blob: f289ed3a49ccb50820645c7e45d9883fccf1c36e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* To generate docs for a library, run this script with the path to an
* entrypoint .dart file, like:
* $ dart dartdoc.dart foo.dart
* This will create a "docs" directory with the docs for your libraries. To
* create these beautiful docs, dartdoc parses your library and every library
* it imports (recursively). From each library, it parses all classes and
* members, finds the associated doc comments and builds crosslinked docs from
* them.
library dartdoc;
import 'dart:io';
// TODO(rnystrom): Use "package:" URL (#4968).
import '../lib/dartdoc.dart';
import '../../../../../pkg/args/lib/args.dart';
* Run this from the `lib/_internal/dartdoc` directory.
main() {
// Need this because ArgParser.getUsage doesn't show command invocation.
final USAGE = 'Usage dartdoc [options] <entrypoint(s)>\n[options] include:';
final args = new Options().arguments;
final dartdoc = new Dartdoc();
final argParser = new ArgParser();
final Path libPath = scriptDir.append('../../../../');
Path pkgPath;
help: 'Do not include source code in the documentation.',
defaultsTo: false, negatable: false,
callback: (noCode) => dartdoc.includeSource = !noCode);
argParser.addOption('mode', abbr: 'm',
help: 'Define how HTML pages are generated.',
allowed: ['static', 'live-nav'], allowedHelp: {
'static': 'Generates completely static HTML containing\n'
'everything you need to browse the docs. The only\n'
'client side behavior is trivial stuff like syntax\n'
'highlighting code, and the find-as-you-type search\n'
'live-nav': '(Default) Generated docs do not included baked HTML\n'
'navigation. Instead a single `nav.json` file is\n'
'created and the appropriate navigation is generated\n'
'client-side by parsing that and building HTML.\n'
'\tThis dramatically reduces the generated size of\n'
'the HTML since a large fraction of each static page\n'
'is just redundant navigation links.\n'
'\tIn this mode, the browser will do a XHR for\n'
'nav.json which means that to preview docs locallly,\n'
'you will need to enable requesting file:// links in\n'
'your browser or run a little local server like\n'
'`python -m SimpleHTTPServer`.'},
defaultsTo: 'live-nav',
callback: (genMode) {
dartdoc.mode = (genMode == 'static' ? MODE_STATIC : MODE_LIVE_NAV);
help: 'Generates the App Cache manifest file, enabling\n'
'offline doc viewing.',
defaultsTo: false, negatable: false,
callback: (generate) => dartdoc.generateAppCache = generate);
help: 'Omits generation timestamp from output.',
defaultsTo: false, negatable: false,
callback: (genTimestamp) => dartdoc.omitGenerationTime = genTimestamp);
argParser.addFlag('verbose', abbr: 'v',
help: 'Print verbose information during generation.',
defaultsTo: false, negatable: false,
callback: (verb) => dartdoc.verbose = verb);
help: 'Include the used API libraries in the generated\n'
'documentation. If the --link-api option is used,\n'
'this option is ignored.',
defaultsTo: false, negatable: false,
callback: (incApi) => dartdoc.includeApi = incApi);
help: 'Link to the online language API in the generated\n'
'documentation. The option overrides inclusion\n'
'through --include-api or --include-lib.',
defaultsTo: false, negatable: false,
callback: (linkApi) => dartdoc.linkToApi = linkApi);
help: 'Document private types and members.',
defaultsTo: false,
callback: (showPrivate) => dartdoc.showPrivate = showPrivate);
help: 'Show members inherited from Object.',
defaultsTo: false, negatable: false,
callback: (inherit) => dartdoc.inheritFromObject = inherit);
argParser.addFlag('enable-diagnostic-colors', negatable: false);
help: 'Generates files into directory specified. If\n'
'omitted the files are generated into ./docs/',
callback: (outDir) {
if(outDir != null) {
dartdoc.outputDir = new Path.fromNative(outDir);
help: 'Use this option to explicitly specify which\n'
'libraries to include in the documentation. If\n'
'omitted, all used libraries are included by\n'
'default. Specify a comma-separated list of\n'
'library names, or call this option multiple times.',
callback: (incLibs) {
if(!incLibs.isEmpty) {
List<String> allLibs = new List<String>();
for(final lst in incLibs) {
var someLibs = lst.split(',');
for(final lib in someLibs) {
dartdoc.excludedLibraries = allLibs;
}, allowMultiple: true);
help: 'Use this option to explicitly specify which\n'
'libraries to exclude from the documentation. If\n'
'omitted, no libraries are excluded. Specify a\n'
'comma-separated list of library names, or call\n'
'this option multiple times.',
callback: (excLibs) {
if(!excLibs.isEmpty) {
List<String> allLibs = new List<String>();
for(final lst in excLibs) {
var someLibs = lst.split(',');
for(final lib in someLibs) {
dartdoc.excludedLibraries = allLibs;
}, allowMultiple: true);
help: 'Sets the package directory to the specified directory.\n'
'If omitted the package directory is the SDK pkg/ dir',
callback: (pkgDir) {
if(pkgDir != null) {
pkgPath = new Path.fromNative(pkgDir);
dartdoc.dartdocPath = libPath.append('lib/_internal/dartdoc');
if (args.isEmpty) {
print('No arguments provided.');
final entrypoints = <Path>[];
try {
final option = argParser.parse(args);
// This checks to see if the root of all entrypoints is the same.
// If it is not, then we display a warning, as package imports might fail.
var entrypointRoot;
for(final arg in {
var entrypoint = new Path.fromNative(arg);
if (entrypointRoot == null) {
entrypointRoot = entrypoint.directoryPath;
} else if (entrypointRoot.toNativePath() !=
entrypoint.directoryPath.toNativePath()) {
print('Warning: entrypoints are at different directories. "package:"'
' imports may fail.');
} on FormatException catch (e) {
if (entrypoints.isEmpty) {
print('No entrypoints provided.');
if (pkgPath == null) {
pkgPath = entrypoints[0].directoryPath.append('packages/');
dartdoc.documentLibraries(entrypoints, libPath, pkgPath);
Future compiled = compileScript(dartdoc.mode, dartdoc.outputDir, libPath);
Future filesCopied = copyDirectory(scriptDir.append('../static'),
Futures.wait([compiled, filesCopied]).then((_) {
print('Documented ${dartdoc.totalLibraries} libraries, '
'${dartdoc.totalTypes} types, and ${dartdoc.totalMembers} members.');