blob: c9b6e46843dffb2d768df0e55ca09da1d156b0b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library vm.bytecode.disassembler;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dbc.dart';
import 'exceptions.dart';
class _Instruction {
final Opcode opcode;
final List<int> operands;
_Instruction(this.opcode, this.operands);
class BytecodeDisassembler {
static const int kOpcodeMask = 0xFF;
static const int kBitsPerInt = 64;
List<_Instruction> _instructions;
int _labelCount;
Map<int, String> _labels;
Map<int, List<String>> _markers;
String disassemble(List<int> bytecode, ExceptionsTable exceptionsTable) {
return _disasm();
void _init(List<int> bytecode) {
final uint8list = new Uint8List.fromList(bytecode);
// TODO(alexmarkov): endianness?
Uint32List words = uint8list.buffer.asUint32List();
_instructions = new List<_Instruction>(words.length);
for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
_instructions[i] = _decodeInstruction(words[i]);
_labelCount = 0;
_labels = <int, String>{};
_markers = <int, List<String>>{};
_Instruction _decodeInstruction(int word) {
final opcode = Opcode.values[word & kOpcodeMask];
final format = BytecodeFormats[opcode];
return new _Instruction(opcode, _decodeOperands(format, word));
List<int> _decodeOperands(Format format, int word) {
switch (format.encoding) {
case Encoding.k0:
return const [];
case Encoding.kA:
return [_unsigned(word, 8, 8)];
case Encoding.kAD:
return [_unsigned(word, 8, 8), _unsigned(word, 16, 16)];
case Encoding.kAX:
return [_unsigned(word, 8, 8), _signed(word, 16, 16)];
case Encoding.kD:
return [_unsigned(word, 16, 16)];
case Encoding.kX:
return [_signed(word, 16, 16)];
case Encoding.kABC:
return [
_unsigned(word, 8, 8),
_unsigned(word, 16, 8),
_unsigned(word, 24, 8)
case Encoding.kABY:
return [
_unsigned(word, 8, 8),
_unsigned(word, 16, 8),
_signed(word, 24, 8)
case Encoding.kT:
return [_signed(word, 8, 24)];
throw 'Unexpected format $format';
int _unsigned(int word, int pos, int bits) =>
(word >> pos) & ((1 << bits) - 1);
int _signed(int word, int pos, int bits) =>
_unsigned(word, pos, bits) <<
(kBitsPerInt - bits) >>
(kBitsPerInt - bits);
void _scanForJumpTargets() {
for (int i = 0; i < _instructions.length; i++) {
final instr = _instructions[i];
if (isJump(instr.opcode)) {
final target = i + instr.operands[0];
assert(0 <= target && target < _instructions.length);
if (!_labels.containsKey(target)) {
final label = 'L${++_labelCount}';
_labels[target] = label;
_addMarker(target, '$label:');
void _markTryBlocks(ExceptionsTable exceptionsTable) {
for (var tryBlock in exceptionsTable.blocks) {
final int tryIndex = tryBlock.tryIndex;
_addMarker(tryBlock.startPC, 'Try #$tryIndex start:');
_addMarker(tryBlock.endPC, 'Try #$tryIndex end:');
_addMarker(tryBlock.handlerPC, 'Try #$tryIndex handler:');
void _addMarker(int pc, String marker) {
final markers = (_markers[pc] ??= <String>[]);
String _disasm() {
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < _instructions.length; i++) {
List<String> markers = _markers[i];
if (markers != null) {
_writeInstruction(out, i, _instructions[i]);
return out.toString();
void _writeInstruction(StringBuffer out, int bci, _Instruction instr) {
final format = BytecodeFormats[instr.opcode];
assert(format != null);
out.write(' ');
const int kOpcodeWidth = 20;
const String kOpcodePrefix = 'Opcode.k';
String opcode = instr.opcode.toString();
opcode = opcode.substring(kOpcodePrefix.length);
if (instr.operands.isEmpty) {
for (int i = 0; i < instr.operands.length; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
out.write(' ');
} else {
out.write(', ');
final operand =
_formatOperand(bci, format.operands[i], instr.operands[i]);
String _formatOperand(int bci, Operand fmt, int value) {
switch (fmt) {
case Operand.none:
case Operand.imm:
return '$value';
case Operand.lit:
return 'CP#$value';
case Operand.reg:
return 'r$value';
case Operand.xeg:
return (value < 0) ? 'FP[$value]' : 'r$value';
case Operand.tgt:
return _labels[bci + value] ?? (throw 'Label not found');
case Operand.spe:
return SpecialIndex.values[value]
throw 'Unexpected operand format $fmt';