blob: 1569de62dfd2ff034de38285af7ae2fb0d86cd91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js;
* The [ConstantHandler] keeps track of compile-time constants,
* initializations of global and static fields, and default values of
* optional parameters.
class ConstantHandler extends CompilerTask {
final ConstantSystem constantSystem;
* Contains the initial value of fields. Must contain all static and global
* initializations of const fields. May contain eagerly compiled values for
* statics and instance fields.
final Map<VariableElement, Constant> initialVariableValues;
/** Set of all registered compiled constants. */
final Set<Constant> compiledConstants;
/** The set of variable elements that are in the process of being computed. */
final Set<VariableElement> pendingVariables;
/** Caches the statics where the initial value cannot be eagerly compiled. */
final Set<VariableElement> lazyStatics;
ConstantHandler(Compiler compiler, this.constantSystem)
: initialVariableValues = new Map<VariableElement, Dynamic>(),
compiledConstants = new Set<Constant>(),
pendingVariables = new Set<VariableElement>(),
lazyStatics = new Set<VariableElement>(),
String get name => 'ConstantHandler';
void registerCompileTimeConstant(Constant constant) {
* Compiles the initial value of the given field and stores it in an internal
* map. Returns the initial value (a constant) if it can be computed
* statically. Returns [:null:] if the variable must be initialized lazily.
* [WorkItem] must contain a [VariableElement] refering to a global or
* static field.
Constant compileWorkItem(WorkItem work) {
return measure(() {
assert(work.element.kind == ElementKind.FIELD
|| work.element.kind == ElementKind.PARAMETER
|| work.element.kind == ElementKind.FIELD_PARAMETER);
VariableElement element = work.element;
// Shortcut if it has already been compiled.
Constant result = initialVariableValues[element];
if (result != null) return result;
if (lazyStatics.contains(element)) return null;
result = compileVariableWithDefinitions(element, work.resolutionTree);
return result;
* Returns a compile-time constant, or reports an error if the element is not
* a compile-time constant.
Constant compileConstant(VariableElement element) {
return compileVariable(element, isConst: true);
* Returns the a compile-time constant if the variable could be compiled
* eagerly. Otherwise returns `null`.
Constant compileVariable(VariableElement element, {bool isConst: false}) {
return measure(() {
if (initialVariableValues.containsKey(element)) {
Constant result = initialVariableValues[element];
return result;
TreeElements definitions = compiler.analyzeElement(element);
Constant constant = compileVariableWithDefinitions(
element, definitions, isConst: isConst);
return constant;
* Returns the a compile-time constant if the variable could be compiled
* eagerly. If the variable needs to be initialized lazily returns `null`.
* If the variable is `const` but cannot be compiled eagerly reports an
* error.
Constant compileVariableWithDefinitions(VariableElement element,
TreeElements definitions,
{bool isConst: false}) {
return measure(() {
// Initializers for parameters must be const.
isConst = isConst || element.modifiers.isConst()
|| !Elements.isStaticOrTopLevel(element);
if (!isConst && lazyStatics.contains(element)) return null;
Node node = element.parseNode(compiler);
if (pendingVariables.contains(element)) {
if (isConst) {
MessageKind kind = MessageKind.CYCLIC_COMPILE_TIME_CONSTANTS;
new CompileTimeConstantError(kind, const []));
} else {
return null;
SendSet assignment = node.asSendSet();
Constant value;
if (assignment == null) {
// No initial value.
value = new NullConstant();
} else {
Node right = assignment.arguments.head;
value =
compileNodeWithDefinitions(right, definitions, isConst: isConst);
if (compiler.enableTypeAssertions
&& value != null
&& element.isField()) {
DartType elementType = element.computeType(compiler);
DartType constantType = value.computeType(compiler);
if (!compiler.types.isSubtype(constantType, elementType)) {
if (isConst) {
MessageKind kind = MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE;
compiler.reportError(node, new CompileTimeConstantError(
kind, [elementType, constantType]));
} else {
// If the field can be lazily initialized, we will throw
// the exception at runtime.
value = null;
if (value != null) {
initialVariableValues[element] = value;
} else {
return value;
Constant compileNodeWithDefinitions(Node node,
TreeElements definitions,
{bool isConst}) {
return measure(() {
assert(node != null);
CompileTimeConstantEvaluator evaluator = new CompileTimeConstantEvaluator(
constantSystem, definitions, compiler, isConst: isConst);
return evaluator.evaluate(node);
/** Attempts to compile a constant expression. Returns null if not possible */
Constant tryCompileNodeWithDefinitions(Node node, TreeElements definitions) {
return measure(() {
assert(node != null);
try {
TryCompileTimeConstantEvaluator evaluator =
new TryCompileTimeConstantEvaluator(constantSystem,
return evaluator.evaluate(node);
} on CompileTimeConstantError catch (exn) {
return null;
* Returns a [List] of static non final fields that need to be initialized.
* The list must be evaluated in order since the fields might depend on each
* other.
List<VariableElement> getStaticNonFinalFieldsForEmission() {
return initialVariableValues.keys.filter((element) {
return element.kind == ElementKind.FIELD
&& !element.isInstanceMember()
&& !element.modifiers.isFinal();
* Returns a [List] of static const fields that need to be initialized. The
* list must be evaluated in order since the fields might depend on each
* other.
List<VariableElement> getStaticFinalFieldsForEmission() {
return initialVariableValues.keys.filter((element) {
return element.kind == ElementKind.FIELD
&& !element.isInstanceMember()
&& element.modifiers.isFinal();
List<VariableElement> getLazilyInitializedFieldsForEmission() {
return new List<VariableElement>.from(lazyStatics);
List<Constant> getConstantsForEmission() {
// We must emit dependencies before their uses.
Set<Constant> seenConstants = new Set<Constant>();
List<Constant> result = new List<Constant>();
void addConstant(Constant constant) {
if (!seenConstants.contains(constant)) {
return result;
Constant getInitialValueFor(VariableElement element) {
Constant initialValue = initialVariableValues[element];
if (initialValue == null) {
compiler.internalError("No initial value for given element",
element: element);
return initialValue;
class CompileTimeConstantEvaluator extends Visitor {
bool isEvaluatingConstant;
final ConstantSystem constantSystem;
final TreeElements elements;
final Compiler compiler;
{bool isConst})
: this.isEvaluatingConstant = isConst;
Constant evaluate(Node node) {
return node.accept(this);
Constant evaluateConstant(Node node) {
bool oldIsEvaluatingConstant = isEvaluatingConstant;
isEvaluatingConstant = true;
Constant result = node.accept(this);
isEvaluatingConstant = oldIsEvaluatingConstant;
assert(result != null);
return result;
Constant visitNode(Node node) {
return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(node);
Constant visitLiteralBool(LiteralBool node) {
return constantSystem.createBool(node.value);
Constant visitLiteralDouble(LiteralDouble node) {
return constantSystem.createDouble(node.value);
Constant visitLiteralInt(LiteralInt node) {
return constantSystem.createInt(node.value);
Constant visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) {
if (!node.isConst()) {
return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(node);
List<Constant> arguments = <Constant>[];
for (Link<Node> link = node.elements.nodes;
link = link.tail) {
// TODO(floitsch): get type parameters.
DartType type = new InterfaceType(compiler.listClass);
Constant constant = new ListConstant(type, arguments);
return constant;
Constant visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) {
if (!node.isConst()) {
List<StringConstant> keys = <StringConstant>[];
Map<StringConstant, Constant> map = new Map<StringConstant, Constant>();
for (Link<Node> link = node.entries.nodes;
link = link.tail) {
LiteralMapEntry entry = link.head;
Constant key = evaluateConstant(entry.key);
if (!key.isString() || entry.key.asStringNode() == null) {
MessageKind kind = MessageKind.KEY_NOT_A_STRING_LITERAL;
compiler.reportError(entry.key, new ResolutionError(kind, const []));
StringConstant keyConstant = key;
if (!map.containsKey(key)) keys.add(key);
map[key] = evaluateConstant(entry.value);
List<Constant> values = <Constant>[];
Constant protoValue = null;
for (StringConstant key in keys) {
if (key.value == MapConstant.PROTO_PROPERTY) {
protoValue = map[key];
} else {
bool hasProtoKey = (protoValue != null);
// TODO(floitsch): this should be a List<String> type.
DartType keysType = new InterfaceType(compiler.listClass);
ListConstant keysList = new ListConstant(keysType, keys);
SourceString className = hasProtoKey
: MapConstant.DART_CLASS;
ClassElement classElement = compiler.jsHelperLibrary.find(className);
// TODO(floitsch): copy over the generic type.
DartType type = new InterfaceType(classElement);
Constant constant = new MapConstant(type, keysList, values, protoValue);
return constant;
Constant visitLiteralNull(LiteralNull node) {
return constantSystem.createNull();
Constant visitLiteralString(LiteralString node) {
return constantSystem.createString(node.dartString, node);
Constant visitStringJuxtaposition(StringJuxtaposition node) {
StringConstant left = evaluate(node.first);
StringConstant right = evaluate(node.second);
if (left == null || right == null) return null;
return constantSystem.createString(
new DartString.concat(left.value, right.value), node);
Constant visitStringInterpolation(StringInterpolation node) {
StringConstant initialString = evaluate(node.string);
if (initialString == null) return null;
DartString accumulator = initialString.value;
for (StringInterpolationPart part in {
Constant expression = evaluate(part.expression);
DartString expressionString;
if (expression == null) {
return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(part.expression);
} else if (expression.isNum() || expression.isBool()) {
PrimitiveConstant primitive = expression;
expressionString = new DartString.literal(primitive.value.toString());
} else if (expression.isString()) {
PrimitiveConstant primitive = expression;
expressionString = primitive.value;
} else {
return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(part.expression);
accumulator = new DartString.concat(accumulator, expressionString);
StringConstant partString = evaluate(part.string);
if (partString == null) return null;
accumulator = new DartString.concat(accumulator, partString.value);
return constantSystem.createString(accumulator, node);
// TODO(floitsch): provide better error-messages.
Constant visitSend(Send send) {
Element element = elements[send];
if (send.isPropertyAccess) {
if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevelFunction(element)) {
Constant constant = new FunctionConstant(element);
return constant;
} else if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevelField(element)) {
Constant result;
if (element.modifiers.isConst()) {
result = compiler.compileConstant(element);
} else if (element.modifiers.isFinal() && !isEvaluatingConstant) {
result = compiler.compileVariable(element);
if (result != null) return result;
return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(send);
} else if (send.isCall) {
if (identical(element, compiler.identicalFunction)
&& send.argumentCount() == 2) {
Constant left = evaluate(send.argumentsNode.nodes.head);
Constant right = evaluate(send.argumentsNode.nodes.tail.head);
Constant result = constantSystem.identity.fold(left, right);
if (result != null) return result;
return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(send);
} else if (send.isPrefix) {
Constant receiverConstant = evaluate(send.receiver);
if (receiverConstant == null) return null;
Operator op = send.selector;
Constant folded;
switch (op.source.stringValue) {
case "!":
folded = constantSystem.not.fold(receiverConstant);
case "-":
folded = constantSystem.negate.fold(receiverConstant);
case "~":
folded = constantSystem.bitNot.fold(receiverConstant);
compiler.internalError("Unexpected operator.", node: op);
if (folded == null) return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(send);
return folded;
} else if (send.isOperator && !send.isPostfix) {
assert(send.argumentCount() == 1);
Constant left = evaluate(send.receiver);
Constant right = evaluate(send.argumentsNode.nodes.head);
if (left == null || right == null) return null;
Operator op = send.selector.asOperator();
Constant folded = null;
switch (op.source.stringValue) {
case "+":
folded = constantSystem.add.fold(left, right);
case "-":
folded = constantSystem.subtract.fold(left, right);
case "*":
folded = constantSystem.multiply.fold(left, right);
case "/":
folded = constantSystem.divide.fold(left, right);
case "%":
folded = constantSystem.modulo.fold(left, right);
case "~/":
folded = constantSystem.truncatingDivide.fold(left, right);
case "|":
folded = constantSystem.bitOr.fold(left, right);
case "&":
folded = constantSystem.bitAnd.fold(left, right);
case "^":
folded = constantSystem.bitXor.fold(left, right);
case "||":
folded = constantSystem.booleanOr.fold(left, right);
case "&&":
folded = constantSystem.booleanAnd.fold(left, right);
case "<<":
folded = constantSystem.shiftLeft.fold(left, right);
case ">>":
folded = constantSystem.shiftRight.fold(left, right);
case "<":
folded = constantSystem.less.fold(left, right);
case "<=":
folded = constantSystem.lessEqual.fold(left, right);
case ">":
folded = constantSystem.greater.fold(left, right);
case ">=":
folded = constantSystem.greaterEqual.fold(left, right);
case "==":
if (left.isPrimitive() && right.isPrimitive()) {
folded = constantSystem.equal.fold(left, right);
case "===":
folded = constantSystem.identity.fold(left, right);
case "!=":
if (left.isPrimitive() && right.isPrimitive()) {
BoolConstant areEquals = constantSystem.equal.fold(left, right);
if (areEquals == null) {
folded = null;
} else {
folded = areEquals.negate();
case "!==":
BoolConstant areIdentical =
constantSystem.identity.fold(left, right);
if (areIdentical == null) {
folded = null;
} else {
folded = areIdentical.negate();
if (folded == null) return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(send);
return folded;
return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(send);
Constant visitSendSet(SendSet node) {
return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(node);
* Returns the list of constants that are passed to the static function.
* Invariant: [target] must be an implementation element.
List<Constant> evaluateArgumentsToConstructor(Node node,
Selector selector,
Link<Node> arguments,
FunctionElement target) {
assert(invariant(node, target.isImplementation));
List<Constant> compiledArguments = <Constant>[];
Function compileArgument = evaluateConstant;
Function compileConstant = compiler.compileConstant;
bool succeeded = selector.addArgumentsToList(arguments,
if (!succeeded) {
MessageKind kind = MessageKind.INVALID_ARGUMENTS;
new CompileTimeConstantError(kind, []));
return compiledArguments;
Constant visitNewExpression(NewExpression node) {
if (!node.isConst()) {
return signalNotCompileTimeConstant(node);
Send send = node.send;
FunctionElement constructor = elements[send];
ClassElement classElement = constructor.getEnclosingClass();
if (classElement.isInterface()) {
constructor = constructor.defaultImplementation;
classElement = constructor.getEnclosingClass();
// The constructor must be an implementation to ensure that field
// initializers are handled correctly.
constructor = constructor.implementation;
assert(invariant(node, constructor.isImplementation));
Selector selector = elements.getSelector(send);
List<Constant> arguments = evaluateArgumentsToConstructor(
node, selector, send.arguments, constructor);
ConstructorEvaluator evaluator =
new ConstructorEvaluator(node, constructor, constantSystem, compiler);
List<Constant> jsNewArguments = evaluator.buildJsNewArguments(classElement);
// TODO(floitsch): take generic types into account.
DartType type = classElement.computeType(compiler);
Constant constant = new ConstructedConstant(type, jsNewArguments);
return constant;
Constant visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) {
return node.expression.accept(this);
error(Node node) {
// TODO(floitsch): get the list of constants that are currently compiled
// and present some kind of stack-trace.
MessageKind kind = MessageKind.NOT_A_COMPILE_TIME_CONSTANT;
compiler.reportError(node, new CompileTimeConstantError(kind, const []));
Constant signalNotCompileTimeConstant(Node node) {
if (isEvaluatingConstant) {
// Else we don't need to do anything. The final handler is only
// optimistically trying to compile constants. So it is normal that we
// sometimes see non-compile time constants.
// Simply return [:null:] which is used to propagate a failing
// compile-time compilation.
return null;
class TryCompileTimeConstantEvaluator extends CompileTimeConstantEvaluator {
TryCompileTimeConstantEvaluator(ConstantSystem constantSystem,
TreeElements elements,
Compiler compiler)
: super(constantSystem, elements, compiler, isConst: true);
error(Node node) {
// Just fail without reporting it anywhere.
throw new CompileTimeConstantError(
MessageKind.NOT_A_COMPILE_TIME_CONSTANT, const []);
class ConstructorEvaluator extends CompileTimeConstantEvaluator {
final FunctionElement constructor;
final Map<Element, Constant> definitions;
final Map<Element, Constant> fieldValues;
* Documentation wanted -- johnniwinther
* Invariant: [constructor] must be an implementation element.
ConstructorEvaluator(Node node,
FunctionElement constructor,
ConstantSystem constantSystem,
Compiler compiler)
: this.constructor = constructor,
this.definitions = new Map<Element, Constant>(),
this.fieldValues = new Map<Element, Constant>(),
isConst: true) {
assert(invariant(node, constructor.isImplementation));
Constant visitSend(Send send) {
Element element = elements[send];
if (Elements.isLocal(element)) {
Constant constant = definitions[element];
if (constant == null) {
compiler.internalError("Local variable without value", node: send);
return constant;
return super.visitSend(send);
void potentiallyCheckType(Node node, Element element, Constant constant) {
if (compiler.enableTypeAssertions) {
DartType elementType = element.computeType(compiler);
DartType constantType = constant.computeType(compiler);
// TODO(ngeoffray): Handle type parameters.
if (elementType.element.isTypeVariable()) return;
if (!constantSystem.isSubtype(compiler, constantType, elementType)) {
MessageKind kind = MessageKind.NOT_ASSIGNABLE;
compiler.reportError(node, new CompileTimeConstantError(
kind, [elementType, constantType]));
void updateFieldValue(Node node, Element element, Constant constant) {
potentiallyCheckType(node, element, constant);
fieldValues[element] = constant;
* Given the arguments (a list of constants) assigns them to the parameters,
* updating the definitions map. If the constructor has field-initializer
* parameters (like [:this.x:]), also updates the [fieldValues] map.
void assignArgumentsToParameters(List<Constant> arguments) {
// Assign arguments to parameters.
FunctionSignature parameters = constructor.computeSignature(compiler);
int index = 0;
parameters.orderedForEachParameter((Element parameter) {
Constant argument = arguments[index++];
Node node = parameter.parseNode(compiler);
potentiallyCheckType(node, parameter, argument);
definitions[parameter] = argument;
if (parameter.kind == ElementKind.FIELD_PARAMETER) {
FieldParameterElement fieldParameterElement = parameter;
updateFieldValue(node, fieldParameterElement.fieldElement, argument);
void evaluateSuperOrRedirectSend(Node currentNode,
Selector selector,
Link<Node> arguments,
FunctionElement targetConstructor) {
List<Constant> compiledArguments = evaluateArgumentsToConstructor(
currentNode, selector, arguments, targetConstructor);
ConstructorEvaluator evaluator = new ConstructorEvaluator(
currentNode, targetConstructor, constantSystem, compiler);
// Copy over the fieldValues from the super/redirect-constructor.
// No need to go through [updateFieldValue] because the
// assignments have already been checked in checked mode.
evaluator.fieldValues.forEach((key, value) => fieldValues[key] = value);
* Runs through the initializers of the given [constructor] and updates
* the [fieldValues] map.
void evaluateConstructorInitializers() {
FunctionExpression functionNode = constructor.parseNode(compiler);
NodeList initializerList = functionNode.initializers;
bool foundSuperOrRedirect = false;
if (initializerList != null) {
for (Link<Node> link = initializerList.nodes;
link = link.tail) {
assert(link.head is Send);
if (link.head is !SendSet) {
// A super initializer or constructor redirection.
Send call = link.head;
FunctionElement targetConstructor = elements[call];
Selector selector = elements.getSelector(call);
Link<Node> arguments = call.arguments;
call, selector, arguments, targetConstructor);
foundSuperOrRedirect = true;
} else {
// A field initializer.
SendSet init = link.head;
Link<Node> initArguments = init.arguments;
assert(!initArguments.isEmpty && initArguments.tail.isEmpty);
Constant fieldValue = evaluate(initArguments.head);
updateFieldValue(init, elements[init], fieldValue);
if (!foundSuperOrRedirect) {
// No super initializer found. Try to find the default constructor if
// the class is not Object.
ClassElement enclosingClass = constructor.getEnclosingClass();
ClassElement superClass = enclosingClass.superclass;
if (enclosingClass != compiler.objectClass) {
assert(superClass != null);
assert(superClass.resolutionState == STATE_DONE);
Selector selector =
new Selector.callDefaultConstructor(enclosingClass.getLibrary());
FunctionElement targetConstructor =
if (targetConstructor == null) {
compiler.internalError("no default constructor available",
node: functionNode);
const Link<Node>(),
* Simulates the execution of the [constructor] with the given
* [arguments] to obtain the field values that need to be passed to the
* native JavaScript constructor.
void evaluateConstructorFieldValues(List<Constant> arguments) {
compiler.withCurrentElement(constructor, () {
List<Constant> buildJsNewArguments(ClassElement classElement) {
List<Constant> jsNewArguments = <Constant>[];
(ClassElement enclosing, Element field) {
Constant fieldValue = fieldValues[field];
if (fieldValue === null) {
// Use the default value.
fieldValue = compiler.compileConstant(field);
includeBackendMembers: true,
includeSuperMembers: true);
return jsNewArguments;