blob: 3f0c0f4263ca823e080e9c6a933f8cbd304f4973 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.enqueue;
import 'dart:collection' show Queue;
import 'common/resolution.dart' show Resolution;
import 'common/tasks.dart' show CompilerTask;
import 'common/work.dart' show WorkItem;
import 'common.dart';
import 'compiler.dart' show Compiler;
import 'options.dart';
import 'elements/elements.dart'
import 'elements/entities.dart';
import 'elements/resolution_types.dart'
show ResolutionDartType, ResolutionInterfaceType;
import 'elements/types.dart' show InterfaceType;
import 'native/native.dart' as native;
import 'universe/world_builder.dart';
import 'universe/use.dart'
show DynamicUse, StaticUse, StaticUseKind, TypeUse, TypeUseKind;
import 'universe/world_impact.dart'
show ImpactStrategy, ImpactUseCase, WorldImpact, WorldImpactVisitor;
import 'util/enumset.dart';
import 'util/util.dart' show Setlet;
class EnqueueTask extends CompilerTask {
ResolutionEnqueuer _resolution;
Enqueuer _codegen;
final Compiler compiler;
String get name => 'Enqueue';
EnqueueTask(Compiler compiler)
: this.compiler = compiler,
super(compiler.measurer) {
_resolution = new ResolutionEnqueuer(
compiler.options.analyzeOnly && compiler.options.analyzeMain
? const DirectEnqueuerStrategy()
: const TreeShakingEnqueuerStrategy(),
new ResolutionWorldBuilderImpl(
compiler.backend, compiler.resolution, const OpenWorldStrategy()),
new ResolutionWorkItemBuilder(compiler.resolution));
_codegen = compiler.backend.createCodegenEnqueuer(this, compiler);
ResolutionEnqueuer get resolution => _resolution;
Enqueuer get codegen => _codegen;
abstract class Enqueuer {
WorldBuilder get worldBuilder;
native.NativeEnqueuer get nativeEnqueuer;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Initialize [_impactStrategy] to `null`.
ImpactStrategy _impactStrategy = const ImpactStrategy();
ImpactStrategy get impactStrategy => _impactStrategy;
void open(ImpactStrategy impactStrategy) {
_impactStrategy = impactStrategy;
void close() {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Set [_impactStrategy] to `null` and [queueIsClosed]
// to `true` here.
_impactStrategy = const ImpactStrategy();
/// Returns [:true:] if this enqueuer is the resolution enqueuer.
bool get isResolutionQueue;
bool queueIsClosed;
bool get queueIsEmpty;
ImpactUseCase get impactUse;
void forEach(void f(WorkItem work));
/// Apply the [worldImpact] to this enqueuer. If the [impactSource] is
/// provided the impact strategy will remove it from the element impact cache,
/// if it is no longer needed.
void applyImpact(WorldImpact worldImpact, {var impactSource});
bool checkNoEnqueuedInvokedInstanceMethods();
void logSummary(log(message));
Iterable<Entity> get processedEntities;
Iterable<ClassEntity> get processedClasses;
abstract class EnqueuerListener {
/// Called to instruct to the backend that [type] has been instantiated.
void registerInstantiatedType(InterfaceType type, {bool isGlobal});
/// Called to notify to the backend that a class is being instantiated. Any
/// backend specific [WorldImpact] of this is returned.
WorldImpact registerInstantiatedClass(ClassEntity cls);
/// Called to notify to the backend that a class is implemented by an
/// instantiated class. Any backend specific [WorldImpact] of this is
/// returned.
WorldImpact registerImplementedClass(ClassEntity cls);
/// Called to register that a static function has been closurized. Any backend
/// specific [WorldImpact] of this is returned.
WorldImpact registerGetOfStaticFunction();
/// Called to instruct the backend to register that a closure exists for a
/// function on an instantiated generic class. Any backend specific
/// [WorldImpact] of this is returned.
WorldImpact registerClosureWithFreeTypeVariables(MemberEntity member);
/// Called to register that a member has been closurized. Any backend specific
/// [WorldImpact] of this is returned.
WorldImpact registerBoundClosure();
/// Called to register that [element] is statically known to be used. Any
/// backend specific [WorldImpact] of this is returned.
WorldImpact registerUsedElement(MemberEntity member);
/// Called when [enqueuer]'s queue is empty, but before it is closed.
/// This is used, for example, by the JS backend to enqueue additional
/// elements needed for reflection. [recentClasses] is a collection of
/// all classes seen for the first time by the [enqueuer] since the last call
/// to [onQueueEmpty].
/// A return value of `true` indicates that [recentClasses] has been
/// processed and its elements do not need to be seen in the next round. When
/// `false` is returned, [onQueueEmpty] will be called again once the
/// resolution queue has drained and [recentClasses] will be a superset of the
/// current value.
/// There is no guarantee that a class is only present once in
/// [recentClasses], but every class seen by the [enqueuer] will be present in
/// [recentClasses] at least once.
bool onQueueEmpty(Enqueuer enqueuer, Iterable<ClassEntity> recentClasses);
abstract class EnqueuerImpl extends Enqueuer {
CompilerTask get task;
EnqueuerStrategy get strategy;
void checkClass(ClassEntity cls);
void processStaticUse(StaticUse staticUse);
void processTypeUse(TypeUse typeUse);
void processDynamicUse(DynamicUse dynamicUse);
/// [Enqueuer] which is specific to resolution.
class ResolutionEnqueuer extends EnqueuerImpl {
static const ImpactUseCase IMPACT_USE =
const ImpactUseCase('ResolutionEnqueuer');
final CompilerTask task;
final String name;
final CompilerOptions _options;
final EnqueuerListener _listener;
final native.NativeEnqueuer nativeEnqueuer;
final EnqueuerStrategy strategy;
final Set<ClassEntity> _recentClasses = new Setlet<ClassEntity>();
final ResolutionWorldBuilderImpl _universe;
final WorkItemBuilder _workItemBuilder;
final DiagnosticReporter _reporter;
bool queueIsClosed = false;
WorldImpactVisitor _impactVisitor;
/// All declaration elements that have been processed by the resolver.
final Set<Entity> _processedEntities = new Set<Entity>();
final Queue<WorkItem> _queue = new Queue<WorkItem>();
/// Queue of deferred resolution actions to execute when the resolution queue
/// has been emptied.
final Queue<_DeferredAction> _deferredQueue = new Queue<_DeferredAction>();
[ = 'resolution enqueuer']) {
_impactVisitor = new EnqueuerImplImpactVisitor(this);
ResolutionWorldBuilder get worldBuilder => _universe;
bool get queueIsEmpty => _queue.isEmpty;
Iterable<ClassEntity> get processedClasses => _universe.processedClasses;
void applyImpact(WorldImpact worldImpact, {var impactSource}) {
if (worldImpact.isEmpty) return;
impactSource, worldImpact, _impactVisitor, impactUse);
void _registerInstantiatedType(ResolutionInterfaceType type,
{ConstructorElement constructor,
bool mirrorUsage: false,
bool nativeUsage: false,
bool globalDependency: false,
bool isRedirection: false}) {
task.measure(() {
_universe.registerTypeInstantiation(type, _applyClassUse,
constructor: constructor,
byMirrors: mirrorUsage,
isRedirection: isRedirection);
if (nativeUsage) {
isGlobal: globalDependency && !mirrorUsage);
bool checkNoEnqueuedInvokedInstanceMethods() {
return strategy.checkEnqueuerConsistency(this);
void checkClass(ClassEntity cls) {
(MemberEntity member, EnumSet<MemberUse> useSet) {
if (useSet.isNotEmpty) {
'Unenqueued use of $member: ${useSet.iterable(MemberUse.values)}');
/// Callback for applying the use of a [member].
void _applyMemberUse(Entity member, EnumSet<MemberUse> useSet) {
if (useSet.contains(MemberUse.NORMAL)) {
if (useSet.contains(MemberUse.CLOSURIZE_INSTANCE)) {
if (useSet.contains(MemberUse.CLOSURIZE_STATIC)) {
/// Callback for applying the use of a [cls].
void _applyClassUse(ClassEntity cls, EnumSet<ClassUse> useSet) {
if (useSet.contains(ClassUse.INSTANTIATED)) {
_universe.processClassMembers(cls, _applyMemberUse);
// We only tell the backend once that [cls] was instantiated, so
// any additional dependencies must be treated as global
// dependencies.
if (useSet.contains(ClassUse.IMPLEMENTED)) {
void processDynamicUse(DynamicUse dynamicUse) {
task.measure(() {
_universe.registerDynamicUse(dynamicUse, _applyMemberUse);
void processStaticUse(StaticUse staticUse) {
_universe.registerStaticUse(staticUse, _applyMemberUse);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add `ResolutionWorldBuilder.registerConstructorUse`
// for these:
switch (staticUse.kind) {
constructor: staticUse.element, globalDependency: false);
case StaticUseKind.REDIRECTION:
constructor: staticUse.element,
globalDependency: false,
isRedirection: true);
void processTypeUse(TypeUse typeUse) {
ResolutionDartType type = typeUse.type;
switch (typeUse.kind) {
_registerInstantiatedType(type, globalDependency: false);
mirrorUsage: true, globalDependency: false);
nativeUsage: true, globalDependency: true);
case TypeUseKind.IS_CHECK:
case TypeUseKind.AS_CAST:
case TypeUseKind.CATCH_TYPE:
if (_options.enableTypeAssertions) {
case TypeUseKind.TYPE_LITERAL:
if (type.isTypedef) {
void _registerIsCheck(ResolutionDartType type) {
type = _universe.registerIsCheck(type);
// Even in checked mode, type annotations for return type and argument
// types do not imply type checks, so there should never be a check
// against the type variable of a typedef.
assert(!type.isTypeVariable || !type.element.enclosingElement.isTypedef);
void _registerClosurizedMember(MemberElement element) {
if (element.type.containsTypeVariables) {
void forEach(void f(WorkItem work)) {
do {
while (_queue.isNotEmpty) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Find an optimal process order.
WorkItem work = _queue.removeLast();
if (!_processedEntities.contains(work.element)) {
strategy.processWorkItem(f, work);
List recents = _recentClasses.toList(growable: false);
if (!_onQueueEmpty(recents)) {
} while (_queue.isNotEmpty ||
_recentClasses.isNotEmpty ||
void logSummary(log(message)) {
log('Resolved ${_processedEntities.length} elements.');
String toString() => 'Enqueuer($name)';
Iterable<Entity> get processedEntities => _processedEntities;
ImpactUseCase get impactUse => IMPACT_USE;
bool get isResolutionQueue => true;
/// Returns `true` if [element] has been processed by the resolution enqueuer.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Move this to the [OpenWorld]/[ResolutionWorldBuilder].
bool hasBeenProcessed(MemberElement element) {
assert(invariant(element, element == element.analyzableElement.declaration,
message: "Unexpected element $element"));
return _processedEntities.contains(element);
/// Registers [entity] as processed by the resolution enqueuer. Used only for
/// testing.
void registerProcessedElementInternal(Entity entity) {
/// Create a [WorkItem] for [entity] and add it to the work list if it has not
/// already been processed.
void _addToWorkList(MemberEntity entity) {
if (hasBeenProcessed(entity)) return;
WorkItem workItem = _workItemBuilder.createWorkItem(entity);
if (workItem == null) return;
if (queueIsClosed) {
throw new SpannableAssertionFailure(
entity, "Resolution work list is closed. Trying to add $entity.");
/// Adds an action to the deferred task queue.
/// The action is performed the next time the resolution queue has been
/// emptied.
/// The queue is processed in FIFO order.
void addDeferredAction(Entity entity, void action()) {
if (queueIsClosed) {
throw new SpannableAssertionFailure(
"Resolution work list is closed. "
"Trying to add deferred action for $entity");
_deferredQueue.add(new _DeferredAction(entity, action));
/// [_onQueueEmpty] is called whenever the queue is drained. [recentClasses]
/// contains the set of all classes seen for the first time since
/// [_onQueueEmpty] was called last. A return value of [true] indicates that
/// the [recentClasses] have been processed and may be cleared. If [false] is
/// returned, [_onQueueEmpty] will be called once the queue is empty again (or
/// still empty) and [recentClasses] will be a superset of the current value.
bool _onQueueEmpty(Iterable<ClassEntity> recentClasses) {
return _listener.onQueueEmpty(this, recentClasses);
void emptyDeferredQueueForTesting() => _emptyDeferredQueue();
void _emptyDeferredQueue() {
while (!_deferredQueue.isEmpty) {
_DeferredAction task = _deferredQueue.removeFirst();
_reporter.withCurrentElement(task.element, task.action);
/// Strategy used by the enqueuer to populate the world.
class EnqueuerStrategy {
const EnqueuerStrategy();
/// Process a static use of and element in live code.
void processStaticUse(EnqueuerImpl enqueuer, StaticUse staticUse) {}
/// Process a type use in live code.
void processTypeUse(EnqueuerImpl enqueuer, TypeUse typeUse) {}
/// Process a dynamic use for a call site in live code.
void processDynamicUse(EnqueuerImpl enqueuer, DynamicUse dynamicUse) {}
/// Check enqueuer consistency after the queue has been closed.
bool checkEnqueuerConsistency(EnqueuerImpl enqueuer) => true;
/// Process [work] using [f].
void processWorkItem(void f(WorkItem work), WorkItem work) {
/// Strategy that only enqueues directly used elements.
class DirectEnqueuerStrategy extends EnqueuerStrategy {
const DirectEnqueuerStrategy();
void processStaticUse(EnqueuerImpl enqueuer, StaticUse staticUse) {
if (staticUse.kind == StaticUseKind.DIRECT_USE) {
/// Strategy used for tree-shaking.
class TreeShakingEnqueuerStrategy extends EnqueuerStrategy {
const TreeShakingEnqueuerStrategy();
void processStaticUse(EnqueuerImpl enqueuer, StaticUse staticUse) {
void processTypeUse(EnqueuerImpl enqueuer, TypeUse typeUse) {
void processDynamicUse(EnqueuerImpl enqueuer, DynamicUse dynamicUse) {
/// Check enqueuer consistency after the queue has been closed.
bool checkEnqueuerConsistency(EnqueuerImpl enqueuer) {
enqueuer.task.measure(() {
// Run through the classes and see if we need to enqueue more methods.
for (ClassElement classElement
in enqueuer.worldBuilder.directlyInstantiatedClasses) {
for (ClassElement currentClass = classElement;
currentClass != null;
currentClass = currentClass.superclass) {
return true;
class EnqueuerImplImpactVisitor implements WorldImpactVisitor {
final EnqueuerImpl enqueuer;
void visitDynamicUse(DynamicUse dynamicUse) {
enqueuer.strategy.processDynamicUse(enqueuer, dynamicUse);
void visitStaticUse(StaticUse staticUse) {
enqueuer.strategy.processStaticUse(enqueuer, staticUse);
void visitTypeUse(TypeUse typeUse) {
enqueuer.strategy.processTypeUse(enqueuer, typeUse);
typedef void _DeferredActionFunction();
class _DeferredAction {
final Element element;
final _DeferredActionFunction action;
_DeferredAction(this.element, this.action);
/// Interface for creating work items for enqueued member entities.
abstract class WorkItemBuilder {
WorkItem createWorkItem(MemberEntity entity);
/// Builder that creates work item necessary for the resolution of a
/// [MemberElement].
class ResolutionWorkItemBuilder extends WorkItemBuilder {
final Resolution _resolution;
WorkItem createWorkItem(MemberElement element) {
assert(invariant(element, element.isDeclaration));
if (element.isMalformed) return null;
assert(invariant(element, element is AnalyzableElement,
message: 'Element $element is not analyzable.'));
return _resolution.createWorkItem(element);