blob: f4ddf5ff4a4f890643665bd75321be6fc7dde1c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* The cached lookup-table to associate doc comments with spans. The outer map
* is from filenames to doc comments in that file. The inner map maps from the
* token positions to doc comments. Each position is the starting offset of the
* next non-comment token *following* the doc comment. For example, the position
* for this comment would be the position of the "class" token below.
class CommentMap {
* Maps from (filename, pos) to doc comment preceding the token at that
* position.
Map<String, Map<int, String>> _comments;
/** Doc comments before #library() directives. */
Map<String, String> _libraryComments;
: _comments = <String, Map<int, String>>{},
_libraryComments = <String, String>{};
* Finds the doc comment preceding the given source span, if there is one.
* If a comment is returned, it is guaranteed to be non-empty.
String find(Location span) {
if (span == null) return null;
String comment = _comments[span.source.uri.toString()][span.start];
assert(comment == null || !comment.trim().isEmpty);
return comment;
* Finds the doc comment associated with the `#library` directive for the
* given file.
* If a comment is returned, it is guaranteed to be non-empty.
String findLibrary(Source source) {
String comment = _libraryComments[source.uri.toString()];
assert(comment == null || !comment.trim().isEmpty);
return comment;
_ensureFileParsed(Source source) {
_comments.putIfAbsent(source.uri.toString(), () =>
_parseComments(Source source) {
final comments = new Map<int, String>();
final scanner = new dart2js.StringScanner(source.text,
includeComments: true);
var lastComment = null;
var token = scanner.tokenize();
while (token.kind != dart2js.EOF_TOKEN) {
if (token.kind == dart2js.COMMENT_TOKEN) {
final text = token.slowToString();
if (text.startsWith('/**')) {
// Remember that we've encountered a doc comment.
lastComment = stripComment(token.slowToString());
} else if (text.startsWith('///')) {
var line = text.substring(3);
// Allow a leading space.
if (line.startsWith(' ')) line = line.substring(1);
if (lastComment == null) {
lastComment = line;
} else {
lastComment = '$lastComment$line';
} else if (token.kind == dart2js.HASH_TOKEN) {
// Look for #library() to find the library comment.
final next =;
if ((lastComment != null) && (next.stringValue == 'library')) {
_libraryComments[source.uri.toString()] = lastComment;
lastComment = null;
} else if (lastComment != null) {
if (!lastComment.trim().isEmpty) {
// We haven't attached the last doc comment to something yet, so stick
// it to this token.
comments[token.charOffset] = lastComment;
lastComment = null;
token =;
return comments;
* Pulls the raw text out of a doc comment (i.e. removes the comment
* characters).
stripComment(String comment) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
for (var line in comment.split('\n')) {
line = line.trim();
if (line.startsWith('/**')) line = line.substring(3);
if (line.endsWith('*/')) line = line.substring(0, line.length - 2);
line = line.trim();
if (line.startsWith('* ')) {
line = line.substring(2);
} else if (line.startsWith('*')) {
line = line.substring(1);
return buf.toString();