blob: d6a8010834419263bee8c0ece2f097ec1b0f48f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(rnystrom): Use "package:" URL (#4968).
* [Compilation] encapsulates the compilation of a program.
class Compilation {
* Creates a new compilation which has [script] as its entry point.
factory Compilation(Path script,
Path libraryRoot,
[Path packageRoot,
List<String> opts = const <String>[]]) {
return new Dart2JsCompilation(script, libraryRoot, packageRoot, opts);
* Creates a new compilation which consists of a set of libraries, but which
* has no entry point. This compilation cannot generate output but can only
* be used for static inspection of the source code.
factory Compilation.library(List<Path> libraries,
Path libraryRoot,
[Path packageRoot,
List<String> opts = const []]) {
return new Dart2JsCompilation.library(libraries, libraryRoot,
packageRoot, opts);
* Returns the mirror system for this compilation.
final MirrorSystem mirrors;
* Returns a future for the compiled JavaScript code.
abstract Future<String> compileToJavaScript();
* The main interface for the whole mirror system.
abstract class MirrorSystem {
* Returns an unmodifiable map of all libraries in this mirror system.
Map<String, LibraryMirror> get libraries;
* An entity in the mirror system.
abstract class Mirror {
static const String UNARY_MINUS = 'unary-';
* The simple name of the entity. The simple name is unique within the
* scope of the entity declaration.
* The simple name is in most cases the declared single identifier name of
* the entity, such as 'method' for a method [:void method() {...}:]. For an
* unnamed constructor for [:class Foo:] the simple name is 'Foo'. For a
* constructor for [:class Foo:] named 'named' the simple name is 'Foo.named'.
* For a property [:foo:] the simple name of the getter method is 'foo' and
* the simple name of the setter is 'foo='. For operators the simple name is
* the operator itself, for example '+' for [:operator +:].
* The simple name for the unary minus operator is [UNARY_MINUS].
String get simpleName;
* The display name is the normal representation of the entity name. In most
* cases the display name is the simple name, but for a setter 'foo=' the
* display name is simply 'foo' and for the unary minus operator the display
* name is 'operator -'. The display name is not unique.
String get displayName;
* Returns the name of this entity qualified by is enclosing context. For
* instance, the qualified name of a method 'method' in class 'Class' in
* library 'library' is 'library.Class.method'.
String get qualifiedName;
* Returns the mirror system which contains this mirror.
MirrorSystem get system;
* Common interface for interface types and libraries.
abstract class ObjectMirror implements Mirror {
* Returns an unmodifiable map of the members of declared in this type or
* library.
Map<String, MemberMirror> get declaredMembers;
* A library.
abstract class LibraryMirror extends ObjectMirror {
* The name of the library, as given in #library().
String get simpleName;
* Returns an iterable over all types in the library.
Map<String, InterfaceMirror> get types;
* Returns the source location for this library.
Location get location;
* Returns the canonical URI for this library.
Uri get uri;
* Common interface for classes, interfaces, typedefs and type variables.
abstract class TypeMirror implements Mirror {
* Returns the source location for this type.
Location get location;
* Returns the library in which this member resides.
LibraryMirror get library;
* Is [:true:] iff this type is the [:Object:] type.
bool get isObject;
* Is [:true:] iff this type is the [:Dynamic:] type.
bool get isDynamic;
* Is [:true:] iff this type is the void type.
bool get isVoid;
* Is [:true:] iff this type is a type variable.
bool get isTypeVariable;
* Is [:true:] iff this type is a typedef.
bool get isTypedef;
* Is [:true:] iff this type is a function type.
bool get isFunction;
* A class or interface type.
abstract class InterfaceMirror implements TypeMirror, ObjectMirror {
* Returns the defining type, i.e. declaration of a type.
InterfaceMirror get declaration;
* Returns the super class of this type, or null if this type is [Object] or a
* typedef.
InterfaceMirror get superclass;
* Returns a list of the interfaces directly implemented by this type.
List<InterfaceMirror> get interfaces;
* Is [:true:] iff this type is a class.
bool get isClass;
* Is [:true:] iff this type is an interface.
bool get isInterface;
* Is [:true:] if this type is private.
bool get isPrivate;
* Is [:true:] if this type is the declaration of a type.
bool get isDeclaration;
* Is [:true:] if this class is declared abstract.
bool get isAbstract;
* Returns a list of the type arguments for this type.
List<TypeMirror> get typeArguments;
* Returns the list of type variables for this type.
List<TypeVariableMirror> get typeVariables;
* Returns an immutable map of the constructors in this interface.
Map<String, MethodMirror> get constructors;
* Returns the default type for this interface.
InterfaceMirror get defaultType;
* A type parameter as declared on a generic type.
abstract class TypeVariableMirror implements TypeMirror {
* Return a mirror on the class, interface, or typedef that declared the
* type variable.
// Should not be called [declaration] as we then would have two [TypeMirror]
// subtypes ([InterfaceMirror] and [TypeVariableMirror]) which have
// [declaration()] methods but with different semantics.
InterfaceMirror get declarer;
* Returns the bound of the type parameter.
TypeMirror get bound;
* A function type.
abstract class FunctionTypeMirror implements InterfaceMirror {
* Returns the return type of this function type.
TypeMirror get returnType;
* Returns the parameters for this function type.
List<ParameterMirror> get parameters;
* Returns the call method for this function type.
MethodMirror get callMethod;
* A typedef.
abstract class TypedefMirror implements InterfaceMirror {
* Returns the defining type for this typedef. For instance [:void f(int):]
* for a [:typedef void f(int):].
TypeMirror get definition;
* A member of a type, i.e. a field, method or constructor.
abstract class MemberMirror implements Mirror {
* Returns the source location for this member.
Location get location;
* Returns a mirror on the declaration immediately surrounding the reflectee.
* This could be a class, interface, library or another method or function.
ObjectMirror get surroundingDeclaration;
* Returns true if this is a top level member, i.e. a member not within a
* type.
bool get isTopLevel;
* Returns true if this member is a constructor.
bool get isConstructor;
* Returns true if this member is a field.
bool get isField;
* Returns true if this member is a method.
bool get isMethod;
* Returns true if this member is private.
bool get isPrivate;
* Returns true if this member is static.
bool get isStatic;
* A field.
abstract class FieldMirror implements MemberMirror {
* Returns true if this field is final.
bool get isFinal;
* Returns true if this field is const.
bool get isConst;
* Returns the type of this field.
TypeMirror get type;
* Common interface constructors and methods, including factories, getters and
* setters.
abstract class MethodMirror implements MemberMirror {
* Returns the list of parameters for this method.
List<ParameterMirror> get parameters;
* Returns the return type of this method.
TypeMirror get returnType;
* Is [:true:] if this method is declared abstract.
bool get isAbstract;
* Is [:true:] if this method is a constant constructor.
bool get isConst;
* Is [:true:] if this method is a factory method.
bool get isFactory;
* Returns the constructor name for named constructors and factory methods,
* e.g. [:'bar':] for constructor [] of type [:Foo:].
String get constructorName;
* Is [:true:] if this method is a getter method.
bool get isGetter;
* Is [:true:] if this method is a setter method.
bool get isSetter;
* Is [:true:] if this method is an operator method.
bool get isOperator;
* Returns the operator name for operator methods, e.g. [:'<':] for
* [:operator <:]
String get operatorName;
* A formal parameter.
abstract class ParameterMirror implements Mirror {
* Returns the type of this parameter.
TypeMirror get type;
* Returns the default value for this parameter.
String get defaultValue;
* Returns true if this parameter has a default value.
bool get hasDefaultValue;
* Returns true if this parameter is optional.
bool get isOptional;
* Returns [:true:] iff this parameter is an initializing formal of a
* constructor. That is, if it is of the form [:this.x:] where [:x:] is a
* field.
bool get isInitializingFormal;
* Returns the initialized field, if this parameter is an initializing formal.
FieldMirror get initializedField;
* A [Location] describes the span of an entity in Dart source code.
* A [Location] should be the minimum span that encloses the declaration of the
* mirrored entity.
abstract class Location {
* The character position where the location begins.
int get start;
* The character position where the location ends.
int get end;
* Returns the [Source] in which this [Location] indexes.
* If [:loc:] is a location, [:loc.source().text()[loc.start]:] is where it
* starts, and [:loc.source().text()[loc.end]:] is where it ends.
Source get source;
* The text of the location span.
String get text;
* A [Source] describes the source code of a compilation unit in Dart source
* code.
abstract class Source {
* Returns the URI where the source originated.
Uri get uri;
* Returns the text of this source.
String get text;