blob: 44c7d6934606b2bf8e9b46e9e83e718603216aaa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* To generate docs for a library, run this script with the path to an
* entrypoint .dart file, like:
* $ dart dartdoc.dart foo.dart
* This will create a "docs" directory with the docs for your libraries. To
* create these beautiful docs, dartdoc parses your library and every library
* it imports (recursively). From each library, it parses all classes and
* members, finds the associated doc comments and builds crosslinked docs from
* them.
library dartdoc;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:uri';
import 'dart:json';
import '../../compiler/implementation/mirrors/mirrors.dart';
import '../../compiler/implementation/mirrors/mirrors_util.dart';
import '../../compiler/implementation/mirrors/dart2js_mirror.dart' as dart2js;
import 'classify.dart';
import 'universe_serializer.dart';
import 'markdown.dart' as md;
import 'src/json_serializer.dart' as json_serializer;
import '../../compiler/implementation/scanner/scannerlib.dart' as dart2js;
import '../../libraries.dart';
// TODO(rnystrom): Use "package:" URL (#4968).
part 'src/dartdoc/comment_map.dart';
part 'src/dartdoc/nav.dart';
part 'src/dartdoc/utils.dart';
* Generates completely static HTML containing everything you need to browse
* the docs. The only client side behavior is trivial stuff like syntax
* highlighting code.
const MODE_STATIC = 0;
* Generated docs do not include baked HTML navigation. Instead, a single
* `nav.json` file is created and the appropriate navigation is generated
* client-side by parsing that and building HTML.
* This dramatically reduces the generated size of the HTML since a large
* fraction of each static page is just redundant navigation links.
* In this mode, the browser will do a XHR for nav.json which means that to
* preview docs locally, you will need to enable requesting file:// links in
* your browser or run a little local server like `python -m SimpleHTTPServer`.
const MODE_LIVE_NAV = 1;
const API_LOCATION = '';
* Gets the full path to the directory containing the entrypoint of the current
* script. In other words, if you invoked dartdoc, directly, it will be the
* path to the directory containing `dartdoc.dart`. If you're running a script
* that imports dartdoc, it will be the path to that script.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Convert to final (lazily initialized) variables when
// the feature is supported.
Path get scriptDir =>
new Path.fromNative(new Options().script).directoryPath;
* Deletes and recreates the output directory at [path] if it exists.
void cleanOutputDirectory(Path path) {
final outputDir = new Directory.fromPath(path);
if (outputDir.existsSync()) {
outputDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
try {
// TODO(3914): Hack to avoid 'file already exists' exception thrown
// due to invalid result from dir.existsSync() (probably due to race
// conditions).
} on DirectoryIOException catch (e) {
// Ignore.
* Returns the display name of the library. This is necessary to account for
* dart: libraries.
String displayName(LibraryMirror library) {
var uri = library.uri.toString();
return uri.startsWith('dart:') ? uri.toString() : library.simpleName;
* Copies all of the files in the directory [from] to [to]. Does *not*
* recursively copy subdirectories.
* Note: runs asynchronously, so you won't see any files copied until after the
* event loop has had a chance to pump (i.e. after `main()` has returned).
Future copyDirectory(Path from, Path to) {
final completer = new Completer();
final fromDir = new Directory.fromPath(from);
final lister = fromDir.list(recursive: false);
lister.onFile = (String path) {
final name = new Path.fromNative(path).filename;
// TODO(rnystrom): Hackish. Ignore 'hidden' files like .DS_Store.
if (name.startsWith('.')) return;
File fromFile = new File(path);
File toFile = new File.fromPath(to.append(name));
lister.onDone = (done) => completer.complete(true);
return completer.future;
* Compiles the dartdoc client-side code to JavaScript using Dart2js.
Future<bool> compileScript(int mode, Path outputDir, Path libPath) {
var clientScript = (mode == MODE_STATIC) ? 'static' : 'live-nav';
var dartPath = libPath.append(
var jsPath = outputDir.append('client-$clientScript.js');
var completer = new Completer<bool>();
var compilation = new Compilation(dartPath, libPath);
Future<String> result = compilation.compileToJavaScript();
result.then((jsCode) {
writeString(new File.fromPath(jsPath), jsCode);
result.handleException((e) => completer.completeException(e));
return completer.future;
class Dartdoc {
/** Set to `false` to not include the source code in the generated docs. */
bool includeSource = true;
* Dartdoc can generate docs in a few different ways based on how dynamic you
* want the client-side behavior to be. The value for this should be one of
* the `MODE_` constants.
int mode = MODE_LIVE_NAV;
* Generates the App Cache manifest file, enabling offline doc viewing.
bool generateAppCache = false;
/** Path to the dartdoc directory. */
Path dartdocPath;
/** Path to generate HTML files into. */
Path outputDir = new Path('docs');
* The title used for the overall generated output. Set this to change it.
String mainTitle = 'Dart Documentation';
* The URL that the Dart logo links to. Defaults "index.html", the main
* page for the generated docs, but can be anything.
String mainUrl = 'index.html';
* The Google Custom Search ID that should be used for the search box. If
* this is `null` then no search box will be shown.
String searchEngineId = null;
/* The URL that the embedded search results should be displayed on. */
String searchResultsUrl = 'results.html';
/** Set this to add footer text to each generated page. */
String footerText = null;
/** Set this to add content before the footer */
String preFooterText = '';
/** Set this to omit generation timestamp from output */
bool omitGenerationTime = false;
/** Set by Dartdoc user to print extra information during generation. */
bool verbose = false;
/** Set this to include API libraries in the documentation. */
bool includeApi = false;
/** Set this to generate links to the online API. */
bool linkToApi = false;
/** Set this to generate docs for private types and members. */
bool showPrivate = false;
/** Set this to inherit from Object. */
bool inheritFromObject = false;
/** Set this to select the libraries to include in the documentation. */
List<String> includedLibraries = const <String>[];
/** Set this to select the libraries to exclude from the documentation. */
List<String> excludedLibraries = const <String>[];
* This list contains the libraries sorted in by the library name.
List<LibraryMirror> _sortedLibraries;
CommentMap _comments;
/** The library that we're currently generating docs for. */
LibraryMirror _currentLibrary;
/** The type that we're currently generating docs for. */
ClassMirror _currentType;
/** The member that we're currently generating docs for. */
MemberMirror _currentMember;
/** The path to the file currently being written to, relative to [outdir]. */
Path _filePath;
/** The file currently being written to. */
StringBuffer _file;
int _totalLibraries = 0;
int _totalTypes = 0;
int _totalMembers = 0;
int get totalLibraries => _totalLibraries;
int get totalTypes => _totalTypes;
int get totalMembers => _totalMembers;
: _comments = new CommentMap() {
// Patch in support for [:...:]-style code to the markdown parser.
// TODO(rnystrom): Markdown already has syntax for this. Phase this out?
md.InlineParser.syntaxes.insertRange(0, 1,
new md.CodeSyntax(r'\[\:((?:.|\n)*?)\:\]'));
md.setImplicitLinkResolver((name) => resolveNameReference(name,
currentLibrary: _currentLibrary, currentType: _currentType,
currentMember: _currentMember));
* Returns `true` if [library] is included in the generated documentation.
bool shouldIncludeLibrary(LibraryMirror library) {
if (shouldLinkToPublicApi(library)) {
return false;
var includeByDefault = true;
String libraryName = displayName(library);
if (excludedLibraries.contains(libraryName)) {
return false;
if (!includedLibraries.isEmpty) {
includeByDefault = false;
if (includedLibraries.contains(libraryName)) {
return true;
if (libraryName.startsWith('dart:')) {
String suffix = libraryName.substring('dart:'.length);
LibraryInfo info = LIBRARIES[suffix];
if (info != null) {
return info.documented && includeApi;
return includeByDefault;
* Returns `true` if links to the public API should be generated for
* [library].
bool shouldLinkToPublicApi(LibraryMirror library) {
if (linkToApi) {
String libraryName = displayName(library);
if (libraryName.startsWith('dart:')) {
String suffix = libraryName.substring('dart:'.length);
LibraryInfo info = LIBRARIES[suffix];
if (info != null) {
return info.documented;
return false;
String get footerContent{
var footerItems = [];
if (!omitGenerationTime) {
footerItems.add("This page was generated at ${new}");
if (footerText != null) {
var content = '';
for (int i = 0; i < footerItems.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
content = content.concat('\n');
content = content.concat('<div>${footerItems[i]}</div>');
return content;
void documentEntryPoint(Path entrypoint, Path libPath, Path pkgPath) {
final compilation = new Compilation(entrypoint, libPath, pkgPath);
void documentLibraries(List<Path> libraryList, Path libPath, Path pkgPath) {
final compilation = new Compilation.library(libraryList, libPath, pkgPath);
void _document(Compilation compilation) {
// Sort the libraries by name (not key).
_sortedLibraries = new List<LibraryMirror>.from(
_sortedLibraries.sort((x, y) {
return displayName(x).toUpperCase().compareTo(
// Generate the docs.
if (mode == MODE_LIVE_NAV) {
} else {
for (final library in _sortedLibraries) {
if (generateAppCache) {
var libraries =
(lib) => new LibraryElement(lib.qualifiedName, lib, _comments));
void startFile(String path) {
_filePath = new Path(path);
_file = new StringBuffer();
void endFile() {
final outPath = outputDir.join(_filePath);
final dir = new Directory.fromPath(outPath.directoryPath);
if (!dir.existsSync()) {
// TODO(3914): Hack to avoid 'file already exists' exception
// thrown due to invalid result from dir.existsSync() (probably due to
// race conditions).
try {
} on DirectoryIOException catch (e) {
// Ignore.
writeString(new File.fromPath(outPath), _file.toString());
_filePath = null;
_file = null;
void write(String s) {
void writeln(String s) {
* Writes the page header with the given [title] and [breadcrumbs]. The
* breadcrumbs are an interleaved list of links and titles. If a link is null,
* then no link will be generated. For example, given:
* ['foo', 'foo.html', 'bar', null]
* It will output:
* <a href="foo.html">foo</a> &rsaquo; bar
void writeHeader(String title, List<String> breadcrumbs) {
final htmlAttributes = generateAppCache ?
'manifest="/appcache.manifest"' : '';
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html${htmlAttributes == '' ? '' : ' $htmlAttributes'}>
// Add data attributes describing what the page documents.
var data = '';
if (_currentLibrary != null) {
data = '$data data-library='
if (_currentType != null) {
data = '$data data-type="${md.escapeHtml(typeName(_currentType))}"';
<div class="page">
<div class="header">
${a(mainUrl, '<div class="logo"></div>')}
${a('index.html', mainTitle)}
// Write the breadcrumb trail.
for (int i = 0; i < breadcrumbs.length; i += 2) {
if (breadcrumbs[i + 1] == null) {
write(' &rsaquo; ${breadcrumbs[i]}');
} else {
write(' &rsaquo; ${a(breadcrumbs[i + 1], breadcrumbs[i])}');
if (searchEngineId != null) {
<form action="$searchResultsUrl" id="search-box">
<input type="hidden" name="cx" value="$searchEngineId">
<input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8">
<input type="hidden" name="hl" value="en">
<input type="search" name="q" id="q" autocomplete="off"
class="search-input" placeholder="Search API">
} else {
<div id="search-box">
<input type="search" name="q" id="q" autocomplete="off"
class="search-input" placeholder="Search API">
<div class="drop-down" id="drop-down"></div>
writeln('<div class="content">');
String get clientScript {
switch (mode) {
case MODE_STATIC: return 'client-static';
case MODE_LIVE_NAV: return 'client-live-nav';
default: throw 'Unknown mode $mode.';
void writeHeadContents(String title) {
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>$title / $mainTitle</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
<link href=",600,700,800" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="${relativePath('favicon.ico')}">
void writeFooter() {
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="footer">
<script async src="${relativePath('$clientScript.js')}"></script>
void docIndex() {
writeHeader(mainTitle, []);
for (final library in _sortedLibraries) {
void docIndexLibrary(LibraryMirror library) {
writeln('<h4>${a(libraryUrl(library), displayName(library))}</h4>');
* Walks the libraries and creates a JSON object containing the data needed
* to generate navigation for them.
void docNavigationJson() {
void docNavigationDart() {
final dir = new Directory.fromPath(tmpPath);
if (!dir.existsSync()) {
// TODO(3914): Hack to avoid 'file already exists' exception
// thrown due to invalid result from dir.existsSync() (probably due to
// race conditions).
try {
} on DirectoryIOException catch (e) {
// Ignore.
String jsonString = JSON.stringify(createNavigationInfo());
String dartString = jsonString.replaceAll(r"$", r"\$");
final filePath = tmpPath.append('nav.dart');
writeString(new File.fromPath(filePath),
'get json => $dartString;');
Path get tmpPath => dartdocPath.append('tmp');
void cleanup() {
final dir = new Directory.fromPath(tmpPath);
if (dir.existsSync()) {
dir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
List createNavigationInfo() {
final libraryList = [];
for (final library in _sortedLibraries) {
docLibraryNavigationJson(library, libraryList);
return libraryList;
void docLibraryNavigationJson(LibraryMirror library, List libraryList) {
var libraryInfo = {};
libraryInfo[NAME] = displayName(library);
final List members = docMembersJson(library.members);
if (!members.isEmpty) {
libraryInfo[MEMBERS] = members;
final types = [];
for (ClassMirror type in orderByName(library.classes.values)) {
if (!showPrivate && type.isPrivate) continue;
var typeInfo = {};
typeInfo[NAME] = type.displayName;
if (type.isClass) {
typeInfo[KIND] = CLASS;
} else if (type.isInterface) {
} else {
typeInfo[KIND] = TYPEDEF;
final List typeMembers = docMembersJson(type.members);
if (!typeMembers.isEmpty) {
typeInfo[MEMBERS] = typeMembers;
if (!type.originalDeclaration.typeVariables.isEmpty) {
final typeVariables = [];
for (final typeVariable in type.originalDeclaration.typeVariables) {
typeInfo[ARGS] = Strings.join(typeVariables, ', ');
if (!types.isEmpty) {
libraryInfo[TYPES] = types;
List docMembersJson(Map<Object,MemberMirror> memberMap) {
final members = [];
for (MemberMirror member in orderByName(memberMap.values)) {
if (!showPrivate && member.isPrivate) continue;
var memberInfo = {};
if (member.isVariable) {
memberInfo[KIND] = FIELD;
} else {
MethodMirror method = member;
if (method.isConstructor) {
} else if (method.isSetter) {
memberInfo[KIND] = SETTER;
} else if (method.isGetter) {
memberInfo[KIND] = GETTER;
} else {
memberInfo[KIND] = METHOD;
if (method.parameters.isEmpty) {
memberInfo[NO_PARAMS] = true;
memberInfo[NAME] = member.displayName;
var anchor = memberAnchor(member);
if (anchor != memberInfo[NAME]) {
memberInfo[LINK_NAME] = anchor;
return members;
void docNavigation() {
<div class="nav">
if (mode == MODE_STATIC) {
for (final library in _sortedLibraries) {
write('<h2><div class="icon-library"></div>');
if ((_currentLibrary == library) && (_currentType == null)) {
} else {
write('${a(libraryUrl(library), displayName(library))}');
// Only expand classes in navigation for current library.
if (_currentLibrary == library) docLibraryNavigation(library);
/** Writes the navigation for the types contained by the given library. */
void docLibraryNavigation(LibraryMirror library) {
// Show the exception types separately.
final types = <ClassMirror>[];
final exceptions = <ClassMirror>[];
for (ClassMirror type in orderByName(library.classes.values)) {
if (!showPrivate && type.isPrivate) continue;
if (isException(type)) {
} else {
if ((types.length == 0) && (exceptions.length == 0)) return;
writeln('<ul class="icon">');
/** Writes a linked navigation list item for the given type. */
void docTypeNavigation(ClassMirror type) {
var icon = 'interface';
if (isException(type)) {
icon = 'exception';
} else if (type.isClass) {
icon = 'class';
if (_currentType == type) {
'<div class="icon-$icon"></div><strong>${typeName(type)}</strong>');
} else {
'<div class="icon-$icon"></div>${typeName(type)}'));
void docLibrary(LibraryMirror library) {
if (verbose) {
print('Library \'${displayName(library)}\':');
_currentLibrary = library;
_currentType = null;
writeHeader('${displayName(library)} Library',
[displayName(library), libraryUrl(library)]);
writeln('<h2><strong>${displayName(library)}</strong> library</h2>');
// Look for a comment for the entire library.
final comment = getLibraryComment(library);
if (comment != null) {
writeln('<div class="doc">${comment.html}</div>');
// Document the top-level members.
// Document the types.
final interfaces = <ClassMirror>[];
final abstractClasses = <ClassMirror>[];
final classes = <ClassMirror>[];
final typedefs = <TypedefMirror>[];
final exceptions = <ClassMirror>[];
for (ClassMirror type in orderByName(library.classes.values)) {
if (!showPrivate && type.isPrivate) continue;
if (isException(type)) {
} else if (type.isClass) {
if (type.isAbstract) {
} else {
} else if (type.isInterface){
} else if (type is TypedefMirror) {
} else {
throw new InternalError("internal error: unknown type $type.");
docTypes(interfaces, 'Interfaces');
docTypes(abstractClasses, 'Abstract Classes');
docTypes(classes, 'Classes');
docTypes(typedefs, 'Typedefs');
docTypes(exceptions, 'Exceptions');
for (final type in library.classes.values) {
if (!showPrivate && type.isPrivate) continue;
void docTypes(List types, String header) {
if (types.length == 0) return;
for (final type in types) {
<div class="type">
${a(typeUrl(type), "<strong>${typeName(type)}</strong>")}
void docType(ClassMirror type) {
if (verbose) {
print('- ${type.simpleName}');
_currentType = type;
var kind = 'interface';
if (type.isTypedef) {
kind = 'typedef';
} else if (type.isClass) {
if (type.isAbstract) {
kind = 'abstract class';
} else {
kind = 'class';
final typeTitle =
'${typeName(type)} ${kind}';
writeHeader('$typeTitle / ${displayName(type.library)} Library',
[displayName(type.library), libraryUrl(type.library),
typeName(type), typeUrl(type)]);
<h2><strong>${typeName(type, showBounds: true)}</strong>
writeln('<button id="show-inherited" class="show-inherited">'
'Hide inherited</button>');
writeln('<div class="doc">');
docComment(type, getTypeComment(type));
/** Override this to write additional content at the end of a type's page. */
void writeTypeFooter() {
// Do nothing.
* Writes an inline type span for the given type. This is a little box with
* an icon and the type's name. It's similar to how types appear in the
* navigation, but is suitable for inline (as opposed to in a `<ul>`) use.
void typeSpan(ClassMirror type) {
var icon = 'interface';
if (isException(type)) {
icon = 'exception';
} else if (type.isClass) {
icon = 'class';
write('<span class="type-box"><span class="icon-$icon"></span>');
if (_currentType == type) {
} else {
write(a(typeUrl(type), typeName(type)));
* Document the other types that touch [Type] in the inheritance hierarchy:
* subclasses, superclasses, subinterfaces, superinferfaces, and default
* class.
void docInheritance(ClassMirror type) {
// Don't show the inheritance details for Object. It doesn't have any base
// class (obviously) and it has too many subclasses to be useful.
if (type.isObject) return;
// Writes an unordered list of references to types with an optional header.
listTypes(types, header) {
if (types == null) return;
// Filter out injected types. (JavaScriptIndexingBehavior)
types = new List.from(types.filter((t) => t.library != null));
var publicTypes;
if (showPrivate) {
publicTypes = types;
} else {
// Skip private types.
publicTypes = new List.from(types.filter((t) => !t.isPrivate));
if (publicTypes.length == 0) return;
bool first = true;
for (final t in publicTypes) {
if (!first) write(', ');
first = false;
final subtypes = [];
for (final subtype in computeSubdeclarations(type)) {
subtypes.sort((x, y) => x.simpleName.compareTo(y.simpleName));
if (type.isClass) {
// Show the chain of superclasses.
if (!type.superclass.isObject) {
final supertypes = [];
var thisType = type.superclass;
// As a sanity check, only show up to five levels of nesting, otherwise
// the box starts to get hideous.
do {
thisType = thisType.superclass;
} while (!thisType.isObject);
for (var i = supertypes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Write this class.
listTypes(subtypes, 'Subclasses');
listTypes(type.superinterfaces, 'Implements');
} else {
// Show the default class.
if (type.defaultFactory != null) {
listTypes([type.defaultFactory], 'Default class');
// List extended interfaces.
listTypes(type.superinterfaces, 'Extends');
// List subinterfaces and implementing classes.
final subinterfaces = [];
final implementing = [];
for (final subtype in subtypes) {
if (subtype.isClass) {
} else {
listTypes(subinterfaces, 'Subinterfaces');
listTypes(implementing, 'Implemented by');
* Documents the definition of [type] if it is a typedef.
void docTypedef(TypeMirror type) {
if (type is! TypedefMirror) {
writeln('<div class="method"><h4 id="${type.simpleName}">');
if (includeSource) {
writeln('<button class="show-code">Code</button>');
write('typedef ');
annotateType(type, type.value, type.simpleName);
write(''' <a class="anchor-link" href="#${type.simpleName}"
title="Permalink to ${type.simpleName}">#</a>''');
writeln('<div class="doc">');
static const operatorOrder = const <String>[
'[]', '[]=', // Indexing.
'+', Mirror.UNARY_MINUS, '-', '*', '/', '~/', '%', // Arithmetic.
'&', '|', '^', '~', // Bitwise.
'<<', '>>', // Shift.
'<', '<=', '>', '>=', // Relational.
'==', // Equality.
static final Map<String, int> operatorOrderMap = (){
var map = new Map<String, int>();
var index = 0;
for (String operator in operatorOrder) {
map[operator] = index++;
return map;
void docMembers(ContainerMirror host) {
// Collect the different kinds of members.
final staticMethods = [];
final staticGetters = new Map<String,MemberMirror>();
final staticSetters = new Map<String,MemberMirror>();
final memberMap = new Map<String,MemberMirror>();
final instanceMethods = [];
final instanceOperators = [];
final instanceGetters = new Map<String,MemberMirror>();
final instanceSetters = new Map<String,MemberMirror>();
final constructors = [];
host.members.forEach((_, MemberMirror member) {
if (!showPrivate && member.isPrivate) return;
if (host is LibraryMirror || member.isStatic) {
if (member is MethodMirror) {
if (member.isGetter) {
staticGetters[member.displayName] = member;
} else if (member.isSetter) {
staticSetters[member.displayName] = member;
} else {
} else if (member is VariableMirror) {
staticGetters[member.displayName] = member;
if (host is ClassMirror) {
var iterable = new HierarchyIterable(host, includeType: true);
for (ClassMirror type in iterable) {
if (!host.isObject && !inheritFromObject && type.isObject) continue;
type.members.forEach((_, MemberMirror member) {
if (member.isStatic) return;
if (!showPrivate && member.isPrivate) return;
bool inherit = true;
if (type != host) {
if (member.isPrivate) {
// Don't inherit private members.
inherit = false;
if (member.isConstructor) {
// Don't inherit constructors.
inherit = false;
if (!inherit) return;
if (member.isVariable) {
// Fields override both getters and setters.
memberMap.putIfAbsent(member.simpleName, () => member);
memberMap.putIfAbsent('${member.simpleName}=', () => member);
} else if (member.isConstructor) {
} else {
memberMap.putIfAbsent(member.simpleName, () => member);
bool allMethodsInherited = true;
bool allPropertiesInherited = true;
bool allOperatorsInherited = true;
memberMap.forEach((_, MemberMirror member) {
if (member is MethodMirror) {
if (member.isGetter) {
instanceGetters[member.displayName] = member;
if (member.owner == host) {
allPropertiesInherited = false;
} else if (member.isSetter) {
instanceSetters[member.displayName] = member;
if (member.owner == host) {
allPropertiesInherited = false;
} else if (member.isOperator) {
if (member.owner == host) {
allOperatorsInherited = false;
} else {
if (member.owner == host) {
allMethodsInherited = false;
} else if (member is VariableMirror) {
instanceGetters[member.displayName] = member;
if (member.owner == host) {
allPropertiesInherited = false;
instanceOperators.sort((MethodMirror a, MethodMirror b) {
return operatorOrderMap[a.simpleName].compareTo(
host is LibraryMirror ? 'Properties' : 'Static Properties',
staticGetters, staticSetters, allInherited: false);
host is LibraryMirror ? 'Functions' : 'Static Methods',
staticMethods, allInherited: false);
docMethods(host, 'Constructors', orderByName(constructors),
allInherited: false);
docProperties(host, 'Properties', instanceGetters, instanceSetters,
allInherited: allPropertiesInherited);
docMethods(host, 'Operators', instanceOperators,
allInherited: allOperatorsInherited);
docMethods(host, 'Methods', orderByName(instanceMethods),
allInherited: allMethodsInherited);
* Documents fields, getters, and setters as properties.
void docProperties(ContainerMirror host, String title,
Map<String,MemberMirror> getters,
Map<String,MemberMirror> setters,
{bool allInherited}) {
if (getters.isEmpty && setters.isEmpty) return;
var nameSet = new Set<String>.from(getters.keys);
var nameList = new List<String>.from(nameSet);
nameList.sort((String a, String b) {
return a.toLowerCase().compareTo(b.toLowerCase());
writeln('<div${allInherited ? ' class="inherited"' : ''}>');
for (String name in nameList) {
MemberMirror getter = getters[name];
MemberMirror setter = setters[name];
if (setter == null) {
if (getter is VariableMirror) {
// We have a field.
docField(host, getter);
} else {
// We only have a getter.
assert(getter is MethodMirror);
docProperty(host, getter, null);
} else if (getter == null) {
// We only have a setter => Document as a method.
assert(setter is MethodMirror);
docMethod(host, setter);
} else {
DocComment getterComment = getMemberComment(getter);
DocComment setterComment = getMemberComment(setter);
if (getter.owner != setter.owner ||
getterComment != null && setterComment != null) {
// Both have comments or are not declared in the same class
// => Documents separately.
if (getter is VariableMirror) {
// Document field as a getter (setter is inherited).
docField(host, getter, asGetter: true);
} else {
docMethod(host, getter);
if (setter is VariableMirror) {
// Document field as a setter (getter is inherited).
docField(host, setter, asSetter: true);
} else {
docMethod(host, setter);
} else {
// Document as field.
docProperty(host, getter, setter);
void docMethods(ContainerMirror host, String title, List<MethodMirror> methods,
{bool allInherited}) {
if (methods.length > 0) {
writeln('<div${allInherited ? ' class="inherited"' : ''}>');
for (final method in methods) {
docMethod(host, method);
* Documents the [member] declared in [host]. Handles all kinds of members
* including getters, setters, and constructors. If [member] is a
* [FieldMirror] it is documented as a getter or setter depending upon the
* value of [asGetter].
void docMethod(ContainerMirror host, MemberMirror member,
{bool asGetter: false}) {
_currentMember = member;
bool isAbstract = false;
String name = member.displayName;
if (member is VariableMirror) {
if (asGetter) {
// Getter.
name = 'get $name';
} else {
// Setter.
name = 'set $name';
} else {
assert(member is MethodMirror);
isAbstract = member.isAbstract;
if (member.isGetter) {
// Getter.
name = 'get $name';
} else if (member.isSetter) {
// Setter.
name = 'set $name';
bool showCode = includeSource && !isAbstract;
bool inherited = host != member.owner;
writeln('<div class="method${inherited ? ' inherited': ''}">'
'<h4 id="${memberAnchor(member)}">');
if (showCode) {
writeln('<button class="show-code">Code</button>');
if (member is MethodMirror) {
if (member.isConstructor) {
if (member.isFactoryConstructor) {
write('factory ');
} else {
write(member.isConstConstructor ? 'const ' : 'new ');
} else if (member.isAbstract) {
write('abstract ');
if (!member.isConstructor) {
annotateType(host, member.returnType);
} else {
assert(member is VariableMirror);
if (asGetter) {
annotateType(host, member.type);
} else {
write('void ');
if (member is MethodMirror) {
if (!member.isGetter) {
docParamList(host, member.parameters);
} else {
assert(member is VariableMirror);
if (!asGetter) {
annotateType(host, member.type);
write(' value)');
var prefix = host is LibraryMirror ? '' : '${typeName(host)}.';
write(''' <a class="anchor-link" href="#${memberAnchor(member)}"
title="Permalink to $prefix$name">#</a>''');
if (inherited) {
write('<div class="inherited-from">inherited from ');
annotateType(host, member.owner);
writeln('<div class="doc">');
docComment(host, getMemberComment(member));
if (showCode) {
void docField(ContainerMirror host, VariableMirror field,
{bool asGetter: false, bool asSetter: false}) {
if (asGetter) {
docMethod(host, field, asGetter: true);
} else if (asSetter) {
docMethod(host, field, asGetter: false);
} else {
docProperty(host, field, null);
* Documents the property defined by [getter] and [setter] of declared in
* [host]. If [getter] is a [FieldMirror], [setter] must be [:null:].
* Otherwise, if [getter] is a [MethodMirror], the property is considered
* final if [setter] is [:null:].
void docProperty(ContainerMirror host,
MemberMirror getter, MemberMirror setter) {
assert(getter != null);
_currentMember = getter;
bool inherited = host != getter.owner;
writeln('<div class="field${inherited ? ' inherited' : ''}">'
'<h4 id="${memberAnchor(getter)}">');
if (includeSource) {
writeln('<button class="show-code">Code</button>');
bool isConst = false;
bool isFinal;
TypeMirror type;
if (getter is VariableMirror) {
assert(setter == null);
isConst = getter.isConst;
isFinal = getter.isFinal;
type = getter.type;
} else {
assert(getter is MethodMirror);
isFinal = setter == null;
type = getter.returnType;
if (isConst) {
write('const ');
} else if (isFinal) {
write('final ');
} else if (type.isDynamic) {
write('var ');
annotateType(host, type);
var prefix = host is LibraryMirror ? '' : '${typeName(host)}.';
<strong>${getter.simpleName}</strong> <a class="anchor-link"
title="Permalink to $prefix${getter.simpleName}">#</a>
if (inherited) {
write('<div class="inherited-from">inherited from ');
annotateType(host, getter.owner);
DocComment comment = getMemberComment(getter);
if (comment == null && setter != null) {
comment = getMemberComment(setter);
writeln('<div class="doc">');
docComment(host, comment);
if (setter != null) {
void docParamList(ContainerMirror enclosingType,
List<ParameterMirror> parameters) {
bool first = true;
bool inOptionals = false;
bool isNamed = false;
for (final parameter in parameters) {
if (!first) write(', ');
if (!inOptionals && parameter.isOptional) {
isNamed = parameter.isNamed;
write(isNamed ? '{' : '[');
inOptionals = true;
annotateType(enclosingType, parameter.type, parameter.simpleName);
// Show the default value for named optional parameters.
if (parameter.isOptional && parameter.hasDefaultValue) {
write(isNamed ? ': ' : ' = ');
first = false;
if (inOptionals) {
write(isNamed ? '}' : ']');
void docComment(ContainerMirror host, DocComment comment) {
if (comment != null) {
if (comment.inheritedFrom != null) {
writeln('<div class="inherited">');
write('<div class="docs-inherited-from">docs inherited from ');
annotateType(host, comment.inheritedFrom);
} else {
* Documents the source code contained within [location].
void docCode(SourceLocation location) {
if (includeSource) {
writeln('<pre class="source">');
DocComment createDocComment(String text, [ClassMirror inheritedFrom]) =>
new DocComment(text, inheritedFrom);
/** Get the doc comment associated with the given library. */
DocComment getLibraryComment(LibraryMirror library) {
// Look for a comment for the entire library.
final comment = _comments.findLibrary(library.location);
if (comment == null) return null;
return createDocComment(comment);
/** Get the doc comment associated with the given type. */
DocComment getTypeComment(TypeMirror type) {
String comment = _comments.find(type.location);
if (comment == null) return null;
return createDocComment(comment);
* Get the doc comment associated with the given member.
* If no comment was found on the member, the hierarchy is traversed to find
* an inherited comment, favouring comments inherited from classes over
* comments inherited from interfaces.
DocComment getMemberComment(MemberMirror member) {
String comment = _comments.find(member.location);
ClassMirror inheritedFrom = null;
if (comment == null) {
if (member.owner is ClassMirror) {
var iterable =
new HierarchyIterable(member.owner,
includeType: false);
for (ClassMirror type in iterable) {
var inheritedMember = type.members[member.simpleName];
if (inheritedMember is MemberMirror) {
comment = _comments.find(inheritedMember.location);
if (comment != null) {
inheritedFrom = type;
if (comment == null) return null;
return createDocComment(comment, inheritedFrom);
* Converts [fullPath] which is understood to be a full path from the root of
* the generated docs to one relative to the current file.
String relativePath(String fullPath) {
// Don't make it relative if it's an absolute path.
if (isAbsolute(fullPath)) return fullPath;
// TODO(rnystrom): Walks all the way up to root each time. Shouldn't do
// this if the paths overlap.
return '${repeat('../',
countOccurrences(_filePath.toString(), '/'))}$fullPath';
/** Gets whether or not the given URL is absolute or relative. */
bool isAbsolute(String url) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Why don't we have a nice type in the platform for this?
// TODO(rnystrom): This is a bit hackish. We consider any URL that lacks
// a scheme to be relative.
return new RegExp(r'^\w+:').hasMatch(url);
/** Gets the URL to the documentation for [library]. */
String libraryUrl(LibraryMirror library) {
return '${sanitize(displayName(library))}.html';
/** Gets the URL for the documentation for [type]. */
String typeUrl(ContainerMirror type) {
if (type is LibraryMirror) {
return '${sanitize(type.simpleName)}.html';
if (type.library == null) {
return '';
// Always get the generic type to strip off any type parameters or
// arguments. If the type isn't generic, genericType returns `this`, so it
// works for non-generic types too.
return '${sanitize(displayName(type.library))}/'
/** Gets the URL for the documentation for [member]. */
String memberUrl(MemberMirror member) {
String url = typeUrl(member.owner);
return '$url#${memberAnchor(member)}';
/** Gets the anchor id for the document for [member]. */
String memberAnchor(MemberMirror member) {
return member.simpleName;
* Creates a hyperlink. Handles turning the [href] into an appropriate
* relative path from the current file.
String a(String href, String contents, [String css]) {
// Mark outgoing external links, mainly so we can style them.
final rel = isAbsolute(href) ? ' ref="external"' : '';
final cssClass = css == null ? '' : ' class="$css"';
return '<a href="${relativePath(href)}"$cssClass$rel>$contents</a>';
* Writes a type annotation for the given type and (optional) parameter name.
annotateType(ContainerMirror enclosingType,
TypeMirror type,
[String paramName = null]) {
// Don't bother explicitly displaying Dynamic.
if (type.isDynamic) {
if (paramName != null) write(paramName);
// For parameters, handle non-typedefed function types.
if (paramName != null && type is FunctionTypeMirror) {
annotateType(enclosingType, type.returnType);
docParamList(enclosingType, type.parameters);
linkToType(enclosingType, type);
write(' ');
if (paramName != null) write(paramName);
/** Writes a link to a human-friendly string representation for a type. */
linkToType(ContainerMirror enclosingType, TypeMirror type) {
if (type.isVoid) {
// Do not generate links for void.
// TODO(johnniwinter): Generate span for specific style?
if (type.isDynamic) {
// Do not generate links for Dynamic.
if (type.isTypeVariable) {
// If we're using a type parameter within the body of a generic class then
// just link back up to the class.
write(a(typeUrl(enclosingType), type.simpleName));
assert(type is ClassMirror);
// Link to the type.
if (shouldLinkToPublicApi(type.library)) {
write('<a href="$API_LOCATION${typeUrl(type)}">${type.simpleName}</a>');
} else if (shouldIncludeLibrary(type.library)) {
write(a(typeUrl(type), type.simpleName));
} else {
if (type.isOriginalDeclaration) {
// Avoid calling [:typeArguments():] on a declaration.
// See if it's an instantiation of a generic type.
final typeArgs = type.typeArguments;
if (typeArgs.length > 0) {
bool first = true;
for (final arg in typeArgs) {
if (!first) write(', ');
first = false;
linkToType(enclosingType, arg);
/** Creates a linked cross reference to [type]. */
typeReference(ClassMirror type) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Do we need to handle ParameterTypes here like
// annotation() does?
return a(typeUrl(type), typeName(type), 'crossref');
/** Generates a human-friendly string representation for a type. */
typeName(TypeMirror type, {bool showBounds: false}) {
if (type.isVoid) {
return 'void';
if (type is TypeVariableMirror) {
return type.simpleName;
assert(type is ClassMirror);
// See if it's a generic type.
if (type.isOriginalDeclaration) {
final typeParams = [];
for (final typeParam in type.originalDeclaration.typeVariables) {
if (showBounds &&
(typeParam.upperBound != null) &&
!typeParam.upperBound.isObject) {
final bound = typeName(typeParam.upperBound, showBounds: true);
typeParams.add('${typeParam.simpleName} extends $bound');
} else {
if (typeParams.isEmpty) {
return type.simpleName;
final params = Strings.join(typeParams, ', ');
return '${type.simpleName}&lt;$params&gt;';
// See if it's an instantiation of a generic type.
final typeArgs = type.typeArguments;
if (typeArgs.length > 0) {
final args = Strings.join( => typeName(arg)), ', ');
return '${type.originalDeclaration.simpleName}&lt;$args&gt;';
// Regular type.
return type.simpleName;
* Remove leading indentation to line up with first line.
unindentCode(SourceLocation span) {
final column = span.column;
final lines = span.text.split('\n');
// TODO(rnystrom): Dirty hack.
for (var i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
lines[i] = unindent(lines[i], column);
final code = Strings.join(lines, '\n');
return code;
* Takes a string of Dart code and turns it into sanitized HTML.
formatCode(SourceLocation span) {
final code = unindentCode(span);
// Syntax highlight.
return classifySource(code);
* This will be called whenever a doc comment hits a `[name]` in square
* brackets. It will try to figure out what the name refers to and link or
* style it appropriately.
md.Node resolveNameReference(String name,
{MemberMirror currentMember,
ContainerMirror currentType,
LibraryMirror currentLibrary}) {
makeLink(String href) {
final anchor = new md.Element.text('a', name);
anchor.attributes['href'] = relativePath(href);
anchor.attributes['class'] = 'crossref';
return anchor;
// See if it's a parameter of the current method.
if (currentMember is MethodMirror) {
for (final parameter in currentMember.parameters) {
if (parameter.simpleName == name) {
final element = new md.Element.text('span', name);
element.attributes['class'] = 'param';
return element;
// See if it's another member of the current type.
if (currentType != null) {
final foundMember = currentType.members[name];
if (foundMember != null) {
return makeLink(memberUrl(foundMember));
// See if it's another type or a member of another type in the current
// library.
if (currentLibrary != null) {
// See if it's a constructor
final constructorLink = (() {
final match =
new RegExp(r'new ([\w$]+)(?:\.([\w$]+))?').firstMatch(name);
if (match == null) return;
String typeName = match[1];
ClassMirror foundtype = currentLibrary.classes[typeName];
if (foundtype == null) return;
String constructorName =
(match[2] == null) ? typeName : '$typeName.${match[2]}';
final constructor =
if (constructor == null) return;
return makeLink(memberUrl(constructor));
if (constructorLink != null) return constructorLink;
// See if it's a member of another type
final foreignMemberLink = (() {
final match = new RegExp(r'([\w$]+)\.([\w$]+)').firstMatch(name);
if (match == null) return;
ClassMirror foundtype = currentLibrary.classes[match[1]];
if (foundtype == null) return;
MemberMirror foundMember = foundtype.members[match[2]];
if (foundMember == null) return;
return makeLink(memberUrl(foundMember));
if (foreignMemberLink != null) return foreignMemberLink;
ClassMirror foundType = currentLibrary.classes[name];
if (foundType != null) {
return makeLink(typeUrl(foundType));
// See if it's a top-level member in the current library.
MemberMirror foundMember = currentLibrary.members[name];
if (foundMember != null) {
return makeLink(memberUrl(foundMember));
// TODO(rnystrom): Should also consider:
// * Names imported by libraries this library imports.
// * Type parameters of the enclosing type.
return new md.Element.text('code', name);
generateAppCacheManifest() {
if (verbose) {
print('Generating app cache manifest from output $outputDir');
write("CACHE MANIFEST\n\n");
write("# VERSION: ${new}\n\n");
var toCache = new Directory.fromPath(outputDir);
var toCacheLister = toCache.list(recursive: true);
toCacheLister.onFile = (filename) {
if (filename.endsWith('appcache.manifest')) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): If [outputDir] has trailing slashes, [filename]
// contains double (back)slashes for files in the immediate [toCache]
// directory. These are not handled by [relativeTo] thus
// wrongfully producing the path `/foo.html` for a file `foo.html` in
// [toCache].
// This can be handled in two ways. 1) By ensuring that
// [Directory.fromPath] does not receive a path with a trailing slash, or
// better, by making [Directory.fromPath] handle such trailing slashes.
// 2) By ensuring that [filePath] does not have double slashes before
// calling [relativeTo], or better, by making [relativeTo] handle double
// slashes correctly.
Path filePath = new Path.fromNative(filename).canonicalize();
Path relativeFilePath = filePath.relativeTo(outputDir);
toCacheLister.onDone = (done) => endFile();
* Returns [:true:] if [type] should be regarded as an exception.
bool isException(TypeMirror type) {
return type.simpleName.endsWith('Exception') ||
* Used to report an unexpected error in the DartDoc tool or the
* underlying data
class InternalError {
final String message;
const InternalError(this.message);
String toString() => "InternalError: '$message'";
class DocComment {
final String text;
* Non-null if the comment is inherited from another declaration.
final ClassMirror inheritedFrom;
DocComment(this.text, [this.inheritedFrom = null]) {
assert(text != null && !text.trim().isEmpty);
String get html => md.markdownToHtml(text);
String toString() => text;