blob: adc4a4ad1199536456204bad7161caa6c9d78f50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
// We need to use the 'io' prefix here, otherwise io.exitCode will shadow
// CommandOutput.exitCode in subclasses of CommandOutput.
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:dart2js_tools/deobfuscate_stack_trace.dart';
import 'package:status_file/expectation.dart';
import 'package:test_runner/src/static_error.dart';
import 'browser_controller.dart';
import 'command.dart';
import 'configuration.dart';
import 'path.dart';
import 'process_queue.dart';
import 'terminal.dart';
import 'test_case.dart';
import 'test_progress.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// CommandOutput records the output of a completed command: the process's exit
/// code, the standard output and standard error, whether the process timed out,
/// and the time the process took to run. It does not contain a pointer to the
/// [TestCase] this is the output of, so some functions require the test case
/// to be passed as an argument.
class CommandOutput {
final Command command;
final bool hasTimedOut;
final Duration time;
final int exitCode;
final int pid;
final List<int> stdout;
final List<int> stderr;
final bool compilationSkipped;
final List<String> diagnostics = [];
CommandOutput(this.command, this.exitCode, this.hasTimedOut, this.stdout,
this.stderr, this.time, this.compilationSkipped,;
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.crash;
if (hasTimedOut) return Expectation.timeout;
if (_didFail(testCase)) return;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
if (truncatedOutput) return Expectation.truncatedOutput;
return Expectation.pass;
bool get hasCrashed {
// dart2js exits with code 253 in case of unhandled exceptions.
// The dart binary exits with code 253 in case of an API error such
// as an invalid snapshot file.
// The batch mode can also exit 253 (unhandledCompilerExceptionExitCode).
// In either case an exit code of 253 is considered a crash.
if (exitCode == unhandledCompilerExceptionExitCode) return true;
if (exitCode == parseFailExitCode) return false;
if (hasTimedOut) return false;
if (io.Platform.isWindows) {
// The VM uses std::abort to terminate on asserts.
// std::abort terminates with exit code 3 on Windows.
if (exitCode == 3) return true;
// When VM is built with Crashpad support we get STATUS_FATAL_APP_EXIT
// for all crashes that Crashpad has intercepted.
if (exitCode == 0x40000015) return true;
// If a program receives an uncaught system exception, the program
// terminates with the exception code as exit code.
// lists status
// codes basically saying that codes starting with 0xC0, 0x80 or 0x40
// are crashes, so look at the 4 most significant bits in 32-bit-space
// make sure its either 0b1100, 0b1000 or 0b0100.
var masked = (exitCode & 0xF0000000) >> 28;
return (exitCode < 0) && (masked >= 4) && ((masked & 3) == 0);
return exitCode < 0;
bool get hasCoreDump {
// Unhandled dart exceptions don't produce crashdumps.
return hasCrashed && exitCode != 253;
bool _didFail(TestCase testCase) => exitCode != 0 && !hasCrashed;
bool get canRunDependentCommands {
// TODO(kustermann): We may need to change this
return !hasTimedOut && exitCode == 0;
bool get successful {
// TODO(kustermann): We may need to change this
return !hasTimedOut && exitCode == 0;
bool get hasNonUtf8 => exitCode == nonUtfFakeExitCode;
/// Whether the command's output was too long and was truncated.
bool get truncatedOutput => exitCode == truncatedFakeExitCode;
/// Called when producing output for a test failure to describe this output.
void describe(TestCase testCase, Progress progress, OutputWriter output) {
output.subsection("exit code");
if (diagnostics.isNotEmpty) {
if (stdout.isNotEmpty) {
if (stderr.isNotEmpty) {
class BrowserTestJsonResult {
static const _allowedTypes = [
final Expectation outcome;
final String htmlDom;
final List<dynamic> events;
BrowserTestJsonResult(this.outcome, this.htmlDom,;
static BrowserTestJsonResult? parseFromString(String content) {
void validate(String message, bool isValid) {
if (!isValid) {
throw "InvalidFormat sent from browser driving page: $message:\n\n"
try {
var events = jsonDecode(content);
if (events != null) {
validate("Message must be a List", events is List);
// TODO(srawlins): This will promote `events` in null safety.
var eventList = events as List<dynamic>;
var messagesByType = {
for (var type in _allowedTypes) type: <String?>[]
for (var entry in eventList) {
validate("Entry must be a Map", entry is Map);
var type = entry['type'];
validate("'type' must be a String", type is String);
validate("'type' has to be in $_allowedTypes.",
var value = entry['value'];
validate("'value' must be a String", value is String);
var timestamp = entry['timestamp'];
validate("'timestamp' must be a number", timestamp is num);
var stackTrace = entry['stack_trace'];
if (stackTrace != null) {
validate("'stack_trace' must be a String", stackTrace is String);
messagesByType[type]!.add(value as String?);
validate("The message must have exactly one 'dom' entry.",
messagesByType['dom']!.length == 1);
var dom = messagesByType['dom']![0]!;
if (dom.endsWith('\n')) {
dom = '$dom\n';
return BrowserTestJsonResult(
_getOutcome(messagesByType), dom, eventList);
} catch (error) {
// If something goes wrong, we know the content was not in the correct
// JSON format. So we can't parse it.
// The caller is responsible for falling back to the old way of
// determining if a test failed.
return null;
static Expectation _getOutcome(Map<String, List<String?>> messagesByType) {
occurred(String type) => messagesByType[type]!.isNotEmpty;
searchForMsg(List<String> types, String message) {
return types.any((type) => messagesByType[type]!.contains(message));
// TODO(kustermann,ricow): I think this functionality doesn't work in
// test_controller.js: So far I haven't seen anything being reported on
// "window.compilationerror"
if (occurred('window_compilationerror')) {
return Expectation.compileTimeError;
if (occurred('sync_exception') ||
occurred('window_onerror') ||
occurred('script_onerror')) {
return Expectation.runtimeError;
if (messagesByType['dom']![0]!.contains('FAIL')) {
return Expectation.runtimeError;
// We search for these messages in 'print' and 'message_received' because
// the unittest implementation posts these messages using
// "window.postMessage()" instead of the normal "print()" them.
var isAsyncTest = searchForMsg(
['print', 'message_received'], 'unittest-suite-wait-for-done');
var isAsyncSuccess =
searchForMsg(['print', 'message_received'], 'unittest-suite-success') ||
searchForMsg(['print', 'message_received'], 'unittest-suite-done');
if (isAsyncTest) {
if (isAsyncSuccess) {
return Expectation.pass;
return Expectation.runtimeError;
var mainStarted =
searchForMsg(['print', 'message_received'], 'dart-calling-main');
var mainDone =
searchForMsg(['print', 'message_received'], 'dart-main-done');
if (mainStarted && mainDone) {
return Expectation.pass;
class BrowserCommandOutput extends CommandOutput
with _UnittestSuiteMessagesMixin {
final BrowserTestJsonResult? _jsonResult;
final BrowserTestOutput _result;
final Expectation _outcome;
/// Directory that is being served under `http:/.../root_build/` to browser
/// tests.
final String _buildDirectory;
factory BrowserCommandOutput(
BrowserTestCommand command, BrowserTestOutput result) {
Expectation outcome;
var parsedResult =
if (parsedResult != null) {
outcome = parsedResult.outcome;
} else {
// Old way of determining whether a test failed or passed.
if (result.lastKnownMessage.contains("FAIL")) {
outcome = Expectation.runtimeError;
} else if (result.lastKnownMessage.contains("PASS")) {
outcome = Expectation.pass;
} else {
outcome = Expectation.runtimeError;
var stderr = "";
if (result.didTimeout) {
if (result.delayUntilTestStarted != null) {
stderr = "This test timed out. The delay until the test actually "
"started was: ${result.delayUntilTestStarted}.";
} else {
stderr = "This test did not notify that it started running.";
return BrowserCommandOutput._internal(
Command command,
BrowserTestOutput result,
List<int> stdout,
List<int> stderr)
: _result = result,
super(command, 0, result.didTimeout, stdout, stderr, result.duration,
false, 0);
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
// Handle timeouts first.
if (_result.didTimeout) {
return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
if (truncatedOutput) return Expectation.truncatedOutput;
return _outcome;
void describe(TestCase testCase, Progress progress, OutputWriter output) {
if (_jsonResult != null) {
_describeEvents(progress, output, _jsonResult);
} else {
// We couldn't parse the events, so fallback to showing the last message.
output.section("Last message");
super.describe(testCase, progress, output);
if (_result.browserOutput.stdout.isNotEmpty) {
output.subsection("Browser stdout");
if (_result.browserOutput.stderr.isNotEmpty) {
output.subsection("Browser stderr");
void _describeEvents(Progress progress, OutputWriter output,
BrowserTestJsonResult jsonResult) {
// Always show the error events since those are most useful.
var errorShown = false;
void showError(String header, event) {
var value = event["value"] as String?;
if (event["stack_trace"] != null) {
value = '$value\n${event["stack_trace"]}';
errorShown = true;
// Skip deobfuscation if there is no indication that there is a stack
// trace in the string value.
if (!value!.contains('.js:')) return;
var stringStack = value
// Convert `http:` URIs to relative `file:` URIs.
.replaceAll(RegExp(r'http://[^/]*/root_build/'), '$_buildDirectory/')
.replaceAll(RegExp(r'http://[^/]*/root_dart/'), '')
// Remove query parameters (seen in .html URIs).
.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\?[^:\n]*:'), ':');
// TODO(sigmund): change internal deobfuscation code to avoid spurious
// error messages when files do not have a corresponding source-map.
_deobfuscateAndWriteStack(stringStack, output);
for (var event in {
if (event["type"] == "sync_exception") {
showError("Runtime error", event);
} else if (event["type"] == "window_onerror") {
showError("Runtime window.onerror", event);
// Show the events unless the above error was sufficient.
// TODO(rnystrom): Let users enable or disable this explicitly?
if (errorShown && progress != Progress.verbose) {
for (var event in {
switch (event["type"] as String?) {
case "debug":
output.write('- debug "${event["value"]}"');
case "dom":
output.write('- dom\n${indent(event["value"] as String, 2)}');
case "print":
output.write('- print "${event["value"]}"');
case "window_onerror":
var value = event["value"] as String;
value = indent(value.trim(), 2);
value = "- ${value.substring(2)}";
"- ${const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(event)}");
/// A parsed analyzer error diagnostic.
class AnalyzerError implements Comparable<AnalyzerError> {
/// The set of static warnings which must be expected in a test. Any warning
/// not specified here which is reported by the analyzer does not need to be
/// expected, and never causes a test to fail.
static const Set<String> _specifiedWarnings = {
/// The set of hints which must be expected in a test. Any hint not specified
/// here which is reported by the analyzer does not need to be expected, and
/// never causes a test to fail.
static const Set<String> _specifiedHints = {};
/// Parses all errors from analyzer [stdout] output.
static List<AnalyzerError> parseStdout(String stdout) {
var result = <AnalyzerError>[];
var jsonData = json.decode(stdout) as Map<String, dynamic>;
var version = jsonData['version'];
if (version != 1) {
DebugLogger.error('Unexpected analyzer JSON data version: $version');
throw UnimplementedError();
for (var diagnostic in jsonData['diagnostics'] as List<dynamic>) {
var diagnosticMap = diagnostic as Map<String, dynamic>;
var code = diagnosticMap['code'] as String;
var type = diagnosticMap['type'] as String?;
if (type == 'HINT' && !_specifiedHints.contains(code)) {
// The analyzer can report hints which do not need to be expected in
// the test source. These can be ignored.
// TODO(srawlins): Hints will start to change to be warnings. There are
// some warnings produced now which must be expected. See
// [StaticError._analyzerWarningCodes]. When we change hints to
// warnings, we will need to ignore them here.
if (type == 'STATIC_WARNING' && !_specifiedWarnings.contains(code)) {
if (type == 'LINT') continue;
var errorCode = '$type.${code.toUpperCase()}';
var error = _parse(
diagnosticMap, diagnosticMap['problemMessage'] as String, errorCode);
var contextMessages = diagnosticMap['contextMessages'] as List<dynamic>?;
for (var contextMessage in contextMessages ?? const []) {
var contextMessageMap = contextMessage as Map<String, dynamic>;
_parse(contextMessageMap, contextMessageMap['message'] as String));
return result;
static AnalyzerError _parse(Map<String, dynamic> diagnostic, String message,
[String? errorCode]) {
var location = diagnostic['location'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
var range = location['range'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
var start = range['start'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
var end = range['end'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
return AnalyzerError._(
severity: diagnostic['severity'] as String? ?? '',
errorCode: errorCode ?? '',
file: location['file'] as String,
message: message,
line: start['line'] as int,
column: start['column'] as int,
length: (end['offset'] as int) - (start['offset'] as int));
final String severity;
final String errorCode;
final String file;
final String message;
final int line;
final int column;
final int length;
final List<AnalyzerError> contextMessages = [];
{this.severity = '',
this.errorCode = '',
required this.file,
required this.message,
required this.line,
required this.column,
required this.length});
int compareTo(AnalyzerError other) {
if (file != other.file) return file.compareTo(other.file);
if (line != other.line) return line.compareTo(other.line);
if (column != other.column) return column.compareTo(other.column);
if (length != other.length) return length.compareTo(other.length);
if (severity != other.severity) return severity.compareTo(other.severity);
if (errorCode != other.errorCode) {
return errorCode.compareTo(other.errorCode);
return message.compareTo(other.message);
class AnalysisCommandOutput extends CommandOutput with _StaticErrorOutput {
static void parseErrors(
String stdout,
List<StaticError> errors, [
List<StaticError>? warnings,
]) {
StaticError convert(AnalyzerError error) {
var staticError = StaticError(ErrorSource.analyzer, error.errorCode,
path: error.file,
line: error.line,
column: error.column,
length: error.length);
for (var context in error.contextMessages) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Include these when static error tests get support
// for errors/context in other files.
if (context.file != error.file) {
"Context messages in other files not currently supported.");
ErrorSource.context, context.message,
path: context.file,
line: context.line,
column: context.column,
length: context.length));
return staticError;
// Parse as Analyzer errors and then convert them to the StaticError objects
// the static error tests expect.
for (var diagnostic in AnalyzerError.parseStdout(stdout)) {
if (diagnostic.severity == 'ERROR') {
} else if (warnings != null &&
(diagnostic.severity == 'WARNING' || diagnostic.severity == 'INFO')) {
/// If the stdout of analyzer could not be parsed as valid JSON, this will be
/// the stdout as a string instead. Otherwise it will be null.
String? get invalidJsonStdout {
if (!_parsedErrors) {
_parsedErrors = true;
return _invalidJsonStdout;
String? _invalidJsonStdout;
Command command,
int exitCode,
bool timedOut,
List<int> stdout,
List<int> stderr,
Duration time,
bool compilationSkipped)
: super(command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time,
compilationSkipped, 0);
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
// TODO(kustermann): If we run the analyzer not in batch mode, make sure
// that command.exitCodes matches 2 (errors), 1 (warnings), 0 (no warnings,
// no errors)
// Handle crashes and timeouts first.
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.crash;
if (hasTimedOut) return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
if (truncatedOutput) return Expectation.truncatedOutput;
if (invalidJsonStdout != null) return;
// If it's a static error test, validate the exact errors.
if (testCase.testFile.isStaticErrorTest) {
return _validateExpectedErrors(testCase);
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
return Expectation.compileTimeError;
if (warnings.isNotEmpty) {
return Expectation.staticWarning;
return Expectation.pass;
void describe(TestCase testCase, Progress progress, OutputWriter output) {
if (invalidJsonStdout != null) {
output.subsection("analyzer json parse result");
output.write("- parse failed");
output.subsection("invalid analyzer json");
super.describe(testCase, progress, output);
// Handle static error test output specially. We don't want to show the raw
// stdout if we can give the user the parsed expectations instead.
if (testCase.testFile.isStaticErrorTest || hasCrashed || hasTimedOut) {
super.describe(testCase, progress, output);
} else {
// Parse and sort the errors.
var errorsByFile = <String?, List<AnalyzerError>>{};
for (var error in AnalyzerError.parseStdout(decodeUtf8(stdout))) {
errorsByFile.putIfAbsent(error.file, () => []).add(error);
var files = errorsByFile.keys.toList();
for (var file in files) {
var path = Path(file!)
output.subsection("unexpected analysis errors in $path");
var errors = errorsByFile[file]!;
for (var error in errors) {
var line = error.line.toString();
var column = error.column.toString();
var message = wordWrap(error.message.trim(), prefix: " ");
output.write("- Line $line, column $column: ${error.errorCode}");
output.write(" $message");
/// Parses the JSON output of the analyzer.
void _parseErrors() {
var stdoutString = decodeUtf8(stdout);
try {
var errors = <StaticError>[];
var warnings = <StaticError>[];
parseErrors(stdoutString, errors, warnings);
} on FormatException {
// It wasn't JSON. This can happen if analyzer instead prints:
// "No dart files found at: ..."
_invalidJsonStdout = stdoutString;
class CompareAnalyzerCfeCommandOutput extends CommandOutput {
Command command,
int exitCode,
bool timedOut,
List<int> stdout,
List<int> stderr,
Duration time,
bool compilationSkipped)
: super(command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time,
compilationSkipped, 0);
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
// Handle crashes and timeouts first
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.crash;
if (hasTimedOut) return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
if (truncatedOutput) return Expectation.truncatedOutput;
if (exitCode != 0) return;
for (var line in decodeUtf8(stdout).split('\n')) {
if (line.contains('No differences found')) return Expectation.pass;
if (line.contains('Differences found')) return;
class SpecParseCommandOutput extends CommandOutput {
Command command,
int exitCode,
bool timedOut,
List<int> stdout,
List<int> stderr,
Duration time,
bool compilationSkipped)
: super(command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time,
compilationSkipped, 0);
bool get hasSyntaxError => exitCode == parseFailExitCode;
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.crash;
if (hasTimedOut) return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
if (truncatedOutput) return Expectation.truncatedOutput;
if (hasSyntaxError) return Expectation.syntaxError;
if (exitCode != 0) return Expectation.syntaxError;
return Expectation.pass;
class VMCommandOutput extends CommandOutput with _UnittestSuiteMessagesMixin {
static const _dfeErrorExitCode = 252;
static const _compileErrorExitCode = 254;
static const _uncaughtExceptionExitCode = 255;
static const _adbInfraFailureCodes = [10];
static const _adbFailureExitCode = 3;
static const _frontEndTestExitCode = 1;
VMCommandOutput(Command command, int exitCode, bool timedOut,
List<int> stdout, List<int> stderr, Duration time, int pid)
: super(command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time, false, pid);
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
// `ffx test` isn't preserving exit codes.
// TODO(38752): Plumb exit codes through something else?
if (testCase.configuration.system == System.fuchsia) {
if (utf8.decode(stdout).contains("completed with result: PASSED")) {
return Expectation.pass;
// Handle crashes and timeouts first.
if (exitCode == _dfeErrorExitCode) return Expectation.dartkCrash;
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.crash;
if (hasTimedOut) return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
if (truncatedOutput) return Expectation.truncatedOutput;
// The actual outcome depends on the exitCode.
if (exitCode == _compileErrorExitCode) return Expectation.compileTimeError;
if (exitCode == _uncaughtExceptionExitCode) return Expectation.runtimeError;
if (exitCode == _frontEndTestExitCode &&
testCase.displayName.startsWith('pkg/front_end/test/')) {
return Expectation.runtimeError;
if (testCase.configuration.system == &&
_adbInfraFailureCodes.contains(exitCode)) {
print('Android device failed to run test');
if (exitCode != 0) {
// This is a general fail, in case we get an unknown nonzero exitcode.
var testOutput = decodeUtf8(stdout);
if (_isAsyncTest(testOutput) && !_isAsyncTestSuccessful(testOutput)) {
return Expectation.pass;
class CompilationCommandOutput extends CommandOutput {
static const _crashExitCode = 253;
Command command,
int exitCode,
bool timedOut,
List<int> stdout,
List<int> stderr,
Duration time,
bool compilationSkipped)
: super(command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time,
compilationSkipped, 0);
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
// Handle general crash/timeout detection.
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.crash;
if (hasTimedOut) {
var isWindows = io.Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows';
var isBrowserTestCase =
testCase.commands.any((command) => command is BrowserTestCommand);
// TODO(26060) Dart2js batch mode hangs on Windows under heavy load.
return (isWindows && isBrowserTestCase)
? Expectation.ignore
: Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
if (truncatedOutput) return Expectation.truncatedOutput;
// Handle dart2js specific crash detection
if (exitCode == _crashExitCode ||
exitCode == VMCommandOutput._compileErrorExitCode ||
exitCode == VMCommandOutput._uncaughtExceptionExitCode) {
return Expectation.crash;
if (exitCode != 0) return Expectation.compileTimeError;
return Expectation.pass;
class Dart2jsCompilerCommandOutput extends CompilationCommandOutput
with _StaticErrorOutput {
static void parseErrors(String stdout, List<StaticError> errors) {
ErrorSource.web, _errorRegexp, stdout, errors);
/// Matches the location and message of a dart2js error message, which looks
/// like:
/// tests/language/some_test.dart:9:3:
/// Error: Some message.
/// BadThing();
/// ^
/// The test runner only validates the main error message, and not the
/// suggested fixes, so we only parse the first line.
// TODO(rnystrom): Support validating context messages.
static final _errorRegexp =
RegExp(r"^([^:\n\r]+):(\d+):(\d+):\n(Error): (.*)$", multiLine: true);
Dart2jsCompilerCommandOutput(super.command, super.exitCode, super.timedOut,
super.stdout, super.stderr, super.time, super.compilationSkipped);
void _parseErrors() {
var errors = <StaticError>[];
parseErrors(decodeUtf8(stdout), errors);
class Dart2WasmCompilerCommandOutput extends CompilationCommandOutput
with _StaticErrorOutput {
static void parseErrors(String stdout, List<StaticError> errors) {
ErrorSource.web, _errorRegexp, stdout, errors);
/// Matches the location and message of a dart2wasm error message, which looks
/// like:
/// tests/language/some_test.dart:9:3: Error: Some message.
/// BadThing();
/// ^
/// The test runner only validates the main error message, and not the
/// suggested fixes, so we only parse the first line.
// TODO(rnystrom): Support validating context messages.
static final _errorRegexp =
RegExp(r"^([^:\n\r]+):(\d+):(\d+): (Error): (.*)$", multiLine: true);
Dart2WasmCompilerCommandOutput(super.command, super.exitCode, super.timedOut,
super.stdout, super.stderr, super.time, super.compilationSkipped);
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.crash;
if (hasTimedOut) return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
if (truncatedOutput) return Expectation.truncatedOutput;
switch (exitCode) {
case VMCommandOutput._dfeErrorExitCode:
return Expectation.dartkCrash;
case VMCommandOutput._compileErrorExitCode:
if (testCase.testFile.isStaticErrorTest) {
return _validateExpectedErrors(testCase);
return Expectation.compileTimeError;
case VMCommandOutput._uncaughtExceptionExitCode:
return Expectation.crash;
return exitCode != 0 ? : Expectation.pass;
void _parseErrors() {
var errors = <StaticError>[];
// We expect errors to be printed to `stderr` for dart2wasm.
parseErrors(decodeUtf8(stderr), errors);
class DevCompilerCommandOutput extends CommandOutput with _StaticErrorOutput {
static void parseErrors(String stdout, List<StaticError> errors) {
ErrorSource.web, _errorRegexp, stdout, errors);
/// Matches the first line of a DDC error message. DDC prints errors to
/// stdout that look like:
/// org-dartlang-app:/tests/language/some_test.dart:7:21: Error: Some message.
/// Try fixing the code to be less bad.
/// var _ = <int>[if (1) 2];
/// ^
/// The test runner only validates the main error message, and not the
/// suggested fixes, so we only parse the first line.
// TODO(rnystrom): Support validating context messages.
static final _errorRegexp = RegExp(
r"^org-dartlang-app:/([^\n\r]+):(\d+):(\d+): (Error): (.*)$",
multiLine: true);
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.crash;
if (hasTimedOut) return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
if (truncatedOutput) return Expectation.truncatedOutput;
// If it's a static error test, validate the exact errors.
if (testCase.testFile.isStaticErrorTest) {
return _validateExpectedErrors(testCase);
if (exitCode != 0) return Expectation.compileTimeError;
return Expectation.pass;
void _parseErrors() {
var errors = <StaticError>[];
parseErrors(decodeUtf8(stdout), errors);
class VMKernelCompilationCommandOutput extends CompilationCommandOutput {
bool get canRunDependentCommands {
// See [BatchRunnerProcess]: 0 means success, 1 means compile-time error.
// TODO(asgerf): When the frontend supports it, continue running even if
// there were compile-time errors. See kernel_sdk issue #18.
return !hasCrashed && !hasTimedOut && exitCode == 0;
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
// TODO(kustermann): Currently the batch mode runner (which can be found
// in `test_runner.dart:BatchRunnerProcess`) does not really distinguish
// between different kinds of failures and will mark a failed
// compilation to just an exit code of "1". So we treat all `exitCode ==
// 1`s as compile-time errors as well.
const batchModeCompileTimeErrorExit = 1;
// Handle crashes and timeouts first.
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.dartkCrash;
if (hasTimedOut) return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
if (truncatedOutput) return Expectation.truncatedOutput;
// If the frontend had an uncaught exception, then we'll consider this a
// crash.
if (exitCode == VMCommandOutput._uncaughtExceptionExitCode) {
return Expectation.dartkCrash;
// Multitests are handled specially.
if (exitCode == VMCommandOutput._compileErrorExitCode ||
exitCode == batchModeCompileTimeErrorExit) {
return Expectation.compileTimeError;
if (exitCode != 0) {
// This is a general fail, in case we get an unknown nonzero exitcode.
return Expectation.pass;
/// If the compiler was able to produce a Kernel IR file we want to run the
/// result on the Dart VM. We therefore mark the [VMKernelCompilationCommand]
/// as successful.
/// This ensures we test that the DartVM produces correct CompileTime errors
/// as it is supposed to for our test suites.
bool get successful => canRunDependentCommands;
class JSCommandLineOutput extends CommandOutput
with _UnittestSuiteMessagesMixin {
JSCommandLineOutput(Command command, int exitCode, bool timedOut,
List<int> stdout, List<int> stderr, Duration time)
: super(command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time, false, 0);
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
// Handle crashes and timeouts first.
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.crash;
if (hasTimedOut) return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
if (truncatedOutput) return Expectation.truncatedOutput;
if (exitCode != 0) return Expectation.runtimeError;
var output = decodeUtf8(stdout);
if (_isAsyncTest(output) && !_isAsyncTestSuccessful(output)) {
return Expectation.pass;
void describe(TestCase testCase, Progress progress, OutputWriter output) {
super.describe(testCase, progress, output);
var decodedOut = decodeUtf8(stdout)
.replaceAll('\r\n', '\n')
.replaceAll('\r', '\n')
_deobfuscateAndWriteStack(decodedOut, output);
class Dart2WasmCommandLineOutput extends CommandOutput
with _UnittestSuiteMessagesMixin {
Dart2WasmCommandLineOutput(Command command, int exitCode, bool timedOut,
List<int> stdout, List<int> stderr, Duration time)
: super(command, exitCode, timedOut, stdout, stderr, time, false, 0);
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
// Handle crashes and timeouts first.
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.crash;
if (hasTimedOut) return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
if (truncatedOutput) return Expectation.truncatedOutput;
if (exitCode != 0) return Expectation.runtimeError;
var output = decodeUtf8(stdout);
if (_isAsyncTest(output) && !_isAsyncTestSuccessful(output)) {
return Expectation.pass;
class ScriptCommandOutput extends CommandOutput {
final Expectation _result;
ScriptCommandOutput(ScriptCommand command, this._result,
String scriptExecutionInformation, Duration time)
: super(command, 0, false, [], [], time, false, 0) {
var lines = scriptExecutionInformation.split("\n");
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) => _result;
bool get canRunDependentCommands => _result == Expectation.pass;
bool get successful => _result == Expectation.pass;
class FastaCommandOutput extends CompilationCommandOutput
with _StaticErrorOutput {
static void parseErrors(
String stdout, List<StaticError> errors, List<StaticError> warnings) {
ErrorSource.cfe, _errorRegexp, stdout, errors, warnings);
/// Matches the first line of a Fasta error, warning, or context message.
/// Fasta prints to stdout like:
/// tests/language/some_test.dart:7:21: Error: Some message.
/// Try fixing the code to be less bad.
/// var _ = <int>[if (1) 2];
/// ^
/// The test runner only validates the first line of the message, and not the
/// suggested fixes.
static final _errorRegexp = RegExp(
r"^(?:([^:\n\r]+):(\d+):(\d+): )?(Context|Error|Warning): (.*)$",
multiLine: true);
FastaCommandOutput(super.command, super.exitCode, super.hasTimedOut,
super.stdout, super.stderr, super.time, super.compilationSkipped);
void _parseErrors() {
var errors = <StaticError>[];
var warnings = <StaticError>[];
parseErrors(decodeUtf8(stdout), errors, warnings);
/// Mixin for outputs from a command that implement a Dart front end which
/// reports static errors.
mixin _StaticErrorOutput on CommandOutput {
/// Parses compile errors reported by CFE using the given [regExp] and adds
/// them to [errors] as coming from [errorSource].
static void _parseCfeErrors(ErrorSource errorSource, RegExp regExp,
String stdout, List<StaticError> errors,
[List<StaticError>? warnings]) {
StaticError? previousError;
for (var match in regExp.allMatches(stdout)) {
// These three are either all present or all null.
var path = match[1];
var line = _parseNullableInt(match[2]);
var column = _parseNullableInt(match[3]);
var severity = match[4];
var message = match[5];
if (path == null) {
// No location information.
if (severity == 'Context' && previousError != null) {
// We can use the location information from the error message
path = previousError.path;
line = previousError.line;
column = previousError.column;
} else {
// No good default location information, so disregard the error.
// TODO(45558): we should do something smarter here.
// Line and column information should have been present or it should have
// been filled in by the code above.
assert(line != null);
assert(column != null);
var error = StaticError(
severity == "Context" ? ErrorSource.context : errorSource, message!,
path: path, line: line!, column: column!);
if (severity == "Context") {
// Attach context messages to the preceding error/warning.
if (previousError == null) {
DebugLogger.error("Got context message in CFE output before "
"error to attach it to.");
} else {
} else {
if (severity == "Error") {
} else {
previousError = error;
/// Same as `int.parse`, but allows nulls to simply pass through.
static int? _parseNullableInt(String? s) {
if (s == null) {
return null;
return int.parse(s);
/// Reported static errors, parsed from [stderr].
List<StaticError> get errors {
if (!_parsedErrors) {
_parsedErrors = true;
return _errors;
/// Don't access this from outside of the mixin. It gets populated lazily by
/// going through the [errors] getter.
final List<StaticError> _errors = [];
/// Reported static warnings, parsed from [stderr].
List<StaticError> get warnings {
if (!_parsedErrors) {
_parsedErrors = true;
return _warnings;
/// Don't access this from outside of the mixin. It gets populated lazily by
/// going through the [warnings] getter.
final List<StaticError> _warnings = [];
bool _parsedErrors = false;
void describe(TestCase testCase, Progress progress, OutputWriter output) {
// Handle static error test output specially. We don't want to show the raw
// stdout if we can give the user the parsed expectations instead.
if (testCase.testFile.isStaticErrorTest &&
!hasCrashed &&
!hasTimedOut &&
!hasNonUtf8 &&
!truncatedOutput) {
try {
_validateExpectedErrors(testCase, output);
} catch (_) {
// In the event of a crash trying to compute errors, go ahead and give
// the raw output.
super.describe(testCase, progress, output);
// Always show the raw output when specifically requested.
if (progress == Progress.verbose) {
super.describe(testCase, progress, output);
} else {
// Something strange happened, so show the raw output.
super.describe(testCase, progress, output);
Expectation result(TestCase testCase) {
if (hasCrashed) return Expectation.crash;
if (hasTimedOut) return Expectation.timeout;
if (hasNonUtf8) return Expectation.nonUtf8Error;
if (truncatedOutput) return Expectation.truncatedOutput;
// If it's a static error test, validate the exact errors.
if (testCase.testFile.isStaticErrorTest) {
return _validateExpectedErrors(testCase);
return super.result(testCase);
/// A subclass should override this to parse the command's output for any
/// reported errors and warnings.
/// It should read [stderr] and [stdout] and call [addError] and [addWarning].
void _parseErrors();
void addError(StaticError error) {
void addWarning(StaticError error) {
/// Compare the actual errors produced to the expected static errors parsed
/// from the test file.
/// Returns [Expectation.pass] if all expected errors were correctly
/// reported.
/// If [writer] is given, outputs a description of any error mismatches.
Expectation _validateExpectedErrors(TestCase testCase,
[OutputWriter? writer]) {
// Filter out errors that aren't for this configuration.
var errorSource = const {
Compiler.dart2analyzer: ErrorSource.analyzer,
Compiler.dart2js: ErrorSource.web,
Compiler.dart2wasm: ErrorSource.web,
Compiler.ddc: ErrorSource.web,
Compiler.fasta: ErrorSource.cfe
var expected = testCase.testFile.expectedErrors
.where((error) => error.source == errorSource);
var validation = StaticError.validateExpectations(
[...errors, ...warnings],
if (validation == null) return Expectation.pass;
writer?.subsection("static error failures");
return Expectation.missingCompileTimeError;
mixin _UnittestSuiteMessagesMixin {
bool _isAsyncTest(String testOutput) {
return testOutput.contains("unittest-suite-wait-for-done");
bool _isAsyncTestSuccessful(String testOutput) {
return testOutput.contains("unittest-suite-success");
void _deobfuscateAndWriteStack(String stack, OutputWriter output) {
try {
var deobfuscatedStack = deobfuscateStackTrace(stack);
if (deobfuscatedStack == stack) return;
output.subsection('Deobfuscated error and stack');
} catch (e, st) {
output.subsection('Warning: not able to deobfuscate stack');
output.writeAll(['input: $stack', 'error: $e', 'stack trace: $st']);