blob: dd30e53efd680b4b1e527a739f09bec767f984c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
// Only needed so that [TestFile] can be referenced in doc comments.
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show IterableExtension;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'test_file.dart';
/// A front end that can report static errors.
class ErrorSource {
static const analyzer = ErrorSource._("analyzer");
static const cfe = ErrorSource._("CFE", marker: "cfe");
static const web = ErrorSource._("web");
/// Pseudo-front end for context messages.
static const context = ErrorSource._("context");
/// All of the supported front ends.
/// The order is significant here. In static error tests, error expectations
/// must be in this order for consistency.
static const all = [analyzer, cfe, web];
/// Gets the source whose lowercase name is [name] or `null` if no source
/// with that name could be found.
static ErrorSource? find(String name) {
for (var source in all) {
if (source.marker == name) return source;
if (name == "context") return context;
return null;
/// A user readable name for the error source.
final String name;
/// The string used to mark errors from this source in test files.
/// Always lower-case.
final String marker;
/// Creates error source.
/// If [name] is not all lower-case, then a [marker] must be passed with
/// an all lower-case name. If `name` is lower-case, `marker` can be omitted
/// and then defaults to `name`.
const ErrorSource._(, {String? marker}) : marker = marker ?? name;
/// Describes a single static error reported by a single front end at a specific
/// location.
/// These can be parsed from comments in [TestFile]s, in which case they
/// represent *expected* errors. If a test contains any of these, then it is a
/// "static error test" and exists to validate that a conforming front end
/// produces the expected compile-time errors. This same class is also used for
/// *reported* errors when parsing the output of a front end.
/// For analyzer errors, the error "message" is actually the constant name for
/// the error code, like "CompileTimeErrorCode.WRONG_TYPE".
class StaticError implements Comparable<StaticError> {
static const _unspecified = "unspecified";
/// The error codes for all of the analyzer errors that are non-fatal
/// warnings.
/// We can't rely on the type ("STATIC_WARNING", etc.) because for historical
/// reasons the "warning" types contain a large number of actual compile
/// errors.
// TODO(rnystrom): This list was generated on 2020/07/24 based on the list
// of error codes in sdk/pkg/analyzer/lib/error/error.dart. Is there a more
// systematic way to handle this?
static const _analyzerWarningCodes = {
/// Parses the set of static error expectations defined in the Dart source
/// file [source].
static List<StaticError> parseExpectations(
{required String path, required String source}) =>
_ErrorExpectationParser(path: path, source: source)._parse();
/// Determines whether all [actualErrors] match the given [expectedErrors].
/// If they match, returns `null`. Otherwise returns a string describing the
/// mismatches. This is a human-friendly explanation of the difference
/// between the two sets of errors, while also being simple to implement.
/// An expected error that is completely identical to an actual error is
/// treated as a match. Everything else is a failure.
/// It has a few heuristics to try to determine what the discrepancies mean,
/// which it applies in order:
/// * If it sees an actual errors with the same message but different
/// location as expected ones, it considers those to be the same error
/// but with the wrong location.
/// * If it sees an actual errors at the same location as expected ones,
/// it considers those to be wrong messages.
/// * Otherwise, any remaining expected errors are considered missing
/// errors and remaining actual errors are considered unexpected.
/// Also describes any mismatches between the context messages in the expected
/// and actual errors.
static String? validateExpectations(Iterable<StaticError> expectedErrors,
Iterable<StaticError> actualErrors) {
var expected = <StaticError?>[...expectedErrors];
var actual = <StaticError?>[...actualErrors];
// Put them in a deterministic order.
var buffer = StringBuffer();
// Pair up errors by location and message.
for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
var matchedExpected = false;
for (var j = 0; j < actual.length; j++) {
if (actual[j] == null) continue;
if (expected[i]!._matchMessage(actual[j]) &&
expected[i]!._matchLocation(actual[j]!)) {
// Report any mismatches in the context messages.
expected[i]!._validateContext(actual[j], buffer);
actual[j] = null;
matchedExpected = true;
// If the expected error is unspecified, keep going so that it can
// consume multiple errors on the same line.
if (expected[i]!.isSpecified) break;
if (matchedExpected) expected[i] = null;
expected.removeWhere((error) => error == null);
actual.removeWhere((error) => error == null);
// If every error was paired up, and the contexts matched, we're done.
if (expected.isEmpty && actual.isEmpty && buffer.isEmpty) return null;
void fail(StaticError error, String label, String contextLabel,
[String? secondary]) {
if (error.isContext) label = contextLabel;
if (error.isSpecified) {
buffer.writeln("- $label ${error.location}: ${error.message}");
} else {
label = label.replaceAll("error", "unspecified error");
buffer.writeln("- $label ${error.location}.");
if (secondary != null) buffer.writeln(" $secondary");
// Look for matching messages, which means a wrong location.
for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
if (expected[i] == null) continue;
for (var j = 0; j < actual.length; j++) {
if (actual[j] == null) continue;
if (expected[i]!.message == actual[j]!.message) {
fail(expected[i]!, "Wrong error location", "Wrong context location",
// Report any mismatches in the context messages.
expected[i]!._validateContext(actual[j], buffer);
// Only report this mismatch once.
expected[i] = null;
actual[j] = null;
// Look for matching locations, which means a wrong message.
for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
if (expected[i] == null) continue;
for (var j = 0; j < actual.length; j++) {
if (actual[j] == null) continue;
if (expected[i]!._matchLocation(actual[j]!)) {
fail(actual[j]!, "Wrong message at", "Wrong context message at",
"Expected: ${expected[i]!.message}");
// Report any mismatches in the context messages.
expected[i]!._validateContext(actual[j], buffer);
// Only report this mismatch once.
expected[i] = null;
actual[j] = null;
// Any remaining expected errors are missing.
for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
if (expected[i] == null) continue;
fail(expected[i]!, "Missing expected error at",
"Missing expected context message at");
// Any remaining actual errors are unexpected.
for (var j = 0; j < actual.length; j++) {
if (actual[j] == null) continue;
fail(actual[j]!, "Unexpected error at", "Unexpected context message at");
return buffer.toString().trimRight();
/// The path of the file containing the error.
final String path;
/// The one-based line number of the beginning of the error's location.
final int line;
/// The one-based column number of the beginning of the error's location.
final int column;
/// The number of characters in the error location.
/// `0` means no length was reported. The CFE only reports error location,
/// but not length.
final int length;
/// The front end this error is for.
final ErrorSource source;
final String message;
/// Additional context messages associated with this error.
final List<StaticError> contextMessages = [];
/// The zero-based numbers of the lines in the [TestFile] containing comments
/// that were parsed to produce this error.
/// This includes a line for the location comment, as well as lines for the
/// error message. Note that lines may not be contiguous and multiple errors
/// may share the same line number for a shared location marker.
final Set<int> sourceLines;
/// Creates a new StaticError at the given location with the given expected
/// error code and message.
/// In order to make it easier to incrementally add error tests before a
/// feature is fully implemented or specified, an error expectation can be in
/// an "unspecified" state for either or both platforms by having the error
/// code or message be the special string "unspecified". When an unspecified
/// error is tested, a front end is expected to report *some* error on that
/// error's line, but it can be any location, error code, or message.
StaticError(this.source, this.message,
{required String path,
required this.line,
required this.column,
this.length = 0,
Set<int>? sourceLines})
: path = p.relative(path, from: Directory.current.path),
sourceLines = {...?sourceLines};
/// A textual description of this error's location.
String get location {
var result = "$path line $line, column $column";
if (length > 0) result += ", length $length";
return result;
/// True if this error has a specific expected message and location.
/// Otherwise, it is an "unspecified error", which means that as long as some
/// actual error is reported on this error's line, then the expectation is
/// met.
bool get isSpecified => message != _unspecified;
/// Whether this is a context message instead of an error.
bool get isContext => source == ErrorSource.context;
/// Whether this error is only considered a warning on all front ends that
/// report it.
bool get isWarning {
switch (source) {
case ErrorSource.analyzer:
return _analyzerWarningCodes.contains(message);
case ErrorSource.cfe:
// TODO(42787): Once CFE starts reporting warnings, encode that in the
// message somehow and then look for it here.
return false;
case ErrorSource.web:
// TODO(rnystrom): If the web compilers report warnings, encode that in
// the message somehow and then look for it here.
return false;
throw UnsupportedError("ErrorSource ${}");
String toString() {
var buffer = StringBuffer("StaticError(");
buffer.write("line: $line, column: $column");
if (length > 0) buffer.write(", length: $length");
buffer.write(", message: '$message'");
if (contextMessages.isNotEmpty) {
buffer.write(", context: [ ");
buffer.writeAll(contextMessages, ", ");
buffer.write(" ]");
return buffer.toString();
/// Orders errors primarily by location, then by other fields if needed.
int compareTo(StaticError other) {
if (line != other.line) return line.compareTo(other.line);
if (column != other.column) return column.compareTo(other.column);
// Sort no length after all other lengths.
if (length == 0 && other.length > 0) return 1;
if (length > 0 && other.length == 0) return -1;
if (length != other.length) return length.compareTo(other.length);
if (source != other.source) {
return source.marker.compareTo(other.source.marker);
return message.compareTo(other.message);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is StaticError) {
if (compareTo(other) != 0) return false;
if (contextMessages.length != other.contextMessages.length) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < contextMessages.length; i++) {
if (contextMessages[i] != other.contextMessages[i]) return false;
return true;
return false;
int get hashCode =>
3 * line.hashCode +
5 * column.hashCode +
7 * length.hashCode +
11 * source.hashCode +
13 * message.hashCode;
/// Returns true if [actual]'s message matches this one.
/// Takes unspecified errors into account.
bool _matchMessage(StaticError? actual) {
return !isSpecified || message == actual!.message;
/// Returns true if [actual]'s location matches this one.
/// Takes into account unspecified errors and errors without lengths.
bool _matchLocation(StaticError actual) {
if (path != actual.path) return false;
if (line != actual.line) return false;
// Ignore column and length for unspecified errors.
if (isSpecified) {
if (column != actual.column) return false;
if (actual.length > 0 && length > 0 && length != actual.length) {
return false;
return true;
/// Returns a string describing how this error's expected location differs
/// from [actual].
String _locationError(StaticError actual) {
var expectedMismatches = <String>[];
var actualMismatches = <String>[];
if (line != actual.line) {
expectedMismatches.add("line $line");
actualMismatches.add("line ${actual.line}");
// Ignore column and length for unspecified errors.
if (isSpecified) {
if (column != actual.column) {
expectedMismatches.add("column $column");
actualMismatches.add("column ${actual.column}");
if (actual.length > 0 && length != actual.length) {
expectedMismatches.add("length $length");
actualMismatches.add("length ${actual.length}");
// Should only call this when the locations don't match.
var expectedList = expectedMismatches.join(", ");
var actualList = actualMismatches.join(", ");
return "Expected $expectedList but was $actualList.";
/// Validates that this expected error's context messages match [actual]'s.
/// Writes any mismatch errors to [buffer].
void _validateContext(StaticError? actual, StringBuffer buffer) {
// If the expected error has no context, then ignore actual context
// messages.
if (contextMessages.isEmpty) return;
var result = validateExpectations(contextMessages, actual!.contextMessages);
if (result != null) {
class _ErrorExpectationParser {
/// Marks the location of an expected error, like so:
/// int i = "s";
/// // ^^^
/// We look for a line that starts with a line comment followed by spaces and
/// carets. Only used on single lines.
static final _caretLocationRegExp = RegExp(r"^\s*//\s*(\^+)\s*$");
/// Matches an explicit error location with a length, like:
/// // [error line 1, column 17, length 3]
/// or implicitly on the previous line
/// // [error column 17, length 3]
/// or either without a length:
/// // [error line 1, column 17]
/// // [error column 17]
/// Only used on single lines.
static final _explicitLocationRegExp = RegExp(
r"^\s*//\s*\[\s*error (?:line\s+(\d+)\s*,)?\s*column\s+(\d+)\s*(?:,\s*"
/// Matches the beginning of an error message, like `// [analyzer]`.
/// May have an optional number like `// [cfe 32]`.
static final _errorMessageRegExp =
RegExp(r"^\s*// \[(\w+)(?:\s+(\d+))?\]\s*(.*)");
/// An analyzer error code is a dotted identifier or the magic string
/// "unspecified".
static final _errorCodeRegExp = RegExp(r"^(?:\w+\.\w+|unspecified)$");
/// Any line-comment-only lines after the first line of a CFE error message
/// are part of it.
static final _errorMessageRestRegExp = RegExp(r"^\s*//\s*(.*)");
final String path;
final List<String> _lines;
final List<StaticError> _errors = [];
/// The parsed context messages.
/// Once parsing is done, these are added to the errors that own them.
final List<StaticError> _contextMessages = [];
/// For errors that have a number associated with them, tracks that number.
/// These are used after parsing to attach context messages to their errors.
/// Note: if the same context message appears multiple times at the same
/// location, there will be distinct (non-identical) StaticError instances
/// that compare equal. We use `Map.identity` to ensure that we can associate
/// each with its own context number.
final Map<StaticError, int> _errorNumbers = Map.identity();
int _currentLine = 0;
// One-based index of the last line that wasn't part of an error expectation.
int _lastRealLine = -1;
_ErrorExpectationParser({required this.path, required String source})
: _lines = source.split("\n");
List<StaticError> _parse() {
// Read all the lines.
while (_canPeek(0)) {
var sourceLine = _peek(0);
if (_caretLocationRegExp.firstMatch(sourceLine) case var match?) {
if (_lastRealLine == -1) {
_fail("An error expectation must follow some code.");
var markerMatch = match[1]!;
path: path,
line: _lastRealLine,
column: sourceLine.indexOf("^") + 1,
length: markerMatch.length);
if (_explicitLocationRegExp.firstMatch(sourceLine) case var match?) {
var lineCapture = match[1];
var columnCapture = match[2]!;
var lengthCapture = match[3];
path: path,
line: lineCapture == null ? _lastRealLine : int.parse(lineCapture),
column: int.parse(columnCapture),
length: lengthCapture == null ? 0 : int.parse(lengthCapture));
_lastRealLine = _currentLine + 1;
return _errors;
/// Finishes parsing a series of error expectations after parsing a location.
void _parseErrors(
{required String path,
required int line,
required int column,
int length = 0}) {
var locationLine = _currentLine;
var parsedError = false;
// Allow errors for multiple front-ends to share the same location marker.
while (_canPeek(1)) {
var match = _errorMessageRegExp.firstMatch(_peek(1));
if (match == null) break;
var number = match[2] != null ? int.parse(match[2]!) : null;
var sourceName = match[1]!;
var source = ErrorSource.find(sourceName) ??
_fail("Unknown front end '[$sourceName]'.");
if (source == ErrorSource.context && number == null) {
_fail("Context messages must have an error number.");
var message = StringBuffer(match[3]!);
var sourceLines = {locationLine, _currentLine};
// Consume as many additional error message lines as we find.
while (_canPeek(1)) {
var nextLine = _peek(1);
// A location line shouldn't be treated as part of the message.
if (_caretLocationRegExp.hasMatch(nextLine)) break;
if (_explicitLocationRegExp.hasMatch(nextLine)) break;
// The next source should not be treated as part of the message.
if (_errorMessageRegExp.hasMatch(nextLine)) break;
var messageMatch = _errorMessageRestRegExp.firstMatch(nextLine);
if (messageMatch == null) break;
if (source == ErrorSource.analyzer &&
!_errorCodeRegExp.hasMatch(message.toString())) {
_fail("An analyzer error expectation should be a dotted identifier.");
// Hack: If the error is CFE-only and the length is one, treat it as no
// length. The CFE does not output length information, and when the update
// tool writes a CFE-only error, it implicitly uses a length of one. Thus,
// when we parse back in a length one CFE error, we ignore the length so
// that the error round-trips correctly.
// TODO(rnystrom): Stop doing this when the CFE reports error lengths.
var errorLength = length;
if (errorLength == 1 && source == ErrorSource.cfe) {
errorLength = 0;
var error = StaticError(source, message.toString(),
path: path,
line: line,
column: column,
length: errorLength,
sourceLines: sourceLines);
if (number != null) {
// Make sure two errors don't claim the same number.
if (source != ErrorSource.context) {
var existingError =
_errors.any((error) => _errorNumbers[error] == number);
if (existingError) {
_fail("Already have an error with number $number.");
_errorNumbers[error] = number;
if (source == ErrorSource.context) {
} else {
parsedError = true;
if (!parsedError) {
_fail("An error expectation must specify at least one error message.");
/// Attach context messages to their errors and validate that everything lines
/// up.
void _attachContext() {
for (var contextMessage in _contextMessages) {
var number = _errorNumbers[contextMessage];
var error =
_errors.firstWhereOrNull((error) => _errorNumbers[error] == number);
if (error == null) {
throw FormatException("No error with number $number for context "
"message '${contextMessage.message}'.");
// Make sure every numbered error does have some context, otherwise the
// number is pointless.
for (var error in _errors) {
var number = _errorNumbers[error];
if (number == null) continue;
var hasContext =
_contextMessages.any((context) => _errorNumbers[context] == number);
if (!hasContext) {
throw FormatException("Missing context for numbered error $number "
bool _canPeek(int offset) => _currentLine + offset < _lines.length;
void _advance() {
String _peek(int offset) {
var line = _lines[_currentLine + offset];
// Strip off any multitest marker.
var index = line.indexOf("//#");
if (index != -1) {
line = line.substring(0, index).trimRight();
return line;
Never _fail(String message) {
throw FormatException("Test error on line ${_currentLine + 1}: $message");