blob: 5d6f7d6cb7af94d506532d1923ad1abed8d526a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
const String _webSocketGUID = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11";
class _WebSocketMessageType {
static const int NONE = 0;
static const int BINARY = 1;
static const int TEXT = 2;
class _WebSocketOpcode {
static const int CONTINUATION = 0;
static const int TEXT = 1;
static const int BINARY = 2;
static const int RESERVED_3 = 3;
static const int RESERVED_4 = 4;
static const int RESERVED_5 = 5;
static const int RESERVED_6 = 6;
static const int RESERVED_7 = 7;
static const int CLOSE = 8;
static const int PING = 9;
static const int PONG = 10;
static const int RESERVED_B = 11;
static const int RESERVED_C = 12;
static const int RESERVED_D = 13;
static const int RESERVED_E = 14;
static const int RESERVED_F = 15;
* The web socket protocol processor handles the protocol byte stream
* which is supplied through the [:update:] and [:closed:]
* methods. As the protocol is processed the following callbacks are
* called:
* [:onMessageStart:]
* [:onMessageData:]
* [:onMessageEnd:]
* [:onClosed:]
* [:onError:]
class _WebSocketProtocolProcessor {
static const int START = 0;
static const int LEN_FIRST = 1;
static const int LEN_REST = 2;
static const int MASK = 3;
static const int PAYLOAD = 4;
static const int CLOSED = 5;
static const int FAILURE = 6;
_WebSocketProtocolProcessor() {
_currentMessageType = _WebSocketMessageType.NONE;
* Process data received from the underlying communication channel.
void update(List<int> buffer, int offset, int count) {
int index = offset;
int lastIndex = offset + count;
try {
if (_state == CLOSED) {
throw new WebSocketException("Data on closed connection");
if (_state == FAILURE) {
throw new WebSocketException("Data on failed connection");
while ((index < lastIndex) && _state != CLOSED && _state != FAILURE) {
int byte = buffer[index];
switch (_state) {
case START:
_fin = (byte & 0x80) != 0;
_opcode = (byte & 0xF);
switch (_opcode) {
case _WebSocketOpcode.CONTINUATION:
if (_currentMessageType == _WebSocketMessageType.NONE) {
throw new WebSocketException("Protocol error");
case _WebSocketOpcode.TEXT:
if (_currentMessageType != _WebSocketMessageType.NONE) {
throw new WebSocketException("Protocol error");
_currentMessageType = _WebSocketMessageType.TEXT;
if (onMessageStart != null) {
case _WebSocketOpcode.BINARY:
if (_currentMessageType != _WebSocketMessageType.NONE) {
throw new WebSocketException("Protocol error");
_currentMessageType = _WebSocketMessageType.BINARY;
if (onMessageStart != null) {
case _WebSocketOpcode.CLOSE:
case _WebSocketOpcode.PING:
case _WebSocketOpcode.PONG:
// Control frames cannot be fragmented.
if (!_fin) throw new WebSocketException("Protocol error");
throw new WebSocketException("Protocol error");
_state = LEN_FIRST;
_masked = (byte & 0x80) != 0;
_len = byte & 0x7F;
if (_isControlFrame() && _len > 126) {
throw new WebSocketException("Protocol error");
if (_len < 126) {
} else if (_len == 126) {
_len = 0;
_remainingLenBytes = 2;
_state = LEN_REST;
} else if (_len == 127) {
_len = 0;
_remainingLenBytes = 8;
_state = LEN_REST;
case LEN_REST:
_len = _len << 8 | byte;
if (_remainingLenBytes == 0) {
case MASK:
_maskingKey = _maskingKey << 8 | byte;
if (_remainingMaskingKeyBytes == 0) {
// The payload is not handled one byte at a time but in blocks.
int payload;
if (lastIndex - index <= _remainingPayloadBytes) {
payload = lastIndex - index;
} else {
payload = _remainingPayloadBytes;
_remainingPayloadBytes -= payload;
// Unmask payload if masked.
if (_masked) {
for (int i = 0; i < payload; i++) {
int maskingByte =
((_maskingKey >> ((3 - _unmaskingIndex) * 8)) & 0xFF);
buffer[index + i] = buffer[index + i] ^ maskingByte;
_unmaskingIndex = (_unmaskingIndex + 1) % 4;
if (_isControlFrame()) {
if (payload > 0) {
// Allocate a buffer for collecting the control frame
// payload if any.
if (_controlPayload == null) {
_controlPayload = new List<int>();
_controlPayload.addAll(buffer.getRange(index, payload));
index += payload;
if (_remainingPayloadBytes == 0) {
} else {
switch (_currentMessageType) {
case _WebSocketMessageType.NONE:
throw new WebSocketException("Protocol error");
case _WebSocketMessageType.TEXT:
case _WebSocketMessageType.BINARY:
if (onMessageData != null) {
onMessageData(buffer, index, payload);
index += payload;
if (_remainingPayloadBytes == 0) {
throw new WebSocketException("Protocol error");
// Hack - as we always do index++ below.
// Move to the next byte.
} catch (e) {
if (onClosed != null) onClosed(WebSocketStatus.PROTOCOL_ERROR,
"Protocol error");
_state = FAILURE;
* Indicate that the underlying communication channel has been closed.
void closed() {
if (_state == START || _state == CLOSED || _state == FAILURE) return;
if (onClosed != null) onClosed(WebSocketStatus.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE,
"Connection closed unexpectedly");
_state = CLOSED;
void _lengthDone() {
if (_masked) {
_state = MASK;
_remainingMaskingKeyBytes = 4;
} else {
_remainingPayloadBytes = _len;
void _maskDone() {
_remainingPayloadBytes = _len;
void _startPayload() {
// If there is no actual payload perform perform callbacks without
// going through the PAYLOAD state.
if (_remainingPayloadBytes == 0) {
if (_isControlFrame()) {
switch (_opcode) {
case _WebSocketOpcode.CLOSE:
if (onClosed != null) onClosed(1005, "");
_state = CLOSED;
case _WebSocketOpcode.PING:
if (onPing != null) onPing(null);
case _WebSocketOpcode.PONG:
if (onPong != null) onPong(null);
} else {
} else {
_state = PAYLOAD;
void _messageFrameEnd() {
if (_fin) {
if (onMessageEnd != null) onMessageEnd();
_currentMessageType = _WebSocketMessageType.NONE;
void _controlFrameEnd() {
switch (_opcode) {
case _WebSocketOpcode.CLOSE:
int status = WebSocketStatus.NO_STATUS_RECEIVED;
String reason = "";
if (_controlPayload.length > 0) {
if (_controlPayload.length == 1) {
throw new WebSocketException("Protocol error");
status = _controlPayload[0] << 8 | _controlPayload[1];
if (status == WebSocketStatus.NO_STATUS_RECEIVED) {
throw new WebSocketException("Protocol error");
if (_controlPayload.length > 2) {
var decoder = _StringDecoders.decoder(Encoding.UTF_8);
_controlPayload.getRange(2, _controlPayload.length - 2));
reason = decoder.decoded();
if (onClosed != null) onClosed(status, reason);
_state = CLOSED;
case _WebSocketOpcode.PING:
if (onPing != null) onPing(_controlPayload);
case _WebSocketOpcode.PONG:
if (onPong != null) onPong(_controlPayload);
bool _isControlFrame() {
return _opcode == _WebSocketOpcode.CLOSE ||
_opcode == _WebSocketOpcode.PING ||
_opcode == _WebSocketOpcode.PONG;
void _prepareForNextFrame() {
if (_state != CLOSED && _state != FAILURE) _state = START;
_fin = null;
_opcode = null;
_len = null;
_masked = null;
_maskingKey = 0;
_remainingLenBytes = null;
_remainingMaskingKeyBytes = null;
_remainingPayloadBytes = null;
_unmaskingIndex = 0;
_controlPayload = null;
int _state;
bool _fin;
int _opcode;
int _len;
bool _masked;
int _maskingKey;
int _remainingLenBytes;
int _remainingMaskingKeyBytes;
int _remainingPayloadBytes;
int _unmaskingIndex;
int _currentMessageType;
List<int> _controlPayload;
Function onMessageStart;
Function onMessageData;
Function onMessageEnd;
Function onPing;
Function onPong;
Function onClosed;
class _WebSocketConnectionBase {
void _socketConnected(Socket socket) {
_socket = socket;
_socket.onError = (e) => _socket.close();
void _startProcessing(List<int> unparsedData) {
_WebSocketProtocolProcessor processor = new _WebSocketProtocolProcessor();
processor.onMessageStart = _onWebSocketMessageStart;
processor.onMessageData = _onWebSocketMessageData;
processor.onMessageEnd = _onWebSocketMessageEnd;
processor.onPing = _onWebSocketPing;
processor.onPong = _onWebSocketPong;
processor.onClosed = _onWebSocketClosed;
if (unparsedData != null) {
processor.update(unparsedData, 0, unparsedData.length);
_socket.onData = () {
int available = _socket.available();
List<int> data = new List<int>(available);
int read = _socket.readList(data, 0, available);
processor.update(data, 0, read);
_socket.onClosed = () {
if (_closeSent) {
// Got socket close in response to close frame. Don't treat
// that as an error.
if (_closeTimer != null) _closeTimer.cancel();
} else {
if (_onClosed != null) _onClosed(WebSocketStatus.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE,
"Unexpected close");
void set onMessage(void callback(Object message)) {
_onMessage = callback;
void set onClosed(void callback(int status, String reason)) {
_onClosed = callback;
send(message) {
if (_closeSent) {
throw new WebSocketException("Connection closed");
List<int> data;
int opcode;
if (message != null) {
if (message is String) {
opcode = _WebSocketOpcode.TEXT;
data = _StringEncoders.encoder(Encoding.UTF_8).encodeString(message);
} else {
if (message is !List<int>) {
throw new ArgumentError(message);
opcode = _WebSocketOpcode.BINARY;
data = message;
} else {
opcode = _WebSocketOpcode.TEXT;
_sendFrame(opcode, data);
close([int status, String reason]) {
if (status == WebSocketStatus.RESERVED_1004 ||
status == WebSocketStatus.NO_STATUS_RECEIVED ||
status == WebSocketStatus.RESERVED_1015) {
throw new WebSocketException("Reserved status code $status");
if (_closeSent) return;
List<int> data;
if (status != null) {
data = new List<int>();
data.add((status >> 8) & 0xFF);
data.add(status & 0xFF);
if (reason != null) {
_sendFrame(_WebSocketOpcode.CLOSE, data);
if (_closeReceived) {
// Close the socket when the close frame has been sent - if it
// does not take too long.
_socket.outputStream.onClosed = () {
if (_closeTimer != null) _closeTimer.cancel();
_closeTimer = new Timer(5000, (t) {
} else {
// Half close the socket and expect a close frame in response
// before closing the socket. If a close frame does not arrive
// within a reasonable amount of time just close the socket.
_closeTimer = new Timer(5000, (t) {
_closeSent = true;
int get hashCode => _hash;
_onWebSocketMessageStart(int type) {
_currentMessageType = type;
if (_currentMessageType == _WebSocketMessageType.TEXT) {
_decoder = _StringDecoders.decoder(Encoding.UTF_8);
} else {
_outputStream = new ListOutputStream();
_onWebSocketMessageData(List<int> buffer, int offset, int count) {
if (_currentMessageType == _WebSocketMessageType.TEXT) {
_decoder.write(buffer.getRange(offset, count));
} else {
_outputStream.write(buffer.getRange(offset, count));
_onWebSocketMessageEnd() {
if (_onMessage != null) {
if (_currentMessageType == _WebSocketMessageType.TEXT) {
} else {
_decoder = null;
_outputStream = null;
_onWebSocketPing(List<int> payload) {
_sendFrame(_WebSocketOpcode.PONG, payload);
_onWebSocketPong(List<int> payload) {
// Currently pong messages are ignored.
_onWebSocketClosed(int status, String reason) {
_closeReceived = true;
if (_onClosed != null) _onClosed(status, reason);
if (_closeSent) {
// Got close frame in response to close frame. Now close the socket.
if (_closeTimer != null) _closeTimer.cancel();
} else {
if (status != WebSocketStatus.NO_STATUS_RECEIVED) {
} else {
_sendFrame(int opcode, [List<int> data]) {
bool mask = false; // Masking not implemented for server.
int dataLength = data == null ? 0 : data.length;
// Determine the header size.
int headerSize = (mask) ? 6 : 2;
if (dataLength > 65535) {
headerSize += 8;
} else if (dataLength > 125) {
headerSize += 2;
List<int> header = new List<int>(headerSize);
int index = 0;
// Set FIN and opcode.
header[index++] = 0x80 | opcode;
// Determine size and position of length field.
int lengthBytes = 1;
int firstLengthByte = 1;
if (dataLength > 65535) {
header[index++] = 127;
lengthBytes = 8;
} else if (dataLength > 125) {
header[index++] = 126;
lengthBytes = 2;
// Write the length in network byte order into the header.
for (int i = 0; i < lengthBytes; i++) {
header[index++] = dataLength >> (((lengthBytes - 1) - i) * 8) & 0xFF;
assert(index == headerSize);
if (data != null) {
Socket _socket;
Timer _closeTimer;
int _hash;
Function _onMessage;
Function _onClosed;
int _currentMessageType = _WebSocketMessageType.NONE;
_StringDecoder _decoder;
ListOutputStream _outputStream;
bool _closeReceived = false;
bool _closeSent = false;
class _WebSocketConnection
extends _WebSocketConnectionBase implements WebSocketConnection {
_WebSocketConnection(DetachedSocket detached) {
_hash = detached.socket.hashCode;
class _WebSocketHandler implements WebSocketHandler {
void onRequest(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) {
// Check that this is a web socket upgrade.
if (!_isWebSocketUpgrade(request)) {
response.statusCode = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST;
// Send the upgrade response.
response.statusCode = HttpStatus.SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS;
response.headers.add(HttpHeaders.CONNECTION, "Upgrade");
response.headers.add(HttpHeaders.UPGRADE, "websocket");
String key = request.headers.value("Sec-WebSocket-Key");
SHA1 sha1 = new SHA1();
String accept = _Base64._encode(sha1.digest());
response.headers.add("Sec-WebSocket-Accept", accept);
response.contentLength = 0;
// Upgrade the connection and get the underlying socket.
WebSocketConnection conn =
new _WebSocketConnection(response.detachSocket());
if (_onOpen != null) _onOpen(conn);
void set onOpen(callback(WebSocketConnection connection)) {
_onOpen = callback;
bool _isWebSocketUpgrade(HttpRequest request) {
if (request.method != "GET") {
return false;
if (request.headers[HttpHeaders.CONNECTION] == null) {
return false;
bool isUpgrade = false;
request.headers[HttpHeaders.CONNECTION].forEach((String value) {
if (value.toLowerCase() == "upgrade") isUpgrade = true;
if (!isUpgrade) return false;
String upgrade = request.headers.value(HttpHeaders.UPGRADE);
if (upgrade == null || upgrade.toLowerCase() != "websocket") {
return false;
String version = request.headers.value("Sec-WebSocket-Version");
if (version == null || version != "13") {
return false;
String key = request.headers.value("Sec-WebSocket-Key");
if (key == null) {
return false;
return true;
Function _onOpen;
class _WebSocketClientConnection
extends _WebSocketConnectionBase implements WebSocketClientConnection {
_WebSocketClientConnection(HttpClientConnection this._conn,
[List<String> protocols]) {
_conn.onRequest = _onHttpClientRequest;
_conn.onResponse = _onHttpClientResponse;
_conn.onError = (e) {
if (_onClosed != null) {
_onClosed(WebSocketStatus.ABNORMAL_CLOSURE, "$e");
// Generate the nonce now as it is also used to set the hash code.
void set onRequest(void callback(HttpClientRequest request)) {
_onRequest = callback;
void set onOpen(void callback()) {
_onOpen = callback;
void set onNoUpgrade(void callback(HttpClientResponse request)) {
_onNoUpgrade = callback;
void _onHttpClientRequest(HttpClientRequest request) {
if (_onRequest != null) {
// Setup the initial handshake.
request.headers.add(HttpHeaders.CONNECTION, "upgrade");
request.headers.set(HttpHeaders.UPGRADE, "websocket");
request.headers.set("Sec-WebSocket-Key", _nonce);
request.headers.set("Sec-WebSocket-Version", "13");
request.contentLength = 0;
void _onHttpClientResponse(HttpClientResponse response) {
if (response.statusCode != HttpStatus.SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS) {
if (_onNoUpgrade != null) {
} else {
throw new WebSocketException("Protocol upgrade refused");
if (!_isWebSocketUpgrade(response)) {
throw new WebSocketException("Protocol upgrade failed");
// Connection upgrade successful.
DetachedSocket detached = _conn.detachSocket();
if (_onOpen != null) _onOpen();
void _generateNonceAndHash() {
Random random = new Random();
assert(_nonce == null);
void intToBigEndianBytes(int value, List<int> bytes, int offset) {
bytes[offset] = (value >> 24) & 0xFF;
bytes[offset + 1] = (value >> 16) & 0xFF;
bytes[offset + 2] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF;
bytes[offset + 3] = value & 0xFF;
// Generate 16 random bytes. Use the last four bytes for the hash code.
List<int> nonce = new List<int>(16);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int r = random.nextInt(0x100000000);
intToBigEndianBytes(r, nonce, i * 4);
_nonce = _Base64._encode(nonce);
_hash = random.nextInt(0x100000000);
bool _isWebSocketUpgrade(HttpClientResponse response) {
if (response.headers[HttpHeaders.CONNECTION] == null) {
return false;
bool isUpgrade = false;
response.headers[HttpHeaders.CONNECTION].forEach((String value) {
if (value.toLowerCase() == "upgrade") isUpgrade = true;
if (!isUpgrade) return false;
String upgrade = response.headers.value(HttpHeaders.UPGRADE);
if (upgrade == null || upgrade.toLowerCase() != "websocket") {
return false;
String accept = response.headers.value("Sec-WebSocket-Accept");
if (accept == null) {
return false;
SHA1 sha1 = new SHA1();
List<int> expectedAccept = sha1.digest();
List<int> receivedAccept = _Base64._decode(accept);
if (expectedAccept.length != receivedAccept.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < expectedAccept.length; i++) {
if (expectedAccept[i] != receivedAccept[i]) return false;
return true;
Function _onRequest;
Function _onOpen;
Function _onNoUpgrade;
HttpClientConnection _conn;
String _nonce;
class _WebSocket implements WebSocket {
_WebSocket(String url, [protocols]) {
Uri uri = new Uri.fromString(url);
if (uri.scheme != "ws") {
throw new WebSocketException("Unsupported URL scheme ${uri.scheme}");
if (uri.userInfo != "") {
throw new WebSocketException("Unsupported user info ${uri.userInfo}");
int port = uri.port == 0 ? HttpClient.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT : uri.port;
String path = uri.path;
if (path.length == 0) path = "/";
if (uri.query != "") {
if (uri.fragment != "") {
path = "${path}?${uri.query}#${uri.fragment}";
} else {
path = "${path}?${uri.query}";
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
HttpClientConnection conn ="GET", uri.domain, port, path);
if (protocols is String) protocols = [protocols];
_wsconn = new WebSocketClientConnection(conn, protocols);
_wsconn.onOpen = () {
// HTTP client not needed after socket have been detached.
client = null;
_readyState = WebSocket.OPEN;
if (_onopen != null) _onopen();
_wsconn.onMessage = (message) {
if (_onmessage != null) {
_onmessage(new _WebSocketMessageEvent(message));
_wsconn.onClosed = (status, reason) {
_readyState = WebSocket.CLOSED;
if (_onclose != null) {
_onclose(new _WebSocketCloseEvent(true, status, reason));
_wsconn.onNoUpgrade = (response) {
if (_onclose != null) {
new _WebSocketCloseEvent(true,
"Connection not upgraded"));
int get readyState => _readyState;
int get bufferedAmount => 0;
void set onopen(Function callback) {
_onopen = callback;
void set onerror(Function callback) {}
void set onclose(Function callback) {
_onclose = callback;
String get extensions => null;
String get protocol => null;
void close(int code, String reason) {
if (_readyState < WebSocket.CLOSING) _readyState = WebSocket.CLOSING;
_wsconn.close(code, reason);
void set onmessage(Function callback) {
_onmessage = callback;
void send(data) {
WebSocketClientConnection _wsconn;
int _readyState = WebSocket.CONNECTING;
Function _onopen;
Function _onclose;
Function _onmessage;
class _WebSocketMessageEvent implements MessageEvent {
get data => _data;
var _data;
class _WebSocketCloseEvent implements CloseEvent {
_WebSocketCloseEvent(this._wasClean, this._code, this._reason);
bool get wasClean => _wasClean;
int get code => _code;
String get reason => _reason;
bool _wasClean;
int _code;
String _reason;