blob: d21bb2ad3c2acfed1064b8a66ae395ffffa5b56e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.core;
* A span of time, such as 27 days, 4 hours, 12 minutes, and 3 seconds.
* A `Duration` represents a difference from one point in time to another. The
* duration may be "negative" if the difference is from a later time to an
* earlier.
* Durations are context independent. For example, a duration of 2 days is
* always 48 hours, even when it is added to a `DateTime` just when the
* time zone is about to do a daylight-savings switch. (See [DateTime.add]).
* Despite the same name, a `Duration` object does not implement "Durations"
* as specified by ISO 8601. In particular, a duration object does not keep
* track of the individually provided members (such as "days" or "hours"), but
* only uses these arguments to compute the length of the corresponding time
* interval.
* To create a new Duration object, use this class's single constructor
* giving the appropriate arguments:
* Duration fastestMarathon = new Duration(hours:2, minutes:3, seconds:2);
* The [Duration] is the sum of all individual parts.
* This means that individual parts can be larger than the next-bigger unit.
* For example, [inMinutes] can be greater than 59.
* assert(fastestMarathon.inMinutes == 123);
* All individual parts are allowed to be negative.
* Use one of the properties, such as [inDays],
* to retrieve the integer value of the Duration in the specified time unit.
* Note that the returned value is rounded down.
* For example,
* Duration aLongWeekend = new Duration(hours:88);
* assert(aLongWeekend.inDays == 3);
* This class provides a collection of arithmetic
* and comparison operators,
* plus a set of constants useful for converting time units.
* See [DateTime] to represent a point in time.
* See [Stopwatch] to measure time-spans.
class Duration implements Comparable<Duration> {
static const int microsecondsPerMillisecond = 1000;
static const int millisecondsPerSecond = 1000;
static const int secondsPerMinute = 60;
static const int minutesPerHour = 60;
static const int hoursPerDay = 24;
static const int microsecondsPerSecond =
microsecondsPerMillisecond * millisecondsPerSecond;
static const int microsecondsPerMinute =
microsecondsPerSecond * secondsPerMinute;
static const int microsecondsPerHour = microsecondsPerMinute * minutesPerHour;
static const int microsecondsPerDay = microsecondsPerHour * hoursPerDay;
static const int millisecondsPerMinute =
millisecondsPerSecond * secondsPerMinute;
static const int millisecondsPerHour = millisecondsPerMinute * minutesPerHour;
static const int millisecondsPerDay = millisecondsPerHour * hoursPerDay;
static const int secondsPerHour = secondsPerMinute * minutesPerHour;
static const int secondsPerDay = secondsPerHour * hoursPerDay;
static const int minutesPerDay = minutesPerHour * hoursPerDay;
static const Duration zero = const Duration(seconds: 0);
* The value of this Duration object in microseconds.
final int _duration;
* Creates a new Duration object whose value
* is the sum of all individual parts.
* Individual parts can be larger than the next-bigger unit.
* For example, [hours] can be greater than 23.
* All individual parts are allowed to be negative.
* All arguments are 0 by default.
const Duration(
{int days: 0,
int hours: 0,
int minutes: 0,
int seconds: 0,
int milliseconds: 0,
int microseconds: 0})
: this._microseconds(microsecondsPerDay * days +
microsecondsPerHour * hours +
microsecondsPerMinute * minutes +
microsecondsPerSecond * seconds +
microsecondsPerMillisecond * milliseconds +
// Fast path internal direct constructor to avoids the optional arguments and
// [_microseconds] recomputation.
const Duration._microseconds(this._duration);
* Adds this Duration and [other] and
* returns the sum as a new Duration object.
Duration operator +(Duration other) {
return new Duration._microseconds(_duration + other._duration);
* Subtracts [other] from this Duration and
* returns the difference as a new Duration object.
Duration operator -(Duration other) {
return new Duration._microseconds(_duration - other._duration);
* Multiplies this Duration by the given [factor] and returns the result
* as a new Duration object.
* Note that when [factor] is a double, and the duration is greater than
* 53 bits, precision is lost because of double-precision arithmetic.
Duration operator *(num factor) {
return new Duration._microseconds((_duration * factor).round());
* Divides this Duration by the given [quotient] and returns the truncated
* result as a new Duration object.
* Throws an [IntegerDivisionByZeroException] if [quotient] is `0`.
Duration operator ~/(int quotient) {
// By doing the check here instead of relying on "~/" below we get the
// exception even with dart2js.
if (quotient == 0) throw new IntegerDivisionByZeroException();
return new Duration._microseconds(_duration ~/ quotient);
* Returns `true` if the value of this Duration
* is less than the value of [other].
bool operator <(Duration other) => this._duration < other._duration;
* Returns `true` if the value of this Duration
* is greater than the value of [other].
bool operator >(Duration other) => this._duration > other._duration;
* Returns `true` if the value of this Duration
* is less than or equal to the value of [other].
bool operator <=(Duration other) => this._duration <= other._duration;
* Returns `true` if the value of this Duration
* is greater than or equal to the value of [other].
bool operator >=(Duration other) => this._duration >= other._duration;
* Returns the number of whole days spanned by this Duration.
int get inDays => _duration ~/ Duration.microsecondsPerDay;
* Returns the number of whole hours spanned by this Duration.
* The returned value can be greater than 23.
int get inHours => _duration ~/ Duration.microsecondsPerHour;
* Returns the number of whole minutes spanned by this Duration.
* The returned value can be greater than 59.
int get inMinutes => _duration ~/ Duration.microsecondsPerMinute;
* Returns the number of whole seconds spanned by this Duration.
* The returned value can be greater than 59.
int get inSeconds => _duration ~/ Duration.microsecondsPerSecond;
* Returns number of whole milliseconds spanned by this Duration.
* The returned value can be greater than 999.
int get inMilliseconds => _duration ~/ Duration.microsecondsPerMillisecond;
* Returns number of whole microseconds spanned by this Duration.
int get inMicroseconds => _duration;
* Returns `true` if this Duration is the same object as [other].
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is! Duration) return false;
return _duration == other._duration;
int get hashCode => _duration.hashCode;
* Compares this Duration to [other], returning zero if the values are equal.
* Returns a negative integer if this `Duration` is shorter than
* [other], or a positive integer if it is longer.
* A negative `Duration` is always considered shorter than a positive one.
* It is always the case that `duration1.compareTo(duration2) < 0` iff
* `(someDate + duration1).compareTo(someDate + duration2) < 0`.
int compareTo(Duration other) => _duration.compareTo(other._duration);
* Returns a string representation of this `Duration`.
* Returns a string with hours, minutes, seconds, and microseconds, in the
* following format: `HH:MM:SS.mmmmmm`. For example,
* var d = new Duration(days:1, hours:1, minutes:33, microseconds: 500);
* d.toString(); // "25:33:00.000500"
String toString() {
String sixDigits(int n) {
if (n >= 100000) return "$n";
if (n >= 10000) return "0$n";
if (n >= 1000) return "00$n";
if (n >= 100) return "000$n";
if (n >= 10) return "0000$n";
return "00000$n";
String twoDigits(int n) {
if (n >= 10) return "$n";
return "0$n";
if (inMicroseconds < 0) {
return "-${-this}";
String twoDigitMinutes = twoDigits(inMinutes.remainder(minutesPerHour));
String twoDigitSeconds = twoDigits(inSeconds.remainder(secondsPerMinute));
String sixDigitUs =
return "$inHours:$twoDigitMinutes:$twoDigitSeconds.$sixDigitUs";
* Returns whether this `Duration` is negative.
* A negative `Duration` represents the difference from a later time to an
* earlier time.
bool get isNegative => _duration < 0;
* Returns a new `Duration` representing the absolute value of this
* `Duration`.
* The returned `Duration` has the same length as this one, but is always
* positive.
Duration abs() => new Duration._microseconds(_duration.abs());
* Returns a new `Duration` representing this `Duration` negated.
* The returned `Duration` has the same length as this one, but will have the
* opposite sign of this one.
// Using subtraction helps dart2js avoid negative zeros.
Duration operator -() => new Duration._microseconds(0 - _duration);