[vm] Remove source-based loading APIs.

Change-Id: I07cd591bd6162a743770d221e48d491597a1b7c1
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/85545
Reviewed-by: Siva Annamalai <asiva@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Liam Appelbe <liama@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Ryan Macnak <rmacnak@google.com>
diff --git a/runtime/include/dart_api.h b/runtime/include/dart_api.h
index 9bfdefa..f1d0a36 100644
--- a/runtime/include/dart_api.h
+++ b/runtime/include/dart_api.h
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@
  *   Isolate.spawn, or the argument to Isolate.spawnUri canonicalized by the
  *   library tag handler of the parent isolate.
  *   The callback is responsible for loading the program by a call to
- *   Dart_LoadScript or Dart_LoadScriptFromKernel.
+ *   Dart_LoadScriptFromKernel.
  * \param main The name of the main entry point this isolate will
  *   eventually run.  This is provided for advisory purposes only to
  *   improve debugging messages.  The main function is not invoked by
@@ -2831,26 +2831,18 @@
  * Dart_kScriptTag
- * This tag indicates that the root script should be loaded from
- * 'url'.  If the 'library' parameter is not null, it is the url of the
- * package map that should be used when loading.  Once the root
- * script is loaded, the embedder should call Dart_LoadScript to
- * install the root script in the VM.  The return value should be an
- * error or null.
+ * No longer used.
  * Dart_kSourceTag
- * This tag is used to load a file referenced by Dart language "part
- * of" directive.  Once the file's source is loaded, the embedder
- * should call Dart_LoadSource to provide the file contents to the VM.
- * The return value should be an error or null.
+ * No longer used.
  * Dart_kImportTag
- * This tag is used to load a script referenced by Dart language
- * "import" directive.  Once the script is loaded, the embedder should
- * call Dart_LoadLibrary to provide the script source to the VM.  The
- * return value should be an error or null.
+ * This tag is used to load a library from IsolateMirror.loadUri. The embedder
+ * should call Dart_LoadLibraryFromKernel to provide the library to the VM. The
+ * return value should be an error or library (the result from
+ * Dart_LoadLibraryFromKernel).
  * Dart_kKernelTag
@@ -2859,7 +2851,8 @@
  * of an application is needed and the VM is 'use dart front end' mode.
  * The dart front end typically compiles all the scripts, imports and part
  * files into one intermediate file hence we don't use the source/import or
- * script tags.
+ * script tags. The return value should be an error or a TypedData containing
+ * the kernel bytes.
  * Dart_kImportExtensionTag
diff --git a/runtime/vm/dart_api_impl.cc b/runtime/vm/dart_api_impl.cc
index e179fca..362c1a0 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/dart_api_impl.cc
+++ b/runtime/vm/dart_api_impl.cc
@@ -1535,7 +1535,7 @@
   Isolate* iso = reinterpret_cast<Isolate*>(isolate);
   const char* error;
   if (iso->object_store()->root_library() == Library::null()) {
-    // The embedder should have called Dart_LoadScript by now.
+    // The embedder should have called Dart_LoadScriptFromKernel by now.
     error = "Missing root library";
   } else {
     error = iso->MakeRunnable();
@@ -4946,45 +4946,6 @@
   return Api::NewHandle(T, String::New(resolved_uri));
-// NOTE: Need to pass 'result' as a parameter here in order to avoid
-// warning: variable 'result' might be clobbered by 'longjmp' or 'vfork'
-// which shows up because of the use of setjmp.
-static void CompileSource(Thread* thread,
-                          const Library& lib,
-                          const Script& script,
-                          Dart_Handle* result) {
-  bool update_lib_status = (script.kind() == RawScript::kScriptTag ||
-                            script.kind() == RawScript::kLibraryTag);
-  if (update_lib_status) {
-    lib.SetLoadInProgress();
-  }
-  ASSERT(thread != NULL);
-  const Error& error =
-      Error::Handle(thread->zone(), Compiler::Compile(lib, script));
-  if (error.IsNull()) {
-    *result = Api::NewHandle(thread, lib.raw());
-  } else {
-    *result = Api::NewHandle(thread, error.raw());
-    // Compilation errors are not Dart instances, so just mark the library
-    // as having failed to load without providing an error instance.
-    lib.SetLoadError(Object::null_instance());
-  }
-#endif  // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
-DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_LoadScript(Dart_Handle url,
-                                        Dart_Handle resolved_url,
-                                        Dart_Handle source,
-                                        intptr_t line_offset,
-                                        intptr_t column_offset) {
-  return Api::NewError("%s: Cannot compile on an AOT runtime.", CURRENT_FUNC);
-  return Api::NewError("%s: Should not be called in Dart 2", CURRENT_FUNC);
-#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_LoadScriptFromKernel(const uint8_t* buffer,
                                                   intptr_t buffer_size) {
@@ -5254,18 +5215,6 @@
   return error_in;
-DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_LoadLibrary(Dart_Handle url,
-                                         Dart_Handle resolved_url,
-                                         Dart_Handle source,
-                                         intptr_t line_offset,
-                                         intptr_t column_offset) {
-  return Api::NewError("%s: Cannot compile on an AOT runtime.", CURRENT_FUNC);
-  return Api::NewError("%s: Should not be called in Dart 2", CURRENT_FUNC);
-#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_LoadLibraryFromKernel(const uint8_t* buffer,
                                                    intptr_t buffer_size) {
@@ -5298,51 +5247,6 @@
 #endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
-DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_LibraryImportLibrary(Dart_Handle library,
-                                                  Dart_Handle import,
-                                                  Dart_Handle prefix) {
-  return Api::NewError("%s: Cannot compile on an AOT runtime.", CURRENT_FUNC);
-  DARTSCOPE(Thread::Current());
-  Isolate* I = T->isolate();
-  const Library& library_vm = Api::UnwrapLibraryHandle(Z, library);
-  if (library_vm.IsNull()) {
-    RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(Z, library, Library);
-  }
-  const Library& import_vm = Api::UnwrapLibraryHandle(Z, import);
-  if (import_vm.IsNull()) {
-    RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(Z, import, Library);
-  }
-  const Object& prefix_object = Object::Handle(Z, Api::UnwrapHandle(prefix));
-  const String& prefix_vm =
-      prefix_object.IsNull() ? Symbols::Empty() : String::Cast(prefix_object);
-  if (prefix_vm.IsNull()) {
-    RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(Z, prefix, String);
-  }
-  const String& prefix_symbol = String::Handle(Z, Symbols::New(T, prefix_vm));
-  const Namespace& import_ns = Namespace::Handle(
-      Z, Namespace::New(import_vm, Object::null_array(), Object::null_array()));
-  if (prefix_vm.Length() == 0) {
-    library_vm.AddImport(import_ns);
-  } else {
-    LibraryPrefix& library_prefix = LibraryPrefix::Handle();
-    library_prefix = library_vm.LookupLocalLibraryPrefix(prefix_symbol);
-    if (!library_prefix.IsNull()) {
-      library_prefix.AddImport(import_ns);
-    } else {
-      library_prefix =
-          LibraryPrefix::New(prefix_symbol, import_ns, false, library_vm);
-      library_vm.AddObject(library_prefix, prefix_symbol);
-    }
-  }
-  return Api::Success();
-#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetImportsOfScheme(Dart_Handle scheme) {
   Isolate* I = T->isolate();
@@ -5378,94 +5282,6 @@
   return Api::NewHandle(T, Array::MakeFixedLength(result));
-DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_LoadSource(Dart_Handle library,
-                                        Dart_Handle url,
-                                        Dart_Handle resolved_url,
-                                        Dart_Handle source,
-                                        intptr_t line_offset,
-                                        intptr_t column_offset) {
-  return Api::NewError("%s: Cannot compile on an AOT runtime.", CURRENT_FUNC);
-  DARTSCOPE(Thread::Current());
-  Isolate* I = T->isolate();
-  const Library& lib = Api::UnwrapLibraryHandle(Z, library);
-  if (lib.IsNull()) {
-    RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(Z, library, Library);
-  }
-  const String& url_str = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(Z, url);
-  if (url_str.IsNull()) {
-    RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(Z, url, String);
-  }
-  if (::Dart_IsNull(resolved_url)) {
-    resolved_url = url;
-  }
-  const String& resolved_url_str = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(Z, resolved_url);
-  if (resolved_url_str.IsNull()) {
-    RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(Z, resolved_url, String);
-  }
-  const String& source_str = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(Z, source);
-  if (source_str.IsNull()) {
-    RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(Z, source, String);
-  }
-  if (line_offset < 0) {
-    return Api::NewError("%s: argument 'line_offset' must be positive number",
-                         CURRENT_FUNC);
-  }
-  if (column_offset < 0) {
-    return Api::NewError("%s: argument 'column_offset' must be positive number",
-                         CURRENT_FUNC);
-  }
-  NoHeapGrowthControlScope no_growth_control;
-  const Script& script =
-      Script::Handle(Z, Script::New(url_str, resolved_url_str, source_str,
-                                    RawScript::kSourceTag));
-  script.SetLocationOffset(line_offset, column_offset);
-  Dart_Handle result;
-  CompileSource(T, lib, script, &result);
-  return result;
-#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
-DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_LibraryLoadPatch(Dart_Handle library,
-                                              Dart_Handle url,
-                                              Dart_Handle patch_source) {
-  return Api::NewError("%s: Cannot compile on an AOT runtime.", CURRENT_FUNC);
-  DARTSCOPE(Thread::Current());
-  Isolate* I = T->isolate();
-  const Library& lib = Api::UnwrapLibraryHandle(Z, library);
-  if (lib.IsNull()) {
-    RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(Z, library, Library);
-  }
-  const String& url_str = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(Z, url);
-  if (url_str.IsNull()) {
-    RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(Z, url, String);
-  }
-  const String& source_str = Api::UnwrapStringHandle(Z, patch_source);
-  if (source_str.IsNull()) {
-    RETURN_TYPE_ERROR(Z, patch_source, String);
-  }
-  NoHeapGrowthControlScope no_growth_control;
-  const Script& script = Script::Handle(
-      Z, Script::New(url_str, url_str, source_str, RawScript::kPatchTag));
-  Dart_Handle result;
-  CompileSource(T, lib, script, &result);
-  return result;
-#endif  // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
 // Finalizes classes and invokes Dart core library function that completes
 // futures of loadLibrary calls (deferred library loading).
 DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_FinalizeLoading(bool complete_futures) {