blob: ed6852e719f9d405b8f3bfe74f5b819aff98c82b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of ssa;
class ValueRangeInfo {
final ConstantSystem constantSystem;
IntValue intZero;
IntValue intOne;
ValueRangeInfo(this.constantSystem) {
intZero = newIntValue(0);
intOne = newIntValue(1);
Value newIntValue(int value) {
return new IntValue(value, this);
Value newInstructionValue(HInstruction instruction) {
return new InstructionValue(instruction, this);
Value newPositiveValue(HInstruction instruction) {
return new PositiveValue(instruction, this);
Value newAddValue(Value left, Value right) {
return new AddValue(left, right, this);
Value newSubtractValue(Value left, Value right) {
return new SubtractValue(left, right, this);
Value newNegateValue(Value value) {
return new NegateValue(value, this);
Range newUnboundRange() {
return new Range.unbound(this);
Range newNormalizedRange(Value low, Value up) {
return new Range.normalize(low, up, this);
Range newMarkerRange() {
return new Range(new MarkerValue(false, this),
new MarkerValue(true, this),
* A [Value] represents both symbolic values like the value of a
* parameter, or the length of an array, and concrete values, like
* constants.
abstract class Value {
final ValueRangeInfo info;
const Value(;
Value operator +(Value other) => const UnknownValue();
Value operator -(Value other) => const UnknownValue();
Value operator -() => const UnknownValue();
Value operator &(Value other) => const UnknownValue();
Value min(Value other) {
if (this == other) return this;
if (other == const MinIntValue()) return other;
if (other == const MaxIntValue()) return this;
Value value = this - other;
if (value.isPositive) return other;
if (value.isNegative) return this;
return const UnknownValue();
Value max(Value other) {
if (this == other) return this;
if (other == const MinIntValue()) return this;
if (other == const MaxIntValue()) return other;
Value value = this - other;
if (value.isPositive) return this;
if (value.isNegative) return other;
return const UnknownValue();
bool get isNegative => false;
bool get isPositive => false;
bool get isZero => false;
* The [MarkerValue] class is used to recognize ranges of loop
* updates.
class MarkerValue extends Value {
/// If [positive] is true (respectively false), the marker goes
/// to [MaxIntValue] (respectively [MinIntValue]) when being added
/// to a positive (respectively negative) value.
final bool positive;
const MarkerValue(this.positive, info) : super(info);
Value operator +(Value other) {
if (other.isPositive && positive) return const MaxIntValue();
if (other.isNegative && !positive) return const MinIntValue();
if (other is IntValue) return this;
return const UnknownValue();
Value operator -(Value other) {
if (other.isPositive && !positive) return const MinIntValue();
if (other.isNegative && positive) return const MaxIntValue();
if (other is IntValue) return this;
return const UnknownValue();
* An [IntValue] contains a constant integer value.
class IntValue extends Value {
final int value;
const IntValue(this.value, info) : super(info);
Value operator +(other) {
if (other.isZero) return this;
if (other is !IntValue) return other + this;
ConstantSystem constantSystem = info.constantSystem;
var constant = constantSystem.add.fold(
constantSystem.createInt(value), constantSystem.createInt(other.value));
if (!constant.isInt()) return const UnknownValue();
return info.newIntValue(constant.value);
Value operator -(other) {
if (other.isZero) return this;
if (other is !IntValue) return -other + this;
ConstantSystem constantSystem = info.constantSystem;
var constant = constantSystem.subtract.fold(
constantSystem.createInt(value), constantSystem.createInt(other.value));
if (!constant.isInt()) return const UnknownValue();
return info.newIntValue(constant.value);
Value operator -() {
if (isZero) return this;
ConstantSystem constantSystem = info.constantSystem;
var constant = constantSystem.negate.fold(
if (!constant.isInt()) return const UnknownValue();
return info.newIntValue(constant.value);
Value operator &(other) {
if (other is !IntValue) return const UnknownValue();
ConstantSystem constantSystem = info.constantSystem;
var constant = constantSystem.bitAnd.fold(
constantSystem.createInt(value), constantSystem.createInt(other.value));
return info.newIntValue(constant.value);
Value min(other) {
if (other is !IntValue) return other.min(this);
return this.value < other.value ? this : other;
Value max(other) {
if (other is !IntValue) return other.max(this);
return this.value < other.value ? other : this;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is !IntValue) return false;
return this.value == other.value;
int get hashCode => throw new UnsupportedError('IntValue.hashCode');
String toString() => 'IntValue $value';
bool get isNegative => value < 0;
bool get isPositive => value >= 0;
bool get isZero => value == 0;
* The [MaxIntValue] represents the maximum value an integer can have,
* which is currently +infinity.
class MaxIntValue extends Value {
const MaxIntValue() : super(null);
Value operator +(Value other) => this;
Value operator -(Value other) => this;
Value operator -() => const MinIntValue();
Value min(Value other) => other;
Value max(Value other) => this;
String toString() => 'Max';
bool get isNegative => false;
bool get isPositive => true;
* The [MinIntValue] represents the minimum value an integer can have,
* which is currently -infinity.
class MinIntValue extends Value {
const MinIntValue() : super(null);
Value operator +(Value other) => this;
Value operator -(Value other) => this;
Value operator -() => const MaxIntValue();
Value min(Value other) => this;
Value max(Value other) => other;
String toString() => 'Min';
bool get isNegative => true;
bool get isPositive => false;
* The [UnknownValue] is the sentinel in our analysis to mark an
* operation that could not be done because of too much complexity.
class UnknownValue extends Value {
const UnknownValue() : super(null);
Value operator +(Value other) => const UnknownValue();
Value operator -(Value other) => const UnknownValue();
Value operator -() => const UnknownValue();
Value min(Value other) => const UnknownValue();
Value max(Value other) => const UnknownValue();
bool get isNegative => false;
bool get isPositive => false;
String toString() => 'Unknown';
* A symbolic value representing an [HInstruction].
class InstructionValue extends Value {
final HInstruction instruction;
InstructionValue(this.instruction, info) : super(info);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is !InstructionValue) return false;
return this.instruction == other.instruction;
int get hashCode => throw new UnsupportedError('InstructionValue.hashCode');
Value operator +(Value other) {
if (other.isZero) return this;
if (other is IntValue) {
if (other.isNegative) {
return info.newSubtractValue(this, -other);
return info.newAddValue(this, other);
if (other is InstructionValue) {
return info.newAddValue(this, other);
return other + this;
Value operator -(Value other) {
if (other.isZero) return this;
if (this == other) return info.intZero;
if (other is IntValue) {
if (other.isNegative) {
return info.newAddValue(this, -other);
return info.newSubtractValue(this, other);
if (other is InstructionValue) {
return info.newSubtractValue(this, other);
return -other + this;
Value operator -() {
return info.newNegateValue(this);
bool get isNegative => false;
bool get isPositive => false;
String toString() => 'Instruction: $instruction';
* Special value for instructions whose type is a positive integer.
class PositiveValue extends InstructionValue {
PositiveValue(HInstruction instruction, info) : super(instruction, info);
bool get isPositive => true;
* Represents a binary operation on two [Value], where the operation
* did not yield a canonical value.
class BinaryOperationValue extends Value {
final Value left;
final Value right;
BinaryOperationValue(this.left, this.right, info) : super(info);
class AddValue extends BinaryOperationValue {
AddValue(left, right, info) : super(left, right, info);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is !AddValue) return false;
return (left == other.left && right == other.right)
|| (left == other.right && right == other.left);
int get hashCode => throw new UnsupportedError('AddValue.hashCode');
Value operator -() => -left - right;
Value operator +(Value other) {
if (other.isZero) return this;
Value value = left + other;
if (value != const UnknownValue() && value is! BinaryOperationValue) {
return value + right;
// If the result is not simple enough, we try the same approach
// with [right].
value = right + other;
if (value != const UnknownValue() && value is! BinaryOperationValue) {
return left + value;
return const UnknownValue();
Value operator -(Value other) {
if (other.isZero) return this;
Value value = left - other;
if (value != const UnknownValue() && value is! BinaryOperationValue) {
return value + right;
// If the result is not simple enough, we try the same approach
// with [right].
value = right - other;
if (value != const UnknownValue() && value is! BinaryOperationValue) {
return left + value;
return const UnknownValue();
bool get isNegative => left.isNegative && right.isNegative;
bool get isPositive => left.isPositive && right.isPositive;
String toString() => '$left + $right';
class SubtractValue extends BinaryOperationValue {
SubtractValue(left, right, info) : super(left, right, info);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is !SubtractValue) return false;
return left == other.left && right == other.right;
int get hashCode => throw new UnsupportedError('SubtractValue.hashCode');
Value operator -() => right - left;
Value operator +(Value other) {
if (other.isZero) return this;
Value value = left + other;
if (value != const UnknownValue() && value is! BinaryOperationValue) {
return value - right;
// If the result is not simple enough, we try the same approach
// with [right].
value = other - right;
if (value != const UnknownValue() && value is! BinaryOperationValue) {
return left + value;
return const UnknownValue();
Value operator -(Value other) {
if (other.isZero) return this;
Value value = left - other;
if (value != const UnknownValue() && value is! BinaryOperationValue) {
return value - right;
// If the result is not simple enough, we try the same approach
// with [right].
value = right + other;
if (value != const UnknownValue() && value is! BinaryOperationValue) {
return left - value;
return const UnknownValue();
bool get isNegative => left.isNegative && right.isPositive;
bool get isPositive => left.isPositive && right.isNegative;
String toString() => '$left - $right';
class NegateValue extends Value {
final Value value;
NegateValue(this.value, info) : super(info);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is !NegateValue) return false;
return value == other.value;
int get hashCode => throw new UnsupportedError('Negate.hashCode');
Value operator +(other) {
if (other.isZero) return this;
if (other == value) return info.intZero;
if (other is NegateValue) return this - other.value;
if (other is IntValue) {
if (other.isNegative) {
return info.newSubtractValue(this, -other);
return info.newSubtractValue(other, value);
if (other is InstructionValue) {
return info.newSubtractValue(other, value);
return other - value;
Value operator &(Value other) => const UnknownValue();
Value operator -(other) {
if (other.isZero) return this;
if (other is IntValue) {
if (other.isNegative) {
return info.newSubtractValue(-other, value);
return info.newSubtractValue(this, other);
if (other is InstructionValue) {
return info.newSubtractValue(this, other);
if (other is NegateValue) return this + other.value;
return -other - value;
Value operator -() => value;
bool get isNegative => value.isPositive;
bool get isPositive => value.isNegative;
String toString() => '-$value';
* A [Range] represents the possible integer values an instruction
* can have, from its [lower] bound to its [upper] bound, both
* included.
class Range {
final Value lower;
final Value upper;
final ValueRangeInfo info;
Range(this.lower, this.upper, {
assert(lower != const UnknownValue());
assert(upper != const UnknownValue());
Range.unbound(info) : this(const MinIntValue(), const MaxIntValue(), info);
* Checks if the given values are unknown, and creates a
* range that does not have any unknown values.
Range.normalize(Value low, Value up, info) : this(
low == const UnknownValue() ? const MinIntValue() : low,
up == const UnknownValue() ? const MaxIntValue() : up,
Range union(Range other) {
return info.newNormalizedRange(
lower.min(other.lower), upper.max(other.upper));
Range intersection(Range other) {
Value low = lower.max(other.lower);
Value up = upper.min(other.upper);
// If we could not compute max or min, pick a value in the two
// ranges, with priority to [IntValue]s because they are simpler.
if (low == const UnknownValue()) {
if (lower is IntValue) low = lower;
else if (other.lower is IntValue) low = other.lower;
else low = lower;
if (up == const UnknownValue()) {
if (upper is IntValue) up = upper;
else if (other.upper is IntValue) up = other.upper;
else up = upper;
return info.newNormalizedRange(low, up);
Range operator +(Range other) {
return info.newNormalizedRange(lower + other.lower, upper + other.upper);
Range operator -(Range other) {
return info.newNormalizedRange(lower - other.upper, upper - other.lower);
Range operator -() {
return info.newNormalizedRange(-upper, -lower);
Range operator &(Range other) {
if (isSingleValue
&& other.isSingleValue
&& lower is IntValue
&& other.lower is IntValue) {
return info.newNormalizedRange(lower & other.lower, upper & other.upper);
if (isPositive && other.isPositive) {
Value up = upper.min(other.upper);
if (up == const UnknownValue()) {
// If we could not find a trivial bound, just try to use the
// one that is an int.
up = upper is IntValue ? upper : other.upper;
// Make sure we get the same upper bound, whether it's a & b
// or b & a.
if (up is! IntValue && upper != other.upper) up = const MaxIntValue();
return info.newNormalizedRange(info.intZero, up);
} else if (isPositive) {
return info.newNormalizedRange(info.intZero, upper);
} else if (other.isPositive) {
return info.newNormalizedRange(info.intZero, other.upper);
} else {
return info.newUnboundRange();
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is! Range) return false;
return other.lower == lower && other.upper == upper;
int get hashCode => throw new UnsupportedError('Range.hashCode');
bool operator <(Range other) {
return upper != other.lower && upper.min(other.lower) == upper;
bool operator >(Range other) {
return lower != other.upper && lower.max(other.upper) == lower;
bool operator <=(Range other) {
return upper.min(other.lower) == upper;
bool operator >=(Range other) {
return lower.max(other.upper) == lower;
bool get isNegative => upper.isNegative;
bool get isPositive => lower.isPositive;
bool get isSingleValue => lower == upper;
String toString() => '[$lower, $upper]';
* Visits the graph in dominator order, and computes value ranges for
* integer instructions. While visiting the graph, this phase also
* removes unnecessary bounds checks, and comparisons that are proven
* to be true or false.
class SsaValueRangeAnalyzer extends HBaseVisitor implements OptimizationPhase {
String get name => 'SSA value range builder';
* List of [HRangeConversion] instructions created by the phase. We
* save them here in order to remove them once the phase is done.
final List<HRangeConversion> conversions = <HRangeConversion>[];
* Value ranges for integer instructions. This map gets populated by
* the dominator tree visit.
final Map<HInstruction, Range> ranges = new Map<HInstruction, Range>();
final Compiler compiler;
final ConstantSystem constantSystem;
final ValueRangeInfo info;
CodegenWorkItem work;
HGraph graph;
SsaValueRangeAnalyzer(this.compiler, constantSystem,
: info = new ValueRangeInfo(constantSystem),
this.constantSystem = constantSystem;
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
this.graph = graph;
// We remove the range conversions after visiting the graph so
// that the graph does not get polluted with these instructions
// only necessary for this phase.
void removeRangeConversion() {
conversions.forEach((HRangeConversion instruction) {
instruction.block.rewrite(instruction, instruction.inputs[0]);;
void visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
void visit(HInstruction instruction) {
Range range = instruction.accept(this);
if (instruction.isInteger(compiler)) {
assert(range != null);
ranges[instruction] = range;
Range visitInstruction(HInstruction instruction) {
if (instruction.isPositiveInteger(compiler)) {
return info.newNormalizedRange(
info.intZero, info.newPositiveValue(instruction));
} else if (instruction.isInteger(compiler)) {
InstructionValue value = info.newInstructionValue(instruction);
return info.newNormalizedRange(value, value);
} else {
return info.newUnboundRange();
Range visitPhi(HPhi phi) {
if (!phi.isInteger(compiler)) return info.newUnboundRange();
// Some phases may replace instructions that change the inputs of
// this phi. Only the [SsaTypesPropagation] phase will update the
// phi type. Play it safe by assuming the [SsaTypesPropagation]
// phase is not necessarily run before the [ValueRangeAnalyzer].
if (phi.inputs.any((i) => !i.isInteger(compiler))) {
return info.newUnboundRange();
if (phi.block.isLoopHeader()) {
Range range = new LoopUpdateRecognizer(compiler, ranges, info).run(phi);
if (range == null) return info.newUnboundRange();
return range;
Range range = ranges[phi.inputs[0]];
for (int i = 1; i < phi.inputs.length; i++) {
range = range.union(ranges[phi.inputs[i]]);
return range;
Range visitConstant(HConstant constant) {
if (!constant.isInteger(compiler)) return info.newUnboundRange();
NumConstant constantNum = constant.constant;
if (constantNum.isMinusZero()) constantNum = new IntConstant(0);
Value value = info.newIntValue(constantNum.value);
return info.newNormalizedRange(value, value);
Range visitFieldGet(HFieldGet fieldGet) {
if (!fieldGet.isInteger(compiler)) return info.newUnboundRange();
if (!fieldGet.receiver.isIndexablePrimitive(compiler)) {
return visitInstruction(fieldGet);
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
assert(fieldGet.element == backend.jsIndexableLength);
PositiveValue value = info.newPositiveValue(fieldGet);
// We know this range is above zero. To simplify the analysis, we
// put the zero value as the lower bound of this range. This
// allows to easily remove the second bound check in the following
// expression: a[1] + a[0].
return info.newNormalizedRange(info.intZero, value);
Range visitBoundsCheck(HBoundsCheck check) {
// Save the next instruction, in case the check gets removed.
HInstruction next =;
Range indexRange = ranges[check.index];
Range lengthRange = ranges[check.length];
if (indexRange == null) {
indexRange = info.newUnboundRange();
// Check if the index is strictly below the upper bound of the length
// range.
Value maxIndex = lengthRange.upper - info.intOne;
bool belowLength = maxIndex != const MaxIntValue()
&& indexRange.upper.min(maxIndex) == indexRange.upper;
// Check if the index is strictly below the lower bound of the length
// range.
belowLength = belowLength
|| (indexRange.upper != lengthRange.lower
&& indexRange.upper.min(lengthRange.lower) == indexRange.upper);
if (indexRange.isPositive && belowLength) {
check.block.rewrite(check, check.index);
} else if (indexRange.isNegative || lengthRange < indexRange) {
check.staticChecks = HBoundsCheck.ALWAYS_FALSE;
// The check is always false, and whatever instruction it
// dominates is dead code.
return indexRange;
} else if (indexRange.isPositive) {
check.staticChecks = HBoundsCheck.ALWAYS_ABOVE_ZERO;
} else if (belowLength) {
check.staticChecks = HBoundsCheck.ALWAYS_BELOW_LENGTH;
if (indexRange.isPositive) {
// If the test passes, we know the lower bound of the length is
// greater or equal than the lower bound of the index.
Value low = lengthRange.lower.max(indexRange.lower);
if (low != const UnknownValue()) {
HInstruction instruction =
createRangeConversion(next, check.length);
ranges[instruction] = info.newNormalizedRange(low, lengthRange.upper);
// Update the range of the index if using the maximum index
// narrows it. Use that new range for this instruction as well.
Range newIndexRange = indexRange.intersection(
info.newNormalizedRange(info.intZero, maxIndex));
if (indexRange == newIndexRange) return indexRange;
// Explicitly attach the range information to the index instruction,
// which may be used by other instructions. Returning the new range will
// attach it to this instruction.
HInstruction instruction = createRangeConversion(next, check.index);
ranges[instruction] = newIndexRange;
return newIndexRange;
Range visitRelational(HRelational relational) {
HInstruction right = relational.right;
HInstruction left = relational.left;
if (!left.isInteger(compiler)) return info.newUnboundRange();
if (!right.isInteger(compiler)) return info.newUnboundRange();
BinaryOperation operation = relational.operation(constantSystem);
Range rightRange = ranges[relational.right];
Range leftRange = ranges[relational.left];
if (relational is HIdentity) {
} else if (operation.apply(leftRange, rightRange)) {
relational, graph.addConstantBool(true, compiler));
} else if (reverseOperation(operation).apply(leftRange, rightRange)) {
relational, graph.addConstantBool(false, compiler));
return info.newUnboundRange();
void handleEqualityCheck(HRelational node) {
Range right = ranges[node.right];
Range left = ranges[node.left];
if (left.isSingleValue && right.isSingleValue && left == right) {
node, graph.addConstantBool(true, compiler));
Range handleBinaryOperation(HBinaryArithmetic instruction) {
if (!instruction.isInteger(compiler)) return info.newUnboundRange();
return instruction.operation(constantSystem).apply(
ranges[instruction.left], ranges[instruction.right]);
Range visitAdd(HAdd add) {
return handleBinaryOperation(add);
Range visitSubtract(HSubtract sub) {
return handleBinaryOperation(sub);
Range visitBitAnd(HBitAnd node) {
if (!node.isInteger(compiler)) return info.newUnboundRange();
HInstruction right = node.right;
HInstruction left = node.left;
if (left.isInteger(compiler) && right.isInteger(compiler)) {
return ranges[left] & ranges[right];
Range tryComputeRange(HInstruction instruction) {
Range range = ranges[instruction];
if (range.isPositive) {
return info.newNormalizedRange(info.intZero, range.upper);
} else if (range.isNegative) {
return info.newNormalizedRange(range.lower, info.intZero);
return info.newUnboundRange();
if (left.isInteger(compiler)) {
return tryComputeRange(left);
} else if (right.isInteger(compiler)) {
return tryComputeRange(right);
return info.newUnboundRange();
Range visitCheck(HCheck instruction) {
if (ranges[instruction.checkedInput] == null) {
return visitInstruction(instruction);
return ranges[instruction.checkedInput];
HInstruction createRangeConversion(HInstruction cursor,
HInstruction instruction) {
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
HRangeConversion newInstruction =
new HRangeConversion(instruction, backend.intType);
cursor.block.addBefore(cursor, newInstruction);
// Update the users of the instruction dominated by [cursor] to
// use the new instruction, that has an narrower range.
instruction.replaceAllUsersDominatedBy(cursor, newInstruction);
return newInstruction;
static BinaryOperation reverseOperation(BinaryOperation operation) {
if (operation == const LessOperation()) {
return const GreaterEqualOperation();
} else if (operation == const LessEqualOperation()) {
return const GreaterOperation();
} else if (operation == const GreaterOperation()) {
return const LessEqualOperation();
} else if (operation == const GreaterEqualOperation()) {
return const LessOperation();
} else {
return null;
Range computeConstrainedRange(BinaryOperation operation,
Range leftRange,
Range rightRange) {
Range range;
if (operation == const LessOperation()) {
range = info.newNormalizedRange(
const MinIntValue(), rightRange.upper - info.intOne);
} else if (operation == const LessEqualOperation()) {
range = info.newNormalizedRange(const MinIntValue(), rightRange.upper);
} else if (operation == const GreaterOperation()) {
range = info.newNormalizedRange(
rightRange.lower + info.intOne, const MaxIntValue());
} else if (operation == const GreaterEqualOperation()) {
range = info.newNormalizedRange(rightRange.lower, const MaxIntValue());
} else {
range = info.newUnboundRange();
return range.intersection(leftRange);
Range visitConditionalBranch(HConditionalBranch branch) {
var condition = branch.condition;
// TODO(ngeoffray): Handle complex conditions.
if (condition is !HRelational) return info.newUnboundRange();
if (condition is HIdentity) return info.newUnboundRange();
HInstruction right = condition.right;
HInstruction left = condition.left;
if (!left.isInteger(compiler)) return info.newUnboundRange();
if (!right.isInteger(compiler)) return info.newUnboundRange();
Range rightRange = ranges[right];
Range leftRange = ranges[left];
Operation operation = condition.operation(constantSystem);
Operation reverse = reverseOperation(operation);
// Only update the true branch if this block is the only
// predecessor.
if (branch.trueBranch.predecessors.length == 1) {
assert(branch.trueBranch.predecessors[0] == branch.block);
// Update the true branch to use narrower ranges for [left] and
// [right].
Range range = computeConstrainedRange(operation, leftRange, rightRange);
if (leftRange != range) {
HInstruction instruction =
createRangeConversion(branch.trueBranch.first, left);
ranges[instruction] = range;
range = computeConstrainedRange(reverse, rightRange, leftRange);
if (rightRange != range) {
HInstruction instruction =
createRangeConversion(branch.trueBranch.first, right);
ranges[instruction] = range;
// Only update the false branch if this block is the only
// predecessor.
if (branch.falseBranch.predecessors.length == 1) {
assert(branch.falseBranch.predecessors[0] == branch.block);
// Update the false branch to use narrower ranges for [left] and
// [right].
Range range = computeConstrainedRange(reverse, leftRange, rightRange);
if (leftRange != range) {
HInstruction instruction =
createRangeConversion(branch.falseBranch.first, left);
ranges[instruction] = range;
range = computeConstrainedRange(operation, rightRange, leftRange);
if (rightRange != range) {
HInstruction instruction =
createRangeConversion(branch.falseBranch.first, right);
ranges[instruction] = range;
return info.newUnboundRange();
Range visitRangeConversion(HRangeConversion conversion) {
return ranges[conversion];
* Tries to find a range for the update instruction of a loop phi.
class LoopUpdateRecognizer extends HBaseVisitor {
final Compiler compiler;
final Map<HInstruction, Range> ranges;
final ValueRangeInfo info;
LoopUpdateRecognizer(this.compiler, this.ranges,;
Range run(HPhi loopPhi) {
// Create a marker range for the loop phi, so that if the update
// uses the loop phi, it has a range to use.
ranges[loopPhi] = info.newMarkerRange();
Range updateRange = visit(loopPhi.inputs[1]);
ranges[loopPhi] = null;
if (updateRange == null) return null;
Range startRange = ranges[loopPhi.inputs[0]];
// If the lower (respectively upper) value is the marker, we know
// the loop does not change it, so we can just use the
// [startRange]'s lower (upper) value. Otherwise the lower (upper) value
// is the minimum of the [startRange]'s lower (upper) and the
// [updateRange]'s lower (upper).
Value low = updateRange.lower is MarkerValue
? startRange.lower
: updateRange.lower.min(startRange.lower);
Value up = updateRange.upper is MarkerValue
? startRange.upper
: updateRange.upper.max(startRange.upper);
return info.newNormalizedRange(low, up);
Range visit(HInstruction instruction) {
if (!instruction.isInteger(compiler)) return null;
if (ranges[instruction] != null) return ranges[instruction];
return instruction.accept(this);
Range visitPhi(HPhi phi) {
// If the update of a loop phi involves another loop phi, we give
// up.
if (phi.block.isLoopHeader()) return null;
Range phiRange;
for (HInstruction input in phi.inputs) {
Range inputRange = visit(input);
if (inputRange == null) return null;
if (phiRange == null) {
phiRange = inputRange;
} else {
phiRange = phiRange.union(inputRange);
return phiRange;
Range visitCheck(HCheck instruction) {
return visit(instruction.checkedInput);
Range visitAdd(HAdd operation) {
return handleBinaryOperation(operation);
Range visitSubtract(HSubtract operation) {
return handleBinaryOperation(operation);
Range handleBinaryOperation(HBinaryArithmetic instruction) {
Range leftRange = visit(instruction.left);
Range rightRange = visit(instruction.right);
if (leftRange == null || rightRange == null) return null;
BinaryOperation operation = instruction.operation(info.constantSystem);
return operation.apply(leftRange, rightRange);