Integer::New(remainder + right_value);
return Integer::New(remainder);
const Bigint& left_big = Bigint::Handle(AsBigint());
const Bigint& right_big = Bigint::Handle(other.AsBigint());
const Bigint& result =
Bigint::Handle(left_big.ArithmeticOp(operation, right_big));
return Integer::Handle(result.AsInteger()).raw();
static bool Are64bitOperands(const Integer& op1, const Integer& op2) {
return !op1.IsBigint() && !op2.IsBigint();
RawInteger* Integer::BitOp(Token::Kind kind, const Integer& other) const {
if (IsSmi() && other.IsSmi()) {
Smi& op1 = Smi::Handle();
Smi& op2 = Smi::Handle();
op1 ^= raw();
op2 ^= other.raw();
intptr_t result = 0;
switch (kind) {
case Token::kBIT_AND:
result = op1.Value() & op2.Value();
case Token::kBIT_OR:
result = op1.Value() | op2.Value();
case Token::kBIT_XOR:
result = op1.Value() ^ op2.Value();
return Smi::New(result);
} else if (Are64bitOperands(*this, other)) {
int64_t a = AsInt64Value();
int64_t b = other.AsInt64Value();
switch (kind) {
case Token::kBIT_AND:
return Integer::New(a & b);
case Token::kBIT_OR:
return Integer::New(a | b);
case Token::kBIT_XOR:
return Integer::New(a ^ b);
} else {
Bigint& op1 = Bigint::Handle(AsBigint());
Bigint& op2 = Bigint::Handle(other.AsBigint());
switch (kind) {
case Token::kBIT_AND:
return BigintOperations::BitAnd(op1, op2);
case Token::kBIT_OR:
return BigintOperations::BitOr(op1, op2);
case Token::kBIT_XOR:
return BigintOperations::BitXor(op1, op2);
return Integer::null();
// TODO(srdjan): Clarify handling of negative right operand in a shift op.
RawInteger* Smi::ShiftOp(Token::Kind kind, const Smi& other) const {
intptr_t result = 0;
const intptr_t left_value = Value();
const intptr_t right_value = other.Value();
ASSERT(right_value >= 0);
switch (kind) {
case Token::kSHL: {
if ((left_value == 0) || (right_value == 0)) {
return raw();
{ // Check for overflow.
int cnt = Utils::HighestBit(left_value);
if ((cnt + right_value) >= Smi::kBits) {
if ((cnt + right_value) >= Mint::kBits) {
return BigintOperations::ShiftLeft(
Bigint::Handle(AsBigint()), right_value);
} else {
int64_t left_64 = left_value;
return Integer::New(left_64 << right_value);
result = left_value << right_value;
case Token::kSHR: {
const intptr_t shift_amount =
(right_value >= kBitsPerWord) ? (kBitsPerWord - 1) : right_value;
result = left_value >> shift_amount;
return Smi::New(result);
bool Smi::Equals(const Instance& other) const {
if (other.IsNull() || !other.IsSmi()) {
return false;
return (this->Value() == Smi::Cast(other).Value());
double Smi::AsDoubleValue() const {
return static_cast<double>(this->Value());
int64_t Smi::AsInt64Value() const {
return this->Value();
static bool FitsIntoSmi(const Integer& integer) {
if (integer.IsSmi()) {
return true;
if (integer.IsMint()) {
int64_t mint_value = integer.AsInt64Value();
return Smi::IsValid64(mint_value);
if (integer.IsBigint()) {
return BigintOperations::FitsIntoSmi(Bigint::Cast(integer));
return false;
int Smi::CompareWith(const Integer& other) const {
if (other.IsSmi()) {
const Smi& other_smi = Smi::Cast(other);
if (this->Value() < other_smi.Value()) {
return -1;
} else if (this->Value() > other_smi.Value()) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
if (other.IsMint() || other.IsBigint()) {
if (this->IsNegative() == other.IsNegative()) {
return this->IsNegative() ? 1 : -1;
return this->IsNegative() ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
const char* Smi::ToCString() const {
const char* kFormat = "%ld";
// Calculate the size of the string.
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, kFormat, Value()) + 1;
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, kFormat, Value());
return chars;
RawClass* Smi::Class() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->smi_class();
void Mint::set_value(int64_t value) const {
raw_ptr()->value_ = value;
RawMint* Mint::New(int64_t val, Heap::Space space) {
// Do not allocate a Mint if Smi would do.
ASSERT(Isolate::Current()->object_store()->mint_class() != Class::null());
Mint& result = Mint::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(Mint::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
RawMint* Mint::NewCanonical(int64_t value) {
// Do not allocate a Mint if Smi would do.
const Class& cls =
const Array& constants = Array::Handle(cls.constants());
const intptr_t constants_len = constants.Length();
// Linear search to see whether this value is already present in the
// list of canonicalized constants.
Mint& canonical_value = Mint::Handle();
intptr_t index = 0;
while (index < constants_len) {
canonical_value ^= constants.At(index);
if (canonical_value.IsNull()) {
if (canonical_value.value() == value) {
return canonical_value.raw();
// The value needs to be added to the constants list. Grow the list if
// it is full.
canonical_value = Mint::New(value, Heap::kOld);
cls.InsertCanonicalConstant(index, canonical_value);
return canonical_value.raw();
bool Mint::Equals(const Instance& other) const {
if (this->raw() == other.raw()) {
// Both handles point to the same raw instance.
return true;
if (!other.IsMint() || other.IsNull()) {
return false;
return value() == Mint::Cast(other).value();
double Mint::AsDoubleValue() const {
return static_cast<double>(this->value());
int64_t Mint::AsInt64Value() const {
return this->value();
int Mint::CompareWith(const Integer& other) const {
if (other.IsMint() || other.IsSmi()) {
int64_t a = AsInt64Value();
int64_t b = other.AsInt64Value();
if (a < b) {
return -1;
} else if (a > b) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
if (other.IsBigint()) {
if (this->IsNegative() == other.IsNegative()) {
return this->IsNegative() ? 1 : -1;
return this->IsNegative() ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
const char* Mint::ToCString() const {
const char* kFormat = "%lld";
// Calculate the size of the string.
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, kFormat, value()) + 1;
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, kFormat, value());
return chars;
void Double::set_value(double value) const {
raw_ptr()->value_ = value;
bool Double::EqualsToDouble(double value) const {
intptr_t value_offset = Double::value_offset();
void* this_addr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(
reinterpret_cast<uword>(this->raw_ptr()) + value_offset);
void* other_addr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(&value);
return (memcmp(this_addr, other_addr, sizeof(value)) == 0);
bool Double::Equals(const Instance& other) const {
if (this->raw() == other.raw()) {
return true; // "===".
if (other.IsNull() || !other.IsDouble()) {
return false;
return EqualsToDouble(Double::Cast(other).value());
RawDouble* Double::New(double d, Heap::Space space) {
ASSERT(Isolate::Current()->object_store()->double_class() != Class::null());
Double& result = Double::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(Double::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
static bool IsWhiteSpace(char ch) {
return ch == '\0' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == ' ' || ch == '\t';
static bool StringToDouble(const String& str, double* double_value) {
ASSERT(double_value != NULL);
// TODO(regis): For now, we use strtod to convert a string to double.
const char* nptr = str.ToCString();
char* endptr = NULL;
*double_value = strtod(nptr, &endptr);
// We do not treat overflow or underflow as an error and therefore do not
// check errno for ERANGE.
if (!IsWhiteSpace(*endptr)) {
return false;
return true;
RawDouble* Double::New(const String& str, Heap::Space space) {
double double_value;
if (!StringToDouble(str, &double_value)) {
return Double::Handle().raw();
return New(double_value, space);
RawDouble* Double::NewCanonical(double value) {
const Class& cls =
const Array& constants = Array::Handle(cls.constants());
const intptr_t constants_len = constants.Length();
// Linear search to see whether this value is already present in the
// list of canonicalized constants.
Double& canonical_value = Double::Handle();
intptr_t index = 0;
while (index < constants_len) {
canonical_value ^= constants.At(index);
if (canonical_value.IsNull()) {
if (canonical_value.EqualsToDouble(value)) {
return canonical_value.raw();
// The value needs to be added to the constants list. Grow the list if
// it is full.
canonical_value = Double::New(value, Heap::kOld);
cls.InsertCanonicalConstant(index, canonical_value);
return canonical_value.raw();
RawDouble* Double::NewCanonical(const String& str) {
double double_value;
if (!StringToDouble(str, &double_value)) {
return Double::Handle().raw();
return NewCanonical(double_value);
const char* Double::ToCString() const {
if (isnan(value())) {
return "NaN";
if (isinf(value())) {
return value() < 0 ? "-Infinity" : "Infinity";
const int kBufferSize = 128;
char* buffer = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(kBufferSize);
buffer[kBufferSize - 1] = '\0';
DoubleToCString(value(), buffer, kBufferSize);
return buffer;
RawBigint* Integer::AsBigint() const {
if (IsSmi()) {
Smi& smi = Smi::Handle();
smi ^= raw();
return BigintOperations::NewFromSmi(smi);
} else if (IsMint()) {
Mint& mint = Mint::Handle();
mint ^= raw();
return BigintOperations::NewFromInt64(mint.value());
} else {
Bigint& big = Bigint::Handle();
big ^= raw();
return big.raw();
RawBigint* Bigint::ArithmeticOp(Token::Kind operation,
const Bigint& other) const {
switch (operation) {
case Token::kADD:
return BigintOperations::Add(*this, other);
case Token::kSUB:
return BigintOperations::Subtract(*this, other);
case Token::kMUL:
return BigintOperations::Multiply(*this, other);
case Token::kTRUNCDIV:
return BigintOperations::Divide(*this, other);
case Token::kMOD:
return BigintOperations::Modulo(*this, other);
return Bigint::null();
bool Bigint::Equals(const Instance& other) const {
if (this->raw() == other.raw()) {
// Both handles point to the same raw instance.
return true;
if (!other.IsBigint() || other.IsNull()) {
return false;
const Bigint& other_bgi = Bigint::Cast(other);
intptr_t len = this->Length();
if (len != other_bgi.Length()) {
return false;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (this->GetChunkAt(i) != other_bgi.GetChunkAt(i)) {
return false;
return true;
RawBigint* Bigint::New(const String& str, Heap::Space space) {
return BigintOperations::NewFromCString(str.ToCString(), space);
RawBigint* Bigint::New(int64_t value, Heap::Space space) {
return BigintOperations::NewFromInt64(value, space);
double Bigint::AsDoubleValue() const {
return Double::Handle(BigintOperations::ToDouble(*this)).value();
int64_t Bigint::AsInt64Value() const {
if (!BigintOperations::FitsIntoMint(*this)) {
return BigintOperations::ToMint(*this);
// For positive values: Smi < Mint < Bigint.
int Bigint::CompareWith(const Integer& other) const {
if (other.IsBigint()) {
return BigintOperations::Compare(*this, Bigint::Cast(other));
if (this->IsNegative() == other.IsNegative()) {
return this->IsNegative() ? -1 : 1;
return this->IsNegative() ? -1 : 1;
RawBigint* Bigint::Allocate(intptr_t length, Heap::Space space) {
if (length < 0 || length > kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in Bigint::Allocate: invalid length %"Pd"\n", length);
ASSERT(Isolate::Current()->object_store()->bigint_class() != Class::null());
Bigint& result = Bigint::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(Bigint::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
result.raw_ptr()->allocated_length_ = length; // Chunk length allocated.
result.raw_ptr()->signed_length_ = length; // Chunk length in use.
return result.raw();
static uword BigintAllocator(intptr_t size) {
Zone* zone = Isolate::Current()->current_zone();
return zone->AllocUnsafe(size);
const char* Bigint::ToCString() const {
return BigintOperations::ToDecimalCString(*this, &BigintAllocator);
class StringHasher : ValueObject {
StringHasher() : hash_(0) {}
void Add(int32_t ch) {
hash_ += ch;
hash_ += hash_ << 10;
hash_ ^= hash_ >> 6;
// Return a non-zero hash of at most 'bits' bits.
intptr_t Finalize(int bits) {
ASSERT(1 <= bits && bits <= (kBitsPerWord - 1));
hash_ += hash_ << 3;
hash_ ^= hash_ >> 11;
hash_ += hash_ << 15;
hash_ = hash_ & ((static_cast<intptr_t>(1) << bits) - 1);
ASSERT(hash_ >= 0);
return hash_ == 0 ? 1 : hash_;
intptr_t hash_;
intptr_t String::Hash() const {
intptr_t result = Smi::Value(raw_ptr()->hash_);
if (result != 0) {
return result;
result = String::Hash(*this, 0, this->Length());
return result;
intptr_t String::Hash(const String& str, intptr_t begin_index, intptr_t len) {
ASSERT(begin_index >= 0);
ASSERT(len >= 0);
ASSERT((begin_index + len) <= str.Length());
StringHasher hasher;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
hasher.Add(str.CharAt(begin_index + i));
return hasher.Finalize(String::kHashBits);
template<typename T>
static intptr_t HashImpl(const T* characters, intptr_t len) {
ASSERT(len >= 0);
StringHasher hasher;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
return hasher.Finalize(String::kHashBits);
intptr_t String::Hash(const uint8_t* characters, intptr_t len) {
return HashImpl(characters, len);
intptr_t String::Hash(const uint16_t* characters, intptr_t len) {
return HashImpl(characters, len);
intptr_t String::Hash(const uint32_t* characters, intptr_t len) {
return HashImpl(characters, len);
int32_t String::CharAt(intptr_t index) const {
// String is an abstract class.
return 0;
intptr_t String::CharSize() const {
// String is an abstract class.
return 0;
bool String::Equals(const Instance& other) const {
if (this->raw() == other.raw()) {
// Both handles point to the same raw instance.
return true;
if (!other.IsString() || other.IsNull()) {
return false;
const String& other_string = String::Cast(other);
if (this->HasHash() && other_string.HasHash() &&
(this->Hash() != other_string.Hash())) {
return false; // Both sides have a hash code and it does not match.
return Equals(other_string, 0, other_string.Length());
bool String::Equals(const char* str) const {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < this->Length(); ++i) {
if (*str == '\0') {
// Lengths don't match.
return false;
int32_t ch;
intptr_t consumed = Utf8::Decode(str, &ch);
if (consumed == 0 || this->CharAt(i) != ch) {
return false;
str += consumed;
return *str == '\0';
bool String::Equals(const uint8_t* characters, intptr_t len) const {
if (len != this->Length()) {
// Lengths don't match.
return false;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (this->CharAt(i) != characters[i]) {
return false;
return true;
bool String::Equals(const uint16_t* characters, intptr_t len) const {
if (len != this->Length()) {
// Lengths don't match.
return false;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (this->CharAt(i) != characters[i]) {
return false;
return true;
bool String::Equals(const uint32_t* characters, intptr_t len) const {
if (len != this->Length()) {
// Lengths don't match.
return false;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (this->CharAt(i) != static_cast<int32_t>(characters[i])) {
return false;
return true;
intptr_t String::CompareTo(const String& other) const {
const intptr_t this_len = this->Length();
const intptr_t other_len = other.IsNull() ? 0 : other.Length();
const intptr_t len = (this_len < other_len) ? this_len : other_len;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
int32_t this_code_point = this->CharAt(i);
int32_t other_code_point = other.CharAt(i);
if (this_code_point < other_code_point) {
return -1;
if (this_code_point > other_code_point) {
return 1;
if (this_len < other_len) return -1;
if (this_len > other_len) return 1;
return 0;
bool String::StartsWith(const String& other) const {
if (other.IsNull() || (other.Length() > this->Length())) {
return false;
intptr_t slen = other.Length();
for (int i = 0; i < slen; i++) {
if (this->CharAt(i) != other.CharAt(i)) {
return false;
return true;
RawInstance* String::Canonicalize() const {
if (IsCanonical()) {
return this->raw();
return Symbols::New(*this);
RawString* String::New(const char* str, Heap::Space space) {
intptr_t width = 0;
intptr_t len = Utf8::CodePointCount(str, &width);
if (width == 1) {
const OneByteString& onestr
= OneByteString::Handle(OneByteString::New(len, space));
if (len > 0) {
NoGCScope no_gc;
Utf8::Decode(str, onestr.CharAddr(0), len);
return onestr.raw();
} else if (width == 2) {
const TwoByteString& twostr =
TwoByteString::Handle(TwoByteString::New(len, space));
NoGCScope no_gc;
Utf8::Decode(str, twostr.CharAddr(0), len);
return twostr.raw();
ASSERT(width == 4);
const FourByteString& fourstr =
FourByteString::Handle(FourByteString::New(len, space));
NoGCScope no_gc;
Utf8::Decode(str, fourstr.CharAddr(0), len);
return fourstr.raw();
RawString* String::New(const uint8_t* characters,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
return OneByteString::New(characters, len, space);
RawString* String::New(const uint16_t* characters,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
bool is_one_byte_string = true;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (characters[i] > 0xFF) {
is_one_byte_string = false;
if (is_one_byte_string) {
return OneByteString::New(characters, len, space);
return TwoByteString::New(characters, len, space);
RawString* String::New(const uint32_t* characters,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
bool is_one_byte_string = true;
bool is_two_byte_string = true;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (characters[i] > 0xFFFF) {
is_two_byte_string = false;
is_one_byte_string = false;
} else if (characters[i] > 0xFF) {
is_one_byte_string = false;
if (is_one_byte_string) {
return OneByteString::New(characters, len, space);
} else if (is_two_byte_string) {
return TwoByteString::New(characters, len, space);
return FourByteString::New(characters, len, space);
RawString* String::New(const String& str, Heap::Space space) {
// Currently this just creates a copy of the string in the correct space.
// Once we have external string support, this will also create a heap copy of
// the string if necessary. Some optimizations are possible, such as not
// copying internal strings into the same space.
intptr_t len = str.Length();
String& result = String::Handle();
intptr_t char_size = str.CharSize();
if (char_size == kOneByteChar) {
result ^= OneByteString::New(len, space);
} else if (char_size == kTwoByteChar) {
result ^= TwoByteString::New(len, space);
} else {
ASSERT(char_size == kFourByteChar);
result ^= FourByteString::New(len, space);
String::Copy(result, 0, str, 0, len);
return result.raw();
RawString* String::NewExternal(const uint8_t* characters,
intptr_t len,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback,
Heap::Space space) {
return ExternalOneByteString::New(characters, len, peer, callback, space);
RawString* String::NewExternal(const uint16_t* characters,
intptr_t len,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback,
Heap::Space space) {
return ExternalTwoByteString::New(characters, len, peer, callback, space);
RawString* String::NewExternal(const uint32_t* characters,
intptr_t len,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback,
Heap::Space space) {
return ExternalFourByteString::New(characters, len, peer, callback, space);
void String::Copy(const String& dst, intptr_t dst_offset,
const uint8_t* characters,
intptr_t len) {
ASSERT(dst_offset >= 0);
ASSERT(len >= 0);
ASSERT(len <= (dst.Length() - dst_offset));
if (dst.IsOneByteString()) {
const OneByteString& onestr = OneByteString::Cast(dst);
NoGCScope no_gc;
if (len > 0) {
memmove(onestr.CharAddr(dst_offset), characters, len);
} else if (dst.IsTwoByteString()) {
const TwoByteString& twostr = TwoByteString::Cast(dst);
NoGCScope no_gc;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
*twostr.CharAddr(i + dst_offset) = characters[i];
} else {
const FourByteString& fourstr = FourByteString::Cast(dst);
NoGCScope no_gc;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
*fourstr.CharAddr(i + dst_offset) = characters[i];
void String::Copy(const String& dst, intptr_t dst_offset,
const uint16_t* characters,
intptr_t len) {
ASSERT(dst_offset >= 0);
ASSERT(len >= 0);
ASSERT(len <= (dst.Length() - dst_offset));
if (dst.IsOneByteString()) {
const OneByteString& onestr = OneByteString::Cast(dst);
NoGCScope no_gc;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
ASSERT(characters[i] <= 0xFF);
*onestr.CharAddr(i + dst_offset) = characters[i];
} else if (dst.IsTwoByteString()) {
const TwoByteString& twostr = TwoByteString::Cast(dst);
NoGCScope no_gc;
if (len > 0) {
memmove(twostr.CharAddr(dst_offset), characters, len * 2);
} else {
const FourByteString& fourstr = FourByteString::Cast(dst);
NoGCScope no_gc;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
*fourstr.CharAddr(i + dst_offset) = characters[i];
void String::Copy(const String& dst, intptr_t dst_offset,
const uint32_t* characters,
intptr_t len) {
ASSERT(dst_offset >= 0);
ASSERT(len >= 0);
ASSERT(len <= (dst.Length() - dst_offset));
if (dst.IsOneByteString()) {
const OneByteString& onestr = OneByteString::Cast(dst);
NoGCScope no_gc;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
ASSERT(characters[i] <= 0xFF);
*onestr.CharAddr(i + dst_offset) = characters[i];
} else if (dst.IsTwoByteString()) {
const TwoByteString& twostr = TwoByteString::Cast(dst);
NoGCScope no_gc;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
ASSERT(characters[i] <= 0xFFFF);
*twostr.CharAddr(i + dst_offset) = characters[i];
} else {
const FourByteString& fourstr = FourByteString::Cast(dst);
NoGCScope no_gc;
if (len > 0) {
memmove(fourstr.CharAddr(dst_offset), characters, len * 4);
void String::Copy(const String& dst, intptr_t dst_offset,
const String& src, intptr_t src_offset,
intptr_t len) {
ASSERT(dst_offset >= 0);
ASSERT(src_offset >= 0);
ASSERT(len >= 0);
ASSERT(len <= (dst.Length() - dst_offset));
ASSERT(len <= (src.Length() - src_offset));
if (len > 0) {
intptr_t char_size = src.CharSize();
if (char_size == kOneByteChar) {
if (src.IsOneByteString()) {
const OneByteString& onestr = OneByteString::Cast(src);
NoGCScope no_gc;
String::Copy(dst, dst_offset, onestr.CharAddr(0) + src_offset, len);
} else {
const ExternalOneByteString& onestr = ExternalOneByteString::Cast(src);
NoGCScope no_gc;
String::Copy(dst, dst_offset, onestr.CharAddr(0) + src_offset, len);
} else if (char_size == kTwoByteChar) {
if (src.IsTwoByteString()) {
const TwoByteString& twostr = TwoByteString::Cast(src);
NoGCScope no_gc;
String::Copy(dst, dst_offset, twostr.CharAddr(0) + src_offset, len);
} else {
const ExternalTwoByteString& twostr = ExternalTwoByteString::Cast(src);
NoGCScope no_gc;
String::Copy(dst, dst_offset, twostr.CharAddr(0) + src_offset, len);
} else {
ASSERT(char_size == kFourByteChar);
if (src.IsFourByteString()) {
const FourByteString& fourstr = FourByteString::Cast(src);
NoGCScope no_gc;
String::Copy(dst, dst_offset, fourstr.CharAddr(0) + src_offset, len);
} else {
const ExternalFourByteString& fourstr =
NoGCScope no_gc;
String::Copy(dst, dst_offset, fourstr.CharAddr(0) + src_offset, len);
RawString* String::EscapeSpecialCharacters(const String& str, bool raw_str) {
if (str.IsOneByteString()) {
const OneByteString& onestr = OneByteString::Cast(str);
return onestr.EscapeSpecialCharacters(raw_str);
if (str.IsTwoByteString()) {
const TwoByteString& twostr = TwoByteString::Cast(str);
return twostr.EscapeSpecialCharacters(raw_str);
const FourByteString& fourstr = FourByteString::Cast(str);
return fourstr.EscapeSpecialCharacters(raw_str);
RawString* String::NewFormatted(const char* format, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
RawString* result = NewFormattedV(format, args);
NoGCScope no_gc;
return result;
RawString* String::NewFormattedV(const char* format, va_list args) {
va_list args_copy;
va_copy(args_copy, args);
intptr_t len = OS::VSNPrint(NULL, 0, format, args_copy);
Zone* zone = Isolate::Current()->current_zone();
char* buffer = zone->Alloc<char>(len + 1);
OS::VSNPrint(buffer, (len + 1), format, args);
return String::New(buffer);
RawString* String::Concat(const String& str1,
const String& str2,
Heap::Space space) {
ASSERT(!str1.IsNull() && !str2.IsNull());
intptr_t char_size = Utils::Maximum(str1.CharSize(), str2.CharSize());
if (char_size == kFourByteChar) {
return FourByteString::Concat(str1, str2, space);
if (char_size == kTwoByteChar) {
return TwoByteString::Concat(str1, str2, space);
return OneByteString::Concat(str1, str2, space);
RawString* String::ConcatAll(const Array& strings,
Heap::Space space) {
intptr_t result_len = 0;
intptr_t strings_len = strings.Length();
String& str = String::Handle();
intptr_t char_size = kOneByteChar;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < strings_len; i++) {
str ^= strings.At(i);
result_len += str.Length();
char_size = Utils::Maximum(char_size, str.CharSize());
if (char_size == kOneByteChar) {
return OneByteString::ConcatAll(strings, result_len, space);
} else if (char_size == kTwoByteChar) {
return TwoByteString::ConcatAll(strings, result_len, space);
ASSERT(char_size == kFourByteChar);
return FourByteString::ConcatAll(strings, result_len, space);
RawString* String::SubString(const String& str,
intptr_t begin_index,
Heap::Space space) {
if (begin_index >= str.Length()) {
return String::null();
return String::SubString(str, begin_index, (str.Length() - begin_index));
RawString* String::SubString(const String& str,
intptr_t begin_index,
intptr_t length,
Heap::Space space) {
ASSERT(begin_index >= 0);
ASSERT(length >= 0);
if (begin_index <= str.Length() && length == 0) {
return Symbols::Empty();
if (begin_index > str.Length()) {
return String::null();
String& result = String::Handle();
bool is_one_byte_string = true;
bool is_two_byte_string = true;
intptr_t char_size = str.CharSize();
if (char_size == kTwoByteChar) {
for (intptr_t i = begin_index; i < begin_index + length; ++i) {
if (str.CharAt(i) > 0xFF) {
is_one_byte_string = false;
} else if (char_size == kFourByteChar) {
for (intptr_t i = begin_index; i < begin_index + length; ++i) {
if (str.CharAt(i) > 0xFFFF) {
is_one_byte_string = false;
is_two_byte_string = false;
} else if (str.CharAt(i) > 0xFF) {
is_one_byte_string = false;
if (is_one_byte_string) {
result ^= OneByteString::New(length, space);
} else if (is_two_byte_string) {
result ^= TwoByteString::New(length, space);
} else {
result ^= FourByteString::New(length, space);
String::Copy(result, 0, str, begin_index, length);
return result.raw();
const char* String::ToCString() const {
intptr_t len = Utf8::Length(*this);
Zone* zone = Isolate::Current()->current_zone();
char* result = zone->Alloc<char>(len + 1);
Utf8::Encode(*this, result, len);
result[len] = 0;
return result;
RawString* String::Transform(int32_t (*mapping)(int32_t ch),
const String& str,
Heap::Space space) {
bool has_mapping = false;
int32_t dst_max = 0;
intptr_t len = str.Length();
// TODO(cshapiro): assume a transform is required, rollback if not.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
int32_t src = str.CharAt(i);
int32_t dst = mapping(src);
if (src != dst) {
has_mapping = true;
dst_max = Utils::Maximum(dst_max, dst);
if (!has_mapping) {
return str.raw();
if (dst_max <= 0xFF) {
return OneByteString::Transform(mapping, str, space);
if (dst_max <= 0xFFFF) {
return TwoByteString::Transform(mapping, str, space);
ASSERT(dst_max > 0xFFFF);
return FourByteString::Transform(mapping, str, space);
RawString* String::ToUpperCase(const String& str, Heap::Space space) {
// TODO(cshapiro): create a fast-path for OneByteString instances.
return Transform(CaseMapping::ToUpper, str, space);
RawString* String::ToLowerCase(const String& str, Heap::Space space) {
// TODO(cshapiro): create a fast-path for OneByteString instances.
return Transform(CaseMapping::ToLower, str, space);
RawOneByteString* OneByteString::EscapeSpecialCharacters(bool raw_str) const {
intptr_t len = Length();
if (len > 0) {
intptr_t num_escapes = 0;
intptr_t index = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (IsSpecialCharacter(*CharAddr(i)) ||
(!raw_str && (*CharAddr(i) == '\\'))) {
num_escapes += 1;
const OneByteString& dststr = OneByteString::Handle(
OneByteString::New(len + num_escapes, Heap::kNew));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (IsSpecialCharacter(*CharAddr(i))) {
*(dststr.CharAddr(index)) = '\\';
*(dststr.CharAddr(index + 1)) = SpecialCharacter(*CharAddr(i));
index += 2;
} else if (!raw_str && (*CharAddr(i) == '\\')) {
*(dststr.CharAddr(index)) = '\\';
*(dststr.CharAddr(index + 1)) = '\\';
index += 2;
} else {
*(dststr.CharAddr(index)) = *CharAddr(i);
index += 1;
return dststr.raw();
return OneByteString::null();
// Check to see if 'name' matches 'this' as is or
// once the private key separator is stripped from name.
// Things are made more complicated by the fact that constructors are
// added *after* the private suffix, so "foo@123.named" should match
// "foo.named".
// Also, the private suffix can occur more than once in the name, as in:
// _ReceivePortImpl@6be832b._internal@6be832b
bool OneByteString::EqualsIgnoringPrivateKey(const OneByteString& name) const {
if (raw() == name.raw()) {
return true; // Both handles point to the same raw instance.
intptr_t len = Length();
intptr_t name_len = name.Length();
if (len == name_len) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (*(CharAddr(i)) != *(name.CharAddr(i))) {
return false;
return true;
if (len < name_len) {
return false; // No way they can match.
intptr_t pos = 0;
intptr_t name_pos = 0;
while (pos < len) {
int32_t ch = *(CharAddr(pos));
if (ch == Scanner::kPrivateKeySeparator) {
// Consume a private key separator.
while (pos < len && *(CharAddr(pos)) != '.') {
// Resume matching characters.
if (name_pos == name_len || ch != *(name.CharAddr(name_pos))) {
return false;
// We have reached the end of mangled_name string.
ASSERT(pos == len);
return (name_pos == name_len);
RawOneByteString* OneByteString::New(intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
ASSERT(Isolate::Current() == Dart::vm_isolate() ||
Isolate::Current()->object_store()->one_byte_string_class() !=
if (len < 0 || len > kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in OneByteString::New: invalid len %"Pd"\n", len);
OneByteString& result = OneByteString::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(OneByteString::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
RawOneByteString* OneByteString::New(const uint8_t* characters,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
const OneByteString& result =
OneByteString::Handle(OneByteString::New(len, space));
String::Copy(result, 0, characters, len);
return result.raw();
RawOneByteString* OneByteString::New(const uint16_t* characters,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
const OneByteString& result =
OneByteString::Handle(OneByteString::New(len, space));
String::Copy(result, 0, characters, len);
return result.raw();
RawOneByteString* OneByteString::New(const uint32_t* characters,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
const OneByteString& result =
OneByteString::Handle(OneByteString::New(len, space));
String::Copy(result, 0, characters, len);
return result.raw();
RawOneByteString* OneByteString::New(const OneByteString& str,
Heap::Space space) {
intptr_t len = str.Length();
const OneByteString& result =
OneByteString::Handle(OneByteString::New(len, space));
String::Copy(result, 0, str, 0, len);
return result.raw();
RawOneByteString* OneByteString::Concat(const String& str1,
const String& str2,
Heap::Space space) {
intptr_t len1 = str1.Length();
intptr_t len2 = str2.Length();
intptr_t len = len1 + len2;
const OneByteString& result =
OneByteString::Handle(OneByteString::New(len, space));
String::Copy(result, 0, str1, 0, len1);
String::Copy(result, len1, str2, 0, len2);
return result.raw();
RawOneByteString* OneByteString::ConcatAll(const Array& strings,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
const OneByteString& result =
OneByteString::Handle(OneByteString::New(len, space));
OneByteString& str = OneByteString::Handle();
intptr_t strings_len = strings.Length();
intptr_t pos = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < strings_len; i++) {
str ^= strings.At(i);
intptr_t str_len = str.Length();
String::Copy(result, pos, str, 0, str_len);
pos += str_len;
return result.raw();
RawOneByteString* OneByteString::Transform(int32_t (*mapping)(int32_t ch),
const String& str,
Heap::Space space) {
intptr_t len = str.Length();
const OneByteString& result =
OneByteString::Handle(OneByteString::New(len, space));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
int32_t ch = mapping(str.CharAt(i));
ASSERT(ch >= 0 && ch <= 0xFF);
*result.CharAddr(i) = ch;
return result.raw();
const char* OneByteString::ToCString() const {
return String::ToCString();
RawTwoByteString* TwoByteString::EscapeSpecialCharacters(bool raw_str) const {
intptr_t len = Length();
if (len > 0) {
intptr_t num_escapes = 0;
intptr_t index = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (IsSpecialCharacter(*CharAddr(i)) ||
(!raw_str && (*CharAddr(i) == '\\'))) {
num_escapes += 1;
const TwoByteString& dststr = TwoByteString::Handle(
TwoByteString::New(len + num_escapes, Heap::kNew));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (IsSpecialCharacter(*CharAddr(i))) {
*(dststr.CharAddr(index)) = '\\';
*(dststr.CharAddr(index + 1)) = SpecialCharacter(*CharAddr(i));
index += 2;
} else if (!raw_str && (*CharAddr(i) == '\\')) {
*(dststr.CharAddr(index)) = '\\';
*(dststr.CharAddr(index + 1)) = '\\';
index += 2;
} else {
*(dststr.CharAddr(index)) = *CharAddr(i);
index += 1;
return dststr.raw();
return TwoByteString::null();
RawTwoByteString* TwoByteString::New(intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
if (len < 0 || len > kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in TwoByteString::New: invalid len %"Pd"\n", len);
TwoByteString& result = TwoByteString::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(TwoByteString::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
RawTwoByteString* TwoByteString::New(const uint16_t* characters,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
const TwoByteString& result =
TwoByteString::Handle(TwoByteString::New(len, space));
String::Copy(result, 0, characters, len);
return result.raw();
RawTwoByteString* TwoByteString::New(const uint32_t* characters,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
const TwoByteString& result =
TwoByteString::Handle(TwoByteString::New(len, space));
String::Copy(result, 0, characters, len);
return result.raw();
RawTwoByteString* TwoByteString::New(const TwoByteString& str,
Heap::Space space) {
intptr_t len = str.Length();
const TwoByteString& result =
TwoByteString::Handle(TwoByteString::New(len, space));
String::Copy(result, 0, str, 0, len);
return result.raw();
RawTwoByteString* TwoByteString::Concat(const String& str1,
const String& str2,
Heap::Space space) {
intptr_t len1 = str1.Length();
intptr_t len2 = str2.Length();
intptr_t len = len1 + len2;
const TwoByteString& result =
TwoByteString::Handle(TwoByteString::New(len, space));
String::Copy(result, 0, str1, 0, len1);
String::Copy(result, len1, str2, 0, len2);
return result.raw();
RawTwoByteString* TwoByteString::ConcatAll(const Array& strings,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
const TwoByteString& result =
TwoByteString::Handle(TwoByteString::New(len, space));
String& str = String::Handle();
intptr_t strings_len = strings.Length();
intptr_t pos = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < strings_len; i++) {
str ^= strings.At(i);
intptr_t str_len = str.Length();
String::Copy(result, pos, str, 0, str_len);
pos += str_len;
return result.raw();
RawTwoByteString* TwoByteString::Transform(int32_t (*mapping)(int32_t ch),
const String& str,
Heap::Space space) {
intptr_t len = str.Length();
const TwoByteString& result =
TwoByteString::Handle(TwoByteString::New(len, space));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
int32_t ch = mapping(str.CharAt(i));
ASSERT(ch >= 0 && ch <= 0xFFFF);
*result.CharAddr(i) = ch;
return result.raw();
const char* TwoByteString::ToCString() const {
return String::ToCString();
RawFourByteString* FourByteString::EscapeSpecialCharacters(bool raw_str) const {
intptr_t len = Length();
if (len > 0) {
intptr_t num_escapes = 0;
intptr_t index = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (IsSpecialCharacter(*CharAddr(i)) ||
(!raw_str && (*CharAddr(i) == '\\'))) {
num_escapes += 1;
const FourByteString& dststr = FourByteString::Handle(
FourByteString::New(len + num_escapes, Heap::kNew));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (IsSpecialCharacter(*CharAddr(i))) {
*(dststr.CharAddr(index)) = '\\';
*(dststr.CharAddr(index + 1)) = SpecialCharacter(*CharAddr(i));
index += 2;
} else if (!raw_str && (*CharAddr(i) == '\\')) {
*(dststr.CharAddr(index)) = '\\';
*(dststr.CharAddr(index + 1)) = '\\';
index += 2;
} else {
*(dststr.CharAddr(index)) = *CharAddr(i);
index += 1;
return dststr.raw();
return FourByteString::null();
RawFourByteString* FourByteString::New(intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
ASSERT(Isolate::Current()->object_store()->four_byte_string_class() !=
if (len < 0 || len > kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in FourByteString::New: invalid len %"Pd"\n", len);
FourByteString& result = FourByteString::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(FourByteString::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
RawFourByteString* FourByteString::New(const uint32_t* characters,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
const FourByteString& result =
FourByteString::Handle(FourByteString::New(len, space));
String::Copy(result, 0, characters, len);
return result.raw();
RawFourByteString* FourByteString::New(const FourByteString& str,
Heap::Space space) {
return FourByteString::New(str.CharAddr(0), str.Length(), space);
RawFourByteString* FourByteString::Concat(const String& str1,
const String& str2,
Heap::Space space) {
intptr_t len1 = str1.Length();
intptr_t len2 = str2.Length();
intptr_t len = len1 + len2;
const FourByteString& result =
FourByteString::Handle(FourByteString::New(len, space));
String::Copy(result, 0, str1, 0, len1);
String::Copy(result, len1, str2, 0, len2);
return result.raw();
RawFourByteString* FourByteString::ConcatAll(const Array& strings,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
const FourByteString& result =
FourByteString::Handle(FourByteString::New(len, space));
String& str = String::Handle();
intptr_t strings_len = strings.Length();
intptr_t pos = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < strings_len; i++) {
str ^= strings.At(i);
intptr_t str_len = str.Length();
String::Copy(result, pos, str, 0, str_len);
pos += str_len;
return result.raw();
RawFourByteString* FourByteString::Transform(int32_t (*mapping)(int32_t ch),
const String& str,
Heap::Space space) {
intptr_t len = str.Length();
const FourByteString& result =
FourByteString::Handle(FourByteString::New(len, space));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
int32_t ch = mapping(str.CharAt(i));
ASSERT(ch >= 0 && ch <= 0x10FFFF);
*result.CharAddr(i) = ch;
return result.raw();
const char* FourByteString::ToCString() const {
return String::ToCString();
static void AddFinalizer(const Object& referent,
void* peer,
Dart_WeakPersistentHandleFinalizer callback) {
ASSERT(callback != NULL);
ApiState* state = Isolate::Current()->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
FinalizablePersistentHandle* weak_ref =
RawExternalOneByteString* ExternalOneByteString::New(
const uint8_t* data,
intptr_t len,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback,
Heap::Space space) {
ASSERT(Isolate::Current()->object_store()->external_one_byte_string_class() !=
if (len < 0 || len > kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in ExternalOneByteString::New: invalid len %"Pd"\n",
ExternalOneByteString& result = ExternalOneByteString::Handle();
ExternalStringData<uint8_t>* external_data =
new ExternalStringData<uint8_t>(data, peer, callback);
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(ExternalOneByteString::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
AddFinalizer(result, external_data, ExternalOneByteString::Finalize);
return result.raw();
static void DeleteWeakPersistentHandle(Dart_Handle handle) {
ApiState* state = Isolate::Current()->api_state();
ASSERT(state != NULL);
FinalizablePersistentHandle* weak_ref =
void ExternalOneByteString::Finalize(Dart_Handle handle, void* peer) {
delete reinterpret_cast<ExternalStringData<uint8_t>*>(peer);
const char* ExternalOneByteString::ToCString() const {
return String::ToCString();
RawExternalTwoByteString* ExternalTwoByteString::New(
const uint16_t* data,
intptr_t len,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback,
Heap::Space space) {
ASSERT(Isolate::Current()->object_store()->external_two_byte_string_class() !=
if (len < 0 || len > kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in ExternalTwoByteString::New: invalid len %"Pd"\n",
ExternalTwoByteString& result = ExternalTwoByteString::Handle();
ExternalStringData<uint16_t>* external_data =
new ExternalStringData<uint16_t>(data, peer, callback);
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(ExternalTwoByteString::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
AddFinalizer(result, external_data, ExternalTwoByteString::Finalize);
return result.raw();
void ExternalTwoByteString::Finalize(Dart_Handle handle, void* peer) {
delete reinterpret_cast<ExternalStringData<uint16_t>*>(peer);
const char* ExternalTwoByteString::ToCString() const {
return String::ToCString();
RawExternalFourByteString* ExternalFourByteString::New(
const uint32_t* data,
intptr_t len,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback,
Heap::Space space) {
external_four_byte_string_class() != Class::null());
if (len < 0 || len > kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in ExternalFourByteString::New: invalid len %"Pd"\n",
ExternalFourByteString& result = ExternalFourByteString::Handle();
ExternalStringData<uint32_t>* external_data =
new ExternalStringData<uint32_t>(data, peer, callback);
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(ExternalFourByteString::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
AddFinalizer(result, external_data, ExternalFourByteString::Finalize);
return result.raw();
void ExternalFourByteString::Finalize(Dart_Handle handle, void* peer) {
delete reinterpret_cast<ExternalStringData<uint32_t>*>(peer);
const char* ExternalFourByteString::ToCString() const {
return String::ToCString();
RawBool* Bool::True() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->true_value();
RawBool* Bool::False() {
return Isolate::Current()->object_store()->false_value();
RawBool* Bool::New(bool value) {
ASSERT(Isolate::Current()->object_store()->bool_class() != Class::null());
Bool& result = Bool::Handle();
// Since the two boolean instances are singletons we allocate them straight
// in the old generation.
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(Bool::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
const char* Bool::ToCString() const {
return value() ? "true" : "false";
bool Array::Equals(const Instance& other) const {
if (this->raw() == other.raw()) {
// Both handles point to the same raw instance.
return true;
if (!other.IsArray() || other.IsNull()) {
return false;
// Must have the same type arguments.
if (!AbstractTypeArguments::AreEqual(
AbstractTypeArguments::Handle(other.GetTypeArguments()))) {
return false;
const Array& other_arr = Array::Cast(other);
intptr_t len = this->Length();
if (len != other_arr.Length()) {
return false;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (this->At(i) != other_arr.At(i)) {
return false;
return true;
RawArray* Array::New(intptr_t len, Heap::Space space) {
ObjectStore* object_store = Isolate::Current()->object_store();
ASSERT(object_store->array_class() != Class::null());
Class& cls = Class::Handle(object_store->array_class());
return New(cls, len, space);
RawArray* Array::New(const Class& cls, intptr_t len, Heap::Space space) {
if (len < 0 || len > Array::kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in Array::New: invalid len %"Pd"\n", len);
Array& result = Array::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
void Array::MakeImmutable() const {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(
isolate, isolate->object_store()->immutable_array_class());
NoGCScope no_gc;
uword tags = raw_ptr()->tags_;
tags = RawObject::ClassIdTag::update(, tags);
raw_ptr()->tags_ = tags;
const char* Array::ToCString() const {
return "Array";
RawArray* Array::Grow(const Array& source, int new_length, Heap::Space space) {
const Array& result = Array::Handle(Array::New(new_length, space));
intptr_t len = 0;
if (!source.IsNull()) {
len = source.Length();
ASSERT(new_length >= len); // Cannot copy 'source' into new array.
ASSERT(new_length != len); // Unnecessary copying of array.
Object& obj = Object::Handle();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
obj = source.At(i);
result.SetAt(i, obj);
return result.raw();
RawArray* Array::MakeArray(const GrowableObjectArray& growable_array) {
intptr_t used_len = growable_array.Length();
intptr_t capacity_len = growable_array.Capacity();
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
const Array& array = Array::Handle(isolate,;
const Array& new_array = Array::Handle(isolate, Object::empty_array());
intptr_t capacity_size = Array::InstanceSize(capacity_len);
intptr_t used_size = Array::InstanceSize(used_len);
NoGCScope no_gc;
// Update the size in the header field and length of the array object.
uword tags = array.raw_ptr()->tags_;
ASSERT(kArrayCid == RawObject::ClassIdTag::decode(tags));
tags = RawObject::SizeTag::update(used_size, tags);
array.raw_ptr()->tags_ = tags;
// Null the GrowableObjectArray, we are removing it's backing array.
// If there is any left over space fill it with either an Array object or
// just a plain object (depending on the amount of left over space) so
// that it can be traversed over successfully during garbage collection.
if (capacity_size != used_size) {
ASSERT(capacity_len > used_len);
intptr_t leftover_size = capacity_size - used_size;
uword addr = RawObject::ToAddr(array.raw()) + used_size;
if (leftover_size >= Array::InstanceSize(0)) {
// As we have enough space to use an array object, update the leftover
// space as an Array object.
RawArray* raw = reinterpret_cast<RawArray*>(RawObject::FromAddr(addr));
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(isolate->object_store()->array_class());
tags = 0;
tags = RawObject::SizeTag::update(leftover_size, tags);
tags = RawObject::ClassIdTag::update(, tags);
raw->ptr()->tags_ = tags;
intptr_t leftover_len =
((leftover_size - Array::InstanceSize(0)) / kWordSize);
raw->ptr()->tags_ = tags;
raw->ptr()->length_ = Smi::New(leftover_len);
} else {
// Update the leftover space as a basic object.
ASSERT(leftover_size == Object::InstanceSize());
RawObject* raw = reinterpret_cast<RawObject*>(RawObject::FromAddr(addr));
tags = 0;
tags = RawObject::SizeTag::update(leftover_size, tags);
tags = RawObject::ClassIdTag::update(kInstanceCid, tags);
raw->ptr()->tags_ = tags;
return array.raw();
RawImmutableArray* ImmutableArray::New(intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
ObjectStore* object_store = Isolate::Current()->object_store();
ASSERT(object_store->immutable_array_class() != Class::null());
Class& cls = Class::Handle(object_store->immutable_array_class());
return reinterpret_cast<RawImmutableArray*>(Array::New(cls, len, space));
const char* ImmutableArray::ToCString() const {
return "ImmutableArray";
void GrowableObjectArray::Add(const Object& value, Heap::Space space) const {
Array& contents = Array::Handle(data());
if (Length() == Capacity()) {
// TODO(Issue 2500): Need a better growth strategy.
intptr_t new_capacity = (Capacity() == 0) ? 4 : Capacity() * 2;
if (new_capacity <= Capacity()) {
// Use the preallocated out of memory exception to avoid calling
// into dart code or allocating any code.
const Instance& exception =
Grow(new_capacity, space);
contents = data();
ASSERT(Length() < Capacity());
intptr_t index = Length();
SetLength(index + 1);
contents.SetAt(index, value);
void GrowableObjectArray::Grow(intptr_t new_capacity, Heap::Space space) const {
ASSERT(new_capacity > Capacity());
const Array& contents = Array::Handle(data());
const Array& new_contents =
Array::Handle(Array::Grow(contents, new_capacity, space));
StorePointer(&(raw_ptr()->data_), new_contents.raw());
RawObject* GrowableObjectArray::RemoveLast() const {
ASSERT(Length() > 0);
intptr_t index = Length() - 1;
const Array& contents = Array::Handle(data());
const Object& obj = Object::Handle(contents.At(index));
contents.SetAt(index, Object::Handle());
return obj.raw();
bool GrowableObjectArray::Equals(const Instance& other) const {
// If both handles point to the same raw instance they are equal.
if (this->raw() == other.raw()) {
return true;
// Other instance must be non null and a GrowableObjectArray.
if (!other.IsGrowableObjectArray() || other.IsNull()) {
return false;
const GrowableObjectArray& other_arr = GrowableObjectArray::Cast(other);
// The capacity and length of both objects must be equal.
if (Capacity() != other_arr.Capacity() || Length() != other_arr.Length()) {
return false;
// Both must have the same type arguments.
if (!AbstractTypeArguments::AreEqual(
AbstractTypeArguments::Handle(other.GetTypeArguments()))) {
return false;
// The data part in both arrays must be identical.
const Array& contents = Array::Handle(data());
const Array& other_contents = Array::Handle(;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < Length(); i++) {
if (contents.At(i) != other_contents.At(i)) {
return false;
return true;
RawGrowableObjectArray* GrowableObjectArray::New(intptr_t capacity,
Heap::Space space) {
const Array& data = Array::Handle(Array::New(capacity, space));
return New(data, space);
RawGrowableObjectArray* GrowableObjectArray::New(const Array& array,
Heap::Space space) {
!= Class::null());
GrowableObjectArray& result = GrowableObjectArray::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(GrowableObjectArray::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
const char* GrowableObjectArray::ToCString() const {
return "GrowableObjectArray";
void ByteArray::Copy(void* dst,
const ByteArray& src,
intptr_t src_offset,
intptr_t length) {
ASSERT(Utils::RangeCheck(src_offset, length, src.ByteLength()));
NoGCScope no_gc;
if (length > 0) {
memmove(dst, src.ByteAddr(src_offset), length);
void ByteArray::Copy(const ByteArray& dst,
intptr_t dst_offset,
const void* src,
intptr_t length) {
ASSERT(Utils::RangeCheck(dst_offset, length, dst.ByteLength()));
NoGCScope no_gc;
if (length > 0) {
memmove(dst.ByteAddr(dst_offset), src, length);
void ByteArray::Copy(const ByteArray& dst,
intptr_t dst_offset,
const ByteArray& src,
intptr_t src_offset,
intptr_t length) {
ASSERT(Utils::RangeCheck(src_offset, length, src.ByteLength()));
ASSERT(Utils::RangeCheck(dst_offset, length, dst.ByteLength()));
NoGCScope no_gc;
if (length > 0) {
memmove(dst.ByteAddr(dst_offset), src.ByteAddr(src_offset), length);
template<typename T>
static void ExternalByteArrayFinalize(Dart_Handle handle, void* peer) {
delete reinterpret_cast<ExternalByteArrayData<T>*>(peer);
template<typename HandleT, typename RawT, typename ElementT>
RawT* ByteArray::NewExternalImpl(const Class& cls,
ElementT* data,
intptr_t len,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback,
Heap::Space space) {
if (len < 0 || len > HandleT::kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in ByteArray::NewExternalImpl: invalid len %"Pd"\n",
HandleT& result = HandleT::Handle();
ExternalByteArrayData<ElementT>* external_data =
new ExternalByteArrayData<ElementT>(data, peer, callback);
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(, HandleT::InstanceSize(), space);
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
AddFinalizer(result, external_data, ExternalByteArrayFinalize<ElementT>);
return result.raw();
intptr_t ByteArray::ByteLength() const {
// ByteArray is an abstract class.
return 0;
uint8_t* ByteArray::ByteAddr(intptr_t byte_offset) const {
// ByteArray is an abstract class.
return NULL;
const char* ByteArray::ToCString() const {
// ByteArray is an abstract class.
return "ByteArray";
template<typename HandleT, typename RawT>
RawT* ByteArray::NewImpl(const Class& cls, intptr_t len, Heap::Space space) {
if (len < 0 || len > HandleT::kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in ByteArray::NewImpl: invalid len %"Pd"\n", len);
HandleT& result = HandleT::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
if (len > 0) {
memset(result.ByteAddr(0), 0, result.ByteLength());
return result.raw();
template<typename HandleT, typename RawT, typename ElementT>
RawT* ByteArray::NewImpl(const Class& cls,
const ElementT* data,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
if (len < 0 || len > HandleT::kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in ByteArray::NewImpl: invalid len %"Pd"\n", len);
HandleT& result = HandleT::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
if (len > 0) {
memmove(result.ByteAddr(0), data, result.ByteLength());
return result.raw();
RawInt8Array* Int8Array::New(intptr_t len, Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->int8_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Int8Array, RawInt8Array>(cls, len, space);
RawInt8Array* Int8Array::New(const int8_t* data,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->int8_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Int8Array, RawInt8Array>(cls, data, len, space);
const char* Int8Array::ToCString() const {
return "_Int8Array";
RawUint8Array* Uint8Array::New(intptr_t len, Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->uint8_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Uint8Array, RawUint8Array>(cls, len, space);
RawUint8Array* Uint8Array::New(const uint8_t* data,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->uint8_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Uint8Array, RawUint8Array>(cls, data, len, space);
const char* Uint8Array::ToCString() const {
return "_Uint8Array";
RawInt16Array* Int16Array::New(intptr_t len, Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->int16_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Int16Array, RawInt16Array>(cls, len, space);
RawInt16Array* Int16Array::New(const int16_t* data,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->int16_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Int16Array, RawInt16Array>(cls, data, len, space);
const char* Int16Array::ToCString() const {
return "_Int16Array";
RawUint16Array* Uint16Array::New(intptr_t len, Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->uint16_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Uint16Array, RawUint16Array>(cls, len, space);
RawUint16Array* Uint16Array::New(const uint16_t* data,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->uint16_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Uint16Array, RawUint16Array>(cls, data, len, space);
const char* Uint16Array::ToCString() const {
return "_Uint16Array";
RawInt32Array* Int32Array::New(intptr_t len, Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->int32_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Int32Array, RawInt32Array>(cls, len, space);
RawInt32Array* Int32Array::New(const int32_t* data,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->int32_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Int32Array, RawInt32Array>(cls, data, len, space);
const char* Int32Array::ToCString() const {
return "_Int32Array";
RawUint32Array* Uint32Array::New(intptr_t len, Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->uint32_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Uint32Array, RawUint32Array>(cls, len, space);
RawUint32Array* Uint32Array::New(const uint32_t* data,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->uint32_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Uint32Array, RawUint32Array>(cls, data, len, space);
const char* Uint32Array::ToCString() const {
return "_Uint32Array";
RawInt64Array* Int64Array::New(intptr_t len, Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->int64_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Int64Array, RawInt64Array>(cls, len, space);
RawInt64Array* Int64Array::New(const int64_t* data,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->int64_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Int64Array, RawInt64Array>(cls, data, len, space);
const char* Int64Array::ToCString() const {
return "_Int64Array";
RawUint64Array* Uint64Array::New(intptr_t len, Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->uint64_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Uint64Array, RawUint64Array>(cls, len, space);
RawUint64Array* Uint64Array::New(const uint64_t* data,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->uint64_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Uint64Array, RawUint64Array>(cls, data, len, space);
const char* Uint64Array::ToCString() const {
return "_Uint64Array";
RawFloat32Array* Float32Array::New(intptr_t len, Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->float32_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Float32Array, RawFloat32Array>(cls, len, space);
RawFloat32Array* Float32Array::New(const float* data,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->float32_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Float32Array, RawFloat32Array>(cls, data, len, space);
const char* Float32Array::ToCString() const {
return "_Float32Array";
RawFloat64Array* Float64Array::New(intptr_t len, Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->float64_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Float64Array, RawFloat64Array>(cls, len, space);
RawFloat64Array* Float64Array::New(const double* data,
intptr_t len,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->float64_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewImpl<Float64Array, RawFloat64Array>(cls, data, len, space);
const char* Float64Array::ToCString() const {
return "_Float64Array";
RawExternalInt8Array* ExternalInt8Array::New(int8_t* data,
intptr_t len,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->external_int8_array_class() != Class::null());
const Class& cls =
return NewExternalImpl<ExternalInt8Array, RawExternalInt8Array>(
cls, data, len, peer, callback, space);
const char* ExternalInt8Array::ToCString() const {
return "_ExternalInt8Array";
RawExternalUint8Array* ExternalUint8Array::New(uint8_t* data,
intptr_t len,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->external_uint8_array_class() !=
const Class& cls =
return NewExternalImpl<ExternalUint8Array, RawExternalUint8Array>(
cls, data, len, peer, callback, space);
const char* ExternalUint8Array::ToCString() const {
return "_ExternalUint8Array";
RawExternalInt16Array* ExternalInt16Array::New(int16_t* data,
intptr_t len,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->external_int16_array_class() !=
const Class& cls =
return NewExternalImpl<ExternalInt16Array, RawExternalInt16Array>(
cls, data, len, peer, callback, space);
const char* ExternalInt16Array::ToCString() const {
return "_ExternalInt16Array";
RawExternalUint16Array* ExternalUint16Array::New(uint16_t* data,
intptr_t len,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->external_uint16_array_class() !=
const Class& cls =
return NewExternalImpl<ExternalUint16Array, RawExternalUint16Array>(
cls, data, len, peer, callback, space);
const char* ExternalUint16Array::ToCString() const {
return "_ExternalUint16Array";
RawExternalInt32Array* ExternalInt32Array::New(int32_t* data,
intptr_t len,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->external_int32_array_class() !=
const Class& cls =
return NewExternalImpl<ExternalInt32Array, RawExternalInt32Array>(
cls, data, len, peer, callback, space);
const char* ExternalInt32Array::ToCString() const {
return "_ExternalInt32Array";
RawExternalUint32Array* ExternalUint32Array::New(uint32_t* data,
intptr_t len,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->external_uint32_array_class() !=
const Class& cls =
return NewExternalImpl<ExternalUint32Array, RawExternalUint32Array>(
cls, data, len, peer, callback, space);
const char* ExternalUint32Array::ToCString() const {
return "_ExternalUint32Array";
RawExternalInt64Array* ExternalInt64Array::New(int64_t* data,
intptr_t len,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->external_int64_array_class() !=
const Class& cls =
return NewExternalImpl<ExternalInt64Array, RawExternalInt64Array>(
cls, data, len, peer, callback, space);
const char* ExternalInt64Array::ToCString() const {
return "_ExternalInt64Array";
RawExternalUint64Array* ExternalUint64Array::New(uint64_t* data,
intptr_t len,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->external_uint64_array_class() !=
const Class& cls =
return NewExternalImpl<ExternalUint64Array, RawExternalUint64Array>(
cls, data, len, peer, callback, space);
const char* ExternalUint64Array::ToCString() const {
return "_ExternalUint64Array";
RawExternalFloat32Array* ExternalFloat32Array::New(float* data,
intptr_t len,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->external_float32_array_class() !=
const Class& cls =
return NewExternalImpl<ExternalFloat32Array, RawExternalFloat32Array>(
cls, data, len, peer, callback, space);
const char* ExternalFloat32Array::ToCString() const {
return "_ExternalFloat32Array";
RawExternalFloat64Array* ExternalFloat64Array::New(double* data,
intptr_t len,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate->object_store()->external_float64_array_class() !=
const Class& cls =
return NewExternalImpl<ExternalFloat64Array, RawExternalFloat64Array>(
cls, data, len, peer, callback, space);
const char* ExternalFloat64Array::ToCString() const {
return "_ExternalFloat64Array";
const char* Closure::ToCString(const Instance& closure) {
const Function& fun = Function::Handle(Closure::function(closure));
const bool is_implicit_closure = fun.IsImplicitClosureFunction();
const char* fun_sig = String::Handle(fun.Signature()).ToCString();
const char* from = is_implicit_closure ? " from " : "";
const char* fun_desc = is_implicit_closure ? fun.ToCString() : "";
const char* format = "Closure: %s%s%s";
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, format, fun_sig, from, fun_desc) + 1;
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len);
OS::SNPrint(chars, len, format, fun_sig, from, fun_desc);
return chars;
RawInstance* Closure::New(const Function& function,
const Context& context,
Heap::Space space) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(context.isolate() == isolate);
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(function.signature_class());
ASSERT(cls.instance_size() == Closure::InstanceSize());
Instance& result = Instance::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(, Closure::InstanceSize(), space);
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
Closure::set_function(result, function);
Closure::set_context(result, context);
return result.raw();
const char* DartFunction::ToCString() const {
return "Function type class";
intptr_t Stacktrace::Length() const {
const Array& code_array = Array::Handle(raw_ptr()->code_array_);
return code_array.Length();
RawFunction* Stacktrace::FunctionAtFrame(intptr_t frame_index) const {
const Array& function_array = Array::Handle(raw_ptr()->function_array_);
return reinterpret_cast<RawFunction*>(function_array.At(frame_index));
RawCode* Stacktrace::CodeAtFrame(intptr_t frame_index) const {
const Array& code_array = Array::Handle(raw_ptr()->code_array_);
return reinterpret_cast<RawCode*>(code_array.At(frame_index));
RawSmi* Stacktrace::PcOffsetAtFrame(intptr_t frame_index) const {
const Array& pc_offset_array = Array::Handle(raw_ptr()->pc_offset_array_);
return reinterpret_cast<RawSmi*>(pc_offset_array.At(frame_index));
void Stacktrace::set_function_array(const Array& function_array) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->function_array_, function_array.raw());
void Stacktrace::set_code_array(const Array& code_array) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->code_array_, code_array.raw());
void Stacktrace::set_pc_offset_array(const Array& pc_offset_array) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->pc_offset_array_, pc_offset_array.raw());
RawStacktrace* Stacktrace::New(const GrowableObjectArray& func_list,
const GrowableObjectArray& code_list,
const GrowableObjectArray& pc_offset_list,
Heap::Space space) {
ASSERT(Isolate::Current()->object_store()->stacktrace_class() !=
Stacktrace& result = Stacktrace::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(Stacktrace::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
// Create arrays for the function, code and pc_offset triplet for each frame.
const Array& function_array = Array::Handle(Array::MakeArray(func_list));
const Array& code_array = Array::Handle(Array::MakeArray(code_list));
const Array& pc_offset_array =
return result.raw();
void Stacktrace::Append(const GrowableObjectArray& func_list,
const GrowableObjectArray& code_list,
const GrowableObjectArray& pc_offset_list) const {
intptr_t old_length = Length();
intptr_t new_length = old_length + pc_offset_list.Length();
ASSERT(pc_offset_list.Length() == func_list.Length());
ASSERT(pc_offset_list.Length() == code_list.Length());
// Grow the arrays for function, code and pc_offset triplet to accommodate
// the new stack frames.
Array& function_array = Array::Handle(raw_ptr()->function_array_);
Array& code_array = Array::Handle(raw_ptr()->code_array_);
Array& pc_offset_array = Array::Handle(raw_ptr()->pc_offset_array_);
function_array = Array::Grow(function_array, new_length);
code_array = Array::Grow(code_array, new_length);
pc_offset_array = Array::Grow(pc_offset_array, new_length);
// Now append the new function and code list to the existing arrays.
intptr_t j = 0;
Object& obj = Object::Handle();
for (intptr_t i = old_length; i < new_length; i++, j++) {
obj = func_list.At(j);
function_array.SetAt(i, obj);
obj = code_list.At(j);
code_array.SetAt(i, obj);
obj = pc_offset_list.At(j);
pc_offset_array.SetAt(i, obj);
const char* Stacktrace::ToCString() const {
Function& function = Function::Handle();
Code& code = Code::Handle();
Script& script = Script::Handle();
String& function_name = String::Handle();
String& url = String::Handle();
// Iterate through the stack frames and create C string description
// for each frame.
intptr_t total_len = 0;
const char* kFormat = "#%-6d %s (%s:%d:%d)\n";
GrowableArray<char*> frame_strings;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < Length(); i++) {
function = FunctionAtFrame(i);
code = CodeAtFrame(i);
uword pc = code.EntryPoint() + Smi::Value(PcOffsetAtFrame(i));
intptr_t token_pos = code.GetTokenIndexOfPC(pc);
script = function.script();
function_name = function.QualifiedUserVisibleName();
url = script.url();
intptr_t line = -1;
intptr_t column = -1;
if (token_pos >= 0) {
script.GetTokenLocation(token_pos, &line, &column);
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, kFormat,
line, column);
total_len += len;
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len + 1);
OS::SNPrint(chars, (len + 1), kFormat,
line, column);
// Now concatentate the frame descriptions into a single C string.
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(total_len + 1);
intptr_t index = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < frame_strings.length(); i++) {
index += OS::SNPrint((chars + index),
(total_len + 1 - index),
return chars;
void JSRegExp::set_pattern(const String& pattern) const {
StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->pattern_, pattern.raw());
void JSRegExp::set_num_bracket_expressions(intptr_t value) const {
raw_ptr()->num_bracket_expressions_ = Smi::New(value);
RawJSRegExp* JSRegExp::New(intptr_t len, Heap::Space space) {
ASSERT(Isolate::Current()->object_store()->jsregexp_class() !=
if (len < 0 || len > kMaxElements) {
// This should be caught before we reach here.
FATAL1("Fatal error in JSRegexp::New: invalid len %"Pd"\n", len);
JSRegExp& result = JSRegExp::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(JSRegExp::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
void* JSRegExp::GetDataStartAddress() const {
intptr_t addr = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(raw_ptr());
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(addr + sizeof(RawJSRegExp));
RawJSRegExp* JSRegExp::FromDataStartAddress(void* data) {
JSRegExp& regexp = JSRegExp::Handle();
intptr_t addr = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(data) - sizeof(RawJSRegExp);
regexp ^= RawObject::FromAddr(addr);
return regexp.raw();
const char* JSRegExp::Flags() const {
switch (raw_ptr()->flags_) {
case kGlobal | kIgnoreCase | kMultiLine :
case kIgnoreCase | kMultiLine :
return "im";
case kGlobal | kIgnoreCase :
case kIgnoreCase:
return "i";
case kGlobal | kMultiLine :
case kMultiLine:
return "m";
return "";
bool JSRegExp::Equals(const Instance& other) const {
if (this->raw() == other.raw()) {
return true; // "===".
if (other.IsNull() || !other.IsJSRegExp()) {
return false;
const JSRegExp& other_js = JSRegExp::Cast(other);
// Match the pattern.
const String& str1 = String::Handle(pattern());
const String& str2 = String::Handle(other_js.pattern());
if (!str1.Equals(str2)) {
return false;
// Match the flags.
if ((is_global() != other_js.is_global()) ||
(is_ignore_case() != other_js.is_ignore_case()) ||
(is_multi_line() != other_js.is_multi_line())) {
return false;
return true;
const char* JSRegExp::ToCString() const {
const String& str = String::Handle(pattern());
const char* format = "JSRegExp: pattern=%s flags=%s";
intptr_t len = OS::SNPrint(NULL, 0, format, str.ToCString(), Flags());
char* chars = Isolate::Current()->current_zone()->Alloc<char>(len + 1);
OS::SNPrint(chars, (len + 1), format, str.ToCString(), Flags());
return chars;
RawWeakProperty* WeakProperty::New(Heap::Space space) {
!= Class::null());
WeakProperty& result = WeakProperty::Handle();
RawObject* raw = Object::Allocate(WeakProperty::kClassId,
NoGCScope no_gc;
result ^= raw;
return result.raw();
const char* WeakProperty::ToCString() const {
return "_WeakProperty";
} // namespace dart