blob: 15076fb6a4ef2adc23b6d7fc0ba6e72a5a11aa89 [file] [log] [blame]
library dart.dom.indexed_db;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:html_common';
import 'dart:nativewrappers';
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Auto-generated dart:indexed_db library.
class _KeyRangeFactoryProvider {
static KeyRange createKeyRange_only(/*IDBKey*/ value) =>
static KeyRange createKeyRange_lowerBound(
/*IDBKey*/ bound, [bool open = false]) =>
KeyRange.lowerBound_(bound, open);
static KeyRange createKeyRange_upperBound(
/*IDBKey*/ bound, [bool open = false]) =>
KeyRange.upperBound_(bound, open);
static KeyRange createKeyRange_bound(
/*IDBKey*/ lower, /*IDBKey*/ upper,
[bool lowerOpen = false, bool upperOpen = false]) =>
KeyRange.bound_(lower, upper, lowerOpen, upperOpen);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class Cursor extends NativeFieldWrapperClass1 {
Future delete() {
try {
return _completeRequest($dom_delete());
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future update(value) {
try {
return _completeRequest($dom_update(value));
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
String get direction native "IDBCursor_direction_Getter";
Object get key native "IDBCursor_key_Getter";
Object get primaryKey native "IDBCursor_primaryKey_Getter";
dynamic get source native "IDBCursor_source_Getter";
void advance(int count) native "IDBCursor_advance_Callback";
Request $dom_delete() native "IDBCursor_delete_Callback";
@Experimental // non-standard
void next([Object key]) native "IDBCursor_next_Callback";
Request $dom_update(Object value) native "IDBCursor_update_Callback";
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class CursorWithValue extends Cursor {
CursorWithValue.internal() : super.internal();
Object get value native "IDBCursorWithValue_value_Getter";
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX, '15')
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
class Database extends EventTarget {
ObjectStore createObjectStore(String name,
{String keyPath, bool autoIncrement}) {
var options = {};
if (keyPath != null) {
options['keyPath'] = keyPath;
if (autoIncrement != null) {
options['autoIncrement'] = autoIncrement;
return $dom_createObjectStore(name, options);
Database.internal() : super.internal();
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> abortEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('abort');
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
static const EventStreamProvider<VersionChangeEvent> versionChangeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<VersionChangeEvent>('versionchange');
String get name native "IDBDatabase_name_Getter";
List<String> get objectStoreNames native "IDBDatabase_objectStoreNames_Getter";
dynamic get version native "IDBDatabase_version_Getter";
void $dom_addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]) native "IDBDatabase_addEventListener_Callback";
void close() native "IDBDatabase_close_Callback";
ObjectStore $dom_createObjectStore(String name, [Map options]) native "IDBDatabase_createObjectStore_Callback";
void deleteObjectStore(String name) native "IDBDatabase_deleteObjectStore_Callback";
bool dispatchEvent(Event evt) native "IDBDatabase_dispatchEvent_Callback";
void $dom_removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]) native "IDBDatabase_removeEventListener_Callback";
Transaction transaction(storeName_OR_storeNames, String mode) {
if ((storeName_OR_storeNames is List<String> || storeName_OR_storeNames == null) && (mode is String || mode == null)) {
return _transaction_1(storeName_OR_storeNames, mode);
if ((storeName_OR_storeNames is List<String> || storeName_OR_storeNames == null) && (mode is String || mode == null)) {
return _transaction_2(storeName_OR_storeNames, mode);
if ((storeName_OR_storeNames is String || storeName_OR_storeNames == null) && (mode is String || mode == null)) {
return _transaction_3(storeName_OR_storeNames, mode);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
Transaction _transaction_1(storeName_OR_storeNames, mode) native "IDBDatabase__transaction_1_Callback";
Transaction _transaction_2(storeName_OR_storeNames, mode) native "IDBDatabase__transaction_2_Callback";
Transaction _transaction_3(storeName_OR_storeNames, mode) native "IDBDatabase__transaction_3_Callback";
Stream<Event> get onAbort => abortEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<VersionChangeEvent> get onVersionChange => versionChangeEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX, '15')
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10')
class IdbFactory extends NativeFieldWrapperClass1 {
* Checks to see if Indexed DB is supported on the current platform.
static bool get supported {
return true;
Future<Database> open(String name,
{int version, void onUpgradeNeeded(VersionChangeEvent),
void onBlocked(Event)}) {
if ((version == null) != (onUpgradeNeeded == null)) {
return new Future.error(new ArgumentError(
'version and onUpgradeNeeded must be specified together'));
try {
var request;
if (version != null) {
request = $dom_open(name, version);
} else {
request = $dom_open(name);
if (onUpgradeNeeded != null) {
if (onBlocked != null) {
return _completeRequest(request);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future<IdbFactory> deleteDatabase(String name,
{void onBlocked(Event)}) {
try {
var request = $dom_deleteDatabase(name);
if (onBlocked != null) {
return _completeRequest(request);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future<List<String>> getDatabaseNames() {
try {
var request = $dom_webkitGetDatabaseNames();
return _completeRequest(request);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
* Checks to see if getDatabaseNames is supported by the current platform.
bool get supportsDatabaseNames {
return true;
int cmp(Object first, Object second) native "IDBFactory_cmp_Callback";
OpenDBRequest $dom_deleteDatabase(String name) native "IDBFactory_deleteDatabase_Callback";
OpenDBRequest $dom_open(String name, [int version]) {
if (?version) {
return _open_1(name, version);
return _open_2(name);
OpenDBRequest _open_1(name, version) native "IDBFactory__open_1_Callback";
OpenDBRequest _open_2(name) native "IDBFactory__open_2_Callback";
Request $dom_webkitGetDatabaseNames() native "IDBFactory_webkitGetDatabaseNames_Callback";
* Ties a request to a completer, so the completer is completed when it succeeds
* and errors out when the request errors.
Future _completeRequest(Request request) {
var completer = new Completer.sync();
// TODO: make sure that completer.complete is synchronous as transactions
// may be committed if the result is not processed immediately.
request.onSuccess.listen((e) {
request.onError.listen((e) {
return completer.future;
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class Index extends NativeFieldWrapperClass1 {
Future<int> count([key_OR_range]) {
try {
var request;
if (key_OR_range != null) {
request = $dom_count(key_OR_range);
} else {
request = $dom_count();
return _completeRequest(request);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future get(key) {
try {
var request = $dom_get(key);
return _completeRequest(request);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future getKey(key) {
try {
var request = $dom_getKey(key);
return _completeRequest(request);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
* Creates a stream of cursors over the records in this object store.
* See also:
* * [ObjectStore.openCursor]
Stream<CursorWithValue> openCursor({key, KeyRange range, String direction,
bool autoAdvance}) {
var key_OR_range = null;
if (key != null) {
if (range != null) {
throw new ArgumentError('Cannot specify both key and range.');
key_OR_range = key;
} else {
key_OR_range = range;
var request;
if (direction == null) {
request = $dom_openCursor(key_OR_range);
} else {
request = $dom_openCursor(key_OR_range, direction);
return ObjectStore._cursorStreamFromResult(request, autoAdvance);
* Creates a stream of cursors over the records in this object store.
* See also:
* * [ObjectStore.openCursor]
Stream<Cursor> openKeyCursor({key, KeyRange range, String direction,
bool autoAdvance}) {
var key_OR_range = null;
if (key != null) {
if (range != null) {
throw new ArgumentError('Cannot specify both key and range.');
key_OR_range = key;
} else {
key_OR_range = range;
var request;
if (direction == null) {
request = $dom_openKeyCursor(key_OR_range);
} else {
request = $dom_openKeyCursor(key_OR_range, direction);
return ObjectStore._cursorStreamFromResult(request, autoAdvance);
dynamic get keyPath native "IDBIndex_keyPath_Getter";
bool get multiEntry native "IDBIndex_multiEntry_Getter";
String get name native "IDBIndex_name_Getter";
ObjectStore get objectStore native "IDBIndex_objectStore_Getter";
bool get unique native "IDBIndex_unique_Getter";
Request $dom_count([key_OR_range]) {
if ((key_OR_range is KeyRange || key_OR_range == null)) {
return _count_1(key_OR_range);
if (?key_OR_range) {
return _count_2(key_OR_range);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
Request _count_1(key_OR_range) native "IDBIndex__count_1_Callback";
Request _count_2(key_OR_range) native "IDBIndex__count_2_Callback";
Request $dom_get(key) {
if ((key is KeyRange || key == null)) {
return _get_1(key);
if (?key) {
return _get_2(key);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
Request _get_1(key) native "IDBIndex__get_1_Callback";
Request _get_2(key) native "IDBIndex__get_2_Callback";
Request $dom_getKey(key) {
if ((key is KeyRange || key == null)) {
return _getKey_1(key);
if (?key) {
return _getKey_2(key);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
Request _getKey_1(key) native "IDBIndex__getKey_1_Callback";
Request _getKey_2(key) native "IDBIndex__getKey_2_Callback";
Request $dom_openCursor([key_OR_range, String direction]) {
if ((key_OR_range is KeyRange || key_OR_range == null) && (direction is String || direction == null)) {
return _openCursor_1(key_OR_range, direction);
if (?key_OR_range && (direction is String || direction == null)) {
return _openCursor_2(key_OR_range, direction);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
Request _openCursor_1(key_OR_range, direction) native "IDBIndex__openCursor_1_Callback";
Request _openCursor_2(key_OR_range, direction) native "IDBIndex__openCursor_2_Callback";
Request $dom_openKeyCursor([key_OR_range, String direction]) {
if ((key_OR_range is KeyRange || key_OR_range == null) && (direction is String || direction == null)) {
return _openKeyCursor_1(key_OR_range, direction);
if (?key_OR_range && (direction is String || direction == null)) {
return _openKeyCursor_2(key_OR_range, direction);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
Request _openKeyCursor_1(key_OR_range, direction) native "IDBIndex__openKeyCursor_1_Callback";
Request _openKeyCursor_2(key_OR_range, direction) native "IDBIndex__openKeyCursor_2_Callback";
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class KeyRange extends NativeFieldWrapperClass1 {
factory KeyRange.only(/*Key*/ value) =>
factory KeyRange.lowerBound(/*Key*/ bound, [bool open = false]) =>
_KeyRangeFactoryProvider.createKeyRange_lowerBound(bound, open);
factory KeyRange.upperBound(/*Key*/ bound, [bool open = false]) =>
_KeyRangeFactoryProvider.createKeyRange_upperBound(bound, open);
factory KeyRange.bound(/*Key*/ lower, /*Key*/ upper,
[bool lowerOpen = false, bool upperOpen = false]) =>
lower, upper, lowerOpen, upperOpen);
Object get lower native "IDBKeyRange_lower_Getter";
bool get lowerOpen native "IDBKeyRange_lowerOpen_Getter";
Object get upper native "IDBKeyRange_upper_Getter";
bool get upperOpen native "IDBKeyRange_upperOpen_Getter";
@Experimental // non-standard
static KeyRange bound_(Object lower, Object upper, [bool lowerOpen, bool upperOpen]) native "IDBKeyRange_bound__Callback";
@Experimental // non-standard
static KeyRange lowerBound_(Object bound, [bool open]) native "IDBKeyRange_lowerBound__Callback";
@Experimental // non-standard
static KeyRange only_(Object value) native "IDBKeyRange_only__Callback";
@Experimental // non-standard
static KeyRange upperBound_(Object bound, [bool open]) native "IDBKeyRange_upperBound__Callback";
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class ObjectStore extends NativeFieldWrapperClass1 {
Future add(value, [key]) {
try {
var request;
if (key != null) {
request = $dom_add(value, key);
} else {
request = $dom_add(value);
return _completeRequest(request);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future clear() {
try {
return _completeRequest($dom_clear());
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future delete(key_OR_keyRange){
try {
return _completeRequest($dom_delete(key_OR_keyRange));
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future<int> count([key_OR_range]) {
try {
var request;
if (key_OR_range != null) {
request = $dom_count(key_OR_range);
} else {
request = $dom_count();
return _completeRequest(request);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future put(value, [key]) {
try {
var request;
if (key != null) {
request = $dom_put(value, key);
} else {
request = $dom_put(value);
return _completeRequest(request);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
Future getObject(key) {
try {
var request = $dom_get(key);
return _completeRequest(request);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
return new Future.error(e, stacktrace);
* Creates a stream of cursors over the records in this object store.
* **The stream must be manually advanced by calling [] after
* each item or by specifying autoAdvance to be true.**
* var cursors = objectStore.openCursor().listen(
* (cursor) {
* // ...some processing with the cursor
*; // advance onto the next cursor.
* },
* onDone: () {
* // called when there are no more cursors.
* print('all done!');
* });
* Asynchronous operations which are not related to the current transaction
* will cause the transaction to automatically be committed-- all processing
* must be done synchronously unless they are additional async requests to
* the current transaction.
Stream<CursorWithValue> openCursor({key, KeyRange range, String direction,
bool autoAdvance}) {
var key_OR_range = null;
if (key != null) {
if (range != null) {
throw new ArgumentError('Cannot specify both key and range.');
key_OR_range = key;
} else {
key_OR_range = range;
// TODO: try/catch this and return a stream with an immediate error.
var request;
if (direction == null) {
request = $dom_openCursor(key_OR_range);
} else {
request = $dom_openCursor(key_OR_range, direction);
return _cursorStreamFromResult(request, autoAdvance);
Index createIndex(String name, keyPath, {bool unique, bool multiEntry}) {
var options = {};
if (unique != null) {
options['unique'] = unique;
if (multiEntry != null) {
options['multiEntry'] = multiEntry;
return $dom_createIndex(name, keyPath, options);
bool get autoIncrement native "IDBObjectStore_autoIncrement_Getter";
List<String> get indexNames native "IDBObjectStore_indexNames_Getter";
dynamic get keyPath native "IDBObjectStore_keyPath_Getter";
String get name native "IDBObjectStore_name_Getter";
Transaction get transaction native "IDBObjectStore_transaction_Getter";
Request $dom_add(Object value, [Object key]) native "IDBObjectStore_add_Callback";
Request $dom_clear() native "IDBObjectStore_clear_Callback";
Request $dom_count([key_OR_range]) {
if ((key_OR_range is KeyRange || key_OR_range == null)) {
return _count_1(key_OR_range);
if (?key_OR_range) {
return _count_2(key_OR_range);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
Request _count_1(key_OR_range) native "IDBObjectStore__count_1_Callback";
Request _count_2(key_OR_range) native "IDBObjectStore__count_2_Callback";
Index $dom_createIndex(String name, keyPath, [Map options]) {
if ((name is String || name == null) && (keyPath is List<String> || keyPath == null) && (options is Map || options == null)) {
return _createIndex_1(name, keyPath, options);
if ((name is String || name == null) && (keyPath is String || keyPath == null) && (options is Map || options == null)) {
return _createIndex_2(name, keyPath, options);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
Index _createIndex_1(name, keyPath, options) native "IDBObjectStore__createIndex_1_Callback";
Index _createIndex_2(name, keyPath, options) native "IDBObjectStore__createIndex_2_Callback";
Request $dom_delete(key_OR_keyRange) {
if ((key_OR_keyRange is KeyRange || key_OR_keyRange == null)) {
return _delete_1(key_OR_keyRange);
if (?key_OR_keyRange) {
return _delete_2(key_OR_keyRange);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
Request _delete_1(key_OR_keyRange) native "IDBObjectStore__delete_1_Callback";
Request _delete_2(key_OR_keyRange) native "IDBObjectStore__delete_2_Callback";
void deleteIndex(String name) native "IDBObjectStore_deleteIndex_Callback";
Request $dom_get(key) {
if ((key is KeyRange || key == null)) {
return _get_1(key);
if (?key) {
return _get_2(key);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
Request _get_1(key) native "IDBObjectStore__get_1_Callback";
Request _get_2(key) native "IDBObjectStore__get_2_Callback";
Index index(String name) native "IDBObjectStore_index_Callback";
Request $dom_openCursor([key_OR_range, String direction]) {
if ((key_OR_range is KeyRange || key_OR_range == null) && (direction is String || direction == null)) {
return _openCursor_1(key_OR_range, direction);
if (?key_OR_range && (direction is String || direction == null)) {
return _openCursor_2(key_OR_range, direction);
throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect number or type of arguments");
Request _openCursor_1(key_OR_range, direction) native "IDBObjectStore__openCursor_1_Callback";
Request _openCursor_2(key_OR_range, direction) native "IDBObjectStore__openCursor_2_Callback";
Request $dom_put(Object value, [Object key]) native "IDBObjectStore_put_Callback";
* Helper for iterating over cursors in a request.
static Stream<Cursor> _cursorStreamFromResult(Request request,
bool autoAdvance) {
// TODO: need to guarantee that the controller provides the values
// immediately as waiting until the next tick will cause the transaction to
// close.
var controller = new StreamController();
request.onError.listen((e) {
//TODO: Report stacktrace once issue 4061 is resolved.
request.onSuccess.listen((e) {
Cursor cursor = request.result;
if (cursor == null) {
} else {
if (autoAdvance == true && controller.hasListener) {;
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class OpenDBRequest extends Request implements EventTarget {
OpenDBRequest.internal() : super.internal();
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> blockedEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('blocked');
static const EventStreamProvider<VersionChangeEvent> upgradeNeededEvent = const EventStreamProvider<VersionChangeEvent>('upgradeneeded');
Stream<Event> get onBlocked => blockedEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<VersionChangeEvent> get onUpgradeNeeded => upgradeNeededEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class Request extends EventTarget {
Request.internal() : super.internal();
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> successEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('success');
DomError get error native "IDBRequest_error_Getter";
String get readyState native "IDBRequest_readyState_Getter";
dynamic get result native "IDBRequest_result_Getter";
dynamic get source native "IDBRequest_source_Getter";
Transaction get transaction native "IDBRequest_transaction_Getter";
String get errorMessage native "IDBRequest_webkitErrorMessage_Getter";
void $dom_addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]) native "IDBRequest_addEventListener_Callback";
bool dispatchEvent(Event evt) native "IDBRequest_dispatchEvent_Callback";
void $dom_removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]) native "IDBRequest_removeEventListener_Callback";
Stream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onSuccess => successEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class Transaction extends EventTarget {
* Provides a Future which will be completed once the transaction has
* completed.
* The future will error if an error occurrs on the transaction or if the
* transaction is aborted.
Future<Database> get completed {
var completer = new Completer<Database>();
this.onComplete.first.then((_) {
this.onError.first.then((e) {
this.onAbort.first.then((e) {
return completer.future;
Transaction.internal() : super.internal();
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> abortEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('abort');
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> completeEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('complete');
static const EventStreamProvider<Event> errorEvent = const EventStreamProvider<Event>('error');
Database get db native "IDBTransaction_db_Getter";
DomError get error native "IDBTransaction_error_Getter";
String get mode native "IDBTransaction_mode_Getter";
String get errorMessage native "IDBTransaction_webkitErrorMessage_Getter";
void abort() native "IDBTransaction_abort_Callback";
void $dom_addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]) native "IDBTransaction_addEventListener_Callback";
bool dispatchEvent(Event evt) native "IDBTransaction_dispatchEvent_Callback";
ObjectStore objectStore(String name) native "IDBTransaction_objectStore_Callback";
void $dom_removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, [bool useCapture]) native "IDBTransaction_removeEventListener_Callback";
Stream<Event> get onAbort => abortEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onComplete => completeEvent.forTarget(this);
Stream<Event> get onError => errorEvent.forTarget(this);
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
class VersionChangeEvent extends Event {
VersionChangeEvent.internal() : super.internal();
dynamic get newVersion native "IDBVersionChangeEvent_newVersion_Getter";
dynamic get oldVersion native "IDBVersionChangeEvent_oldVersion_Getter";
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// WARNING: Do not edit - generated code.
@deprecated // nonstandard
abstract class _IDBAny extends NativeFieldWrapperClass1 {