blob: c0ad2217d688d8f732437d5d07da8c5a2162fff2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class _SocketInputStream implements SocketInputStream {
_SocketInputStream(Socket socket) : _socket = socket {
if (_socket._closed) _closed = true;
_socket.onClosed = _onClosed;
List<int> read([int len]) {
int bytesToRead = available();
if (bytesToRead == 0) return null;
if (len !== null) {
if (len <= 0) {
throw new StreamException("Illegal length $len");
} else if (bytesToRead > len) {
bytesToRead = len;
List<int> buffer = new Uint8List(bytesToRead);
int bytesRead = _socket.readList(buffer, 0, bytesToRead);
if (bytesRead == 0) {
// On MacOS when reading from a tty Ctrl-D will result in one
// byte reported as available. Attempting to read it out will
// result in zero bytes read. When that happens there is no data
// which is indicated by a null return value.
return null;
} else if (bytesRead < bytesToRead) {
List<int> newBuffer = new Uint8List(bytesRead);
newBuffer.setRange(0, bytesRead, buffer);
return newBuffer;
} else {
return buffer;
int readInto(List<int> buffer, [int offset = 0, int len]) {
if (_closed) return null;
if (len === null) len = buffer.length;
if (offset < 0) throw new StreamException("Illegal offset $offset");
if (len < 0) throw new StreamException("Illegal length $len");
return _socket.readList(buffer, offset, len);
int available() => _socket.available();
void pipe(OutputStream output, {bool close: true}) {
_pipe(this, output, close: close);
void close() {
if (!_closed) {
bool get closed => _closed;
void set onData(void callback()) {
_socket._onData = callback;
void set onClosed(void callback()) {
_clientCloseHandler = callback;
_socket._onClosed = _onClosed;
void set onError(void callback(e)) {
_onError = callback;
void _onClosed() {
_closed = true;
if (_clientCloseHandler !== null) {
void _onSocketError(e) {
if (_onError != null) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Socket _socket;
bool _closed = false;
Function _clientCloseHandler;
Function _onError;
class _SocketOutputStream
extends _BaseOutputStream implements SocketOutputStream {
_SocketOutputStream(Socket socket)
: _socket = socket, _pendingWrites = new _BufferList();
bool write(List<int> buffer, [bool copyBuffer = true]) {
return _write(buffer, 0, buffer.length, copyBuffer);
bool writeFrom(List<int> buffer, [int offset = 0, int len]) {
return _write(
buffer, offset, (len == null) ? buffer.length - offset : len, true);
void flush() {
// Nothing to do on a socket output stream.
void close() {
if (_closing && _closed) return;
if (!_pendingWrites.isEmpty) {
// Mark the socket for close when all data is written.
_closing = true;
_socket._onWrite = _onWrite;
} else {
// Close the socket for writing.
_closed = true;
// Invoke the callback asynchronously.
new Timer(0, (t) {
if (_onClosed != null) _onClosed();
void destroy() {
_socket.onWrite = null;
_closed = true;
bool get closed => _closed;
void set onNoPendingWrites(void callback()) {
_onNoPendingWrites = callback;
if (_onNoPendingWrites != null) {
_socket._onWrite = _onWrite;
void set onClosed(void callback()) {
_onClosed = callback;
bool _write(List<int> buffer, int offset, int len, bool copyBuffer) {
if (_closing || _closed) throw new StreamException("Stream closed");
int bytesWritten = 0;
if (_pendingWrites.isEmpty) {
// If nothing is buffered write as much as possible and buffer
// the rest.
bytesWritten = _socket.writeList(buffer, offset, len);
if (bytesWritten == len) return true;
// Place remaining data on the pending writes queue.
int notWrittenOffset = offset + bytesWritten;
if (copyBuffer) {
List<int> newBuffer =
buffer.getRange(notWrittenOffset, len - bytesWritten);
} else {
assert(offset + len == buffer.length);
_pendingWrites.add(buffer, notWrittenOffset);
_socket._onWrite = _onWrite;
return false;
void _onWrite() {
// Write as much buffered data to the socket as possible.
while (!_pendingWrites.isEmpty) {
List<int> buffer = _pendingWrites.first;
int offset = _pendingWrites.index;
int bytesToWrite = buffer.length - offset;
int bytesWritten;
try {
bytesWritten = _socket.writeList(buffer, offset, bytesToWrite);
} catch (e) {
if (bytesWritten < bytesToWrite) {
_socket._onWrite = _onWrite;
// All buffered data was written.
if (_closing) {
_closed = true;
if (_onClosed != null) {
} else {
if (_onNoPendingWrites != null) _onNoPendingWrites();
if (_onNoPendingWrites == null) {
_socket._onWrite = null;
} else {
_socket._onWrite = _onWrite;
bool _onSocketError(e) {
if (_onError != null) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Socket _socket;
_BufferList _pendingWrites;
Function _onNoPendingWrites;
Function _onClosed;
bool _closing = false;
bool _closed = false;