blob: ab0b960886df93a42adba35ef676858d4aba4de5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
import 'function.dart';
import 'runtime.dart';
import 'wasmer_api.dart';
/// WasmModule is a compiled module that can be instantiated.
class WasmModule {
late Pointer<WasmerStore> _store;
late Pointer<WasmerModule> _module;
/// Compile a module.
WasmModule(Uint8List data) {
var runtime = WasmRuntime();
_store = runtime.newStore(this);
_module = runtime.compile(this, _store, data);
/// Returns a WasmInstanceBuilder that is used to add all the imports that the
/// module needs, and then instantiate it.
WasmInstanceBuilder instantiate() => WasmInstanceBuilder(this);
/// Create a new memory with the given number of initial pages, and optional
/// maximum number of pages.
WasmMemory createMemory(int pages, [int? maxPages]) =>
WasmMemory._create(_store, pages, maxPages);
/// Returns a description of all of the module's imports and exports, for
/// debugging.
String describe() {
var description = StringBuffer();
var runtime = WasmRuntime();
var imports = runtime.importDescriptors(_module);
for (var imp in imports) {
description.write('import $imp\n');
var exports = runtime.exportDescriptors(_module);
for (var exp in exports) {
description.write('export $exp\n');
return description.toString();
Pointer<WasmerTrap> _wasmFnImportTrampoline(
Pointer<_WasmFnImport> imp,
Pointer<WasmerValVec> args,
Pointer<WasmerValVec> results,
) {
try {
_WasmFnImport._call(imp, args, results);
} catch (exception) {
return WasmRuntime().newTrap(, exception);
return nullptr;
void _wasmFnImportFinalizer(Pointer<_WasmFnImport> imp) {
final _wasmFnImportTrampolineNative = Pointer.fromFunction<
Pointer<WasmerTrap> Function(
final _wasmFnImportToFn = <int, Function>{};
final _wasmFnImportFinalizerNative =
Pointer.fromFunction<Void Function(Pointer<_WasmFnImport>)>(
class _WasmFnImport extends Struct {
external int returnType;
external Pointer<WasmerStore> store;
static void _call(
Pointer<_WasmFnImport> imp,
Pointer<WasmerValVec> rawArgs,
Pointer<WasmerValVec> rawResult,
) {
var fn = _wasmFnImportToFn[imp.address] as Function;
var args = [];
for (var i = 0; i < rawArgs.ref.length; ++i) {
rawResult.ref.length == 1 || imp.ref.returnType == WasmerValKindVoid,
var result = Function.apply(fn, args);
if (imp.ref.returnType != WasmerValKindVoid) {[0].kind = imp.ref.returnType;
switch (imp.ref.returnType) {
case WasmerValKindI32:[0].i32 = result as int;
case WasmerValKindI64:[0].i64 = result as int;
case WasmerValKindF32:[0].f32 = result as int;
case WasmerValKindF64:[0].f64 = result as int;
class _WasmImportOwner {}
/// WasmInstanceBuilder is used collect all the imports that a WasmModule
/// requires before it is instantiated.
class WasmInstanceBuilder {
final WasmModule _module;
late List<WasmImportDescriptor> _importDescs;
final Map<String, int> _importIndex;
final Pointer<WasmerExternVec> _imports = calloc<WasmerExternVec>();
Pointer<WasmerWasiEnv> _wasiEnv = nullptr;
final _WasmImportOwner _importOwner = _WasmImportOwner();
WasmInstanceBuilder(this._module) : _importIndex = {} {
_importDescs = WasmRuntime().importDescriptors(_module._module);
_imports.ref.length = _importDescs.length; = calloc<Pointer<WasmerExtern>>(_importDescs.length);
for (var i = 0; i < _importDescs.length; ++i) {
var imp = _importDescs[i];
_importIndex['${imp.moduleName}::${}'] = i;[i] = nullptr;
int _getIndex(String moduleName, String name) {
var index = _importIndex['$moduleName::$name'];
if (index == null) {
throw Exception('Import not found: $moduleName::$name');
} else if ([index] != nullptr) {
throw Exception('Import already filled: $moduleName::$name');
} else {
return index;
/// Add a WasmMemory to the imports.
WasmInstanceBuilder addMemory(
String moduleName,
String name,
WasmMemory memory,
) {
var index = _getIndex(moduleName, name);
var imp = _importDescs[index];
if (imp.kind != WasmerExternKindMemory) {
throw Exception('Import is not a memory: $imp');
}[index] = WasmRuntime().memoryToExtern(memory._mem);
return this;
/// Add a function to the imports.
WasmInstanceBuilder addFunction(String moduleName, String name, Function fn) {
var index = _getIndex(moduleName, name);
var imp = _importDescs[index];
var runtime = WasmRuntime();
if (imp.kind != WasmerExternKindFunction) {
throw Exception('Import is not a function: $imp');
var returnType = runtime.getReturnType(imp.funcType);
var wasmFnImport = calloc<_WasmFnImport>();
wasmFnImport.ref.returnType = returnType; = _module._store;
_wasmFnImportToFn[wasmFnImport.address] = fn;
var fnImp = runtime.newFunc(
);[index] = runtime.functionToExtern(fnImp);
return this;
/// Enable WASI and add the default WASI imports.
WasmInstanceBuilder enableWasi({
bool captureStdout = false,
bool captureStderr = false,
}) {
if (_wasiEnv != nullptr) {
throw Exception('WASI is already enabled.');
var runtime = WasmRuntime();
var config = runtime.newWasiConfig();
if (captureStdout) runtime.captureWasiStdout(config);
if (captureStderr) runtime.captureWasiStderr(config);
_wasiEnv = runtime.newWasiEnv(config);
runtime.getWasiImports(_module._store, _module._module, _wasiEnv, _imports);
return this;
/// Build the module instance.
WasmInstance build() {
for (var i = 0; i < _importDescs.length; ++i) {
if ([i] == nullptr) {
throw Exception('Missing import: ${_importDescs[i]}');
return WasmInstance(_module, _imports, _wasiEnv);
/// WasmInstance is an instantiated WasmModule.
class WasmInstance {
final WasmModule _module;
late Pointer<WasmerInstance> _instance;
Pointer<WasmerMemory>? _exportedMemory;
final Pointer<WasmerWasiEnv> _wasiEnv;
Stream<List<int>>? _stdout;
Stream<List<int>>? _stderr;
final Map<String, WasmFunction> _functions = {};
Pointer<WasmerExternVec> imports,
) {
var runtime = WasmRuntime();
_instance =
runtime.instantiate(this, _module._store, _module._module, imports);
var exports = runtime.exports(_instance);
var exportDescs = runtime.exportDescriptors(_module._module);
assert(exports.ref.length == exportDescs.length);
for (var i = 0; i < exports.ref.length; ++i) {
var e =[i];
var kind = runtime.externKind([i]);
var name = exportDescs[i].name;
if (kind == WasmerExternKindFunction) {
var f = runtime.externToFunction(e);
var ft = exportDescs[i].funcType;
_functions[name] = WasmFunction(
} else if (kind == WasmerExternKindMemory) {
// WASM currently allows only one memory per module.
var mem = runtime.externToMemory(e);
_exportedMemory = mem;
if (_wasiEnv != nullptr) {
runtime.wasiEnvSetMemory(_wasiEnv, mem);
/// Searches the instantiated module for the given function. Returns null if
/// it is not found.
dynamic lookupFunction(String name) => _functions[name];
/// Returns the memory exported from this instance.
WasmMemory get memory {
if (_exportedMemory == null) {
throw Exception('Wasm module did not export its memory.');
return WasmMemory._fromExport(_exportedMemory as Pointer<WasmerMemory>);
/// Returns a stream that reads from stdout. To use this, you must enable WASI
/// when instantiating the module, and set captureStdout to true.
Stream<List<int>> get stdout {
if (_wasiEnv == nullptr) {
throw Exception("Can't capture stdout without WASI enabled.");
return _stdout ??= WasmRuntime().getWasiStdoutStream(_wasiEnv);
/// Returns a stream that reads from stderr. To use this, you must enable WASI
/// when instantiating the module, and set captureStderr to true.
Stream<List<int>> get stderr {
if (_wasiEnv == nullptr) {
throw Exception("Can't capture stderr without WASI enabled.");
return _stderr ??= WasmRuntime().getWasiStderrStream(_wasiEnv);
/// WasmMemory contains the memory of a WasmInstance.
class WasmMemory {
late Pointer<WasmerMemory> _mem;
late Uint8List _view;
WasmMemory._fromExport(this._mem) {
_view = WasmRuntime().memoryView(_mem);
/// Create a new memory with the given number of initial pages, and optional
/// maximum number of pages.
WasmMemory._create(Pointer<WasmerStore> store, int pages, int? maxPages) {
_mem = WasmRuntime().newMemory(this, store, pages, maxPages);
_view = WasmRuntime().memoryView(_mem);
/// The WASM spec defines the page size as 64KiB.
static const int kPageSizeInBytes = 64 * 1024;
/// Returns the length of the memory in pages.
int get lengthInPages => WasmRuntime().memoryLength(_mem);
/// Returns the length of the memory in bytes.
int get lengthInBytes => _view.lengthInBytes;
/// Returns the byte at the given index.
int operator [](int index) => _view[index];
/// Sets the byte at the given index to value.
void operator []=(int index, int value) {
_view[index] = value;
/// Returns a Uint8List view into the memory.
Uint8List get view => _view;
/// Grow the memory by deltaPages.
void grow(int deltaPages) {
var runtime = WasmRuntime()..growMemory(_mem, deltaPages);
_view = runtime.memoryView(_mem);