blob: fe81a31dc413ba36ee2d5b198f7dc732ed3868b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library universe;
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../dart2jslib.dart';
import '../dart_types.dart';
import '../types/types.dart';
import '../tree/tree.dart';
import '../util/util.dart';
part 'function_set.dart';
part 'side_effects.dart';
class Universe {
* Documentation wanted -- johnniwinther
* Invariant: Elements are declaration elements.
// TODO(karlklose): these sets should be merged.
final Set<ClassElement> instantiatedClasses = new Set<ClassElement>();
final Set<DartType> instantiatedTypes = new Set<DartType>();
* Documentation wanted -- johnniwinther
* Invariant: Elements are declaration elements.
final Set<FunctionElement> staticFunctionsNeedingGetter =
new Set<FunctionElement>();
final Set<FunctionElement> methodsNeedingSuperGetter =
new Set<FunctionElement>();
final Map<String, Set<Selector>> invokedNames =
new Map<String, Set<Selector>>();
final Map<String, Set<Selector>> invokedGetters =
new Map<String, Set<Selector>>();
final Map<String, Set<Selector>> invokedSetters =
new Map<String, Set<Selector>>();
* Fields accessed. Currently only the codegen knows this
* information. The resolver is too conservative when seeing a
* getter and only registers an invoked getter.
final Set<Element> fieldGetters = new Set<Element>();
* Fields set. See comment in [fieldGetters].
final Set<Element> fieldSetters = new Set<Element>();
final Set<DartType> isChecks = new Set<DartType>();
* Set of [:call:] methods in instantiated classes that use type variables
* in their signature.
final Set<Element> genericCallMethods = new Set<Element>();
* Set of closures that use type variables in their signature.
final Set<Element> genericClosures = new Set<Element>();
* Set of methods in instantiated classes that are potentially
* closurized.
final Set<Element> closurizedMembers = new Set<Element>();
bool usingFactoryWithTypeArguments = false;
bool hasMatchingSelector(Set<Selector> selectors,
Element member,
Compiler compiler) {
if (selectors == null) return false;
for (Selector selector in selectors) {
if (selector.appliesUnnamed(member, compiler)) return true;
return false;
bool hasInvocation(Element member, Compiler compiler) {
return hasMatchingSelector(invokedNames[], member, compiler);
bool hasInvokedGetter(Element member, Compiler compiler) {
return hasMatchingSelector(invokedGetters[], member, compiler);
bool hasInvokedSetter(Element member, Compiler compiler) {
return hasMatchingSelector(invokedSetters[], member, compiler);
DartType registerIsCheck(DartType type, Compiler compiler) {
type = type.unalias(compiler);
// Even in checked mode, type annotations for return type and argument
// types do not imply type checks, so there should never be a check
// against the type variable of a typedef.
return type;
class SelectorKind {
final String name;
final int hashCode;
const SelectorKind(, this.hashCode);
static const SelectorKind GETTER = const SelectorKind('getter', 0);
static const SelectorKind SETTER = const SelectorKind('setter', 1);
static const SelectorKind CALL = const SelectorKind('call', 2);
static const SelectorKind OPERATOR = const SelectorKind('operator', 3);
static const SelectorKind INDEX = const SelectorKind('index', 4);
String toString() => name;
class Selector {
final SelectorKind kind;
final String name;
final LibraryElement library; // Library is null for non-private selectors.
// The numbers of arguments of the selector. Includes named arguments.
final int argumentCount;
final List<String> namedArguments;
final List<String> _orderedNamedArguments;
final int hashCode;
static const String INDEX_NAME ="[]";
static const String INDEX_SET_NAME = "[]=";
static const String CALL_NAME = Compiler.CALL_OPERATOR_NAME;
this.hashCode) {
assert(kind == SelectorKind.INDEX
|| (name != INDEX_NAME && name != INDEX_SET_NAME));
assert(kind == SelectorKind.OPERATOR
|| kind == SelectorKind.INDEX
|| Elements.operatorNameToIdentifier(name) == name);
assert(kind == SelectorKind.CALL
|| kind == SelectorKind.GETTER
|| kind == SelectorKind.SETTER
|| Elements.operatorNameToIdentifier(name) != name);
assert(!isPrivateName(name) || library != null);
static Map<int, List<Selector>> canonicalizedValues =
new Map<int, List<Selector>>();
factory Selector(SelectorKind kind,
String name,
LibraryElement library,
int argumentCount,
[List<String> namedArguments]) {
if (!isPrivateName(name)) library = null;
if (namedArguments == null) namedArguments = const <String>[];
int hashCode = computeHashCode(
kind, name, library, argumentCount, namedArguments);
List<Selector> list = canonicalizedValues.putIfAbsent(hashCode,
() => <Selector>[]);
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
Selector existing = list[i];
if (existing.match(kind, name, library, argumentCount, namedArguments)) {
assert(existing.hashCode == hashCode);
assert(existing.mask == null);
return existing;
List<String> orderedNamedArguments = namedArguments.isEmpty
? const <String>[]
: <String>[];
Selector result = new Selector.internal(
kind, name, library, argumentCount,
namedArguments, orderedNamedArguments,
return result;
factory Selector.fromElement(Element element, Compiler compiler) {
String name =;
if (element.isFunction()) {
if (name == '[]') {
return new Selector.index();
} else if (name == '[]=') {
return new Selector.indexSet();
FunctionSignature signature =
int arity = signature.parameterCount;
List<String> namedArguments = null;
if (signature.optionalParametersAreNamed) {
namedArguments = =>;
if (Elements.operatorNameToIdentifier(name) != name) {
// Operators cannot have named arguments, however, that doesn't prevent
// a user from declaring such an operator.
return new Selector(
SelectorKind.OPERATOR, name, null, arity, namedArguments);
} else {
return new
name, element.getLibrary(), arity, namedArguments);
} else if (element.isSetter()) {
return new Selector.setter(name, element.getLibrary());
} else if (element.isGetter()) {
return new Selector.getter(name, element.getLibrary());
} else if (element.isField()) {
return new Selector.getter(name, element.getLibrary());
} else {
throw new SpannableAssertionFailure(
element, "Can't get selector from $element");
factory Selector.getter(String name, LibraryElement library)
=> new Selector(SelectorKind.GETTER, name, library, 0);
factory Selector.getterFrom(Selector selector)
=> new Selector(SelectorKind.GETTER,, selector.library, 0);
factory Selector.setter(String name, LibraryElement library)
=> new Selector(SelectorKind.SETTER, name, library, 1);
factory Selector.unaryOperator(String name)
=> new Selector(SelectorKind.OPERATOR,
Elements.constructOperatorName(name, true),
null, 0);
factory Selector.binaryOperator(String name)
=> new Selector(SelectorKind.OPERATOR,
Elements.constructOperatorName(name, false),
null, 1);
factory Selector.index()
=> new Selector(SelectorKind.INDEX,
Elements.constructOperatorName(INDEX_NAME, false),
null, 1);
factory Selector.indexSet()
=> new Selector(SelectorKind.INDEX,
Elements.constructOperatorName(INDEX_SET_NAME, false),
null, 2);
factory name,
LibraryElement library,
int arity,
[List<String> namedArguments])
=> new Selector(SelectorKind.CALL, name, library, arity, namedArguments);
factory Selector.callClosure(int arity, [List<String> namedArguments])
=> new Selector(SelectorKind.CALL, CALL_NAME, null,
arity, namedArguments);
factory Selector.callClosureFrom(Selector selector)
=> new Selector(SelectorKind.CALL, CALL_NAME, null,
selector.argumentCount, selector.namedArguments);
factory Selector.callConstructor(String name, LibraryElement library,
[int arity = 0,
List<String> namedArguments])
=> new Selector(SelectorKind.CALL, name, library,
arity, namedArguments);
factory Selector.callDefaultConstructor(LibraryElement library)
=> new Selector(SelectorKind.CALL, "", library, 0);
bool isGetter() => identical(kind, SelectorKind.GETTER);
bool isSetter() => identical(kind, SelectorKind.SETTER);
bool isCall() => identical(kind, SelectorKind.CALL);
bool isClosureCall() {
String callName = Compiler.CALL_OPERATOR_NAME;
return isCall() && name == callName;
bool isIndex() => identical(kind, SelectorKind.INDEX) && argumentCount == 1;
bool isIndexSet() => identical(kind, SelectorKind.INDEX) && argumentCount == 2;
bool isOperator() => identical(kind, SelectorKind.OPERATOR);
bool isUnaryOperator() => isOperator() && argumentCount == 0;
/** Check whether this is a call to 'assert'. */
bool isAssert() => isCall() && identical(name, "assert");
int get namedArgumentCount => namedArguments.length;
int get positionalArgumentCount => argumentCount - namedArgumentCount;
bool get hasExactMask => false;
TypeMask get mask => null;
Selector get asUntyped => this;
* The member name for invocation mirrors created from this selector.
String get invocationMirrorMemberName =>
isSetter() ? '$name=' : name;
int get invocationMirrorKind {
const int METHOD = 0;
const int GETTER = 1;
const int SETTER = 2;
int kind = METHOD;
if (isGetter()) {
kind = GETTER;
} else if (isSetter()) {
kind = SETTER;
return kind;
bool appliesUnnamed(Element element, Compiler compiler) {
assert(sameNameHack(element, compiler));
return appliesUntyped(element, compiler);
bool appliesUntyped(Element element, Compiler compiler) {
assert(sameNameHack(element, compiler));
if (Elements.isUnresolved(element)) return false;
if (isPrivateName(name) && library != element.getLibrary()) return false;
if (element.isForeign(compiler)) return true;
if (element.isSetter()) return isSetter();
if (element.isGetter()) return isGetter() || isCall();
if (element.isField()) {
return isSetter()
? !element.modifiers.isFinalOrConst()
: isGetter() || isCall();
if (isGetter()) return true;
if (isSetter()) return false;
return signatureApplies(element, compiler);
bool signatureApplies(FunctionElement function, Compiler compiler) {
FunctionSignature parameters = function.computeSignature(compiler);
if (argumentCount > parameters.parameterCount) return false;
int requiredParameterCount = parameters.requiredParameterCount;
int optionalParameterCount = parameters.optionalParameterCount;
if (positionalArgumentCount < requiredParameterCount) return false;
if (!parameters.optionalParametersAreNamed) {
// We have already checked that the number of arguments are
// not greater than the number of parameters. Therefore the
// number of positional arguments are not greater than the
// number of parameters.
assert(positionalArgumentCount <= parameters.parameterCount);
return namedArguments.isEmpty;
} else {
if (positionalArgumentCount > requiredParameterCount) return false;
assert(positionalArgumentCount == requiredParameterCount);
if (namedArgumentCount > optionalParameterCount) return false;
Set<String> nameSet = new Set<String>();
parameters.optionalParameters.forEach((Element element) {
for (String name in namedArguments) {
if (!nameSet.contains(name)) return false;
// TODO(5213): By removing from the set we are checking
// that we are not passing the name twice. We should have this
// check in the resolver also.
return true;
bool sameNameHack(Element element, Compiler compiler) {
// TODO(ngeoffray): Remove workaround checks.
return element == compiler.assertMethod
|| element.isConstructor()
|| name ==;
bool applies(Element element, Compiler compiler) {
if (!sameNameHack(element, compiler)) return false;
return appliesUnnamed(element, compiler);
* Fills [list] with the arguments in a defined order.
* [compileArgument] is a function that returns a compiled version
* of an argument located in [arguments].
* [compileConstant] is a function that returns a compiled constant
* of an optional argument that is not in [arguments].
* Returns [:true:] if the selector and the [element] match; [:false:]
* otherwise.
* Invariant: [element] must be the implementation element.
bool addArgumentsToList(Link<Node> arguments,
List list,
FunctionElement element,
compileArgument(Node argument),
compileConstant(Element element),
Compiler compiler) {
assert(invariant(element, element.isImplementation));
if (!this.applies(element, compiler)) return false;
FunctionSignature parameters = element.computeSignature(compiler);
parameters.forEachRequiredParameter((element) {
arguments = arguments.tail;
if (!parameters.optionalParametersAreNamed) {
parameters.forEachOptionalParameter((element) {
if (!arguments.isEmpty) {
arguments = arguments.tail;
} else {
} else {
// Visit named arguments and add them into a temporary list.
List compiledNamedArguments = [];
for (; !arguments.isEmpty; arguments = arguments.tail) {
NamedArgument namedArgument = arguments.head;
// Iterate over the optional parameters of the signature, and try to
// find them in [compiledNamedArguments]. If found, we use the
// value in the temporary list, otherwise the default value.
parameters.orderedOptionalParameters.forEach((element) {
int foundIndex = namedArguments.indexOf(;
if (foundIndex != -1) {
} else {
return true;
* Fills [list] with the arguments in the order expected by
* [callee], and where [caller] is a synthesized element
* [compileArgument] is a function that returns a compiled version
* of a parameter of [callee].
* [compileConstant] is a function that returns a compiled constant
* of an optional argument that is not in the parameters of [callee].
* Returns [:true:] if the signature of the [caller] matches the
* signature of the [callee], [:false:] otherwise.
static bool addForwardingElementArgumentsToList(
FunctionElement caller,
List list,
FunctionElement callee,
compileArgument(Element element),
compileConstant(Element element),
Compiler compiler) {
FunctionSignature signature = caller.computeSignature(compiler);
Map mapping = new Map();
// TODO(ngeoffray): This is a hack that fakes up AST nodes, so
// that we can call [addArgumentsToList].
Link computeCallNodesFromParameters() {
LinkBuilder builder = new LinkBuilder();
signature.forEachRequiredParameter((Element element) {
Node node = element.parseNode(compiler);
mapping[node] = element;
if (signature.optionalParametersAreNamed) {
signature.forEachOptionalParameter((Element element) {
Node node = element.parseNode(compiler);
mapping[node] = element;
builder.addLast(new NamedArgument(null, null, node));
} else {
signature.forEachOptionalParameter((Element element) {
Node node = element.parseNode(compiler);
mapping[node] = element;
return builder.toLink();
internalCompileArgument(Node node) => compileArgument(mapping[node]);
Link<Node> nodes = computeCallNodesFromParameters();
// Synthesize a selector for the call.
// TODO(ngeoffray): Should the resolver do it instead?
List<String> namedParameters;
if (signature.optionalParametersAreNamed) {
namedParameters =
signature.optionalParameters.toList().map((e) =>;
Selector selector = new,
return selector.addArgumentsToList(nodes,
static bool sameNames(List<String> first, List<String> second) {
for (int i = 0; i < first.length; i++) {
if (first[i] != second[i]) return false;
return true;
bool match(SelectorKind kind,
String name,
LibraryElement library,
int argumentCount,
List<String> namedArguments) {
return this.kind == kind
&& == name
&& identical(this.library, library)
&& this.argumentCount == argumentCount
&& this.namedArguments.length == namedArguments.length
&& sameNames(this.namedArguments, namedArguments);
static int computeHashCode(SelectorKind kind,
String name,
LibraryElement library,
int argumentCount,
List<String> namedArguments) {
// Add bits from name and kind.
int hash = mixHashCodeBits(name.hashCode, kind.hashCode);
// Add bits from the library.
if (library != null) hash = mixHashCodeBits(hash, library.hashCode);
// Add bits from the unnamed arguments.
hash = mixHashCodeBits(hash, argumentCount);
// Add bits from the named arguments.
int named = namedArguments.length;
hash = mixHashCodeBits(hash, named);
for (int i = 0; i < named; i++) {
hash = mixHashCodeBits(hash, namedArguments[i].hashCode);
return hash;
// TODO(kasperl): Move this out so it becomes useful in other places too?
static int mixHashCodeBits(int existing, int value) {
// Spread the bits of value. Try to stay in the 30-bit range to
// avoid overflowing into a more expensive integer representation.
int h = value & 0x1fffffff;
h += ((h & 0x3fff) << 15) ^ 0x1fffcd7d;
h ^= (h >> 10);
h += ((h & 0x3ffffff) << 3);
h ^= (h >> 6);
h += ((h & 0x7ffffff) << 2) + ((h & 0x7fff) << 14);
h ^= (h >> 16);
// Combine the two hash values.
int high = existing >> 15;
int low = existing & 0x7fff;
return (high * 13) ^ (low * 997) ^ h;
List<String> getOrderedNamedArguments() {
if (namedArguments.isEmpty) return namedArguments;
if (!_orderedNamedArguments.isEmpty) return _orderedNamedArguments;
_orderedNamedArguments.sort((String first, String second) {
return first.compareTo(second);
return _orderedNamedArguments;
String namedArgumentsToString() {
if (namedArgumentCount > 0) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < namedArgumentCount; i++) {
if (i != 0) result.write(', ');
return "[$result]";
return '';
String toString() {
String named = '';
String type = '';
if (namedArgumentCount > 0) named = ', named=${namedArgumentsToString()}';
if (mask != null) type = ', mask=$mask';
return 'Selector($kind, $name, '
Selector extendIfReachesAll(Compiler compiler) {
return new TypedSelector(compiler.typesTask.dynamicType, this);
Selector toCallSelector() => new Selector.callClosureFrom(this);
class TypedSelector extends Selector {
final Selector asUntyped;
final TypeMask mask;
TypedSelector.internal(this.mask, Selector selector, int hashCode)
: asUntyped = selector,
hashCode) {
assert(mask != null);
assert(asUntyped.mask == null);
static Map<Selector, Map<TypeMask, TypedSelector>> canonicalizedValues =
new Map<Selector, Map<TypeMask, TypedSelector>>();
factory TypedSelector(TypeMask mask, Selector selector) {
if (selector.mask == mask) return selector;
Selector untyped = selector.asUntyped;
Map<TypeMask, TypedSelector> map = canonicalizedValues.putIfAbsent(untyped,
() => new Map<TypeMask, TypedSelector>());
TypedSelector result = map[mask];
if (result == null) {
int hashCode = Selector.mixHashCodeBits(untyped.hashCode, mask.hashCode);
result = map[mask] = new TypedSelector.internal(mask, untyped, hashCode);
return result;
factory TypedSelector.exact(ClassElement base, Selector selector)
=> new TypedSelector(new TypeMask.exact(base), selector);
factory TypedSelector.subclass(ClassElement base, Selector selector)
=> new TypedSelector(new TypeMask.subclass(base), selector);
factory TypedSelector.subtype(ClassElement base, Selector selector)
=> new TypedSelector(new TypeMask.subtype(base), selector);
bool appliesUnnamed(Element element, Compiler compiler) {
assert(sameNameHack(element, compiler));
// [TypedSelector] are only used after resolution.
assert(compiler.phase > Compiler.PHASE_RESOLVING);
if (!element.isMember()) return false;
// A closure can be called through any typed selector:
// class A {
// get foo => () => 42;
// bar() => foo(); // The call to 'foo' is a typed selector.
// }
if (element.getEnclosingClass().isClosure()) {
return appliesUntyped(element, compiler);
if (!mask.canHit(element, this, compiler)) return false;
return appliesUntyped(element, compiler);
Selector extendIfReachesAll(Compiler compiler) {
bool canReachAll = compiler.enabledInvokeOn
&& mask.needsNoSuchMethodHandling(this, compiler);
return canReachAll
? new TypedSelector(compiler.typesTask.dynamicType, this)
: this;