blob: c8e6b19d1df052783114440780f7f872f58d81aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.js_emitter.type_test_registry;
import '../compiler.dart' show Compiler;
import '../elements/resolution_types.dart'
import '../elements/elements.dart'
show ClassElement, Element, ElementKind, FunctionElement;
import '../js_backend/js_backend.dart'
show JavaScriptBackend, RuntimeTypes, TypeChecks;
import '../world.dart' show ClosedWorld;
class TypeTestRegistry {
* Raw ClassElement symbols occuring in is-checks and type assertions. If the
* program contains parameterized checks `x is Set<int>` and
* `x is Set<String>` then the ClassElement `Set` will occur once in
* [checkedClasses].
Set<ClassElement> checkedClasses;
* The set of function types that checked, both explicity through tests of
* typedefs and implicitly through type annotations in checked mode.
Set<ResolutionFunctionType> checkedFunctionTypes;
/// Initially contains all classes that need RTI. After
/// [computeNeededClasses]
/// this set only contains classes that are only used for RTI.
final Set<ClassElement> rtiNeededClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
Iterable<ClassElement> cachedClassesUsingTypeVariableTests;
Iterable<ClassElement> get classesUsingTypeVariableTests {
if (cachedClassesUsingTypeVariableTests == null) {
cachedClassesUsingTypeVariableTests = compiler
.where((ResolutionDartType t) => t is ResolutionTypeVariableType)
.map((ResolutionTypeVariableType v) => v.element.enclosingClass)
return cachedClassesUsingTypeVariableTests;
final Compiler compiler;
final ClosedWorld closedWorld;
TypeTestRegistry(this.compiler, this.closedWorld);
JavaScriptBackend get backend => compiler.backend;
* Returns the classes with constructors used as a 'holder' in
* [emitRuntimeTypeSupport].
* TODO(9556): Some cases will go away when the class objects are created as
* complete. Not all classes will go away while constructors are referenced
* from type substitutions.
Set<ClassElement> computeClassesModifiedByEmitRuntimeTypeSupport() {
TypeChecks typeChecks = backend.rti.requiredChecks;
Set<ClassElement> result = new Set<ClassElement>();
for (ClassElement cls in typeChecks.classes) {
if (typeChecks[cls].isNotEmpty) result.add(cls);
return result;
Set<ClassElement> computeRtiNeededClasses() {
void addClassWithSuperclasses(ClassElement cls) {
for (ClassElement superclass = cls.superclass;
superclass != null;
superclass = superclass.superclass) {
void addClassesWithSuperclasses(Iterable<ClassElement> classes) {
for (ClassElement cls in classes) {
// 1. Add classes that are referenced by type arguments or substitutions in
// argument checks.
// TODO(karlklose): merge this case with 2 when unifying argument and
// object checks.
RuntimeTypes rti = backend.rti;
// 2. Add classes that are referenced by substitutions in object checks and
// their superclasses.
TypeChecks requiredChecks =
rti.computeChecks(rtiNeededClasses, checkedClasses);
Set<ClassElement> classesUsedInSubstitutions =
rti.getClassesUsedInSubstitutions(backend, requiredChecks);
// 3. Add classes that contain checked generic function types. These are
// needed to store the signature encoding.
for (ResolutionFunctionType type in checkedFunctionTypes) {
ClassElement contextClass = Types.getClassContext(type);
if (contextClass != null) {
bool canTearOff(Element function) {
if (!function.isFunction ||
function.isConstructor ||
function.isAccessor) {
return false;
} else if (function.isInstanceMember) {
if (!function.enclosingClass.isClosure) {
return compiler.codegenWorldBuilder
.hasInvokedGetter(function, closedWorld);
return false;
bool canBeReflectedAsFunction(Element element) {
return element.kind == ElementKind.FUNCTION ||
element.kind == ElementKind.GETTER ||
element.kind == ElementKind.SETTER ||
element.kind == ElementKind.GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR;
bool canBeReified(Element element) {
return (canTearOff(element) ||
// Find all types referenced from the types of elements that can be
// reflected on 'as functions'.
backend.generatedCode.keys.where((element) {
return canBeReflectedAsFunction(element) && canBeReified(element);
}).forEach((FunctionElement function) {
ResolutionDartType type = function.type;
for (ClassElement cls in backend.rti.getReferencedClasses(type)) {
while (cls != null) {
cls = cls.superclass;
return rtiNeededClasses;
void computeRequiredTypeChecks() {
assert(checkedClasses == null && checkedFunctionTypes == null);
compiler.codegenWorldBuilder, classesUsingTypeVariableTests);
checkedClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
checkedFunctionTypes = new Set<ResolutionFunctionType>();
compiler.codegenWorldBuilder.isChecks.forEach((ResolutionDartType t) {
if (t is ResolutionInterfaceType) {
} else if (t is ResolutionFunctionType) {