blob: e2e6c523efd11c09a55b7280500e96e385eaa327 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dap/dap.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import '../logging.dart';
/// A mixin providing some utility functions for locating/working with
/// package_config.json files.
mixin PackageConfigUtils {
/// Find the `package_config.json` file for the program being launched.
/// It is no longer necessary to call this method as the package config file
/// is no longer used. URI lookups are done via the VM Service.
@Deprecated('No longer necessary, URI lookups are done via VM Service')
File? findPackageConfigFile(String possibleRoot) {
// TODO(dantup): Remove this method after Flutter DA is updated not to use
// it.
return null;
/// A mixin for tracking additional PIDs that can be shut down at the end of a
/// debug session.
mixin PidTracker {
/// Process IDs to terminate during shutdown.
/// This may be populated with pids from the VM Service to ensure we clean up
/// properly where signals may not be passed through the shell to the
/// underlying VM process.
final pidsToTerminate = <int>{};
/// Terminates all processes with the PIDs registered in [pidsToTerminate].
void terminatePids(ProcessSignal signal) {
// TODO(dantup): In Dart-Code DAP, we first try again with sigint and wait
// for a few seconds before sending sigkill.
for (var pid in pidsToTerminate) {
// Skip any negative pids. On Linux, kill -1 means kill everything that
// you can. See for details.
if (pid >= 0) {
Process.killPid(pid, signal);
/// A mixin providing some utility functions for adapters that run tests and
/// provides some basic test reporting since otherwise nothing is printed when
/// using the JSON test reporter.
mixin TestAdapter {
static const _passSymbol = "✓";
static const _failSymbol = "✖";
static const _skippedSymbol = "!";
/// Test names by testID.
/// Stored in testStart so that they can be looked up in testDone.
final Map<int, String> _testNames = {};
void sendEvent(EventBody body, {String? eventType});
void sendOutput(
String category,
String message, {
int? variablesReference,
bool? parseStackFrames,
void sendTestEvents(Object testNotification) {
// Send the JSON package as a raw notification so the client can interpret
// the results (for example to populate a test tree).
eventType: 'dart.testNotification');
// Additionally, send a textual output so that the user also has visible
// output in the Debug Console.
if (testNotification is Map<String, Object?>) {
/// Sends textual output for tests, including pass/fail and test output.
/// This is sent so that clients that do not handle the package:test JSON
/// events still get some useful textual output in their Debug Consoles.
void sendTestTextOutput(Map<String, Object?> testNotification) {
switch (testNotification['type']) {
case 'testStart':
// When a test starts, capture its name by ID so we can get it back when
// testDone comes.
final test = testNotification['test'] as Map<String, Object?>?;
if (test != null) {
final testID = test['id'] as int?;
final testName = test['name'] as String?;
if (testID != null && testName != null) {
_testNames[testID] = testName;
case 'testDone':
// Print the status of completed tests with a tick/cross.
if (testNotification['hidden'] == true) {
final testID = testNotification['testID'] as int?;
if (testID != null) {
final testName = _testNames[testID];
if (testName != null) {
final symbol = testNotification['skipped'] == true
? _skippedSymbol
: testNotification['result'] == "success"
? _passSymbol
: _failSymbol;
sendOutput('console', '$symbol $testName\n');
case 'print':
final message = testNotification['message'] as String?;
if (message != null) {
sendOutput('stdout', '${message.trimRight()}\n');
case 'error':
final error = testNotification['error'] as String?;
final stack = testNotification['stackTrace'] as String?;
if (error != null) {
sendOutput('stderr', '${error.trimRight()}\n');
if (stack != null) {
sendOutput('stderr', '${stack.trimRight()}\n');
/// A mixin providing some utility functions for working with vm-service-info
/// files such as ensuring a temp folder exists to create them in, and waiting
/// for the file to become valid parsable JSON.
mixin VmServiceInfoFileUtils on FileUtils {
/// Creates a temp folder for the VM to write the service-info-file into and
/// returns the [File] to use.
File generateVmServiceInfoFile() {
// Using tmpDir.createTemporary() is flakey on Windows+Linux (at least
// on GitHub Actions) complaining the file does not exist when creating a
// watcher. Creating/watching a folder and writing the file into it seems
// to be reliable.
final serviceInfoFilePath = path.join(
return File(serviceInfoFilePath);
/// Waits for [vmServiceInfoFile] to exist and become valid before returning
/// the VM Service URI contained within.
Future<Uri> waitForVmServiceInfoFile(
Logger? logger,
File vmServiceInfoFile,
) async {
final completer = Completer<Uri>();
late final StreamSubscription<FileSystemEvent> vmServiceInfoFileWatcher;
void tryParseServiceInfoFile(FileSystemEvent event) {
final uri = _readVmServiceInfoFile(logger, vmServiceInfoFile);
if (uri != null && !completer.isCompleted) {
vmServiceInfoFileWatcher = vmServiceInfoFile.parent
.watch(events: FileSystemEvent.all)
.where((event) => event.path == vmServiceInfoFile.path)
onError: (e) => logger?.call('Ignoring exception from watcher: $e'),
// After setting up the watcher, also check if the file already exists to
// ensure we don't miss it if it was created right before we set the
// watched up.
final uri = _readVmServiceInfoFile(logger, vmServiceInfoFile);
if (uri != null && !completer.isCompleted) {
return completer.future;
/// Attempts to read VM Service info from a watcher event.
/// If successful, returns the URI. Otherwise, returns null.
Uri? _readVmServiceInfoFile(Logger? logger, File file) {
try {
final content = file.readAsStringSync();
final json = jsonDecode(content);
return Uri.parse(json['uri']);
} catch (e) {
// It's possible we tried to read the file before it was completely
// written so ignore and try again on the next event.
logger?.call('Ignoring error parsing vm-service-info file: $e');
return null;
mixin FileUtils {
/// Normalizes [filePath] to avoid issues with different casing of drive
/// letters on Windows.
/// Some clients like VS Code do their own normalization and may provide drive
/// letters case different in some requests (such as breakpoints) to drive
/// letters computed elsewhere (such in `Platform.resolvedExecutable`). When
/// these do not match, breakpoints may not be hit.
/// This is the case for the whole path, but drive letters are most commonly
/// mismatched due to VS Code's explicit normalization.
String normalizePath(String filePath) {
if (!Platform.isWindows || filePath.isEmpty || path.isRelative(filePath)) {
return filePath;
return filePath.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + filePath.substring(1);
/// Normalizes a [Uri] via [normalizePath].
Uri normalizeUri(Uri uri) {
if (uri.isScheme('file')) {
final filePath = uri.toFilePath();
final normalizedPath = normalizePath(filePath);
return Uri.file(normalizedPath);
} else if (uri.scheme.endsWith('+file')) {
// For virtual file schemes, we need to replace the scheme to use
// toFilePath() so we can normalise the path, then convert back.
final originalScheme = uri.scheme;
final filePath = uri.replace(scheme: 'file').toFilePath();
final normalizedPath = normalizePath(filePath);
return Uri.file(normalizedPath).replace(scheme: originalScheme);
} else {
return uri;