blob: 5535b55efbbe3a8bb09a26c510db3ee786005ca2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
DynamicTypeImpl get dynamicType => DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
VoidTypeImpl get voidType => VoidTypeImpl.instance;
Element getBaseElement(Element e) {
if (e is Member) {
return e.baseElement;
} else {
return e;
class FunctionTypeTest {
static const bug_33294_fixed = false;
static const bug_33300_fixed = false;
static const bug_33301_fixed = false;
static const bug_33302_fixed = false;
final objectType = new InterfaceTypeImpl(new MockClassElement('Object'));
final mapType = _makeMapType();
final listType = _makeListType();
final intType = new InterfaceTypeImpl(new MockClassElement('int'));
void basicChecks(FunctionType f,
displayName: '() → dynamic',
namedParameterTypes: isEmpty,
normalParameterNames: isEmpty,
normalParameterTypes: isEmpty,
optionalParameterNames: isEmpty,
optionalParameterTypes: isEmpty,
parameters: isEmpty,
typeFormals: isEmpty,
typeArguments: isEmpty,
typeParameters: isEmpty,
name: isNull}) {
// DartType properties
expect(f.displayName, displayName, reason: 'displayName');
expect(f.element, element, reason: 'element');
expect(, name, reason: 'name');
// ParameterizedType properties
expect(f.typeArguments, typeArguments, reason: 'typeArguments');
expect(f.typeParameters, typeParameters, reason: 'typeParameters');
// FunctionType properties
expect(f.namedParameterTypes, namedParameterTypes,
reason: 'namedParameterTypes');
expect(f.normalParameterNames, normalParameterNames,
reason: 'normalParameterNames');
expect(f.normalParameterTypes, normalParameterTypes,
reason: 'normalParameterTypes');
expect(f.optionalParameterNames, optionalParameterNames,
reason: 'optionalParameterNames');
expect(f.optionalParameterTypes, optionalParameterTypes,
reason: 'optionalParameterTypes');
expect(f.parameters, parameters, reason: 'parameters');
expect(f.returnType, returnType ?? same(dynamicType), reason: 'returnType');
expect(f.typeFormals, typeFormals, reason: 'typeFormals');
DartType listOf(DartType elementType) => listType.instantiate([elementType]);
DartType mapOf(DartType keyType, DartType valueType) =>
mapType.instantiate([keyType, valueType]);
test_forInstantiatedTypedef_bothTypeParameters() {
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var u = new MockTypeParameterElement('U');
var e = new MockGenericTypeAliasElement('F',
typeParameters: [t],
innerTypeParameters: [u],
returnType: mapOf(t.type, u.type));
FunctionType f =
new FunctionTypeImpl.forTypedef(e, typeArguments: [objectType]);
element: same(e),
displayName: 'F<Object>',
name: 'F',
typeArguments: [same(objectType)],
typeParameters: [same(t)],
returnType: mapOf(objectType, u.type));
test_forInstantiatedTypedef_innerTypeParameter() {
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var e = new MockGenericTypeAliasElement('F',
innerTypeParameters: [t], returnType: t.type);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl.forTypedef(e, typeArguments: []);
element: same(e),
displayName: 'F',
name: 'F',
returnType: same(t.type));
test_forInstantiatedTypedef_noTypeParameters() {
var e = new MockGenericTypeAliasElement('F');
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl.forTypedef(e, typeArguments: []);
basicChecks(f, element: same(e), displayName: 'F', name: 'F');
test_forInstantiatedTypedef_outerTypeParameters() {
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var e = new MockGenericTypeAliasElement('F',
typeParameters: [t], returnType: t.type);
FunctionType f =
new FunctionTypeImpl.forTypedef(e, typeArguments: [objectType]);
element: same(e),
displayName: 'F<Object>',
name: 'F',
typeArguments: [same(objectType)],
typeParameters: [same(t)],
returnType: same(objectType));
test_forTypedef() {
var e = new MockGenericTypeAliasElement('F');
basicChecks(e.type, element: same(e), displayName: 'F', name: 'F');
element: same(e.function), displayName: '() → dynamic');
test_forTypedef_innerAndOuterTypeParameter() {
// typedef F<T> = T Function<U>(U p);
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var u = new MockTypeParameterElement('U');
var p = new MockParameterElement('p', type: u.type);
var e = new MockGenericTypeAliasElement('F',
typeParameters: [t],
innerTypeParameters: [u],
returnType: t.type,
parameters: [p]);
element: same(e),
displayName: 'F',
name: 'F',
returnType: same(t.type),
normalParameterTypes: [same(u.type)],
normalParameterNames: ['p'],
parameters: [same(p)],
typeFormals: [same(t)]);
element: same(e.function),
displayName: '<U>(U) → T',
returnType: same(t.type),
typeArguments: [same(t.type)],
typeParameters: [same(t)],
typeFormals: [same(u)],
normalParameterTypes: [same(u.type)],
normalParameterNames: ['p'],
parameters: [same(p)]);
test_forTypedef_innerAndOuterTypeParameter_instantiate() {
// typedef F<T> = T Function<U>(U p);
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var u = new MockTypeParameterElement('U');
var p = new MockParameterElement('p', type: u.type);
var e = new MockGenericTypeAliasElement('F',
typeParameters: [t],
innerTypeParameters: [u],
returnType: t.type,
parameters: [p]);
var instantiated = e.type.instantiate([objectType]);
element: same(e),
displayName: 'F<Object>',
name: 'F',
returnType: same(objectType),
normalParameterTypes: [same(u.type)],
normalParameterNames: ['p'],
parameters: [same(p)],
typeFormals: isNotNull,
typeArguments: [same(objectType)],
typeParameters: [same(t)]);
if (bug_33294_fixed) {
expect(instantiated.typeFormals, [same(u)]);
} else {
expect(instantiated.typeFormals, isEmpty);
test_forTypedef_innerTypeParameter() {
// typedef F = T Function<T>();
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var e = new MockGenericTypeAliasElement('F',
innerTypeParameters: [t], returnType: t.type);
element: same(e),
displayName: 'F',
name: 'F',
returnType: same(t.type));
element: same(e.function),
displayName: '<T>() → T',
returnType: same(t.type),
typeFormals: [same(t)]);
test_forTypedef_normalParameter() {
var p = new MockParameterElement('p');
var e = new MockGenericTypeAliasElement('F', parameters: [p]);
element: same(e),
displayName: 'F',
name: 'F',
normalParameterNames: ['p'],
normalParameterTypes: [same(dynamicType)],
parameters: [same(p)]);
element: same(e.function),
displayName: '(dynamic) → dynamic',
normalParameterNames: ['p'],
normalParameterTypes: [same(dynamicType)],
parameters: [same(p)]);
test_forTypedef_recursive_via_interfaceTypes() {
// typedef F = List<G> Function();
// typedef G = List<F> Function();
var f = new MockGenericTypeAliasElement('F');
var g = new MockGenericTypeAliasElement('G');
f.returnType = listOf(g.function.type);
g.returnType = listOf(f.function.type);
element: same(f), displayName: 'F', name: 'F', returnType: isNotNull);
var fReturn = f.type.returnType;
expect(fReturn.element, same(listType.element));
if (bug_33302_fixed) {
expect(fReturn.displayName, 'List<G>');
} else {
expect(fReturn.displayName, 'List<() → List<...>>');
var fReturnArg = (fReturn as InterfaceType).typeArguments[0];
expect(fReturnArg.element, same(g.function));
var fReturnArgReturn = (fReturnArg as FunctionType).returnType;
expect(fReturnArgReturn.element, same(listType.element));
expect((fReturnArgReturn as InterfaceType).typeArguments[0],
new isInstanceOf<CircularFunctionTypeImpl>());
element: same(f.function), displayName: isNotNull, returnType: fReturn);
if (bug_33302_fixed) {
expect(f.function.type.displayName, '() → List<G>');
} else {
expect(f.function.type.displayName, '() → List<() → List<...>>');
element: same(g), displayName: 'G', name: 'G', returnType: isNotNull);
var gReturn = g.type.returnType;
expect(gReturn.element, same(listType.element));
if (bug_33302_fixed) {
expect(gReturn.displayName, 'List<F>');
} else {
expect(gReturn.displayName, 'List<() → List<...>>');
var gReturnArg = (gReturn as InterfaceType).typeArguments[0];
expect(gReturnArg.element, same(f.function));
var gReturnArgReturn = (gReturnArg as FunctionType).returnType;
expect(gReturnArgReturn.element, same(listType.element));
expect((gReturnArgReturn as InterfaceType).typeArguments[0],
new isInstanceOf<CircularFunctionTypeImpl>());
element: same(g.function), displayName: isNotNull, returnType: gReturn);
if (bug_33302_fixed) {
expect(g.function.type.displayName, '() → F');
} else {
expect(g.function.type.displayName, '() → List<() → List<...>>');
test_forTypedef_recursive_via_parameterTypes() {
// typedef F = void Function(G g);
// typedef G = void Function(F f);
var f = new MockGenericTypeAliasElement('F', returnType: voidType);
var g = new MockGenericTypeAliasElement('G', returnType: voidType);
f.parameters = [new MockParameterElement('g', type: g.function.type)];
g.parameters = [new MockParameterElement('f', type: f.function.type)];
element: same(f),
displayName: 'F',
name: 'F',
parameters: hasLength(1),
normalParameterTypes: hasLength(1),
normalParameterNames: ['g'],
returnType: same(voidType));
var fParamType = f.type.normalParameterTypes[0];
expect(fParamType.element, same(g.function));
expect((fParamType as FunctionType).normalParameterTypes[0],
new isInstanceOf<CircularFunctionTypeImpl>());
element: same(f.function),
displayName: isNotNull,
parameters: hasLength(1),
normalParameterTypes: [fParamType],
normalParameterNames: ['g'],
returnType: same(voidType));
if (bug_33302_fixed) {
expect(f.function.type.displayName, '(G) → void');
} else {
expect(f.function.type.displayName, '((...) → void) → void');
element: same(g),
displayName: 'G',
name: 'G',
parameters: hasLength(1),
normalParameterTypes: hasLength(1),
normalParameterNames: ['f'],
returnType: same(voidType));
var gParamType = g.type.normalParameterTypes[0];
expect(gParamType.element, same(f.function));
expect((gParamType as FunctionType).normalParameterTypes[0],
new isInstanceOf<CircularFunctionTypeImpl>());
element: same(g.function),
displayName: isNotNull,
parameters: hasLength(1),
normalParameterTypes: [gParamType],
normalParameterNames: ['f'],
returnType: same(voidType));
if (bug_33302_fixed) {
expect(g.function.type.displayName, '(F) → void');
} else {
expect(g.function.type.displayName, '((...) → void) → void');
test_forTypedef_recursive_via_returnTypes() {
// typedef F = G Function();
// typedef G = F Function();
var f = new MockGenericTypeAliasElement('F');
var g = new MockGenericTypeAliasElement('G');
f.returnType = g.function.type;
g.returnType = f.function.type;
element: same(f), displayName: 'F', name: 'F', returnType: isNotNull);
var fReturn = f.type.returnType;
expect(fReturn.element, same(g.function));
expect((fReturn as FunctionType).returnType,
new isInstanceOf<CircularFunctionTypeImpl>());
element: same(f.function), displayName: isNotNull, returnType: fReturn);
if (bug_33302_fixed) {
expect(f.function.type.displayName, '() → G');
} else {
expect(f.function.type.displayName, '() → () → ...');
element: same(g), displayName: 'G', name: 'G', returnType: isNotNull);
var gReturn = g.type.returnType;
expect(gReturn.element, same(f.function));
expect((gReturn as FunctionType).returnType,
new isInstanceOf<CircularFunctionTypeImpl>());
element: same(g.function), displayName: isNotNull, returnType: gReturn);
if (bug_33302_fixed) {
expect(g.function.type.displayName, '() → F');
} else {
expect(g.function.type.displayName, '() → () → ...');
test_forTypedef_returnType() {
var e = new MockGenericTypeAliasElement('F', returnType: objectType);
element: same(e), displayName: 'F', name: 'F', returnType: objectType);
element: same(e.function),
displayName: '() → Object',
returnType: objectType);
test_forTypedef_returnType_null() {
var e = new MockGenericTypeAliasElement.withNullReturn('F');
basicChecks(e.type, element: same(e), displayName: 'F', name: 'F');
element: same(e.function), displayName: '() → dynamic');
test_forTypedef_typeParameter() {
// typedef F<T> = T Function();
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var e = new MockGenericTypeAliasElement('F',
typeParameters: [t], returnType: t.type);
element: same(e),
displayName: 'F',
name: 'F',
returnType: same(t.type),
typeFormals: [same(t)]);
element: same(e.function),
displayName: '() → T',
returnType: same(t.type),
typeArguments: [same(t.type)],
typeParameters: [same(t)]);
test_synthetic() {
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl.synthetic(dynamicType, [], []);
basicChecks(f, element: isNull);
test_synthetic_instantiate() {
// T Function<T>(T x)
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var x = new MockParameterElement('x', type: t.type);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl.synthetic(t.type, [t], [x]);
FunctionType instantiated = f.instantiate([objectType]);
element: isNull,
displayName: '(Object) → Object',
returnType: same(objectType),
normalParameterNames: ['x'],
normalParameterTypes: [same(objectType)],
parameters: hasLength(1));
test_synthetic_instantiate_argument_length_mismatch() {
// dynamic Function<T>()
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl.synthetic(dynamicType, [t], []);
expect(() => f.instantiate([]), throwsA(new isInstanceOf<ArgumentError>()));
test_synthetic_instantiate_no_type_formals() {
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl.synthetic(dynamicType, [], []);
expect(f.instantiate([]), same(f));
test_synthetic_instantiate_share_parameters() {
// T Function<T>(int x)
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var x = new MockParameterElement('x', type: intType);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl.synthetic(t.type, [t], [x]);
FunctionType instantiated = f.instantiate([objectType]);
element: isNull,
displayName: '(int) → Object',
returnType: same(objectType),
normalParameterNames: ['x'],
normalParameterTypes: [same(intType)],
parameters: same(f.parameters));
test_synthetic_namedParameter() {
var p = new MockParameterElement('x',
type: objectType, parameterKind: ParameterKind.NAMED);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl.synthetic(dynamicType, [], [p]);
element: isNull,
displayName: '({x: Object}) → dynamic',
namedParameterTypes: {'x': same(objectType)},
parameters: hasLength(1));
expect(f.parameters[0].isNamed, isTrue);
expect(f.parameters[0].name, 'x');
expect(f.parameters[0].type, same(objectType));
test_synthetic_normalParameter() {
var p = new MockParameterElement('x', type: objectType);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl.synthetic(dynamicType, [], [p]);
element: isNull,
displayName: '(Object) → dynamic',
normalParameterNames: ['x'],
normalParameterTypes: [same(objectType)],
parameters: hasLength(1));
expect(f.parameters[0].isNotOptional, isTrue);
expect(f.parameters[0].name, 'x');
expect(f.parameters[0].type, same(objectType));
test_synthetic_optionalParameter() {
var p = new MockParameterElement('x',
type: objectType, parameterKind: ParameterKind.POSITIONAL);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl.synthetic(dynamicType, [], [p]);
element: isNull,
displayName: '([Object]) → dynamic',
optionalParameterNames: ['x'],
optionalParameterTypes: [same(objectType)],
parameters: hasLength(1));
expect(f.parameters[0].isOptionalPositional, isTrue);
expect(f.parameters[0].name, 'x');
expect(f.parameters[0].type, same(objectType));
test_synthetic_returnType() {
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl.synthetic(objectType, [], []);
element: isNull,
displayName: '() → Object',
returnType: same(objectType));
test_synthetic_substitute() {
// Map<T, U> Function<U extends T>(T x, U y)
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var u = new MockTypeParameterElement('U', bound: t.type);
var x = new MockParameterElement('x', type: t.type);
var y = new MockParameterElement('y', type: u.type);
FunctionType f =
new FunctionTypeImpl.synthetic(mapOf(t.type, u.type), [u], [x, y]);
FunctionType substituted = f.substitute2([objectType], [t.type]);
var uSubstituted = substituted.typeFormals[0];
element: isNull,
displayName: '<U extends Object>(Object, U) → Map<Object, U>',
returnType: mapOf(objectType, uSubstituted.type),
typeFormals: [uSubstituted],
normalParameterNames: ['x', 'y'],
normalParameterTypes: [same(objectType), same(uSubstituted.type)],
parameters: hasLength(2));
test_synthetic_substitute_argument_length_mismatch() {
// dynamic Function()
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl.synthetic(dynamicType, [], []);
expect(() => f.substitute2([], [t.type]),
throwsA(new isInstanceOf<ArgumentError>()));
test_synthetic_substitute_share_returnType_and_parameters() {
// int Function<U extends T>(int x)
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var u = new MockTypeParameterElement('U', bound: t.type);
var x = new MockParameterElement('x', type: intType);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl.synthetic(intType, [u], [x]);
FunctionType substituted = f.substitute2([objectType], [t.type]);
element: isNull,
displayName: '<U extends Object>(int) → int',
returnType: same(f.returnType),
typeFormals: hasLength(1),
normalParameterNames: ['x'],
normalParameterTypes: [same(intType)],
parameters: same(f.parameters));
expect(substituted.typeFormals[0].name, 'U');
expect(substituted.typeFormals[0].bound, same(objectType));
test_synthetic_substitute_share_returnType_and_typeFormals() {
// int Function<U>(T x, U y)
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var u = new MockTypeParameterElement('U');
var x = new MockParameterElement('x', type: t.type);
var y = new MockParameterElement('y', type: u.type);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl.synthetic(intType, [u], [x, y]);
FunctionType substituted = f.substitute2([objectType], [t.type]);
element: isNull,
displayName: '<U>(Object, U) → int',
returnType: same(f.returnType),
typeFormals: same(f.typeFormals),
normalParameterNames: ['x', 'y'],
normalParameterTypes: [same(objectType), same(u.type)],
parameters: hasLength(2));
test_synthetic_substitute_share_typeFormals_and_parameters() {
// T Function<U>(U x)
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var u = new MockTypeParameterElement('U');
var x = new MockParameterElement('x', type: u.type);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl.synthetic(t.type, [u], [x]);
FunctionType substituted = f.substitute2([objectType], [t.type]);
element: isNull,
displayName: '<U>(U) → Object',
returnType: same(objectType),
typeFormals: same(f.typeFormals),
normalParameterNames: ['x'],
normalParameterTypes: [same(u.type)],
parameters: same(f.parameters));
test_synthetic_substitute_unchanged() {
// dynamic Function<U>(U x)
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var u = new MockTypeParameterElement('U');
var x = new MockParameterElement('x', type: u.type);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl.synthetic(dynamicType, [u], [x]);
FunctionType substituted = f.substitute2([objectType], [t.type]);
expect(substituted, same(f));
test_synthetic_typeFormals() {
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl.synthetic(t.type, [t], []);
element: isNull,
displayName: '<T>() → T',
returnType: same(t.type),
typeFormals: [same(t)]);
test_unnamedConstructor() {
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement();
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
basicChecks(f, element: same(e));
test_unnamedConstructor_instantiate_argument_length_mismatch() {
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement(typeParameters: [t]);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
expect(() => f.instantiate([]), throwsA(new isInstanceOf<ArgumentError>()));
test_unnamedConstructor_instantiate_noop() {
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var p = new MockParameterElement('x', type: t.type);
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement(typeParameters: [t], parameters: [p]);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
var instantiated = f.instantiate([t.type]);
element: same(e),
displayName: '(T) → dynamic',
typeArguments: hasLength(1),
typeParameters: [same(t)],
normalParameterNames: ['x'],
normalParameterTypes: [same(t.type)],
parameters: [same(p)]);
expect(instantiated.typeArguments[0], same(t.type));
test_unnamedConstructor_instantiate_noTypeParameters() {
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement();
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
expect(f.instantiate([]), same(f));
test_unnamedConstructor_instantiate_parameterType_simple() {
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var p = new MockParameterElement('x', type: t.type);
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement(typeParameters: [t], parameters: [p]);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
var instantiated = f.instantiate([objectType]);
element: same(e),
displayName: '(Object) → dynamic',
typeArguments: hasLength(1),
typeParameters: [same(t)],
normalParameterNames: ['x'],
normalParameterTypes: [same(objectType)],
parameters: hasLength(1));
expect(instantiated.typeArguments[0], same(objectType));
expect(instantiated.parameters[0].name, 'x');
expect(instantiated.parameters[0].type, same(objectType));
test_unnamedConstructor_instantiate_returnType_simple() {
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var e =
new MockFunctionTypedElement(typeParameters: [t], returnType: t.type);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
var instantiated = f.instantiate([objectType]);
element: same(e),
displayName: '() → Object',
typeArguments: hasLength(1),
typeParameters: [same(t)],
returnType: same(objectType));
expect(instantiated.typeArguments[0], same(objectType));
test_unnamedConstructor_namedParameter() {
var p = new MockParameterElement('x', parameterKind: ParameterKind.NAMED);
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement(parameters: [p]);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
element: same(e),
displayName: '({x: dynamic}) → dynamic',
namedParameterTypes: {'x': same(dynamicType)},
parameters: [same(p)]);
test_unnamedConstructor_namedParameter_object() {
var p = new MockParameterElement('x',
parameterKind: ParameterKind.NAMED, type: objectType);
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement(parameters: [p]);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
element: same(e),
displayName: '({x: Object}) → dynamic',
namedParameterTypes: {'x': same(objectType)},
parameters: [same(p)]);
test_unnamedConstructor_nonTypedef_noTypeArguments() {
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement();
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
basicChecks(f, element: same(e));
test_unnamedConstructor_nonTypedef_withTypeArguments() {
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var c = new MockClassElement('C', typeParameters: [t]);
var e = new MockMethodElement(c, returnType: t.type);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
element: same(e),
typeArguments: [same(t.type)],
typeParameters: [same(t)],
displayName: '() → T',
returnType: same(t.type));
test_unnamedConstructor_normalParameter() {
var p = new MockParameterElement('x');
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement(parameters: [p]);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
element: same(e),
displayName: '(dynamic) → dynamic',
normalParameterNames: ['x'],
normalParameterTypes: [same(dynamicType)],
parameters: [same(p)]);
test_unnamedConstructor_normalParameter_object() {
var p = new MockParameterElement('x', type: objectType);
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement(parameters: [p]);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
element: same(e),
displayName: '(Object) → dynamic',
normalParameterNames: ['x'],
normalParameterTypes: [same(objectType)],
parameters: [same(p)]);
test_unnamedConstructor_optionalParameter() {
var p =
new MockParameterElement('x', parameterKind: ParameterKind.POSITIONAL);
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement(parameters: [p]);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
element: same(e),
displayName: '([dynamic]) → dynamic',
optionalParameterNames: ['x'],
optionalParameterTypes: [same(dynamicType)],
parameters: [same(p)]);
test_unnamedConstructor_optionalParameter_object() {
var p = new MockParameterElement('x',
parameterKind: ParameterKind.POSITIONAL, type: objectType);
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement(parameters: [p]);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
element: same(e),
displayName: '([Object]) → dynamic',
optionalParameterNames: ['x'],
optionalParameterTypes: [same(objectType)],
parameters: [same(p)]);
test_unnamedConstructor_returnType() {
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement(returnType: objectType);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
element: same(e),
returnType: same(objectType),
displayName: '() → Object');
test_unnamedConstructor_returnType_null() {
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement.withNullReturn();
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
element: same(e),
returnType: same(dynamicType),
displayName: '() → dynamic');
test_unnamedConstructor_staticMethod_ignores_enclosing_type_params() {
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var c = new MockClassElement('C', typeParameters: [t]);
var e = new MockMethodElement(c, isStatic: true);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
basicChecks(f, element: same(e));
test_unnamedConstructor_substitute_argument_length_mismatch() {
// abstract class C<T> {
// dynamic f();
// }
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var c = new MockClassElement('C', typeParameters: [t]);
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement(enclosingElement: c);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
expect(() => f.substitute2([], [t.type]),
throwsA(new isInstanceOf<ArgumentError>()));
test_unnamedConstructor_substitute_bound_recursive() {
// abstract class C<T> {
// Map<S, V> f<S extends T, T extends U, V extends T>();
// }
var s = new MockTypeParameterElement('S');
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var u = new MockTypeParameterElement('U');
var v = new MockTypeParameterElement('V');
s.bound = t.type;
t.bound = u.type;
v.bound = t.type;
var c = new MockClassElement('C', typeParameters: [u]);
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement(
returnType: mapOf(s.type, v.type),
typeParameters: [s, t, v],
enclosingElement: c);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
var substituted = f.substitute2([objectType], [u.type]);
element: same(e),
displayName: isNotNull,
returnType: isNotNull,
typeFormals: hasLength(3),
typeParameters: [same(u)],
typeArguments: [same(objectType)]);
if (bug_33300_fixed) {
'<S extends T,T extends Object,V extends T>() → Map<S, V>');
} else {
'<S extends T extends Object,T extends Object,V extends T>() → Map<S, V>');
var s2 = substituted.typeFormals[0];
var t2 = substituted.typeFormals[1];
var v2 = substituted.typeFormals[2];
expect(, 'S');
expect(, 'T');
expect(, 'V');
expect(s2.bound, t2.type);
expect(t2.bound, same(objectType));
expect(v2.bound, t2.type);
if (bug_33301_fixed) {
expect(substituted.returnType, mapOf(s2.type, v2.type));
} else {
expect(substituted.returnType, mapOf(s.type, v.type));
test_unnamedConstructor_substitute_bound_recursive_parameter() {
// abstract class C<T> {
// void f<S extends T, T extends U, V extends T>(S x, V y);
// }
var s = new MockTypeParameterElement('S');
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var u = new MockTypeParameterElement('U');
var v = new MockTypeParameterElement('V');
s.bound = t.type;
t.bound = u.type;
v.bound = t.type;
var c = new MockClassElement('C', typeParameters: [u]);
var x = new MockParameterElement('x', type: s.type);
var y = new MockParameterElement('y', type: v.type);
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement(
returnType: voidType,
typeParameters: [s, t, v],
enclosingElement: c,
parameters: [x, y]);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
var substituted = f.substitute2([objectType], [u.type]);
element: same(e),
displayName: isNotNull,
returnType: same(voidType),
normalParameterNames: ['x', 'y'],
normalParameterTypes: hasLength(2),
parameters: hasLength(2),
typeFormals: hasLength(3),
typeParameters: [same(u)],
typeArguments: [same(objectType)]);
if (bug_33300_fixed) {
'<S extends T,T extends Object,V extends T>(S, V) → void');
} else {
'<S extends T extends Object,T extends Object,V extends T>(S, V) '
'→ void');
var s2 = substituted.typeFormals[0];
var t2 = substituted.typeFormals[1];
var v2 = substituted.typeFormals[2];
expect(, 'S');
expect(, 'T');
expect(, 'V');
expect(s2.bound, t2.type);
expect(t2.bound, same(objectType));
expect(v2.bound, t2.type);
if (bug_33301_fixed) {
expect(substituted.normalParameterTypes, [same(s2.type), same(v2.type)]);
} else {
expect(substituted.normalParameterTypes, [same(s.type), same(v.type)]);
test_unnamedConstructor_substitute_bound_simple() {
// abstract class C<T> {
// U f<U extends T>();
// }
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var c = new MockClassElement('C', typeParameters: [t]);
var u = new MockTypeParameterElement('U', bound: t.type);
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement(
typeParameters: [u], returnType: u.type, enclosingElement: c);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
var substituted = f.substitute2([objectType], [t.type]);
element: same(e),
displayName: '<U extends Object>() → U',
typeArguments: [same(objectType)],
typeParameters: [same(t)],
returnType: isNotNull,
typeFormals: hasLength(1));
expect(substituted.typeFormals[0].name, 'U');
expect(substituted.typeFormals[0].bound, same(objectType));
expect((substituted.returnType as TypeParameterTypeImpl).element,
test_unnamedConstructor_substitute_noop() {
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement(returnType: t.type);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
var substituted = f.substitute2([t.type], [t.type]);
element: same(e), displayName: '() → T', returnType: same(t.type));
// TODO(paulberry): test substitute length mismatch
test_unnamedConstructor_substitute_parameterType_simple() {
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var c = new MockClassElement('C', typeParameters: [t]);
var p = new MockParameterElement('x', type: t.type);
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement(parameters: [p], enclosingElement: c);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
var substituted = f.substitute2([objectType], [t.type]);
element: same(e),
displayName: '(Object) → dynamic',
normalParameterNames: ['x'],
normalParameterTypes: [same(objectType)],
parameters: hasLength(1),
typeArguments: [same(objectType)],
typeParameters: [same(t)]);
expect(substituted.parameters[0].name, 'x');
expect(substituted.parameters[0].type, same(objectType));
test_unnamedConstructor_substitute_returnType_simple() {
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var c = new MockClassElement('C', typeParameters: [t]);
var e =
new MockFunctionTypedElement(returnType: t.type, enclosingElement: c);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
var substituted = f.substitute2([objectType], [t.type]);
element: same(e),
displayName: '() → Object',
returnType: same(objectType),
typeArguments: [same(objectType)],
typeParameters: [same(t)]);
test_unnamedConstructor_typeParameter() {
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement(typeParameters: [t]);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
element: same(e),
displayName: '<T>() → dynamic',
typeFormals: [same(t)]);
// TODO(paulberry): test pruning of bounds
test_unnamedConstructor_typeParameter_with_bound() {
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var c = new MockClassElement('C', typeParameters: [t]);
var u = new MockTypeParameterElement('U', bound: t.type);
var e = new MockFunctionTypedElement(
typeParameters: [u], returnType: u.type, enclosingElement: c);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
element: same(e),
displayName: '<U extends T>() → U',
typeArguments: [same(t.type)],
typeParameters: [same(t)],
returnType: same(u.type),
typeFormals: hasLength(1));
expect(f.typeFormals[0].name, 'U');
expect(f.typeFormals[0].bound, same(t.type));
test_unnamedConstructor_with_enclosing_type_parameters() {
// Test a weird behavior: substitutions are recorded in typeArguments and
// typeParameters.
var t = new MockTypeParameterElement('T');
var c = new MockClassElement('C', typeParameters: [t]);
var e =
new MockFunctionTypedElement(returnType: t.type, enclosingElement: c);
FunctionType f = new FunctionTypeImpl(e);
element: same(e),
displayName: '() → T',
returnType: same(t.type),
typeArguments: [same(t.type)],
typeParameters: [same(t)]);
static InterfaceTypeImpl _makeListType() {
var e = new MockTypeParameterElement('E');
return new InterfaceTypeImpl.elementWithNameAndArgs(
new MockClassElement('List', typeParameters: [e]),
() => [e.type]);
static InterfaceTypeImpl _makeMapType() {
var k = new MockTypeParameterElement('K');
var v = new MockTypeParameterElement('V');
return new InterfaceTypeImpl.elementWithNameAndArgs(
new MockClassElement('Map', typeParameters: [k, v]),
() => [k.type, v.type]);
class MockClassElement implements ClassElementImpl {
final List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters;
final String displayName;
MockClassElement(this.displayName, {this.typeParameters: const []});
get enclosingElement => const MockCompilationUnitElement();
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockCompilationUnitElement implements CompilationUnitElement {
const MockCompilationUnitElement();
get enclosingElement => const MockLibraryElement();
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockElementLocation implements ElementLocation {
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockFunctionTypedElement implements FunctionTypedElement {
final List<ParameterElement> parameters;
final DartType returnType;
final List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters;
final Element enclosingElement;
{this.parameters: const [],
DartType returnType,
this.typeParameters: const [],
this.enclosingElement: const MockCompilationUnitElement()})
: returnType = returnType ?? dynamicType;
{this.parameters: const [],
this.typeParameters: const [],
this.enclosingElement: const MockCompilationUnitElement()})
: returnType = null;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockGenericFunctionTypeElementImpl
implements GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl {
final MockGenericTypeAliasElement enclosingElement;
FunctionTypeImpl _type;
get parameters => enclosingElement.parameters;
get returnType => enclosingElement.returnType;
get type => _type ??= new FunctionTypeImpl(this);
get typeParameters => enclosingElement.innerTypeParameters;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockGenericTypeAliasElement implements GenericTypeAliasElement {
final String name;
List<ParameterElement> parameters;
final List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters;
DartType returnType;
FunctionType _type;
MockGenericFunctionTypeElementImpl _function;
final List<TypeParameterElement> innerTypeParameters;
{this.parameters: const [],
DartType returnType,
this.typeParameters: const [],
this.innerTypeParameters: const []})
: returnType = returnType ?? dynamicType;
{this.parameters: const [],
this.typeParameters: const [],
this.innerTypeParameters: const []})
: returnType = null;
get enclosingElement => const MockCompilationUnitElement();
get function => _function ??= new MockGenericFunctionTypeElementImpl(this);
get isSynthetic => false;
get type => _type ??= new FunctionTypeImpl.forTypedef(this);
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockLibraryElement implements LibraryElement {
const MockLibraryElement();
get enclosingElement => null;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockMethodElement extends MockFunctionTypedElement
implements MethodElement {
final bool isStatic;
MockMethodElement(MockClassElement enclosingElement,
{this.isStatic: false, DartType returnType})
: super(enclosingElement: enclosingElement, returnType: returnType);
ClassElement get enclosingElement => super.enclosingElement;
class MockParameterElement implements ParameterElementImpl {
Element enclosingElement;
final String name;
final ParameterKind parameterKind;
final DartType type;
{this.parameterKind: ParameterKind.REQUIRED, this.type});
get displayName => name;
bool get isNamed => parameterKind == ParameterKind.NAMED;
bool get isNotOptional => parameterKind == ParameterKind.REQUIRED;
bool get isOptionalPositional => parameterKind == ParameterKind.POSITIONAL;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockTypeParameterElement implements TypeParameterElement {
final String name;
TypeParameterTypeImpl _type;
MockElementLocation _location;
DartType bound;
MockTypeParameterElement(, {this.bound});
get kind => ElementKind.TYPE_PARAMETER;
get location => _location ??= new MockElementLocation();
get type => _type ??= new TypeParameterTypeImpl(this);
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
return super.noSuchMethod(invocation);