blob: 30fe2c1f844f5b59f72b830a062d19bcf1bf8152 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The close queue handles graceful closing of HTTP connections. When
// a connection is added to the queue it will enter a wait state
// waiting for all data written and possibly socket shutdown from
// peer.
class _CloseQueue {
_CloseQueue() : _q = new Set<_HttpConnectionBase>();
void add(_HttpConnectionBase connection) {
void closeIfDone() {
// When either the client has closed or all data has been
// written to the client we close the underlying socket
// completely.
if (connection._isWriteClosed || connection._isReadClosed) {
if (connection.onClosed != null) connection.onClosed();
// If the connection is already fully closed don't insert it into
// the queue.
if (connection._isFullyClosed) {
if (connection.onClosed != null) connection.onClosed();
connection._state |= _HttpConnectionBase.CLOSING;
// If output stream is not closed for writing close it now and
// wait for callback when closed.
if (!connection._isWriteClosed) {
connection._socket.outputStream.onClosed = () {
connection._state |= _HttpConnectionBase.WRITE_CLOSED;
} else {
connection._socket.outputStream.onClosed = () { assert(false); };
// If socket is not closed for reading wait for callback.
if (!connection._isReadClosed) {
connection._socket.onClosed = () {
connection._state |= _HttpConnectionBase.READ_CLOSED;
} else {
connection._socket.onClosed = () { assert(false); };
// Ignore any data on a socket in the close queue.
connection._socket.onData =;
// If an error occurs immediately close the socket.
connection._socket.onError = (e) {
connection._state |= _HttpConnectionBase.READ_CLOSED;
connection._state |= _HttpConnectionBase.WRITE_CLOSED;
void shutdown() {
_q.forEach((_HttpConnectionBase connection) {
final Set<_HttpConnectionBase> _q;
class _HttpRequestResponseBase {
static const int START = 0;
static const int HEADER_SENT = 1;
static const int DONE = 2;
static const int UPGRADED = 3;
_HttpRequestResponseBase(_HttpConnectionBase this._httpConnection)
: _state = START, _headResponse = false;
int get contentLength => _contentLength;
HttpHeaders get headers => _headers;
bool get persistentConnection {
List<String> connection = headers[HttpHeaders.CONNECTION];
if (_protocolVersion == "1.1") {
if (connection == null) return true;
return !headers[HttpHeaders.CONNECTION].some(
(value) => value.toLowerCase() == "close");
} else {
if (connection == null) return false;
return headers[HttpHeaders.CONNECTION].some(
(value) => value.toLowerCase() == "keep-alive");
void set persistentConnection(bool persistentConnection) {
if (_outputStream != null) throw new HttpException("Header already sent");
// Determine the value of the "Connection" header.
headers.remove(HttpHeaders.CONNECTION, "close");
headers.remove(HttpHeaders.CONNECTION, "keep-alive");
if (_protocolVersion == "1.1" && !persistentConnection) {
headers.add(HttpHeaders.CONNECTION, "close");
} else if (_protocolVersion == "1.0" && persistentConnection) {
headers.add(HttpHeaders.CONNECTION, "keep-alive");
bool _write(List<int> data, bool copyBuffer) {
if (_headResponse) return true;
bool allWritten = true;
if (data.length > 0) {
if (_contentLength < 0) {
// Write chunk size if transfer encoding is chunked.
_httpConnection._write(data, copyBuffer);
allWritten = _writeCRLF();
} else {
allWritten = _httpConnection._write(data, copyBuffer);
return allWritten;
bool _writeList(List<int> data, int offset, int count) {
if (_headResponse) return true;
bool allWritten = true;
if (count > 0) {
if (_contentLength < 0) {
// Write chunk size if transfer encoding is chunked.
_httpConnection._writeFrom(data, offset, count);
allWritten = _writeCRLF();
} else {
allWritten = _httpConnection._writeFrom(data, offset, count);
return allWritten;
bool _writeDone() {
bool allWritten = true;
if (_contentLength < 0) {
// Terminate the content if transfer encoding is chunked.
allWritten = _httpConnection._write(_Const.END_CHUNKED);
} else {
if (!_headResponse && _bodyBytesWritten < _contentLength) {
throw new HttpException("Sending less than specified content length");
assert(_headResponse || _bodyBytesWritten == _contentLength);
return allWritten;
bool _writeHeaders() {
_headers._mutable = false;
// Terminate header.
return _writeCRLF();
bool _writeHexString(int x) {
final List<int> hexDigits = [0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34,
0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39,
0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46];
List<int> hex = new Uint8List(10);
int index = hex.length;
while (x > 0) {
hex[index] = hexDigits[x % 16];
x = x >> 4;
return _httpConnection._writeFrom(hex, index, hex.length - index);
bool _writeCRLF() {
final CRLF = const [_CharCode.CR, _CharCode.LF];
return _httpConnection._write(CRLF);
bool _writeSP() {
final SP = const [_CharCode.SP];
return _httpConnection._write(SP);
void _ensureHeadersSent() {
// Ensure that headers are written.
if (_state == START) {
void _updateContentLength(int bytes) {
if (_bodyBytesWritten + bytes > _contentLength) {
throw new HttpException("Writing more than specified content length");
_bodyBytesWritten += bytes;
HttpConnectionInfo get connectionInfo => _httpConnection.connectionInfo;
bool get _done => _state == DONE;
int _state;
bool _headResponse;
_HttpConnectionBase _httpConnection;
_HttpHeaders _headers;
List<Cookie> _cookies;
String _protocolVersion = "1.1";
// Length of the content body. If this is set to -1 (default value)
// when starting to send data chunked transfer encoding will be
// used.
int _contentLength = -1;
// Number of body bytes written. This is only actual body data not
// including headers or chunk information of using chinked transfer
// encoding.
int _bodyBytesWritten = 0;
// Parsed HTTP request providing information on the HTTP headers.
class _HttpRequest extends _HttpRequestResponseBase implements HttpRequest {
_HttpRequest(_HttpConnection connection) : super(connection);
String get method => _method;
String get uri => _uri;
String get path => _path;
String get queryString => _queryString;
Map get queryParameters => _queryParameters;
List<Cookie> get cookies {
if (_cookies != null) return _cookies;
// Parse a Cookie header value according to the rules in RFC 6265.
void _parseCookieString(String s) {
int index = 0;
bool done() => index == s.length;
void skipWS() {
while (!done()) {
if (s[index] != " " && s[index] != "\t") return;
String parseName() {
int start = index;
while (!done()) {
if (s[index] == " " || s[index] == "\t" || s[index] == "=") break;
return s.substring(start, index).toLowerCase();
String parseValue() {
int start = index;
while (!done()) {
if (s[index] == " " || s[index] == "\t" || s[index] == ";") break;
return s.substring(start, index).toLowerCase();
void expect(String expected) {
if (done()) {
throw new HttpException("Failed to parse header value [$s]");
if (s[index] != expected) {
throw new HttpException("Failed to parse header value [$s]");
while (!done()) {
if (done()) return;
String name = parseName();
String value = parseValue();
_cookies.add(new _Cookie(name, value));
if (done()) return;
_cookies = new List<Cookie>();
List<String> headerValues = headers["cookie"];
if (headerValues != null) {
headerValues.forEach((headerValue) => _parseCookieString(headerValue));
return _cookies;
InputStream get inputStream {
if (_inputStream == null) {
_inputStream = new _HttpInputStream(this);
return _inputStream;
String get protocolVersion => _protocolVersion;
HttpSession session([init(HttpSession session)]) {
if (_session != null) {
// It's already mapped, use it.
return _session;
// Create session, store it in connection, and return.
var sessionManager = _httpConnection._server._sessionManager;
return _session = sessionManager.createSession(init);
void _onRequestReceived(String method,
String uri,
String version,
_HttpHeaders headers) {
_method = method;
_uri = uri;
_headers = headers;
if (_httpConnection._server._sessionManagerInstance != null) {
// Map to session if exists.
var sessionId = cookies.reduce(null, (last, cookie) {
if (last != null) return last;
return == _DART_SESSION_ID ?
cookie.value : null;
if (sessionId != null) {
var sessionManager = _httpConnection._server._sessionManager;
_session = sessionManager.getSession(sessionId);
if (_session != null) {
// Get parsed content length.
_contentLength = _httpConnection._httpParser.contentLength;
// Prepare for receiving data.
_headers._mutable = false;
_buffer = new _BufferList();
void _onDataReceived(List<int> data) {
if (_inputStream != null) _inputStream._dataReceived();
void _onDataEnd() {
if (_inputStream != null) {
} else {
inputStream._streamMarkedClosed = true;
// Escaped characters in uri are expected to have been parsed.
void _parseRequestUri(String uri) {
int position;
position = uri.indexOf("?", 0);
if (position == -1) {
_path = _HttpUtils.decodeUrlEncodedString(_uri);
_queryString = null;
_queryParameters = new Map();
} else {
_path = _HttpUtils.decodeUrlEncodedString(_uri.substring(0, position));
_queryString = _uri.substring(position + 1);
_queryParameters = _HttpUtils.splitQueryString(_queryString);
// Delegate functions for the HttpInputStream implementation.
int _streamAvailable() {
return _buffer.length;
List<int> _streamRead(int bytesToRead) {
return _buffer.readBytes(bytesToRead);
int _streamReadInto(List<int> buffer, int offset, int len) {
List<int> data = _buffer.readBytes(len);
buffer.setRange(offset, data.length, data);
void _streamSetErrorHandler(callback(e)) {
_streamErrorHandler = callback;
String _method;
String _uri;
String _path;
String _queryString;
Map<String, String> _queryParameters;
_HttpInputStream _inputStream;
_BufferList _buffer;
Function _streamErrorHandler;
_HttpSession _session;
// HTTP response object for sending a HTTP response.
class _HttpResponse extends _HttpRequestResponseBase implements HttpResponse {
_HttpResponse(_HttpConnection httpConnection)
: super(httpConnection),
_statusCode = HttpStatus.OK {
_headers = new _HttpHeaders();
void set contentLength(int contentLength) {
if (_state >= _HttpRequestResponseBase.HEADER_SENT) {
throw new HttpException("Header already sent");
_contentLength = contentLength;
int get statusCode => _statusCode;
void set statusCode(int statusCode) {
if (_outputStream != null) throw new HttpException("Header already sent");
_statusCode = statusCode;
String get reasonPhrase => _findReasonPhrase(_statusCode);
void set reasonPhrase(String reasonPhrase) {
if (_outputStream != null) throw new HttpException("Header already sent");
_reasonPhrase = reasonPhrase;
List<Cookie> get cookies {
if (_cookies == null) _cookies = new List<Cookie>();
return _cookies;
OutputStream get outputStream {
if (_state >= _HttpRequestResponseBase.DONE) {
throw new HttpException("Response closed");
if (_outputStream == null) {
_outputStream = new _HttpOutputStream(this);
return _outputStream;
DetachedSocket detachSocket() {
if (_state >= _HttpRequestResponseBase.DONE) {
throw new HttpException("Response closed");
// Ensure that headers are written.
if (_state == _HttpRequestResponseBase.START) {
_state = _HttpRequestResponseBase.UPGRADED;
// Ensure that any trailing data is written.
// Indicate to the connection that the response handling is done.
return _httpConnection._detachSocket();
// Delegate functions for the HttpOutputStream implementation.
bool _streamWrite(List<int> buffer, bool copyBuffer) {
if (_done) throw new HttpException("Response closed");
return _write(buffer, copyBuffer);
bool _streamWriteFrom(List<int> buffer, int offset, int len) {
if (_done) throw new HttpException("Response closed");
return _writeList(buffer, offset, len);
void _streamFlush() {
void _streamClose() {
_state = _HttpRequestResponseBase.DONE;
// Stop tracking no pending write events.
_httpConnection._onNoPendingWrites = null;
// Ensure that any trailing data is written.
// Indicate to the connection that the response handling is done.
void _streamSetNoPendingWriteHandler(callback()) {
if (_state != _HttpRequestResponseBase.DONE) {
_httpConnection._onNoPendingWrites = callback;
void _streamSetCloseHandler(callback()) {
// TODO(sgjesse): Handle this.
void _streamSetErrorHandler(callback(e)) {
_streamErrorHandler = callback;
String _findReasonPhrase(int statusCode) {
if (_reasonPhrase != null) {
return _reasonPhrase;
switch (statusCode) {
case HttpStatus.CONTINUE: return "Continue";
case HttpStatus.SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS: return "Switching Protocols";
case HttpStatus.OK: return "OK";
case HttpStatus.CREATED: return "Created";
case HttpStatus.ACCEPTED: return "Accepted";
return "Non-Authoritative Information";
case HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT: return "No Content";
case HttpStatus.RESET_CONTENT: return "Reset Content";
case HttpStatus.PARTIAL_CONTENT: return "Partial Content";
case HttpStatus.MULTIPLE_CHOICES: return "Multiple Choices";
case HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY: return "Moved Permanently";
case HttpStatus.FOUND: return "Found";
case HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER: return "See Other";
case HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED: return "Not Modified";
case HttpStatus.USE_PROXY: return "Use Proxy";
case HttpStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT: return "Temporary Redirect";
case HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST: return "Bad Request";
case HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED: return "Unauthorized";
case HttpStatus.PAYMENT_REQUIRED: return "Payment Required";
case HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN: return "Forbidden";
case HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND: return "Not Found";
case HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED: return "Method Not Allowed";
case HttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE: return "Not Acceptable";
return "Proxy Authentication Required";
case HttpStatus.REQUEST_TIMEOUT: return "Request Time-out";
case HttpStatus.CONFLICT: return "Conflict";
case HttpStatus.GONE: return "Gone";
case HttpStatus.LENGTH_REQUIRED: return "Length Required";
case HttpStatus.PRECONDITION_FAILED: return "Precondition Failed";
return "Request Entity Too Large";
case HttpStatus.REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG: return "Request-URI Too Large";
case HttpStatus.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE: return "Unsupported Media Type";
return "Requested range not satisfiable";
case HttpStatus.EXPECTATION_FAILED: return "Expectation Failed";
case HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: return "Internal Server Error";
case HttpStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED: return "Not Implemented";
case HttpStatus.BAD_GATEWAY: return "Bad Gateway";
case HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: return "Service Unavailable";
case HttpStatus.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT: return "Gateway Time-out";
return "Http Version not supported";
default: return "Status $statusCode";
bool _writeHeader() {
List<int> data;
// Write status line.
if (_protocolVersion == "1.1") {
} else {
data = _statusCode.toString().charCodes;
data = reasonPhrase.charCodes;
// Determine the value of the "Transfer-Encoding" header based on
// whether the content length is known. HTTP/1.0 does not support
// chunked.
if (_contentLength >= 0) {
_headers.set(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH, _contentLength.toString());
} else if (_contentLength < 0 && _protocolVersion == "1.1") {
_headers.set(HttpHeaders.TRANSFER_ENCODING, "chunked");
var session = _httpConnection._request._session;
if (session != null && !session._destroyed) {
// Make sure we only send the current session id.
bool found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
if (cookies[i].name.toUpperCase() == _DART_SESSION_ID) {
cookies[i].value =;
cookies[i].httpOnly = true;
found = true;
if (!found) {
cookies.add(new Cookie(_DART_SESSION_ID, = true);
// Add all the cookies set to the headers.
if (_cookies != null) {
_cookies.forEach((cookie) {
_headers.add("set-cookie", cookie);
// Write headers.
bool allWritten = _writeHeaders();
_state = _HttpRequestResponseBase.HEADER_SENT;
return allWritten;
int _statusCode; // Response status code.
String _reasonPhrase; // Response reason phrase.
_HttpOutputStream _outputStream;
Function _streamErrorHandler;
class _HttpInputStream extends _BaseDataInputStream implements InputStream {
_HttpInputStream(_HttpRequestResponseBase this._requestOrResponse) {
int available() {
return _requestOrResponse._streamAvailable();
void pipe(OutputStream output, {bool close: true}) {
_pipe(this, output, close: close);
List<int> _read(int bytesToRead) {
List<int> result = _requestOrResponse._streamRead(bytesToRead);
return result;
void set onError(void callback(e)) {
int _readInto(List<int> buffer, int offset, int len) {
int result = _requestOrResponse._streamReadInto(buffer, offset, len);
return result;
void _close() {
// TODO(sgjesse): Handle this.
void _dataReceived() {
_HttpRequestResponseBase _requestOrResponse;
class _HttpOutputStream extends _BaseOutputStream implements OutputStream {
_HttpOutputStream(_HttpRequestResponseBase this._requestOrResponse);
bool write(List<int> buffer, [bool copyBuffer = true]) {
return _requestOrResponse._streamWrite(buffer, copyBuffer);
bool writeFrom(List<int> buffer, [int offset = 0, int len]) {
if (offset < 0 || offset >= buffer.length) throw new ArgumentError();
len = len != null ? len : buffer.length - offset;
if (len < 0) throw new ArgumentError();
return _requestOrResponse._streamWriteFrom(buffer, offset, len);
void flush() {
void close() {
bool get closed => _requestOrResponse._done;
void destroy() {
throw "Not implemented";
void set onNoPendingWrites(void callback()) {
void set onClosed(void callback()) {
void set onError(void callback(e)) {
_HttpRequestResponseBase _requestOrResponse;
abstract class _HttpConnectionBase {
static const int IDLE = 0;
static const int ACTIVE = 1;
static const int CLOSING = 2;
static const int REQUEST_DONE = 4;
static const int RESPONSE_DONE = 8;
static const int READ_CLOSED = 16;
static const int WRITE_CLOSED = 32;
_HttpConnectionBase() : hashCode = _nextHashCode {
_nextHashCode = (_nextHashCode + 1) & 0xFFFFFFF;
bool get _isIdle => (_state & ACTIVE) == 0;
bool get _isActive => (_state & ACTIVE) == ACTIVE;
bool get _isClosing => (_state & CLOSING) == CLOSING;
bool get _isRequestDone => (_state & REQUEST_DONE) == REQUEST_DONE;
bool get _isResponseDone => (_state & RESPONSE_DONE) == RESPONSE_DONE;
bool get _isAllDone => (_state & ALL_DONE) == ALL_DONE;
bool get _isReadClosed => (_state & READ_CLOSED) == READ_CLOSED;
bool get _isWriteClosed => (_state & WRITE_CLOSED) == WRITE_CLOSED;
bool get _isFullyClosed => (_state & FULLY_CLOSED) == FULLY_CLOSED;
void _connectionEstablished(Socket socket) {
_socket = socket;
// Register handlers for socket events. All socket events are
// passed to the HTTP parser.
_socket.onData = () {
List<int> buffer =;
if (buffer != null) {
_socket.onClosed = _httpParser.streamDone;
_socket.onError = _httpParser.streamError;
// Ignore errors in the socket output stream as this is getting
// the same errors as the socket itself.
_socket.outputStream.onError = (e) => null;
bool _write(List<int> data, [bool copyBuffer = false]);
bool _writeFrom(List<int> buffer, [int offset, int len]);
bool _flush();
bool _close();
bool _destroy();
DetachedSocket _detachSocket();
HttpConnectionInfo get connectionInfo {
if (_socket == null) return null;
try {
_HttpConnectionInfo info = new _HttpConnectionInfo();
info.remoteHost = _socket.remoteHost;
info.remotePort = _socket.remotePort;
info.localPort = _socket.port;
return info;
} catch (e) { }
return null;
void set _onNoPendingWrites(void callback()) {
_socket.outputStream.onNoPendingWrites = callback;
int _state = IDLE;
Socket _socket;
_HttpParser _httpParser;
// Callbacks.
Function onDetach;
Function onClosed;
// Hash code for HTTP connection. Currently this is just a counter.
final int hashCode;
static int _nextHashCode = 0;
// HTTP server connection over a socket.
class _HttpConnection extends _HttpConnectionBase {
_HttpConnection(HttpServer this._server) {
_httpParser = new _HttpParser.requestParser();
// Register HTTP parser callbacks.
_httpParser.requestStart = _onRequestReceived;
_httpParser.dataReceived = _onDataReceived;
_httpParser.dataEnd = _onDataEnd;
_httpParser.error = _onError;
_httpParser.closed = _onClosed;
_httpParser.responseStart = (statusCode, reasonPhrase, version) {
void _bufferData(List<int> data, [bool copyBuffer = false]) {
if (_buffer == null) _buffer = new _BufferList();
if (copyBuffer) data = data.getRange(0, data.length);
void _writeBufferedResponse() {
if (_buffer != null) {
while (!_buffer.isEmpty) {
var data = _buffer.first;
_socket.outputStream.write(data, false);
_buffer = null;
bool _write(List<int> data, [bool copyBuffer = false]) {
if (_isRequestDone || !_hasBody || _httpParser.upgrade) {
return _socket.outputStream.write(data, copyBuffer);
} else {
_bufferData(data, copyBuffer);
return false;
bool _writeFrom(List<int> data, [int offset, int len]) {
if (_isRequestDone || !_hasBody || _httpParser.upgrade) {
return _socket.outputStream.writeFrom(data, offset, len);
} else {
if (offset == null) offset = 0;
if (len == null) len = buffer.length - offset;
_bufferData(data.getRange(offset, len), false);
return false;
bool _flush() {
bool _close() {
bool _destroy() {
void _onClosed() {
_state |= _HttpConnectionBase.READ_CLOSED;
DetachedSocket _detachSocket() {
_socket.onData = null;
_socket.onClosed = null;
_socket.onError = null;
_socket.outputStream.onNoPendingWrites = null;
Socket socket = _socket;
_socket = null;
if (onDetach != null) onDetach();
return new _DetachedSocket(socket, _httpParser.readUnparsedData());
void _onError(e) {
// Propagate the error to the streams.
if (_request != null && _request._streamErrorHandler != null) {
if (_response != null && _response._streamErrorHandler != null) {
if (_socket != null) _socket.close();
void _onRequestReceived(String method,
String uri,
String version,
_HttpHeaders headers,
bool hasBody) {
_state = _HttpConnectionBase.ACTIVE;
// Create new request and response objects for this request.
_request = new _HttpRequest(this);
_response = new _HttpResponse(this);
_request._onRequestReceived(method, uri, version, headers);
_request._protocolVersion = version;
_response._protocolVersion = version;
_response._headResponse = method == "HEAD";
_response.persistentConnection = _httpParser.persistentConnection;
_hasBody = hasBody;
if (onRequestReceived != null) {
onRequestReceived(_request, _response);
void _onDataReceived(List<int> data) {
void _checkDone() {
if (_isReadClosed) {
// If the client closes the conversation is ended.
} else if (_isAllDone) {
// If we are done writing the response, and the connection is
// not persistent, we must close. Also if using HTTP 1.0 and the
// content length was not known we must close to indicate end of
// body.
bool close =
!_response.persistentConnection ||
(_response._protocolVersion == "1.0" && _response._contentLength < 0);
_request = null;
_response = null;
if (close) {
} else {
_state = _HttpConnectionBase.IDLE;
} else if (_isResponseDone && _hasBody) {
// If the response is closed before the request is fully read
// close this connection. If there is buffered output
// (e.g. error response for invalid request where the server did
// not care to read the request body) this is send.
void _onDataEnd(bool close) {
// Start sending queued response if any.
_state |= _HttpConnectionBase.REQUEST_DONE;
void _responseClosed() {
_state |= _HttpConnectionBase.RESPONSE_DONE;
HttpServer _server;
HttpRequest _request;
HttpResponse _response;
bool _hasBody = false;
// Buffer for data written before full response has been processed.
_BufferList _buffer;
// Callbacks.
Function onRequestReceived;
Function onError;
class _RequestHandlerRegistration {
_RequestHandlerRegistration(Function this._matcher, Function this._handler);
Function _matcher;
Function _handler;
// HTTP server waiting for socket connections. The connections are
// managed by the server and as requests are received the request.
// HTTPS connections are also supported, if the _HttpServer.httpsServer
// constructor is used and a certificate name is provided in listen,
// or a SecureServerSocket is provided to listenOn.
class _HttpServer implements HttpServer, HttpsServer {
_HttpServer() : this._internal(isSecure: false);
_HttpServer.httpsServer() : this._internal(isSecure: true);
_HttpServer._internal({ bool isSecure: false })
: _secure = isSecure,
_connections = new Set<_HttpConnection>(),
_handlers = new List<_RequestHandlerRegistration>(),
_closeQueue = new _CloseQueue();
void listen(String host,
int port,
{int backlog: 128,
String certificate_name}) {
if (_secure) {
listenOn(new SecureServerSocket(host, port, backlog, certificate_name));
} else {
listenOn(new ServerSocket(host, port, backlog));
_closeServer = true;
void listenOn(ServerSocket serverSocket) {
if (_secure && serverSocket is! SecureServerSocket) {
throw new HttpException(
'HttpsServer.listenOn was called with non-secure server socket');
} else if (!_secure && serverSocket is SecureServerSocket) {
throw new HttpException(
'HttpServer.listenOn was called with a secure server socket');
void onConnection(Socket socket) {
// Accept the client connection.
_HttpConnection connection = new _HttpConnection(this);
connection.onRequestReceived = _handleRequest;
connection.onClosed = () => _connections.remove(connection);
connection.onDetach = () => _connections.remove(connection);
connection.onError = (e) {
if (_onError != null) {
} else {
serverSocket.onConnection = onConnection;
_server = serverSocket;
_closeServer = false;
addRequestHandler(bool matcher(HttpRequest request),
void handler(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)) {
_handlers.add(new _RequestHandlerRegistration(matcher, handler));
void set defaultRequestHandler(
void handler(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)) {
_defaultHandler = handler;
void close() {
if (_sessionManagerInstance != null) {
_sessionManagerInstance = null;
if (_server != null && _closeServer) {
_server = null;
for (_HttpConnection connection in _connections) {
int get port {
if (_server == null) {
throw new HttpException("The HttpServer is not listening on a port.");
return _server.port;
void set onError(void callback(e)) {
_onError = callback;
set sessionTimeout(int timeout) {
_sessionManager.sessionTimeout = timeout;
void _handleRequest(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) {
for (int i = 0; i < _handlers.length; i++) {
if (_handlers[i]._matcher(request)) {
Function handler = _handlers[i]._handler;
try {
handler(request, response);
} catch (e) {
if (_onError != null) {
} else {
throw e;
if (_defaultHandler != null) {
_defaultHandler(request, response);
} else {
response.statusCode = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND;
response.contentLength = 0;
_HttpSessionManager get _sessionManager {
// Lazy init.
if (_sessionManagerInstance == null) {
_sessionManagerInstance = new _HttpSessionManager();
return _sessionManagerInstance;
HttpConnectionsInfo connectionsInfo() {
HttpConnectionsInfo result = new HttpConnectionsInfo(); = _connections.length;
_connections.forEach((_HttpConnection conn) {
if (conn._isActive) {;
} else if (conn._isIdle) {
} else {
return result;
ServerSocket _server; // The server listen socket.
bool _closeServer = false;
bool _secure;
Set<_HttpConnection> _connections; // Set of currently connected clients.
List<_RequestHandlerRegistration> _handlers;
Object _defaultHandler;
Function _onError;
_CloseQueue _closeQueue;
_HttpSessionManager _sessionManagerInstance;
class _HttpClientRequest
extends _HttpRequestResponseBase implements HttpClientRequest {
_HttpClientRequest(String this._method,
Uri this._uri,
_HttpClientConnection connection)
: super(connection) {
_headers = new _HttpHeaders();
_connection = connection;
// Default GET and HEAD requests to have no content.
if (_method == "GET" || _method == "HEAD") {
_contentLength = 0;
void set contentLength(int contentLength) {
if (_state >= _HttpRequestResponseBase.HEADER_SENT) {
throw new HttpException("Header already sent");
_contentLength = contentLength;
List<Cookie> get cookies {
if (_cookies == null) _cookies = new List<Cookie>();
return _cookies;
OutputStream get outputStream {
if (_done) throw new HttpException("Request closed");
if (_outputStream == null) {
_outputStream = new _HttpOutputStream(this);
return _outputStream;
// Delegate functions for the HttpOutputStream implementation.
bool _streamWrite(List<int> buffer, bool copyBuffer) {
if (_done) throw new HttpException("Request closed");
_emptyBody = _emptyBody && buffer.length == 0;
return _write(buffer, copyBuffer);
bool _streamWriteFrom(List<int> buffer, int offset, int len) {
if (_done) throw new HttpException("Request closed");
_emptyBody = _emptyBody && buffer.length == 0;
return _writeList(buffer, offset, len);
void _streamFlush() {
void _streamClose() {
_state = _HttpRequestResponseBase.DONE;
// Stop tracking no pending write events.
_httpConnection._onNoPendingWrites = null;
// Ensure that any trailing data is written.
void _streamSetNoPendingWriteHandler(callback()) {
if (_state != _HttpRequestResponseBase.DONE) {
_httpConnection._onNoPendingWrites = callback;
void _streamSetCloseHandler(callback()) {
// TODO(sgjesse): Handle this.
void _streamSetErrorHandler(callback(e)) {
_streamErrorHandler = callback;
void _writeHeader() {
List<int> data;
// Write request line.
data = _method.toString().charCodes;
// Send the path for direct connections and the whole URL for
// proxy connections.
if (!_connection._usingProxy) {
String path = _uri.path;
if (path.length == 0) path = "/";
if (_uri.query != "") {
if (_uri.fragment != "") {
path = "${path}?${_uri.query}#${_uri.fragment}";
} else {
path = "${path}?${_uri.query}";
data = path.charCodes;
} else {
data = _uri.toString().charCodes;
// Determine the value of the "Transfer-Encoding" header based on
// whether the content length is known. If there is no content
// neither "Content-Length" nor "Transfer-Encoding" is set.
if (_contentLength > 0) {
_headers.set(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH, _contentLength.toString());
} else if (_contentLength < 0) {
_headers.set(HttpHeaders.TRANSFER_ENCODING, "chunked");
// Add the cookies to the headers.
if (_cookies != null) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < _cookies.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) sb.add("; ");
_headers.add("cookie", sb.toString());
// Write headers.
_state = _HttpRequestResponseBase.HEADER_SENT;
String _method;
Uri _uri;
_HttpClientConnection _connection;
_HttpOutputStream _outputStream;
Function _streamErrorHandler;
bool _emptyBody = true;
class _HttpClientResponse
extends _HttpRequestResponseBase implements HttpClientResponse {
_HttpClientResponse(_HttpClientConnection connection)
: super(connection) {
_connection = connection;
int get statusCode => _statusCode;
String get reasonPhrase => _reasonPhrase;
bool get isRedirect {
var method = _connection._request._method;
if (method == "GET" || method == "HEAD") {
return statusCode == HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY ||
statusCode == HttpStatus.FOUND ||
statusCode == HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER ||
statusCode == HttpStatus.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT;
} else if (method == "POST") {
return statusCode == HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER;
return false;
List<Cookie> get cookies {
if (_cookies != null) return _cookies;
_cookies = new List<Cookie>();
List<String> values = _headers["set-cookie"];
if (values != null) {
values.forEach((value) {
_cookies.add(new Cookie.fromSetCookieValue(value));
return _cookies;
InputStream get inputStream {
if (_inputStream == null) {
_inputStream = new _HttpInputStream(this);
return _inputStream;
void _onResponseReceived(int statusCode,
String reasonPhrase,
String version,
_HttpHeaders headers,
bool hasBody) {
_statusCode = statusCode;
_reasonPhrase = reasonPhrase;
_headers = headers;
// Get parsed content length.
_contentLength = _httpConnection._httpParser.contentLength;
// Prepare for receiving data.
_headers._mutable = false;
_buffer = new _BufferList();
if (isRedirect && _connection.followRedirects) {
if (_connection._redirects == null ||
_connection._redirects.length < _connection.maxRedirects) {
// Check the location header.
List<String> location = headers[HttpHeaders.LOCATION];
if (location == null || location.length > 1) {
throw new RedirectException("Invalid redirect",
// Check for redirect loop
if (_connection._redirects != null) {
Uri redirectUrl = new Uri.fromString(location[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < _connection._redirects.length; i++) {
if (_connection._redirects[i].location.toString() ==
redirectUrl.toString()) {
throw new RedirectLoopException(_connection._redirects);
// Drain body and redirect.
inputStream.onData =;
if (_statusCode == HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER &&
_connection._method == "POST") {
} else {
} else {
throw new RedirectLimitExceededException(_connection._redirects);
} else if (statusCode == HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED) {
} else if (_connection._onResponse != null) {
void _handleUnauthorized() {
void retryRequest(_Credentials cr) {
if (cr != null) {
// Drain body and retry.
// TODO(sgjesse): Support digest.
if (cr.scheme == _AuthenticationScheme.BASIC) {
inputStream.onData =;
// Fall through to here to perform normal response handling if
// there is no sensible authorization handling.
if (_connection._onResponse != null) {
// Only try to authenticate if there is a challenge in the response.
List<String> challenge = _headers[HttpHeaders.WWW_AUTHENTICATE];
if (challenge != null && challenge.length == 1) {
_HeaderValue header =
new _HeaderValue.fromString(challenge[0], parameterSeparator: ",");
_AuthenticationScheme scheme =
new _AuthenticationScheme.fromString(header.value);
String realm = header.parameters["realm"];
// See if any credentials are available.
_Credentials cr =
_connection._request._uri, scheme);
// Ask for more credentials if none found or the one found has
// already been used. If it has already been used it must now be
// invalid and is removed.
if (cr == null || cr.used) {
if (cr != null) {
cr = null;
if (_connection._client._authenticate != null) {
Future authComplete =
_connection._request._uri, scheme.toString(), realm);
authComplete.then((credsAvailable) {
if (credsAvailable) {
cr = _connection._client._findCredentials(
_connection._request._uri, scheme);
} else {
if (_connection._onResponse != null) {
} else {
// If credentials found prepare for retrying the request.
// Fall through to here to perform normal response handling if
// there is no sensible authorization handling.
if (_connection._onResponse != null) {
void _onDataReceived(List<int> data) {
if (_inputStream != null) _inputStream._dataReceived();
void _onDataEnd() {
if (_inputStream != null) {
} else {
inputStream._streamMarkedClosed = true;
// Delegate functions for the HttpInputStream implementation.
int _streamAvailable() {
return _buffer.length;
List<int> _streamRead(int bytesToRead) {
return _buffer.readBytes(bytesToRead);
int _streamReadInto(List<int> buffer, int offset, int len) {
List<int> data = _buffer.readBytes(len);
buffer.setRange(offset, data.length, data);
return data.length;
void _streamSetErrorHandler(callback(e)) {
_streamErrorHandler = callback;
int _statusCode;
String _reasonPhrase;
_HttpClientConnection _connection;
_HttpInputStream _inputStream;
_BufferList _buffer;
Function _streamErrorHandler;
class _HttpClientConnection
extends _HttpConnectionBase implements HttpClientConnection {
_HttpClientConnection(_HttpClient this._client) {
_httpParser = new _HttpParser.responseParser();
bool _write(List<int> data, [bool copyBuffer = false]) {
return _socket.outputStream.write(data, copyBuffer);
bool _writeFrom(List<int> data, [int offset, int len]) {
return _socket.outputStream.writeFrom(data, offset, len);
bool _flush() {
bool _close() {
bool _destroy() {
DetachedSocket _detachSocket() {
_socket.onData = null;
_socket.onClosed = null;
_socket.onError = null;
_socket.outputStream.onNoPendingWrites = null;
Socket socket = _socket;
_socket = null;
if (onDetach != null) onDetach();
return new _DetachedSocket(socket, _httpParser.readUnparsedData());
void _connectionEstablished(_SocketConnection socketConn) {
_socketConn = socketConn;
// Register HTTP parser callbacks.
_httpParser.responseStart = _onResponseReceived;
_httpParser.dataReceived = _onDataReceived;
_httpParser.dataEnd = _onDataEnd;
_httpParser.error = _onError;
_httpParser.closed = _onClosed;
_httpParser.requestStart = (method, uri, version) { assert(false); };
_state = _HttpConnectionBase.ACTIVE;
void _checkSocketDone() {
if (_isAllDone) {
// If we are done writing the response, and either the server
// has closed or the connection is not persistent, we must
// close.
if (_isReadClosed || !_response.persistentConnection) {
this.onClosed = () {
} else {
_socket = null;
_socketConn = null;
assert(_pendingRedirect == null || _pendingRetry == null);
if (_pendingRedirect != null) {
_pendingRedirect = null;
} else if (_pendingRetry != null) {
_pendingRetry = null;
void _requestClosed() {
_state |= _HttpConnectionBase.REQUEST_DONE;
HttpClientRequest open(String method, Uri uri) {
_method = method;
// Tell the HTTP parser the method it is expecting a response to.
_httpParser.responseToMethod = method;
// If the connection already have a request this is a retry of a
// request. In this case the request object is reused to ensure
// that the same headers are send.
if (_request != null) {
_request._method = method;
_request._uri = uri;
_request._headers._mutable = true;
_request._state = _HttpRequestResponseBase.START;
} else {
_request = new _HttpClientRequest(method, uri, this);
_response = new _HttpClientResponse(this);
return _request;
DetachedSocket detachSocket() {
return _detachSocket();
void _onClosed() {
_state |= _HttpConnectionBase.READ_CLOSED;
void _onError(e) {
// Cancel any pending data in the HTTP parser.
if (_socketConn != null) {
// If it looks as if we got a bad connection from the connection
// pool and the request can be retried do a retry.
if (_socketConn != null && _socketConn._fromPool && _request._emptyBody) {
String method = _request._method;
Uri uri = _request._uri;
_socketConn = null;
// Retry the URL using the same connection instance.
_client._openUrl(method, uri, this);
} else {
// Report the error.
if (_response != null && _response._streamErrorHandler != null) {
} else if (_onErrorCallback != null) {
} else {
throw e;
void _onResponseReceived(int statusCode,
String reasonPhrase,
String version,
_HttpHeaders headers,
bool hasBody) {
statusCode, reasonPhrase, version, headers, hasBody);
void _onDataReceived(List<int> data) {
void _onDataEnd(bool close) {
_state |= _HttpConnectionBase.RESPONSE_DONE;
void _onClientShutdown() {
if (!_isResponseDone) {
_onError(new HttpException("Client shutdown"));
void set onRequest(void handler(HttpClientRequest request)) {
_onRequest = handler;
void set onResponse(void handler(HttpClientResponse response)) {
_onResponse = handler;
void set onError(void callback(e)) {
_onErrorCallback = callback;
void _doRetry(_RedirectInfo retry) {
assert(_socketConn == null);
// Retry the URL using the same connection instance.
_state = _HttpConnectionBase.IDLE;
_client._openUrl(retry.method, retry.location, this);
void _retry() {
var retry = new _RedirectInfo(_response.statusCode, _method, _request._uri);
// The actual retry is postponed until both response and request
// are done.
if (_isAllDone) {
} else {
// Prepare for retry.
assert(_pendingRedirect == null);
_pendingRetry = retry;
void _doRedirect(_RedirectInfo redirect) {
assert(_socketConn == null);
if (_redirects == null) {
_redirects = new List<_RedirectInfo>();
void redirect([String method, Uri url]) {
if (method == null) method = _method;
if (url == null) {
url = new Uri.fromString(_response.headers.value(HttpHeaders.LOCATION));
var redirect = new _RedirectInfo(_response.statusCode, method, url);
// The actual redirect is postponed until both response and
// request are done.
assert(_pendingRetry == null);
_pendingRedirect = redirect;
List<RedirectInfo> get redirects => _redirects;
Function _onRequest;
Function _onResponse;
Function _onErrorCallback;
_HttpClient _client;
_SocketConnection _socketConn;
HttpClientRequest _request;
HttpClientResponse _response;
String _method;
bool _usingProxy;
// Redirect handling
bool followRedirects = true;
int maxRedirects = 5;
List<_RedirectInfo> _redirects;
_RedirectInfo _pendingRedirect;
_RedirectInfo _pendingRetry;
// Callbacks.
var requestReceived;
// Class for holding keep-alive sockets in the cache for the HTTP
// client together with the connection information.
class _SocketConnection {
_SocketConnection(String this._host,
int this._port,
Socket this._socket);
void _markReturned() {
// Any activity on the socket while waiting in the pool will
// invalidate the connection os that it is not reused.
_socket.onData = _invalidate;
_socket.onClosed = _invalidate;
_socket.onError = (_) => _invalidate();
_returnTime = new;
_httpClientConnection = null;
void _markRetreived() {
_socket.onData = null;
_socket.onClosed = null;
_socket.onError = null;
_httpClientConnection = null;
void _close() {
_socket.onData = null;
_socket.onClosed = null;
_socket.onError = null;
_httpClientConnection = null;
Duration _idleTime(Date now) => now.difference(_returnTime);
bool get _fromPool => _returnTime != null;
void _invalidate() {
_valid = false;
int get hashCode => _socket.hashCode;
String _host;
int _port;
Socket _socket;
Date _returnTime;
bool _valid = true;
HttpClientConnection _httpClientConnection;
class _ProxyConfiguration {
static const String PROXY_PREFIX = "PROXY ";
static const String DIRECT_PREFIX = "DIRECT";
_ProxyConfiguration(String configuration) : proxies = new List<_Proxy>() {
if (configuration == null) {
throw new HttpException("Invalid proxy configuration $configuration");
List<String> list = configuration.split(";");
list.forEach((String proxy) {
proxy = proxy.trim();
if (!proxy.isEmpty) {
if (proxy.startsWith(PROXY_PREFIX)) {
int colon = proxy.indexOf(":");
if (colon == -1 || colon == 0 || colon == proxy.length - 1) {
throw new HttpException(
"Invalid proxy configuration $configuration");
// Skip the "PROXY " prefix.
String host = proxy.substring(PROXY_PREFIX.length, colon).trim();
String portString = proxy.substring(colon + 1).trim();
int port;
try {
port = int.parse(portString);
} on FormatException catch (e) {
throw new HttpException(
"Invalid proxy configuration $configuration, "
"invalid port '$portString'");
proxies.add(new _Proxy(host, port));
} else if (proxy.trim() == DIRECT_PREFIX) {
} else {
throw new HttpException("Invalid proxy configuration $configuration");
: proxies = const [const];
final List<_Proxy> proxies;
class _Proxy {
const _Proxy(, this.port) : isDirect = false;
const : host = null, port = null, isDirect = true;
final String host;
final int port;
final bool isDirect;
class _HttpClient implements HttpClient {
static const int DEFAULT_EVICTION_TIMEOUT = 60000;
_HttpClient() : _openSockets = new Map(),
_activeSockets = new Set(),
_closeQueue = new _CloseQueue(),
credentials = new List<_Credentials>(),
_shutdown = false;
HttpClientConnection open(
String method, String host, int port, String path) {
// TODO(sgjesse): The path set here can contain both query and
// fragment. They should be cracked and set correctly.
return _open(method, new Uri.fromComponents(
scheme: "http", domain: host, port: port, path: path));
HttpClientConnection _open(String method,
Uri uri,
[_HttpClientConnection connection]) {
if (_shutdown) throw new HttpException("HttpClient shutdown");
if (method == null || uri.domain.isEmpty) {
throw new ArgumentError(null);
return _prepareHttpClientConnection(method, uri, connection);
HttpClientConnection openUrl(String method, Uri url) {
return _openUrl(method, url);
HttpClientConnection _openUrl(String method,
Uri url,
[_HttpClientConnection connection]) {
if (url.scheme != "http" && url.scheme != "https") {
throw new HttpException("Unsupported URL scheme ${url.scheme}");
return _open(method, url, connection);
HttpClientConnection get(String host, int port, String path) {
return open("GET", host, port, path);
HttpClientConnection getUrl(Uri url) => _openUrl("GET", url);
HttpClientConnection post(String host, int port, String path) {
return open("POST", host, port, path);
HttpClientConnection postUrl(Uri url) => _openUrl("POST", url);
set authenticate(Future<bool> f(Uri url, String scheme, String realm)) {
_authenticate = f;
void addCredentials(
Uri url, String realm, HttpClientCredentials cr) {
credentials.add(new _Credentials(url, realm, cr));
set findProxy(String f(Uri uri)) => _findProxy = f;
void shutdown({bool force: false}) {
if (force) _closeQueue.shutdown();
_openSockets.forEach((String key, Queue<_SocketConnection> connections) {
while (!connections.isEmpty) {
_SocketConnection socketConn = connections.removeFirst();
if (force) {
_activeSockets.forEach((_SocketConnection socketConn) {
if (_evictionTimer != null) _cancelEvictionTimer();
_shutdown = true;
void _cancelEvictionTimer() {
_evictionTimer = null;
String _connectionKey(String host, int port) {
return "$host:$port";
HttpClientConnection _prepareHttpClientConnection(
String method,
Uri url,
[_HttpClientConnection connection]) {
void _establishConnection(String host,
int port,
_ProxyConfiguration proxyConfiguration,
int proxyIndex,
bool reusedConnection,
bool secure) {
void _connectionOpened(_SocketConnection socketConn,
_HttpClientConnection connection,
bool usingProxy) {
socketConn._httpClientConnection = connection;
connection._usingProxy = usingProxy;
HttpClientRequest request =, url); = host;
request.headers.port = port;
if (url.userInfo != null && !url.userInfo.isEmpty) {
// If the URL contains user information use that for basic
// authorization
_UTF8Encoder encoder = new _UTF8Encoder();
String auth =
request.headers.set(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "Basic $auth");
} else {
// Look for credentials.
_Credentials cr = _findCredentials(url);
if (cr != null) {
// A reused connection is indicating either redirect or retry
// where the onRequest callback should not be issued again.
if (connection._onRequest != null && !reusedConnection) {
} else {
assert(proxyIndex < proxyConfiguration.proxies.length);
// Determine the actual host to connect to.
String connectHost;
int connectPort;
_Proxy proxy = proxyConfiguration.proxies[proxyIndex];
if (proxy.isDirect) {
connectHost = host;
connectPort = port;
} else {
connectHost =;
connectPort = proxy.port;
// If there are active connections for this key get the first one
// otherwise create a new one.
String key = _connectionKey(connectHost, connectPort);
Queue socketConnections = _openSockets[key];
// Remove active connections that are not valid any more or of
// the wrong type (HTTP or HTTPS).
while (socketConnections != null &&
!socketConnections.isEmpty &&
(!socketConnections.first._valid ||
secure != (socketConnections.first._socket is SecureSocket))) {
if (socketConnections == null || socketConnections.isEmpty) {
Socket socket = secure ? new SecureSocket(connectHost, connectPort) :
new Socket(connectHost, connectPort);
// Until the connection is established handle connection errors
// here as the HttpClientConnection object is not yet associated
// with the socket.
socket.onError = (e) {
if (proxyIndex < proxyConfiguration.proxies.length) {
// Try the next proxy in the list.
host, port, proxyConfiguration, proxyIndex, false, secure);
} else {
// Report the error through the HttpClientConnection object to
// the client.
socket.onConnect = () {
// When the connection is established, clear the error
// callback as it will now be handled by the
// HttpClientConnection object which will be associated with
// the connected socket.
socket.onError = null;
_SocketConnection socketConn =
new _SocketConnection(connectHost, connectPort, socket);
_connectionOpened(socketConn, connection, !proxy.isDirect);
} else {
_SocketConnection socketConn = socketConnections.removeFirst();
new Timer(0, (ignored) =>
_connectionOpened(socketConn, connection, !proxy.isDirect));
// Get rid of eviction timer if there are no more active connections.
if (socketConnections.isEmpty) _openSockets.remove(key);
if (_openSockets.isEmpty) _cancelEvictionTimer();
// Find out if we want a secure socket.
bool is_secure = (url.scheme == "https");
// Find the TCP host and port.
String host = url.domain;
int port = url.port;
if (port == 0) {
port = is_secure ?
// Create a new connection object if we are not re-using an existing one.
var reusedConnection = false;
if (connection == null) {
connection = new _HttpClientConnection(this);
} else {
reusedConnection = true;
connection.onDetach = () => _activeSockets.remove(connection._socketConn);
// Check to see if a proxy server should be used for this connection.
_ProxyConfiguration proxyConfiguration = const;
if (_findProxy != null) {
// TODO(sgjesse): Keep a map of these as normally only a few
// configuration strings will be used.
proxyConfiguration = new _ProxyConfiguration(_findProxy(url));
// Establish the connection starting with the first proxy configured.
return connection;
void _returnSocketConnection(_SocketConnection socketConn) {
// If the HTTP client is being shutdown don't return the connection.
if (_shutdown) {
// Mark socket as returned to unregister from the old connection.
String key = _connectionKey(socketConn._host, socketConn._port);
// Get or create the connection list for this key.
Queue sockets = _openSockets[key];
if (sockets == null) {
sockets = new Queue();
_openSockets[key] = sockets;
// If there is currently no eviction timer start one.
if (_evictionTimer == null) {
void _handleEviction(Timer timer) {
Date now = new;
List<String> emptyKeys = new List<String>();
(String key, Queue<_SocketConnection> connections) {
// As returned connections are added at the head of the
// list remove from the tail.
while (!connections.isEmpty) {
_SocketConnection socketConn = connections.last;
if (socketConn._idleTime(now).inMilliseconds >
if (connections.isEmpty) emptyKeys.add(key);
} else {
// Remove the keys for which here are no more open connections.
emptyKeys.forEach((String key) => _openSockets.remove(key));
// If all connections where evicted cancel the eviction timer.
if (_openSockets.isEmpty) _cancelEvictionTimer();
_evictionTimer = new Timer.repeating(10000, _handleEviction);
// Return connection.
void _closeSocketConnection(_SocketConnection socketConn) {
void _closedSocketConnection(_SocketConnection socketConn) {
_Credentials _findCredentials(Uri url, [_AuthenticationScheme scheme]) {
// Look for credentials.
_Credentials cr =
credentials.reduce(null, (_Credentials prev, _Credentials value) {
if (value.applies(url, scheme)) {
if (prev == null) return value;
return value.uri.path.length > prev.uri.path.length ? value : prev;
} else {
return prev;
return cr;
void _removeCredentials(_Credentials cr) {
int index = credentials.indexOf(cr);
if (index != -1) {
Function _onOpen;
Map<String, Queue<_SocketConnection>> _openSockets;
Set<_SocketConnection> _activeSockets;
_CloseQueue _closeQueue;
List<_Credentials> credentials;
Timer _evictionTimer;
Function _findProxy;
Function _authenticate;
bool _shutdown; // Has this HTTP client been shutdown?
class _HttpConnectionInfo implements HttpConnectionInfo {
String remoteHost;
int remotePort;
int localPort;
class _DetachedSocket implements DetachedSocket {
_DetachedSocket(this._socket, this._unparsedData);
Socket get socket => _socket;
List<int> get unparsedData => _unparsedData;
Socket _socket;
List<int> _unparsedData;
class _AuthenticationScheme {
static const UNKNOWN = const _AuthenticationScheme(-1);
static const BASIC = const _AuthenticationScheme(0);
static const DIGEST = const _AuthenticationScheme(1);
const _AuthenticationScheme(this._scheme);
factory _AuthenticationScheme.fromString(String scheme) {
if (scheme.toLowerCase() == "basic") return BASIC;
if (scheme.toLowerCase() == "digest") return DIGEST;
return UNKNOWN;
String toString() {
if (this == BASIC) return "Basic";
if (this == DIGEST) return "Digest";
return "Unknown";
final int _scheme;
class _Credentials {
_Credentials(this.uri, this.realm, this.credentials);
_AuthenticationScheme get scheme => credentials.scheme;
bool applies(Uri uri, _AuthenticationScheme scheme) {
if (scheme != null && credentials.scheme != scheme) return false;
if (uri.domain != this.uri.domain) return false;
int thisPort =
this.uri.port == 0 ? HttpClient.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT : this.uri.port;
int otherPort = uri.port == 0 ? HttpClient.DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT : uri.port;
if (otherPort != thisPort) return false;
return uri.path.startsWith(this.uri.path);
void authorize(HttpClientRequest request) {
credentials.authorize(this, request);
used = true;
bool used = false;
Uri uri;
String realm;
HttpClientCredentials credentials;
// Digest specific fields.
String nonce;
String algorithm;
String qop;
abstract class _HttpClientCredentials implements HttpClientCredentials {
_AuthenticationScheme get scheme;
void authorize(HttpClientRequest request);
class _HttpClientBasicCredentials implements HttpClientBasicCredentials {
_AuthenticationScheme get scheme => _AuthenticationScheme.BASIC;
void authorize(_Credentials _, HttpClientRequest request) {
// There is no mentioning of username/password encoding in RFC
// 2617. However there is an open draft for adding an additional
// accept-charset parameter to the WWW-Authenticate and
// Proxy-Authenticate headers, see
// For
// now always use UTF-8 encoding.
_UTF8Encoder encoder = new _UTF8Encoder();
String auth =
request.headers.set(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "Basic $auth");
String username;
String password;
class _HttpClientDigestCredentials implements HttpClientDigestCredentials {
_AuthenticationScheme get scheme => _AuthenticationScheme.DIGEST;
void authorize(_Credentials credentials, HttpClientRequest request) {
// TODO(sgjesse): Implement!!!
throw new UnsupportedError("Digest authentication not yet supported");
String username;
String password;
class _RedirectInfo implements RedirectInfo {
const _RedirectInfo(int this.statusCode,
String this.method,
Uri this.location);
final int statusCode;
final String method;
final Uri location;