blob: b978ca8317b1870192d063ff9705bd1c64a83568 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* This is a program with various [Intl.message] messages. It just prints
* all of them, and is used for testing of message extraction, translation,
* and code generation.
library sample;
import "package:intl/intl.dart";
import "foo_messages_all.dart";
import "print_to_list.dart";
import "dart:async";
part 'part_of_sample_with_messages.dart';
message1() => Intl.message("This is a message", name: 'message1', desc: 'foo' );
message2(x) => Intl.message("Another message with parameter $x",
name: 'message2', desc: 'Description 2', args: [x], examples: {'x' : 3});
// A string with multiple adjacent strings concatenated together, verify
// that the parser handles this properly.
multiLine() => Intl.message("This "
"string "
"extends "
"across "
"multiple "
name: "multiLine");
// Have types on the enclosing function's arguments.
types(int a, String b, List c) => Intl.message("$a, $b, $c", name: 'types',
args: [a, b, c]);
// This string will be printed with a French locale, so it will always show
// up in the French version, regardless of the current locale.
alwaysTranslated() =>
Intl.message("This string is always translated", locale: 'fr',
name: 'alwaysTranslated');
// Test interpolation with curly braces around the expression, but it must
// still be just a variable reference.
trickyInterpolation(s) =>
Intl.message("Interpolation is tricky when it ends a sentence like ${s}.",
name: 'trickyInterpolation', args: [s]);
get leadingQuotes => Intl.message("\"So-called\"", name: 'leadingQuotes');
// A message with characters not in the basic multilingual plane.
originalNotInBMP() => Intl.message("Ancient Greek hangman characters: 𐅆𐅇.",
name: "originalNotInBMP");
// A string for which we don't provide all translations.
notAlwaysTranslated() => Intl.message("This is missing some translations",
name: "notAlwaysTranslated");
// This is invalid and should be recognized as such, because the message has
// to be a literal. Otherwise, interpolations would be outside of the function
// scope.
var someString = "No, it has to be a literal string";
noVariables() => Intl.message(someString, name: "noVariables");
// This is unremarkable in English, but the translated versions will contain
// characters that ought to be escaped during code generation.
escapable() => Intl.message("Escapable characters here: ", name: "escapable");
outerPlural(n) => Intl.plural(n, zero: 'none', one: 'one', other: 'some',
name: 'outerPlural', desc: 'A plural with no enclosing message', args: [n]);
outerGender(g) => Intl.gender(g, male: 'm', female: 'f', other: 'o',
name: 'outerGender', desc: 'A gender with no enclosing message', args: [g]);
// A standalone gender message where we don't provide name or args. This should
// be rejected by validation code.
invalidOuterGender(g) => Intl.gender(g, other: 'o');
// A general select
outerSelect(currency, amount) =>,
"CDN" : "$amount Canadian dollars",
"other" : "$amount some currency or other."
name: "outerSelect",
args: [currency, amount]);
// A select with a plural inside the expressions.
nestedSelect(currency, amount) =>,
"CDN" : """${Intl.plural(amount, one: '$amount Canadian dollar',
other: '$amount Canadian dollars')}""",
"other" : "Whatever",
name: "nestedSelect",
args: [currency, amount]);
// A trivial nested plural/gender where both are done directly rather than
// in interpolations.
nestedOuter(number, gen) => Intl.plural(number,
other: Intl.gender(gen, male: "$number male", other: "$number other"),
name: 'nestedOuter',
args: [number, gen]);
printStuff(Intl locale) {
// Use a name that's not a literal so this will get skipped. Then we have
// a name that's not in the original but we include it in the French
// translation. Because it's not in the original it shouldn't get included
// in the generated catalog and shouldn't get translated.
if (locale.locale == 'fr') {
var badName = "thisNameIsNotInTheOriginal";
var notInOriginal = Intl.message("foo", name: badName);
if (notInOriginal != "foo") {
throw "You shouldn't be able to introduce a new message in a translation";
// A function that is assigned to a variable. It's also nested
// within another function definition.
message3(a, b, c) => Intl.message(
"Characters that need escaping, e.g slashes \\ dollars \${ (curly braces "
"are ok) and xml reserved characters <& and quotes \" "
"parameters $a, $b, and $c",
name: 'message3',
args: [a, b, c]);
var messageVariable = message3;
printOut("Printing messages for ${locale.locale}");
Intl.withLocale(locale.locale, () {
printOut(types(1, "b", ["c", "d"]));
var thing = new YouveGotMessages();
var x = YouveGotMessages.staticMessage();
var alice = new Person("Alice", "female");
var bob = new Person("Bob", "male");
var cat = new Person("cat", null);
printOut(thing.whereTheyWent(alice, "house"));
printOut(thing.whereTheyWent(bob, "house"));
printOut(thing.whereTheyWent(cat, "litter box"));
printOut(thing.nested([alice, bob], "magasin"));
printOut(thing.nested([alice], "magasin"));
printOut(thing.nested([], "magasin"));
printOut(thing.nested([bob, bob], "magasin"));
printOut(thing.nested([alice, alice], "magasin"));
printOut(nestedOuter(7, "male"));
printOut(outerSelect("CDN", 7));
printOut(outerSelect("EUR", 5));
printOut(nestedSelect("CDN", 1));
printOut(nestedSelect("CDN", 2));
var localeToUse = 'en_US';
main() {
var fr = new Intl("fr");
var english = new Intl("en_US");
var de = new Intl("de_DE");
// Throw in an initialize of a null locale to make sure it doesn't throw.
var f1 = initializeMessages(fr.locale).then((_) => printStuff(fr));
var f2 = initializeMessages(de.locale).then((_) => printStuff(de));
return Future.wait([f1, f2]);