[dart2js js_runtime] Run dartfmt --fix-doc-comments


Change-Id: If2e9a8d7a632ded60cf5cac54c32cac96f472d8e
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/89169
Reviewed-by: Stephen Adams <sra@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Stephen Adams <sra@google.com>
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/convert_patch.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/convert_patch.dart
index afb5062..a8dcc31 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/convert_patch.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/convert_patch.dart
@@ -11,22 +11,20 @@
 import 'dart:collection' show LinkedHashMap, MapBase;
 import 'dart:_native_typed_data' show NativeUint8List;
- * Parses [json] and builds the corresponding parsed JSON value.
- *
- * Parsed JSON values Nare of the types [num], [String], [bool], [Null],
- * [List]s of parsed JSON values or [Map]s from [String] to parsed
- * JSON values.
- *
- * The optional [reviver] function, if provided, is called once for each object
- * or list property parsed. The arguments are the property name ([String]) or
- * list index ([int]), and the value is the parsed value.  The return value of
- * the reviver will be used as the value of that property instead of the parsed
- * value.  The top level value is passed to the reviver with the empty string as
- * a key.
- *
- * Throws [FormatException] if the input is not valid JSON text.
- */
+/// Parses [json] and builds the corresponding parsed JSON value.
+/// Parsed JSON values Nare of the types [num], [String], [bool], [Null],
+/// [List]s of parsed JSON values or [Map]s from [String] to parsed
+/// JSON values.
+/// The optional [reviver] function, if provided, is called once for each object
+/// or list property parsed. The arguments are the property name ([String]) or
+/// list index ([int]), and the value is the parsed value.  The return value of
+/// the reviver will be used as the value of that property instead of the parsed
+/// value.  The top level value is passed to the reviver with the empty string
+/// as a key.
+/// Throws [FormatException] if the input is not valid JSON text.
 _parseJson(String source, reviver(key, value)) {
   if (source is! String) throw argumentErrorValue(source);
@@ -46,11 +44,9 @@
- * Walks the raw JavaScript value [json], replacing JavaScript Objects with
- * Maps. [json] is expected to be freshly allocated so elements can be replaced
- * in-place.
- */
+/// Walks the raw JavaScript value [json], replacing JavaScript Objects with
+/// Maps. [json] is expected to be freshly allocated so elements can be replaced
+/// in-place.
 _convertJsonToDart(json, reviver(key, value)) {
   assert(reviver != null);
   walk(e) {
@@ -365,12 +361,10 @@
- * Implements the chunked conversion from a JSON string to its corresponding
- * object.
- *
- * The sink only creates one object, but its input can be chunked.
- */
+/// Implements the chunked conversion from a JSON string to its corresponding
+/// object.
+/// The sink only creates one object, but its input can be chunked.
 // TODO(floitsch): don't accumulate everything before starting to decode.
 class _JsonDecoderSink extends _StringSinkConversionSink {
   final _Reviver _reviver;
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/core_patch.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/core_patch.dart
index 2d0f531..27d7d25 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/core_patch.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/core_patch.dart
@@ -685,11 +685,9 @@
   // are not encoded by any encoding table.
   static final RegExp _needsNoEncoding = new RegExp(r'^[\-\.0-9A-Z_a-z~]*$');
-  /**
-   * This is the internal implementation of JavaScript's encodeURI function.
-   * It encodes all characters in the string [text] except for those
-   * that appear in [canonicalTable], and returns the escaped string.
-   */
+  /// This is the internal implementation of JavaScript's encodeURI function.
+  /// It encodes all characters in the string [text] except for those
+  /// that appear in [canonicalTable], and returns the escaped string.
   static String _uriEncode(List<int> canonicalTable, String text,
       Encoding encoding, bool spaceToPlus) {
@@ -879,12 +877,10 @@
  * and disclaimer.
- * An implementation for the arbitrarily large integer.
- *
- * The integer number is represented by a sign, an array of 16-bit unsigned
- * integers in little endian format, and a number of used digits in that array.
- */
+/// An implementation for the arbitrarily large integer.
+/// The integer number is represented by a sign, an array of 16-bit unsigned
+/// integers in little endian format, and a number of used digits in that array.
 class _BigIntImpl implements BigInt {
   // Bits per digit.
   static const int _digitBits = 16;
@@ -925,29 +921,27 @@
   /// replaced.
   final int _used;
-  /**
-   * Parses [source] as a, possibly signed, integer literal and returns its
-   * value.
-   *
-   * The [source] must be a non-empty sequence of base-[radix] digits,
-   * optionally prefixed with a minus or plus sign ('-' or '+').
-   *
-   * The [radix] must be in the range 2..36. The digits used are
-   * first the decimal digits 0..9, and then the letters 'a'..'z' with
-   * values 10 through 35. Also accepts upper-case letters with the same
-   * values as the lower-case ones.
-   *
-   * If no [radix] is given then it defaults to 10. In this case, the [source]
-   * digits may also start with `0x`, in which case the number is interpreted
-   * as a hexadecimal literal, which effectively means that the `0x` is ignored
-   * and the radix is instead set to 16.
-   *
-   * For any int `n` and radix `r`, it is guaranteed that
-   * `n == int.parse(n.toRadixString(r), radix: r)`.
-   *
-   * Throws a [FormatException] if the [source] is not a valid integer literal,
-   * optionally prefixed by a sign.
-   */
+  /// Parses [source] as a, possibly signed, integer literal and returns its
+  /// value.
+  ///
+  /// The [source] must be a non-empty sequence of base-[radix] digits,
+  /// optionally prefixed with a minus or plus sign ('-' or '+').
+  ///
+  /// The [radix] must be in the range 2..36. The digits used are
+  /// first the decimal digits 0..9, and then the letters 'a'..'z' with
+  /// values 10 through 35. Also accepts upper-case letters with the same
+  /// values as the lower-case ones.
+  ///
+  /// If no [radix] is given then it defaults to 10. In this case, the [source]
+  /// digits may also start with `0x`, in which case the number is interpreted
+  /// as a hexadecimal literal, which effectively means that the `0x` is ignored
+  /// and the radix is instead set to 16.
+  ///
+  /// For any int `n` and radix `r`, it is guaranteed that
+  /// `n == int.parse(n.toRadixString(r), radix: r)`.
+  ///
+  /// Throws a [FormatException] if the [source] is not a valid integer literal,
+  /// optionally prefixed by a sign.
   static _BigIntImpl parse(String source, {int radix}) {
     var result = _tryParse(source, radix: radix);
     if (result == null) {
@@ -1233,22 +1227,18 @@
     return absResult;
-  /**
-   * Return the negative value of this integer.
-   *
-   * The result of negating an integer always has the opposite sign, except
-   * for zero, which is its own negation.
-   */
+  /// Return the negative value of this integer.
+  ///
+  /// The result of negating an integer always has the opposite sign, except
+  /// for zero, which is its own negation.
   _BigIntImpl operator -() {
     if (_used == 0) return this;
     return new _BigIntImpl._(!_isNegative, _used, _digits);
-  /**
-   * Returns the absolute value of this integer.
-   *
-   * For any integer `x`, the result is the same as `x < 0 ? -x : x`.
-   */
+  /// Returns the absolute value of this integer.
+  ///
+  /// For any integer `x`, the result is the same as `x < 0 ? -x : x`.
   _BigIntImpl abs() => _isNegative ? -this : this;
   /// Returns this << n *_DIGIT_BITS.
@@ -1338,18 +1328,16 @@
     resultDigits[digitShift] = carry;
-  /**
-   * Shift the bits of this integer to the left by [shiftAmount].
-   *
-   * Shifting to the left makes the number larger, effectively multiplying
-   * the number by `pow(2, shiftIndex)`.
-   *
-   * There is no limit on the size of the result. It may be relevant to
-   * limit intermediate values by using the "and" operator with a suitable
-   * mask.
-   *
-   * It is an error if [shiftAmount] is negative.
-   */
+  /// Shift the bits of this integer to the left by [shiftAmount].
+  ///
+  /// Shifting to the left makes the number larger, effectively multiplying
+  /// the number by `pow(2, shiftIndex)`.
+  ///
+  /// There is no limit on the size of the result. It may be relevant to
+  /// limit intermediate values by using the "and" operator with a suitable
+  /// mask.
+  ///
+  /// It is an error if [shiftAmount] is negative.
   _BigIntImpl operator <<(int shiftAmount) {
     if (shiftAmount < 0) {
       throw new ArgumentError("shift-amount must be posititve $shiftAmount");
@@ -1405,15 +1393,13 @@
     resultDigits[last] = carry;
-  /**
-   * Shift the bits of this integer to the right by [shiftAmount].
-   *
-   * Shifting to the right makes the number smaller and drops the least
-   * significant bits, effectively doing an integer division by
-   *`pow(2, shiftIndex)`.
-   *
-   * It is an error if [shiftAmount] is negative.
-   */
+  /// Shift the bits of this integer to the right by [shiftAmount].
+  ///
+  /// Shifting to the right makes the number smaller and drops the least
+  /// significant bits, effectively doing an integer division by
+  /// `pow(2, shiftIndex)`.
+  ///
+  /// It is an error if [shiftAmount] is negative.
   _BigIntImpl operator >>(int shiftAmount) {
     if (shiftAmount < 0) {
       throw new ArgumentError("shift-amount must be posititve $shiftAmount");
@@ -1456,12 +1442,10 @@
     return _compareDigits(_digits, _used, other._digits, other._used);
-  /**
-   * Compares this to `other`.
-   *
-   * Returns a negative number if `this` is less than `other`, zero if they are
-   * equal, and a positive number if `this` is greater than `other`.
-   */
+  /// Compares this to `other`.
+  ///
+  /// Returns a negative number if `this` is less than `other`, zero if they are
+  /// equal, and a positive number if `this` is greater than `other`.
   int compareTo(BigInt bigInt) {
     _BigIntImpl other = bigInt;
     if (_isNegative == other._isNegative) {
@@ -1649,16 +1633,14 @@
     return new _BigIntImpl._(isNegative, resultUsed, resultDigits);
-  /**
-   * Bit-wise and operator.
-   *
-   * Treating both `this` and [other] as sufficiently large two's component
-   * integers, the result is a number with only the bits set that are set in
-   * both `this` and [other]
-   *
-   * Of both operands are negative, the result is negative, otherwise
-   * the result is non-negative.
-   */
+  /// Bit-wise and operator.
+  ///
+  /// Treating both `this` and [other] as sufficiently large two's component
+  /// integers, the result is a number with only the bits set that are set in
+  /// both `this` and [other]
+  ///
+  /// Of both operands are negative, the result is negative, otherwise
+  /// the result is non-negative.
   _BigIntImpl operator &(BigInt bigInt) {
     _BigIntImpl other = bigInt;
     if (_isZero || other._isZero) return zero;
@@ -1689,16 +1671,14 @@
     return p._absAndNotSetSign(n1, false);
-  /**
-   * Bit-wise or operator.
-   *
-   * Treating both `this` and [other] as sufficiently large two's component
-   * integers, the result is a number with the bits set that are set in either
-   * of `this` and [other]
-   *
-   * If both operands are non-negative, the result is non-negative,
-   * otherwise the result us negative.
-   */
+  /// Bit-wise or operator.
+  ///
+  /// Treating both `this` and [other] as sufficiently large two's component
+  /// integers, the result is a number with the bits set that are set in either
+  /// of `this` and [other]
+  ///
+  /// If both operands are non-negative, the result is non-negative,
+  /// otherwise the result us negative.
   _BigIntImpl operator |(BigInt bigInt) {
     _BigIntImpl other = bigInt;
     if (_isZero) return other;
@@ -1731,16 +1711,14 @@
     return n1._absAndNotSetSign(p, true)._absAddSetSign(one, true);
-  /**
-   * Bit-wise exclusive-or operator.
-   *
-   * Treating both `this` and [other] as sufficiently large two's component
-   * integers, the result is a number with the bits set that are set in one,
-   * but not both, of `this` and [other]
-   *
-   * If the operands have the same sign, the result is non-negative,
-   * otherwise the result is negative.
-   */
+  /// Bit-wise exclusive-or operator.
+  ///
+  /// Treating both `this` and [other] as sufficiently large two's component
+  /// integers, the result is a number with the bits set that are set in one,
+  /// but not both, of `this` and [other]
+  ///
+  /// If the operands have the same sign, the result is non-negative,
+  /// otherwise the result is negative.
   _BigIntImpl operator ^(BigInt bigInt) {
     _BigIntImpl other = bigInt;
     if (_isZero) return other;
@@ -1770,14 +1748,12 @@
     return p._absXorSetSign(n1, true)._absAddSetSign(one, true);
-  /**
-   * The bit-wise negate operator.
-   *
-   * Treating `this` as a sufficiently large two's component integer,
-   * the result is a number with the opposite bits set.
-   *
-   * This maps any integer `x` to `-x - 1`.
-   */
+  /// The bit-wise negate operator.
+  ///
+  /// Treating `this` as a sufficiently large two's component integer,
+  /// the result is a number with the opposite bits set.
+  ///
+  /// This maps any integer `x` to `-x - 1`.
   _BigIntImpl operator ~() {
     if (_isZero) return _minusOne;
     if (_isNegative) {
@@ -2073,65 +2049,59 @@
     return finish(hash);
-  /**
-   * Test whether this value is numerically equal to `other`.
-   *
-   * If [other] is a [_BigIntImpl] returns whether the two operands have the same
-   * value.
-   *
-   * Returns false if `other` is not a [_BigIntImpl].
-   */
+  /// Test whether this value is numerically equal to `other`.
+  ///
+  /// If [other] is a [_BigIntImpl] returns whether the two operands have the
+  /// same value.
+  ///
+  /// Returns false if `other` is not a [_BigIntImpl].
   bool operator ==(Object other) =>
       other is _BigIntImpl && compareTo(other) == 0;
-  /**
-   * Returns the minimum number of bits required to store this big integer.
-   *
-   * The number of bits excludes the sign bit, which gives the natural length
-   * for non-negative (unsigned) values.  Negative values are complemented to
-   * return the bit position of the first bit that differs from the sign bit.
-   *
-   * To find the number of bits needed to store the value as a signed value,
-   * add one, i.e. use `x.bitLength + 1`.
-   *
-   * ```
-   * x.bitLength == (-x-1).bitLength
-   *
-   * new BigInt.from(3).bitLength == 2;   // 00000011
-   * new BigInt.from(2).bitLength == 2;   // 00000010
-   * new BigInt.from(1).bitLength == 1;   // 00000001
-   * new BigInt.from(0).bitLength == 0;   // 00000000
-   * new BigInt.from(-1).bitLength == 0;  // 11111111
-   * new BigInt.from(-2).bitLength == 1;  // 11111110
-   * new BigInt.from(-3).bitLength == 2;  // 11111101
-   * new BigInt.from(-4).bitLength == 2;  // 11111100
-   * ```
-   */
+  /// Returns the minimum number of bits required to store this big integer.
+  ///
+  /// The number of bits excludes the sign bit, which gives the natural length
+  /// for non-negative (unsigned) values.  Negative values are complemented to
+  /// return the bit position of the first bit that differs from the sign bit.
+  ///
+  /// To find the number of bits needed to store the value as a signed value,
+  /// add one, i.e. use `x.bitLength + 1`.
+  ///
+  /// ```
+  /// x.bitLength == (-x-1).bitLength
+  ///
+  /// new BigInt.from(3).bitLength == 2;   // 00000011
+  /// new BigInt.from(2).bitLength == 2;   // 00000010
+  /// new BigInt.from(1).bitLength == 1;   // 00000001
+  /// new BigInt.from(0).bitLength == 0;   // 00000000
+  /// new BigInt.from(-1).bitLength == 0;  // 11111111
+  /// new BigInt.from(-2).bitLength == 1;  // 11111110
+  /// new BigInt.from(-3).bitLength == 2;  // 11111101
+  /// new BigInt.from(-4).bitLength == 2;  // 11111100
+  /// ```
   int get bitLength {
     if (_used == 0) return 0;
     if (_isNegative) return (~this).bitLength;
     return _digitBits * (_used - 1) + _digits[_used - 1].bitLength;
-  /**
-   * Truncating division operator.
-   *
-   * Performs a truncating integer division, where the remainder is discarded.
-   *
-   * The remainder can be computed using the [remainder] method.
-   *
-   * Examples:
-   * ```
-   * var seven = new BigInt.from(7);
-   * var three = new BigInt.from(3);
-   * seven ~/ three;    // => 2
-   * (-seven) ~/ three; // => -2
-   * seven ~/ -three;   // => -2
-   * seven.remainder(three);    // => 1
-   * (-seven).remainder(three); // => -1
-   * seven.remainder(-three);   // => 1
-   * ```
-   */
+  /// Truncating division operator.
+  ///
+  /// Performs a truncating integer division, where the remainder is discarded.
+  ///
+  /// The remainder can be computed using the [remainder] method.
+  ///
+  /// Examples:
+  /// ```
+  /// var seven = new BigInt.from(7);
+  /// var three = new BigInt.from(3);
+  /// seven ~/ three;    // => 2
+  /// (-seven) ~/ three; // => -2
+  /// seven ~/ -three;   // => -2
+  /// seven.remainder(three);    // => 1
+  /// (-seven).remainder(three); // => -1
+  /// seven.remainder(-three);   // => 1
+  /// ```
   _BigIntImpl operator ~/(BigInt bigInt) {
     _BigIntImpl other = bigInt;
     if (other._used == 0) {
@@ -2140,13 +2110,12 @@
     return _div(other);
-  /**
-   * Returns the remainder of the truncating division of `this` by [other].
-   *
-   * The result `r` of this operation satisfies:
-   * `this == (this ~/ other) * other + r`.
-   * As a consequence the remainder `r` has the same sign as the divider `this`.
-   */
+  /// Returns the remainder of the truncating division of `this` by [other].
+  ///
+  /// The result `r` of this operation satisfies:
+  /// `this == (this ~/ other) * other + r`.
+  /// As a consequence the remainder `r` has the same sign as the divider
+  /// `this`.
   _BigIntImpl remainder(BigInt bigInt) {
     _BigIntImpl other = bigInt;
     if (other._used == 0) {
@@ -2158,29 +2127,27 @@
   /// Division operator.
   double operator /(BigInt other) => this.toDouble() / other.toDouble();
-  /** Relational less than operator. */
+  /// Relational less than operator.
   bool operator <(BigInt other) => compareTo(other) < 0;
-  /** Relational less than or equal operator. */
+  /// Relational less than or equal operator.
   bool operator <=(BigInt other) => compareTo(other) <= 0;
-  /** Relational greater than operator. */
+  /// Relational greater than operator.
   bool operator >(BigInt other) => compareTo(other) > 0;
-  /** Relational greater than or equal operator. */
+  /// Relational greater than or equal operator.
   bool operator >=(BigInt other) => compareTo(other) >= 0;
-  /**
-   * Euclidean modulo operator.
-   *
-   * Returns the remainder of the Euclidean division. The Euclidean division of
-   * two integers `a` and `b` yields two integers `q` and `r` such that
-   * `a == b * q + r` and `0 <= r < b.abs()`.
-   *
-   * The sign of the returned value `r` is always positive.
-   *
-   * See [remainder] for the remainder of the truncating division.
-   */
+  /// Euclidean modulo operator.
+  ///
+  /// Returns the remainder of the Euclidean division. The Euclidean division of
+  /// two integers `a` and `b` yields two integers `q` and `r` such that
+  /// `a == b * q + r` and `0 <= r < b.abs()`.
+  ///
+  /// The sign of the returned value `r` is always positive.
+  ///
+  /// See [remainder] for the remainder of the truncating division.
   _BigIntImpl operator %(BigInt bigInt) {
     _BigIntImpl other = bigInt;
     if (other._used == 0) {
@@ -2197,12 +2164,10 @@
     return result;
-  /**
-   * Returns the sign of this big integer.
-   *
-   * Returns 0 for zero, -1 for values less than zero and
-   * +1 for values greater than zero.
-   */
+  /// Returns the sign of this big integer.
+  ///
+  /// Returns 0 for zero, -1 for values less than zero and
+  /// +1 for values greater than zero.
   int get sign {
     if (_used == 0) return 0;
     return _isNegative ? -1 : 1;
@@ -2239,12 +2204,10 @@
     return result;
-  /**
-   * Returns this integer to the power of [exponent] modulo [modulus].
-   *
-   * The [exponent] must be non-negative and [modulus] must be
-   * positive.
-   */
+  /// Returns this integer to the power of [exponent] modulo [modulus].
+  ///
+  /// The [exponent] must be non-negative and [modulus] must be
+  /// positive.
   _BigIntImpl modPow(BigInt bigExponent, BigInt bigModulus) {
     _BigIntImpl exponent = bigExponent;
     _BigIntImpl modulus = bigModulus;
@@ -2537,14 +2500,12 @@
     return new _BigIntImpl._(false, maxUsed, dDigits);
-  /**
-   * Returns the modular multiplicative inverse of this big integer
-   * modulo [modulus].
-   *
-   * The [modulus] must be positive.
-   *
-   * It is an error if no modular inverse exists.
-   */
+  /// Returns the modular multiplicative inverse of this big integer
+  /// modulo [modulus].
+  ///
+  /// The [modulus] must be positive.
+  ///
+  /// It is an error if no modular inverse exists.
   // Returns 1/this % modulus, with modulus > 0.
   _BigIntImpl modInverse(BigInt bigInt) {
     _BigIntImpl modulus = bigInt;
@@ -2559,19 +2520,17 @@
     return _binaryGcd(modulus, tmp, true);
-  /**
-   * Returns the greatest common divisor of this big integer and [other].
-   *
-   * If either number is non-zero, the result is the numerically greatest
-   * integer dividing both `this` and `other`.
-   *
-   * The greatest common divisor is independent of the order,
-   * so `x.gcd(y)` is  always the same as `y.gcd(x)`.
-   *
-   * For any integer `x`, `x.gcd(x)` is `x.abs()`.
-   *
-   * If both `this` and `other` is zero, the result is also zero.
-   */
+  /// Returns the greatest common divisor of this big integer and [other].
+  ///
+  /// If either number is non-zero, the result is the numerically greatest
+  /// integer dividing both `this` and `other`.
+  ///
+  /// The greatest common divisor is independent of the order,
+  /// so `x.gcd(y)` is  always the same as `y.gcd(x)`.
+  ///
+  /// For any integer `x`, `x.gcd(x)` is `x.abs()`.
+  ///
+  /// If both `this` and `other` is zero, the result is also zero.
   _BigIntImpl gcd(BigInt bigInt) {
     _BigIntImpl other = bigInt;
     if (_isZero) return other.abs();
@@ -2579,70 +2538,67 @@
     return _binaryGcd(this, other, false);
-  /**
-   * Returns the least significant [width] bits of this big integer as a
-   * non-negative number (i.e. unsigned representation).  The returned value has
-   * zeros in all bit positions higher than [width].
-   *
-   * ```
-   * new BigInt.from(-1).toUnsigned(5) == 31   // 11111111  ->  00011111
-   * ```
-   *
-   * This operation can be used to simulate arithmetic from low level languages.
-   * For example, to increment an 8 bit quantity:
-   *
-   * ```
-   * q = (q + 1).toUnsigned(8);
-   * ```
-   *
-   * `q` will count from `0` up to `255` and then wrap around to `0`.
-   *
-   * If the input fits in [width] bits without truncation, the result is the
-   * same as the input.  The minimum width needed to avoid truncation of `x` is
-   * given by `x.bitLength`, i.e.
-   *
-   * ```
-   * x == x.toUnsigned(x.bitLength);
-   * ```
-   */
+  /// Returns the least significant [width] bits of this big integer as a
+  /// non-negative number (i.e. unsigned representation).  The returned value
+  /// has zeros in all bit positions higher than [width].
+  ///
+  /// ```
+  /// new BigInt.from(-1).toUnsigned(5) == 31   // 11111111  ->  00011111
+  /// ```
+  ///
+  /// This operation can be used to simulate arithmetic from low level
+  /// languages.  For example, to increment an 8 bit quantity:
+  ///
+  /// ```
+  /// q = (q + 1).toUnsigned(8);
+  /// ```
+  ///
+  /// `q` will count from `0` up to `255` and then wrap around to `0`.
+  ///
+  /// If the input fits in [width] bits without truncation, the result is the
+  /// same as the input.  The minimum width needed to avoid truncation of `x` is
+  /// given by `x.bitLength`, i.e.
+  ///
+  /// ```
+  /// x == x.toUnsigned(x.bitLength);
+  /// ```
   _BigIntImpl toUnsigned(int width) {
     return this & ((one << width) - one);
-  /**
-   * Returns the least significant [width] bits of this integer, extending the
-   * highest retained bit to the sign.  This is the same as truncating the value
-   * to fit in [width] bits using an signed 2-s complement representation.  The
-   * returned value has the same bit value in all positions higher than [width].
-   *
-   * ```
-   * var big15 = new BigInt.from(15);
-   * var big16 = new BigInt.from(16);
-   * var big239 = new BigInt.from(239);
-   *                                      V--sign bit-V
-   * big16.toSigned(5) == -big16   //  00010000 -> 11110000
-   * big239.toSigned(5) == big15   //  11101111 -> 00001111
-   *                                      ^           ^
-   * ```
-   *
-   * This operation can be used to simulate arithmetic from low level languages.
-   * For example, to increment an 8 bit signed quantity:
-   *
-   * ```
-   * q = (q + 1).toSigned(8);
-   * ```
-   *
-   * `q` will count from `0` up to `127`, wrap to `-128` and count back up to
-   * `127`.
-   *
-   * If the input value fits in [width] bits without truncation, the result is
-   * the same as the input.  The minimum width needed to avoid truncation of `x`
-   * is `x.bitLength + 1`, i.e.
-   *
-   * ```
-   * x == x.toSigned(x.bitLength + 1);
-   * ```
-   */
+  /// Returns the least significant [width] bits of this integer, extending the
+  /// highest retained bit to the sign.  This is the same as truncating the
+  /// value to fit in [width] bits using an signed 2-s complement
+  /// representation.  The returned value has the same bit value in all
+  /// positions higher than [width].
+  ///
+  /// ```
+  /// var big15 = new BigInt.from(15);
+  /// var big16 = new BigInt.from(16);
+  /// var big239 = new BigInt.from(239);
+  ///                                      V--sign bit-V
+  /// big16.toSigned(5) == -big16   //  00010000 -> 11110000
+  /// big239.toSigned(5) == big15   //  11101111 -> 00001111
+  ///                                      ^           ^
+  /// ```
+  ///
+  /// This operation can be used to simulate arithmetic from low level
+  /// languages.  For example, to increment an 8 bit signed quantity:
+  ///
+  /// ```
+  /// q = (q + 1).toSigned(8);
+  /// ```
+  ///
+  /// `q` will count from `0` up to `127`, wrap to `-128` and count back up to
+  /// `127`.
+  ///
+  /// If the input value fits in [width] bits without truncation, the result is
+  /// the same as the input.  The minimum width needed to avoid truncation of
+  /// `x` is `x.bitLength + 1`, i.e.
+  ///
+  /// ```
+  /// x == x.toSigned(x.bitLength + 1);
+  /// ```
   _BigIntImpl toSigned(int width) {
     // The value of binary number weights each bit by a power of two.  The
     // twos-complement value weights the sign bit negatively.  We compute the
@@ -2671,13 +2627,11 @@
     return _isNegative ? -result : result;
-  /**
-   * Returns this [_BigIntImpl] as a [double].
-   *
-   * If the number is not representable as a [double], an
-   * approximation is returned. For numerically large integers, the
-   * approximation may be infinite.
-   */
+  /// Returns this [_BigIntImpl] as a [double].
+  ///
+  /// If the number is not representable as a [double], an
+  /// approximation is returned. For numerically large integers, the
+  /// approximation may be infinite.
   double toDouble() {
     const int exponentBias = 1075;
     // There are 11 bits for the exponent.
@@ -2773,13 +2727,11 @@
     return resultBits.buffer.asByteData().getFloat64(0, Endian.little);
-  /**
-   * Returns a String-representation of this integer.
-   *
-   * The returned string is parsable by [parse].
-   * For any `_BigIntImpl` `i`, it is guaranteed that
-   * `i == _BigIntImpl.parse(i.toString())`.
-   */
+  /// Returns a String-representation of this integer.
+  ///
+  /// The returned string is parsable by [parse].
+  /// For any `_BigIntImpl` `i`, it is guaranteed that
+  /// `i == _BigIntImpl.parse(i.toString())`.
   String toString() {
     if (_used == 0) return "0";
     if (_used == 1) {
@@ -2811,14 +2763,12 @@
     return _a + digit - 10;
-  /**
-   * Converts [this] to a string representation in the given [radix].
-   *
-   * In the string representation, lower-case letters are used for digits above
-   * '9', with 'a' being 10 an 'z' being 35.
-   *
-   * The [radix] argument must be an integer in the range 2 to 36.
-   */
+  /// Converts [this] to a string representation in the given [radix].
+  ///
+  /// In the string representation, lower-case letters are used for digits above
+  /// '9', with 'a' being 10 an 'z' being 35.
+  ///
+  /// The [radix] argument must be an integer in the range 2 to 36.
   String toRadixString(int radix) {
     if (radix > 36) throw new RangeError.range(radix, 2, 36);
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/foreign_helper.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/foreign_helper.dart
index 4f549a0..5377630 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/foreign_helper.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/foreign_helper.dart
@@ -6,152 +6,151 @@
 import 'dart:_js_embedded_names' show JsGetName, JsBuiltin;
- * Emits a JavaScript code fragment parametrized by arguments.
- *
- * Hash characters `#` in the [codeTemplate] are replaced in left-to-right order
- * with expressions that contain the values of, or evaluate to, the arguments.
- * The number of hash marks must match the number or arguments.  Although
- * declared with arguments [arg0] through [arg2], the form actually has no limit
- * on the number of arguments.
- *
- * The [typeDescription] argument is interpreted as a description of the
- * behavior of the JavaScript code.  Currently it describes the side effects
- * types that may be returned by the expression, with the additional behavior
- * that the returned values may be fresh instances of the types.  The type
- * information must be correct as it is trusted by the compiler in
- * optimizations, and it must be precise as possible since it is used for native
- * live type analysis to tree-shake large parts of the DOM libraries.  If poorly
- * written, the [typeDescription] will cause unnecessarily bloated programs.
- * (You can check for this by compiling with `--verbose`; there is an info
- * message describing the number of native (DOM) types that can be removed,
- * which usually should be greater than zero.)
- *
- * The [typeDescription] must be a [String]. Two forms of it are supported:
- *
- * 1) a union of types separated by vertical bar `|` symbols, e.g.
- *    `"num|String"` describes the union of numbers and Strings.  There is no
- *    type in Dart that is this precise.  The Dart alternative would be `Object`
- *    or `dynamic`, but these types imply that the JS-code might also be
- *    creating instances of all the DOM types.
- *
- *    If `null` is possible, it must be specified explicitly, e.g.
- *    `"String|Null"`. [typeDescription] has several extensions to help describe
- *    the behavior more accurately.  In addition to the union type already
- *    described:
- *
- *    + `=Object` is a plain JavaScript object.  Some DOM methods return
- *       instances that have no corresponding Dart type (e.g. cross-frame
- *       documents), `=Object` can be used to describe these untyped' values.
- *
- *    + `var` or empty string.  If the entire [typeDescription] is `var` (or
- *      empty string) then the type is `dynamic` but the code is known to not
- *      create any instances.
- *
- *   Examples:
- *
- *       // Parent window might be an opaque cross-frame window.
- *       var thing = JS('=Object|Window', '#.parent', myWindow);
- *
- * 2) a sequence of the form `<tag>:<value>;` where `<tag>` is one of
- *    `creates`, `returns`, `effects` or `depends`.
- *
- *    The first two tags are used to specify the created and returned types of
- *    the expression. The value of `creates` and `returns` is a type string as
- *    defined in 1).
- *
- *    The tags `effects` and `depends` encode the side effects of this call.
- *    They can be omitted, in which case the expression is parsed and a safe
- *    conservative side-effect estimation is computed.
- *
- *    The values of `effects` and `depends` may be 'all', 'none' or a
- *    comma-separated list of 'no-index', 'no-instance' and 'no-static'.
- *
- *    The value 'all' indicates that the call affects/depends on every
- *    side-effect. The flag 'none' signals that the call does not affect
- *    (resp. depends on) anything.
- *
- *    The value 'no-index' indicates that the call does *not* do (resp. depends
- *    on) any array index-store. The flag 'no-instance' indicates that the call
- *    does not modify (resp. depends on) any instance variable. Similarly,
- *    the 'no-static' value indicates that the call does not modify (resp.
- *    depends on) any static variable.
- *
- *    The `effects` and `depends` flag must be used in tandem. Either both are
- *    specified or none is.
- *
- *    Each tag (including the type tags) may only occur once in the sequence.
- *
- * Guidelines:
- *
- *  + Do not use any parameter, local, method or field names in the
- *    [codeTemplate].  These names are all subject to arbitrary renaming by the
- *    compiler.  Pass the values in via `#` substition, and test with the
- *    `--minify` dart2js command-line option.
- *
- *  + The substituted expressions are values, not locations.
- *
- *        JS('void', '# += "x"', this.field);
- *
- *    `this.field` might not be a substituted as a reference to the field.  The
- *    generated code might accidentally work as intended, but it also might be
- *
- *        var t1 = this.field;
- *        t1 += "x";
- *
- *    or
- *
- *        this.get$field() += "x";
- *
- *    The remedy in this case is to expand the `+=` operator, leaving all
- *    references to the Dart field as Dart code:
- *
- *        this.field = JS('String', '# + "x"', this.field);
- *
- *  + Never use `#` in function bodies.
- *
- *    This is a variation on the previous guideline.  Since `#` is replaced with
- *    an *expression* and the expression is only valid in the immediate context,
- *    `#` should never appear in a function body.  Doing so might defer the
- *    evaluation of the expression, and its side effects, until the function is
- *    called.
- *
- *    For example,
- *
- *        var value = foo();
- *        var f = JS('', 'function(){return #}', value)
- *
- *    might result in no immediate call to `foo` and a call to `foo` on every
- *    call to the JavaScript function bound to `f`.  This is better:
- *
- *        var f = JS('',
- *            '(function(val) { return function(){return val}; })(#)', value);
- *
- *    Since `#` occurs in the immediately evaluated expression, the expression
- *    is immediately evaluated and bound to `val` in the immediate call.
- *
- *
- * Type argument.
- *
- * In Dart 2.0, the type argument additionally constrains the returned type.
- * So, with type inference filling in the type argumemnt,
- *
- *     String s = JS('', 'JSON.stringify(#)', x);
- *
- * will be the same as the current meaning of
- *
- *     var s = JS('String|Null', 'JSON.stringify(#)', x);
- *
- *
- * Additional notes.
- *
- * In the future we may extend [typeDescription] to include other aspects of the
- * behavior, for example, separating the returned types from the instantiated
- * types to allow the compiler to perform more optimizations around the code.
- *
- * This might be an extension of [JS] or a new function similar to [JS] with
- * additional arguments for the new information.
- */
+/// Emits a JavaScript code fragment parametrized by arguments.
+/// Hash characters `#` in the [codeTemplate] are replaced in left-to-right
+/// order with expressions that contain the values of, or evaluate to, the
+/// arguments.  The number of hash marks must match the number or arguments.
+/// Although declared with arguments [arg0] through [arg2], the form actually
+/// has no limit on the number of arguments.
+/// The [typeDescription] argument is interpreted as a description of the
+/// behavior of the JavaScript code.  Currently it describes the side effects
+/// types that may be returned by the expression, with the additional behavior
+/// that the returned values may be fresh instances of the types.  The type
+/// information must be correct as it is trusted by the compiler in
+/// optimizations, and it must be precise as possible since it is used for
+/// native live type analysis to tree-shake large parts of the DOM libraries.
+/// If poorly written, the [typeDescription] will cause unnecessarily bloated
+/// programs.  (You can check for this by compiling with `--verbose`; there is
+/// an info message describing the number of native (DOM) types that can be
+/// removed, which usually should be greater than zero.)
+/// The [typeDescription] must be a [String]. Two forms of it are supported:
+/// 1) a union of types separated by vertical bar `|` symbols, e.g.
+///    `"num|String"` describes the union of numbers and Strings.  There is no
+///    type in Dart that is this precise.  The Dart alternative would be
+///    `Object` or `dynamic`, but these types imply that the JS-code might also
+///    be creating instances of all the DOM types.
+///    If `null` is possible, it must be specified explicitly, e.g.
+///    `"String|Null"`. [typeDescription] has several extensions to help
+///    describe the behavior more accurately.  In addition to the union type
+///    already described:
+///    + `=Object` is a plain JavaScript object.  Some DOM methods return
+///       instances that have no corresponding Dart type (e.g. cross-frame
+///       documents), `=Object` can be used to describe these untyped' values.
+///    + `var` or empty string.  If the entire [typeDescription] is `var` (or
+///      empty string) then the type is `dynamic` but the code is known to not
+///      create any instances.
+///   Examples:
+///       // Parent window might be an opaque cross-frame window.
+///       var thing = JS('=Object|Window', '#.parent', myWindow);
+/// 2) a sequence of the form `<tag>:<value>;` where `<tag>` is one of
+///    `creates`, `returns`, `effects` or `depends`.
+///    The first two tags are used to specify the created and returned types of
+///    the expression. The value of `creates` and `returns` is a type string as
+///    defined in 1).
+///    The tags `effects` and `depends` encode the side effects of this call.
+///    They can be omitted, in which case the expression is parsed and a safe
+///    conservative side-effect estimation is computed.
+///    The values of `effects` and `depends` may be 'all', 'none' or a
+///    comma-separated list of 'no-index', 'no-instance' and 'no-static'.
+///    The value 'all' indicates that the call affects/depends on every
+///    side-effect. The flag 'none' signals that the call does not affect
+///    (resp. depends on) anything.
+///    The value 'no-index' indicates that the call does *not* do (resp. depends
+///    on) any array index-store. The flag 'no-instance' indicates that the call
+///    does not modify (resp. depends on) any instance variable. Similarly,
+///    the 'no-static' value indicates that the call does not modify (resp.
+///    depends on) any static variable.
+///    The `effects` and `depends` flag must be used in tandem. Either both are
+///    specified or none is.
+///    Each tag (including the type tags) may only occur once in the sequence.
+/// Guidelines:
+///  + Do not use any parameter, local, method or field names in the
+///    [codeTemplate].  These names are all subject to arbitrary renaming by the
+///    compiler.  Pass the values in via `#` substition, and test with the
+///    `--minify` dart2js command-line option.
+///  + The substituted expressions are values, not locations.
+///        JS('void', '# += "x"', this.field);
+///    `this.field` might not be a substituted as a reference to the field.  The
+///    generated code might accidentally work as intended, but it also might be
+///        var t1 = this.field;
+///        t1 += "x";
+///    or
+///        this.get$field() += "x";
+///    The remedy in this case is to expand the `+=` operator, leaving all
+///    references to the Dart field as Dart code:
+///        this.field = JS('String', '# + "x"', this.field);
+///  + Never use `#` in function bodies.
+///    This is a variation on the previous guideline.  Since `#` is replaced
+///    with an *expression* and the expression is only valid in the immediate
+///    context, `#` should never appear in a function body.  Doing so might
+///    defer the evaluation of the expression, and its side effects, until the
+///    function is called.
+///    For example,
+///        var value = foo();
+///        var f = JS('', 'function(){return #}', value)
+///    might result in no immediate call to `foo` and a call to `foo` on every
+///    call to the JavaScript function bound to `f`.  This is better:
+///        var f = JS('',
+///            '(function(val) { return function(){return val}; })(#)', value);
+///    Since `#` occurs in the immediately evaluated expression, the expression
+///    is immediately evaluated and bound to `val` in the immediate call.
+/// Type argument.
+/// In Dart 2.0, the type argument additionally constrains the returned type.
+/// So, with type inference filling in the type argumemnt,
+///     String s = JS('', 'JSON.stringify(#)', x);
+/// will be the same as the current meaning of
+///     var s = JS('String|Null', 'JSON.stringify(#)', x);
+/// Additional notes.
+/// In the future we may extend [typeDescription] to include other aspects of
+/// the behavior, for example, separating the returned types from the
+/// instantiated types to allow the compiler to perform more optimizations
+/// around the code.
+/// This might be an extension of [JS] or a new function similar to [JS] with
+/// additional arguments for the new information.
 // Add additional optional arguments if needed. The method is treated internally
 // as a variable argument method.
 external T JS<T>(String typeDescription, String codeTemplate,
@@ -176,39 +175,31 @@
- * Converts the Dart closure [function] into a JavaScript closure.
- *
- * Warning: This is no different from [RAW_DART_FUNCTION_REF] which means care
- * must be taken to store the current isolate.
- */
+/// Converts the Dart closure [function] into a JavaScript closure.
+/// Warning: This is no different from [RAW_DART_FUNCTION_REF] which means care
+/// must be taken to store the current isolate.
 external DART_CLOSURE_TO_JS(Function function);
- * Returns a raw reference to the JavaScript function which implements
- * [function].
- *
- * Warning: this is dangerous, you should probably use
- * [DART_CLOSURE_TO_JS] instead. The returned object is not a valid
- * Dart closure, does not store the isolate context or arity.
- *
- * A valid example of where this can be used is as the second argument
- * to V8's Error.captureStackTrace. See
- * https://code.google.com/p/v8/wiki/JavaScriptStackTraceApi.
- */
+/// Returns a raw reference to the JavaScript function which implements
+/// [function].
+/// Warning: this is dangerous, you should probably use
+/// [DART_CLOSURE_TO_JS] instead. The returned object is not a valid
+/// Dart closure, does not store the isolate context or arity.
+/// A valid example of where this can be used is as the second argument
+/// to V8's Error.captureStackTrace. See
+/// https://code.google.com/p/v8/wiki/JavaScriptStackTraceApi.
 external RAW_DART_FUNCTION_REF(Function function);
- * Sets the current static state to [staticState].
- */
+/// Sets the current static state to [staticState].
 external void JS_SET_STATIC_STATE(staticState);
- * Returns the interceptor for class [type].  The interceptor is the type's
- * constructor's `prototype` property.  [type] will typically be the class, not
- * an interface, e.g. `JS_INTERCEPTOR_CONSTANT(JSInt)`, not
- */
+/// Returns the interceptor for class [type].  The interceptor is the type's
+/// constructor's `prototype` property.  [type] will typically be the class, not
+/// an interface, e.g. `JS_INTERCEPTOR_CONSTANT(JSInt)`, not
 external JS_INTERCEPTOR_CONSTANT(Type type);
 /// Returns the interceptor for [object].
@@ -216,9 +207,7 @@
 /// Calls are replaced with the [HInterceptor] SSA instruction.
 external getInterceptor(object);
- * Returns the object corresponding to Namer.staticStateHolder.
- */
+/// Returns the object corresponding to Namer.staticStateHolder.
 external JS_GET_STATIC_STATE();
 /// Returns the JS name for [name] from the Namer.
@@ -242,42 +231,36 @@
 /// when the program has been analyzed.
 external bool JS_GET_FLAG(String name);
- * Pretend [code] is executed.  Generates no executable code.  This is used to
- * model effects at some other point in external code.  For example, the
- * following models an assignment to foo with an unknown value.
- *
- *     var foo;
- *
- *     main() {
- *       JS_EFFECT((_){ foo = _; })
- *     }
- *
- * TODO(sra): Replace this hack with something to mark the volatile or
- * externally initialized elements.
- */
+/// Pretend [code] is executed.  Generates no executable code.  This is used to
+/// model effects at some other point in external code.  For example, the
+/// following models an assignment to foo with an unknown value.
+///     var foo;
+///     main() {
+///       JS_EFFECT((_){ foo = _; })
+///     }
+/// TODO(sra): Replace this hack with something to mark the volatile or
+/// externally initialized elements.
 void JS_EFFECT(Function code) {
- * Use this class for creating constants that hold JavaScript code.
- * For example:
- *
- * const constant = JS_CONST('typeof window != "undefined");
- *
- * This code will generate:
- * $.JS_CONST_1 = typeof window != "undefined";
- */
+/// Use this class for creating constants that hold JavaScript code.
+/// For example:
+/// const constant = JS_CONST('typeof window != "undefined");
+/// This code will generate:
+/// $.JS_CONST_1 = typeof window != "undefined";
 class JS_CONST {
   final String code;
   const JS_CONST(this.code);
- * JavaScript string concatenation. Inputs must be Strings.  Corresponds to the
- * HStringConcat SSA instruction and may be constant-folded.
- */
+/// JavaScript string concatenation. Inputs must be Strings.  Corresponds to the
+/// HStringConcat SSA instruction and may be constant-folded.
 String JS_STRING_CONCAT(String a, String b) {
   // This body is unused, only here for type analysis.
   return JS('String', '# + #', a, b);
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/interceptors.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/interceptors.dart
index 287ec00..3344d39 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/interceptors.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/interceptors.dart
@@ -123,10 +123,8 @@
 dispatchRecordExtension(record) => JS('', '#.e', record);
 dispatchRecordIndexability(record) => JS('bool|Null', '#.x', record);
- * Returns the interceptor for a native class instance. Used by
- * [getInterceptor].
- */
+/// Returns the interceptor for a native class instance. Used by
+/// [getInterceptor].
 getNativeInterceptor(object) {
   var record = getDispatchProperty(object);
@@ -220,20 +218,18 @@
   JS('', '#.set(#, #)', constructorToInterceptor, constructor, interceptor);
- * Data structure used to map a [Type] to the [Interceptor] and constructors for
- * that type.  It is JavaScript array of 3N entries of adjacent slots containing
- * a [Type], followed by an [Interceptor] class for the type, followed by a
- * JavaScript object map for the constructors.
- *
- * The value of this variable is set by the compiler and contains only types
- * that are user extensions of native classes where the type occurs as a
- * constant in the program.
- *
- * The compiler, in CustomElementsAnalysis, assumes that [typeToInterceptorMap]
- * is accessed only by code that also calls [findIndexForWebComponentType].  If
- * this assumption is invalidated, the compiler will have to be updated.
- */
+/// Data structure used to map a [Type] to the [Interceptor] and constructors
+/// for that type.  It is JavaScript array of 3N entries of adjacent slots
+/// containing a [Type], followed by an [Interceptor] class for the type,
+/// followed by a JavaScript object map for the constructors.
+/// The value of this variable is set by the compiler and contains only types
+/// that are user extensions of native classes where the type occurs as a
+/// constant in the program.
+/// The compiler, in CustomElementsAnalysis, assumes that [typeToInterceptorMap]
+/// is accessed only by code that also calls [findIndexForWebComponentType].  If
+/// this assumption is invalidated, the compiler will have to be updated.
 get typeToInterceptorMap {
@@ -256,12 +252,10 @@
   return map[index + 1];
- * Returns a JavaScript function that runs the constructor on its argument, or
- * `null` if there is no such constructor.
- *
- * The returned function takes one argument, the web component object.
- */
+/// Returns a JavaScript function that runs the constructor on its argument, or
+/// `null` if there is no such constructor.
+/// The returned function takes one argument, the web component object.
 findConstructorForNativeSubclassType(Type type, String name) {
   var index = findIndexForNativeSubclassType(type);
   if (index == null) return null;
@@ -277,54 +271,52 @@
   return JS('', '#.prototype', constructor);
- * The base interceptor class.
- *
- * The code `r.foo(a)` is compiled to `getInterceptor(r).foo$1(r, a)`.  The
- * value returned by [getInterceptor] holds the methods separately from the
- * state of the instance.  The compiler converts the methods on an interceptor
- * to take the Dart `this` argument as an explicit `receiver` argument.  The
- * JavaScript `this` parameter is bound to the interceptor.
- *
- * In order to have uniform call sites, if a method is defined on an
- * interceptor, methods of that name on plain unintercepted classes also use the
- * interceptor calling convention.  The plain classes are _self-interceptors_,
- * and for them, `getInterceptor(r)` returns `r`.  Methods on plain
- * unintercepted classes have a redundant `receiver` argument and, to enable
- * some optimizations, must ignore `receiver` in favour of `this`.
- *
- * In the case of mixins, a method may be placed on both an intercepted class
- * and an unintercepted class.  In this case, the method must use the `receiver`
- * parameter.
- *
- *
- * There are various optimizations of the general call pattern.
- *
- * When the interceptor can be statically determined, it can be used directly:
- *
- *     CONSTANT_INTERCEPTOR.foo$1(r, a)
- *
- * If there are only a few classes, [getInterceptor] can be specialized with a
- * more efficient dispatch:
- *
- *     getInterceptor$specialized(r).foo$1(r, a)
- *
- * If it can be determined that the receiver is an unintercepted class, it can
- * be called directly:
- *
- *     r.foo$1(r, a)
- *
- * If, further, it is known that the call site cannot call a foo that is
- * mixed-in to a native class, then it is known that the explicit receiver is
- * ignored, and space-saving dummy value can be passed instead:
- *
- *     r.foo$1(0, a)
- *
- * This class defines implementations of *all* methods on [Object] so no
- * interceptor inherits an implementation from [Object].  This enables the
- * implementations on Object to ignore the explicit receiver argument, which
- * allows dummy receiver optimization.
- */
+/// The base interceptor class.
+/// The code `r.foo(a)` is compiled to `getInterceptor(r).foo$1(r, a)`.  The
+/// value returned by [getInterceptor] holds the methods separately from the
+/// state of the instance.  The compiler converts the methods on an interceptor
+/// to take the Dart `this` argument as an explicit `receiver` argument.  The
+/// JavaScript `this` parameter is bound to the interceptor.
+/// In order to have uniform call sites, if a method is defined on an
+/// interceptor, methods of that name on plain unintercepted classes also use
+/// the interceptor calling convention.  The plain classes are
+/// _self-interceptors_, and for them, `getInterceptor(r)` returns `r`.  Methods
+/// on plain unintercepted classes have a redundant `receiver` argument and, to
+/// enable some optimizations, must ignore `receiver` in favour of `this`.
+/// In the case of mixins, a method may be placed on both an intercepted class
+/// and an unintercepted class.  In this case, the method must use the
+/// `receiver` parameter.
+/// There are various optimizations of the general call pattern.
+/// When the interceptor can be statically determined, it can be used directly:
+///     CONSTANT_INTERCEPTOR.foo$1(r, a)
+/// If there are only a few classes, [getInterceptor] can be specialized with a
+/// more efficient dispatch:
+///     getInterceptor$specialized(r).foo$1(r, a)
+/// If it can be determined that the receiver is an unintercepted class, it can
+/// be called directly:
+///     r.foo$1(r, a)
+/// If, further, it is known that the call site cannot call a foo that is
+/// mixed-in to a native class, then it is known that the explicit receiver is
+/// ignored, and space-saving dummy value can be passed instead:
+///     r.foo$1(0, a)
+/// This class defines implementations of *all* methods on [Object] so no
+/// interceptor inherits an implementation from [Object].  This enables the
+/// implementations on Object to ignore the explicit receiver argument, which
+/// allows dummy receiver optimization.
 abstract class Interceptor {
   const Interceptor();
@@ -356,9 +348,7 @@
   Type get runtimeType => getRuntimeType(this);
- * The interceptor class for [bool].
- */
+/// The interceptor class for [bool].
 class JSBool extends Interceptor implements bool {
   const JSBool();
@@ -378,13 +368,11 @@
   Type get runtimeType => bool;
- * The interceptor class for [Null].
- *
- * This class defines implementations for *all* methods on [Object] since
- * the methods on Object assume the receiver is non-null.  This means that
- * JSNull will always be in the interceptor set for methods defined on Object.
- */
+/// The interceptor class for [Null].
+/// This class defines implementations for *all* methods on [Object] since
+/// the methods on Object assume the receiver is non-null.  This means that
+/// JSNull will always be in the interceptor set for methods defined on Object.
 class JSNull extends Interceptor implements Null {
   const JSNull();
@@ -403,37 +391,29 @@
   dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
- * The supertype for JSString and JSArray. Used by the backend as to
- * have a type mask that contains the objects that we can use the
- * native JS [] operator and length on.
- */
+/// The supertype for JSString and JSArray. Used by the backend as to
+/// have a type mask that contains the objects that we can use the
+/// native JS [] operator and length on.
 abstract class JSIndexable<E> {
   int get length;
   E operator [](int index);
- * The supertype for JSMutableArray and
- * JavaScriptIndexingBehavior. Used by the backend to have a type mask
- * that contains the objects we can use the JS []= operator on.
- */
+/// The supertype for JSMutableArray and
+/// JavaScriptIndexingBehavior. Used by the backend to have a type mask
+/// that contains the objects we can use the JS []= operator on.
 abstract class JSMutableIndexable<E> extends JSIndexable<E> {
   operator []=(int index, E value);
- * The interface implemented by JavaScript objects.  These are methods in
- * addition to the regular Dart Object methods like [Object.hashCode].
- *
- * This is the type that should be exported by a JavaScript interop library.
- */
+/// The interface implemented by JavaScript objects.  These are methods in
+/// addition to the regular Dart Object methods like [Object.hashCode].
+/// This is the type that should be exported by a JavaScript interop library.
 abstract class JSObject {}
- * Interceptor base class for JavaScript objects not recognized as some more
- * specific native type.
- */
+/// Interceptor base class for JavaScript objects not recognized as some more
+/// specific native type.
 class JavaScriptObject extends Interceptor implements JSObject {
   const JavaScriptObject();
@@ -442,36 +422,28 @@
   Type get runtimeType => JSObject;
-  /**
-   * Returns the result of the JavaScript objects `toString` method.
-   */
+  /// Returns the result of the JavaScript objects `toString` method.
   String toString() => JS('String', 'String(#)', this);
- * Interceptor for plain JavaScript objects created as JavaScript object
- * literals or `new Object()`.
- */
+/// Interceptor for plain JavaScript objects created as JavaScript object
+/// literals or `new Object()`.
 class PlainJavaScriptObject extends JavaScriptObject {
   const PlainJavaScriptObject();
- * Interceptor for unclassified JavaScript objects, typically objects with a
- * non-trivial prototype chain.
- *
- * This class also serves as a fallback for unknown JavaScript exceptions.
- */
+/// Interceptor for unclassified JavaScript objects, typically objects with a
+/// non-trivial prototype chain.
+/// This class also serves as a fallback for unknown JavaScript exceptions.
 class UnknownJavaScriptObject extends JavaScriptObject {
   const UnknownJavaScriptObject();
- * Interceptor for JavaScript function objects and Dart functions that have
- * been converted to JavaScript functions.
- * These interceptor methods are not always used as the JavaScript function
- * object has also been mangled to support Dart function calling conventions.
- */
+/// Interceptor for JavaScript function objects and Dart functions that have
+/// been converted to JavaScript functions.
+/// These interceptor methods are not always used as the JavaScript function
+/// object has also been mangled to support Dart function calling conventions.
 class JavaScriptFunction extends JavaScriptObject implements Function {
   const JavaScriptFunction();
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_array.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_array.dart
index 9d0a48e..c6956d9 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_array.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_array.dart
@@ -10,12 +10,10 @@
 const _ListConstructorSentinel = const _Growable();
- * The interceptor class for [List]. The compiler recognizes this
- * class as an interceptor, and changes references to [:this:] to
- * actually use the receiver of the method, which is generated as an extra
- * argument added to each member.
- */
+/// The interceptor class for [List]. The compiler recognizes this
+/// class as an interceptor, and changes references to [:this:] to
+/// actually use the receiver of the method, which is generated as an extra
+/// argument added to each member.
 class JSArray<E> extends Interceptor implements List<E>, JSIndexable {
   const JSArray();
@@ -28,11 +26,9 @@
     return new JSArray<E>.fixed(length);
-  /**
-   * Returns a fresh JavaScript Array, marked as fixed-length.
-   *
-   * [length] must be a non-negative integer.
-   */
+  /// Returns a fresh JavaScript Array, marked as fixed-length.
+  ///
+  /// [length] must be a non-negative integer.
   factory JSArray.fixed(int length) {
     // Explicit type test is necessary to guard against JavaScript conversions
     // in unchecked mode, and against `new Array(null)` which creates a single
@@ -49,16 +45,12 @@
     return new JSArray<E>.markFixed(JS('', 'new Array(#)', length));
-  /**
-   * Returns a fresh growable JavaScript Array of zero length length.
-   */
+  /// Returns a fresh growable JavaScript Array of zero length length.
   factory JSArray.emptyGrowable() => new JSArray<E>.markGrowable(JS('', '[]'));
-  /**
-   * Returns a fresh growable JavaScript Array with initial length.
-   *
-   * [validatedLength] must be a non-negative integer.
-   */
+  /// Returns a fresh growable JavaScript Array with initial length.
+  ///
+  /// [validatedLength] must be a non-negative integer.
   factory JSArray.growable(int length) {
     // Explicit type test is necessary to guard against JavaScript conversions
     // in unchecked mode.
@@ -68,20 +60,18 @@
     return new JSArray<E>.markGrowable(JS('', 'new Array(#)', length));
-  /**
-   * Constructor for adding type parameters to an existing JavaScript Array.
-   * The compiler specially recognizes this constructor.
-   *
-   *     var a = new JSArray<int>.typed(JS('JSExtendableArray', '[]'));
-   *     a is List<int>    --> true
-   *     a is List<String> --> false
-   *
-   * Usually either the [JSArray.markFixed] or [JSArray.markGrowable]
-   * constructors is used instead.
-   *
-   * The input must be a JavaScript Array.  The JS form is just a re-assertion
-   * to help type analysis when the input type is sloppy.
-   */
+  /// Constructor for adding type parameters to an existing JavaScript Array.
+  /// The compiler specially recognizes this constructor.
+  ///
+  ///     var a = new JSArray<int>.typed(JS('JSExtendableArray', '[]'));
+  ///     a is List<int>    --> true
+  ///     a is List<String> --> false
+  ///
+  /// Usually either the [JSArray.markFixed] or [JSArray.markGrowable]
+  /// constructors is used instead.
+  ///
+  /// The input must be a JavaScript Array.  The JS form is just a re-assertion
+  /// to help type analysis when the input type is sloppy.
   factory JSArray.typed(allocation) => JS('JSArray', '#', allocation);
   factory JSArray.markFixed(allocation) =>
@@ -181,9 +171,7 @@
     return false;
-  /**
-   * Removes elements matching [test] from [this] List.
-   */
+  /// Removes elements matching [test] from [this] List.
   void removeWhere(bool test(E element)) {
     _removeWhere(test, true);
@@ -677,17 +665,15 @@
- * Dummy subclasses that allow the backend to track more precise
- * information about arrays through their type. The CPA type inference
- * relies on the fact that these classes do not override [] nor []=.
- *
- * These classes are really a fiction, and can have no methods, since
- * getInterceptor always returns JSArray.  We should consider pushing the
- * 'isGrowable' and 'isMutable' checks into the getInterceptor implementation so
- * these classes can have specialized implementations. Doing so will challenge
- * many assumptions in the JS backend.
- */
+/// Dummy subclasses that allow the backend to track more precise
+/// information about arrays through their type. The CPA type inference
+/// relies on the fact that these classes do not override [] nor []=.
+/// These classes are really a fiction, and can have no methods, since
+/// getInterceptor always returns JSArray.  We should consider pushing the
+/// 'isGrowable' and 'isMutable' checks into the getInterceptor implementation
+/// so these classes can have specialized implementations. Doing so will
+/// challenge many assumptions in the JS backend.
 class JSMutableArray<E> extends JSArray<E> implements JSMutableIndexable {}
 class JSFixedArray<E> extends JSMutableArray<E> {}
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_helper.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_helper.dart
index 61e7182..9457101 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_helper.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_helper.dart
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@
     return result;
-  /** [: r"$".codeUnitAt(0) :] */
+  /// [: r"$".codeUnitAt(0) :]
   static const int DOLLAR_CHAR_VALUE = 36;
   /// Creates a string containing the complete type for the class [className]
@@ -1099,39 +1099,37 @@
-  /**
-   * Implements [Function.apply] for the lazy and startup emitters.
-   *
-   * There are two types of closures that can reach this function:
-   *
-   * 1. tear-offs (including tear-offs of static functions).
-   * 2. anonymous closures.
-   *
-   * They are treated differently (although there are lots of similarities).
-   * Both have in common that they have
-   * a [JsGetName.CALL_CATCH_ALL] and
-   * a [JsGetName.REQUIRED_PARAMETER_PROPERTY] property.
-   *
-   * If the closure supports optional parameters, then they also feature
-   * a [JsGetName.DEFAULT_VALUES_PROPERTY] property.
-   *
-   * The catch-all property is a method that takes all arguments (including
-   * all optional positional or named arguments). If the function accepts
-   * optional arguments, then the default-values property stores (potentially
-   * wrapped in a function) the default values for the optional arguments. If
-   * the function accepts optional positional arguments, then the value is a
-   * JavaScript array with the default values. Otherwise, when the function
-   * accepts optional named arguments, it is a JavaScript object.
-   *
-   * The default-values property may either contain the value directly, or
-   * it can be a function that returns the default-values when invoked.
-   *
-   * If the function is an anonymous closure, then the catch-all property
-   * only contains a string pointing to the property that should be used
-   * instead. For example, if the catch-all property contains the string
-   * "call$4", then the object's "call$4" property should be used as if it was
-   * the value of the catch-all property.
-   */
+  /// Implements [Function.apply] for the lazy and startup emitters.
+  ///
+  /// There are two types of closures that can reach this function:
+  ///
+  /// 1. tear-offs (including tear-offs of static functions).
+  /// 2. anonymous closures.
+  ///
+  /// They are treated differently (although there are lots of similarities).
+  /// Both have in common that they have
+  /// a [JsGetName.CALL_CATCH_ALL] and
+  /// a [JsGetName.REQUIRED_PARAMETER_PROPERTY] property.
+  ///
+  /// If the closure supports optional parameters, then they also feature
+  /// a [JsGetName.DEFAULT_VALUES_PROPERTY] property.
+  ///
+  /// The catch-all property is a method that takes all arguments (including
+  /// all optional positional or named arguments). If the function accepts
+  /// optional arguments, then the default-values property stores (potentially
+  /// wrapped in a function) the default values for the optional arguments. If
+  /// the function accepts optional positional arguments, then the value is a
+  /// JavaScript array with the default values. Otherwise, when the function
+  /// accepts optional named arguments, it is a JavaScript object.
+  ///
+  /// The default-values property may either contain the value directly, or
+  /// it can be a function that returns the default-values when invoked.
+  ///
+  /// If the function is an anonymous closure, then the catch-all property
+  /// only contains a string pointing to the property that should be used
+  /// instead. For example, if the catch-all property contains the string
+  /// "call$4", then the object's "call$4" property should be used as if it was
+  /// the value of the catch-all property.
   static applyFunction(Function function, List positionalArguments,
       Map<String, dynamic> namedArguments) {
     // Fast shortcut for the common case.
@@ -1328,32 +1326,27 @@
- * Called by generated code to throw an illegal-argument exception,
- * for example, if a non-integer index is given to an optimized
- * indexed access.
- */
+/// Called by generated code to throw an illegal-argument exception,
+/// for example, if a non-integer index is given to an optimized
+/// indexed access.
 iae(argument) {
   throw argumentErrorValue(argument);
- * Called by generated code to throw an index-out-of-range exception, for
- * example, if a bounds check fails in an optimized indexed access.  This may
- * also be called when the index is not an integer, in which case it throws an
- * illegal-argument exception instead, like [iae], or when the receiver is null.
- */
+/// Called by generated code to throw an index-out-of-range exception, for
+/// example, if a bounds check fails in an optimized indexed access.  This may
+/// also be called when the index is not an integer, in which case it throws an
+/// illegal-argument exception instead, like [iae], or when the receiver is
+/// null.
 ioore(receiver, index) {
   if (receiver == null) receiver.length; // Force a NoSuchMethodError.
   throw diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index);
- * Diagnoses an indexing error. Returns the ArgumentError or RangeError that
- * describes the problem.
- */
+/// Diagnoses an indexing error. Returns the ArgumentError or RangeError that
+/// describes the problem.
 Error diagnoseIndexError(indexable, index) {
   if (index is! int) return new ArgumentError.value(index, 'index');
@@ -1367,10 +1360,8 @@
   return new RangeError.value(index, 'index');
- * Diagnoses a range error. Returns the ArgumentError or RangeError that
- * describes the problem.
- */
+/// Diagnoses a range error. Returns the ArgumentError or RangeError that
+/// describes the problem.
 Error diagnoseRangeError(start, end, length) {
   if (start is! int) {
@@ -1426,12 +1417,10 @@
   return value;
- * Wrap the given Dart object and record a stack trace.
- *
- * The code in [unwrapException] deals with getting the original Dart
- * object out of the wrapper again.
- */
+/// Wrap the given Dart object and record a stack trace.
+/// The code in [unwrapException] deals with getting the original Dart
+/// object out of the wrapper again.
 wrapException(ex) {
   if (ex == null) ex = new NullThrownError();
@@ -1463,12 +1452,10 @@
   return JS('', r'this.dartException').toString();
- * This wraps the exception and does the throw.  It is possible to call this in
- * a JS expression context, where the throw statement is not allowed.  Helpers
- * are never inlined, so we don't risk inlining the throw statement into an
- * expression context.
- */
+/// This wraps the exception and does the throw.  It is possible to call this in
+/// a JS expression context, where the throw statement is not allowed.  Helpers
+/// are never inlined, so we don't risk inlining the throw statement into an
+/// expression context.
 throwExpression(ex) {
   JS('void', 'throw #', wrapException(ex));
@@ -1510,9 +1497,7 @@
   throw new ConcurrentModificationError(collection);
- * Helper class for building patterns recognizing native type errors.
- */
+/// Helper class for building patterns recognizing native type errors.
 class TypeErrorDecoder {
   // Field names are private to help tree-shaking.
@@ -1891,14 +1876,12 @@
   ExceptionAndStackTrace(this.dartException, this.stackTrace);
- * Called from catch blocks in generated code to extract the Dart
- * exception from the thrown value. The thrown value may have been
- * created by [wrapException] or it may be a 'native' JS exception.
- *
- * Some native exceptions are mapped to new Dart instances, others are
- * returned unmodified.
- */
+/// Called from catch blocks in generated code to extract the Dart
+/// exception from the thrown value. The thrown value may have been
+/// created by [wrapException] or it may be a 'native' JS exception.
+/// Some native exceptions are mapped to new Dart instances, others are
+/// returned unmodified.
 unwrapException(ex) {
   /// If error implements Error, save [ex] in [error.$thrownJsError].
   /// Otherwise, do nothing. Later, the stack trace can then be extracted from
@@ -2048,10 +2031,8 @@
- * Called by generated code to fetch the stack trace from an
- * exception. Should never return null.
- */
+/// Called by generated code to fetch the stack trace from an
+/// exception. Should never return null.
 StackTrace getTraceFromException(exception) {
   if (exception is ExceptionAndStackTrace) {
     return exception.stackTrace;
@@ -2088,10 +2069,8 @@
- * Called by generated code to build a map literal. [keyValuePairs] is
- * a list of key, value, key, value, ..., etc.
- */
+/// Called by generated code to build a map literal. [keyValuePairs] is
+/// a list of key, value, key, value, ..., etc.
 fillLiteralMap(keyValuePairs, Map result) {
   // TODO(johnniwinther): Use JSArray to optimize this code instead of calling
   // [getLength] and [getIndex].
@@ -2122,10 +2101,8 @@
   throw new Exception('Unsupported number of arguments for wrapped closure');
- * Called by generated code to convert a Dart closure to a JS
- * closure when the Dart closure is passed to the DOM.
- */
+/// Called by generated code to convert a Dart closure to a JS
+/// closure when the Dart closure is passed to the DOM.
 convertDartClosureToJS(closure, int arity) {
   if (closure == null) return null;
   var function = JS('var', r'#.$identity', closure);
@@ -2162,40 +2139,36 @@
   static const OPTIONAL_PARAMETER_INDEX = 4;
   static const DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS_INDEX = 5;
-  /**
-   * Global counter to prevent reusing function code objects.
-   *
-   * V8 will share the underlying function code objects when the same string is
-   * passed to "new Function".  Shared function code objects can lead to
-   * sub-optimal performance due to polymorphism, and can be prevented by
-   * ensuring the strings are different, for example, by generating a local
-   * variable with a name dependent on [functionCounter].
-   */
+  /// Global counter to prevent reusing function code objects.
+  ///
+  /// V8 will share the underlying function code objects when the same string is
+  /// passed to "new Function".  Shared function code objects can lead to
+  /// sub-optimal performance due to polymorphism, and can be prevented by
+  /// ensuring the strings are different, for example, by generating a local
+  /// variable with a name dependent on [functionCounter].
   static int functionCounter = 0;
-  /**
-   * Creates a new closure class for use by implicit getters associated with a
-   * method.
-   *
-   * In other words, creates a tear-off closure.
-   *
-   * Called from [closureFromTearOff] as well as from reflection when tearing
-   * of a method via `getField`.
-   *
-   * This method assumes that [functions] was created by the JavaScript function
-   * `addStubs` in `reflection_data_parser.dart`. That is, a list of JavaScript
-   * function objects with properties `$stubName` and `$callName`.
-   *
-   * Further assumes that [reflectionInfo] is the end of the array created by
-   * [dart2js.js_emitter.ContainerBuilder.addMemberMethod] starting with
-   * required parameter count or, in case of the new emitter, the runtime
-   * representation of the function's type.
-   *
-   * Caution: this function may be called when building constants.
-   * TODO(ahe): Don't call this function when building constants.
-   */
+  /// Creates a new closure class for use by implicit getters associated with a
+  /// method.
+  ///
+  /// In other words, creates a tear-off closure.
+  ///
+  /// Called from [closureFromTearOff] as well as from reflection when tearing
+  /// of a method via `getField`.
+  ///
+  /// This method assumes that [functions] was created by the JavaScript
+  /// function `addStubs` in `reflection_data_parser.dart`. That is, a list of
+  /// JavaScript function objects with properties `$stubName` and `$callName`.
+  ///
+  /// Further assumes that [reflectionInfo] is the end of the array created by
+  /// [dart2js.js_emitter.ContainerBuilder.addMemberMethod] starting with
+  /// required parameter count or, in case of the new emitter, the runtime
+  /// representation of the function's type.
+  ///
+  /// Caution: this function may be called when building constants.
+  /// TODO(ahe): Don't call this function when building constants.
   static fromTearOff(
     List functions,
@@ -2757,101 +2730,91 @@
   return JS('var', r'#[#]', jsObject, property);
- * Called at the end of unaborted switch cases to get the singleton
- * FallThroughError exception that will be thrown.
- */
+/// Called at the end of unaborted switch cases to get the singleton
+/// FallThroughError exception that will be thrown.
 getFallThroughError() => new FallThroughErrorImplementation();
- * A metadata annotation describing the types instantiated by a native element.
- *
- * The annotation is valid on a native method and a field of a native class.
- *
- * By default, a field of a native class is seen as an instantiation point for
- * all native classes that are a subtype of the field's type, and a native
- * method is seen as an instantiation point fo all native classes that are a
- * subtype of the method's return type, or the argument types of the declared
- * type of the method's callback parameter.
- *
- * An @[Creates] annotation overrides the default set of instantiated types.  If
- * one or more @[Creates] annotations are present, the type of the native
- * element is ignored, and the union of @[Creates] annotations is used instead.
- * The names in the strings are resolved and the program will fail to compile
- * with dart2js if they do not name types.
- *
- * The argument to [Creates] is a string.  The string is parsed as the names of
- * one or more types, separated by vertical bars `|`.  There are some special
- * names:
- *
- * * `=Object`. This means 'exactly Object', which is a plain JavaScript object
- *   with properties and none of the subtypes of Object.
- *
- * Example: we may know that a method always returns a specific implementation:
- *
- *     @Creates('_NodeList')
- *     List<Node> getElementsByTagName(String tag) native;
- *
- * Useful trick: A method can be marked as not instantiating any native classes
- * with the annotation `@Creates('Null')`.  This is useful for fields on native
- * classes that are used only in Dart code.
- *
- *     @Creates('Null')
- *     var _cachedFoo;
- */
+/// A metadata annotation describing the types instantiated by a native element.
+/// The annotation is valid on a native method and a field of a native class.
+/// By default, a field of a native class is seen as an instantiation point for
+/// all native classes that are a subtype of the field's type, and a native
+/// method is seen as an instantiation point fo all native classes that are a
+/// subtype of the method's return type, or the argument types of the declared
+/// type of the method's callback parameter.
+/// An @[Creates] annotation overrides the default set of instantiated types.
+/// If one or more @[Creates] annotations are present, the type of the native
+/// element is ignored, and the union of @[Creates] annotations is used instead.
+/// The names in the strings are resolved and the program will fail to compile
+/// with dart2js if they do not name types.
+/// The argument to [Creates] is a string.  The string is parsed as the names of
+/// one or more types, separated by vertical bars `|`.  There are some special
+/// names:
+/// * `=Object`. This means 'exactly Object', which is a plain JavaScript object
+///   with properties and none of the subtypes of Object.
+/// Example: we may know that a method always returns a specific implementation:
+///     @Creates('_NodeList')
+///     List<Node> getElementsByTagName(String tag) native;
+/// Useful trick: A method can be marked as not instantiating any native classes
+/// with the annotation `@Creates('Null')`.  This is useful for fields on native
+/// classes that are used only in Dart code.
+///     @Creates('Null')
+///     var _cachedFoo;
 class Creates {
   final String types;
   const Creates(this.types);
- * A metadata annotation describing the types returned or yielded by a native
- * element.
- *
- * The annotation is valid on a native method and a field of a native class.
- *
- * By default, a native method or field is seen as returning or yielding all
- * subtypes if the method return type or field type.  This annotation allows a
- * more precise set of types to be specified.
- *
- * See [Creates] for the syntax of the argument.
- *
- * Example: IndexedDB keys are numbers, strings and JavaScript Arrays of keys.
- *
- *     @Returns('String|num|JSExtendableArray')
- *     dynamic key;
- *
- *     // Equivalent:
- *     @Returns('String') @Returns('num') @Returns('JSExtendableArray')
- *     dynamic key;
- */
+/// A metadata annotation describing the types returned or yielded by a native
+/// element.
+/// The annotation is valid on a native method and a field of a native class.
+/// By default, a native method or field is seen as returning or yielding all
+/// subtypes if the method return type or field type.  This annotation allows a
+/// more precise set of types to be specified.
+/// See [Creates] for the syntax of the argument.
+/// Example: IndexedDB keys are numbers, strings and JavaScript Arrays of keys.
+///     @Returns('String|num|JSExtendableArray')
+///     dynamic key;
+///     // Equivalent:
+///     @Returns('String') @Returns('num') @Returns('JSExtendableArray')
+///     dynamic key;
 class Returns {
   final String types;
   const Returns(this.types);
- * A metadata annotation placed on native methods and fields of native classes
- * to specify the JavaScript name.
- *
- * This example declares a Dart field + getter + setter called `$dom_title` that
- * corresponds to the JavaScript property `title`.
- *
- *     class Document native "*Foo" {
- *       @JSName('title')
- *       String $dom_title;
- *     }
- */
+/// A metadata annotation placed on native methods and fields of native classes
+/// to specify the JavaScript name.
+/// This example declares a Dart field + getter + setter called `$dom_title`
+/// that corresponds to the JavaScript property `title`.
+///     class Document native "*Foo" {
+///       @JSName('title')
+///       String $dom_title;
+///     }
 class JSName {
   final String name;
   const JSName(this.name);
- * The following methods are called by the runtime to implement
- * checked mode and casts. We specialize each primitive type (eg int, bool), and
- * use the compiler's convention to do is-checks on regular objects.
- */
+/// The following methods are called by the runtime to implement checked mode
+/// and casts. We specialize each primitive type (eg int, bool), and use the
+/// compiler's convention to do is-checks on regular objects.
 boolConversionCheck(value) {
   if (value is bool) return value;
   // One of the following checks will always fail.
@@ -2926,32 +2889,26 @@
   throw new CastErrorImplementation(value, unminifyOrTag(name));
- * For types that are not supertypes of native (eg DOM) types,
- * we emit a simple property check to check that an object implements
- * that type.
- */
+/// For types that are not supertypes of native (eg DOM) types,
+/// we emit a simple property check to check that an object implements
+/// that type.
 propertyTypeCheck(value, property) {
   if (value == null) return value;
   if (JS('bool', '!!#[#]', value, property)) return value;
   propertyTypeError(value, property);
- * For types that are not supertypes of native (eg DOM) types,
- * we emit a simple property check to check that an object implements
- * that type.
- */
+/// For types that are not supertypes of native (eg DOM) types,
+/// we emit a simple property check to check that an object implements
+/// that type.
 propertyTypeCast(value, property) {
   if (value == null || JS('bool', '!!#[#]', value, property)) return value;
   propertyTypeCastError(value, property);
- * For types that are supertypes of native (eg DOM) types, we use the
- * interceptor for the class because we cannot add a JS property to the
- * prototype at load time.
- */
+/// For types that are supertypes of native (eg DOM) types, we use the
+/// interceptor for the class because we cannot add a JS property to the
+/// prototype at load time.
 interceptedTypeCheck(value, property) {
   if (value == null) return value;
   if ((JS('bool', 'typeof # === "object"', value) ||
@@ -2962,11 +2919,9 @@
   propertyTypeError(value, property);
- * For types that are supertypes of native (eg DOM) types, we use the
- * interceptor for the class because we cannot add a JS property to the
- * prototype at load time.
- */
+/// For types that are supertypes of native (eg DOM) types, we use the
+/// interceptor for the class because we cannot add a JS property to the
+/// prototype at load time.
 interceptedTypeCast(value, property) {
   if (value == null ||
       ((JS('bool', 'typeof # === "object"', value) ||
@@ -2977,10 +2932,8 @@
   propertyTypeCastError(value, property);
- * Specialization of the type check for num and String and their
- * supertype since [value] can be a JS primitive.
- */
+/// Specialization of the type check for num and String and their
+/// supertype since [value] can be a JS primitive.
 numberOrStringSuperTypeCheck(value, property) {
   if (value == null) return value;
   if (value is String) return value;
@@ -3011,10 +2964,8 @@
   propertyTypeCastError(value, property);
- * Specialization of the type check for String and its supertype
- * since [value] can be a JS primitive.
- */
+/// Specialization of the type check for String and its supertype
+/// since [value] can be a JS primitive.
 stringSuperTypeCheck(value, property) {
   if (value == null) return value;
   if (value is String) return value;
@@ -3040,10 +2991,8 @@
   propertyTypeCastError(value, property);
- * Specialization of the type check for List and its supertypes,
- * since [value] can be a JS array.
- */
+/// Specialization of the type check for List and its supertypes,
+/// since [value] can be a JS array.
 listTypeCheck(value) {
   if (value == null) return value;
   if (value is List) return value;
@@ -3158,17 +3107,15 @@
- * Special interface recognized by the compiler and implemented by DOM
- * objects that support integer indexing. This interface is not
- * visible to anyone, and is only injected into special libraries.
- */
+/// Special interface recognized by the compiler and implemented by DOM
+/// objects that support integer indexing. This interface is not
+/// visible to anyone, and is only injected into special libraries.
 abstract class JavaScriptIndexingBehavior<E> extends JSMutableIndexable<E> {}
 // TODO(lrn): These exceptions should be implemented in core.
 // When they are, remove the 'Implementation' here.
-/** Thrown by type assertions that fail. */
+/// Thrown by type assertions that fail.
 class TypeErrorImplementation extends Error implements TypeError {
   final String message;
@@ -3182,7 +3129,7 @@
   String toString() => message;
-/** Thrown by the 'as' operator if the cast isn't valid. */
+/// Thrown by the 'as' operator if the cast isn't valid.
 class CastErrorImplementation extends Error implements CastError {
   // TODO(lrn): Rename to CastError (and move implementation into core).
   final String message;
@@ -3211,12 +3158,11 @@
   String toString() => 'Switch case fall-through.';
- * Helper function for implementing asserts. The compiler treats this specially.
- *
- * Returns the negation of the condition. That is: `true` if the assert should
- * fail.
- */
+/// Helper function for implementing asserts. The compiler treats this
+/// specially.
+/// Returns the negation of the condition. That is: `true` if the assert should
+/// fail.
 bool assertTest(condition) {
   // Do bool success check first, it is common and faster than 'is Function'.
   if (true == condition) return false;
@@ -3224,44 +3170,34 @@
   throw new TypeErrorImplementation(condition, 'bool');
- * Helper function for implementing asserts with messages.
- * The compiler treats this specially.
- */
+/// Helper function for implementing asserts with messages.
+/// The compiler treats this specially.
 void assertThrow(Object message) {
   throw new _AssertionError(message);
- * Helper function for implementing asserts without messages.
- * The compiler treats this specially.
- */
+/// Helper function for implementing asserts without messages.
+/// The compiler treats this specially.
 void assertHelper(condition) {
   if (assertTest(condition)) throw new AssertionError();
- * Called by generated code when a method that must be statically
- * resolved cannot be found.
- */
+/// Called by generated code when a method that must be statically
+/// resolved cannot be found.
 void throwNoSuchMethod(obj, name, arguments, expectedArgumentNames) {
   Symbol memberName = new _symbol_dev.Symbol.unvalidated(name);
   throw new NoSuchMethodError(obj, memberName, arguments,
       new Map<Symbol, dynamic>(), expectedArgumentNames);
- * Called by generated code when a static field's initializer references the
- * field that is currently being initialized.
- */
+/// Called by generated code when a static field's initializer references the
+/// field that is currently being initialized.
 void throwCyclicInit(String staticName) {
   throw new CyclicInitializationError(staticName);
- * Error thrown when a runtime error occurs.
- */
+/// Error thrown when a runtime error occurs.
 class RuntimeError extends Error {
   final message;
@@ -3288,11 +3224,9 @@
   String toString() => 'Unsupported operation: $_message';
- * Creates a random number with 64 bits of randomness.
- *
- * This will be truncated to the 53 bits available in a double.
- */
+/// Creates a random number with 64 bits of randomness.
+/// This will be truncated to the 53 bits available in a double.
 int random64() {
   // TODO(lrn): Use a secure random source.
   int int32a = JS('int', '(Math.random() * 0x100000000) >>> 0');
@@ -3304,14 +3238,12 @@
   return JS('String', 'JSON.stringify(#)', string);
- * Returns a property name for placing data on JavaScript objects shared between
- * DOM isolates.  This happens when multiple programs are loaded in the same
- * JavaScript context (i.e. page).  The name is based on [name] but with an
- * additional part that is unique for each isolate.
- *
- * The form of the name is '___dart_$name_$id'.
- */
+/// Returns a property name for placing data on JavaScript objects shared
+/// between DOM isolates.  This happens when multiple programs are loaded in the
+/// same JavaScript context (i.e. page).  The name is based on [name] but with
+/// an additional part that is unique for each isolate.
+/// The form of the name is '___dart_$name_$id'.
 String getIsolateAffinityTag(String name) {
   var isolateTagGetter = JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL('', GET_ISOLATE_TAG);
   return JS('String', '#(#)', isolateTagGetter, name);
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_names.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_names.dart
index d3eaa07..572d354 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_names.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_names.dart
@@ -139,17 +139,15 @@
   return new JSArray.markFixed(result);
- * Returns the (global) unmangled version of [name].
- *
- * Normally, you should use [mangledGlobalNames] directly, but this method
- * doesn't tell the compiler to preserve names. So this method only returns a
- * non-null value if some other component has made the compiler preserve names.
- *
- * This is used, for example, to return unmangled names from TypeImpl.toString
- * *if* names are being preserved for other reasons (use of dart:mirrors, for
- * example).
- */
+/// Returns the (global) unmangled version of [name].
+/// Normally, you should use [mangledGlobalNames] directly, but this method
+/// doesn't tell the compiler to preserve names. So this method only returns a
+/// non-null value if some other component has made the compiler preserve names.
+/// This is used, for example, to return unmangled names from TypeImpl.toString
+/// *if* names are being preserved for other reasons (use of dart:mirrors, for
+/// example).
 String unmangleGlobalNameIfPreservedAnyways(String name) {
   return JsCache.fetch(names, name);
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_number.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_number.dart
index fed5dd8..1c030f3 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_number.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_number.dart
@@ -4,15 +4,13 @@
 part of _interceptors;
- * The super interceptor class for [JSInt] and [JSDouble]. The compiler
- * recognizes this class as an interceptor, and changes references to
- * [:this:] to actually use the receiver of the method, which is
- * generated as an extra argument added to each member.
- *
- * Note that none of the methods here delegate to a method defined on JSInt or
- * JSDouble.  This is exploited in [tryComputeConstantInterceptor].
- */
+/// The super interceptor class for [JSInt] and [JSDouble]. The compiler
+/// recognizes this class as an interceptor, and changes references to
+/// [:this:] to actually use the receiver of the method, which is
+/// generated as an extra argument added to each member.
+/// Note that none of the methods here delegate to a method defined on JSInt or
+/// JSDouble.  This is exploited in [tryComputeConstantInterceptor].
 class JSNumber extends Interceptor implements double {
   const JSNumber();
@@ -444,14 +442,12 @@
   Type get runtimeType => num;
- * The interceptor class for [int]s.
- *
- * This class implements double (indirectly through JSNumber) since in
- * JavaScript all numbers are doubles, so while we want to treat `2.0` as an
- * integer for some operations, its interceptor should answer `true` to `is
- * double`.
- */
+/// The interceptor class for [int]s.
+/// This class implements double (indirectly through JSNumber) since in
+/// JavaScript all numbers are doubles, so while we want to treat `2.0` as an
+/// integer for some operations, its interceptor should answer `true` to `is
+/// double`.
 class JSInt extends JSNumber implements int {
   const JSInt();
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_primitives.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_primitives.dart
index 40c451c..97577a0 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_primitives.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_primitives.dart
@@ -8,15 +8,13 @@
 import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS;
- * This is the low-level method that is used to implement [print].  It is
- * possible to override this function from JavaScript by defining a function in
- * JavaScript called "dartPrint".
- *
- * Notice that it is also possible to intercept calls to [print] from within a
- * Dart program using zones. This means that there is no guarantee that a call
- * to print ends in this method.
- */
+/// This is the low-level method that is used to implement [print].  It is
+/// possible to override this function from JavaScript by defining a function in
+/// JavaScript called "dartPrint".
+/// Notice that it is also possible to intercept calls to [print] from within a
+/// Dart program using zones. This means that there is no guarantee that a call
+/// to print ends in this method.
 void printString(String string) {
   if (JS('bool', r'typeof dartPrint == "function"')) {
     // Support overriding print from JavaScript.
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_rti.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_rti.dart
index b5e84fa..9a6ef99 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_rti.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_rti.dart
@@ -2,43 +2,41 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- * This part contains helpers for supporting runtime type information.
- *
- * The helper use a mixture of Dart and JavaScript objects. To indicate which is
- * used where we adopt the scheme of using explicit type annotation for Dart
- * objects and 'var' or omitted return type for JavaScript objects.
- *
- * Since bool, int, and String values are represented by the same JavaScript
- * primitives, type annotations are used for these types in all cases.
- *
- * Several methods use a common JavaScript encoding of runtime type information.
- * This encoding is referred to as the type representation which is one of
- * these:
- *  1) a JavaScript constructor for a class C: the represented type is the raw
- *     type C.
- *  2) a JavaScript array: the first entry is of type 1 and contains the
- *     subtyping flags and the substitution of the type and the rest of the
- *     array are the type arguments.
- *  3) `null`: the dynamic type.
- *  4) a JavaScript object representing the function type. For instance, it has
- *     the form {ret: rti, args: [rti], opt: [rti], named: {name: rti}} for a
- *     function with a return type, regular, optional and named arguments.
- *     Generic function types have a 'bounds' property.
- *
- * To check subtype relations between generic classes we use a JavaScript
- * expression that describes the necessary substitution for type arguments.
- * Such a substitution expression can be:
- *  1) `null`, if no substituted check is necessary, because the
- *     type variables are the same or there are no type variables in the class
- *     that is checked for.
- *  2) A list expression describing the type arguments to be used in the
- *     subtype check, if the type arguments to be used in the check do not
- *     depend on the type arguments of the object.
- *  3) A function mapping the type variables of the object to be checked to
- *     a list expression. The function may also return null, which is equivalent
- *     to an array containing only null values.
- */
+/// This part contains helpers for supporting runtime type information.
+/// The helper use a mixture of Dart and JavaScript objects. To indicate which
+/// is used where we adopt the scheme of using explicit type annotation for Dart
+/// objects and 'var' or omitted return type for JavaScript objects.
+/// Since bool, int, and String values are represented by the same JavaScript
+/// primitives, type annotations are used for these types in all cases.
+/// Several methods use a common JavaScript encoding of runtime type
+/// information.  This encoding is referred to as the type representation which
+/// is one of these:
+///  1) a JavaScript constructor for a class C: the represented type is the raw
+///     type C.
+///  2) a JavaScript array: the first entry is of type 1 and contains the
+///     subtyping flags and the substitution of the type and the rest of the
+///     array are the type arguments.
+///  3) `null`: the dynamic type.
+///  4) a JavaScript object representing the function type. For instance, it has
+///     the form {ret: rti, args: [rti], opt: [rti], named: {name: rti}} for a
+///     function with a return type, regular, optional and named arguments.
+///     Generic function types have a 'bounds' property.
+/// To check subtype relations between generic classes we use a JavaScript
+/// expression that describes the necessary substitution for type arguments.
+/// Such a substitution expression can be:
+///  1) `null`, if no substituted check is necessary, because the
+///     type variables are the same or there are no type variables in the class
+///     that is checked for.
+///  2) A list expression describing the type arguments to be used in the
+///     subtype check, if the type arguments to be used in the check do not
+///     depend on the type arguments of the object.
+///  3) A function mapping the type variables of the object to be checked to a
+///     list expression. The function may also return null, which is equivalent
+///     to an array containing only null values.
 part of _js_helper;
@@ -67,12 +65,10 @@
- * Represents a type variable.
- *
- * This class holds the information needed when reflecting on generic classes
- * and their members.
- */
+/// Represents a type variable.
+/// This class holds the information needed when reflecting on generic classes
+/// and their members.
 class TypeVariable {
   final Type owner;
   final String name;
@@ -157,10 +153,8 @@
   return rti == null ? null : getIndex(rti, index);
- * Retrieves the class name from type information stored on the constructor
- * of [object].
- */
+/// Retrieves the class name from type information stored on the constructor
+/// of [object].
 String getClassName(var object) {
   return rawRtiToJsConstructorName(getRawRuntimeType(getInterceptor(object)));
@@ -327,11 +321,9 @@
   return '${typeParameters}(${argumentsText}) => ${returnTypeText}';
- * Creates a comma-separated string of human-readable representations of the
- * type representations in the JavaScript array [types] starting at index
- * [startIndex].
- */
+/// Creates a comma-separated string of human-readable representations of the
+/// type representations in the JavaScript array [types] starting at index
+/// [startIndex].
 String joinArguments(var types, int startIndex) {
   return _joinArguments(types, startIndex, null);
@@ -354,11 +346,9 @@
   return '<$buffer>';
- * Returns a human-readable representation of the type of [object].
- *
- * In minified mode does *not* use unminified identifiers (even when present).
- */
+/// Returns a human-readable representation of the type of [object].
+/// In minified mode does *not* use unminified identifiers (even when present).
 String getRuntimeTypeString(var object) {
   if (object is Closure) {
     // This excludes classes that implement Function via a `call` method, but
@@ -403,12 +393,10 @@
   return new TypeImpl(getRti(object));
- * Applies the [substitution] on the [arguments].
- *
- * See the comment in the beginning of this file for a description of the
- * possible values for [substitution].
- */
+/// Applies the [substitution] on the [arguments].
+/// See the comment in the beginning of this file for a description of the
+/// possible values for [substitution].
 substitute(var substitution, var arguments) {
   if (substitution == null) return arguments;
@@ -429,18 +417,16 @@
   return arguments;
- * Perform a type check with arguments on the Dart object [object].
- *
- * Parameters:
- * - [isField]: the name of the flag/function to check if the object
- *   is of the correct class.
- * - [checks]: the (JavaScript) list of type representations for the
- *   arguments to check against.
- * - [asField]: the name of the function that transforms the type
- *   arguments of [objects] to an instance of the class that we check
- *   against.
- */
+/// Perform a type check with arguments on the Dart object [object].
+/// Parameters:
+/// - [isField]: the name of the flag/function to check if the object
+///   is of the correct class.
+/// - [checks]: the (JavaScript) list of type representations for the
+///   arguments to check against.
+/// - [asField]: the name of the function that transforms the type
+///   arguments of [objects] to an instance of the class that we check
+///   against.
 bool checkSubtype(Object object, String isField, List checks, String asField) {
   if (object == null) return false;
   var arguments = getRuntimeTypeInfo(object);
@@ -507,17 +493,15 @@
   return areSubtypes(substitute(substitution, arguments), sEnv, checks, tEnv);
- * Checks whether the types of [s] are all subtypes of the types of [t].
- *
- * [s] and [t] are either `null` or JavaScript arrays of type representations,
- * A `null` argument is interpreted as the arguments of a raw type, that is a
- * list of `dynamic`. If [s] and [t] are JavaScript arrays they must be of the
- * same length.
- *
- * See the comment in the beginning of this file for a description of type
- * representations.
- */
+/// Checks whether the types of [s] are all subtypes of the types of [t].
+/// [s] and [t] are either `null` or JavaScript arrays of type representations,
+/// A `null` argument is interpreted as the arguments of a raw type, that is a
+/// list of `dynamic`. If [s] and [t] are JavaScript arrays they must be of the
+/// same length.
+/// See the comment in the beginning of this file for a description of type
+/// representations.
 bool areSubtypes(var s, var sEnv, var t, var tEnv) {
   // `null` means a raw type.
@@ -545,10 +529,8 @@
   return true;
- * Computes the signature by applying the type arguments of [context] as an
- * instance of [contextName] to the signature function [signature].
- */
+/// Computes the signature by applying the type arguments of [context] as an
+/// instance of [contextName] to the signature function [signature].
 computeSignature(var signature, var context, var contextName) {
   var interceptor = getInterceptor(context);
   var typeArguments =
@@ -619,13 +601,11 @@
       : null;
- * Tests whether the Dart object [o] is a subtype of the runtime type
- * representation [t].
- *
- * See the comment in the beginning of this file for a description of type
- * representations.
- */
+/// Tests whether the Dart object [o] is a subtype of the runtime type
+/// representation [t].
+/// See the comment in the beginning of this file for a description of type
+/// representations.
 bool checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType(o, t) {
   if (o == null) return isSupertypeOfNull(t);
   if (isTopType(t)) return true;
@@ -678,24 +658,20 @@
   return object;
- * Extracts the type arguments from a type representation. The result is a
- * JavaScript array or `null`.
- */
+/// Extracts the type arguments from a type representation. The result is a
+/// JavaScript array or `null`.
 getArguments(var type) {
   return isJsArray(type) ? JS('var', r'#.slice(1)', type) : null;
- * Checks whether the type represented by the type representation [s] is a
- * subtype of the type represented by the type representation [t].
- *
- * See the comment in the beginning of this file for a description of type
- * representations.
- *
- * The arguments [s] and [t] must be types, usually represented by the
- * constructor of the class, or an array (for generic class types).
- */
+/// Checks whether the type represented by the type representation [s] is a
+/// subtype of the type represented by the type representation [t].
+/// See the comment in the beginning of this file for a description of type
+/// representations.
+/// The arguments [s] and [t] must be types, usually represented by the
+/// constructor of the class, or an array (for generic class types).
 bool isSubtype(var s, var t) {
   return _isSubtype(s, null, t, null);
@@ -1075,16 +1051,12 @@
   return array;
- * Calls the JavaScript [function] with the [arguments] with the global scope
- * as the `this` context.
- */
+/// Calls the JavaScript [function] with the [arguments] with the global scope
+/// as the `this` context.
 invoke(var function, var arguments) => invokeOn(function, null, arguments);
- * Calls the JavaScript [function] with the [arguments] with [receiver] as the
- * `this` context.
- */
+/// Calls the JavaScript [function] with the [arguments] with [receiver] as the
+/// `this` context.
 Object invokeOn(function, receiver, arguments) {
   assert(arguments == null || isJsArray(arguments));
@@ -1132,18 +1104,14 @@
 /// Returns `true` if [o] is a JavaScript object.
 bool isJsObject(var o) => JS('bool', r"typeof # == 'object'", o);
- * Returns `true` if the JavaScript values [s] and [t] are identical. We use
- * this helper instead of [identical] because `identical` needs to merge
- * `null` and `undefined` (which we can avoid).
- */
+/// Returns `true` if the JavaScript values [s] and [t] are identical. We use
+/// this helper instead of [identical] because `identical` needs to merge
+/// `null` and `undefined` (which we can avoid).
 bool isIdentical(var s, var t) => JS('bool', '# === #', s, t);
- * Returns `true` if the JavaScript values [s] and [t] are not identical. We use
- * this helper instead of [identical] because `identical` needs to merge
- * `null` and `undefined` (which we can avoid).
- */
+/// Returns `true` if the JavaScript values [s] and [t] are not identical. We
+/// use this helper instead of [identical] because `identical` needs to merge
+/// `null` and `undefined` (which we can avoid).
 bool isNotIdentical(var s, var t) => JS('bool', '# !== #', s, t);
 /// 'Top' bounds are uninteresting: null/undefined and Object.
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_string.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_string.dart
index 91e9734..baa47b6 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_string.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/js_string.dart
@@ -4,12 +4,10 @@
 part of _interceptors;
- * The interceptor class for [String]. The compiler recognizes this
- * class as an interceptor, and changes references to [:this:] to
- * actually use the receiver of the method, which is generated as an extra
- * argument added to each member.
- */
+/// The interceptor class for [String]. The compiler recognizes this
+/// class as an interceptor, and changes references to [:this:] to
+/// actually use the receiver of the method, which is generated as an extra
+/// argument added to each member.
 class JSString extends Interceptor implements String, JSIndexable {
   const JSString();
@@ -443,12 +441,10 @@
   // Note: if you change this, also change the function [S].
   String toString() => this;
-  /**
-   * This is the [Jenkins hash function][1] but using masking to keep
-   * values in SMI range.
-   *
-   * [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenkins_hash_function
-   */
+  /// This is the [Jenkins hash function][1] but using masking to keep
+  /// values in SMI range.
+  ///
+  /// [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenkins_hash_function
   int get hashCode {
     // TODO(ahe): This method shouldn't have to use JS. Update when our
     // optimizations are smarter.
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/math_patch.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/math_patch.dart
index 68bae9a..a3d3fc9 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/math_patch.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/math_patch.dart
@@ -84,15 +84,11 @@
     return JS('int', '(Math.random() * #) >>> 0', max);
-  /**
-   * Generates a positive random floating point value uniformly distributed on
-   * the range from 0.0, inclusive, to 1.0, exclusive.
-   */
+  /// Generates a positive random floating point value uniformly distributed on
+  /// the range from 0.0, inclusive, to 1.0, exclusive.
   double nextDouble() => JS('double', 'Math.random()');
-  /**
-   * Generates a random boolean value.
-   */
+  /// Generates a random boolean value.
   bool nextBool() => JS('bool', 'Math.random() < 0.5');
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/native_helper.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/native_helper.dart
index fa11112..59a3719 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/native_helper.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/native_helper.dart
@@ -38,27 +38,21 @@
   return JS('var', 'Object.getPrototypeOf(#)[#]', object, name);
- * Returns a String tag identifying the type of the native object, or `null`.
- * The tag is not the name of the type, but usually the name of the JavaScript
- * constructor function.  Initialized by [initHooks].
- */
+/// Returns a String tag identifying the type of the native object, or `null`.
+/// The tag is not the name of the type, but usually the name of the JavaScript
+/// constructor function.  Initialized by [initHooks].
 Function getTagFunction;
- * If a lookup via [getTagFunction] on an object [object] that has [tag] fails,
- * this function is called to provide an alternate tag.  This allows us to fail
- * gracefully if we can make a good guess, for example, when browsers add novel
- * kinds of HTMLElement that we have never heard of.  Initialized by
- * [initHooks].
- */
+/// If a lookup via [getTagFunction] on an object [object] that has [tag] fails,
+/// this function is called to provide an alternate tag.  This allows us to fail
+/// gracefully if we can make a good guess, for example, when browsers add novel
+/// kinds of HTMLElement that we have never heard of.  Initialized by
+/// [initHooks].
 Function alternateTagFunction;
- * Returns the prototype for the JavaScript constructor named by an input tag.
- * Returns `null` if there is no such constructor, or if pre-patching of the
- * constructor is to be avoided.  Initialized by [initHooks].
- */
+/// Returns the prototype for the JavaScript constructor named by an input tag.
+/// Returns `null` if there is no such constructor, or if pre-patching of the
+/// constructor is to be avoided.  Initialized by [initHooks].
 Function prototypeForTagFunction;
 String toStringForNativeObject(var obj) {
@@ -73,9 +67,7 @@
 int hashCodeForNativeObject(object) => Primitives.objectHashCode(object);
- * Sets a JavaScript property on an object.
- */
+/// Sets a JavaScript property on an object.
 void defineProperty(var obj, String property, var value) {
@@ -97,20 +89,16 @@
           'depends:none;effects:none;', JsBuiltin.dartObjectConstructor));
- * A JavaScript object mapping tags to the constructors of interceptors.
- * This is a JavaScript object with no prototype.
- *
- * Example: 'HTMLImageElement' maps to the ImageElement class constructor.
- */
+/// A JavaScript object mapping tags to the constructors of interceptors.
+/// This is a JavaScript object with no prototype.
+/// Example: 'HTMLImageElement' maps to the ImageElement class constructor.
 get interceptorsByTag => JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL('=Object', INTERCEPTORS_BY_TAG);
- * A JavaScript object mapping tags to `true` or `false`.
- *
- * Example: 'HTMLImageElement' maps to `true` since, as there are no subclasses
- * of ImageElement, it is a leaf class in the native class hierarchy.
- */
+/// A JavaScript object mapping tags to `true` or `false`.
+/// Example: 'HTMLImageElement' maps to `true` since, as there are no subclasses
+/// of ImageElement, it is a leaf class in the native class hierarchy.
 get leafTags => JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL('=Object', LEAF_TAGS);
 String findDispatchTagForInterceptorClass(interceptorClassConstructor) {
@@ -118,17 +106,13 @@
       '', r'#.#', interceptorClassConstructor, NATIVE_SUPERCLASS_TAG_NAME);
- * Cache of dispatch records for instances.  This is a JavaScript object used as
- * a map.  Keys are instance tags, e.g. "!SomeThing".  The cache permits the
- * sharing of one dispatch record between multiple instances.
- */
+/// Cache of dispatch records for instances.  This is a JavaScript object used
+/// as a map.  Keys are instance tags, e.g. "!SomeThing".  The cache permits the
+/// sharing of one dispatch record between multiple instances.
 var dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags;
- * Cache of interceptors indexed by uncacheable tags, e.g. "~SomeThing".
- * This is a JavaScript object used as a map.
- */
+/// Cache of interceptors indexed by uncacheable tags, e.g. "~SomeThing".
+/// This is a JavaScript object used as a map.
 var interceptorsForUncacheableTags;
 lookupInterceptor(String tag) {
@@ -155,12 +139,10 @@
 /// A 'discriminator' function is to be used. TBD.
- * Returns the interceptor for a native object, or returns `null` if not found.
- *
- * A dispatch record is cached according to the specification of the dispatch
- * tag for [obj].
- */
+/// Returns the interceptor for a native object, or returns `null` if not found.
+/// A dispatch record is cached according to the specification of the dispatch
+/// tag for [obj].
 lookupAndCacheInterceptor(obj) {
@@ -270,10 +252,8 @@
- * [proto] should have no shadowing prototypes that are not also assigned a
- * dispatch rescord.
- */
+/// [proto] should have no shadowing prototypes that are not also assigned a
+/// dispatch rescord.
 setNativeSubclassDispatchRecord(proto, interceptor) {
   setDispatchProperty(proto, makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor));
@@ -338,41 +318,39 @@
- * Initializes [getTagFunction] and [alternateTagFunction].
- *
- * These functions are 'hook functions', collectively 'hooks'.  They initialized
- * by applying a series of hooks transformers.  Built-in hooks transformers deal
- * with various known browser behaviours.
- *
- * Each hook tranformer takes a 'hooks' input which is a JavaScript object
- * containing the hook functions, and returns the same or a new object with
- * replacements.  The replacements can wrap the originals to provide alternate
- * or modified behaviour.
- *
- *     { getTag: function(obj) {...},
- *       getUnknownTag: function(obj, tag) {...},
- *       prototypeForTag: function(tag) {...},
- *       discriminator: function(tag) {...},
- *      }
- *
- * * getTag(obj) returns the dispatch tag, or `null`.
- * * getUnknownTag(obj, tag) returns a tag when [getTag] fails.
- * * prototypeForTag(tag) returns the prototype of the constructor for tag,
- *   or `null` if not available or prepatching is undesirable.
- * * discriminator(tag) returns a function TBD.
- *
- * The web site can adapt a dart2js application by loading code ahead of the
- * dart2js application that defines hook transformers to be after the built in
- * ones.  Code defining a transformer HT should use the following pattern to
- * ensure multiple transformers can be composed:
- *
- *     (dartNativeDispatchHooksTransformer =
- *      window.dartNativeDispatchHooksTransformer || []).push(HT);
- *
- *
- * TODO: Implement and describe dispatch tags and their caching methods.
- */
+/// Initializes [getTagFunction] and [alternateTagFunction].
+/// These functions are 'hook functions', collectively 'hooks'.  They
+/// initialized by applying a series of hooks transformers.  Built-in hooks
+/// transformers deal with various known browser behaviours.
+/// Each hook tranformer takes a 'hooks' input which is a JavaScript object
+/// containing the hook functions, and returns the same or a new object with
+/// replacements.  The replacements can wrap the originals to provide alternate
+/// or modified behaviour.
+///     { getTag: function(obj) {...},
+///       getUnknownTag: function(obj, tag) {...},
+///       prototypeForTag: function(tag) {...},
+///       discriminator: function(tag) {...},
+///      }
+/// * getTag(obj) returns the dispatch tag, or `null`.
+/// * getUnknownTag(obj, tag) returns a tag when [getTag] fails.
+/// * prototypeForTag(tag) returns the prototype of the constructor for tag,
+///   or `null` if not available or prepatching is undesirable.
+/// * discriminator(tag) returns a function TBD.
+/// The web site can adapt a dart2js application by loading code ahead of the
+/// dart2js application that defines hook transformers to be after the built in
+/// ones.  Code defining a transformer HT should use the following pattern to
+/// ensure multiple transformers can be composed:
+///     (dartNativeDispatchHooksTransformer =
+///      window.dartNativeDispatchHooksTransformer || []).push(HT);
+/// TODO: Implement and describe dispatch tags and their caching methods.
 void initHooks() {
   // The initial simple hooks:
   var hooks = JS('', '#()', _baseHooks);
@@ -478,14 +456,12 @@
     discriminator: discriminator };
- * Returns the name of the constructor function for browsers where
- * `object.constructor.name` is not reliable.
- *
- * This function is split out of [_fallbackConstructorHooksTransformerGenerator]
- * as it is called from both the dispatch hooks and via
- * [constructorNameFallback] from objectToString.
- */
+/// Returns the name of the constructor function for browsers where
+/// `object.constructor.name` is not reliable.
+/// This function is split out of
+/// [_fallbackConstructorHooksTransformerGenerator] as it is called from both
+/// the dispatch hooks and via [constructorNameFallback] from objectToString.
 const _constructorNameFallback = const JS_CONST(r'''
 function getTagFallback(o) {
   var s = Object.prototype.toString.call(o);
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/native_typed_data.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/native_typed_data.dart
index 7889c36..9fa9070 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/native_typed_data.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/native_typed_data.dart
@@ -2,10 +2,8 @@
 // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
 // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- * Specialized integers and floating point numbers,
- * with SIMD support and efficient lists.
- */
+/// Specialized integers and floating point numbers,
+/// with SIMD support and efficient lists.
 library dart.typed_data.implementation;
 import 'dart:collection' show ListMixin;
@@ -99,20 +97,16 @@
- * A fixed-length list of Float32x4 numbers that is viewable as a
- * [TypedData]. For long lists, this implementation will be considerably more
- * space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation.
- */
+/// A fixed-length list of Float32x4 numbers that is viewable as a
+/// [TypedData]. For long lists, this implementation will be considerably more
+/// space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation.
 class NativeFloat32x4List extends Object
     with ListMixin<Float32x4>, FixedLengthListMixin<Float32x4>
     implements Float32x4List {
   final NativeFloat32List _storage;
-  /**
-   * Creates a [Float32x4List] of the specified length (in elements),
-   * all of whose elements are initially zero.
-   */
+  /// Creates a [Float32x4List] of the specified length (in elements),
+  /// all of whose elements are initially zero.
   NativeFloat32x4List(int length)
       : _storage = new NativeFloat32List(length * 4);
@@ -131,10 +125,8 @@
   Type get runtimeType => Float32x4List;
-  /**
-   * Creates a [Float32x4List] with the same size as the [elements] list
-   * and copies over the elements.
-   */
+  /// Creates a [Float32x4List] with the same size as the [elements] list
+  /// and copies over the elements.
   factory NativeFloat32x4List.fromList(List<Float32x4> list) {
     if (list is NativeFloat32x4List) {
       return new NativeFloat32x4List._externalStorage(
@@ -178,20 +170,16 @@
- * A fixed-length list of Int32x4 numbers that is viewable as a
- * [TypedData]. For long lists, this implementation will be considerably more
- * space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation.
- */
+/// A fixed-length list of Int32x4 numbers that is viewable as a
+/// [TypedData]. For long lists, this implementation will be considerably more
+/// space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation.
 class NativeInt32x4List extends Object
     with ListMixin<Int32x4>, FixedLengthListMixin<Int32x4>
     implements Int32x4List {
   final Int32List _storage;
-  /**
-   * Creates a [Int32x4List] of the specified length (in elements),
-   * all of whose elements are initially zero.
-   */
+  /// Creates a [Int32x4List] of the specified length (in elements),
+  /// all of whose elements are initially zero.
   NativeInt32x4List(int length) : _storage = new NativeInt32List(length * 4);
   NativeInt32x4List._externalStorage(Int32List storage) : _storage = storage;
@@ -209,10 +197,8 @@
   Type get runtimeType => Int32x4List;
-  /**
-   * Creates a [Int32x4List] with the same size as the [elements] list
-   * and copies over the elements.
-   */
+  /// Creates a [Int32x4List] with the same size as the [elements] list
+  /// and copies over the elements.
   factory NativeInt32x4List.fromList(List<Int32x4> list) {
     if (list is NativeInt32x4List) {
       return new NativeInt32x4List._externalStorage(
@@ -256,20 +242,16 @@
- * A fixed-length list of Float64x2 numbers that is viewable as a
- * [TypedData]. For long lists, this implementation will be considerably more
- * space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation.
- */
+/// A fixed-length list of Float64x2 numbers that is viewable as a
+/// [TypedData]. For long lists, this implementation will be considerably more
+/// space- and time-efficient than the default [List] implementation.
 class NativeFloat64x2List extends Object
     with ListMixin<Float64x2>, FixedLengthListMixin<Float64x2>
     implements Float64x2List {
   final NativeFloat64List _storage;
-  /**
-   * Creates a [Float64x2List] of the specified length (in elements),
-   * all of whose elements are initially zero.
-   */
+  /// Creates a [Float64x2List] of the specified length (in elements),
+  /// all of whose elements are initially zero.
   NativeFloat64x2List(int length)
       : _storage = new NativeFloat64List(length * 2);
@@ -284,10 +266,8 @@
-  /**
-   * Creates a [Float64x2List] with the same size as the [elements] list
-   * and copies over the elements.
-   */
+  /// Creates a [Float64x2List] with the same size as the [elements] list
+  /// and copies over the elements.
   factory NativeFloat64x2List.fromList(List<Float64x2> list) {
     if (list is NativeFloat64x2List) {
       return new NativeFloat64x2List._externalStorage(
@@ -331,30 +311,22 @@
 class NativeTypedData implements TypedData {
-  /**
-   * Returns the byte buffer associated with this object.
-   */
+  /// Returns the byte buffer associated with this object.
   // May be Null for IE's CanvasPixelArray.
   final ByteBuffer buffer;
-  /**
-   * Returns the length of this view, in bytes.
-   */
+  /// Returns the length of this view, in bytes.
   final int lengthInBytes;
-  /**
-   * Returns the offset in bytes into the underlying byte buffer of this view.
-   */
+  /// Returns the offset in bytes into the underlying byte buffer of this view.
   final int offsetInBytes;
-  /**
-   * Returns the number of bytes in the representation of each element in this
-   * list.
-   */
+  /// Returns the number of bytes in the representation of each element in this
+  /// list.
   final int elementSizeInBytes;
@@ -413,24 +385,20 @@
 class NativeByteData extends NativeTypedData implements ByteData {
-  /**
-   * Creates a [ByteData] of the specified length (in elements), all of
-   * whose elements are initially zero.
-   */
+  /// Creates a [ByteData] of the specified length (in elements), all of
+  /// whose elements are initially zero.
   factory NativeByteData(int length) => _create1(_checkLength(length));
-  /**
-   * Creates an [ByteData] _view_ of the specified region in the specified
-   * byte buffer. Changes in the [ByteData] will be visible in the byte
-   * buffer and vice versa. If the [offsetInBytes] index of the region is not
-   * specified, it defaults to zero (the first byte in the byte buffer).
-   * If the length is not specified, it defaults to null, which indicates
-   * that the view extends to the end of the byte buffer.
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [offsetInBytes] or [length] are negative, or
-   * if [offsetInBytes] + ([length] * elementSizeInBytes) is greater than
-   * the length of [buffer].
-   */
+  /// Creates an [ByteData] _view_ of the specified region in the specified
+  /// byte buffer. Changes in the [ByteData] will be visible in the byte
+  /// buffer and vice versa. If the [offsetInBytes] index of the region is not
+  /// specified, it defaults to zero (the first byte in the byte buffer).
+  /// If the length is not specified, it defaults to null, which indicates
+  /// that the view extends to the end of the byte buffer.
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [offsetInBytes] or [length] are negative, or
+  /// if [offsetInBytes] + ([length] * elementSizeInBytes) is greater than
+  /// the length of [buffer].
   factory NativeByteData.view(
       ByteBuffer buffer, int offsetInBytes, int length) {
     _checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, length);
@@ -443,14 +411,12 @@
   int get elementSizeInBytes => 1;
-  /**
-   * Returns the floating point number represented by the four bytes at
-   * the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in IEEE 754
-   * single-precision binary floating-point format (binary32).
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
-   * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Returns the floating point number represented by the four bytes at
+  /// the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in IEEE 754
+  /// single-precision binary floating-point format (binary32).
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
+  /// `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object.
   double getFloat32(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) =>
       _getFloat32(byteOffset, Endian.little == endian);
@@ -458,14 +424,12 @@
   num _getFloat32(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian]) native;
-  /**
-   * Returns the floating point number represented by the eight bytes at
-   * the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in IEEE 754
-   * double-precision binary floating-point format (binary64).
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
-   * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Returns the floating point number represented by the eight bytes at
+  /// the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in IEEE 754
+  /// double-precision binary floating-point format (binary64).
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
+  /// `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object.
   double getFloat64(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) =>
       _getFloat64(byteOffset, Endian.little == endian);
@@ -473,16 +437,14 @@
   num _getFloat64(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian]) native;
-  /**
-   * Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the two bytes at
-   * the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in two's complement binary
-   * form.
-   * The return value will be between 2<sup>15</sup> and 2<sup>15</sup> - 1,
-   * inclusive.
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
-   * `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the two bytes at
+  /// the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in two's complement binary
+  /// form.
+  /// The return value will be between 2<sup>15</sup> and 2<sup>15</sup> - 1,
+  /// inclusive.
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
+  /// `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this object.
   int getInt16(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) =>
       _getInt16(byteOffset, Endian.little == endian);
@@ -490,16 +452,14 @@
   int _getInt16(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian]) native;
-  /**
-   * Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the four bytes at
-   * the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in two's complement binary
-   * form.
-   * The return value will be between 2<sup>31</sup> and 2<sup>31</sup> - 1,
-   * inclusive.
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
-   * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the four bytes at
+  /// the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in two's complement binary
+  /// form.
+  /// The return value will be between 2<sup>31</sup> and 2<sup>31</sup> - 1,
+  /// inclusive.
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
+  /// `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object.
   int getInt32(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) =>
       _getInt32(byteOffset, Endian.little == endian);
@@ -507,39 +467,33 @@
   int _getInt32(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian]) native;
-  /**
-   * Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the eight bytes at
-   * the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in two's complement binary
-   * form.
-   * The return value will be between 2<sup>63</sup> and 2<sup>63</sup> - 1,
-   * inclusive.
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
-   * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the eight bytes at
+  /// the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in two's complement binary
+  /// form.
+  /// The return value will be between 2<sup>63</sup> and 2<sup>63</sup> - 1,
+  /// inclusive.
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
+  /// `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object.
   int getInt64(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) {
     throw new UnsupportedError('Int64 accessor not supported by dart2js.');
-  /**
-   * Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the byte at the
-   * specified [byteOffset] in this object, in two's complement binary
-   * representation. The return value will be between -128 and 127, inclusive.
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
-   * greater than or equal to the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Returns the (possibly negative) integer represented by the byte at the
+  /// specified [byteOffset] in this object, in two's complement binary
+  /// representation. The return value will be between -128 and 127, inclusive.
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
+  /// greater than or equal to the length of this object.
   int getInt8(int byteOffset) native;
-  /**
-   * Returns the positive integer represented by the two bytes starting
-   * at the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in unsigned binary
-   * form.
-   * The return value will be between 0 and  2<sup>16</sup> - 1, inclusive.
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
-   * `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Returns the positive integer represented by the two bytes starting
+  /// at the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in unsigned binary
+  /// form.
+  /// The return value will be between 0 and  2<sup>16</sup> - 1, inclusive.
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
+  /// `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this object.
   int getUint16(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) =>
       _getUint16(byteOffset, Endian.little == endian);
@@ -547,15 +501,13 @@
   int _getUint16(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian]) native;
-  /**
-   * Returns the positive integer represented by the four bytes starting
-   * at the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in unsigned binary
-   * form.
-   * The return value will be between 0 and  2<sup>32</sup> - 1, inclusive.
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
-   * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Returns the positive integer represented by the four bytes starting
+  /// at the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in unsigned binary
+  /// form.
+  /// The return value will be between 0 and  2<sup>32</sup> - 1, inclusive.
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
+  /// `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object.
   int getUint32(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) =>
       _getUint32(byteOffset, Endian.little == endian);
@@ -563,172 +515,148 @@
   int _getUint32(int byteOffset, [bool littleEndian]) native;
-  /**
-   * Returns the positive integer represented by the eight bytes starting
-   * at the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in unsigned binary
-   * form.
-   * The return value will be between 0 and  2<sup>64</sup> - 1, inclusive.
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
-   * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Returns the positive integer represented by the eight bytes starting
+  /// at the specified [byteOffset] in this object, in unsigned binary
+  /// form.
+  /// The return value will be between 0 and  2<sup>64</sup> - 1, inclusive.
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
+  /// `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object.
   int getUint64(int byteOffset, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) {
     throw new UnsupportedError('Uint64 accessor not supported by dart2js.');
-  /**
-   * Returns the positive integer represented by the byte at the specified
-   * [byteOffset] in this object, in unsigned binary form. The
-   * return value will be between 0 and 255, inclusive.
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
-   * greater than or equal to the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Returns the positive integer represented by the byte at the specified
+  /// [byteOffset] in this object, in unsigned binary form. The
+  /// return value will be between 0 and 255, inclusive.
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
+  /// greater than or equal to the length of this object.
   int getUint8(int byteOffset) native;
-  /**
-   * Sets the four bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this
-   * object to the IEEE 754 single-precision binary floating-point
-   * (binary32) representation of the specified [value].
-   *
-   * **Note that this method can lose precision.** The input [value] is
-   * a 64-bit floating point value, which will be converted to 32-bit
-   * floating point value by IEEE 754 rounding rules before it is stored.
-   * If [value] cannot be represented exactly as a binary32, it will be
-   * converted to the nearest binary32 value.  If two binary32 values are
-   * equally close, the one whose least significant bit is zero will be used.
-   * Note that finite (but large) values can be converted to infinity, and
-   * small non-zero values can be converted to zero.
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
-   * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Sets the four bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this
+  /// object to the IEEE 754 single-precision binary floating-point
+  /// (binary32) representation of the specified [value].
+  ///
+  /// **Note that this method can lose precision.** The input [value] is
+  /// a 64-bit floating point value, which will be converted to 32-bit
+  /// floating point value by IEEE 754 rounding rules before it is stored.
+  /// If [value] cannot be represented exactly as a binary32, it will be
+  /// converted to the nearest binary32 value.  If two binary32 values are
+  /// equally close, the one whose least significant bit is zero will be used.
+  /// Note that finite (but large) values can be converted to infinity, and
+  /// small non-zero values can be converted to zero.
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
+  /// `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object.
   void setFloat32(int byteOffset, num value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) =>
       _setFloat32(byteOffset, value, Endian.little == endian);
   void _setFloat32(int byteOffset, num value, [bool littleEndian]) native;
-  /**
-   * Sets the eight bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this
-   * object to the IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point
-   * (binary64) representation of the specified [value].
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
-   * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Sets the eight bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this
+  /// object to the IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating-point
+  /// (binary64) representation of the specified [value].
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
+  /// `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object.
   void setFloat64(int byteOffset, num value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) =>
       _setFloat64(byteOffset, value, Endian.little == endian);
   void _setFloat64(int byteOffset, num value, [bool littleEndian]) native;
-  /**
-   * Sets the two bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this
-   * object to the two's complement binary representation of the specified
-   * [value], which must fit in two bytes. In other words, [value] must lie
-   * between 2<sup>15</sup> and 2<sup>15</sup> - 1, inclusive.
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
-   * `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Sets the two bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this
+  /// object to the two's complement binary representation of the specified
+  /// [value], which must fit in two bytes. In other words, [value] must lie
+  /// between 2<sup>15</sup> and 2<sup>15</sup> - 1, inclusive.
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
+  /// `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this object.
   void setInt16(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) =>
       _setInt16(byteOffset, value, Endian.little == endian);
   void _setInt16(int byteOffset, int value, [bool littleEndian]) native;
-  /**
-   * Sets the four bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this
-   * object to the two's complement binary representation of the specified
-   * [value], which must fit in four bytes. In other words, [value] must lie
-   * between 2<sup>31</sup> and 2<sup>31</sup> - 1, inclusive.
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
-   * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Sets the four bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this
+  /// object to the two's complement binary representation of the specified
+  /// [value], which must fit in four bytes. In other words, [value] must lie
+  /// between 2<sup>31</sup> and 2<sup>31</sup> - 1, inclusive.
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
+  /// `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object.
   void setInt32(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) =>
       _setInt32(byteOffset, value, Endian.little == endian);
   void _setInt32(int byteOffset, int value, [bool littleEndian]) native;
-  /**
-   * Sets the eight bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this
-   * object to the two's complement binary representation of the specified
-   * [value], which must fit in eight bytes. In other words, [value] must lie
-   * between 2<sup>63</sup> and 2<sup>63</sup> - 1, inclusive.
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
-   * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Sets the eight bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this
+  /// object to the two's complement binary representation of the specified
+  /// [value], which must fit in eight bytes. In other words, [value] must lie
+  /// between 2<sup>63</sup> and 2<sup>63</sup> - 1, inclusive.
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
+  /// `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object.
   void setInt64(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) {
     throw new UnsupportedError('Int64 accessor not supported by dart2js.');
-  /**
-   * Sets the byte at the specified [byteOffset] in this object to the
-   * two's complement binary representation of the specified [value], which
-   * must fit in a single byte. In other words, [value] must be between
-   * -128 and 127, inclusive.
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
-   * greater than or equal to the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Sets the byte at the specified [byteOffset] in this object to the
+  /// two's complement binary representation of the specified [value], which
+  /// must fit in a single byte. In other words, [value] must be between
+  /// -128 and 127, inclusive.
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
+  /// greater than or equal to the length of this object.
   void setInt8(int byteOffset, int value) native;
-  /**
-   * Sets the two bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this object
-   * to the unsigned binary representation of the specified [value],
-   * which must fit in two bytes. in other words, [value] must be between
-   * 0 and 2<sup>16</sup> - 1, inclusive.
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
-   * `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Sets the two bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this object
+  /// to the unsigned binary representation of the specified [value],
+  /// which must fit in two bytes. in other words, [value] must be between
+  /// 0 and 2<sup>16</sup> - 1, inclusive.
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
+  /// `byteOffset + 2` is greater than the length of this object.
   void setUint16(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) =>
       _setUint16(byteOffset, value, Endian.little == endian);
   void _setUint16(int byteOffset, int value, [bool littleEndian]) native;
-  /**
-   * Sets the four bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this object
-   * to the unsigned binary representation of the specified [value],
-   * which must fit in four bytes. in other words, [value] must be between
-   * 0 and 2<sup>32</sup> - 1, inclusive.
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
-   * `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Sets the four bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this object
+  /// to the unsigned binary representation of the specified [value],
+  /// which must fit in four bytes. in other words, [value] must be between
+  /// 0 and 2<sup>32</sup> - 1, inclusive.
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
+  /// `byteOffset + 4` is greater than the length of this object.
   void setUint32(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) =>
       _setUint32(byteOffset, value, Endian.little == endian);
   void _setUint32(int byteOffset, int value, [bool littleEndian]) native;
-  /**
-   * Sets the eight bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this object
-   * to the unsigned binary representation of the specified [value],
-   * which must fit in eight bytes. in other words, [value] must be between
-   * 0 and 2<sup>64</sup> - 1, inclusive.
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
-   * `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Sets the eight bytes starting at the specified [byteOffset] in this object
+  /// to the unsigned binary representation of the specified [value],
+  /// which must fit in eight bytes. in other words, [value] must be between
+  /// 0 and 2<sup>64</sup> - 1, inclusive.
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative, or
+  /// `byteOffset + 8` is greater than the length of this object.
   void setUint64(int byteOffset, int value, [Endian endian = Endian.big]) {
     throw new UnsupportedError('Uint64 accessor not supported by dart2js.');
-  /**
-   * Sets the byte at the specified [byteOffset] in this object to the
-   * unsigned binary representation of the specified [value], which must fit
-   * in a single byte. in other words, [value] must be between 0 and 255,
-   * inclusive.
-   *
-   * Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative,
-   * or greater than or equal to the length of this object.
-   */
+  /// Sets the byte at the specified [byteOffset] in this object to the
+  /// unsigned binary representation of the specified [value], which must fit
+  /// in a single byte. in other words, [value] must be between 0 and 255,
+  /// inclusive.
+  ///
+  /// Throws [RangeError] if [byteOffset] is negative,
+  /// or greater than or equal to the length of this object.
   void setUint8(int byteOffset, int value) native;
   static NativeByteData _create1(arg) =>
@@ -1159,11 +1087,9 @@
       JS('NativeUint8List', 'new Uint8Array(#, #, #)', arg1, arg2, arg3);
- * Implementation of Dart Float32x4 immutable value type and operations.
- * Float32x4 stores 4 32-bit floating point values in "lanes".
- * The lanes are "x", "y", "z", and "w" respectively.
- */
+/// Implementation of Dart Float32x4 immutable value type and operations.
+/// Float32x4 stores 4 32-bit floating point values in "lanes".
+/// The lanes are "x", "y", "z", and "w" respectively.
 class NativeFloat32x4 implements Float32x4 {
   final double x;
   final double y;
@@ -1494,11 +1420,9 @@
- * Interface of Dart Int32x4 and operations.
- * Int32x4 stores 4 32-bit bit-masks in "lanes".
- * The lanes are "x", "y", "z", and "w" respectively.
- */
+/// Interface of Dart Int32x4 and operations.
+/// Int32x4 stores 4 32-bit bit-masks in "lanes".
+/// The lanes are "x", "y", "z", and "w" respectively.
 class NativeInt32x4 implements Int32x4 {
   final int x;
   final int y;
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/regexp_helper.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/regexp_helper.dart
index a588b08..77f746b 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/regexp_helper.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/regexp_helper.dart
@@ -7,31 +7,27 @@
 // Helper method used by internal libraries.
 regExpGetNative(JSSyntaxRegExp regexp) => regexp._nativeRegExp;
- * Returns a native version of the RegExp with the global flag set.
- *
- * The RegExp's `lastIndex` property is zero when it is returned.
- *
- * The returned regexp is shared, and its `lastIndex` property may be
- * modified by other uses, so the returned regexp must be used immediately
- * when it's returned, with no user-provided code run in between.
- */
+/// Returns a native version of the RegExp with the global flag set.
+/// The RegExp's `lastIndex` property is zero when it is returned.
+/// The returned regexp is shared, and its `lastIndex` property may be
+/// modified by other uses, so the returned regexp must be used immediately
+/// when it's returned, with no user-provided code run in between.
 regExpGetGlobalNative(JSSyntaxRegExp regexp) {
   var nativeRegexp = regexp._nativeGlobalVersion;
   JS('void', '#.lastIndex = 0', nativeRegexp);
   return nativeRegexp;
- * Computes the number of captures in a regexp.
- *
- * This currently involves creating a new RegExp object with a different
- * source and running it against the empty string (the last part is usually
- * fast).
- *
- * The JSSyntaxRegExp could cache the result, and set the cache any time
- * it finds a match.
- */
+/// Computes the number of captures in a regexp.
+/// This currently involves creating a new RegExp object with a different
+/// source and running it against the empty string (the last part is usually
+/// fast).
+/// The JSSyntaxRegExp could cache the result, and set the cache any time
+/// it finds a match.
 int regExpCaptureCount(JSSyntaxRegExp regexp) {
   var nativeAnchoredRegExp = regexp._nativeAnchoredVersion;
   var match = JS('JSExtendableArray', '#.exec("")', nativeAnchoredRegExp);
@@ -239,7 +235,7 @@
-/** Find the first match of [regExp] in [string] at or after [start]. */
+/// Find the first match of [regExp] in [string] at or after [start].
 Match firstMatchAfter(JSSyntaxRegExp regExp, String string, int start) {
   return regExp._execGlobal(string, start);