blob: 4ae3c21d22049f8cd1a420b3bcb83284ad817e30 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
void observe(Node target,
{Map options,
bool childList,
bool attributes,
bool characterData,
bool subtree,
bool attributeOldValue,
bool characterDataOldValue,
List<String> attributeFilter}) {
// Parse options into map of known type.
var parsedOptions = _createDict();
if (options != null) {
options.forEach((k, v) {
if (_boolKeys.containsKey(k)) {
_add(parsedOptions, k, true === v);
} else if (k == 'attributeFilter') {
_add(parsedOptions, k, _fixupList(v));
} else {
throw new ArgumentError(
"Illegal MutationObserver.observe option '$k'");
// Override options passed in the map with named optional arguments.
override(key, value) {
if (value != null) _add(parsedOptions, key, value);
override('childList', childList);
override('attributes', attributes);
override('characterData', characterData);
override('subtree', subtree);
override('attributeOldValue', attributeOldValue);
override('characterDataOldValue', characterDataOldValue);
if (attributeFilter != null) {
override('attributeFilter', _fixupList(attributeFilter));
_call(target, parsedOptions);
// TODO: Change to a set when const Sets are available.
static final _boolKeys =
const {'childList': true,
'attributes': true,
'characterData': true,
'subtree': true,
'attributeOldValue': true,
'characterDataOldValue': true };
static _createDict() => {};
static _add(m, String key, value) { m[key] = value; }
static _fixupList(list) => list;
_call(Node target, options) {
_observe(target, options);
static _createDict() => JS('var', '{}');
static _add(m, String key, value) { JS('void', '#[#] = #', m, key, value); }
static _fixupList(list) => list; // TODO: Ensure is a JavaScript Array.
// Call native function with no conversions.
_call(target, options) native 'observe';