blob: d79ea9f983ad84ff78c989385db80b5731607eb0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file
part of mocks;
class HeapSnapshotLoadingProgressEventMock
implements M.HeapSnapshotLoadingProgressEvent {
final M.HeapSnapshotLoadingProgress progress;
const HeapSnapshotLoadingProgressEventMock(
{this.progress: const HeapSnapshotLoadingProgressMock()});
class HeapSnapshotLoadingProgressMock implements M.HeapSnapshotLoadingProgress {
final M.HeapSnapshotLoadingStatus status;
final String stepDescription;
final double progress;
final Duration fetchingTime;
final Duration loadingTime;
final M.HeapSnapshot snapshot;
const HeapSnapshotLoadingProgressMock(
{this.status: M.HeapSnapshotLoadingStatus.fetching,
this.progress: 0.0,
this.stepDescription: '',
typedef Stream<
.HeapSnapshotLoadingProgressEvent> HeapSnapshotRepositoryMockCallback(
M.IsolateRef cls, bool gc);
class HeapSnapshotRepositoryMock implements M.HeapSnapshotRepository {
final HeapSnapshotRepositoryMockCallback _get;
Stream<M.HeapSnapshotLoadingProgressEvent> get(M.IsolateRef isolate,
{bool gc: false}) {
if (_get != null) {
return _get(isolate, gc);
return null;
HeapSnapshotRepositoryMock({HeapSnapshotRepositoryMockCallback getter})
: _get = getter;