blob: ea8f0186d1caf2ce425e50666a9d2a3f7bbae838 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.interpreter;
import '../ast.dart';
class NotImplemented {
String message;
String toString() => message;
class Interpreter {
Program program;
Evaluator evaluator = new Evaluator();
void run() {
Procedure mainMethod = program.mainMethod;
Statement statementBlock = mainMethod.function.body;
// Executes only ExpressionStatements and VariableDeclarations in the top
// BlockStatement.
if (statementBlock is Block) {
var env = new Environment.empty();
for (Statement s in statementBlock.statements) {
if (s is ExpressionStatement) {
evaluator.eval(s.expression, env);
} else if (s is VariableDeclaration) {
var value = evaluator.eval(s.initializer ?? new NullLiteral(), env);
env.expand(s, value);
} else {
throw new NotImplemented('Evaluation for statement type '
'${s.runtimeType} is not implemented.');
} else {
throw new NotImplemented('Evaluation for statement type '
'${statementBlock.runtimeType} is not implemented.');
class InvalidExpressionError {
InvalidExpression expression;
String toString() =>
'Invalid expression at ${expression.location.toString()}';
class Binding {
final VariableDeclaration variable;
Value value;
Binding(this.variable, this.value);
class Environment {
final List<Binding> bindings = <Binding>[];
final Environment parent;
Environment.empty() : parent = null;
bool contains(VariableDeclaration variable) {
for (Binding b in bindings.reversed) {
if (identical(b.variable, variable)) return true;
return parent?.contains(variable) ?? false;
Binding lookupBinding(VariableDeclaration variable) {
for (Binding b in bindings) {
if (identical(b.variable, variable)) return b;
return parent.lookupBinding(variable);
Value lookup(VariableDeclaration variable) {
return lookupBinding(variable).value;
void assign(VariableDeclaration variable, Value value) {
lookupBinding(variable).value = value;
void expand(VariableDeclaration variable, Value value) {
bindings.add(new Binding(variable, value));
class Evaluator extends ExpressionVisitor1<Value> {
Value eval(Expression expr, Environment env) => expr.accept1(this, env);
Value defaultExpression(Expression node, env) {
throw new NotImplemented('Evaluation for expressions of type '
'${node.runtimeType} is not implemented.');
Value visitInvalidExpression1(InvalidExpression node, env) {
throw new InvalidExpressionError(node);
Value visitVariableGet(VariableGet node, env) {
return env.lookup(node.variable);
Value visitVariableSet(VariableSet node, env) {
return env.assign(node.variable, eval(node.value, env));
Value visitStaticInvocation(StaticInvocation node, env) {
if ('print' == {
// Special evaluation of print.
var res = eval(node.arguments.positional[0], env);
return Value.nullInstance;
} else {
throw new NotImplemented('Support for statement type '
'${node.runtimeType} is not implemented');
Value visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node, env) {
// Currently supports only method invocation with <2 arguments and is used
// to evaluate implemented operators for int, double and String values.
var receiver = eval(node.receiver, env);
if (node.arguments.positional.isNotEmpty) {
var argValue = eval(node.arguments.positional.first, env);
return receiver.invokeMethod(, argValue);
} else {
return receiver.invokeMethod(;
Value visitConstructorInvocation(ConstructorInvocation node, env) =>
defaultExpression(node, env);
Value visitNot(Not node, env) {
Value operand = eval(node.operand, env).toBoolean();
return identical(operand, Value.trueInstance)
? Value.falseInstance
: Value.trueInstance;
Value visitLogicalExpression(LogicalExpression node, env) {
if ('||' == node.operator) {
BoolValue left = eval(node.left, env).toBoolean();
return identical(left, Value.trueInstance)
? Value.trueInstance
: eval(node.right, env).toBoolean();
} else {
assert('&&' == node.operator);
BoolValue left = eval(node.left, env).toBoolean();
return identical(left, Value.falseInstance)
? Value.falseInstance
: eval(node.right, env).toBoolean();
Value visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node, env) {
var condition = eval(node.condition, env).toBoolean();
return identical(condition, Value.trueInstance)
? eval(node.then, env)
: eval(node.otherwise, env);
Value visitStringConcatenation(StringConcatenation node, env) {
StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer();
for (Expression e in node.expressions) {
res.write(eval(e, env).value);
return new StringValue(res.toString());
// Evaluation of BasicLiterals.
Value visitStringLiteral(StringLiteral node, env) =>
new StringValue(node.value);
Value visitIntLiteral(IntLiteral node, env) => new IntValue(node.value);
Value visitDoubleLiteral(DoubleLiteral node, env) =>
new DoubleValue(node.value);
Value visitBoolLiteral(BoolLiteral node, env) =>
node.value ? Value.trueInstance : Value.falseInstance;
Value visitNullLiteral(NullLiteral node, env) => Value.nullInstance;
Value visitLet(Let node, env) {
var value = eval(node.variable.initializer, env);
var letEnv = new Environment(env);
letEnv.expand(node.variable, value);
return eval(node.body, letEnv);
// TODO(zhivkag): Change misleading name.
// This is representation of a class in the interpreter, not a declaration.
class ClassDeclaration {
static final Map<Reference, ClassDeclaration> _classes =
<Reference, ClassDeclaration>{};
Class currentClass;
ClassDeclaration superClass;
// The initializers of static fields are evaluated the first time the field
// is accessed.
List<Value> staticFields = <Value>[];
List<Procedure> getters = <Procedure>[];
List<Procedure> setters = <Procedure>[];
List<Procedure> methods = <Procedure>[];
factory ClassDeclaration(Reference classRef) {
if (_classes.containsKey(classRef)) {
return _classes[classRef];
_classes[classRef] = new ClassDeclaration._internal(classRef.asClass);
return _classes[classRef];
ClassDeclaration._internal(this.currentClass) {
if (currentClass.superclass != null) {
superClass = new ClassDeclaration(currentClass.superclass.reference);
// TODO: Populate getters, setters and methods.
abstract class Value {
Object get value;
static final NullValue nullInstance = const NullValue();
static final BoolValue trueInstance = const BoolValue(true);
static final BoolValue falseInstance = const BoolValue(false);
const Value();
BoolValue toBoolean() {
return identical(this, Value.trueInstance)
? Value.trueInstance
: Value.falseInstance;
BoolValue equals(Value other) =>
value == other.value ? Value.trueInstance : Value.falseInstance;
Value invokeMethod(String name, [Value arg]) {
throw notImplemented(obj: name);
class ObjectValue extends Value {
List<Value> fields;
ClassDeclaration classDeclaration;
Object get value => this;
ObjectValue(Constructor constructor, Environment env) {
// TODO: Init fields and eval initializers, repeat the same with super.
// TODO: Eval the Function body of the constructor, with env expanded with
// {VariableDeclaration("this") => this}
class StringValue extends Value {
final String value;
static final operators = <String, Function>{
'[]': (StringValue v1, Value v2) => v1[v2],
'==': (StringValue v1, Value v2) => v1.equals(v2)
Value invokeMethod(String name, [Value arg]) {
if (!operators.containsKey(name)) {
return notImplemented(obj: name);
return operators[name](this, arg);
// Operators
Value operator [](Value index) => new StringValue(value[index.value]);
abstract class NumValue extends Value {
num get value;
factory NumValue.fromValue(num value) {
if (value is int) {
return new IntValue(value);
} else {
assert(value is double);
return new DoubleValue(value);
static final operators = <String, Function>{
'+': (NumValue v1, Value v2) => v1 + v2,
'-': (NumValue v1, Value v2) => v1 - v2,
'>': (NumValue v1, Value v2) => v1 > v2,
'<': (NumValue v1, Value v2) => v1 < v2,
'==': (NumValue v1, Value v2) => v1.equals(v2),
'unary-': (NumValue v1) => -v1,
Value invokeMethod(String name, [Value arg]) {
if (!operators.containsKey(name)) return notImplemented(obj: name);
if (arg == null) return operators[name](this);
return operators[name](this, arg);
// Operators
NumValue operator +(Value other) =>
new NumValue.fromValue(value + other.value);
NumValue operator -(Value other) =>
new NumValue.fromValue(value - other.value);
NumValue operator -() => new NumValue.fromValue(-value);
BoolValue operator >(Value other) =>
value > other.value ? Value.trueInstance : Value.falseInstance;
BoolValue operator <(Value other) =>
value < other.value ? Value.trueInstance : Value.falseInstance;
class IntValue extends NumValue {
final int value;
class DoubleValue extends NumValue {
final double value;
class BoolValue extends Value {
final bool value;
const BoolValue(this.value);
class NullValue extends Value {
Object get value => null;
const NullValue();
notImplemented({String m, Object obj}) {
throw new NotImplemented(m ?? 'Evaluation for $obj is not implemented');