blob: b34765c6f22e3754b787db3802e7d552bcf767d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library scheduled_server_test;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:scheduled_test/scheduled_server.dart';
import 'package:scheduled_test/scheduled_test.dart';
import 'package:scheduled_test/src/mock_clock.dart' as mock_clock;
import 'metatest.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
void main() {
metaSetUp(() {
// The windows bots are very slow, so we increase the default timeout.
if (Platform.operatingSystem != "windows") return;
currentSchedule.timeout = new Duration(seconds: 10);
expectTestsPass("a server with no handlers does nothing", () {
test('test', () => new ScheduledServer());
expectTestsPass("a server with no handlers that receives a request throws an "
"error", () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
var server = new ScheduledServer();
expect(server.url.then((url) =>'/hello'))),
completion(equals('Hello, test!')));
test('test 2', () {
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
// TODO(nweiz): There can be three errors due to issue 9151. The
// HttpParserException is reported without a stack trace, and so when it's
// wrapped twice it registers as a different exception each time (because
// it's given an ad-hoc stack trace). Always expect two exceptions when
// issue 9151 is fixed.
expect(errors.length, inInclusiveRange(2, 3));
expect(errors[0].error, equals("'scheduled server 0' received GET /hello "
"when no more requests were expected."));
expect(errors[1].error, new isInstanceOf<HttpParserException>());
if (errors.length > 2) {
expect(errors[2].error, new isInstanceOf<HttpParserException>());
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass("a handler runs when it's hit", () {
test('test', () {
var server = new ScheduledServer();
expect(server.url.then((url) =>'/hello'))),
completion(equals('Hello, test!')));
server.handle('GET', '/hello', (request) {
request.response.write('Hello, test!');
expectTestsPass("a handler blocks the schedule on the returned future", () {
test('test', () {
var blockedOnFuture = false;
var server = new ScheduledServer();
expect(server.url.then((url) =>'/hello'))),
completion(equals('Hello, test!')));
server.handle('GET', '/hello', (request) {
request.response.write('Hello, test!');
return pumpEventQueue().then((_) {
blockedOnFuture = true;
schedule(() => expect(blockedOnFuture, isTrue));
expectTestsPass("a handler fails if it's hit too early", () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
var server = new ScheduledServer();
var response = server.url.then((url) =>'/hello')));
expect(response, completion(equals('Hello, test!')));
// Block the schedule until we're sure the request has hit the server.
schedule(() => response);
// Add a task's worth of space to avoid hitting the heuristic of waiting
// for the immediately-preceding task.
schedule(() => null);
server.handle('GET', '/hello', (request) {
request.response.write('Hello, test!');
test('test 2', () {
// TODO(nweiz): There can be three errors due to issue 9151. The
// HttpParserException is reported without a stack trace, and so when it's
// wrapped twice it registers as a different exception each time (because
// it's given an ad-hoc stack trace). Always expect two exceptions when
// issue 9151 is fixed.
expect(errors.length, inInclusiveRange(2, 3));
expect(errors[0].error, equals("'scheduled server 0' received GET /hello "
"earlier than expected."));
expect(errors[1].error, new isInstanceOf<HttpParserException>());
if (errors.length > 2) {
expect(errors[2].error, new isInstanceOf<HttpParserException>());
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass("a handler waits for the immediately prior task to complete "
"before checking if it's too early", () {
test('test', () {
var server = new ScheduledServer();
expect(server.url.then((url) =>'/hello'))),
completion(equals('Hello, test!')));
// Sleeping here is unfortunate, but we want to be sure that the HTTP
// request hits the server during this test without actually blocking the
// task on the request completing.
// This is also a potential race condition, but hopefully a local HTTP
// request won't take 1s.
schedule(() => new Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 1)));
server.handle('GET', '/hello', (request) {
request.response.write('Hello, test!');
expectTestsPass("a handler fails if the url is wrong", () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
var server = new ScheduledServer();
expect(server.url.then((url) =>'/hello'))),
completion(equals('Hello, test!')));
server.handle('GET', '/goodbye', (request) {
request.response.write('Goodbye, test!');
test('test 2', () {
// TODO(nweiz): There can be three errors due to issue 9151. The
// HttpParserException is reported without a stack trace, and so when it's
// wrapped twice it registers as a different exception each time (because
// it's given an ad-hoc stack trace). Always expect two exceptions when
// issue 9151 is fixed.
expect(errors.length, inInclusiveRange(2, 3));
expect(errors[0].error, equals("'scheduled server 0' expected GET "
"/goodbye, but got GET /hello."));
expect(errors[1].error, new isInstanceOf<HttpParserException>());
if (errors.length > 2) {
expect(errors[2].error, new isInstanceOf<HttpParserException>());
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass("a handler fails if the method is wrong", () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
var server = new ScheduledServer();
expect(server.url.then((url) => http.head(url.resolve('/hello'))),
server.handle('GET', '/hello', (request) {
request.response.write('Hello, test!');
test('test 2', () {
// TODO(nweiz): There can be three errors due to issue 9151. The
// HttpParserException is reported without a stack trace, and so when it's
// wrapped twice it registers as a different exception each time (because
// it's given an ad-hoc stack trace). Always expect two exceptions when
// issue 9151 is fixed.
expect(errors.length, inInclusiveRange(2, 3));
expect(errors[0].error, equals("'scheduled server 0' expected GET "
"/hello, but got HEAD /hello."));
expect(errors[1].error, new isInstanceOf<HttpParserException>());
if (errors.length > 2) {
expect(errors[2].error, new isInstanceOf<HttpParserException>());
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass("a handler times out waiting to be hit", () {
var clock = mock_clock.mock();
var timeOfException;
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.timeout = new Duration(milliseconds: 2);
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
timeOfException = clock.time;
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
var server = new ScheduledServer();
server.handle('GET', '/hello', (request) {
request.response.write('Hello, test!');
test('test 2', () {
expect(clock.time, equals(2));
expect(errors, everyElement(new isInstanceOf<ScheduleError>()));
expect( => e.error), equals(["The schedule timed out after "
"0:00:00.002000 of inactivity."]));
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass("multiple handlers in series respond to requests in series",
() {
test('test', () {
var server = new ScheduledServer();
expect(server.url.then((url) {
return'/hello/1')).then((response) {
expect(response, equals('Hello, request 1!'));
}).then((response) {
expect(response, equals('Hello, request 2!'));
}).then((response) => expect(response, equals('Hello, request 3!')));
}), completes);
server.handle('GET', '/hello/1', (request) {
request.response.write('Hello, request 1!');
server.handle('GET', '/hello/2', (request) {
request.response.write('Hello, request 2!');
server.handle('GET', '/hello/3', (request) {
request.response.write('Hello, request 3!');
expectTestsPass("a server that receives a request after all its handlers "
"have run throws an error", () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
var server = new ScheduledServer();
expect(server.url.then((url) {
return'/hello/1')).then((response) {
expect(response, equals('Hello, request 1!'));
}).then((response) {
expect(response, equals('Hello, request 2!'));
}).then((response) => expect(response, equals('Hello, request 3!')));
}), completes);
server.handle('GET', '/hello/1', (request) {
request.response.write('Hello, request 1!');
server.handle('GET', '/hello/2', (request) {
request.response.write('Hello, request 2!');
test('test 2', () {
// TODO(nweiz): There can be three errors due to issue 9151. The
// HttpParserException is reported without a stack trace, and so when it's
// wrapped twice it registers as a different exception each time (because
// it's given an ad-hoc stack trace). Always expect two exceptions when
// issue 9151 is fixed.
expect(errors.length, inInclusiveRange(2, 3));
expect(errors[0].error, equals("'scheduled server 0' received GET "
"/hello/3 when no more requests were expected."));
expect(errors[1].error, new isInstanceOf<HttpParserException>());
if (errors.length > 2) {
expect(errors[2].error, new isInstanceOf<HttpParserException>());
}, passing: ['test 2']);
expectTestsPass("an error in a handler doesn't cause a timeout", () {
var errors;
test('test 1', () {
currentSchedule.onException.schedule(() {
errors = currentSchedule.errors;
var server = new ScheduledServer();
expect(server.url.then((url) =>'/hello'))),
completion(equals('Hello, test!')));
server.handle('GET', '/hello', (request) {
throw 'oh no';
test('test 2', () {
// TODO(nweiz): There can be three errors due to issue 9151. The
// HttpParserException is reported without a stack trace, and so when it's
// wrapped twice it registers as a different exception each time (because
// it's given an ad-hoc stack trace). Always expect two exceptions when
// issue 9151 is fixed.
expect(errors.length, inInclusiveRange(2, 3));
expect(errors[0].error, equals('oh no'));
expect(errors[1].error, new isInstanceOf<HttpParserException>());
if (errors.length > 2) {
expect(errors[2].error, new isInstanceOf<HttpParserException>());
}, passing: ['test 2']);