blob: 3472b3eb2672d39552ac30775ffc141695e7bdd8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js;
* [CompilerTask] for loading libraries and setting up the import/export scopes.
abstract class LibraryLoader extends CompilerTask {
LibraryLoader(Compiler compiler) : super(compiler);
* Loads the library located at [uri] and returns its [LibraryElement].
* If the library is not already loaded, the method creates the
* [LibraryElement] for the library and computes the import/export scope,
* loading and computing the import/export scopes of all required libraries in
* the process. The method handles cyclic dependency between libraries.
* This is the main entry point for [LibraryLoader].
LibraryElement loadLibrary(Uri uri, Node node, Uri canonicalUri);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this when patches don't need special parsing.
void registerLibraryFromTag(LibraryDependencyHandler handler,
LibraryElement library,
LibraryDependency tag);
* Adds the elements in the export scope of [importedLibrary] to the import
* scope of [importingLibrary].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Move handling of 'js_helper' to the library loader
// to remove this method from the [LibraryLoader] interface.
void importLibrary(LibraryElement importingLibrary,
LibraryElement importedLibrary,
Import tag);
* [CombinatorFilter] is a succinct representation of a list of combinators from
* a library dependency tag.
class CombinatorFilter {
const CombinatorFilter();
* Returns [:true:] if [element] is excluded by this filter.
bool exclude(Element element) => false;
* Creates a filter based on the combinators of [tag].
factory CombinatorFilter.fromTag(LibraryDependency tag) {
if (tag == null || tag.combinators == null) {
return const CombinatorFilter();
// If the list of combinators contain at least one [:show:] we can create
// a positive list of elements to include, otherwise we create a negative
// list of elements to exclude.
bool show = false;
Set<SourceString> nameSet;
for (Combinator combinator in tag.combinators) {
if (combinator.isShow) {
show = true;
var set = new Set<SourceString>();
for (Identifier identifier in combinator.identifiers) {
if (nameSet == null) {
nameSet = set;
} else {
nameSet = nameSet.intersection(set);
if (nameSet == null) {
nameSet = new Set<SourceString>();
for (Combinator combinator in tag.combinators) {
if (combinator.isHide) {
for (Identifier identifier in combinator.identifiers) {
if (show) {
// We have a positive list => Remove hidden elements.
} else {
// We have no positive list => Accumulate hidden elements.
return show ? new ShowFilter(nameSet) : new HideFilter(nameSet);
* A list of combinators represented as a list of element names to include.
class ShowFilter extends CombinatorFilter {
final Set<SourceString> includedNames;
bool exclude(Element element) => !includedNames.contains(;
* A list of combinators represented as a list of element names to exclude.
class HideFilter extends CombinatorFilter {
final Set<SourceString> excludedNames;
bool exclude(Element element) => excludedNames.contains(;
* Implementation class for [LibraryLoader]. The distinction between
* [LibraryLoader] and [LibraryLoaderTask] is made to hide internal members from
* the [LibraryLoader] interface.
class LibraryLoaderTask extends LibraryLoader {
LibraryLoaderTask(Compiler compiler) : super(compiler);
String get name => 'LibraryLoader';
final Map<String, LibraryElement> libraryNames =
new LinkedHashMap<String, LibraryElement>();
LibraryDependencyHandler currentHandler;
LibraryElement loadLibrary(Uri uri, Node node, Uri canonicalUri) {
return measure(() {
assert(currentHandler == null);
currentHandler = new LibraryDependencyHandler(compiler);
LibraryElement library =
createLibrary(currentHandler, uri, node, canonicalUri);
currentHandler = null;
return library;
* Processes the library tags in [library].
* The imported/exported libraries are loaded and processed recursively but
* the import/export scopes are not set up.
void processLibraryTags(LibraryDependencyHandler handler,
LibraryElement library) {
int tagState = TagState.NO_TAG_SEEN;
* If [value] is less than [tagState] complain and return
* [tagState]. Otherwise return the new value for [tagState]
* (transition function for state machine).
int checkTag(int value, LibraryTag tag) {
if (tagState > value) {
compiler.reportError(tag, 'out of order');
return tagState;
return TagState.NEXT[value];
bool importsDartCore = false;
var libraryDependencies = new LinkBuilder<LibraryDependency>();
Uri base = library.entryCompilationUnit.script.uri;
for (LibraryTag tag in library.tags.reverse()) {
if (tag.isImport) {
Import import = tag;
tagState = checkTag(TagState.IMPORT_OR_EXPORT, import);
if (import.uri.dartString.slowToString() == 'dart:core') {
importsDartCore = true;
} else if (tag.isExport) {
tagState = checkTag(TagState.IMPORT_OR_EXPORT, tag);
} else if (tag.isLibraryName) {
tagState = checkTag(TagState.LIBRARY, tag);
if (library.libraryTag != null) {
compiler.cancel("duplicated library declaration", node: tag);
} else {
library.libraryTag = tag;
} else if (tag.isPart) {
Part part = tag;
StringNode uri = part.uri;
Uri resolved = base.resolve(uri.dartString.slowToString());
tagState = checkTag(TagState.SOURCE, part);
scanPart(part, resolved, library);
} else {
compiler.internalError("Unhandled library tag.", node: tag);
// Apply patch, if any.
if (library.uri.scheme == 'dart') {
patchDartLibrary(handler, library, library.uri.path);
// Import dart:core if not already imported.
if (!importsDartCore && !isDartCore(library.uri)) {
handler.registerDependency(library, null, loadCoreLibrary(handler));
for (LibraryDependency tag in libraryDependencies.toLink()) {
registerLibraryFromTag(handler, library, tag);
void checkDuplicatedLibraryName(LibraryElement library) {
LibraryName tag = library.libraryTag;
if (tag != null) {
String name = library.getLibraryOrScriptName();
LibraryElement existing =
libraryNames.putIfAbsent(name, () => library);
if (!identical(existing, library)) {
Uri uri = library.entryCompilationUnit.script.uri;
compiler.spanFromNode(, uri),
Uri existingUri = existing.entryCompilationUnit.script.uri;
compiler.spanFromNode(, existingUri),
bool isDartCore(Uri uri) => uri.scheme == "dart" && uri.path == "core";
* Lazily loads and returns the [LibraryElement] for the dart:core library.
LibraryElement loadCoreLibrary(LibraryDependencyHandler handler) {
if (compiler.coreLibrary == null) {
Uri coreUri = new Uri.fromComponents(scheme: 'dart', path: 'core');
compiler.coreLibrary = createLibrary(handler, coreUri, null, coreUri);
return compiler.coreLibrary;
void patchDartLibrary(LibraryDependencyHandler handler,
LibraryElement library, String dartLibraryPath) {
if (library.isPatched) return;
Uri patchUri = compiler.resolvePatchUri(dartLibraryPath);
if (patchUri != null) {
compiler.patchParser.patchLibrary(handler, patchUri, library);
* Handle a part tag in the scope of [library]. The [path] given is used as
* is, any URI resolution should be done beforehand.
void scanPart(Part part, Uri path, LibraryElement library) {
if (!path.isAbsolute()) throw new ArgumentError(path);
Script sourceScript = compiler.readScript(path, part);
CompilationUnitElement unit =
new CompilationUnitElement(sourceScript, library);
compiler.withCurrentElement(unit, () {
if (unit.partTag == null) {
bool wasDiagnosticEmitted = false;
compiler.withCurrentElement(library, () {
wasDiagnosticEmitted =
compiler.onDeprecatedFeature(part, 'missing part-of tag');
if (wasDiagnosticEmitted) {
* Handle an import/export tag by loading the referenced library and
* registering its dependency in [handler] for the computation of the import/
* export scope.
void registerLibraryFromTag(LibraryDependencyHandler handler,
LibraryElement library,
LibraryDependency tag) {
Uri base = library.entryCompilationUnit.script.uri;
Uri resolved = base.resolve(tag.uri.dartString.slowToString());
LibraryElement loadedLibrary =
createLibrary(handler, resolved, tag.uri, resolved);
handler.registerDependency(library, tag, loadedLibrary);
if (!loadedLibrary.hasLibraryName()) {
compiler.withCurrentElement(library, () {
compiler.reportError(tag == null ? null : tag.uri,
'no library name found in ${loadedLibrary.uri}');
* Create (or reuse) a library element for the library located at [uri].
* If a new library is created, the [handler] is notified.
LibraryElement createLibrary(LibraryDependencyHandler handler,
Uri uri, Node node, Uri canonicalUri) {
bool newLibrary = false;
LibraryElement createLibrary() {
newLibrary = true;
Script script = compiler.readScript(uri, node);
LibraryElement element = new LibraryElement(script, canonicalUri);
native.maybeEnableNative(compiler, element, uri);
return element;
LibraryElement library;
if (canonicalUri == null) {
library = createLibrary();
} else {
library = compiler.libraries.putIfAbsent(canonicalUri.toString(),
if (newLibrary) {
compiler.withCurrentElement(library, () {
processLibraryTags(handler, library);
compiler.onLibraryScanned(library, uri);
return library;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this method when 'js_helper' is handled by
// [LibraryLoaderTask].
void importLibrary(LibraryElement importingLibrary,
LibraryElement importedLibrary,
Import tag) {
new ImportLink(tag, importedLibrary).importLibrary(compiler,
* The fields of this class models a state machine for checking script
* tags come in the correct order.
class TagState {
static const int NO_TAG_SEEN = 0;
static const int LIBRARY = 1;
static const int IMPORT_OR_EXPORT = 2;
static const int SOURCE = 3;
static const int RESOURCE = 4;
/** Next state. */
static const List<int> NEXT =
const <int>[NO_TAG_SEEN,
IMPORT_OR_EXPORT, // Only one library tag is allowed.
* An [import] tag and the [importedLibrary] imported through [import].
class ImportLink {
final Import import;
final LibraryElement importedLibrary;
ImportLink(this.import, this.importedLibrary);
* Imports the library into the [importingLibrary].
void importLibrary(Compiler compiler, LibraryElement importingLibrary) {
message: 'Exports not handled on $importedLibrary'));
var combinatorFilter = new CombinatorFilter.fromTag(import);
if (import != null && import.prefix != null) {
SourceString prefix = import.prefix.source;
Element e = importingLibrary.find(prefix);
if (e == null) {
e = new PrefixElement(prefix, importingLibrary.entryCompilationUnit,
importingLibrary.addToScope(e, compiler);
if (!identical(e.kind, ElementKind.PREFIX)) {
compiler.withCurrentElement(e, () {
compiler.reportWarning(new Identifier(e.position()),
'duplicated definition');
compiler.reportError(import.prefix, 'duplicate definition');
PrefixElement prefixElement = e;
importedLibrary.forEachExport((Element element) {
if (combinatorFilter.exclude(element)) return;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Clean-up like [checkDuplicateLibraryName].
Element existing =
prefixElement.imported.putIfAbsent(, () => element);
if (!identical(existing, element)) {
compiler.withCurrentElement(existing, () {
compiler.reportWarning(new Identifier(existing.position()),
'duplicated import');
compiler.withCurrentElement(element, () {
compiler.reportError(new Identifier(element.position()),
'duplicated import');
} else {
importedLibrary.forEachExport((Element element) {
compiler.withCurrentElement(element, () {
if (combinatorFilter.exclude(element)) return;
importingLibrary.addImport(element, compiler);
* The combinator filter computed from an export tag and the library dependency
* node for the library that declared the export tag. This represents an edge in
* the library dependency graph.
class ExportLink {
final CombinatorFilter combinatorFilter;
final LibraryDependencyNode exportNode;
ExportLink(Export export, LibraryDependencyNode this.exportNode)
: this.combinatorFilter = new CombinatorFilter.fromTag(export);
* Exports [element] to the dependent library unless [element] is filtered by
* the export combinators. Returns [:true:] if the set pending exports of the
* dependent library was modified.
bool exportElement(Element element) {
if (combinatorFilter.exclude(element)) return false;
return exportNode.addElementToPendingExports(element);
* A node in the library dependency graph.
* This class is used to collect the library dependencies expressed through
* import and export tags, and as the work-list entry in computations of library
* exports performed in [LibraryDependencyHandler.computeExports].
class LibraryDependencyNode {
final LibraryElement library;
int get hashCode => ++hashCodeCounter; // VM implementation of hashCode is slow.
static int hashCodeCounter = 0;
* A linked list of the import tags that import [library] mapped to the
* corresponding libraries. This is used to propagate exports into imports
* after the export scopes have been computed.
Link<ImportLink> imports = const Link<ImportLink>();
* A linked list of the export tags the dependent upon this node library.
* This is used to propagate exports during the computation of export scopes.
Link<ExportLink> dependencies = const Link<ExportLink>();
* The export scope for [library] which is gradually computed by the work-list
* computation in [LibraryDependencyHandler.computeExports].
Map<SourceString, Element> exportScope =
new LinkedHashMap<SourceString, Element>();
* The set of exported elements that need to be propageted to dependent
* libraries as part of the work-list computation performed in
* [LibraryDependencyHandler.computeExports].
Set<Element> pendingExportSet = new Set<Element>();
LibraryDependencyNode(LibraryElement this.library);
* Registers that the library of this node imports [importLibrary] through the
* [import] tag.
void registerImportDependency(Import import,
LibraryElement importedLibrary) {
imports = imports.prepend(new ImportLink(import, importedLibrary));
* Registers that the library of this node is exported by
* [exportingLibraryNode] through the [export] tag.
void registerExportDependency(Export export,
LibraryDependencyNode exportingLibraryNode) {
dependencies =
dependencies.prepend(new ExportLink(export, exportingLibraryNode));
* Registers all non-private locally declared members of the library of this
* node to be exported. This forms the basis for the work-list computation of
* the export scopes performed in [LibraryDependencyHandler.computeExports].
void registerInitialExports() {
library.localScope.values.filter((Element element) {
// At this point [localScope] only contains members so we don't need
// to check for foreign or prefix elements.
return !;
* Registers the compute export scope with the node library.
void registerExports() {
* Registers the imports of the node library.
void registerImports(Compiler compiler) {
for (ImportLink link in imports) {
link.importLibrary(compiler, library);
* Copies and clears pending export set for this node.
List<Element> pullPendingExports() {
List<Element> pendingExports = new List.from(pendingExportSet);
return pendingExports;
* Adds [element] to the export scope for this node. If the [element] name
* is a duplicate, an error element is inserted into the export scope.
Element addElementToExportScope(Compiler compiler, Element element) {
SourceString name =;
Element existingElement = exportScope[name];
if (existingElement != null) {
if (existingElement.isErroneous()) {
MessageKind.DUPLICATE_EXPORT.error([name]), api.Diagnostic.ERROR);
element = existingElement;
} else if (existingElement.getLibrary() != library) {
// Declared elements hide exported elements.
MessageKind.DUPLICATE_EXPORT.error([name]), api.Diagnostic.ERROR);
MessageKind.DUPLICATE_EXPORT.error([name]), api.Diagnostic.ERROR);
element = exportScope[name] = new ErroneousElement(
MessageKind.DUPLICATE_EXPORT, [name], name, library);
} else {
exportScope[name] = element;
return element;
* Propagates the exported [element] to all library nodes that depend upon
* this node. If the propagation updated any pending exports, [:true:] is
* returned.
bool propagateElement(Element element) {
bool change = false;
for (ExportLink link in dependencies) {
if (link.exportElement(element)) {
change = true;
return change;
* Adds [element] to the pending exports of this node and returns [:true:] if
* the pending export set was modified. The combinators of [export] are used
* to filter the element.
bool addElementToPendingExports(Element element) {
if (!identical(exportScope[], element)) {
if (!pendingExportSet.contains(element)) {
return true;
return false;
* Helper class used for computing the possibly cyclic import/export scopes of
* a set of libraries.
* This class is used by [ScannerTask.loadLibrary] to collect all newly loaded
* libraries and to compute their import/export scopes through a fixed-point
* algorithm.
class LibraryDependencyHandler {
final Compiler compiler;
* Newly loaded libraries and their corresponding node in the library
* dependency graph. Libraries that have already been fully loaded are not
* part of the dependency graph of this handler since their export scopes have
* already been computed.
Map<LibraryElement,LibraryDependencyNode> nodeMap =
new LinkedHashMap<LibraryElement,LibraryDependencyNode>();
LibraryDependencyHandler(Compiler this.compiler);
* Performs a fixed-point computation on the export scopes of all registered
* libraries and creates the import/export of the libraries based on the
* fixed-point.
void computeExports() {
bool changed = true;
while (changed) {
changed = false;
Map<LibraryDependencyNode, List<Element>> tasks =
new LinkedHashMap<LibraryDependencyNode, List<Element>>();
// Locally defined elements take precedence over exported
// elements. So we must propagate local elements first. We
// ensure this by pulling the pending exports before
// propagating. This enforces that we handle exports
// breadth-first, with locally defined elements being level 0.
nodeMap.forEach((_, LibraryDependencyNode node) {
List<Element> pendingExports = node.pullPendingExports();
tasks[node] = pendingExports;
tasks.forEach((LibraryDependencyNode node, List<Element> pendingExports) {
pendingExports.forEach((Element element) {
element = node.addElementToExportScope(compiler, element);
if (node.propagateElement(element)) {
changed = true;
// Setup export scopes. These have to be set before computing the import
// scopes to avoid accessing uncomputed export scopes during handling of
// imports.
nodeMap.forEach((LibraryElement library, LibraryDependencyNode node) {
// Setup import scopes.
nodeMap.forEach((LibraryElement library, LibraryDependencyNode node) {
* Registers that [library] depends on [loadedLibrary] through [tag].
void registerDependency(LibraryElement library,
LibraryDependency tag,
LibraryElement loadedLibrary) {
if (tag is Export) {
// [loadedLibrary] is exported by [library].
if (loadedLibrary.exportsHandled) {
// Export scope already computed on [loadedLibrary].
LibraryDependencyNode exportedNode = nodeMap[loadedLibrary];
LibraryDependencyNode exportingNode = nodeMap[library];
assert(invariant(loadedLibrary, exportedNode != null,
message: "$loadedLibrary has not been registered"));
assert(invariant(library, exportingNode != null,
message: "$library has not been registered"));
exportedNode.registerExportDependency(tag, exportingNode);
} else if (tag == null || tag is Import) {
// [loadedLibrary] is imported by [library].
LibraryDependencyNode importingNode = nodeMap[library];
assert(invariant(library, importingNode != null,
message: "$library has not been registered"));
importingNode.registerImportDependency(tag, loadedLibrary);
* Registers [library] for the processing of its import/export scope.
void registerNewLibrary(LibraryElement library) {
nodeMap[library] = new LibraryDependencyNode(library);
* Registers all top-level entities of [library] as starting point for the
* fixed-point computation of the import/export scopes.
void registerLibraryExports(LibraryElement library) {