blob: 8414d559fdf7be6b9c1abf26f9121873b4411b52 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.class_builder;
import '../problems.dart' show internalProblem;
import 'builder.dart'
import '../fasta_codes.dart'
show LocatedMessage, Message, templateInternalProblemNotFoundIn;
abstract class ClassBuilder<T extends TypeBuilder, R>
extends TypeDeclarationBuilder<T, R> {
final List<TypeVariableBuilder> typeVariables;
T supertype;
List<T> interfaces;
final Scope scope;
final Scope constructors;
final ScopeBuilder scopeBuilder;
final ScopeBuilder constructorScopeBuilder;
Map<String, ConstructorRedirection> redirectingConstructors;
List<MetadataBuilder> metadata,
int modifiers,
String name,
LibraryBuilder parent,
int charOffset)
: scopeBuilder = new ScopeBuilder(scope),
constructorScopeBuilder = new ScopeBuilder(constructors),
super(metadata, modifiers, name, parent, charOffset);
String get debugName => "ClassBuilder";
/// Returns true if this class is the result of applying a mixin to its
/// superclass.
bool get isMixinApplication => mixedInType != null;
bool get isNamedMixinApplication {
return isMixinApplication && super.isNamedMixinApplication;
T get mixedInType;
void set mixedInType(T mixin);
List<ConstructorReferenceBuilder> get constructorReferences => null;
LibraryBuilder get library {
LibraryBuilder library = parent;
return library.partOfLibrary ?? library;
/// Registers a constructor redirection for this class and returns true if
/// this redirection gives rise to a cycle that has not been reported before.
bool checkConstructorCyclic(String source, String target) {
ConstructorRedirection redirect = new ConstructorRedirection(target);
redirectingConstructors ??= <String, ConstructorRedirection>{};
redirectingConstructors[source] = redirect;
while (redirect != null) {
if (redirect.cycleReported) return false;
if ( == source) {
redirect.cycleReported = true;
return true;
redirect = redirectingConstructors[];
return false;
int resolveConstructors(LibraryBuilder library) {
if (constructorReferences == null) return 0;
for (ConstructorReferenceBuilder ref in constructorReferences) {
ref.resolveIn(scope, library);
return constructorReferences.length;
/// Used to lookup a static member of this class.
Declaration findStaticBuilder(
String name, int charOffset, Uri fileUri, LibraryBuilder accessingLibrary,
{bool isSetter: false}) {
if (accessingLibrary.origin != library.origin && name.startsWith("_")) {
return null;
Declaration declaration = isSetter
? scope.lookupSetter(name, charOffset, fileUri, isInstanceScope: false)
: scope.lookup(name, charOffset, fileUri, isInstanceScope: false);
return declaration;
Declaration findConstructorOrFactory(
String name, int charOffset, Uri uri, LibraryBuilder accessingLibrary) {
if (accessingLibrary.origin != library.origin && name.startsWith("_")) {
return null;
return constructors.lookup(name, charOffset, uri);
void forEach(void f(String name, MemberBuilder builder)) {
/// Don't use for scope lookup. Only use when an element is known to exist
/// (and isn't a setter).
MemberBuilder operator [](String name) {
// TODO(ahe): Rename this to getLocalMember.
return scope.local[name] ??
name, fullNameForErrors),
void addProblem(Message message, int charOffset, int length,
{bool wasHandled: false, List<LocatedMessage> context}) {
library.addProblem(message, charOffset, length, fileUri,
wasHandled: wasHandled, context: context);
void prepareTopLevelInference() {}
/// Find the first member of this class with [name]. This method isn't
/// suitable for scope lookups as it will throw an error if the name isn't
/// declared. The [scope] should be used for that. This method is used to
/// find a member that is known to exist and it wil pick the first
/// declaration if the name is ambiguous.
/// For example, this method is convenient for use when building synthetic
/// members, such as those of an enum.
MemberBuilder firstMemberNamed(String name) {
Declaration declaration = this[name];
while ( != null) {
declaration =;
return declaration;
class ConstructorRedirection {
String target;
bool cycleReported;
ConstructorRedirection( : cycleReported = false;