blob: 336664e712c743e70020a13aac30b16e1217cdd8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of _js_helper;
List regExpExec(JSSyntaxRegExp regExp, String str) {
var nativeRegExp = regExpGetNative(regExp);
var result = JS('=List', r'#.exec(#)', nativeRegExp, str);
if (JS('bool', r'# == null', result)) return null;
return result;
bool regExpTest(JSSyntaxRegExp regExp, String str) {
var nativeRegExp = regExpGetNative(regExp);
return JS('bool', r'#.test(#)', nativeRegExp, str);
regExpGetNative(JSSyntaxRegExp regExp) {
var r = JS('var', r'#._re', regExp);
if (r == null) {
r = JS('var', r'#._re = #', regExp, regExpMakeNative(regExp));
return r;
regExpAttachGlobalNative(JSSyntaxRegExp regExp) {
JS('void', r'#._re = #', regExp, regExpMakeNative(regExp, global: true));
regExpMakeNative(JSSyntaxRegExp regExp, {bool global: false}) {
String pattern = regExp.pattern;
bool multiLine = regExp.multiLine;
bool ignoreCase = regExp.ignoreCase;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (multiLine) sb.add('m');
if (ignoreCase) sb.add('i');
if (global) sb.add('g');
try {
return JS('var', r'new RegExp(#, #)', pattern, sb.toString());
} catch (e) {
throw new IllegalJSRegExpException(pattern,
JS('String', r'String(#)', e));
int regExpMatchStart(m) => JS('int', r'#.index', m);
class JSSyntaxRegExp implements RegExp {
final String _pattern;
final bool _multiLine;
final bool _ignoreCase;
const JSSyntaxRegExp(String pattern,
{bool multiLine: false,
bool ignoreCase: false})
: _pattern = pattern,
_multiLine = multiLine,
_ignoreCase = ignoreCase;
Match firstMatch(String str) {
List<String> m = regExpExec(this, checkString(str));
if (m == null) return null;
var matchStart = regExpMatchStart(m);
// m.lastIndex only works with flag 'g'.
var matchEnd = matchStart + m[0].length;
return new _MatchImplementation(pattern, str, matchStart, matchEnd, m);
bool hasMatch(String str) => regExpTest(this, checkString(str));
String stringMatch(String str) {
var match = firstMatch(str);
return match == null ? null :;
Iterable<Match> allMatches(String str) {
return new _AllMatchesIterable(this, str);
String get pattern => _pattern;
bool get multiLine => _multiLine;
bool get ignoreCase => _ignoreCase;
static JSSyntaxRegExp _globalVersionOf(JSSyntaxRegExp other) {
JSSyntaxRegExp re = new JSSyntaxRegExp(other.pattern,
multiLine: other.multiLine,
ignoreCase: other.ignoreCase);
return re;
_getNative() => regExpGetNative(this);
class _MatchImplementation implements Match {
final String pattern;
final String str;
final int start;
final int end;
final List<String> _groups;
const _MatchImplementation(
String this.pattern,
String this.str,
int this.start,
int this.end,
List<String> this._groups);
String group(int index) => _groups[index];
String operator [](int index) => group(index);
int get groupCount => _groups.length - 1;
List<String> groups(List<int> groups) {
List<String> out = [];
for (int i in groups) {
return out;
class _AllMatchesIterable implements Iterable<Match> {
final JSSyntaxRegExp _re;
final String _str;
const _AllMatchesIterable(this._re, this._str);
Iterator<Match> iterator() => new _AllMatchesIterator(_re, _str);
class _AllMatchesIterator implements Iterator<Match> {
final RegExp _re;
final String _str;
Match _next;
bool _done;
_AllMatchesIterator(JSSyntaxRegExp re, String this._str)
: _done = false, _re = JSSyntaxRegExp._globalVersionOf(re);
Match next() {
if (!hasNext) {
throw new StateError("No more elements");
// _next is set by [hasNext].
var next = _next;
_next = null;
return next;
bool get hasNext {
if (_done) {
return false;
} else if (_next != null) {
return true;
// firstMatch actually acts as nextMatch because of
// hidden global flag.
_next = _re.firstMatch(_str);
if (_next == null) {
_done = true;
return false;
} else {
return true;