blob: f37232f4b799773700f71f6d7c5a259b572a0f6d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# This target will be built if no target is specified when invoking ninja.
group("default") {
if (defined(is_fuchsia) && (is_fuchsia || is_fuchsia_host)) {
# Fuchsia has run_vm_tests marked testonly.
testonly = true
deps = [
group("most") {
if (defined(is_fuchsia) && (is_fuchsia || is_fuchsia_host)) {
# Fuchsia has run_vm_tests marked testonly.
testonly = true
deps = [
group("runtime") {
if (defined(is_fuchsia) && (is_fuchsia || is_fuchsia_host)) {
# Fuchsia has run_vm_tests marked testonly.
testonly = true
deps = [
group("runtime_kernel") {
if (defined(is_fuchsia) && (is_fuchsia || is_fuchsia_host)) {
# Fuchsia has run_vm_tests marked testonly.
testonly = true
deps = [
# TODO(rmacnak): Link this into 'dart'.
group("runtime_precompiled") {
deps = [
group("create_sdk") {
deps = [
group("dart2js") {
deps = [
group("dartanalyzer") {
deps = [
group("dartdevc") {
deps = [
group("dartfmt") {
deps = [
group("analysis_server") {
deps = [
# This is the target that is built on the dart2js build bots.
# It must depend on anything that is required by the dart2js
# test suites.
group("dart2js_bot") {
deps = [
group("samples") {
deps = [
# The rules below build a qemu Fuchsia OS image that includes the Dart tree
# under /system/test/dart. Building this image is gated by the GN argument
# 'dart_build_fuchsia_test_image' because building the image is slow.
if (defined(is_fuchsia) && is_fuchsia) {
declare_args() {
dart_build_fuchsia_test_image = false
if (dart_build_fuchsia_test_image) {
action("generate_dart_test_manifest") {
testonly = true
deps = [
output_prefix = "$target_gen_dir/dart_test_tree"
outputs = [
mode = "release"
if (is_debug) {
mode = "debug"
mkbootfs_gen = get_label_info("//packages/gn:mkbootfs", "target_gen_dir")
user_manifest = "$mkbootfs_gen/user.bootfs.manifest"
script = "tools/"
args = [
action("generate_dart_test_image") {
testonly = true
deps = [
# Compute path to magenta bootdata.bin
if (current_cpu == "arm64") {
magenta_bootdata =
} else if (current_cpu == "x64") {
magenta_bootdata =
} else {
assert(false, "unable to determine path to magenta's bootdata.bin")
input = "$target_gen_dir/dart_test_tree.manifest"
inputs = [
output = "$root_out_dir/dart_test_tree.bin"
outputs = [
script = "//packages/gn/"
args = [