blob: 1594e082c5b1bbddc5efe12f488454675eb06600 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library observe.src.compound_path_observer;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:observe/observe.dart';
* CompoundPathObserver is an object which knows how to listen to multiple path
* values (registered via [addPath]) and invoke a function when one or more
* of the values have changed. The result of this function will be set into the
* [value] property. When any value has changed, all current values are provided
* to the function in the single `values` argument.
* For example:
* var binding = new CompoundPathObserver(computeValue: (values) {
* var combinedValue;
* // compute combinedValue based on the current values which are provided
* return combinedValue;
* });
* binding.addPath(obj1, path1);
* binding.addPath(obj2, path2);
* //...
* binding.addPath(objN, pathN);
// TODO(jmesserly): this isn't a full port of CompoundPathObserver. It is only
// what was needed for TemplateBinding.
class CompoundPathObserver extends ChangeNotifier {
List<PathObserver> _observers = [];
List<StreamSubscription> _subs = [];
Object _value; // the last computed value
// TODO(jmesserly): this is public in observe.js
final Function _computeValue;
bool _started = false;
/** True if [start] has been called, otherwise false. */
bool get started => _started;
bool _scheduled = false;
* Creates a new observer, optionally proving the [computeValue] function
* for computing the value. You can also set [schedule] to true if you plan
* to invoke [resolve] manually after initial construction of the binding.
CompoundPathObserver({computeValue(List values)})
: _computeValue = computeValue;
int get length => _observers.length;
@reflectable get value => _value;
void addPath(model, String path) {
if (_started) {
throw new StateError('Cannot add more paths once started.');
_observers.add(new PathObserver(model, path));
void start() {
if (_started) return;
_started = true;
final scheduleResolve = _scheduleResolve;
for (var observer in _observers) {
// TODO(rafaelw): Is this the right processing model?
// TODO(rafaelw): Consider having a seperate ChangeSummary for
// CompoundBindings so to excess dirtyChecks.
void _scheduleResolve(_) {
if (_scheduled) return;
_scheduled = true;
void _resolve() {
_scheduled = false;
if (_observers.isEmpty) return;
var newValue = => o.value).toList();
if (_computeValue != null) newValue = _computeValue(newValue);
_value = notifyPropertyChange(#value, _value, newValue);
* Closes the observer.
* This happens automatically if the [value] property is no longer observed,
* but this can also be called explicitly.
void close() {
if (_observers.isEmpty) return;
if (_started) {
for (StreamSubscription sub in _subs) {
_value = null;
observed() => start();
unobserved() => close();