blob: be84d26205cba07597410dc02446e1604e4f646d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library template_binding.src.mustache_tokens;
import 'package:observe/observe.dart';
import 'package:template_binding/template_binding.dart';
* Represents a set of parsed tokens from a {{ mustache binding expression }}.
* This can be created by calling [parse].
* For performance reasons the data is stored in one linear array in [_tokens].
* This class wraps that array and provides accessors in an attempt to make the
* pattern easier to understand. See [length] and [getText] for example.
class MustacheTokens {
// Constants for indexing into the exploded structs in [_tokens] .
static const _TOKEN_TEXT = 0;
static const _TOKEN_ONETIME = 1;
static const _TOKEN_PATH = 2;
static const _TOKEN_PREPAREFN = 3;
static const _TOKEN_SIZE = 4;
// There is 1 extra entry for the end text.
static const _TOKEN_ENDTEXT = 1;
bool get hasOnePath => _tokens.length == _TOKEN_SIZE + _TOKEN_ENDTEXT;
bool get isSimplePath => hasOnePath &&
_tokens[_TOKEN_TEXT] == '' && _tokens[_TOKEN_SIZE + _TOKEN_TEXT] == '';
* [TEXT, (ONE_TIME?, PATH, DELEGATE_FN, TEXT)+] if there is at least one
* mustache.
final List _tokens;
final bool onlyOneTime;
// Dart note: I think this is cached in JavaScript to avoid an extra
// allocation per template instance. Seems reasonable, so we do the same.
Function _combinator;
Function get combinator => _combinator;
MustacheTokens._(this._tokens, this.onlyOneTime) {
// Should be: [TEXT, (ONE_TIME?, PATH, DELEGATE_FN, TEXT)+].
assert((_tokens.length - _TOKEN_ENDTEXT) % _TOKEN_SIZE == 0);
_combinator = hasOnePath ? _singleCombinator : _listCombinator;
int get length => _tokens.length ~/ _TOKEN_SIZE;
* Gets the [i]th text entry. Note that [length] can be passed to get the
* final text entry.
String getText(int i) => _tokens[i * _TOKEN_SIZE + _TOKEN_TEXT];
/** Gets the oneTime flag for the [i]th token. */
bool getOneTime(int i) => _tokens[i * _TOKEN_SIZE + _TOKEN_ONETIME];
/** Gets the path for the [i]th token. */
PropertyPath getPath(int i) => _tokens[i * _TOKEN_SIZE + _TOKEN_PATH];
/** Gets the prepareBinding function for the [i]th token. */
Function getPrepareBinding(int i) =>
* Parses {{ mustache }} bindings.
* Returns null if there are no matches. Otherwise returns the parsed tokens.
static MustacheTokens parse(String s, String name, node,
BindingDelegate delegate) {
if (s == null || s.isEmpty) return null;
var tokens = null;
var length = s.length;
var lastIndex = 0;
var onlyOneTime = true;
while (lastIndex < length) {
var startIndex = s.indexOf('{{', lastIndex);
var oneTimeStart = s.indexOf('[[', lastIndex);
var oneTime = false;
var terminator = '}}';
if (oneTimeStart >= 0 &&
(startIndex < 0 || oneTimeStart < startIndex)) {
startIndex = oneTimeStart;
oneTime = true;
terminator = ']]';
var endIndex = -1;
if (startIndex >= 0) {
endIndex = s.indexOf(terminator, startIndex + 2);
if (endIndex < 0) {
if (tokens == null) return null;
tokens.add(s.substring(lastIndex)); // TEXT
if (tokens == null) tokens = [];
tokens.add(s.substring(lastIndex, startIndex)); // TEXT
var pathString = s.substring(startIndex + 2, endIndex).trim();
tokens.add(oneTime); // ONETIME?
onlyOneTime = onlyOneTime && oneTime;
tokens.add(new PropertyPath(pathString)); // PATH
var delegateFn = delegate == null ? null :
delegate.prepareBinding(pathString, name, node);
lastIndex = endIndex + 2;
if (lastIndex == length) tokens.add('');
return new MustacheTokens._(tokens, onlyOneTime);
// Dart note: split "combinator" into the single/list variants, so the
// argument can be typed.
String _singleCombinator(Object value) {
if (value == null) value = '';
return '${getText(0)}$value${getText(length)}';
String _listCombinator(List<Object> values) {
var newValue = new StringBuffer(getText(0));
int len = this.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var value = values[i];
if (value != null) newValue.write(value);
newValue.write(getText(i + 1));
return newValue.toString();