blob: c8b4c3b5be74b816e6c7c541168fb11f7f220dc8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This code was auto-generated, is not intended to be edited, and is subject to
// significant change. Please see the README file for more information.
library engine.html;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'java_core.dart';
import 'java_engine.dart';
import 'source.dart';
import 'error.dart' show AnalysisErrorListener;
import 'scanner.dart' as sc show Scanner, SubSequenceReader, Token;
import 'parser.dart' show Parser;
import 'ast.dart';
import 'element.dart';
import 'engine.dart' show AnalysisEngine, AngularHtmlUnitResolver, ExpressionVisitor;
* Instances of the class `Token` represent a token that was scanned from the input. Each
* token knows which token follows it, acting as the head of a linked list of tokens.
class Token {
* The offset from the beginning of the file to the first character in the token.
int _offset = 0;
* The previous token in the token stream.
Token previous;
* The next token in the token stream.
Token _next;
* The type of the token.
TokenType _type;
* The lexeme represented by this token.
String _value;
* Initialize a newly created token.
* @param type the token type (not `null`)
* @param offset the offset from the beginning of the file to the first character in the token
Token.con1(TokenType type, int offset) : this.con2(type, offset, type.lexeme);
* Initialize a newly created token.
* @param type the token type (not `null`)
* @param offset the offset from the beginning of the file to the first character in the token
* @param value the lexeme represented by this token (not `null`)
Token.con2(TokenType type, int offset, String value) {
this._type = type;
this._value = StringUtilities.intern(value);
this._offset = offset;
* Return the offset from the beginning of the file to the character after last character of the
* token.
* @return the offset from the beginning of the file to the first character after last character
* of the token
int get end => _offset + length;
* Return the number of characters in the node's source range.
* @return the number of characters in the node's source range
int get length => lexeme.length;
* Return the lexeme that represents this token.
* @return the lexeme (not `null`)
String get lexeme => _value;
* Return the next token in the token stream.
* @return the next token in the token stream
Token get next => _next;
* Return the offset from the beginning of the file to the first character in the token.
* @return the offset from the beginning of the file to the first character in the token
int get offset => _offset;
* Answer the token type for the receiver.
* @return the token type (not `null`)
TokenType get type => _type;
* Return `true` if this token is a synthetic token. A synthetic token is a token that was
* introduced by the parser in order to recover from an error in the code. Synthetic tokens always
* have a length of zero (`0`).
* @return `true` if this token is a synthetic token
bool get isSynthetic => length == 0;
* Set the next token in the token stream to the given token. This has the side-effect of setting
* this token to be the previous token for the given token.
* @param token the next token in the token stream
* @return the token that was passed in
Token setNext(Token token) {
_next = token;
token.previous = this;
return token;
String toString() => lexeme;
* Implementation of [XmlExpression] for an [Expression] embedded without any wrapping
* characters.
class RawXmlExpression extends XmlExpression {
final Expression expression;
int get end => expression.end;
int get length => expression.length;
int get offset => expression.offset;
XmlExpression_Reference getReference(int offset) {
AstNode node = new NodeLocator.con1(offset).searchWithin(expression);
if (node != null) {
Element element = ElementLocator.locate(node);
return new XmlExpression_Reference(element, node.offset, node.length);
return null;
* Instances of the class `RecursiveXmlVisitor` implement an XML visitor that will recursively
* visit all of the nodes in an XML structure. For example, using an instance of this class to visit
* a [XmlTagNode] will also cause all of the contained [XmlAttributeNode]s and
* [XmlTagNode]s to be visited.
* Subclasses that override a visit method must either invoke the overridden visit method or must
* explicitly ask the visited node to visit its children. Failure to do so will cause the children
* of the visited node to not be visited.
class RecursiveXmlVisitor<R> implements XmlVisitor<R> {
R visitHtmlScriptTagNode(HtmlScriptTagNode node) {
return null;
R visitHtmlUnit(HtmlUnit node) {
return null;
R visitXmlAttributeNode(XmlAttributeNode node) {
return null;
R visitXmlTagNode(XmlTagNode node) {
return null;
* Utilities locating [Expression]s and [Element]s in [HtmlUnit].
class HtmlUnitUtils {
* Returns the [XmlAttributeNode] that is part of the given [HtmlUnit] and encloses
* the given offset.
static XmlAttributeNode getAttributeNode(HtmlUnit htmlUnit, int offset) {
if (htmlUnit == null) {
return null;
List<XmlAttributeNode> result = [null];
try {
htmlUnit.accept(new RecursiveXmlVisitor_HtmlUnitUtils_getAttributeNode(offset, result));
} on HtmlUnitUtils_FoundAttributeNodeError catch (e) {
return result[0];
return null;
* Returns the best [Element] of the given [Expression].
static Element getElement(Expression expression) {
if (expression == null) {
return null;
return ElementLocator.locate(expression);
* Returns the [Element] of the [Expression] in the given [HtmlUnit], enclosing
* the given offset.
static Element getElementAtOffset(HtmlUnit htmlUnit, int offset) {
Expression expression = getExpression(htmlUnit, offset);
return getElement(expression);
* Returns the [Element] to open when requested at the given [Expression].
static Element getElementToOpen(HtmlUnit htmlUnit, Expression expression) {
Element element = getElement(expression);
AngularElement angularElement = AngularHtmlUnitResolver.getAngularElement(element);
if (angularElement != null) {
return angularElement;
return element;
* Returns the [Expression] that is part of the given [HtmlUnit] and encloses the
* given offset.
static Expression getExpression(HtmlUnit htmlUnit, int offset) {
if (htmlUnit == null) {
return null;
List<Expression> result = [null];
try {
// TODO(scheglov) this code is very Angular specific
htmlUnit.accept(new ExpressionVisitor_HtmlUnitUtils_getExpression(offset, result));
} on HtmlUnitUtils_FoundExpressionError catch (e) {
return result[0];
return null;
* Returns the [XmlTagNode] that is part of the given [HtmlUnit] and encloses the
* given offset.
static XmlTagNode getTagNode(HtmlUnit htmlUnit, int offset) {
if (htmlUnit == null) {
return null;
List<XmlTagNode> result = [null];
try {
htmlUnit.accept(new RecursiveXmlVisitor_HtmlUnitUtils_getTagNode(offset, result));
} on HtmlUnitUtils_FoundTagNodeError catch (e) {
return result[0];
return null;
* Returns the [Expression] that is part of the given root [AstNode] and encloses the
* given offset.
static Expression getExpressionAt(AstNode root, int offset) {
if (root.offset <= offset && offset < root.end) {
AstNode dartNode = new NodeLocator.con1(offset).searchWithin(root);
if (dartNode is Expression) {
return dartNode;
return null;
class HtmlUnitUtils_FoundAttributeNodeError extends Error {
class HtmlUnitUtils_FoundExpressionError extends Error {
class HtmlUnitUtils_FoundTagNodeError extends Error {
class RecursiveXmlVisitor_HtmlUnitUtils_getAttributeNode extends RecursiveXmlVisitor<Object> {
int offset = 0;
List<XmlAttributeNode> result;
RecursiveXmlVisitor_HtmlUnitUtils_getAttributeNode(this.offset, this.result) : super();
Object visitXmlAttributeNode(XmlAttributeNode node) {
Token nameToken = node.nameToken;
if (nameToken.offset <= offset && offset < nameToken.end) {
result[0] = node;
throw new HtmlUnitUtils_FoundAttributeNodeError();
return super.visitXmlAttributeNode(node);
class ExpressionVisitor_HtmlUnitUtils_getExpression extends ExpressionVisitor {
int offset = 0;
List<Expression> result;
ExpressionVisitor_HtmlUnitUtils_getExpression(this.offset, this.result) : super();
void visitExpression(Expression expression) {
Expression at = HtmlUnitUtils.getExpressionAt(expression, offset);
if (at != null) {
result[0] = at;
throw new HtmlUnitUtils_FoundExpressionError();
class RecursiveXmlVisitor_HtmlUnitUtils_getTagNode extends RecursiveXmlVisitor<Object> {
int offset = 0;
List<XmlTagNode> result;
RecursiveXmlVisitor_HtmlUnitUtils_getTagNode(this.offset, this.result) : super();
Object visitXmlTagNode(XmlTagNode node) {
Token tagToken = node.tagToken;
if (tagToken.offset <= offset && offset < tagToken.end) {
result[0] = node;
throw new HtmlUnitUtils_FoundTagNodeError();
return null;
* Instances of the class `HtmlScriptTagNode` represent a script tag within an HTML file that
* references a Dart script.
class HtmlScriptTagNode extends XmlTagNode {
* The AST structure representing the Dart code within this tag.
CompilationUnit _script;
* The element representing this script.
HtmlScriptElement scriptElement;
* Initialize a newly created node to represent a script tag within an HTML file that references a
* Dart script.
* @param nodeStart the token marking the beginning of the tag
* @param tag the name of the tag
* @param attributes the attributes in the tag
* @param attributeEnd the token terminating the region where attributes can be
* @param tagNodes the children of the tag
* @param contentEnd the token that starts the closing tag
* @param closingTag the name of the tag that occurs in the closing tag
* @param nodeEnd the last token in the tag
HtmlScriptTagNode(Token nodeStart, Token tag, List<XmlAttributeNode> attributes, Token attributeEnd, List<XmlTagNode> tagNodes, Token contentEnd, Token closingTag, Token nodeEnd) : super(nodeStart, tag, attributes, attributeEnd, tagNodes, contentEnd, closingTag, nodeEnd);
accept(XmlVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitHtmlScriptTagNode(this);
* Return the AST structure representing the Dart code within this tag, or `null` if this
* tag references an external script.
* @return the AST structure representing the Dart code within this tag
CompilationUnit get script => _script;
* Set the AST structure representing the Dart code within this tag to the given compilation unit.
* @param unit the AST structure representing the Dart code within this tag
void set script(CompilationUnit unit) {
_script = unit;
* The abstract class `XmlNode` defines behavior common to all XML/HTML nodes.
abstract class XmlNode {
* The parent of the node, or `null` if the node is the root of an AST structure.
XmlNode _parent;
* The element associated with this node or `null` if the receiver is not resolved.
Element _element;
* Use the given visitor to visit this node.
* @param visitor the visitor that will visit this node
* @return the value returned by the visitor as a result of visiting this node
accept(XmlVisitor visitor);
* Return the first token included in this node's source range.
* @return the first token or `null` if none
Token get beginToken;
* Return the element associated with this node.
* @return the element or `null` if the receiver is not resolved
Element get element => _element;
* Return the offset of the character immediately following the last character of this node's
* source range. This is equivalent to `node.getOffset() + node.getLength()`. For an html
* unit this will be equal to the length of the unit's source.
* @return the offset of the character just past the node's source range
int get end => offset + length;
* Return the last token included in this node's source range.
* @return the last token or `null` if none
Token get endToken;
* Return the number of characters in the node's source range.
* @return the number of characters in the node's source range
int get length {
Token beginToken = this.beginToken;
Token endToken = this.endToken;
if (beginToken == null || endToken == null) {
return -1;
return endToken.offset + endToken.length - beginToken.offset;
* Return the offset from the beginning of the file to the first character in the node's source
* range.
* @return the offset from the beginning of the file to the first character in the node's source
* range
int get offset {
Token beginToken = this.beginToken;
if (beginToken == null) {
return -1;
return this.beginToken.offset;
* Return this node's parent node, or `null` if this node is the root of an AST structure.
* Note that the relationship between an AST node and its parent node may change over the lifetime
* of a node.
* @return the parent of this node, or `null` if none
XmlNode get parent => _parent;
* Set the element associated with this node.
* @param element the element
void set element(Element element) {
this._element = element;
String toString() {
PrintStringWriter writer = new PrintStringWriter();
accept(new ToSourceVisitor(writer));
return writer.toString();
* Use the given visitor to visit all of the children of this node. The children will be visited
* in source order.
* @param visitor the visitor that will be used to visit the children of this node
void visitChildren(XmlVisitor visitor);
* Make this node the parent of the given child node.
* @param child the node that will become a child of this node
* @return the node that was made a child of this node
XmlNode becomeParentOf(XmlNode child) {
if (child != null) {
XmlNode node = child;
node.parent = this;
return child;
* Make this node the parent of the given child nodes.
* @param children the nodes that will become the children of this node
* @return the nodes that were made children of this node
List becomeParentOfAll(List children) {
if (children != null) {
for (JavaIterator iter = new JavaIterator(children); iter.hasNext;) {
XmlNode node =;
node.parent = this;
// This will create ArrayList for exactly given number of elements.
return new List.from(children);
return children;
* This method exists for debugging purposes only.
void appendIdentifier(JavaStringBuilder builder, XmlNode node) {
if (node is XmlTagNode) {
} else if (node is XmlAttributeNode) {
} else {
* This method exists for debugging purposes only.
String buildRecursiveStructureMessage(XmlNode newParent) {
JavaStringBuilder builder = new JavaStringBuilder();
builder.append("Attempt to create recursive structure: ");
XmlNode current = newParent;
while (current != null) {
if (current != newParent) {
builder.append(" -> ");
if (identical(current, this)) {
appendIdentifier(builder, current);
} else {
appendIdentifier(builder, current);
current = current.parent;
return builder.toString();
* Set the parent of this node to the given node.
* @param newParent the node that is to be made the parent of this node
void set parent(XmlNode newParent) {
XmlNode current = newParent;
while (current != null) {
if (identical(current, this)) {
AnalysisEngine.instance.logger.logError2("Circular structure while setting an XML node's parent", new IllegalArgumentException(buildRecursiveStructureMessage(newParent)));
current = current.parent;
_parent = newParent;
* Instances of the class `SimpleXmlVisitor` implement an AST visitor that will do nothing
* when visiting an AST node. It is intended to be a superclass for classes that use the visitor
* pattern primarily as a dispatch mechanism (and hence don't need to recursively visit a whole
* structure) and that only need to visit a small number of node types.
class SimpleXmlVisitor<R> implements XmlVisitor<R> {
R visitHtmlScriptTagNode(HtmlScriptTagNode node) => null;
R visitHtmlUnit(HtmlUnit htmlUnit) => null;
R visitXmlAttributeNode(XmlAttributeNode xmlAttributeNode) => null;
R visitXmlTagNode(XmlTagNode xmlTagNode) => null;
* The abstract class `AbstractScanner` implements a scanner for HTML code. Subclasses are
* required to implement the interface used to access the characters being scanned.
abstract class AbstractScanner {
static List<String> _NO_PASS_THROUGH_ELEMENTS = <String> [];
* The source being scanned.
final Source source;
* The token pointing to the head of the linked list of tokens.
Token _tokens;
* The last token that was scanned.
Token _tail;
* A list containing the offsets of the first character of each line in the source code.
List<int> _lineStarts = new List<int>();
* An array of element tags for which the content between tags should be consider a single token.
List<String> _passThroughElements = _NO_PASS_THROUGH_ELEMENTS;
* Initialize a newly created scanner.
* @param source the source being scanned
AbstractScanner(this.source) {
_tokens = new Token.con1(TokenType.EOF, -1);
_tail = _tokens;
* Return an array containing the offsets of the first character of each line in the source code.
* @return an array containing the offsets of the first character of each line in the source code
List<int> get lineStarts => _lineStarts;
* Return the current offset relative to the beginning of the file. Return the initial offset if
* the scanner has not yet scanned the source code, and one (1) past the end of the source code if
* the source code has been scanned.
* @return the current offset of the scanner in the source
int get offset;
* Set array of element tags for which the content between tags should be consider a single token.
void set passThroughElements(List<String> passThroughElements) {
this._passThroughElements = passThroughElements != null ? passThroughElements : _NO_PASS_THROUGH_ELEMENTS;
* Scan the source code to produce a list of tokens representing the source.
* @return the first token in the list of tokens that were produced
Token tokenize() {
return firstToken();
* Advance the current position and return the character at the new current position.
* @return the character at the new current position
int advance();
* Return the substring of the source code between the start offset and the modified current
* position. The current position is modified by adding the end delta.
* @param start the offset to the beginning of the string, relative to the start of the file
* @param endDelta the number of character after the current location to be included in the
* string, or the number of characters before the current location to be excluded if the
* offset is negative
* @return the specified substring of the source code
String getString(int start, int endDelta);
* Return the character at the current position without changing the current position.
* @return the character at the current position
int peek();
* Record the fact that we are at the beginning of a new line in the source.
void recordStartOfLine() {
void appendEofToken() {
Token eofToken = new Token.con1(TokenType.EOF, offset);
// The EOF token points to itself so that there is always infinite look-ahead.
_tail = _tail.setNext(eofToken);
Token emit(Token token) {
_tail = token;
return token;
Token emitWithOffset(TokenType type, int start) => emit(new Token.con1(type, start));
Token emitWithOffsetAndLength(TokenType type, int start, int count) => emit(new Token.con2(type, start, getString(start, count)));
Token firstToken() =>;
int recordStartOfLineAndAdvance(int c) {
if (c == 0xD) {
c = advance();
if (c == 0xA) {
c = advance();
} else if (c == 0xA) {
c = advance();
} else {
c = advance();
return c;
void scan() {
bool inBrackets = false;
String endPassThrough = null;
int c = advance();
while (c >= 0) {
int start = offset;
if (c == 0x3C) {
c = advance();
if (c == 0x21) {
c = advance();
if (c == 0x2D && peek() == 0x2D) {
// handle a comment
c = advance();
int dashCount = 1;
while (c >= 0) {
if (c == 0x2D) {
} else if (c == 0x3E && dashCount >= 2) {
c = advance();
} else {
dashCount = 0;
c = recordStartOfLineAndAdvance(c);
emitWithOffsetAndLength(TokenType.COMMENT, start, -1);
// Capture <!--> and <!---> as tokens but report an error
if (_tail.length < 7) {
} else {
// handle a declaration
while (c >= 0) {
if (c == 0x3E) {
c = advance();
c = recordStartOfLineAndAdvance(c);
emitWithOffsetAndLength(TokenType.DECLARATION, start, -1);
if (!StringUtilities.endsWithChar(_tail.lexeme, 0x3E)) {
} else if (c == 0x3F) {
// handle a directive
while (c >= 0) {
if (c == 0x3F) {
c = advance();
if (c == 0x3E) {
c = advance();
} else {
c = recordStartOfLineAndAdvance(c);
emitWithOffsetAndLength(TokenType.DIRECTIVE, start, -1);
if (_tail.length < 4) {
} else if (c == 0x2F) {
emitWithOffset(TokenType.LT_SLASH, start);
inBrackets = true;
c = advance();
} else {
inBrackets = true;
emitWithOffset(TokenType.LT, start);
// ignore whitespace in braces
while (Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
c = recordStartOfLineAndAdvance(c);
// get tag
if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c)) {
int tagStart = offset;
c = advance();
while (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || c == 0x2D || c == 0x5F) {
c = advance();
emitWithOffsetAndLength(TokenType.TAG, tagStart, -1);
// check tag against passThrough elements
String tag = _tail.lexeme;
for (String str in _passThroughElements) {
if (str == tag) {
endPassThrough = "</${str}>";
} else if (c == 0x3E) {
emitWithOffset(TokenType.GT, start);
inBrackets = false;
c = advance();
// if passThrough != null, read until we match it
if (endPassThrough != null) {
bool endFound = false;
int len = endPassThrough.length;
int firstC = endPassThrough.codeUnitAt(0);
int index = 0;
int nextC = firstC;
while (c >= 0) {
if (c == nextC) {
if (index == len) {
endFound = true;
nextC = endPassThrough.codeUnitAt(index);
} else if (c == firstC) {
index = 1;
nextC = endPassThrough.codeUnitAt(1);
} else {
index = 0;
nextC = firstC;
c = recordStartOfLineAndAdvance(c);
if (start + 1 < offset) {
if (endFound) {
emitWithOffsetAndLength(TokenType.TEXT, start + 1, -len);
emitWithOffset(TokenType.LT_SLASH, offset - len + 1);
emitWithOffsetAndLength(TokenType.TAG, offset - len + 3, -1);
} else {
emitWithOffsetAndLength(TokenType.TEXT, start + 1, -1);
endPassThrough = null;
} else if (c == 0x2F && peek() == 0x3E) {
emitWithOffset(TokenType.SLASH_GT, start);
inBrackets = false;
c = advance();
} else if (!inBrackets) {
c = recordStartOfLineAndAdvance(c);
while (c != 0x3C && c >= 0) {
c = recordStartOfLineAndAdvance(c);
emitWithOffsetAndLength(TokenType.TEXT, start, -1);
} else if (c == 0x22 || c == 0x27) {
// read a string
int endQuote = c;
c = advance();
while (c >= 0) {
if (c == endQuote) {
c = advance();
c = recordStartOfLineAndAdvance(c);
emitWithOffsetAndLength(TokenType.STRING, start, -1);
} else if (c == 0x3D) {
// a non-char token
emitWithOffset(TokenType.EQ, start);
c = advance();
} else if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
// ignore whitespace in braces
do {
c = recordStartOfLineAndAdvance(c);
} while (Character.isWhitespace(c));
} else if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c)) {
c = advance();
while (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || c == 0x2D || c == 0x5F) {
c = advance();
emitWithOffsetAndLength(TokenType.TAG, start, -1);
} else {
// a non-char token
emitWithOffsetAndLength(TokenType.TEXT, start, 0);
c = advance();
* Instances of the class `StringScanner` implement a scanner that reads from a string. The
* scanning logic is in the superclass.
class StringScanner extends AbstractScanner {
* The string from which characters will be read.
String _string;
* The number of characters in the string.
int _stringLength = 0;
* The index, relative to the string, of the last character that was read.
int _charOffset = 0;
* Initialize a newly created scanner to scan the characters in the given string.
* @param source the source being scanned
* @param string the string from which characters will be read
StringScanner(Source source, String string) : super(source) {
this._string = string;
this._stringLength = string.length;
this._charOffset = -1;
int get offset => _charOffset;
void set offset(int offset) {
_charOffset = offset;
int advance() {
if (++_charOffset < _stringLength) {
return _string.codeUnitAt(_charOffset);
_charOffset = _stringLength;
return -1;
String getString(int start, int endDelta) => _string.substring(start, _charOffset + 1 + endDelta).toString();
int peek() {
if (_charOffset + 1 < _stringLength) {
return _string.codeUnitAt(_charOffset + 1);
return -1;
* Instances of the class `ToSourceVisitor` write a source representation of a visited XML
* node (and all of it's children) to a writer.
class ToSourceVisitor implements XmlVisitor<Object> {
* The writer to which the source is to be written.
PrintWriter _writer;
* Initialize a newly created visitor to write source code representing the visited nodes to the
* given writer.
* @param writer the writer to which the source is to be written
ToSourceVisitor(PrintWriter writer) {
this._writer = writer;
Object visitHtmlScriptTagNode(HtmlScriptTagNode node) => visitXmlTagNode(node);
Object visitHtmlUnit(HtmlUnit node) {
for (XmlTagNode child in node.tagNodes) {
return null;
Object visitXmlAttributeNode(XmlAttributeNode node) {
String name =;
Token value = node.valueToken;
if (name.length == 0) {
} else {
if (value == null) {
} else {
return null;
Object visitXmlTagNode(XmlTagNode node) {
String tagName = node.tag;
for (XmlAttributeNode attribute in node.attributes) {
_writer.print(" ");
if (node.closingTag != null) {
for (XmlTagNode child in node.tagNodes) {
return null;
* Safely visit the given node.
* @param node the node to be visited
void visit(XmlNode node) {
if (node != null) {
* The enumeration `TokenType` defines the types of tokens that can be returned by the
* scanner.
class TokenType extends Enum<TokenType> {
* The type of the token that marks the end of the input.
static final TokenType EOF = new TokenType_EOF('EOF', 0, "");
static final TokenType EQ = new TokenType('EQ', 1, "=");
static final TokenType GT = new TokenType('GT', 2, ">");
static final TokenType LT_SLASH = new TokenType('LT_SLASH', 3, "</");
static final TokenType LT = new TokenType('LT', 4, "<");
static final TokenType SLASH_GT = new TokenType('SLASH_GT', 5, "/>");
static final TokenType COMMENT = new TokenType('COMMENT', 6, null);
static final TokenType DECLARATION = new TokenType('DECLARATION', 7, null);
static final TokenType DIRECTIVE = new TokenType('DIRECTIVE', 8, null);
static final TokenType STRING = new TokenType('STRING', 9, null);
static final TokenType TAG = new TokenType('TAG', 10, null);
static final TokenType TEXT = new TokenType('TEXT', 11, null);
static final List<TokenType> values = [
* The lexeme that defines this type of token, or `null` if there is more than one possible
* lexeme for this type of token.
final String lexeme;
TokenType(String name, int ordinal, this.lexeme) : super(name, ordinal);
class TokenType_EOF extends TokenType {
TokenType_EOF(String name, int ordinal, String arg0) : super(name, ordinal, arg0);
String toString() => "-eof-";
* Instances of `XmlAttributeNode` represent name/value pairs owned by an [XmlTagNode].
class XmlAttributeNode extends XmlNode {
Token _name;
final Token equals;
Token _value;
List<XmlExpression> expressions = XmlExpression.EMPTY_ARRAY;
* Construct a new instance representing an XML attribute.
* @param name the name token (not `null`). This may be a zero length token if the attribute
* is badly formed.
* @param equals the equals sign or `null` if none
* @param value the value token (not `null`)
XmlAttributeNode(Token name, this.equals, Token value) {
this._name = name;
this._value = value;
accept(XmlVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitXmlAttributeNode(this);
Token get beginToken => _name;
Token get endToken => _value;
* Answer the attribute name. This may be a zero length string if the attribute is badly formed.
* @return the name (not `null`)
String get name => _name.lexeme;
* Answer the attribute name token. This may be a zero length token if the attribute is badly
* formed.
* @return the name token (not `null`)
Token get nameToken => _name;
* Answer the lexeme for the value token without the leading and trailing quotes.
* @return the text or `null` if the value is not specified
String get text {
if (_value == null) {
return null;
//TODO (danrubel): replace HTML character encodings with the actual characters
String text = _value.lexeme;
int len = text.length;
if (len > 0) {
if (text.codeUnitAt(0) == 0x22) {
if (len > 1 && text.codeUnitAt(len - 1) == 0x22) {
return text.substring(1, len - 1);
} else {
return text.substring(1);
} else if (text.codeUnitAt(0) == 0x27) {
if (len > 1 && text.codeUnitAt(len - 1) == 0x27) {
return text.substring(1, len - 1);
} else {
return text.substring(1);
return text;
* Answer the attribute value token. A properly formed value will start and end with matching
* quote characters, but the value returned may not be properly formed.
* @return the value token or `null` if this represents a badly formed attribute
Token get valueToken => _value;
void visitChildren(XmlVisitor visitor) {
* The interface `XmlVisitor` defines the behavior of objects that can be used to visit an
* [XmlNode] structure.
abstract class XmlVisitor<R> {
R visitHtmlScriptTagNode(HtmlScriptTagNode node);
R visitHtmlUnit(HtmlUnit htmlUnit);
R visitXmlAttributeNode(XmlAttributeNode xmlAttributeNode);
R visitXmlTagNode(XmlTagNode xmlTagNode);
* Instances of the class `XmlExpression` represent an abstract expression embedded into
* [XmlNode].
abstract class XmlExpression {
* An empty array of expressions.
static List<XmlExpression> EMPTY_ARRAY = new List<XmlExpression>(0);
* Check if the given offset belongs to the expression's source range.
bool contains(int offset) => this.offset <= offset && offset < end;
* Return the offset of the character immediately following the last character of this
* expression's source range. This is equivalent to `getOffset() + getLength()`.
* @return the offset of the character just past the expression's source range
int get end;
* Return the number of characters in the expression's source range.
int get length;
* Return the offset of the first character in the expression's source range.
int get offset;
* Return the [Reference] at the given offset.
* @param offset the offset from the beginning of the file
* @return the [Reference] at the given offset, maybe `null`
XmlExpression_Reference getReference(int offset);
* The reference to the [Element].
class XmlExpression_Reference {
Element element;
int offset = 0;
int length = 0;
XmlExpression_Reference(Element element, int offset, int length) {
this.element = element;
this.offset = offset;
this.length = length;
* Instances of the class `XmlParser` are used to parse tokens into a AST structure comprised
* of [XmlNode]s.
class XmlParser {
* The source being parsed.
final Source source;
* The next token to be parsed.
Token _currentToken;
* Construct a parser for the specified source.
* @param source the source being parsed
* Create a node representing an attribute.
* @param name the name of the attribute
* @param equals the equals sign, or `null` if there is no value
* @param value the value of the attribute
* @return the node that was created
XmlAttributeNode createAttributeNode(Token name, Token equals, Token value) => new XmlAttributeNode(name, equals, value);
* Create a node representing a tag.
* @param nodeStart the token marking the beginning of the tag
* @param tag the name of the tag
* @param attributes the attributes in the tag
* @param attributeEnd the token terminating the region where attributes can be
* @param tagNodes the children of the tag
* @param contentEnd the token that starts the closing tag
* @param closingTag the name of the tag that occurs in the closing tag
* @param nodeEnd the last token in the tag
* @return the node that was created
XmlTagNode createTagNode(Token nodeStart, Token tag, List<XmlAttributeNode> attributes, Token attributeEnd, List<XmlTagNode> tagNodes, Token contentEnd, Token closingTag, Token nodeEnd) => new XmlTagNode(nodeStart, tag, attributes, attributeEnd, tagNodes, contentEnd, closingTag, nodeEnd);
* Answer `true` if the specified tag is self closing and thus should never have content or
* child tag nodes.
* @param tag the tag (not `null`)
* @return `true` if self closing
bool isSelfClosing(Token tag) => false;
* Parse the entire token stream and in the process, advance the current token to the end of the
* token stream.
* @return the list of tag nodes found (not `null`, contains no `null`)
List<XmlTagNode> parseTopTagNodes(Token firstToken) {
_currentToken = firstToken;
List<XmlTagNode> tagNodes = new List<XmlTagNode>();
TokenType type = _currentToken.type;
while (type != TokenType.EOF) {
if (identical(type, TokenType.LT)) {
} else if (identical(type, TokenType.DECLARATION) || identical(type, TokenType.DIRECTIVE) || identical(type, TokenType.COMMENT)) {
// ignored tokens
_currentToken =;
} else {
_currentToken =;
type = _currentToken.type;
return tagNodes;
* Answer the current token.
* @return the current token
Token get currentToken => _currentToken;
* Insert a synthetic token of the specified type before the current token
* @param type the type of token to be inserted (not `null`)
* @return the synthetic token that was inserted (not `null`)
Token insertSyntheticToken(TokenType type) {
Token token = new Token.con2(type, _currentToken.offset, "");
return token;
* Parse the token stream for an attribute. This method advances the current token over the
* attribute, but should not be called if the [currentToken] is not [TokenType#TAG].
* @return the attribute (not `null`)
XmlAttributeNode parseAttribute() {
// Assume the current token is a tag
Token name = _currentToken;
_currentToken =;
// Equals sign
Token equals;
if (identical(_currentToken.type, TokenType.EQ)) {
equals = _currentToken;
_currentToken =;
} else {
equals = insertSyntheticToken(TokenType.EQ);
// String value
Token value;
if (identical(_currentToken.type, TokenType.STRING)) {
value = _currentToken;
_currentToken =;
} else {
value = insertSyntheticToken(TokenType.STRING);
return createAttributeNode(name, equals, value);
* Parse the stream for a sequence of attributes. This method advances the current token to the
* next [TokenType#GT], [TokenType#SLASH_GT], or [TokenType#EOF].
* @return a collection of zero or more attributes (not `null`, contains no `null`s)
List<XmlAttributeNode> parseAttributes() {
TokenType type = _currentToken.type;
if (identical(type, TokenType.GT) || identical(type, TokenType.SLASH_GT) || identical(type, TokenType.EOF)) {
return XmlTagNode.NO_ATTRIBUTES;
List<XmlAttributeNode> attributes = new List<XmlAttributeNode>();
while (type != TokenType.GT && type != TokenType.SLASH_GT && type != TokenType.EOF) {
if (identical(type, TokenType.TAG)) {
} else {
_currentToken =;
type = _currentToken.type;
return attributes;
* Parse the stream for a sequence of tag nodes existing within a parent tag node. This method
* advances the current token to the next [TokenType#LT_SLASH] or [TokenType#EOF].
* @return a list of nodes (not `null`, contains no `null`s)
List<XmlTagNode> parseChildTagNodes() {
TokenType type = _currentToken.type;
if (identical(type, TokenType.LT_SLASH) || identical(type, TokenType.EOF)) {
return XmlTagNode.NO_TAG_NODES;
List<XmlTagNode> nodes = new List<XmlTagNode>();
while (type != TokenType.LT_SLASH && type != TokenType.EOF) {
if (identical(type, TokenType.LT)) {
} else if (identical(type, TokenType.COMMENT)) {
// ignored token
_currentToken =;
} else {
_currentToken =;
type = _currentToken.type;
return nodes;
* Parse the token stream for the next tag node. This method advances current token over the
* parsed tag node, but should only be called if the current token is [TokenType#LT]
* @return the tag node or `null` if none found
XmlTagNode parseTagNode() {
// Assume that the current node is a tag node start TokenType#LT
Token nodeStart = _currentToken;
_currentToken =;
// Get the tag or create a synthetic tag and report an error
Token tag;
if (identical(_currentToken.type, TokenType.TAG)) {
tag = _currentToken;
_currentToken =;
} else {
tag = insertSyntheticToken(TokenType.TAG);
// Parse the attributes
List<XmlAttributeNode> attributes = parseAttributes();
// Token ending attribute list
Token attributeEnd;
if (identical(_currentToken.type, TokenType.GT) || identical(_currentToken.type, TokenType.SLASH_GT)) {
attributeEnd = _currentToken;
_currentToken =;
} else {
attributeEnd = insertSyntheticToken(TokenType.SLASH_GT);
// If the node has no children, then return the node
if (identical(attributeEnd.type, TokenType.SLASH_GT) || isSelfClosing(tag)) {
return createTagNode(nodeStart, tag, attributes, attributeEnd, XmlTagNode.NO_TAG_NODES, _currentToken, null, attributeEnd);
// Parse the child tag nodes
List<XmlTagNode> tagNodes = parseChildTagNodes();
// Token ending child tag nodes
Token contentEnd;
if (identical(_currentToken.type, TokenType.LT_SLASH)) {
contentEnd = _currentToken;
_currentToken =;
} else {
// TODO (danrubel): handle self closing HTML elements by inserting synthetic tokens
// but not reporting an error
contentEnd = insertSyntheticToken(TokenType.LT_SLASH);
// Closing tag
Token closingTag;
if (identical(_currentToken.type, TokenType.TAG)) {
closingTag = _currentToken;
_currentToken =;
} else {
closingTag = insertSyntheticToken(TokenType.TAG);
// Token ending node
Token nodeEnd;
if (identical(_currentToken.type, TokenType.GT)) {
nodeEnd = _currentToken;
_currentToken =;
} else {
nodeEnd = insertSyntheticToken(TokenType.GT);
return createTagNode(nodeStart, tag, attributes, attributeEnd, tagNodes, contentEnd, closingTag, nodeEnd);
* Report the current token as unexpected
void reportUnexpectedToken() {
* Instances of `XmlTagNode` represent XML or HTML elements such as `` and
* `<body foo="bar"> ... </body>`.
class XmlTagNode extends XmlNode {
* Constant representing empty list of attributes.
static List<XmlAttributeNode> NO_ATTRIBUTES = new UnmodifiableListView(new List<XmlAttributeNode>());
* Constant representing empty list of tag nodes.
static List<XmlTagNode> NO_TAG_NODES = new UnmodifiableListView(new List<XmlTagNode>());
* The starting [TokenType#LT] token (not `null`).
final Token nodeStart;
* The [TokenType#TAG] token after the starting '&lt;' (not `null`).
Token _tag;
* The attributes contained by the receiver (not `null`, contains no `null`s).
List<XmlAttributeNode> _attributes;
* The [TokenType#GT] or [TokenType#SLASH_GT] token after the attributes (not
* `null`). The token may be the same token as [nodeEnd] if there are no child
* [tagNodes].
final Token attributeEnd;
* The tag nodes contained in the receiver (not `null`, contains no `null`s).
List<XmlTagNode> _tagNodes;
* The token (not `null`) after the content, which may be
* * (1) [TokenType#LT_SLASH] for nodes with open and close tags, or
* * (2) the [TokenType#LT] nodeStart of the next sibling node if this node is self
* closing or the attributeEnd is [TokenType#SLASH_GT], or
* * (3) [TokenType#EOF] if the node does not have a closing tag and is the last node in
* the stream [TokenType#LT_SLASH] token after the content, or `null` if there is no
* content and the attributes ended with [TokenType#SLASH_GT].
final Token contentEnd;
* The closing [TokenType#TAG] after the child elements or `null` if there is no
* content and the attributes ended with [TokenType#SLASH_GT]
final Token closingTag;
* The ending [TokenType#GT] or [TokenType#SLASH_GT] token (not `null`).
final Token nodeEnd;
* The expressions that are embedded in the tag's content.
List<XmlExpression> expressions = XmlExpression.EMPTY_ARRAY;
* Construct a new instance representing an XML or HTML element
* @param nodeStart the starting [TokenType#LT] token (not `null`)
* @param tag the [TokenType#TAG] token after the starting '&lt;' (not `null`).
* @param attributes the attributes associated with this element or [NO_ATTRIBUTES] (not
* `null`, contains no `null`s)
* @param attributeEnd The [TokenType#GT] or [TokenType#SLASH_GT] token after the
* attributes (not `null`). The token may be the same token as [nodeEnd] if
* there are no child [tagNodes].
* @param tagNodes child tag nodes of the receiver or [NO_TAG_NODES] (not `null`,
* contains no `null`s)
* @param contentEnd the token (not `null`) after the content, which may be
* * (1) [TokenType#LT_SLASH] for nodes with open and close tags, or
* * (2) the [TokenType#LT] nodeStart of the next sibling node if this node is
* self closing or the attributeEnd is [TokenType#SLASH_GT], or
* * (3) [TokenType#EOF] if the node does not have a closing tag and is the last
* node in the stream [TokenType#LT_SLASH] token after the content, or `null`
* if there is no content and the attributes ended with [TokenType#SLASH_GT].
* @param closingTag the closing [TokenType#TAG] after the child elements or `null` if
* there is no content and the attributes ended with [TokenType#SLASH_GT]
* @param nodeEnd the ending [TokenType#GT] or [TokenType#SLASH_GT] token (not
* `null`)
XmlTagNode(this.nodeStart, Token tag, List<XmlAttributeNode> attributes, this.attributeEnd, List<XmlTagNode> tagNodes, this.contentEnd, this.closingTag, this.nodeEnd) {
this._tag = tag;
this._attributes = becomeParentOfEmpty(attributes, NO_ATTRIBUTES);
this._tagNodes = becomeParentOfEmpty(tagNodes, NO_TAG_NODES);
accept(XmlVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitXmlTagNode(this);
* Answer the attribute with the specified name.
* @param name the attribute name
* @return the attribute or `null` if no matching attribute is found
XmlAttributeNode getAttribute(String name) {
for (XmlAttributeNode attribute in _attributes) {
if ( == name) {
return attribute;
return null;
* Answer the receiver's attributes. Callers should not manipulate the returned list to edit the
* AST structure.
* @return the attributes (not `null`, contains no `null`s)
List<XmlAttributeNode> get attributes => _attributes;
* Find the attribute with the given name (see [getAttribute] and answer the lexeme
* for the attribute's value token without the leading and trailing quotes (see
* [XmlAttributeNode#getText]).
* @param name the attribute name
* @return the attribute text or `null` if no matching attribute is found
String getAttributeText(String name) {
XmlAttributeNode attribute = getAttribute(name);
return attribute != null ? attribute.text : null;
Token get beginToken => nodeStart;
* Answer a string representing the content contained in the receiver. This includes the textual
* representation of any child tag nodes ([getTagNodes]). Whitespace between '&lt;',
* '&lt;/', and '>', '/>' is discarded, but all other whitespace is preserved.
* @return the content (not `null`)
String get content {
Token token =;
if (identical(token, contentEnd)) {
return "";
//TODO (danrubel): handle CDATA and replace HTML character encodings with the actual characters
String content = token.lexeme;
token =;
if (identical(token, contentEnd)) {
return content;
JavaStringBuilder buffer = new JavaStringBuilder();
while (token != contentEnd) {
token =;
return buffer.toString();
Token get endToken {
if (nodeEnd != null) {
return nodeEnd;
if (closingTag != null) {
return closingTag;
if (contentEnd != null) {
return contentEnd;
if (!_tagNodes.isEmpty) {
return _tagNodes[_tagNodes.length - 1].endToken;
if (attributeEnd != null) {
return attributeEnd;
if (!_attributes.isEmpty) {
return _attributes[_attributes.length - 1].endToken;
return _tag;
* Answer the tag name after the starting '&lt;'.
* @return the tag name (not `null`)
String get tag => _tag.lexeme;
* Answer the tag nodes contained in the receiver. Callers should not manipulate the returned list
* to edit the AST structure.
* @return the children (not `null`, contains no `null`s)
List<XmlTagNode> get tagNodes => _tagNodes;
* Answer the [TokenType#TAG] token after the starting '&lt;'.
* @return the token (not `null`)
Token get tagToken => _tag;
void visitChildren(XmlVisitor visitor) {
for (XmlAttributeNode node in _attributes) {
for (XmlTagNode node in _tagNodes) {
* Same as [becomeParentOfAll], but returns given "ifEmpty" if "children" is empty
List becomeParentOfEmpty(List children, List ifEmpty) {
if (children != null && children.isEmpty) {
return ifEmpty;
return becomeParentOfAll(children);
* Instances of the class `HtmlParser` are used to parse tokens into a AST structure comprised
* of [XmlNode]s.
class HtmlParser extends XmlParser {
* The line information associated with the source being parsed.
LineInfo _lineInfo;
* The error listener to which errors will be reported.
AnalysisErrorListener _errorListener;
static String _APPLICATION_DART_IN_DOUBLE_QUOTES = "\"application/dart\"";
static String _APPLICATION_DART_IN_SINGLE_QUOTES = "'application/dart'";
static String _SCRIPT = "script";
static String _TYPE = "type";
* A set containing the names of tags that do not have a closing tag.
static Set<String> SELF_CLOSING = new Set<String>();
* Given the contents of an embedded expression that occurs at the given offset, parse it as a
* Dart expression. The contents should not include the expression's delimiters.
* @param source the source that contains that given token
* @param token the token to start parsing from
* @return the Dart expression that was parsed
static Expression parseEmbeddedExpression(Source source, sc.Token token, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener) {
Parser parser = new Parser(source, errorListener);
return parser.parseExpression(token);
* Given the contents of an embedded expression that occurs at the given offset, scans it as a
* Dart code.
* @param source the source of that contains the given contents
* @param contents the contents to scan
* @param contentOffset the offset of the contents in the larger file
* @return the first Dart token
static sc.Token scanDartSource(Source source, LineInfo lineInfo, String contents, int contentOffset, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener) {
LineInfo_Location location = lineInfo.getLocation(contentOffset);
sc.Scanner scanner = new sc.Scanner(source, new sc.SubSequenceReader(contents, contentOffset), errorListener);
scanner.setSourceStart(location.lineNumber, location.columnNumber);
return scanner.tokenize();
* Construct a parser for the specified source.
* @param source the source being parsed
* @param errorListener the error listener to which errors will be reported
HtmlParser(Source source, AnalysisErrorListener errorListener) : super(source) {
this._errorListener = errorListener;
* Parse the given tokens.
* @param token the first token in the stream of tokens to be parsed
* @param lineInfo the line information created by the scanner
* @return the parse result (not `null`)
HtmlUnit parse(Token token, LineInfo lineInfo) {
this._lineInfo = lineInfo;
List<XmlTagNode> tagNodes = parseTopTagNodes(token);
return new HtmlUnit(token, tagNodes, currentToken);
XmlAttributeNode createAttributeNode(Token name, Token equals, Token value) => new XmlAttributeNode(name, equals, value);
XmlTagNode createTagNode(Token nodeStart, Token tag, List<XmlAttributeNode> attributes, Token attributeEnd, List<XmlTagNode> tagNodes, Token contentEnd, Token closingTag, Token nodeEnd) {
if (isScriptNode(tag, attributes, tagNodes)) {
HtmlScriptTagNode tagNode = new HtmlScriptTagNode(nodeStart, tag, attributes, attributeEnd, tagNodes, contentEnd, closingTag, nodeEnd);
String contents = tagNode.content;
int contentOffset = attributeEnd.end;
LineInfo_Location location = _lineInfo.getLocation(contentOffset);
sc.Scanner scanner = new sc.Scanner(source, new sc.SubSequenceReader(contents, contentOffset), _errorListener);
scanner.setSourceStart(location.lineNumber, location.columnNumber);
sc.Token firstToken = scanner.tokenize();
Parser parser = new Parser(source, _errorListener);
CompilationUnit unit = parser.parseCompilationUnit(firstToken);
unit.lineInfo = _lineInfo;
tagNode.script = unit;
return tagNode;
return new XmlTagNode(nodeStart, tag, attributes, attributeEnd, tagNodes, contentEnd, closingTag, nodeEnd);
bool isSelfClosing(Token tag) => SELF_CLOSING.contains(tag.lexeme);
* Determine if the specified node is a Dart script.
* @param node the node to be tested (not `null`)
* @return `true` if the node is a Dart script
bool isScriptNode(Token tag, List<XmlAttributeNode> attributes, List<XmlTagNode> tagNodes) {
if (tagNodes.length != 0 || tag.lexeme != _SCRIPT) {
return false;
for (XmlAttributeNode attribute in attributes) {
if ( == _TYPE) {
Token valueToken = attribute.valueToken;
if (valueToken != null) {
String value = valueToken.lexeme;
return true;
return false;
* Instances of the class `HtmlUnit` represent the contents of an HTML file.
class HtmlUnit extends XmlNode {
* The first token in the token stream that was parsed to form this HTML unit.
final Token beginToken;
* The last token in the token stream that was parsed to form this compilation unit. This token
* should always have a type of [TokenType.EOF].
final Token endToken;
* The tag nodes contained in the receiver (not `null`, contains no `null`s).
List<XmlTagNode> _tagNodes;
* Construct a new instance representing the content of an HTML file.
* @param beginToken the first token in the file (not `null`)
* @param tagNodes child tag nodes of the receiver (not `null`, contains no `null`s)
* @param endToken the last token in the token stream which should be of type
* [TokenType.EOF]
HtmlUnit(this.beginToken, List<XmlTagNode> tagNodes, this.endToken) {
this._tagNodes = becomeParentOfAll(tagNodes);
accept(XmlVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitHtmlUnit(this);
* Return the element associated with this HTML unit.
* @return the element or `null` if the receiver is not resolved
HtmlElement get element => super.element as HtmlElement;
* Answer the tag nodes contained in the receiver. Callers should not manipulate the returned list
* to edit the AST structure.
* @return the children (not `null`, contains no `null`s)
List<XmlTagNode> get tagNodes => _tagNodes;
void set element(Element element) {
if (element != null && element is! HtmlElement) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("HtmlElement expected, but ${element.runtimeType} given");
super.element = element;
void visitChildren(XmlVisitor visitor) {
for (XmlTagNode node in _tagNodes) {