blob: 335fcb0d7fd698dc14adf44ffb940c0a321cfcc7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/** Transfomer that combines multiple dart script tags into a single one. */
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/parser.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/scanner.dart';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:html5lib/parser.dart' show parseFragment;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:source_maps/span.dart' show SourceFile;
import 'code_extractor.dart'; // import just for documentation.
import 'common.dart';
* Combines Dart script tags into a single script tag, and creates a new Dart
* file that calls the main function of each of the original script tags.
* This transformer assumes that all script tags point to external files. To
* support script tags with inlined code, use this transformer after running
* [InlineCodeExtractor] on an earlier phase.
* Internally, this transformer will convert each script tag into an import
* statement to a library, and then uses `initPolymer` (see polymer.dart) to
* process `@initMethod` and `@CustomTag` annotations in those libraries.
class ScriptCompactor extends Transformer with PolymerTransformer {
final TransformOptions options;
/** Only run on entry point .html files. */
Future<bool> isPrimary(Asset input) =>
new Future.value(options.isHtmlEntryPoint(;
Future apply(Transform transform) {
var id =;
var secondaryId = id.addExtension('.scriptUrls');
var logger = transform.logger;
return readPrimaryAsHtml(transform).then((document) {
return transform.readInputAsString(secondaryId).then((libraryIds) {
var libraries = (JSON.decode(libraryIds) as Iterable).map(
(data) => new AssetId.deserialize(data)).toList();
var mainLibraryId;
var mainScriptTag;
bool changed = false;
for (var tag in document.queryAll('script')) {
var src = tag.attributes['src'];
if (src == 'packages/polymer/boot.js') {
if (tag.attributes['type'] != 'application/dart') continue;
if (src == null) {
logger.warning('unexpected script without a src url. The '
'ScriptCompactor transformer should run after running the '
'InlineCodeExtractor', span: tag.sourceSpan);
if (mainLibraryId != null) {
logger.warning('unexpected script. Only one Dart script tag '
'per document is allowed.', span: tag.sourceSpan);
mainLibraryId = resolve(id, src, logger, tag.sourceSpan);
mainScriptTag = tag;
if (mainScriptTag == null) {
// We didn't find any main library, nothing to do.
return null;
// Emit the bootstrap .dart file
var bootstrapId = id.addExtension('_bootstrap.dart');
mainScriptTag.attributes['src'] =
var urls = => assetUrlFor(id, bootstrapId, logger))
.where((url) => url != null).toList();
var buffer = new StringBuffer()..writeln(MAIN_HEADER);
int i = 0;
for (; i < urls.length; i++) {
buffer.writeln("import '${urls[i]}' as i$i;");
..writeln('void main() {')
..writeln(' configureForDeployment([');
// Inject @CustomTag and @initMethod initializations for each library
// that is sourced in a script tag.
i = 0;
return Future.forEach(libraries, (lib) {
return _initializersOf(lib, transform, logger).then((initializers) {
for (var init in initializers) {
var code = init.asCode('i$i');
buffer.write(" $code,\n");
}).then((_) {
buffer..writeln(' ]);')
..writeln(' i${urls.length - 1}.main();')
transform.addOutput(new Asset.fromString(
bootstrapId, buffer.toString()));
transform.addOutput(new Asset.fromString(id, document.outerHtml));
* Computes the initializers of [dartLibrary]. That is, a closure that calls
* Polymer.register for each @CustomTag, and any public top-level methods
* labeled with @initMethod.
Future<List<_Initializer>> _initializersOf(
AssetId dartLibrary, Transform transform, TransformLogger logger) {
var initializers = [];
return transform.readInputAsString(dartLibrary).then((code) {
var file = new SourceFile.text(_simpleUriForSource(dartLibrary), code);
var unit = _parseCompilationUnit(code);
return Future.forEach(unit.directives, (directive) {
// Include anything from parts.
if (directive is PartDirective) {
var targetId = resolve(dartLibrary, directive.uri.stringValue,
logger, _getSpan(file, directive));
return _initializersOf(targetId, transform, logger)
// Similarly, include anything from exports except what's filtered by
// the show/hide combinators.
if (directive is ExportDirective) {
var targetId = resolve(dartLibrary, directive.uri.stringValue,
logger, _getSpan(file, directive));
return _initializersOf(targetId, transform, logger)
.then((r) => _processExportDirective(directive, r, initializers));
}).then((_) {
// Scan the code for classes and top-level functions.
for (var node in unit.declarations) {
if (node is ClassDeclaration) {
_processClassDeclaration(node, initializers, file, logger);
} else if (node is FunctionDeclaration &&
node.metadata.any(_isInitMethodAnnotation)) {
_processFunctionDeclaration(node, initializers, file, logger);
return initializers;
static String _simpleUriForSource(AssetId source) =>
? 'package:${source.package}/${source.path.substring(4)}' : source.path;
* Filter [exportedInitializers] according to [directive]'s show/hide
* combinators and add the result to [initializers].
// TODO(sigmund): call the analyzer's resolver instead?
static _processExportDirective(ExportDirective directive,
List<_Initializer> exportedInitializers,
List<_Initializer> initializers) {
for (var combinator in directive.combinators) {
if (combinator is ShowCombinator) {
var show = =>;
exportedInitializers.retainWhere((e) => show.contains(e.symbolName));
} else if (combinator is HideCombinator) {
var hide = =>;
exportedInitializers.removeWhere((e) => hide.contains(e.symbolName));
* Add an initializer to register [node] as a polymer element if it contains
* an appropriate [CustomTag] annotation.
static _processClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node,
List<_Initializer> initializers, SourceFile file,
TransformLogger logger) {
for (var meta in node.metadata) {
if (!_isCustomTagAnnotation(meta)) continue;
var args = meta.arguments.arguments;
if (args == null || args.length == 0) {
logger.error('Missing argument in @CustomTag annotation',
span: _getSpan(file, meta));
var tagName = args[0].stringValue;
var typeName =;
if (typeName.startsWith('_')) {
logger.error('@CustomTag is no longer supported on private '
'classes: $tagName', span: _getSpan(file,;
initializers.add(new _CustomTagInitializer(tagName, typeName));
/** a method initializer for [function]. */
static _processFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration function,
List<_Initializer> initializers, SourceFile file,
TransformLogger logger) {
var name =;
if (name.startsWith('_')) {
logger.error('@initMethod is no longer supported on private '
'functions: $name', span: _getSpan(file,;
initializers.add(new _InitMethodInitializer(name));
/** Parse [code] using analyzer. */
CompilationUnit _parseCompilationUnit(String code) {
var errorListener = new _ErrorCollector();
var reader = new CharSequenceReader(code);
var scanner = new Scanner(null, reader, errorListener);
var token = scanner.tokenize();
var parser = new Parser(null, errorListener);
return parser.parseCompilationUnit(token);
class _ErrorCollector extends AnalysisErrorListener {
final errors = <AnalysisError>[];
onError(error) => errors.add(error);
// TODO(sigmund): consider support for importing annotations with prefixes.
bool _isInitMethodAnnotation(Annotation node) => == 'initMethod' && node.constructorName == null &&
node.arguments == null;
bool _isCustomTagAnnotation(Annotation node) => == 'CustomTag';
abstract class _Initializer {
String get symbolName;
String asCode(String prefix);
class _InitMethodInitializer implements _Initializer {
String methodName;
String get symbolName => methodName;
String asCode(String prefix) => "$prefix.$methodName";
class _CustomTagInitializer implements _Initializer {
String tagName;
String typeName;
String get symbolName => typeName;
_CustomTagInitializer(this.tagName, this.typeName);
String asCode(String prefix) =>
"() => Polymer.register('$tagName', $prefix.$typeName)";
_getSpan(SourceFile file, ASTNode node) => file.span(node.offset, node.end);
const MAIN_HEADER = """
library app_bootstrap;
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';