blob: f7b56a80b193bbee6e36a10f9cff2043e34e9bc7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.kernel_formal_parameter_builder;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' show VariableDeclaration;
import '../modifier.dart' show finalMask;
import 'kernel_builder.dart'
import 'kernel_shadow_ast.dart' show VariableDeclarationJudgment;
class KernelFormalParameterBuilder
extends FormalParameterBuilder<KernelTypeBuilder> {
VariableDeclaration declaration;
List<MetadataBuilder> metadata,
int modifiers,
KernelTypeBuilder type,
String name,
bool hasThis,
KernelLibraryBuilder compilationUnit,
int charOffset)
: super(metadata, modifiers, type, name, hasThis, compilationUnit,
VariableDeclaration get target => declaration;
VariableDeclaration build(
KernelLibraryBuilder library, int functionNestingLevel) {
if (declaration == null) {
declaration = new VariableDeclarationJudgment(name, functionNestingLevel,
type: type?.build(library),
isFinal: isFinal,
isConst: isConst,
isFieldFormal: hasThis,
isCovariant: isCovariant)
..fileOffset = charOffset;
return declaration;
KernelFormalParameterBuilder clone(List<TypeBuilder> newTypes) {
// TODO(dmitryas): It's not clear how [metadata] is used currently, and
// how it should be cloned. Consider cloning it instead of reusing it.
return new KernelFormalParameterBuilder(metadata, modifiers,
type?.clone(newTypes), name, hasThis, parent, charOffset)
..kind = kind;
FormalParameterBuilder forFormalParameterInitializerScope() {
assert(declaration != null);
return !hasThis
? this
: (new KernelFormalParameterBuilder(metadata, modifiers | finalMask,
type, name, hasThis, parent, charOffset)
..declaration = declaration);