[dartdevc] automatically find d8 in ddb

Also remove stale files

Change-Id: Ie3004a3c7f30148459caa1a4b08d909c08484eca
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/104420
Commit-Queue: Vijay Menon <vsm@google.com>
Auto-Submit: Vijay Menon <vsm@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Nicholas Shahan <nshahan@google.com>
diff --git a/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/ddb b/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/ddb
index 95c8f43..6cd6de3 100755
--- a/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/ddb
+++ b/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/ddb
@@ -77,11 +77,21 @@
   var summaries = options['summary'] as List;
   var port = int.parse(options['port'] as String);
+  // By default (no `-d`), we use the `dartdevc` binary on the user's path to
+  // compute the SDK we use for execution.  I.e., we assume that `dart` is
+  // under `$DART_SDK/bin/dart` and use that to find `dartdevc` and related
+  // artifacts.  In this mode, this script can run against any installed SDK.
+  // If you want to run against a freshly built SDK, that must be first on
+  // your path.
   var dartBinary = Platform.resolvedExecutable;
-  var dartPath = path.dirname(dartBinary);
-  var dartSdk = path.dirname(dartPath);
+  var dartSdk = path.dirname(path.dirname(dartBinary));
+  // In debug mode (`-d`), we run from the `pkg/dev_compiler` sources.  We
+  // determine the location via this actual script (i.e., `-d` assumes
+  // this script remains under to `tool` sub-directory).
   var toolPath = Platform.script.normalizePath().toFilePath();
   var ddcPath = path.dirname(path.dirname(toolPath));
+  var dartCheckoutPath = path.dirname(path.dirname(ddcPath));
   ProcessResult runDdc(String command, List<String> args) {
     if (debug) {
@@ -91,7 +101,7 @@
       command = dartBinary;
     } else {
       // Use built snapshot.
-      command = path.join(dartPath, command);
+      command = path.join(dartSdk, 'bin', command);
     return Process.runSync(command, args);
@@ -257,10 +267,21 @@
-    var d8File = '$libRoot/$basename.d8.js';
+    var d8File = path.join(libRoot, '$basename.d8.js');
     new File(d8File).writeAsStringSync(runjs);
-    var d8Binary = binary ?? 'd8';
+    var d8Binary = binary ?? path.join(dartCheckoutPath, _d8executable);
     result = Process.runSync(d8Binary, ['--module', d8File]);
   await echoResult(result);
+String get _d8executable {
+  if (Platform.isWindows) {
+    return path.join('third_party', 'd8', 'windows', 'd8.exe');
+  } else if (Platform.isLinux) {
+    return path.join('third_party', 'd8', 'linux', 'd8');
+  } else if (Platform.isMacOS) {
+    return path.join('third_party', 'd8', 'macos', 'd8');
+  }
+  throw new UnsupportedError('Unsupported platform.');
diff --git a/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/ddw b/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/ddw
deleted file mode 100755
index c35b2ca..0000000
--- a/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/ddw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-# Compiles code with DDC and runs the resulting code in node.js.
-# The first script supplied should be the one with `main()`.
-# Saves the output in the same directory as the sources for convenient
-# inspection, modification or rerunning the code.
-set -e
-function follow_links() {
-  file="$1"
-  while [ -h "$file" ]; do
-    file="$(readlink "$file")"
-  done
-  echo "$file"
-PROG_NAME="$(follow_links "$BASH_SOURCE")"
-SDK_DIR="$( cd "${PROG_NAME%/*}/../../.."; pwd -P)"
-if [[ `uname` == 'Darwin' ]];
-  OUT_DIR="$SDK_DIR"/xcodebuild
-  OUT_DIR="$SDK_DIR"/out
-  DIRS=$( ls "$OUT_DIR" )
-  # list of possible configurations in decreasing desirability
-  CONFIGS=("ReleaseX64" "ReleaseIA32" "DebugX64" "DebugIA32"
-    "ReleaseARM"    "ReleaseARM64"    "ReleaseARMV5TE"
-    "DebugARM"      "DebugARM64"      "DebugARMV5TE")
-  for CONFIG in ${CONFIGS[*]}
-  do
-    for DIR in $DIRS;
-    do
-      if [ "$CONFIG" = "$DIR" ];
-      then
-        # choose most desirable configuration that is available and break
-        break 2
-      fi
-    done
-  done
-  if [ "$DART_CONFIGURATION" = "None" ]
-  then
-    echo "No valid dart configuration found in $OUT_DIR"
-    exit 1
-  fi
-if [ "$1" = "-k" ]; then
-  KERNEL=true
-  shift
-BASENAME=$( basename "${1%.*}")
-LIBROOT=$(cd $( dirname "${1%.*}") && pwd)
-if [ "$KERNEL" = true ]; then
-  if [ ! -e $GEN_DIR/kernel/ddc_sdk.dill ]; then
-    echo "DDC SDK must be built first, please run:"
-    echo "    pushd $SDKDIR"
-    echo "    ./tools/build.py -m release dartdevc_kernel_sdk"
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  dart -c $SDK_DIR/pkg/dev_compiler/bin/dartdevc.dart --kernel --modules=node \
-      --dart-sdk-summary=$GEN_DIR/kernel/ddc_sdk.dill \
-      -o $LIBROOT/$BASENAME.js $*
-  if [ ! -e $GEN_DIR/ddc_sdk.sum ]; then
-    echo "DDC SDK must be built first, please run:"
-    echo "    pushd $SDKDIR"
-    echo "    ./tools/build.py -m release dartdevc_sdk"
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  dart -c $SDK_DIR/pkg/dev_compiler/bin/dartdevc.dart --modules=node \
-      --library-root=$LIBROOT --dart-sdk-summary=$GEN_DIR/ddc_sdk.sum \
-      -o $LIBROOT/$BASENAME.js $*
-pushd $LIBROOT > /dev/null
-echo "
-    // Fix the node.js search paths that Electron cleared out.
-    const Module = require('module');
-    const originalResolveFilename = Module._resolveFilename;
-    Module._resolveFilename = function (request, parent, isMain) {
-      let paths = parent.paths;
-      const ddcPath = \"$GEN_DIR/js/common\";
-      if (paths[0] != ddcPath) {
-        paths.splice(0, 0, ddcPath, \"$LIBROOT\");
-      }
-      return originalResolveFilename(request, parent, isMain);
-    };
-    let sdk = require(\"dart_sdk\");
-    let main = require(\"$BASENAME\").$BASENAME.main;
-    sdk.dart.ignoreWhitelistedErrors(false);
-    sdk._isolate_helper.startRootIsolate(main, []);" \
-    > $LIBROOT/$BASENAME.run.js
-devtool $LIBROOT/$BASENAME.run.js
-popd > /dev/null
diff --git a/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/global_compile.dart b/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/global_compile.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index a1f96fd..0000000
--- a/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/global_compile.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env dart
-// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'dart:io';
-// ignore: deprecated_member_use
-import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart' show parseDirectives;
-import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
-import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
-import 'package:args/args.dart' show ArgParser;
-import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
-const ENTRY = "main";
-void main(List<String> args) {
-  // Parse flags.
-  var parser = ArgParser()
-    ..addOption('out',
-        help: 'Output file (defaults to "out.js")',
-        abbr: 'o',
-        defaultsTo: 'out.js')
-    ..addFlag('unsafe-force-compile',
-        help: 'Generate code with undefined behavior', negatable: false)
-    ..addFlag('emit-metadata',
-        help: 'Preserve annotations in generated code', negatable: false)
-    ..addOption('package-root',
-        help: 'Directory containing packages',
-        abbr: 'p',
-        defaultsTo: 'packages/')
-    ..addFlag('log', help: 'Show individual build commands')
-    ..addOption('tmp',
-        help:
-            'Directory for temporary artifacts (defaults to a system tmp directory)');
-  var options = parser.parse(args);
-  if (options.rest.length != 1) {
-    throw 'Expected a single dart entrypoint.';
-  }
-  var entry = options.rest.first;
-  var outfile = options['out'] as String;
-  var packageRoot = options['package-root'] as String;
-  var unsafe = options['unsafe-force-compile'] as bool;
-  var log = options['log'] as bool;
-  var tmp = options['tmp'] as String;
-  var metadata = options['emit-metadata'] as bool;
-  // Build an invocation to dartdevc
-  var dartPath = Platform.resolvedExecutable;
-  var ddcPath = path.dirname(path.dirname(Platform.script.toFilePath()));
-  var template = [
-    '$ddcPath/bin/dartdevc.dart',
-    '--modules=legacy', // TODO(vsm): Change this to use common format.
-    '--single-out-file',
-    '--inline-source-map',
-    '-p',
-    packageRoot
-  ];
-  if (metadata) {
-    template.add('--emit-metadata');
-  }
-  if (unsafe) {
-    template.add('--unsafe-force-compile');
-  }
-  // Compute the transitive closure
-  var total = Stopwatch()..start();
-  var partial = Stopwatch()..start();
-  // TODO(vsm): We're using the analyzer just to compute the import/export/part
-  // dependence graph.  This is expensive.  Is there a lighterweight way to do
-  // this?
-  transitiveFiles(entry, Directory.current.path, packageRoot);
-  orderModules();
-  computeTransitiveDependences();
-  var graphTime = partial.elapsedMilliseconds / 1000;
-  print('Computed global build graph in $graphTime seconds');
-  // Prepend Dart runtime files to the output
-  var out = File(outfile);
-  var dartLibrary =
-      File(path.join(ddcPath, 'lib', 'js', 'legacy', 'dart_library.js'))
-          .readAsStringSync();
-  out.writeAsStringSync(dartLibrary);
-  var dartSdk = File(path.join(ddcPath, 'lib', 'js', 'legacy', 'dart_sdk.js'))
-      .readAsStringSync();
-  out.writeAsStringSync(dartSdk, mode: FileMode.append);
-  // Linearize module concatenation for deterministic output
-  var last = Future.value();
-  for (var module in orderedModules) {
-    linearizerMap[module] = last;
-    var completer = Completer();
-    completerMap[module] = completer;
-    last = completer.future;
-  }
-  // Build modules asynchronously
-  var tmpdir = (tmp == null)
-      ? Directory.systemTemp
-          .createTempSync(outfile.replaceAll(path.separator, '__'))
-      : Directory(tmp)
-    ..createSync();
-  for (var module in orderedModules) {
-    var file = tmpdir.path + path.separator + module + '.js';
-    var command = template.toList()..addAll(['-o', file]);
-    var dependences = transitiveDependenceMap[module];
-    for (var dependence in dependences) {
-      var summary = tmpdir.path + path.separator + dependence + '.sum';
-      command.addAll(['-s', summary]);
-    }
-    var infiles = fileMap[module];
-    command.addAll(infiles);
-    var waitList = dependenceMap.containsKey(module)
-        ? dependenceMap[module].map((dep) => readyMap[dep])
-        : <Future>[];
-    var future = Future.wait(waitList);
-    readyMap[module] = future.then((_) {
-      var ready = Process.run(dartPath, command);
-      if (log) {
-        print(command.join(' '));
-      }
-      return ready.then((result) {
-        if (result.exitCode != 0) {
-          print('ERROR: compiling $module');
-          print(result.stdout);
-          print(result.stderr);
-          out.deleteSync();
-          exit(1);
-        }
-        print('Compiled $module (${infiles.length} files)');
-        print(result.stdout);
-        // Schedule module append once the previous module is written
-        var codefile = File(file);
-        linearizerMap[module]
-            .then((_) => codefile.readAsString())
-            .then((code) =>
-                out.writeAsString(code, mode: FileMode.append, flush: true))
-            .then((_) => completerMap[module].complete());
-      });
-    });
-  }
-  last.then((_) {
-    var time = total.elapsedMilliseconds / 1000;
-    print('Successfully compiled ${inputSet.length} files in $time seconds');
-    // Append the entry point invocation.
-    var libraryName =
-        path.withoutExtension(entry).replaceAll(path.separator, '__');
-    out.writeAsStringSync('dart_library.start("$ENTRY", "$libraryName");\n',
-        mode: FileMode.append);
-  });
-final inputSet = Set<String>();
-final dependenceMap = Map<String, Set<String>>();
-final transitiveDependenceMap = Map<String, Set<String>>();
-final fileMap = Map<String, Set<String>>();
-final readyMap = Map<String, Future>();
-final linearizerMap = Map<String, Future>();
-final completerMap = Map<String, Completer>();
-final orderedModules = List<String>();
-final visitedModules = Set<String>();
-void orderModules(
-    [String module = ENTRY, List<String> stack, Set<String> visited]) {
-  if (stack == null) {
-    assert(visited == null);
-    stack = List<String>();
-    visited = Set<String>();
-  }
-  if (visited.contains(module)) return;
-  visited.add(module);
-  if (stack.contains(module)) {
-    print(stack);
-    throw 'Circular dependence on $module';
-  }
-  stack.add(module);
-  var dependences = dependenceMap[module];
-  if (dependences != null) {
-    for (var dependence in dependences) {
-      orderModules(dependence, stack, visited);
-    }
-  }
-  orderedModules.add(module);
-  assert(module == stack.last);
-  stack.removeLast();
-void computeTransitiveDependences() {
-  for (var module in orderedModules) {
-    var transitiveSet = Set<String>();
-    if (dependenceMap.containsKey(module)) {
-      transitiveSet.addAll(dependenceMap[module]);
-      for (var dependence in dependenceMap[module]) {
-        transitiveSet.addAll(transitiveDependenceMap[dependence]);
-      }
-    }
-    transitiveDependenceMap[module] = transitiveSet;
-  }
-String getModule(String uri) {
-  var sourceUri = Uri.parse(uri);
-  if (sourceUri.scheme == 'dart') {
-    return 'dart';
-  } else if (sourceUri.scheme == 'package') {
-    return path.split(sourceUri.path)[0];
-  } else {
-    return ENTRY;
-  }
-bool processFile(String file) {
-  inputSet.add(file);
-  var module = getModule(file);
-  fileMap.putIfAbsent(module, () => Set<String>());
-  return fileMap[module].add(file);
-void processDependence(String from, String to) {
-  var fromModule = getModule(from);
-  var toModule = getModule(to);
-  if (fromModule == toModule || toModule == 'dart') return;
-  dependenceMap.putIfAbsent(fromModule, () => Set<String>());
-  dependenceMap[fromModule].add(toModule);
-String canonicalize(String uri, String root) {
-  var sourceUri = Uri.parse(uri);
-  if (sourceUri.scheme == '') {
-    sourceUri = path.toUri(
-        path.isAbsolute(uri) ? path.absolute(uri) : path.join(root, uri));
-    return sourceUri.path;
-  }
-  return sourceUri.toString();
-/// Simplified from ParseDartTask.resolveDirective.
-String _resolveDirective(UriBasedDirectiveImpl directive) {
-  StringLiteral uriLiteral = directive.uri;
-  String uriContent = uriLiteral.stringValue;
-  if (uriContent != null) {
-    uriContent = uriContent.trim();
-    directive.uriContent = uriContent;
-  }
-  return directive.validate() == null ? uriContent : null;
-String _loadFile(String uri, String packageRoot) {
-  if (uri.startsWith('package:')) {
-    uri = path.join(packageRoot, uri.substring(8));
-  }
-  return File(uri).readAsStringSync();
-void transitiveFiles(String entryPoint, String root, String packageRoot) {
-  entryPoint = canonicalize(entryPoint, root);
-  if (entryPoint.startsWith('dart:')) return;
-  if (processFile(entryPoint)) {
-    // Process this
-    var source = _loadFile(entryPoint, packageRoot);
-    var entryDir = path.dirname(entryPoint);
-    var unit = parseDirectives(source, name: entryPoint, suppressErrors: true);
-    for (var d in unit.directives) {
-      if (d is NamespaceDirectiveImpl) {
-        var uri = _resolveDirective(d);
-        processDependence(entryPoint, canonicalize(uri, entryDir));
-        transitiveFiles(uri, entryDir, packageRoot);
-      } else if (d is PartDirectiveImpl) {
-        var uri = _resolveDirective(d);
-        processFile(canonicalize(uri, entryDir));
-      }
-    }
-  }