blob: 0c5a4a4a08103062fce1fb8e4e3323c913b4a5a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.mirrors_handler;
import '../common.dart';
import '../common/resolution.dart';
import '../diagnostics/diagnostic_listener.dart';
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../universe/selector.dart';
import '../universe/use.dart';
import '../universe/world_impact.dart';
import 'backend.dart';
class MirrorsAnalysis {
final MirrorsHandler resolutionHandler;
final MirrorsHandler codegenHandler;
MirrorsAnalysis(JavaScriptBackend backend, Resolution resolution)
: resolutionHandler = new MirrorsHandler(backend, resolution),
codegenHandler = new MirrorsHandler(backend, resolution);
/// Compute the impact for elements that are matched by the mirrors used
/// annotation or, in lack thereof, all elements.
WorldImpact computeImpactForReflectiveElements(
Iterable<ClassEntity> recents,
Iterable<ClassEntity> processedClasses,
Iterable<LibraryElement> loadedLibraries,
{bool forResolution}) {
MirrorsHandler handler = forResolution ? resolutionHandler : codegenHandler;
recents, processedClasses, loadedLibraries);
return handler.flush();
/// Compute the impact for the static fields that have been marked as used by
/// reflective usage through `MirrorsUsed`.
WorldImpact computeImpactForReflectiveStaticFields(Iterable<Element> elements,
{bool forResolution}) {
MirrorsHandler handler = forResolution ? resolutionHandler : codegenHandler;
return handler.flush();
class MirrorsHandler {
const bool.fromEnvironment("TRACE_MIRROR_ENQUEUING");
final JavaScriptBackend _backend;
final Resolution _resolution;
bool hasEnqueuedReflectiveElements = false;
bool hasEnqueuedReflectiveStaticFields = false;
StagedWorldImpactBuilder impactBuilder = new StagedWorldImpactBuilder();
MirrorsHandler(this._backend, this._resolution);
DiagnosticReporter get _reporter => _resolution.reporter;
WorldImpact flush() => impactBuilder.flush();
void _logEnqueueReflectiveAction(action, [msg = ""]) {
print("MIRROR_ENQUEUE (R): $action $msg");
* Decides whether an element should be included to satisfy requirements
* of the mirror system.
* During resolution, we have to resort to matching elements against the
* [MirrorsUsed] pattern, as we do not have a complete picture of the world,
* yet.
bool _shouldIncludeElementDueToMirrors(Element element,
{bool includedEnclosing}) {
return includedEnclosing ||
/// Enqueue the constructor [ctor] if it is required for reflection.
/// [enclosingWasIncluded] provides a hint whether the enclosing element was
/// needed for reflection.
void _enqueueReflectiveConstructor(ConstructorElement constructor,
{bool enclosingWasIncluded}) {
if (_shouldIncludeElementDueToMirrors(constructor,
includedEnclosing: enclosingWasIncluded)) {
ClassElement cls = constructor.declaration.enclosingClass;
.registerTypeUse(new TypeUse.mirrorInstantiation(cls.rawType));
.registerStaticUse(new StaticUse.foreignUse(constructor.declaration));
/// Enqueue the member [element] if it is required for reflection.
/// [enclosingWasIncluded] provides a hint whether the enclosing element was
/// needed for reflection.
void _enqueueReflectiveMember(Element element, bool enclosingWasIncluded) {
if (_shouldIncludeElementDueToMirrors(element,
includedEnclosing: enclosingWasIncluded)) {
if (element.isTypedef) {
TypedefElement typedef = element;
} else if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevel(element)) {
.registerStaticUse(new StaticUse.foreignUse(element.declaration));
} else if (element.isInstanceMember) {
// We need to enqueue all members matching this one in subclasses, as
// well.
// TODO(herhut): Use TypedSelector.subtype for enqueueing
DynamicUse dynamicUse =
new DynamicUse(new Selector.fromElement(element), null);
if (element.isField) {
DynamicUse dynamicUse = new DynamicUse(
new Selector.setter(
new Name(, element.library, isSetter: true)),
/// Enqueue the member [element] if it is required for reflection.
/// [enclosingWasIncluded] provides a hint whether the enclosing element was
/// needed for reflection.
void _enqueueReflectiveElementsInClass(
ClassElement cls, Iterable<ClassEntity> recents,
{bool enclosingWasIncluded}) {
if (cls.library.isInternalLibrary || cls.isInjected) return;
bool includeClass = _shouldIncludeElementDueToMirrors(cls,
includedEnclosing: enclosingWasIncluded);
if (includeClass) {
_logEnqueueReflectiveAction(cls, "register");
ClassElement declaration = cls.declaration;
new TypeUse.mirrorInstantiation(declaration.rawType));
// If the class is never instantiated, we know nothing of it can possibly
// be reflected upon.
// TODO(herhut): Add a warning if a mirrors annotation cannot hit.
if (recents.contains(cls.declaration)) {
_logEnqueueReflectiveAction(cls, "members");
cls.constructors.forEach((Element element) {
enclosingWasIncluded: includeClass);
cls.forEachClassMember((Member member) {
_enqueueReflectiveMember(member.element, includeClass);
/// Enqueue special classes that might not be visible by normal means or that
/// would not normally be enqueued:
/// [Closure] is treated specially as it is the superclass of all closures.
/// Although it is in an internal library, we mark it as reflectable. Note
/// that none of its methods are reflectable, unless reflectable by
/// inheritance.
void _enqueueReflectiveSpecialClasses() {
Iterable<ClassElement> classes = _backend.classesRequiredForReflection;
for (ClassElement cls in classes) {
if (_backend.mirrorsData.referencedFromMirrorSystem(cls)) {
.registerTypeUse(new TypeUse.mirrorInstantiation(cls.rawType));
/// Enqueue all local members of the library [lib] if they are required for
/// reflection.
void _enqueueReflectiveElementsInLibrary(
LibraryElement lib, Iterable<ClassEntity> recents) {
bool includeLibrary =
_shouldIncludeElementDueToMirrors(lib, includedEnclosing: false);
lib.forEachLocalMember((Element member) {
if (member.isInjected) return;
if (member.isClass) {
ClassElement cls = member;
do {
_enqueueReflectiveElementsInClass(cls, recents,
enclosingWasIncluded: includeLibrary);
cls = cls.superclass;
} while (cls != null && cls.isUnnamedMixinApplication);
} else {
_enqueueReflectiveMember(member, includeLibrary);
/// Enqueue all elements that are matched by the mirrors used
/// annotation or, in lack thereof, all elements.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Compute [WorldImpact] instead of enqueuing directly.
void enqueueReflectiveElements(
Iterable<ClassEntity> recents,
Iterable<ClassEntity> processedClasses,
Iterable<LibraryElement> loadedLibraries) {
if (!hasEnqueuedReflectiveElements) {
_logEnqueueReflectiveAction("!START enqueueAll");
// First round of enqueuing, visit everything that is visible to
// also pick up static top levels, etc.
// Also, during the first round, consider all classes that have been seen
// as recently seen, as we do not know how many rounds of resolution might
// have run before tree shaking is disabled and thus everything is
// enqueued.
recents = processedClasses.toSet();
_reporter.log('Enqueuing everything');
for (LibraryElement lib in loadedLibraries) {
_enqueueReflectiveElementsInLibrary(lib, recents);
hasEnqueuedReflectiveElements = true;
hasEnqueuedReflectiveStaticFields = true;
_logEnqueueReflectiveAction("!DONE enqueueAll");
} else if (recents.isNotEmpty) {
// Keep looking at new classes until fixpoint is reached.
_logEnqueueReflectiveAction("!START enqueueRecents");
recents.forEach((ClassElement cls) {
_enqueueReflectiveElementsInClass(cls, recents,
enclosingWasIncluded: _shouldIncludeElementDueToMirrors(cls.library,
includedEnclosing: false));
_logEnqueueReflectiveAction("!DONE enqueueRecents");
/// Enqueue the static fields that have been marked as used by reflective
/// usage through `MirrorsUsed`.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Compute [WorldImpact] instead of enqueuing directly.
void enqueueReflectiveStaticFields(Iterable<Element> elements) {
if (hasEnqueuedReflectiveStaticFields) return;
hasEnqueuedReflectiveStaticFields = true;
for (Element element in elements) {
_enqueueReflectiveMember(element, true);