blob: 883f02be4878bf0af688a3b3bd3f6d8288502d79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library mock_compiler;
import 'dart:uri';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/compiler.dart' as api;
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/dart2jslib.dart'
hide TreeElementMapping;
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/elements/elements.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/resolution/resolution.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/source_file.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/tree/tree.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/util/util.dart';
import 'parser_helper.dart';
class WarningMessage {
Node node;
Message message;
WarningMessage(this.node, this.message);
toString() => message.toString();
const String DEFAULT_HELPERLIB = r'''
lt() {} add(var a, var b) {} sub() {} mul() {} div() {} tdiv() {} mod() {}
neg() {} shl() {} shr() {} eq() {} le() {} gt() {} ge() {}
or() {} and() {} not() {} eqNull(a) {} eqq() {}
ltB() {} leB() {} eqB() {} gtB() {} geB() {} eqNullB(a) {}
$throw(x) { return x; }
iae(x) { throw x; } ioore(x) { throw x; }
guard$array(x) { return x; }
guard$num(x) { return x; }
guard$string(x) { return x; }
guard$stringOrArray(x) { return x; }
index(a, index) {}
indexSet(a, index, value) {}
makeLiteralMap(List keyValuePairs) {}
setRuntimeTypeInfo(a, b) {}
getRuntimeTypeInfo(a) {}
stringTypeCheck(x) {}
boolConversionCheck(x) {}
abstract class JavaScriptIndexingBehavior {}
class JSInvocationMirror {}
S() {}
throwNoSuchMethod(obj, name, arguments, expectedArgumentNames) {}''';
class JSArray {
var length;
class JSString {
var length;
class JSNumber {
class JSInt {
class JSDouble {
class JSNull {
class JSBool {
class JSFunction {
class ObjectInterceptor {
getInterceptor(x) {}''';
const String DEFAULT_CORELIB = r'''
print(var obj) {}
abstract class num {}
abstract class int extends num { }
abstract class double extends num { }
class bool {}
class String {}
class Object {}
class Type {}
class Function {}
class List<E> {}
abstract class Map<K,V> {}
class Closure {}
class Null {}
class Dynamic_ {}
bool identical(Object a, Object b) {}''';
class MockCompiler extends Compiler {
List<WarningMessage> warnings;
List<WarningMessage> errors;
final Map<String, SourceFile> sourceFiles;
Node parsedTree;
MockCompiler({String coreSource: DEFAULT_CORELIB,
String helperSource: DEFAULT_HELPERLIB,
String interceptorsSource: DEFAULT_INTERCEPTORSLIB,
bool enableTypeAssertions: false,
bool enableMinification: false,
bool enableConcreteTypeInference: false,
bool analyzeAll: false})
: warnings = [], errors = [],
sourceFiles = new Map<String, SourceFile>(),
super(enableTypeAssertions: enableTypeAssertions,
enableMinification: enableMinification,
enableConcreteTypeInference: enableConcreteTypeInference,
analyzeAll: analyzeAll) {
coreLibrary = createLibrary("core", coreSource);
// We need to set the assert method to avoid calls with a 'null'
// target being interpreted as a call to assert.
jsHelperLibrary = createLibrary("helper", helperSource);
libraryLoader.importLibrary(jsHelperLibrary, coreLibrary, null);
assertMethod = jsHelperLibrary.find(buildSourceString('assert'));
interceptorsLibrary = createLibrary("interceptors", interceptorsSource);
mainApp = mockLibrary(this, "");
// We need to make sure the Object class is resolved. When registering a
// dynamic invocation the ArgumentTypesRegistry eventually iterates over
// the interfaces of the Object class which would be 'null' if the class
// wasn't resolved.
* Used internally to create a library from a source text. The created library
* is fixed to export its top-level declarations.
LibraryElement createLibrary(String name, String source) {
Uri uri = new Uri.fromComponents(scheme: "source", path: name);
var script = new Script(uri, new MockFile(source));
var library = new LibraryElement(script);
parseScript(source, library);
return library;
void reportWarning(Node node, var message) {
warnings.add(new WarningMessage(node, message.message));
void reportError(Node node, var message) {
if (message is String && message.startsWith("no library name found in")) {
// TODO(ahe): Fix the MockCompiler to not have this problem.
errors.add(new WarningMessage(node, message.message));
void reportMessage(SourceSpan span, var message, api.Diagnostic kind) {
var diagnostic = new WarningMessage(null, message.message);
if (kind == api.Diagnostic.ERROR) {
} else {
void reportDiagnostic(SourceSpan span, String message, var kind) {
bool get compilationFailed => !errors.isEmpty;
void clearWarnings() {
warnings = [];
void clearErrors() {
errors = [];
TreeElementMapping resolveStatement(String text) {
parsedTree = parseStatement(text);
return resolveNodeStatement(parsedTree, mainApp);
TreeElementMapping resolveNodeStatement(Node tree, Element element) {
ResolverVisitor visitor =
new ResolverVisitor(this, element, new CollectingTreeElements(element));
if (visitor.scope is LibraryScope) {
visitor.scope = new MethodScope(visitor.scope, element);
visitor.scope = new LibraryScope(element.getLibrary());
return visitor.mapping;
resolverVisitor() {
Element mockElement =
new Element(buildSourceString(''), ElementKind.FUNCTION, mainApp);
ResolverVisitor visitor =
new ResolverVisitor(this, mockElement,
new CollectingTreeElements(mockElement));
visitor.scope = new MethodScope(visitor.scope, mockElement);
return visitor;
parseScript(String text, [LibraryElement library]) {
if (library == null) library = mainApp;
parseUnit(text, this, library);
void scanBuiltinLibraries() {
// Do nothing. The mock core library is already handled in the constructor.
LibraryElement scanBuiltinLibrary(String name) {
// Do nothing. The mock core library is already handled in the constructor.
void importCoreLibrary(LibraryElement library) {
scanner.importLibrary(library, coreLibrary, null);
// The mock library doesn't need any patches.
Uri resolvePatchUri(String dartLibraryName) => null;
Script readScript(Uri uri, [ScriptTag node]) {
SourceFile sourceFile = sourceFiles[uri.toString()];
if (sourceFile == null) throw new ArgumentError(uri);
return new Script(uri, sourceFile);
void compareWarningKinds(String text, expectedWarnings, foundWarnings) {
var fail = (message) =>'$text: $message');
Iterator<MessageKind> expected = expectedWarnings.iterator();
Iterator<WarningMessage> found = foundWarnings.iterator();
while (expected.hasNext && found.hasNext) {
if (expected.hasNext) {
do {
print('Expected warning "${}" did not occur');
} while (expected.hasNext);
fail('Too few warnings');
if (found.hasNext) {
do {
print('Additional warning "${}"');
} while (found.hasNext);
fail('Too many warnings');
void importLibrary(LibraryElement target, LibraryElement imported,
Compiler compiler) {
for (var element in imported.localMembers) {
compiler.withCurrentElement(element, () {
target.addToScope(element, compiler);
LibraryElement mockLibrary(Compiler compiler, String source) {
Uri uri = new Uri.fromComponents(scheme: "source");
var library = new LibraryElement(new Script(uri, new MockFile(source)));
importLibrary(library, compiler.coreLibrary, compiler);
return library;
class CollectingTreeElements extends TreeElementMapping {
final Map<Node, Element> map = new LinkedHashMap<Node, Element>();
CollectingTreeElements(Element currentElement) : super(currentElement);
operator []=(Node node, Element element) {
map[node] = element;
operator [](Node node) => map[node];
void remove(Node node) {