blob: 6e7c6fc6bc0eca2bdf9fb08ea82365ac67dfe69b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library domain.context;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/analysis_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
* Instances of the class [ContextDomainHandler] implement a [RequestHandler]
* that handles requests in the context domain.
class ContextDomainHandler implements RequestHandler {
* The name of the context.applyChanges request.
static const String APPLY_CHANGES_NAME = 'context.applyChanges';
* The name of the context.setOptions request.
static const String SET_OPTIONS_NAME = 'context.setOptions';
* The name of the context.setPrioritySources request.
static const String SET_PRIORITY_SOURCES_NAME = 'context.setPrioritySources';
* The name of the changes parameter.
static const String CHANGES_PARAM = 'changes';
* The name of the contextId parameter.
static const String CONTEXT_ID_PARAM = 'contextId';
* The name of the options parameter.
static const String OPTIONS_PARAM = 'options';
* The name of the sources parameter.
static const String SOURCES_PARAM = 'sources';
* The name of the cacheSize option.
static const String CACHE_SIZE_OPTION = 'cacheSize';
* The name of the generateHints option.
static const String GENERATE_HINTS_OPTION = 'generateHints';
* The name of the generateDart2jsHints option.
static const String GENERATE_DART2JS_OPTION = 'generateDart2jsHints';
* The name of the provideErrors option.
static const String PROVIDE_ERRORS_OPTION = 'provideErrors';
* The name of the provideNavigation option.
static const String PROVIDE_NAVIGATION_OPTION = 'provideNavigation';
* The name of the provideOutline option.
static const String PROVIDE_OUTLINE_OPTION = 'provideOutline';
* The analysis server that is using this handler to process requests.
final AnalysisServer server;
* Initialize a newly created handler to handle requests for the given [server].
Response handleRequest(Request request) {
try {
String requestName = request.method;
if (requestName == APPLY_CHANGES_NAME) {
return applyChanges(request);
} else if (requestName == SET_OPTIONS_NAME) {
return setOptions(request);
} else if (requestName == SET_PRIORITY_SOURCES_NAME) {
return setPrioritySources(request);
} on RequestFailure catch (exception) {
return exception.response;
return null;
* Inform the specified context that the changes encoded in the change set
* have been made. Any invalidated analysis results will be flushed from the
* context.
Response applyChanges(Request request) {
AnalysisContext context = getAnalysisContext(request);
Map<String, Object> changesData = request.getRequiredParameter(CHANGES_PARAM);
ChangeSet changeSet = createChangeSet(changesData);
Response response = new Response(;
return response;
* Convert the given JSON object into a [ChangeSet].
ChangeSet createChangeSet(Map<String, Object> jsonData) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Implement this.
return null;
* Set the options controlling analysis within a context to the given set of
* options.
Response setOptions(Request request) {
AnalysisContext context = getAnalysisContext(request);
context.analysisOptions = createAnalysisOptions(request);
Response response = new Response(;
return response;
* Return the set of analysis options associated with the given [request], or
* throw a [RequestFailure] exception if the analysis options are not valid.
AnalysisOptions createAnalysisOptions(Request request) {
Map<String, Object> optionsData = request.getRequiredParameter(OPTIONS_PARAM);
AnalysisOptionsImpl options = new AnalysisOptionsImpl();
optionsData.forEach((String key, Object value) {
if (key == CACHE_SIZE_OPTION) {
options.cacheSize = request.toInt(value);
} else if (key == GENERATE_HINTS_OPTION) {
options.hint = request.toBool(value);
} else if (key == GENERATE_DART2JS_OPTION) {
options.dart2jsHint = request.toBool(value);
} else if (key == PROVIDE_ERRORS_OPTION) {
// options.provideErrors = toBool(request, value);
} else if (key == PROVIDE_NAVIGATION_OPTION) {
// options.provideNavigation = toBool(request, value);
} else if (key == PROVIDE_OUTLINE_OPTION) {
// options.provideOutline = toBool(request, value);
} else {
throw new RequestFailure(new Response.unknownAnalysisOption(request, key));
return options;
* Set the priority sources in the specified context to the sources in the
* given array.
Response setPrioritySources(Request request) {
AnalysisContext context = getAnalysisContext(request);
List<String> sourcesData = request.getRequiredParameter(SOURCES_PARAM);
List<Source> sources = convertToSources(context.sourceFactory, sourcesData);
context.analysisPriorityOrder = sources;
Response response = new Response(;
return response;
* Convert the given list of strings into a list of sources owned by the given
* [sourceFactory].
List<Source> convertToSources(SourceFactory sourceFactory, List<String> sourcesData) {
List<Source> sources = new List<Source>();
sourcesData.forEach((String string) {
return sources;
* Return the analysis context specified by the given request, or throw a
* [RequestFailure] exception if either there is no specified context or if
* the specified context does not exist.
AnalysisContext getAnalysisContext(Request request) {
String contextId = request.getRequiredParameter(CONTEXT_ID_PARAM);
AnalysisContext context = server.contextMap[contextId];
if (context == null) {
throw new RequestFailure(new Response.contextDoesNotExist(request));
return context;