blob: ba55f775f7b5ca63d6314ac7740a4fc46884b006 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of js_backend;
* Assigns JavaScript identifiers to Dart variables, class-names and members.
class Namer implements ClosureNamer {
static Set<String> _jsReserved = null;
Set<String> get jsReserved {
if (_jsReserved == null) {
_jsReserved = new Set<String>();
return _jsReserved;
final String CURRENT_ISOLATE = r'$';
* Map from top-level or static elements to their unique identifiers provided
* by [getName].
* Invariant: Keys must be declaration elements.
final Compiler compiler;
final Map<Element, String> globals;
final Map<String, LibraryElement> shortPrivateNameOwners;
final Set<String> usedGlobalNames;
final Set<String> usedInstanceNames;
final Map<String, String> instanceNameMap;
final Map<String, String> globalNameMap;
final Map<String, int> popularNameCounters;
* A cache of names used for bailout methods. We make sure two
* bailout methods cannot have the same name because if the two
* bailout methods are in a class and a subclass, we would
* call the wrong bailout method at runtime. To make it
* simple, we don't keep track of inheritance and always avoid
* similar names.
final Set<String> usedBailoutInstanceNames;
final Map<Element, String> bailoutNames;
final Map<Constant, String> constantNames;
: globals = new Map<Element, String>(),
shortPrivateNameOwners = new Map<String, LibraryElement>(),
bailoutNames = new Map<Element, String>(),
usedBailoutInstanceNames = new Set<String>(),
usedGlobalNames = new Set<String>(),
usedInstanceNames = new Set<String>(),
instanceNameMap = new Map<String, String>(),
globalNameMap = new Map<String, String>(),
constantNames = new Map<Constant, String>(),
popularNameCounters = new Map<String, int>();
String get isolateName => 'Isolate';
String get isolatePropertiesName => r'$isolateProperties';
* Some closures must contain their name. The name is stored in
String get STATIC_CLOSURE_NAME_NAME => r'$name';
SourceString get closureInvocationSelectorName => Compiler.CALL_OPERATOR_NAME;
bool get shouldMinify => false;
bool isReserved(String name) => name == isolateName;
String constantName(Constant constant) {
// In the current implementation it doesn't make sense to give names to
// function constants since the function-implementation itself serves as
// constant and can be accessed directly.
String result = constantNames[constant];
if (result == null) {
String longName;
if (shouldMinify) {
if (constant.isString()) {
StringConstant stringConstant = constant;
// The minifier always constructs a new name, using the argument as
// input to its hashing algorithm. The given name does not need to be
// valid.
longName = stringConstant.value.slowToString();
} else {
longName = "C";
} else {
longName = "CONSTANT";
result = getFreshName(longName, usedGlobalNames);
constantNames[constant] = result;
return result;
String closureInvocationName(Selector selector) {
return instanceMethodInvocationName(null, closureInvocationSelectorName,
String breakLabelName(LabelElement label) {
return '\$${label.labelName}\$${}';
String implicitBreakLabelName(TargetElement target) {
return '\$${target.nestingLevel}';
// We sometimes handle continue targets differently from break targets,
// so we have special continue-only labels.
String continueLabelName(LabelElement label) {
return 'c\$${label.labelName}\$${}';
String implicitContinueLabelName(TargetElement target) {
return 'c\$${target.nestingLevel}';
* If the [name] is not private returns [:name.slowToString():]. Otherwise
* mangles the [name] so that each library has a unique name.
String privateName(LibraryElement lib, SourceString name) {
String result;
if (name.isPrivate()) {
String nameString = name.slowToString();
// The first library asking for a short private name wins.
LibraryElement owner = shouldMinify ?
lib :
shortPrivateNameOwners.putIfAbsent(nameString, () => lib);
// If a private name could clash with a mangled private name we don't
// use the short name. For example a private name "_lib3_foo" would
// clash with "_foo" from "lib3".
if (owner == lib &&
!nameString.startsWith('_$LIBRARY_PREFIX') &&
!shouldMinify) {
result = nameString;
} else {
String libName = getName(lib);
// If a library name does not start with the [LIBRARY_PREFIX] then our
// assumptions about clashing with mangled private members do not hold.
assert(shouldMinify || libName.startsWith(LIBRARY_PREFIX));
// TODO(erikcorry): Fix this with other manglings to avoid clashes.
result = '_lib$libName\$$nameString';
} else {
result = name.slowToString();
return result;
String instanceMethodName(FunctionElement element) {
SourceString name = Elements.operatorNameToIdentifier(;
LibraryElement lib = element.getLibrary();
if (element.kind == ElementKind.GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR_BODY) {
ConstructorBodyElement bodyElement = element;
name =;
FunctionSignature signature = element.computeSignature(compiler);
String methodName =
'${privateName(lib, name)}\$${signature.parameterCount}';
if (signature.optionalParametersAreNamed &&
!signature.optionalParameters.isEmpty) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
signature.orderedOptionalParameters.forEach((Element element) {
methodName = '$methodName$buffer';
if (name == closureInvocationSelectorName) return methodName;
return getMappedInstanceName(methodName);
String publicInstanceMethodNameByArity(SourceString name, int arity) {
name = Elements.operatorNameToIdentifier(name);
var base = name.slowToString();
// We don't mangle the closure invoking function name because it is
// generated in by string concatenation applyFunction from js_helper.dart.
var proposedName = '$base\$$arity';
if (base == closureInvocationSelectorName) return proposedName;
return getMappedInstanceName(proposedName);
String instanceMethodInvocationName(LibraryElement lib, SourceString name,
Selector selector) {
name = Elements.operatorNameToIdentifier(name);
// TODO(floitsch): mangle, while preserving uniqueness.
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
List<SourceString> names = selector.getOrderedNamedArguments();
for (SourceString argumentName in names) {
if (name == closureInvocationSelectorName) {
// We don't mangle the closure invoking function name because it is
// generated in by string concatenation applyFunction from js_helper.dart.
return '$closureInvocationSelectorName\$${selector.argumentCount}$buffer';
return getMappedInstanceName(
'${privateName(lib, name)}\$${selector.argumentCount}$buffer');
* Returns the internal name used for an invocation mirror of this selector.
String invocationMirrorInternalName(Selector selector) {
if (selector.isGetter()) {
return getterName(selector.library,;
} else if (selector.isSetter()) {
return setterName(selector.library,;
} else {
return instanceMethodInvocationName(
selector.library,, selector);
String instanceFieldName(LibraryElement libraryElement, SourceString name) {
String proposedName = privateName(libraryElement, name);
return getMappedInstanceName(proposedName);
// Construct a new name for the element based on the library and class it is
// in. The name here is not important, we just need to make sure it is
// unique. If we are minifying, we actually construct the name from the
// minified versions of the class and instance names, but the result is
// minified once again, so that is not visible in the end result.
String shadowedFieldName(Element fieldElement) {
// Check for following situation: Native field ${} has
// fixed JSName ${fieldElement.nativeName()}, but a subclass shadows this
// name. We normally handle that by renaming the superclass field, but we
// can't do that because native fields have fixed JSNames. In practice
// this can't happen because we can't inherit from native classes.
assert (!fieldElement.hasFixedBackendName());
ClassElement cls = fieldElement.getEnclosingClass();
LibraryElement libraryElement = fieldElement.getLibrary();
String libName = getName(libraryElement);
String clsName = getName(cls);
String instanceName = instanceFieldName(libraryElement,;
return getMappedInstanceName('$libName\$$clsName\$$instanceName');
String setterName(LibraryElement lib, SourceString name) {
// We dynamically create setters from the field-name. The setter name must
// therefore be derived from the instance field-name.
String fieldName = getMappedInstanceName(privateName(lib, name));
return 'set\$$fieldName';
String setterNameFromAccessorName(String name) {
// We dynamically create setters from the field-name. The setter name must
// therefore be derived from the instance field-name.
return 'set\$$name';
String publicGetterName(SourceString name) {
// We dynamically create getters from the field-name. The getter name must
// therefore be derived from the instance field-name.
String fieldName = getMappedInstanceName(name.slowToString());
return 'get\$$fieldName';
String getterNameFromAccessorName(String name) {
// We dynamically create getters from the field-name. The getter name must
// therefore be derived from the instance field-name.
return 'get\$$name';
String getterName(LibraryElement lib, SourceString name) {
// We dynamically create getters from the field-name. The getter name must
// therefore be derived from the instance field-name.
String fieldName = getMappedInstanceName(privateName(lib, name));
return 'get\$$fieldName';
String getMappedGlobalName(String proposedName) {
var newName = globalNameMap[proposedName];
if (newName == null) {
newName = getFreshName(proposedName, usedGlobalNames);
globalNameMap[proposedName] = newName;
return newName;
String getMappedInstanceName(String proposedName) {
var newName = instanceNameMap[proposedName];
if (newName == null) {
newName = getFreshName(proposedName, usedInstanceNames);
instanceNameMap[proposedName] = newName;
return newName;
String getFreshName(String proposedName, Set<String> usedNames) {
var candidate;
proposedName = safeName(proposedName);
if (!usedNames.contains(proposedName)) {
candidate = proposedName;
} else {
var counter = popularNameCounters[proposedName];
var i = counter == null ? 0 : counter;
while (usedNames.contains("$proposedName$i")) {
popularNameCounters[proposedName] = i + 1;
candidate = "$proposedName$i";
return candidate;
SourceString getClosureVariableName(SourceString name, int id) {
return new SourceString("${name.slowToString()}_$id");
static const String LIBRARY_PREFIX = "lib";
* Returns a preferred JS-id for the given top-level or static element.
* The returned id is guaranteed to be a valid JS-id.
String _computeGuess(Element element) {
LibraryElement lib = element.getLibrary();
String name;
if (element.isGenerativeConstructor()) {
if ( == element.getEnclosingClass().name) {
// Keep the class name for the class and not the factory.
name = "${}\$";
} else {
name =;
} else if (Elements.isStaticOrTopLevel(element)) {
if (element.isMember()) {
ClassElement enclosingClass = element.getEnclosingClass();
name = "${}_"
} else {
name =;
} else if (element.isLibrary()) {
} else {
name =;
return name;
String getSpecializedName(Element element, Collection<ClassElement> classes) {
// This gets the minified name, but it doesn't really make much difference.
// The important thing is that it is a unique name.
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer('${getName(element)}\$');
for (ClassElement cls in classes) {
return getMappedGlobalName(buffer.toString());
String getBailoutName(Element element) {
String name = bailoutNames[element];
if (name != null) return name;
bool global = !element.isInstanceMember();
// Despite the name of the variable, this gets the minified name when we
// are minifying, but it doesn't really make much difference. The
// important thing is that it is a unique name. We add $bailout and, if we
// are minifying, we minify the minified name and '$bailout'.
String unminifiedName = '${getName(element)}\$bailout';
if (global) {
name = getMappedGlobalName(unminifiedName);
} else {
name = unminifiedName;
int i = 0;
while (usedBailoutInstanceNames.contains(name)) {
name = '$unminifiedName${i++}';
name = getMappedInstanceName(name);
bailoutNames[element] = name;
return name;
* Returns a preferred JS-id for the given element. The returned id is
* guaranteed to be a valid JS-id. Globals and static fields are furthermore
* guaranteed to be unique.
* For accessing statics consider calling
* [isolateAccess]/[isolateBailoutAccess] or [isolatePropertyAccess] instead.
String getName(Element element) {
if (element.isInstanceMember()) {
if (element.kind == ElementKind.GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR_BODY
|| element.kind == ElementKind.FUNCTION) {
return instanceMethodName(element);
} else if (element.kind == ElementKind.GETTER) {
return getterName(element.getLibrary(),;
} else if (element.kind == ElementKind.SETTER) {
return setterName(element.getLibrary(),;
} else if (element.kind == ElementKind.FIELD) {
return instanceFieldName(element.getLibrary(),;
} else {
compiler.internalError('getName for bad kind: ${element.kind}',
node: element.parseNode(compiler));
} else {
// Use declaration element to ensure invariant on [globals].
element = element.declaration;
// Dealing with a top-level or static element.
String cached = globals[element];
if (cached != null) return cached;
String guess = _computeGuess(element);
ElementKind kind = element.kind;
if (kind == ElementKind.VARIABLE ||
kind == ElementKind.PARAMETER) {
// The name is not guaranteed to be unique.
return safeName(guess);
if (kind == ElementKind.GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR ||
kind == ElementKind.FUNCTION ||
kind == ElementKind.CLASS ||
kind == ElementKind.FIELD ||
kind == ElementKind.GETTER ||
kind == ElementKind.SETTER ||
kind == ElementKind.TYPEDEF ||
kind == ElementKind.LIBRARY ||
kind == ElementKind.MALFORMED_TYPE) {
bool fixedName = false;
if (kind == ElementKind.CLASS) {
ClassElement classElement = element;
fixedName = classElement.isNative();
if (Elements.isInstanceField(element)) {
fixedName = element.hasFixedBackendName();
String result =
fixedName ? guess : getFreshName(guess, usedGlobalNames);
globals[element] = result;
return result;
compiler.internalError('getName for unknown kind: ${element.kind}',
node: element.parseNode(compiler));
String getLazyInitializerName(Element element) {
return getMappedGlobalName("get\$${getName(element)}");
String isolatePropertiesAccess(Element element) {
return "$isolateName.$isolatePropertiesName.${getName(element)}";
String isolateAccess(Element element) {
return "$CURRENT_ISOLATE.${getName(element)}";
String isolateBailoutAccess(Element element) {
String newName = getMappedGlobalName('${getName(element)}\$bailout');
return '$CURRENT_ISOLATE.$newName';
String isolateLazyInitializerAccess(Element element) {
return "$CURRENT_ISOLATE.${getLazyInitializerName(element)}";
String operatorIs(Element element) {
// TODO(erikcorry): Reduce from is$x to ix when we are minifying.
return 'is\$${getName(element)}';
String safeName(String name) {
if (jsReserved.contains(name) || name.startsWith('\$')) {
name = "\$$name";
return name;