blob: 28dc1b584756bc6f06fcc4c0cc2ac31187426b18 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/exception/exception.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart' show AnalysisEngine;
export 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/constant_evaluator.dart';
/// A function used to handle exceptions that are thrown by delegates while
/// using an [ExceptionHandlingDelegatingAstVisitor].
typedef ExceptionInDelegateHandler = void Function(
AstNode node, AstVisitor visitor, dynamic exception, StackTrace stackTrace);
/// An AstVisitor that compares the structure of two AstNodes to see whether
/// they are equal.
class AstComparator implements AstVisitor<bool> {
/// The AST node with which the node being visited is to be compared. This is
/// only valid at the beginning of each visit method (until [isEqualNodes] is
/// invoked).
AstNode? _other;
/// Notify that [first] and second have different length.
/// This implementation returns `false`. Subclasses can override and throw.
bool failDifferentLength(List first, List second) {
return false;
/// Check whether the values of the [first] and [second] nodes are [equal].
/// Subclasses can override to throw.
bool failIfNotEqual(
AstNode first, Object? firstValue, AstNode second, Object? secondValue) {
return firstValue == secondValue;
/// Check whether [second] is null. Subclasses can override to throw.
bool failIfNotNull(Object? first, Object? second) {
return second == null;
/// Notify that [first] is not `null` while [second] one is `null`.
/// This implementation returns `false`. Subclasses can override and throw.
bool failIsNull(Object first, Object? second) {
return false;
/// Notify that [first] and [second] have different types.
/// This implementation returns `false`. Subclasses can override and throw.
bool failRuntimeType(Object first, Object second) {
return false;
/// Return `true` if the [first] node and the [second] node have the same
/// structure.
/// *Note:* This method is only visible for testing purposes and should not be
/// used by clients.
bool isEqualNodes(AstNode? first, AstNode? second) {
if (first == null) {
return failIfNotNull(first, second);
} else if (second == null) {
return failIsNull(first, second);
} else if (first.runtimeType != second.runtimeType) {
return failRuntimeType(first, second);
_other = second;
return first.accept(this)!;
/// Return `true` if the [first] token and the [second] token have the same
/// structure.
/// *Note:* This method is only visible for testing purposes and should not be
/// used by clients.
bool isEqualTokens(Token? first, Token? second) {
if (first == null) {
return failIfNotNull(first, second);
} else if (second == null) {
return failIsNull(first, second);
} else if (identical(first, second)) {
return true;
return isEqualTokensNotNull(first, second);
/// Return `true` if the [first] token and the [second] token have the same
/// structure. Both [first] and [second] are not `null`.
bool isEqualTokensNotNull(Token first, Token second) =>
first.offset == second.offset &&
first.length == second.length &&
first.lexeme == second.lexeme;
bool visitAdjacentStrings(AdjacentStrings node) {
AdjacentStrings other = _other as AdjacentStrings;
return _isEqualNodeLists(node.strings, other.strings);
bool visitAnnotation(Annotation node) {
Annotation other = _other as Annotation;
return isEqualTokens(node.atSign, other.atSign) &&
isEqualNodes(, &&
isEqualNodes(node.typeArguments, other.typeArguments) &&
isEqualTokens(node.period, other.period) &&
isEqualNodes(node.constructorName, other.constructorName) &&
isEqualNodes(node.arguments, other.arguments);
bool visitArgumentList(ArgumentList node) {
ArgumentList other = _other as ArgumentList;
return isEqualTokens(node.leftParenthesis, other.leftParenthesis) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.arguments, other.arguments) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightParenthesis, other.rightParenthesis);
bool visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) {
AsExpression other = _other as AsExpression;
return isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression) &&
isEqualTokens(node.asOperator, other.asOperator) &&
isEqualNodes(node.type, other.type);
bool visitAssertInitializer(AssertInitializer node) {
AssertInitializer other = _other as AssertInitializer;
return isEqualTokens(node.assertKeyword, other.assertKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftParenthesis, other.leftParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.condition, other.condition) &&
isEqualTokens(node.comma, other.comma) &&
isEqualNodes(node.message, other.message) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightParenthesis, other.rightParenthesis);
bool visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement node) {
AssertStatement other = _other as AssertStatement;
return isEqualTokens(node.assertKeyword, other.assertKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftParenthesis, other.leftParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.condition, other.condition) &&
isEqualTokens(node.comma, other.comma) &&
isEqualNodes(node.message, other.message) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightParenthesis, other.rightParenthesis) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
AssignmentExpression other = _other as AssignmentExpression;
return isEqualNodes(node.leftHandSide, other.leftHandSide) &&
isEqualTokens(node.operator, other.operator) &&
isEqualNodes(node.rightHandSide, other.rightHandSide);
bool visitAugmentationImportDirective(AugmentationImportDirective node) {
final other = _other as AugmentationImportDirective;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.importKeyword, other.importKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.uri, other.uri) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitAwaitExpression(AwaitExpression node) {
AwaitExpression other = _other as AwaitExpression;
return isEqualTokens(node.awaitKeyword, other.awaitKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression);
bool visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
BinaryExpression other = _other as BinaryExpression;
return isEqualNodes(node.leftOperand, other.leftOperand) &&
isEqualTokens(node.operator, other.operator) &&
isEqualNodes(node.rightOperand, other.rightOperand);
bool visitBinaryPattern(BinaryPattern node) {
var other = _other as BinaryPattern;
return isEqualNodes(node.leftOperand, other.leftOperand) &&
isEqualTokens(node.operator, other.operator) &&
isEqualNodes(node.rightOperand, other.rightOperand);
bool visitBlock(Block node) {
Block other = _other as Block;
return isEqualTokens(node.leftBracket, other.leftBracket) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.statements, other.statements) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightBracket, other.rightBracket);
bool visitBlockFunctionBody(BlockFunctionBody node) {
BlockFunctionBody other = _other as BlockFunctionBody;
return isEqualNodes(node.block, other.block);
bool visitBooleanLiteral(BooleanLiteral node) {
BooleanLiteral other = _other as BooleanLiteral;
return isEqualTokens(node.literal, other.literal) &&
failIfNotEqual(node, node.value, other, other.value);
bool visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) {
BreakStatement other = _other as BreakStatement;
return isEqualTokens(node.breakKeyword, other.breakKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.label, other.label) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitCascadeExpression(CascadeExpression node) {
CascadeExpression other = _other as CascadeExpression;
return isEqualNodes(, &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.cascadeSections, other.cascadeSections);
bool visitCaseClause(CaseClause node) {
var other = _other as CaseClause;
return isEqualTokens(node.caseKeyword, other.caseKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.pattern, other.pattern) &&
isEqualNodes(node.whenClause, other.whenClause);
bool visitCastPattern(CastPattern node) {
var other = _other as CastPattern;
return isEqualNodes(node.pattern, other.pattern) &&
isEqualTokens(node.asToken, other.asToken) &&
isEqualNodes(node.type, other.type);
bool visitCatchClause(CatchClause node) {
CatchClause other = _other as CatchClause;
return isEqualTokens(node.onKeyword, other.onKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.exceptionType, other.exceptionType) &&
isEqualTokens(node.catchKeyword, other.catchKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftParenthesis, other.leftParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.exceptionParameter, other.exceptionParameter) &&
isEqualTokens(node.comma, other.comma) &&
isEqualNodes(node.stackTraceParameter, other.stackTraceParameter) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightParenthesis, other.rightParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.body, other.body);
bool visitCatchClauseParameter(CatchClauseParameter node) {
CatchClauseParameter other = _other as CatchClauseParameter;
return isEqualTokens(,;
bool visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
ClassDeclaration other = _other as ClassDeclaration;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.abstractKeyword, other.abstractKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.classKeyword, other.classKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(, &&
isEqualNodes(node.typeParameters, other.typeParameters) &&
isEqualNodes(node.extendsClause, other.extendsClause) &&
isEqualNodes(node.withClause, other.withClause) &&
isEqualNodes(node.implementsClause, other.implementsClause) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftBracket, other.leftBracket) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.members, other.members) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightBracket, other.rightBracket);
bool visitClassTypeAlias(ClassTypeAlias node) {
ClassTypeAlias other = _other as ClassTypeAlias;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.typedefKeyword, other.typedefKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(, &&
isEqualNodes(node.typeParameters, other.typeParameters) &&
isEqualTokens(node.equals, other.equals) &&
isEqualTokens(node.abstractKeyword, other.abstractKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.superclass, other.superclass) &&
isEqualNodes(node.withClause, other.withClause) &&
isEqualNodes(node.implementsClause, other.implementsClause) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitComment(Comment node) {
Comment other = _other as Comment;
return _isEqualNodeLists(node.references, other.references);
bool visitCommentReference(CommentReference node) {
CommentReference other = _other as CommentReference;
return isEqualTokens(node.newKeyword, other.newKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression);
bool visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit node) {
CompilationUnit other = _other as CompilationUnit;
return isEqualTokens(node.beginToken, other.beginToken) &&
isEqualNodes(node.scriptTag, other.scriptTag) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.directives, other.directives) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.declarations, other.declarations) &&
isEqualTokens(node.endToken, other.endToken);
bool visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) {
ConditionalExpression other = _other as ConditionalExpression;
return isEqualNodes(node.condition, other.condition) &&
isEqualTokens(node.question, other.question) &&
isEqualNodes(node.thenExpression, other.thenExpression) &&
isEqualTokens(node.colon, other.colon) &&
isEqualNodes(node.elseExpression, other.elseExpression);
bool visitConfiguration(Configuration node) {
Configuration other = _other as Configuration;
return isEqualTokens(node.ifKeyword, other.ifKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftParenthesis, other.leftParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(, &&
isEqualTokens(node.equalToken, other.equalToken) &&
isEqualNodes(node.value, other.value) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightParenthesis, other.rightParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.uri, other.uri);
bool visitConstantPattern(ConstantPattern node) {
var other = _other as ConstantPattern;
return isEqualTokens(node.constKeyword, other.constKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression);
bool visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
ConstructorDeclaration other = _other as ConstructorDeclaration;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.externalKeyword, other.externalKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.constKeyword, other.constKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.factoryKeyword, other.factoryKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.returnType, other.returnType) &&
isEqualTokens(node.period, other.period) &&
isEqualTokens(, &&
isEqualNodes(node.parameters, other.parameters) &&
isEqualTokens(node.separator, other.separator) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.initializers, other.initializers) &&
isEqualNodes(node.redirectedConstructor, other.redirectedConstructor) &&
isEqualNodes(node.body, other.body);
bool visitConstructorFieldInitializer(ConstructorFieldInitializer node) {
ConstructorFieldInitializer other = _other as ConstructorFieldInitializer;
return isEqualTokens(node.thisKeyword, other.thisKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.period, other.period) &&
isEqualNodes(node.fieldName, other.fieldName) &&
isEqualTokens(node.equals, other.equals) &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression);
bool visitConstructorName(ConstructorName node) {
ConstructorName other = _other as ConstructorName;
return isEqualNodes(node.type, other.type) &&
isEqualTokens(node.period, other.period) &&
bool visitConstructorReference(ConstructorReference node) {
ConstructorReference other = _other as ConstructorReference;
return isEqualNodes(node.constructorName, other.constructorName);
bool visitConstructorSelector(ConstructorSelector node) {
var other = _other as ConstructorSelector;
return isEqualTokens(node.period, other.period) &&
bool visitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) {
ContinueStatement other = _other as ContinueStatement;
return isEqualTokens(node.continueKeyword, other.continueKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.label, other.label) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitDeclaredIdentifier(DeclaredIdentifier node) {
DeclaredIdentifier other = _other as DeclaredIdentifier;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.keyword, other.keyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.type, other.type) &&
bool visitDefaultFormalParameter(covariant DefaultFormalParameterImpl node) {
var other = _other as DefaultFormalParameterImpl;
return isEqualNodes(node.parameter, other.parameter) &&
node.kind == other.kind &&
isEqualTokens(node.separator, other.separator) &&
isEqualNodes(node.defaultValue, other.defaultValue);
bool visitDoStatement(DoStatement node) {
DoStatement other = _other as DoStatement;
return isEqualTokens(node.doKeyword, other.doKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.body, other.body) &&
isEqualTokens(node.whileKeyword, other.whileKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftParenthesis, other.leftParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.condition, other.condition) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightParenthesis, other.rightParenthesis) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitDottedName(DottedName node) {
DottedName other = _other as DottedName;
return _isEqualNodeLists(node.components, other.components);
bool visitDoubleLiteral(DoubleLiteral node) {
DoubleLiteral other = _other as DoubleLiteral;
return isEqualTokens(node.literal, other.literal) &&
failIfNotEqual(node, node.value, other, other.value);
bool visitEmptyFunctionBody(EmptyFunctionBody node) {
EmptyFunctionBody other = _other as EmptyFunctionBody;
return isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node) {
EmptyStatement other = _other as EmptyStatement;
return isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitEnumConstantArguments(EnumConstantArguments node) {
var other = _other as EnumConstantArguments;
return isEqualNodes(node.typeArguments, other.typeArguments) &&
isEqualNodes(node.constructorSelector, other.constructorSelector) &&
isEqualNodes(node.argumentList, other.argumentList);
bool visitEnumConstantDeclaration(EnumConstantDeclaration node) {
EnumConstantDeclaration other = _other as EnumConstantDeclaration;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
bool visitEnumDeclaration(EnumDeclaration node) {
EnumDeclaration other = _other as EnumDeclaration;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.enumKeyword, other.enumKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(, &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftBracket, other.leftBracket) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.constants, other.constants) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightBracket, other.rightBracket);
bool visitExportDirective(ExportDirective node) {
ExportDirective other = _other as ExportDirective;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.exportKeyword, other.exportKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.uri, other.uri) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.combinators, other.combinators) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitExpressionFunctionBody(ExpressionFunctionBody node) {
ExpressionFunctionBody other = _other as ExpressionFunctionBody;
return isEqualTokens(node.functionDefinition, other.functionDefinition) &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) {
ExpressionStatement other = _other as ExpressionStatement;
return isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitExtendsClause(ExtendsClause node) {
ExtendsClause other = _other as ExtendsClause;
return isEqualTokens(node.extendsKeyword, other.extendsKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.superclass, other.superclass);
bool visitExtensionDeclaration(ExtensionDeclaration node) {
ExtensionDeclaration other = _other as ExtensionDeclaration;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.extensionKeyword, other.extensionKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(, &&
isEqualNodes(node.typeParameters, other.typeParameters) &&
isEqualTokens(node.onKeyword, other.onKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.extendedType, other.extendedType) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftBracket, other.leftBracket) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.members, other.members) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightBracket, other.rightBracket);
bool visitExtensionOverride(ExtensionOverride node) {
ExtensionOverride other = _other as ExtensionOverride;
return isEqualNodes(node.extensionName, other.extensionName) &&
isEqualNodes(node.typeArguments, other.typeArguments) &&
isEqualNodes(node.argumentList, other.argumentList);
bool visitExtractorPattern(ExtractorPattern node) {
var other = _other as ExtractorPattern;
return isEqualNodes(node.type, other.type) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftParenthesis, other.leftParenthesis) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.fields, other.fields) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightParenthesis, other.rightParenthesis);
bool visitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration node) {
FieldDeclaration other = _other as FieldDeclaration;
return isEqualTokens(node.abstractKeyword, other.abstractKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.covariantKeyword, other.covariantKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
isEqualTokens(node.externalKeyword, other.externalKeyword) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.staticKeyword, other.staticKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.fields, other.fields) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitFieldFormalParameter(FieldFormalParameter node) {
FieldFormalParameter other = _other as FieldFormalParameter;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.keyword, other.keyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.type, other.type) &&
isEqualTokens(node.thisKeyword, other.thisKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.period, other.period) &&
bool visitForEachPartsWithDeclaration(ForEachPartsWithDeclaration node) {
ForEachPartsWithDeclaration other = _other as ForEachPartsWithDeclaration;
return isEqualNodes(node.loopVariable, other.loopVariable) &&
isEqualTokens(node.inKeyword, other.inKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.iterable, other.iterable);
bool visitForEachPartsWithIdentifier(ForEachPartsWithIdentifier node) {
ForEachPartsWithIdentifier other = _other as ForEachPartsWithIdentifier;
return isEqualNodes(node.identifier, other.identifier) &&
isEqualTokens(node.inKeyword, other.inKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.iterable, other.iterable);
bool visitForEachPartsWithPattern(ForEachPartsWithPattern node) {
var other = _other as ForEachPartsWithPattern;
return isEqualTokens(node.keyword, other.keyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.pattern, other.pattern) &&
isEqualTokens(node.inKeyword, other.inKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.iterable, other.iterable);
bool visitForElement(ForElement node) {
ForElement other = _other as ForElement;
return isEqualTokens(node.awaitKeyword, other.awaitKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.forKeyword, other.forKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftParenthesis, other.leftParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.forLoopParts, other.forLoopParts) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightParenthesis, other.rightParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.body, other.body);
bool visitFormalParameterList(FormalParameterList node) {
FormalParameterList other = _other as FormalParameterList;
return isEqualTokens(node.leftParenthesis, other.leftParenthesis) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.parameters, other.parameters) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftDelimiter, other.leftDelimiter) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightDelimiter, other.rightDelimiter) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightParenthesis, other.rightParenthesis);
bool visitForPartsWithDeclarations(ForPartsWithDeclarations node) {
ForPartsWithDeclarations other = _other as ForPartsWithDeclarations;
return isEqualNodes(node.variables, other.variables) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftSeparator, other.leftSeparator) &&
isEqualNodes(node.condition, other.condition) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightSeparator, other.rightSeparator) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.updaters, other.updaters);
bool visitForPartsWithExpression(ForPartsWithExpression node) {
ForPartsWithExpression other = _other as ForPartsWithExpression;
return isEqualNodes(node.initialization, other.initialization) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftSeparator, other.leftSeparator) &&
isEqualNodes(node.condition, other.condition) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightSeparator, other.rightSeparator) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.updaters, other.updaters);
bool visitForPartsWithPattern(ForPartsWithPattern node) {
var other = _other as ForPartsWithPattern;
return isEqualNodes(node.variables, other.variables) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftSeparator, other.leftSeparator) &&
isEqualNodes(node.condition, other.condition) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightSeparator, other.rightSeparator) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.updaters, other.updaters);
bool visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
ForStatement other = _other as ForStatement;
return isEqualTokens(node.forKeyword, other.forKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.awaitKeyword, other.awaitKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftParenthesis, other.leftParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.forLoopParts, other.forLoopParts) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightParenthesis, other.rightParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.body, other.body);
bool visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
FunctionDeclaration other = _other as FunctionDeclaration;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.externalKeyword, other.externalKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.returnType, other.returnType) &&
isEqualTokens(node.propertyKeyword, other.propertyKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(, &&
isEqualNodes(node.functionExpression, other.functionExpression);
bool visitFunctionDeclarationStatement(FunctionDeclarationStatement node) {
FunctionDeclarationStatement other = _other as FunctionDeclarationStatement;
return isEqualNodes(node.functionDeclaration, other.functionDeclaration);
bool visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
FunctionExpression other = _other as FunctionExpression;
return isEqualNodes(node.parameters, other.parameters) &&
isEqualNodes(node.body, other.body);
bool visitFunctionExpressionInvocation(FunctionExpressionInvocation node) {
FunctionExpressionInvocation other = _other as FunctionExpressionInvocation;
return isEqualNodes(node.function, other.function) &&
isEqualNodes(node.argumentList, other.argumentList);
bool visitFunctionReference(FunctionReference node) {
FunctionReference other = _other as FunctionReference;
return isEqualNodes(node.function, other.function) &&
isEqualNodes(node.typeArguments, other.typeArguments);
bool visitFunctionTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAlias node) {
FunctionTypeAlias other = _other as FunctionTypeAlias;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.typedefKeyword, other.typedefKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.returnType, other.returnType) &&
isEqualTokens(, &&
isEqualNodes(node.typeParameters, other.typeParameters) &&
isEqualNodes(node.parameters, other.parameters) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter(FunctionTypedFormalParameter node) {
FunctionTypedFormalParameter other = _other as FunctionTypedFormalParameter;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualNodes(node.returnType, other.returnType) &&
isEqualTokens(, &&
isEqualNodes(node.parameters, other.parameters);
bool visitGenericFunctionType(GenericFunctionType node) {
GenericFunctionType other = _other as GenericFunctionType;
return isEqualNodes(node.returnType, other.returnType) &&
isEqualTokens(node.functionKeyword, other.functionKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.typeParameters, other.typeParameters) &&
isEqualNodes(node.parameters, other.parameters) &&
isEqualTokens(node.question, other.question);
bool visitGenericTypeAlias(GenericTypeAlias node) {
GenericTypeAlias other = _other as GenericTypeAlias;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.typedefKeyword, other.typedefKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(, &&
isEqualNodes(node.typeParameters, other.typeParameters) &&
isEqualTokens(node.equals, other.equals) &&
isEqualNodes(node.type, other.type);
bool visitHideClause(HideClause node) {
HideClause other = _other as HideClause;
return isEqualTokens(node.hideKeyword, other.hideKeyword) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.elements, other.elements);
bool visitHideCombinator(HideCombinator node) {
HideCombinator other = _other as HideCombinator;
return isEqualTokens(node.keyword, other.keyword) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.hiddenNames, other.hiddenNames);
bool visitIfElement(IfElement node) {
IfElement other = _other as IfElement;
return isEqualTokens(node.ifKeyword, other.ifKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftParenthesis, other.leftParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.condition, other.condition) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightParenthesis, other.rightParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.thenElement, other.thenElement) &&
isEqualTokens(node.elseKeyword, other.elseKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.elseElement, other.elseElement);
bool visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) {
IfStatement other = _other as IfStatement;
return isEqualTokens(node.ifKeyword, other.ifKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftParenthesis, other.leftParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.condition, other.condition) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightParenthesis, other.rightParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.thenStatement, other.thenStatement) &&
isEqualTokens(node.elseKeyword, other.elseKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.elseStatement, other.elseStatement);
bool visitImplementsClause(ImplementsClause node) {
ImplementsClause other = _other as ImplementsClause;
return isEqualTokens(node.implementsKeyword, other.implementsKeyword) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.interfaces, other.interfaces);
bool visitImplicitCallReference(ImplicitCallReference node) {
ImplicitCallReference other = _other as ImplicitCallReference;
return isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression) &&
isEqualNodes(node.typeArguments, other.typeArguments);
bool visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) {
ImportDirective other = _other as ImportDirective;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.importKeyword, other.importKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.uri, other.uri) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.configurations, other.configurations) &&
isEqualTokens(node.deferredKeyword, other.deferredKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.asKeyword, other.asKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.prefix, other.prefix) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.combinators, other.combinators) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitIndexExpression(IndexExpression node) {
IndexExpression other = _other as IndexExpression;
return isEqualNodes(, &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftBracket, other.leftBracket) &&
isEqualNodes(node.index, other.index) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightBracket, other.rightBracket);
bool visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
InstanceCreationExpression other = _other as InstanceCreationExpression;
return isEqualTokens(node.keyword, other.keyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.constructorName, other.constructorName) &&
isEqualNodes(node.argumentList, other.argumentList);
bool visitIntegerLiteral(IntegerLiteral node) {
IntegerLiteral other = _other as IntegerLiteral;
return isEqualTokens(node.literal, other.literal) &&
failIfNotEqual(node, node.value, other, other.value);
bool visitInterpolationExpression(InterpolationExpression node) {
InterpolationExpression other = _other as InterpolationExpression;
return isEqualTokens(node.leftBracket, other.leftBracket) &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightBracket, other.rightBracket);
bool visitInterpolationString(InterpolationString node) {
InterpolationString other = _other as InterpolationString;
return isEqualTokens(node.contents, other.contents) &&
failIfNotEqual(node, node.value, other, other.value);
bool visitIsExpression(IsExpression node) {
IsExpression other = _other as IsExpression;
return isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression) &&
isEqualTokens(node.isOperator, other.isOperator) &&
isEqualTokens(node.notOperator, other.notOperator) &&
isEqualNodes(node.type, other.type);
bool visitLabel(Label node) {
Label other = _other as Label;
return isEqualNodes(node.label, other.label) &&
isEqualTokens(node.colon, other.colon);
bool visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
LabeledStatement other = _other as LabeledStatement;
return _isEqualNodeLists(node.labels, other.labels) &&
isEqualNodes(node.statement, other.statement);
bool? visitLibraryAugmentationDirective(LibraryAugmentationDirective node) {
final other = _other as LibraryAugmentationDirective;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.libraryKeyword, other.libraryKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.augmentKeyword, other.augmentKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.uri, other.uri) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitLibraryDirective(LibraryDirective node) {
LibraryDirective other = _other as LibraryDirective;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.libraryKeyword, other.libraryKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.name2, other.name2) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitLibraryIdentifier(LibraryIdentifier node) {
LibraryIdentifier other = _other as LibraryIdentifier;
return _isEqualNodeLists(node.components, other.components);
bool visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
ListLiteral other = _other as ListLiteral;
return isEqualTokens(node.constKeyword, other.constKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.typeArguments, other.typeArguments) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftBracket, other.leftBracket) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.elements, other.elements) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightBracket, other.rightBracket);
bool visitListPattern(ListPattern node) {
var other = _other as ListPattern;
return isEqualNodes(node.typeArguments, other.typeArguments) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftBracket, other.leftBracket) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.elements, other.elements) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightBracket, other.rightBracket);
bool visitMapLiteralEntry(MapLiteralEntry node) {
MapLiteralEntry other = _other as MapLiteralEntry;
return isEqualNodes(node.key, other.key) &&
isEqualTokens(node.separator, other.separator) &&
isEqualNodes(node.value, other.value);
bool visitMapPattern(MapPattern node) {
var other = _other as MapPattern;
return isEqualNodes(node.typeArguments, other.typeArguments) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftBracket, other.leftBracket) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.entries, other.entries) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightBracket, other.rightBracket);
bool visitMapPatternEntry(MapPatternEntry node) {
var other = _other as MapPatternEntry;
return isEqualNodes(node.key, other.key) &&
isEqualTokens(node.separator, other.separator) &&
isEqualNodes(node.value, other.value);
bool visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
MethodDeclaration other = _other as MethodDeclaration;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.externalKeyword, other.externalKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.modifierKeyword, other.modifierKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.returnType, other.returnType) &&
isEqualTokens(node.propertyKeyword, other.propertyKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.operatorKeyword, other.operatorKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(, &&
isEqualNodes(node.parameters, other.parameters) &&
isEqualNodes(node.body, other.body);
bool visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
MethodInvocation other = _other as MethodInvocation;
return isEqualNodes(, &&
isEqualTokens(node.operator, other.operator) &&
isEqualNodes(node.methodName, other.methodName) &&
isEqualNodes(node.argumentList, other.argumentList);
bool visitMixinDeclaration(MixinDeclaration node) {
MixinDeclaration other = _other as MixinDeclaration;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.mixinKeyword, other.mixinKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(, &&
isEqualNodes(node.typeParameters, other.typeParameters) &&
isEqualNodes(node.onClause, other.onClause) &&
isEqualNodes(node.implementsClause, other.implementsClause) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftBracket, other.leftBracket) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.members, other.members) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightBracket, other.rightBracket);
bool visitNamedExpression(NamedExpression node) {
NamedExpression other = _other as NamedExpression;
return isEqualNodes(, &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression);
bool? visitNamedType(NamedType node) {
NamedType other = _other as NamedType;
return isEqualNodes(, &&
isEqualNodes(node.typeArguments, other.typeArguments) &&
isEqualTokens(node.question, other.question);
bool visitNativeClause(NativeClause node) {
NativeClause other = _other as NativeClause;
return isEqualTokens(node.nativeKeyword, other.nativeKeyword) &&
bool visitNativeFunctionBody(NativeFunctionBody node) {
NativeFunctionBody other = _other as NativeFunctionBody;
return isEqualTokens(node.nativeKeyword, other.nativeKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.stringLiteral, other.stringLiteral) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitNullLiteral(NullLiteral node) {
NullLiteral other = _other as NullLiteral;
return isEqualTokens(node.literal, other.literal);
bool visitOnClause(OnClause node) {
OnClause other = _other as OnClause;
return isEqualTokens(node.onKeyword, other.onKeyword) &&
node.superclassConstraints, other.superclassConstraints);
bool visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) {
ParenthesizedExpression other = _other as ParenthesizedExpression;
return isEqualTokens(node.leftParenthesis, other.leftParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightParenthesis, other.rightParenthesis);
bool visitParenthesizedPattern(ParenthesizedPattern node) {
var other = _other as ParenthesizedPattern;
return isEqualTokens(node.leftParenthesis, other.leftParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.pattern, other.pattern) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightParenthesis, other.rightParenthesis);
bool visitPartDirective(PartDirective node) {
PartDirective other = _other as PartDirective;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.partKeyword, other.partKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.uri, other.uri) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitPartOfDirective(PartOfDirective node) {
PartOfDirective other = _other as PartOfDirective;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.partKeyword, other.partKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.ofKeyword, other.ofKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.libraryName, other.libraryName) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitPatternAssignment(PatternAssignment node) {
var other = _other as PatternAssignment;
return isEqualNodes(node.pattern, other.pattern) &&
isEqualTokens(node.equals, other.equals) &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression);
bool visitPatternAssignmentStatement(PatternAssignmentStatement node) {
var other = _other as PatternAssignmentStatement;
return isEqualNodes(node.assignment, other.assignment) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitPatternVariableDeclaration(PatternVariableDeclaration node) {
var other = _other as PatternVariableDeclaration;
return isEqualTokens(node.keyword, other.keyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.pattern, other.pattern) &&
isEqualTokens(node.equals, other.equals) &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression);
bool visitPatternVariableDeclarationStatement(
PatternVariableDeclarationStatement node) {
var other = _other as PatternVariableDeclarationStatement;
return isEqualNodes(node.declaration, other.declaration) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression node) {
PostfixExpression other = _other as PostfixExpression;
return isEqualNodes(node.operand, other.operand) &&
isEqualTokens(node.operator, other.operator);
bool visitPostfixPattern(PostfixPattern node) {
var other = _other as PostfixPattern;
return isEqualNodes(node.operand, other.operand) &&
isEqualTokens(node.operator, other.operator);
bool visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) {
PrefixedIdentifier other = _other as PrefixedIdentifier;
return isEqualNodes(node.prefix, other.prefix) &&
isEqualTokens(node.period, other.period) &&
isEqualNodes(node.identifier, other.identifier);
bool visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression node) {
PrefixExpression other = _other as PrefixExpression;
return isEqualTokens(node.operator, other.operator) &&
isEqualNodes(node.operand, other.operand);
bool visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) {
PropertyAccess other = _other as PropertyAccess;
return isEqualNodes(, &&
isEqualTokens(node.operator, other.operator) &&
isEqualNodes(node.propertyName, other.propertyName);
bool visitRecordLiteral(RecordLiteral node) {
var other = _other as RecordLiteral;
return isEqualTokens(node.leftParenthesis, other.leftParenthesis) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.fields, other.fields) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightParenthesis, other.rightParenthesis);
bool visitRecordPattern(RecordPattern node) {
var other = _other as RecordPattern;
return isEqualTokens(node.leftParenthesis, other.leftParenthesis) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.fields, other.fields) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightParenthesis, other.rightParenthesis);
bool visitRecordPatternField(RecordPatternField node) {
var other = _other as RecordPatternField;
return isEqualNodes(node.fieldName, other.fieldName) &&
isEqualNodes(node.pattern, other.pattern);
bool visitRecordPatternFieldName(RecordPatternFieldName node) {
var other = _other as RecordPatternFieldName;
return isEqualTokens(, &&
isEqualTokens(node.colon, other.colon);
bool visitRecordTypeAnnotation(RecordTypeAnnotation node) {
var other = _other as RecordTypeAnnotation;
return _isEqualNodeLists(node.positionalFields, other.positionalFields) &&
isEqualNodes(node.namedFields, other.namedFields) &&
isEqualTokens(node.question, other.question);
bool visitRecordTypeAnnotationNamedField(
RecordTypeAnnotationNamedField node) {
var other = _other as RecordTypeAnnotationNamedField;
return _isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(, &&
isEqualNodes(node.type, other.type);
bool visitRecordTypeAnnotationNamedFields(
RecordTypeAnnotationNamedFields node) {
var other = _other as RecordTypeAnnotationNamedFields;
return isEqualTokens(node.leftBracket, other.leftBracket) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.fields, other.fields) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightBracket, other.rightBracket);
bool visitRecordTypeAnnotationPositionalField(
RecordTypeAnnotationPositionalField node) {
var other = _other as RecordTypeAnnotationPositionalField;
return _isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(, &&
isEqualNodes(node.type, other.type);
bool visitRedirectingConstructorInvocation(
RedirectingConstructorInvocation node) {
RedirectingConstructorInvocation other =
_other as RedirectingConstructorInvocation;
return isEqualTokens(node.thisKeyword, other.thisKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.period, other.period) &&
isEqualNodes(node.constructorName, other.constructorName) &&
isEqualNodes(node.argumentList, other.argumentList);
bool visitRelationalPattern(RelationalPattern node) {
var other = _other as RelationalPattern;
return isEqualTokens(node.operator, other.operator) &&
isEqualNodes(node.operand, other.operand);
bool visitRethrowExpression(RethrowExpression node) {
RethrowExpression other = _other as RethrowExpression;
return isEqualTokens(node.rethrowKeyword, other.rethrowKeyword);
bool visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) {
ReturnStatement other = _other as ReturnStatement;
return isEqualTokens(node.returnKeyword, other.returnKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitScriptTag(ScriptTag node) {
ScriptTag other = _other as ScriptTag;
return isEqualTokens(node.scriptTag, other.scriptTag);
bool visitSetOrMapLiteral(SetOrMapLiteral node) {
SetOrMapLiteral other = _other as SetOrMapLiteral;
return isEqualTokens(node.constKeyword, other.constKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.typeArguments, other.typeArguments) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftBracket, other.leftBracket) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.elements, other.elements) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightBracket, other.rightBracket);
bool visitShowClause(ShowClause node) {
ShowClause other = _other as ShowClause;
return isEqualTokens(node.showKeyword, other.showKeyword) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.elements, other.elements);
bool visitShowCombinator(ShowCombinator node) {
ShowCombinator other = _other as ShowCombinator;
return isEqualTokens(node.keyword, other.keyword) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.shownNames, other.shownNames);
bool visitShowHideElement(ShowHideElement node) {
ShowHideElement other = _other as ShowHideElement;
return isEqualTokens(node.modifier, other.modifier) &&
bool visitSimpleFormalParameter(SimpleFormalParameter node) {
SimpleFormalParameter other = _other as SimpleFormalParameter;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.keyword, other.keyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.type, other.type) &&
bool visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
SimpleIdentifier other = _other as SimpleIdentifier;
return isEqualTokens(node.token, other.token);
bool visitSimpleStringLiteral(SimpleStringLiteral node) {
SimpleStringLiteral other = _other as SimpleStringLiteral;
return isEqualTokens(node.literal, other.literal) &&
failIfNotEqual(node, node.value, other, other.value);
bool visitSpreadElement(SpreadElement node) {
SpreadElement other = _other as SpreadElement;
return isEqualTokens(node.spreadOperator, other.spreadOperator) &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression);
bool visitStringInterpolation(StringInterpolation node) {
StringInterpolation other = _other as StringInterpolation;
return _isEqualNodeLists(node.elements, other.elements);
bool visitSuperConstructorInvocation(SuperConstructorInvocation node) {
SuperConstructorInvocation other = _other as SuperConstructorInvocation;
return isEqualTokens(node.superKeyword, other.superKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.period, other.period) &&
isEqualNodes(node.constructorName, other.constructorName) &&
isEqualNodes(node.argumentList, other.argumentList);
bool visitSuperExpression(SuperExpression node) {
SuperExpression other = _other as SuperExpression;
return isEqualTokens(node.superKeyword, other.superKeyword);
bool visitSuperFormalParameter(SuperFormalParameter node) {
SuperFormalParameter other = _other as SuperFormalParameter;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.keyword, other.keyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.type, other.type) &&
isEqualTokens(node.superKeyword, other.superKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.period, other.period) &&
bool visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) {
SwitchCase other = _other as SwitchCase;
return _isEqualNodeLists(node.labels, other.labels) &&
isEqualTokens(node.keyword, other.keyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression) &&
isEqualTokens(node.colon, other.colon) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.statements, other.statements);
bool visitSwitchDefault(SwitchDefault node) {
SwitchDefault other = _other as SwitchDefault;
return _isEqualNodeLists(node.labels, other.labels) &&
isEqualTokens(node.keyword, other.keyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.colon, other.colon) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.statements, other.statements);
bool visitSwitchExpression(SwitchExpression node) {
var other = _other as SwitchExpression;
return isEqualTokens(node.switchKeyword, other.switchKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftParenthesis, other.leftParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightParenthesis, other.rightParenthesis) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftBracket, other.leftBracket) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.members, other.members) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightBracket, other.rightBracket);
bool visitSwitchExpressionCase(SwitchExpressionCase node) {
var other = _other as SwitchExpressionCase;
return isEqualTokens(node.keyword, other.keyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.pattern, other.pattern) &&
isEqualNodes(node.whenClause, other.whenClause) &&
isEqualTokens(node.arrow, other.arrow) &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression);
bool visitSwitchExpressionDefault(SwitchExpressionDefault node) {
var other = _other as SwitchExpressionDefault;
return isEqualTokens(node.keyword, other.keyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.arrow, other.arrow) &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression);
bool visitSwitchPatternCase(SwitchPatternCase node) {
var other = _other as SwitchPatternCase;
return _isEqualNodeLists(node.labels, other.labels) &&
isEqualTokens(node.keyword, other.keyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.pattern, other.pattern) &&
isEqualNodes(node.whenClause, other.whenClause) &&
isEqualTokens(node.colon, other.colon) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.statements, other.statements);
bool visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) {
SwitchStatement other = _other as SwitchStatement;
return isEqualTokens(node.switchKeyword, other.switchKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftParenthesis, other.leftParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightParenthesis, other.rightParenthesis) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftBracket, other.leftBracket) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.members, other.members) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightBracket, other.rightBracket);
bool visitSymbolLiteral(SymbolLiteral node) {
SymbolLiteral other = _other as SymbolLiteral;
return isEqualTokens(node.poundSign, other.poundSign) &&
_isEqualTokenLists(node.components, other.components);
bool visitThisExpression(ThisExpression node) {
ThisExpression other = _other as ThisExpression;
return isEqualTokens(node.thisKeyword, other.thisKeyword);
bool visitThrowExpression(ThrowExpression node) {
ThrowExpression other = _other as ThrowExpression;
return isEqualTokens(node.throwKeyword, other.throwKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression);
bool visitTopLevelVariableDeclaration(TopLevelVariableDeclaration node) {
TopLevelVariableDeclaration other = _other as TopLevelVariableDeclaration;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.externalKeyword, other.externalKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.variables, other.variables) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitTryStatement(TryStatement node) {
TryStatement other = _other as TryStatement;
return isEqualTokens(node.tryKeyword, other.tryKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.body, other.body) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.catchClauses, other.catchClauses) &&
isEqualTokens(node.finallyKeyword, other.finallyKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.finallyBlock, other.finallyBlock);
bool visitTypeArgumentList(TypeArgumentList node) {
TypeArgumentList other = _other as TypeArgumentList;
return isEqualTokens(node.leftBracket, other.leftBracket) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.arguments, other.arguments) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightBracket, other.rightBracket);
bool visitTypeLiteral(TypeLiteral node) {
TypeLiteral other = _other as TypeLiteral;
return isEqualNodes(node.type, other.type);
bool visitTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) {
TypeParameter other = _other as TypeParameter;
// TODO (kallentu) : Clean up TypeParameterImpl casting once variance is
// added to the interface.
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(, &&
isEqualTokens((node as TypeParameterImpl).varianceKeyword,
(other as TypeParameterImpl).varianceKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.extendsKeyword, other.extendsKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.bound, other.bound);
bool visitTypeParameterList(TypeParameterList node) {
TypeParameterList other = _other as TypeParameterList;
return isEqualTokens(node.leftBracket, other.leftBracket) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.typeParameters, other.typeParameters) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightBracket, other.rightBracket);
bool visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
VariableDeclaration other = _other as VariableDeclaration;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(, &&
isEqualTokens(node.equals, other.equals) &&
isEqualNodes(node.initializer, other.initializer);
bool visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList node) {
VariableDeclarationList other = _other as VariableDeclarationList;
return isEqualNodes(
node.documentationComment, other.documentationComment) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.metadata, other.metadata) &&
isEqualTokens(node.keyword, other.keyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.type, other.type) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.variables, other.variables);
bool visitVariableDeclarationStatement(VariableDeclarationStatement node) {
VariableDeclarationStatement other = _other as VariableDeclarationStatement;
return isEqualNodes(node.variables, other.variables) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
bool visitVariablePattern(VariablePattern node) {
var other = _other as VariablePattern;
return isEqualNodes(node.type, other.type) &&
bool visitWhenClause(WhenClause node) {
var other = _other as WhenClause;
return isEqualTokens(node.whenKeyword, other.whenKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression);
bool visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) {
WhileStatement other = _other as WhileStatement;
return isEqualTokens(node.whileKeyword, other.whileKeyword) &&
isEqualTokens(node.leftParenthesis, other.leftParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.condition, other.condition) &&
isEqualTokens(node.rightParenthesis, other.rightParenthesis) &&
isEqualNodes(node.body, other.body);
bool visitWithClause(WithClause node) {
WithClause other = _other as WithClause;
return isEqualTokens(node.withKeyword, other.withKeyword) &&
_isEqualNodeLists(node.mixinTypes, other.mixinTypes);
bool visitYieldStatement(YieldStatement node) {
YieldStatement other = _other as YieldStatement;
return isEqualTokens(node.yieldKeyword, other.yieldKeyword) &&
isEqualNodes(node.expression, other.expression) &&
isEqualTokens(node.semicolon, other.semicolon);
/// Return `true` if the [first] and [second] lists of AST nodes have the same
/// size and corresponding elements are equal.
bool _isEqualNodeLists(NodeList? first, NodeList? second) {
if (first == null) {
return failIfNotNull(first, second);
} else if (second == null) {
return failIsNull(first, second);
int size = first.length;
if (second.length != size) {
return failDifferentLength(first, second);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (!isEqualNodes(first[i], second[i])) {
return false;
return true;
/// Return `true` if the [first] and [second] lists of tokens have the same
/// length and corresponding elements are equal.
bool _isEqualTokenLists(List<Token> first, List<Token> second) {
int length = first.length;
if (second.length != length) {
return failDifferentLength(first, second);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (!isEqualTokens(first[i], second[i])) {
return false;
return true;
/// Return `true` if the [first] and [second] nodes are equal.
static bool equalNodes(AstNode first, AstNode second) {
AstComparator comparator = AstComparator();
return comparator.isEqualNodes(first, second);
/// A recursive AST visitor that is used to run over [Expression]s to determine
/// whether the expression is composed by at least one deferred
/// [PrefixedIdentifier].
/// See [PrefixedIdentifier.isDeferred].
class DeferredLibraryReferenceDetector extends RecursiveAstVisitor<void> {
/// A flag indicating whether an identifier from a deferred library has been
/// found.
bool _result = false;
/// Return `true` if the visitor found a [PrefixedIdentifier] that returned
/// `true` to the [PrefixedIdentifier.isDeferred] query.
bool get result => _result;
void visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) {
if (!_result) {
if (node.isDeferred) {
_result = true;
/// Class capable of handling exceptions generated during linting.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class LinterExceptionHandler {
/// Indicates whether linter exceptions should be propagated to the caller (by
/// re-throwing them)
final bool propagateExceptions;
required this.propagateExceptions,
/// A method that can be passed to the `LinterVisitor` constructor to handle
/// exceptions that occur during linting.
/// Returns `true` if the exception was fully handled, and `false` if the
/// exception should be rethrown.
bool logException(
AstNode node, Object visitor, dynamic exception, StackTrace stackTrace) {
StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
buffer.write('Exception while using a ${visitor.runtimeType} to visit a ');
AstNode? currentNode = node;
bool first = true;
while (currentNode != null) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
buffer.write(' in ');
currentNode = currentNode.parent;
// TODO(39284): should this exception be silent?
SilentException(buffer.toString(), exception, stackTrace));
return !propagateExceptions;
/// An object used to locate the [AstNode] associated with a source range, given
/// the AST structure built from the source. More specifically, they will return
/// the [AstNode] with the shortest length whose source range completely
/// encompasses the specified range with some exceptions:
/// - Offsets that fall between the name and type/formal parameter list of a
/// declaration will return the declaration node and not the parameter list
/// node.
class NodeLocator extends UnifyingAstVisitor<void> {
/// The start offset of the range used to identify the node.
final int _startOffset;
/// The end offset of the range used to identify the node.
final int _endOffset;
/// The element that was found that corresponds to the given source range, or
/// `null` if there is no such element.
AstNode? _foundNode;
/// Initialize a newly created locator to locate an [AstNode] by locating the
/// node within an AST structure that corresponds to the given range of
/// characters (between the [startOffset] and [endOffset] in the source.
NodeLocator(int startOffset, [int? endOffset])
: _startOffset = startOffset,
_endOffset = endOffset ?? startOffset;
/// Return the node that was found that corresponds to the given source range
/// or `null` if there is no such node.
AstNode? get foundNode => _foundNode;
/// Search within the given AST [node] for an identifier representing an
/// element in the specified source range. Return the element that was found,
/// or `null` if no element was found.
AstNode? searchWithin(AstNode? node) {
if (node == null) {
return null;
try {
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
// TODO(39284): should this exception be silent?
"Unable to locate element at offset ($_startOffset - $_endOffset)",
return null;
return _foundNode;
void visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
// Names do not have AstNodes but offsets at the end should be treated as
// part of the decleration (not parameter list).
if (_startOffset == _endOffset &&
_startOffset == ( ?? node.returnType).end) {
_foundNode = node;
void visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
// Names do not have AstNodes but offsets at the end should be treated as
// part of the decleration (not parameter list).
if (_startOffset == _endOffset && _startOffset == {
_foundNode = node;
void visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
// Names do not have AstNodes but offsets at the end should be treated as
// part of the decleration (not parameter list).
if (_startOffset == _endOffset && _startOffset == {
_foundNode = node;
void visitNode(AstNode node) {
// Don't visit a new tree if the result has been already found.
if (_foundNode != null) {
// Check whether the current node covers the selection.
Token beginToken = node.beginToken;
Token endToken = node.endToken;
// Don't include synthetic tokens.
while (endToken != beginToken) {
// Fasta scanner reports unterminated string literal errors
// and generates a synthetic string token with non-zero length.
// Because of this, check for length > 0 rather than !isSynthetic.
if (endToken.isEof || endToken.length > 0) {
endToken = endToken.previous!;
int end = endToken.end;
int start = node.offset;
if (end < _startOffset || start > _endOffset) {
// Check children.
try {
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
// Ignore the exception and proceed in order to visit the rest of the
// structure.
// TODO(39284): should this exception be silent?
SilentException("Exception caught while traversing an AST structure.",
exception, stackTrace));
// Found a child.
if (_foundNode != null) {
// Check this node.
if (start <= _startOffset && _endOffset <= end) {
_foundNode = node;
/// An object used to locate the [AstNode] associated with a source range.
/// More specifically, they will return the deepest [AstNode] which completely
/// encompasses the specified range with some exceptions:
/// - Offsets that fall between the name and type/formal parameter list of a
/// declaration will return the declaration node and not the parameter list
/// node.
class NodeLocator2 extends UnifyingAstVisitor<void> {
/// The inclusive start offset of the range used to identify the node.
final int _startOffset;
/// The inclusive end offset of the range used to identify the node.
final int _endOffset;
/// The found node or `null` if there is no such node.
AstNode? _foundNode;
/// Initialize a newly created locator to locate the deepest [AstNode] for
/// which `node.offset <= [startOffset]` and `[endOffset] < node.end`.
/// If [endOffset] is not provided, then it is considered the same as the
/// given [startOffset].
NodeLocator2(int startOffset, [int? endOffset])
: _startOffset = startOffset,
_endOffset = endOffset ?? startOffset;
/// Search within the given AST [node] and return the node that was found,
/// or `null` if no node was found.
AstNode? searchWithin(AstNode? node) {
if (node == null) {
return null;
try {
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
// TODO(39284): should this exception be silent?
'Unable to locate element at offset '
'($_startOffset - $_endOffset)',
return null;
return _foundNode;
void visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
// Names do not have AstNodes but offsets at the end should be treated as
// part of the decleration (not parameter list).
if (_startOffset == _endOffset &&
_startOffset == ( ?? node.returnType).end) {
_foundNode = node;
void visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
// Names do not have AstNodes but offsets at the end should be treated as
// part of the decleration (not parameter list).
if (_startOffset == _endOffset && _startOffset == {
_foundNode = node;
void visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
// Names do not have AstNodes but offsets at the end should be treated as
// part of the decleration (not parameter list).
if (_startOffset == _endOffset && _startOffset == {
_foundNode = node;
void visitNode(AstNode node) {
// Don't visit a new tree if the result has been already found.
if (_foundNode != null) {
// Check whether the current node covers the selection.
Token beginToken = node.beginToken;
Token endToken = node.endToken;
// Don't include synthetic tokens.
while (endToken != beginToken) {
// Fasta scanner reports unterminated string literal errors
// and generates a synthetic string token with non-zero length.
// Because of this, check for length > 0 rather than !isSynthetic.
if (endToken.isEof || endToken.length > 0) {
endToken = endToken.previous!;
int end = endToken.end;
int start = node.offset;
if (end <= _startOffset || start > _endOffset) {
// Check children.
try {
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
// Ignore the exception and proceed in order to visit the rest of the
// structure.
// TODO(39284): should this exception be silent?
SilentException("Exception caught while traversing an AST structure.",
exception, stackTrace));
// Found a child.
if (_foundNode != null) {
// Check this node.
if (start <= _startOffset && _endOffset < end) {
_foundNode = node;
/// An object that will replace one child node in an AST node with another node.
class NodeReplacer extends ThrowingAstVisitor<bool> {
/// The node being replaced.
final AstNode _oldNode;
/// The node that is replacing the old node.
final AstNode _newNode;
/// Initialize a newly created node locator to replace the [_oldNode] with the
/// [_newNode].
NodeReplacer._(this._oldNode, this._newNode);
bool visitAdjacentStrings(covariant AdjacentStringsImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.strings)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitAnnotatedNode(covariant AnnotatedNodeImpl node) {
if (identical(node.documentationComment, _oldNode)) {
node.documentationComment = _newNode as Comment;
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.metadata)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitAnnotation(covariant AnnotationImpl node) {
if (identical(node.arguments, _oldNode)) {
node.arguments = _newNode as ArgumentList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.typeArguments, _oldNode)) {
node.typeArguments = _newNode as TypeArgumentList?;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.constructorName, _oldNode)) {
node.constructorName = _newNode as SimpleIdentifier;
return true;
} else if (identical(, _oldNode)) { = _newNode as Identifier;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitArgumentList(covariant ArgumentListImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.arguments)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitAsExpression(covariant AsExpressionImpl node) {
if (identical(node.expression, _oldNode)) {
node.expression = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.type, _oldNode)) {
node.type = _newNode as TypeAnnotation;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitAssertInitializer(covariant AssertInitializerImpl node) {
if (identical(node.condition, _oldNode)) {
node.condition = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
if (identical(node.message, _oldNode)) {
node.message = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitAssertStatement(covariant AssertStatementImpl node) {
if (identical(node.condition, _oldNode)) {
node.condition = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
if (identical(node.message, _oldNode)) {
node.message = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitAssignmentExpression(covariant AssignmentExpressionImpl node) {
if (identical(node.leftHandSide, _oldNode)) {
node.leftHandSide = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.rightHandSide, _oldNode)) {
node.rightHandSide = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitAugmentationImportDirective(
covariant AugmentationImportDirectiveImpl node,
) {
return visitUriBasedDirective(node);
bool visitAwaitExpression(covariant AwaitExpressionImpl node) {
if (identical(node.expression, _oldNode)) {
node.expression = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitBinaryExpression(covariant BinaryExpressionImpl node) {
if (identical(node.leftOperand, _oldNode)) {
node.leftOperand = _newNode as ExpressionImpl;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.rightOperand, _oldNode)) {
node.rightOperand = _newNode as ExpressionImpl;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitBlock(covariant BlockImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.statements)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitBlockFunctionBody(covariant BlockFunctionBodyImpl node) {
if (identical(node.block, _oldNode)) {
node.block = _newNode as Block;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitBooleanLiteral(BooleanLiteral node) => visitNode(node);
bool visitBreakStatement(covariant BreakStatementImpl node) {
if (identical(node.label, _oldNode)) {
node.label = _newNode as SimpleIdentifier;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitCascadeExpression(covariant CascadeExpressionImpl node) {
if (identical(, _oldNode)) { = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.cascadeSections)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitCatchClause(covariant CatchClauseImpl node) {
if (identical(node.exceptionType, _oldNode)) {
node.exceptionType = _newNode as TypeAnnotation;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.exceptionParameter, _oldNode)) {
node.exceptionParameter = _newNode as CatchClauseParameterImpl;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.stackTraceParameter, _oldNode)) {
node.stackTraceParameter = _newNode as CatchClauseParameterImpl;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.body, _oldNode)) {
node.body = _newNode as Block;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool? visitCatchClauseParameter(CatchClauseParameter node) {
return visitNode(node);
bool visitClassDeclaration(covariant ClassDeclarationImpl node) {
if (identical(node.typeParameters, _oldNode)) {
node.typeParameters = _newNode as TypeParameterList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.extendsClause, _oldNode)) {
node.extendsClause = _newNode as ExtendsClause;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.withClause, _oldNode)) {
node.withClause = _newNode as WithClause;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.implementsClause, _oldNode)) {
node.implementsClause = _newNode as ImplementsClause;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.nativeClause, _oldNode)) {
node.nativeClause = _newNode as NativeClause;
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.members)) {
return true;
return visitAnnotatedNode(node);
bool visitClassTypeAlias(covariant ClassTypeAliasImpl node) {
if (identical(node.typeParameters, _oldNode)) {
node.typeParameters = _newNode as TypeParameterList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.superclass, _oldNode)) {
node.superclass = _newNode as NamedType;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.withClause, _oldNode)) {
node.withClause = _newNode as WithClause;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.implementsClause, _oldNode)) {
node.implementsClause = _newNode as ImplementsClause;
return true;
return visitAnnotatedNode(node);
bool visitComment(covariant CommentImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.references)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitCommentReference(covariant CommentReferenceImpl node) {
if (identical(node.expression, _oldNode)) {
node.expression = _newNode as Identifier;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitCompilationUnit(covariant CompilationUnitImpl node) {
if (identical(node.scriptTag, _oldNode)) {
node.scriptTag = _newNode as ScriptTag;
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.directives)) {
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.declarations)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitConditionalExpression(covariant ConditionalExpressionImpl node) {
if (identical(node.condition, _oldNode)) {
node.condition = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.thenExpression, _oldNode)) {
node.thenExpression = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.elseExpression, _oldNode)) {
node.elseExpression = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitConfiguration(covariant ConfigurationImpl node) {
if (identical(, _oldNode)) { = _newNode as DottedName;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.value, _oldNode)) {
node.value = _newNode as StringLiteral;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.uri, _oldNode)) {
node.uri = _newNode as StringLiteral;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitConstantPattern(covariant ConstantPatternImpl node) {
if (identical(node.expression, _oldNode)) {
node.expression = _newNode as ExpressionImpl;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitConstructorDeclaration(covariant ConstructorDeclarationImpl node) {
if (identical(node.returnType, _oldNode)) {
node.returnType = _newNode as Identifier;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.parameters, _oldNode)) {
node.parameters = _newNode as FormalParameterList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.redirectedConstructor, _oldNode)) {
node.redirectedConstructor = _newNode as ConstructorName;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.body, _oldNode)) {
node.body = _newNode as FunctionBody;
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.initializers)) {
return true;
return visitAnnotatedNode(node);
bool visitConstructorFieldInitializer(
covariant ConstructorFieldInitializerImpl node) {
if (identical(node.fieldName, _oldNode)) {
node.fieldName = _newNode as SimpleIdentifier;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.expression, _oldNode)) {
node.expression = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitConstructorName(covariant ConstructorNameImpl node) {
if (identical(node.type, _oldNode)) {
node.type = _newNode as NamedType;
return true;
} else if (identical(, _oldNode)) { = _newNode as SimpleIdentifier;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitConstructorReference(covariant ConstructorReferenceImpl node) {
if (identical(node.constructorName, _oldNode)) {
node.constructorName = _newNode as ConstructorNameImpl;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitConstructorSelector(ConstructorSelector node) {
throw UnimplementedError();
bool visitContinueStatement(covariant ContinueStatementImpl node) {
if (identical(node.label, _oldNode)) {
node.label = _newNode as SimpleIdentifier;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitDeclaredIdentifier(covariant DeclaredIdentifierImpl node) {
if (identical(node.type, _oldNode)) {
node.type = _newNode as TypeAnnotation;
return true;
return visitAnnotatedNode(node);
bool visitDefaultFormalParameter(covariant DefaultFormalParameterImpl node) {
if (identical(node.parameter, _oldNode)) {
node.parameter = _newNode as NormalFormalParameter;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.defaultValue, _oldNode)) {
node.defaultValue = _newNode as Expression;
var parameterElement = node.declaredElement;
if (parameterElement is DefaultParameterElementImpl) {
parameterElement.constantInitializer = _newNode as Expression;
} else if (parameterElement is DefaultFieldFormalParameterElementImpl) {
parameterElement.constantInitializer = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitDoStatement(covariant DoStatementImpl node) {
if (identical(node.body, _oldNode)) {
node.body = _newNode as Statement;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.condition, _oldNode)) {
node.condition = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitDottedName(covariant DottedNameImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.components)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitDoubleLiteral(DoubleLiteral node) => visitNode(node);
bool visitEmptyFunctionBody(EmptyFunctionBody node) => visitNode(node);
bool visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node) => visitNode(node);
bool visitEnumConstantArguments(EnumConstantArguments node) {
throw UnimplementedError();
bool visitEnumConstantDeclaration(
covariant EnumConstantDeclarationImpl node) {
return visitAnnotatedNode(node);
bool visitEnumDeclaration(covariant EnumDeclarationImpl node) {
if (identical(node.typeParameters, _oldNode)) {
node.typeParameters = _newNode as TypeParameterList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.withClause, _oldNode)) {
node.withClause = _newNode as WithClause;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.implementsClause, _oldNode)) {
node.implementsClause = _newNode as ImplementsClause;
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.constants)) {
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.members)) {
return true;
return visitAnnotatedNode(node);
bool visitExportDirective(covariant ExportDirectiveImpl node) =>
bool visitExpressionFunctionBody(covariant ExpressionFunctionBodyImpl node) {
if (identical(node.expression, _oldNode)) {
node.expression = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitExpressionStatement(covariant ExpressionStatementImpl node) {
if (identical(node.expression, _oldNode)) {
node.expression = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitExtendsClause(covariant ExtendsClauseImpl node) {
if (identical(node.superclass, _oldNode)) {
node.superclass = _newNode as NamedType;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitExtensionDeclaration(covariant ExtensionDeclarationImpl node) {
if (identical(node.documentationComment, _oldNode)) {
node.documentationComment = _newNode as Comment;
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.metadata)) {
return true;
} else if (identical(node.typeParameters, _oldNode)) {
node.typeParameters = _newNode as TypeParameterList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.extendedType, _oldNode)) {
node.extendedType = _newNode as TypeAnnotation;
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.members)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitExtensionOverride(ExtensionOverride node) {
if (identical(node.extensionName, _oldNode)) {
(node as ExtensionOverrideImpl).extensionName = _newNode as Identifier;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.typeArguments, _oldNode)) {
(node as ExtensionOverrideImpl).typeArguments =
_newNode as TypeArgumentList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.argumentList, _oldNode)) {
(node as ExtensionOverrideImpl).argumentList = _newNode as ArgumentList;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitFieldDeclaration(covariant FieldDeclarationImpl node) {
if (identical(node.fields, _oldNode)) {
node.fields = _newNode as VariableDeclarationList;
return true;
return visitAnnotatedNode(node);
bool visitFieldFormalParameter(covariant FieldFormalParameterImpl node) {
if (identical(node.type, _oldNode)) {
node.type = _newNode as TypeAnnotation;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.typeParameters, _oldNode)) {
node.typeParameters = _newNode as TypeParameterList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.parameters, _oldNode)) {
node.parameters = _newNode as FormalParameterList;
return true;
return visitNormalFormalParameter(node);
bool visitForEachPartsWithDeclaration(ForEachPartsWithDeclaration node) {
if (identical(node.loopVariable, _oldNode)) {
(node as ForEachPartsWithDeclarationImpl).loopVariable =
_newNode as DeclaredIdentifier;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.iterable, _oldNode)) {
(node as ForEachPartsWithDeclarationImpl).iterable =
_newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitForEachPartsWithIdentifier(ForEachPartsWithIdentifier node) {
if (identical(node.identifier, _oldNode)) {
(node as ForEachPartsWithIdentifierImpl).identifier =
_newNode as SimpleIdentifier;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.iterable, _oldNode)) {
(node as ForEachPartsWithIdentifierImpl).iterable =
_newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitForElement(ForElement node) {
if (identical(node.forLoopParts, _oldNode)) {
(node as ForElementImpl).forLoopParts = _newNode as ForLoopParts;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.body, _oldNode)) {
(node as ForElementImpl).body = _newNode as CollectionElement;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitFormalParameterList(covariant FormalParameterListImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.parameters)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitForPartsWithDeclarations(
covariant ForPartsWithDeclarationsImpl node) {
if (identical(node.variables, _oldNode)) {
node.variables = _newNode as VariableDeclarationList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.condition, _oldNode)) {
node.condition = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.updaters)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitForPartsWithExpression(covariant ForPartsWithExpressionImpl node) {
if (identical(node.initialization, _oldNode)) {
node.initialization = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.condition, _oldNode)) {
node.condition = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.updaters)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
if (identical(node.forLoopParts, _oldNode)) {
(node as ForStatementImpl).forLoopParts = _newNode as ForLoopParts;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.body, _oldNode)) {
(node as ForStatementImpl).body = _newNode as Statement;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitFunctionDeclaration(covariant FunctionDeclarationImpl node) {
if (identical(node.returnType, _oldNode)) {
node.returnType = _newNode as TypeAnnotation;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.functionExpression, _oldNode)) {
node.functionExpression = _newNode as FunctionExpression;
return true;
return visitAnnotatedNode(node);
bool visitFunctionDeclarationStatement(
covariant FunctionDeclarationStatementImpl node) {
if (identical(node.functionDeclaration, _oldNode)) {
node.functionDeclaration = _newNode as FunctionDeclaration;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitFunctionExpression(covariant FunctionExpressionImpl node) {
if (identical(node.parameters, _oldNode)) {
node.parameters = _newNode as FormalParameterList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.typeParameters, _oldNode)) {
node.typeParameters = _newNode as TypeParameterList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.body, _oldNode)) {
node.body = _newNode as FunctionBody;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitFunctionExpressionInvocation(
covariant FunctionExpressionInvocationImpl node) {
if (identical(node.function, _oldNode)) {
node.function = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.argumentList, _oldNode)) {
node.argumentList = _newNode as ArgumentList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.typeArguments, _oldNode)) {
node.typeArguments = _newNode as TypeArgumentList;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitFunctionReference(covariant FunctionReferenceImpl node) {
if (identical(node.function, _oldNode)) {
node.function = _newNode as ExpressionImpl;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.typeArguments, _oldNode)) {
node.typeArguments = _newNode as TypeArgumentListImpl;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitFunctionTypeAlias(covariant FunctionTypeAliasImpl node) {
if (identical(node.returnType, _oldNode)) {
node.returnType = _newNode as TypeAnnotation;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.typeParameters, _oldNode)) {
node.typeParameters = _newNode as TypeParameterList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.parameters, _oldNode)) {
node.parameters = _newNode as FormalParameterList;
return true;
return visitAnnotatedNode(node);
bool visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter(
covariant FunctionTypedFormalParameterImpl node) {
if (identical(node.returnType, _oldNode)) {
node.returnType = _newNode as TypeAnnotation;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.parameters, _oldNode)) {
node.parameters = _newNode as FormalParameterList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.typeParameters, _oldNode)) {
node.typeParameters = _newNode as TypeParameterList;
return true;
return visitNormalFormalParameter(node);
bool? visitGenericFunctionType(covariant GenericFunctionTypeImpl node) {
if (identical(node.returnType, _oldNode)) {
node.returnType = _newNode as TypeAnnotation;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.typeParameters, _oldNode)) {
node.typeParameters = _newNode as TypeParameterList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.parameters, _oldNode)) {
node.parameters = _newNode as FormalParameterList;
return true;
return null;
bool visitGenericTypeAlias(GenericTypeAlias node) {
var nodeImpl = node as GenericTypeAliasImpl;
if (identical(node.typeParameters, _oldNode)) {
nodeImpl.typeParameters = _newNode as TypeParameterList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.type, _oldNode)) {
nodeImpl.type = _newNode as TypeAnnotation;
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.metadata)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitHideClause(covariant HideClauseImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.elements)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitHideCombinator(covariant HideCombinatorImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.hiddenNames)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitIfElement(IfElement node) {
if (identical(node.condition, _oldNode)) {
(node as IfElementImpl).condition = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.thenElement, _oldNode)) {
(node as IfElementImpl).thenElement = _newNode as CollectionElement;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.elseElement, _oldNode)) {
(node as IfElementImpl).elseElement = _newNode as CollectionElement;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitIfStatement(covariant IfStatementImpl node) {
if (identical(node.condition, _oldNode)) {
node.condition = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.thenStatement, _oldNode)) {
node.thenStatement = _newNode as Statement;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.elseStatement, _oldNode)) {
node.elseStatement = _newNode as Statement;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitImplementsClause(covariant ImplementsClauseImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.interfaces)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitImplicitCallReference(covariant ImplicitCallReferenceImpl node) {
if (identical(node.expression, _oldNode)) {
node.expression = _newNode as ExpressionImpl;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.typeArguments, _oldNode)) {
node.typeArguments = _newNode as TypeArgumentListImpl;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitImportDirective(covariant ImportDirectiveImpl node) {
if (identical(node.prefix, _oldNode)) {
node.prefix = _newNode as SimpleIdentifier;
return true;
return visitNamespaceDirective(node);
bool visitIndexExpression(covariant IndexExpressionImpl node) {
if (identical(, _oldNode)) { = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.index, _oldNode)) {
node.index = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitInstanceCreationExpression(
covariant InstanceCreationExpressionImpl node) {
if (identical(node.constructorName, _oldNode)) {
node.constructorName = _newNode as ConstructorName;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.argumentList, _oldNode)) {
node.argumentList = _newNode as ArgumentList;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitIntegerLiteral(IntegerLiteral node) => visitNode(node);
bool visitInterpolationExpression(
covariant InterpolationExpressionImpl node) {
if (identical(node.expression, _oldNode)) {
node.expression = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitInterpolationString(InterpolationString node) => visitNode(node);
bool visitIsExpression(covariant IsExpressionImpl node) {
if (identical(node.expression, _oldNode)) {
node.expression = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.type, _oldNode)) {
node.type = _newNode as TypeAnnotation;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitLabel(covariant LabelImpl node) {
if (identical(node.label, _oldNode)) {
node.label = _newNode as SimpleIdentifier;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitLabeledStatement(covariant LabeledStatementImpl node) {
if (identical(node.statement, _oldNode)) {
node.statement = _newNode as Statement;
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.labels)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool? visitLibraryAugmentationDirective(
covariant LibraryAugmentationDirectiveImpl node,
) {
return visitUriBasedDirective(node);
bool visitLibraryDirective(covariant LibraryDirectiveImpl node) {
if (identical(node.name2, _oldNode)) { = _newNode as LibraryIdentifier;
return true;
return visitAnnotatedNode(node);
bool visitLibraryIdentifier(covariant LibraryIdentifierImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.components)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitListLiteral(covariant ListLiteralImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.elements)) {
return true;
return visitTypedLiteral(node);
bool visitMapLiteralEntry(covariant MapLiteralEntryImpl node) {
if (identical(node.key, _oldNode)) {
node.key = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.value, _oldNode)) {
node.value = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitMethodDeclaration(covariant MethodDeclarationImpl node) {
if (identical(node.returnType, _oldNode)) {
node.returnType = _newNode as TypeAnnotation;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.parameters, _oldNode)) {
node.parameters = _newNode as FormalParameterList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.typeParameters, _oldNode)) {
node.typeParameters = _newNode as TypeParameterList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.body, _oldNode)) {
node.body = _newNode as FunctionBody;
return true;
return visitAnnotatedNode(node);
bool visitMethodInvocation(covariant MethodInvocationImpl node) {
if (identical(, _oldNode)) { = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.methodName, _oldNode)) {
node.methodName = _newNode as SimpleIdentifier;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.argumentList, _oldNode)) {
node.argumentList = _newNode as ArgumentList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.typeArguments, _oldNode)) {
node.typeArguments = _newNode as TypeArgumentList;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitMixinDeclaration(covariant MixinDeclarationImpl node) {
if (identical(node.documentationComment, _oldNode)) {
node.documentationComment = _newNode as Comment;
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.metadata)) {
return true;
} else if (identical(node.typeParameters, _oldNode)) {
node.typeParameters = _newNode as TypeParameterList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.onClause, _oldNode)) {
node.onClause = _newNode as OnClause;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.implementsClause, _oldNode)) {
node.implementsClause = _newNode as ImplementsClause;
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.members)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitNamedExpression(covariant NamedExpressionImpl node) {
if (identical(, _oldNode)) { = _newNode as Label;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.expression, _oldNode)) {
node.expression = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool? visitNamedType(covariant NamedTypeImpl node) {
if (identical(, _oldNode)) { = _newNode as Identifier;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.typeArguments, _oldNode)) {
node.typeArguments = _newNode as TypeArgumentList;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitNamespaceDirective(covariant NamespaceDirectiveImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.combinators)) {
return true;
return visitUriBasedDirective(node);
bool visitNativeFunctionBody(covariant NativeFunctionBodyImpl node) {
if (identical(node.stringLiteral, _oldNode)) {
node.stringLiteral = _newNode as StringLiteral;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitNode(AstNode node) {
throw ArgumentError("The old node is not a child of it's parent");
bool visitNormalFormalParameter(covariant NormalFormalParameterImpl node) {
if (identical(node.documentationComment, _oldNode)) {
node.documentationComment = _newNode as Comment;
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.metadata)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitNullLiteral(NullLiteral node) => visitNode(node);
bool visitOnClause(covariant OnClauseImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.superclassConstraints)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitParenthesizedExpression(
covariant ParenthesizedExpressionImpl node) {
if (identical(node.expression, _oldNode)) {
node.expression = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitPartDirective(covariant PartDirectiveImpl node) =>
bool visitPartOfDirective(covariant PartOfDirectiveImpl node) {
if (identical(node.libraryName, _oldNode)) {
node.libraryName = _newNode as LibraryIdentifier;
return true;
return visitAnnotatedNode(node);
bool visitPostfixExpression(covariant PostfixExpressionImpl node) {
if (identical(node.operand, _oldNode)) {
node.operand = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitPrefixedIdentifier(covariant PrefixedIdentifierImpl node) {
if (identical(node.prefix, _oldNode)) {
node.prefix = _newNode as SimpleIdentifier;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.identifier, _oldNode)) {
node.identifier = _newNode as SimpleIdentifier;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitPrefixExpression(covariant PrefixExpressionImpl node) {
if (identical(node.operand, _oldNode)) {
node.operand = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitPropertyAccess(covariant PropertyAccessImpl node) {
if (identical(, _oldNode)) { = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.propertyName, _oldNode)) {
node.propertyName = _newNode as SimpleIdentifier;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitRecordLiteral(covariant RecordLiteralImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.fields)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitRecordTypeAnnotation(RecordTypeAnnotation node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.positionalFields)) {
return true;
} else if (identical(node.namedFields, _oldNode)) {
// node.namedFields = _newNode as RecordTypeAnnotationNamedFields;
throw UnimplementedError();
return visitNode(node);
bool visitRecordTypeAnnotationNamedField(
RecordTypeAnnotationNamedField node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.metadata)) {
return true;
} else if (identical(node.type, _oldNode)) {
// node.type = _newNode as TypeAnnotation;
throw UnimplementedError();
return visitNode(node);
bool visitRecordTypeAnnotationNamedFields(
RecordTypeAnnotationNamedFields node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.fields)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitRecordTypeAnnotationPositionalField(
RecordTypeAnnotationPositionalField node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.metadata)) {
return true;
} else if (identical(node.type, _oldNode)) {
// node.type = _newNode as TypeAnnotation;
throw UnimplementedError();
return visitNode(node);
bool visitRedirectingConstructorInvocation(
covariant RedirectingConstructorInvocationImpl node) {
if (identical(node.constructorName, _oldNode)) {
node.constructorName = _newNode as SimpleIdentifier;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.argumentList, _oldNode)) {
node.argumentList = _newNode as ArgumentList;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool? visitRelationalPattern(covariant RelationalPatternImpl node) {
if (identical(node.operand, _oldNode)) {
node.operand = _newNode as ExpressionImpl;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitRethrowExpression(RethrowExpression node) => visitNode(node);
bool visitReturnStatement(covariant ReturnStatementImpl node) {
if (identical(node.expression, _oldNode)) {
node.expression = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitScriptTag(ScriptTag scriptTag) => visitNode(scriptTag);
bool visitSetOrMapLiteral(covariant SetOrMapLiteralImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.elements)) {
return true;
return visitTypedLiteral(node);
bool visitShowClause(covariant ShowClauseImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.elements)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitShowCombinator(covariant ShowCombinatorImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.shownNames)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitShowHideElement(covariant ShowHideElementImpl node) {
if (identical(, _oldNode)) { = _newNode as SimpleIdentifier;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitSimpleFormalParameter(covariant SimpleFormalParameterImpl node) {
if (identical(node.type, _oldNode)) {
node.type = _newNode as TypeAnnotation;
return true;
return visitNormalFormalParameter(node);
bool visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) => visitNode(node);
bool visitSimpleStringLiteral(SimpleStringLiteral node) => visitNode(node);
bool visitSpreadElement(SpreadElement node) {
if (identical(node.expression, _oldNode)) {
(node as SpreadElementImpl).expression = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitStringInterpolation(covariant StringInterpolationImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.elements)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitSuperConstructorInvocation(
covariant SuperConstructorInvocationImpl node) {
if (identical(node.constructorName, _oldNode)) {
node.constructorName = _newNode as SimpleIdentifier;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.argumentList, _oldNode)) {
node.argumentList = _newNode as ArgumentList;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitSuperExpression(covariant SuperExpressionImpl node) =>
bool visitSuperFormalParameter(covariant SuperFormalParameterImpl node) {
if (identical(node.type, _oldNode)) {
node.type = _newNode as TypeAnnotation;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.typeParameters, _oldNode)) {
node.typeParameters = _newNode as TypeParameterList;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.parameters, _oldNode)) {
node.parameters = _newNode as FormalParameterList;
return true;
return visitNormalFormalParameter(node);
bool visitSwitchCase(covariant SwitchCaseImpl node) {
if (identical(node.expression, _oldNode)) {
node.expression = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitSwitchMember(node);
bool visitSwitchDefault(covariant SwitchDefaultImpl node) =>
bool visitSwitchMember(covariant SwitchMemberImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.labels)) {
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.statements)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitSwitchStatement(covariant SwitchStatementImpl node) {
if (identical(node.expression, _oldNode)) {
node.expression = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.members)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitSymbolLiteral(SymbolLiteral node) => visitNode(node);
bool visitThisExpression(ThisExpression node) => visitNode(node);
bool visitThrowExpression(covariant ThrowExpressionImpl node) {
if (identical(node.expression, _oldNode)) {
node.expression = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitTopLevelVariableDeclaration(
covariant TopLevelVariableDeclarationImpl node) {
if (identical(node.variables, _oldNode)) {
node.variables = _newNode as VariableDeclarationList;
return true;
return visitAnnotatedNode(node);
bool visitTryStatement(covariant TryStatementImpl node) {
if (identical(node.body, _oldNode)) {
node.body = _newNode as Block;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.finallyBlock, _oldNode)) {
node.finallyBlock = _newNode as Block;
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.catchClauses)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitTypeArgumentList(covariant TypeArgumentListImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.arguments)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitTypedLiteral(covariant TypedLiteralImpl node) {
if (identical(node.typeArguments, _oldNode)) {
node.typeArguments = _newNode as TypeArgumentList;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitTypeLiteral(covariant TypeLiteralImpl node) {
if (identical(node.type, _oldNode)) {
node.typeName = _newNode as NamedTypeImpl;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitTypeParameter(covariant TypeParameterImpl node) {
if (identical(node.bound, _oldNode)) {
node.bound = _newNode as TypeAnnotation;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitTypeParameterList(covariant TypeParameterListImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.typeParameters)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitUriBasedDirective(covariant UriBasedDirectiveImpl node) {
if (identical(node.uri, _oldNode)) {
node.uri = _newNode as StringLiteral;
return true;
return visitAnnotatedNode(node);
bool visitVariableDeclaration(covariant VariableDeclarationImpl node) {
if (identical(node.initializer, _oldNode)) {
node.initializer = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
// TODO(srawlins) also replace node's declared element's
// `constantInitializer`, if the element is [ConstFieldElementImpl],
// [ConstLocalVariableElementImpl], or [ConstTopLevelVariableElementImpl].
return visitAnnotatedNode(node);
bool visitVariableDeclarationList(
covariant VariableDeclarationListImpl node) {
if (identical(node.type, _oldNode)) {
node.type = _newNode as TypeAnnotation;
return true;
} else if (_replaceInList(node.variables)) {
return true;
return visitAnnotatedNode(node);
bool visitVariableDeclarationStatement(
covariant VariableDeclarationStatementImpl node) {
if (identical(node.variables, _oldNode)) {
node.variables = _newNode as VariableDeclarationList;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitWhileStatement(covariant WhileStatementImpl node) {
if (identical(node.condition, _oldNode)) {
node.condition = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
} else if (identical(node.body, _oldNode)) {
node.body = _newNode as Statement;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitWithClause(covariant WithClauseImpl node) {
if (_replaceInList(node.mixinTypes)) {
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool visitYieldStatement(covariant YieldStatementImpl node) {
if (identical(node.expression, _oldNode)) {
node.expression = _newNode as Expression;
return true;
return visitNode(node);
bool _replaceInList(NodeList list) {
int count = list.length;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (identical(_oldNode, list[i])) {
list[i] = _newNode;
return true;
return false;
/// Replace the [oldNode] with the [newNode] in the AST structure containing
/// the old node. Return `true` if the replacement was successful.
/// Throws an [ArgumentError] if either node is `null`, if the old node does
/// not have a parent node, or if the AST structure has been corrupted.
/// If [newNode] is the parent of [oldNode] already (because [newNode] became
/// the parent of [oldNode] in its constructor), this action will loop
/// infinitely; pass [oldNode]'s previous parent as [parent] to avoid this.
static bool replace(AstNode oldNode, AstNode newNode, {AstNode? parent}) {
if (identical(oldNode, newNode)) {
return true;
parent ??= oldNode.parent;
if (parent == null) {
throw ArgumentError("The old node is not a child of another node");
NodeReplacer replacer = NodeReplacer._(oldNode, newNode);
return parent.accept(replacer)!;
/// Traverse the AST from initial child node to successive parents, building a
/// collection of local variable and parameter names visible to the initial
/// child node. In case of name shadowing, the first name seen is the most
/// specific one so names are not redefined.
/// Completion test code coverage is 95%. The two basic blocks that are not
/// executed cannot be executed. They are included for future reference.
class ScopedNameFinder extends GeneralizingAstVisitor<void> {
Declaration? _declarationNode;
AstNode? _immediateChild;
final Set<String> _locals = {};
final int _position;
bool _referenceIsWithinLocalFunction = false;
Declaration? get declaration => _declarationNode;
Set<String> get locals => _locals;
void visitBlock(Block node) {
void visitCatchClause(CatchClause node) {
void visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
if (!identical(_immediateChild, node.parameters)) {
_declarationNode = node;
void visitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration node) {
_declarationNode = node;
void visitForEachPartsWithDeclaration(ForEachPartsWithDeclaration node) {
void visitForPartsWithDeclarations(ForPartsWithDeclarations node) {
void visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
if (node.parent is! FunctionDeclarationStatement) {
_declarationNode = node;
} else {
void visitFunctionDeclarationStatement(FunctionDeclarationStatement node) {
_referenceIsWithinLocalFunction = true;
void visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
var parameters = node.parameters;
if (parameters != null && !identical(_immediateChild, parameters)) {
void visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
_declarationNode = node;
var parameters = node.parameters;
if (parameters != null && !identical(_immediateChild, parameters)) {
void visitNode(AstNode node) {
_immediateChild = node;
void visitSwitchMember(SwitchMember node) {
void visitTopLevelVariableDeclaration(TopLevelVariableDeclaration node) {
_declarationNode = node;
void visitTypeAlias(TypeAlias node) {
_declarationNode = node;
void _addParameters(NodeList<FormalParameter> vars) {
for (FormalParameter var2 in vars) {
void _addToScope(Token? identifier) {
if (identifier != null && _isInRange(identifier)) {
void _addVariables(NodeList<VariableDeclaration> variables) {
for (VariableDeclaration variable in variables) {
/// Check the given list of [statements] for any that come before the
/// immediate child and that define a name that would be visible to the
/// immediate child.
void _checkStatements(List<Statement> statements) {
for (Statement statement in statements) {
if (identical(statement, _immediateChild)) {
if (statement is VariableDeclarationStatement) {
} else if (statement is FunctionDeclarationStatement &&
!_referenceIsWithinLocalFunction) {
bool _isInRange(Token token) {
if (_position < 0) {
// if source position is not set then all nodes are in range
return true;
// not reached
return token.end < _position;