blob: 49c002fae8a7dff2fb35e0fa42024d6769b5cad8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.cmdline;
import 'dart:async'
show Future, EventSink;
import 'dart:io'
show exit, File, FileMode, Platform, RandomAccessFile, FileSystemException;
import 'dart:math' as math;
import '../compiler.dart' as api;
import 'source_file.dart';
import 'source_file_provider.dart';
import 'filenames.dart';
import 'util/uri_extras.dart';
import 'util/util.dart';
import '../../libraries.dart';
const String LIBRARY_ROOT = '../../../../..';
const String OUTPUT_LANGUAGE_DART = 'Dart';
* A string to identify the revision or build.
* This ID is displayed if the compiler crashes and in verbose mode, and is
* an aid in reproducing bug reports.
* The actual string is rewritten by a wrapper script when included in the sdk.
String BUILD_ID = null;
* The data passed to the [HandleOption] callback is either a single
* string argument, or the arguments iterator for multiple arguments
* handlers.
typedef void HandleOption(data);
class OptionHandler {
final String pattern;
final HandleOption handle;
final bool multipleArguments;
OptionHandler(this.pattern, this.handle, {this.multipleArguments: false});
* Extract the parameter of an option.
* For example, in ['--out=fisk.js'] and ['-ohest.js'], the parameters
* are ['fisk.js'] and ['hest.js'], respectively.
String extractParameter(String argument) {
// m[0] is the entire match (which will be equal to argument). m[1]
// is something like "-o" or "--out=", and m[2] is the parameter.
Match m = new RegExp('^(-[a-z]|--.+=)(.*)').firstMatch(argument);
if (m == null) helpAndFail('Error: Unknown option "$argument".');
return m[2];
String extractPath(String argument) {
String path = nativeToUriPath(extractParameter(argument));
return path.endsWith("/") ? path : "$path/";
void parseCommandLine(List<OptionHandler> handlers, List<String> argv) {
// TODO(ahe): Use ../../args/args.dart for parsing options instead.
var patterns = <String>[];
for (OptionHandler handler in handlers) {
var pattern = new RegExp('^(${patterns.join(")\$|(")})\$');
Iterator<String> arguments = argv.iterator;
OUTER: while (arguments.moveNext()) {
String argument = arguments.current;
Match match = pattern.firstMatch(argument);
assert(match.groupCount == handlers.length);
for (int i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
if (match[i + 1] != null) {
OptionHandler handler = handlers[i];
if (handler.multipleArguments) {
} else {
continue OUTER;
throw 'Internal error: "$argument" did not match';
FormattingDiagnosticHandler diagnosticHandler;
Future compile(List<String> argv) {
bool isWindows = (Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows');
stackTraceFilePrefix = '$currentDirectory';
Uri libraryRoot = currentDirectory;
Uri out = currentDirectory.resolve('out.js');
Uri sourceMapOut = currentDirectory.resolve('');
Uri packageRoot = null;
List<String> options = new List<String>();
bool explicitOut = false;
bool wantHelp = false;
bool wantVersion = false;
String outputLanguage = 'JavaScript';
bool stripArgumentSet = false;
bool analyzeOnly = false;
bool hasDisallowUnsafeEval = false;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Measure time for reading files.
SourceFileProvider inputProvider = new CompilerSourceFileProvider();
diagnosticHandler = new FormattingDiagnosticHandler(inputProvider);
Map<String, dynamic> environment = new Map<String, dynamic>();
passThrough(String argument) => options.add(argument);
if (BUILD_ID != null) {
setLibraryRoot(String argument) {
libraryRoot = currentDirectory.resolve(extractPath(argument));
setPackageRoot(String argument) {
packageRoot = currentDirectory.resolve(extractPath(argument));
setOutput(Iterator<String> arguments) {
String path;
if (arguments.current == '-o') {
if (!arguments.moveNext()) {
helpAndFail('Error: Missing file after -o option.');
path = arguments.current;
} else {
path = extractParameter(arguments.current);
explicitOut = true;
out = currentDirectory.resolve(nativeToUriPath(path));
sourceMapOut = Uri.parse('$');
setOutputType(String argument) {
if (argument == '--output-type=dart') {
outputLanguage = OUTPUT_LANGUAGE_DART;
if (!explicitOut) {
out = currentDirectory.resolve('out.dart');
sourceMapOut = currentDirectory.resolve('');
String getDepsOutput(Map<String, SourceFile> sourceFiles) {
var filenames = new List.from(sourceFiles.keys);
return filenames.join("\n");
setStrip(String argument) {
stripArgumentSet = true;
setAnalyzeOnly(String argument) {
analyzeOnly = true;
setVerbose(_) {
diagnosticHandler.verbose = true;
addInEnvironment(String argument) {
int eqIndex = argument.indexOf('=');
String name = argument.substring(2, eqIndex);
String value = argument.substring(eqIndex + 1);
environment[name] = value;
setCategories(String argument) {
List<String> categories = extractParameter(argument).split(',');
Set<String> allowedCategories = => x.category).toSet();
List<String> allowedCategoriesList =
new List<String>.from(allowedCategories);
if (categories.contains('all')) {
categories = allowedCategoriesList;
} else {
String allowedCategoriesString = allowedCategoriesList.join(', ');
for (String category in categories) {
if (!allowedCategories.contains(category)) {
fail('Error: unsupported library category "$category", '
'supported categories are: $allowedCategoriesString');
handleShortOptions(String argument) {
var shortOptions = argument.substring(1).split("");
for (var shortOption in shortOptions) {
switch (shortOption) {
case 'v':
case 'h':
case '?':
wantHelp = true;
case 'c':
case 'm':
throw 'Internal error: "$shortOption" did not match';
Uri computePrecompiledUri() {
String extension = 'precompiled.js';
String outPath = out.path;
if (outPath.endsWith('.js')) {
outPath = outPath.substring(0, outPath.length - 3);
return out.resolve('$outPath.$extension');
} else {
return out.resolve(extension);
List<String> arguments = <String>[];
List<OptionHandler> handlers = <OptionHandler>[
new OptionHandler('-[chvm?]+', handleShortOptions),
new OptionHandler('--throw-on-error',
(_) => diagnosticHandler.throwOnError = true),
new OptionHandler('--suppress-warnings',
(_) => diagnosticHandler.showWarnings = false),
new OptionHandler('--suppress-hints',
(_) => diagnosticHandler.showHints = false),
new OptionHandler('--output-type=dart|--output-type=js', setOutputType),
new OptionHandler('--verbose', setVerbose),
new OptionHandler('--version', (_) => wantVersion = true),
new OptionHandler('--library-root=.+', setLibraryRoot),
new OptionHandler('--out=.+|-o.*', setOutput, multipleArguments: true),
new OptionHandler('--allow-mock-compilation', passThrough),
new OptionHandler('--minify|-m', passThrough),
new OptionHandler('--force-strip=.*', setStrip),
new OptionHandler('--disable-diagnostic-colors',
(_) => diagnosticHandler.enableColors = false),
new OptionHandler('--enable-diagnostic-colors',
(_) => diagnosticHandler.enableColors = true),
new OptionHandler('--enable[_-]checked[_-]mode|--checked',
(_) => passThrough('--enable-checked-mode')),
new OptionHandler('--enable-concrete-type-inference',
(_) => passThrough('--enable-concrete-type-inference')),
new OptionHandler('--trust-type-annotations',
(_) => passThrough('--trust-type-annotations')),
new OptionHandler(r'--help|/\?|/h', (_) => wantHelp = true),
new OptionHandler('--package-root=.+|-p.+', setPackageRoot),
new OptionHandler('--analyze-all', passThrough),
new OptionHandler('--analyze-only', setAnalyzeOnly),
new OptionHandler('--analyze-signatures-only', passThrough),
new OptionHandler('--disable-native-live-type-analysis', passThrough),
new OptionHandler('--categories=.*', setCategories),
new OptionHandler('--disable-type-inference', passThrough),
new OptionHandler('--terse', passThrough),
new OptionHandler('--dump-info', passThrough),
new OptionHandler('--disallow-unsafe-eval',
(_) => hasDisallowUnsafeEval = true),
new OptionHandler('--show-package-warnings', passThrough),
new OptionHandler('-D.+=.*', addInEnvironment),
// The following two options must come last.
new OptionHandler('-.*', (String argument) {
helpAndFail('Error: Unknown option "$argument".');
new OptionHandler('.*', (String argument) {
parseCommandLine(handlers, argv);
if (wantHelp || wantVersion) {
helpAndExit(wantHelp, wantVersion, diagnosticHandler.verbose);
if (hasDisallowUnsafeEval) {
String precompiledName =
relativize(currentDirectory, computePrecompiledUri(), isWindows);
helpAndFail("Error: option '--disallow-unsafe-eval' has been removed."
" Instead, the compiler generates a file named"
" '$precompiledName'.");
if (outputLanguage != OUTPUT_LANGUAGE_DART && stripArgumentSet) {
helpAndFail('Error: --force-strip may only be used with '
if (arguments.isEmpty) {
helpAndFail('Error: No Dart file specified.');
if (arguments.length > 1) {
var extra = arguments.sublist(1);
helpAndFail('Error: Extra arguments: ${extra.join(" ")}');
Uri uri = currentDirectory.resolve(arguments[0]);
if (packageRoot == null) {
packageRoot = uri.resolve('./packages/');
}'package root is $packageRoot');
int totalCharactersWritten = 0;
List<String> allOutputFiles = new List<String>();
compilationDone(String code) {
if (analyzeOnly) return;
if (code == null) {
fail('Error: Compilation failed.');
'compiled ${inputProvider.dartCharactersRead} characters Dart '
'-> $totalCharactersWritten characters $outputLanguage '
'in ${relativize(currentDirectory, out, isWindows)}');
if (diagnosticHandler.verbose) {
String input = uriPathToNative(arguments[0]);
print('Dart file ($input) compiled to $outputLanguage.');
print('Wrote the following files:');
for (String filename in allOutputFiles) {
print(" $filename");
} else if (!explicitOut) {
String input = uriPathToNative(arguments[0]);
String output = relativize(currentDirectory, out, isWindows);
print('Dart file ($input) compiled to $outputLanguage: $output');
EventSink<String> outputProvider(String name, String extension) {
Uri uri;
String sourceMapFileName;
bool isPrimaryOutput = false;
if (name == '') {
if (extension == 'js' || extension == 'dart') {
isPrimaryOutput = true;
uri = out;
sourceMapFileName =
sourceMapOut.path.substring(sourceMapOut.path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
} else if (extension == 'precompiled.js') {
uri = computePrecompiledUri();
"File ($uri) is compatible with header"
" \"Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self'\"");
} else if (extension == '' || extension == '') {
uri = sourceMapOut;
} else if (extension == 'info.html') {
String outName = out.path.substring(out.path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
uri = out.resolve('${outName}.$extension');
} else {
fail('Error: Unknown extension: $extension');
} else {
uri = out.resolve('$name.$extension');
if (uri.scheme != 'file') {
fail('Error: Unhandled scheme ${uri.scheme} in $uri.');
RandomAccessFile output;
try {
output = new File(uri.toFilePath()).openSync(mode: FileMode.WRITE);
} on FileSystemException catch(e) {
allOutputFiles.add(relativize(currentDirectory, uri, isWindows));
int charactersWritten = 0;
writeStringSync(String data) {
// Write the data in chunks of 8kb, otherwise we risk running OOM.
int chunkSize = 8*1024;
int offset = 0;
while (offset < data.length) {
data.substring(offset, math.min(offset + chunkSize, data.length)));
offset += chunkSize;
charactersWritten += data.length;
onDone() {
if (sourceMapFileName != null) {
// Using # is the new proposed standard. @ caused problems in Internet
// Explorer due to "Conditional Compilation Statements" in JScript,
// see:
// About source maps, see:
// TODO( Remove @ line.
String sourceMapTag = '''
//# sourceMappingURL=$sourceMapFileName
//@ sourceMappingURL=$sourceMapFileName
if (isPrimaryOutput) {
totalCharactersWritten += charactersWritten;
return new EventSinkWrapper(writeStringSync, onDone);
return compileFunc(uri, libraryRoot, packageRoot,
inputProvider, diagnosticHandler,
options, outputProvider, environment)
class EventSinkWrapper extends EventSink<String> {
var onAdd, onClose;
EventSinkWrapper(this.onAdd, this.onClose);
void add(String data) => onAdd(data);
void addError(error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) => throw error;
void close() => onClose();
class AbortLeg {
final message;
toString() => 'Aborted due to --throw-on-error: $message';
void writeString(Uri uri, String text) {
if (uri.scheme != 'file') {
fail('Error: Unhandled scheme ${uri.scheme}.');
var file = new File(uri.toFilePath()).openSync(mode: FileMode.WRITE);
void fail(String message) {
if (diagnosticHandler != null) {
null, -1, -1, message, api.Diagnostic.ERROR);
} else {
Future compilerMain(List<String> arguments) {
var root = uriPathToNative("/$LIBRARY_ROOT");
arguments = <String>['--library-root=${Platform.script.toFilePath()}$root']
return compile(arguments);
void help() {
// This message should be no longer than 20 lines. The default
// terminal size normally 80x24. Two lines are used for the prompts
// before and after running the compiler. Another two lines may be
// used to print an error message.
Usage: dart2js [options] dartfile
Compiles Dart to JavaScript.
Common options:
-o <file> Generate the output into <file>.
-c Insert runtime type checks and enable assertions (checked mode).
-m Generate minified output.
-h Display this message (add -v for information about all options).''');
void verboseHelp() {
Usage: dart2js [options] dartfile
Compiles Dart to JavaScript.
Supported options:
-o <file>, --out=<file>
Generate the output into <file>.
-c, --enable-checked-mode, --checked
Insert runtime type checks and enable assertions (checked mode).
-m, --minify
Generate minified output.
-h, /h, /?, --help
Display this message (add -v for information about all options).
-v, --verbose
Display verbose information.
Define an environment variable.
Display version information.
-p<path>, --package-root=<path>
Where to find packages, that is, "package:..." imports.
Analyze all code. Without this option, the compiler only analyzes
code that is reachable from [main]. This option is useful for
finding errors in libraries, but using it can result in bigger and
slower output.
Analyze but do not generate code.
Skip analysis of method bodies and field initializers. This option implies
Do not display any warnings.
Do not display any hints.
Add colors to diagnostic messages.
Emit diagnostics without suggestions for how to get rid of the diagnosed
Show warnings and hints generated from packages.
The following options are only used for compiler development and may
be removed in a future version:
Output Dart code instead of JavaScript.
Throw an exception if a compile-time error is detected.
Where to find the Dart platform libraries.
Do not generate a call to main if either of the following
libraries are used: dart:dom, dart:html dart:io.
Enable experimental concrete type inference.
Disable the optimization that removes unused native types from dart:html
and related libraries.
A comma separated list of allowed library categories. The default
is "Client". Possible categories can be seen by providing an
unsupported category, for example, --categories=help. To enable
all categories, use --categories=all.
Generates an file with information about the generated code.
void helpAndExit(bool wantHelp, bool wantVersion, bool verbose) {
if (wantVersion) {
var version = (BUILD_ID == null)
? '<non-SDK build>'
print('Dart-to-JavaScript compiler (dart2js) version: $version');
if (wantHelp) {
if (verbose) {
} else {
void helpAndFail(String message) {
void main(List<String> arguments) {
var exitFunc = exit;
var compileFunc = api.compile;
Future internalMain(List<String> arguments) {
onError(exception, trace) {
try {
print('The compiler crashed: $exception');
} catch (ignored) {
print('The compiler crashed: error while printing exception');
try {
if (trace != null) {
} finally {
exitFunc(253); // 253 is recognized as a crash by our test scripts.
try {
return compilerMain(arguments).catchError(onError);
} catch (exception, trace) {
onError(exception, trace);
return new Future.value();