blob: 2ea68d93ad4dc7acbcaaa0c782fb4cbde1ecf753 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "bin/dfe.h"
#include <memory>
#include "bin/abi_version.h"
#include "bin/dartutils.h"
#include "bin/directory.h"
#include "bin/error_exit.h"
#include "bin/file.h"
#include "bin/main_options.h"
#include "bin/platform.h"
#include "bin/utils.h"
#include "include/dart_tools_api.h"
#include "platform/utils.h"
extern "C" {
extern const uint8_t kKernelServiceDill[];
extern intptr_t kKernelServiceDillSize;
extern const uint8_t kPlatformStrongDill[];
extern intptr_t kPlatformStrongDillSize;
const uint8_t* kKernelServiceDill = nullptr;
intptr_t kKernelServiceDillSize = 0;
const uint8_t* kPlatformStrongDill = nullptr;
intptr_t kPlatformStrongDillSize = 0;
namespace dart {
namespace bin {
DFE dfe;
const char kKernelServiceSnapshot[] = "kernel-service.dart.snapshot";
const char kSnapshotsDirectory[] = "snapshots";
static char* GetDirectoryPrefixFromExeName() {
const char* name = nullptr;
const int kTargetSize = 4096;
char target[kTargetSize];
intptr_t target_size =
Platform::ResolveExecutablePathInto(target, kTargetSize);
if (target_size > 0 && target_size < kTargetSize - 1) {
target[target_size] = 0;
name = target;
if (name == nullptr) {
name = Platform::GetExecutableName();
target_size = strlen(name);
Namespace* namespc = Namespace::Create(Namespace::Default());
if (File::GetType(namespc, name, false) == File::kIsLink) {
// Resolve the link without creating Dart scope String.
name = File::LinkTarget(namespc, name, target, kTargetSize);
if (name == NULL) {
return strdup("");
target_size = strlen(name);
const char* sep = File::PathSeparator();
const intptr_t sep_length = strlen(sep);
for (intptr_t i = target_size - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
const char* str = name + i;
if (strncmp(str, sep, sep_length) == 0
#if defined(HOST_OS_WINDOWS)
// TODO(aam): GetExecutableName doesn't work reliably on Windows,
// the code below is a workaround for that (we would be using
// just single Platform::Separator instead of both slashes if it did).
|| *str == '/'
) {
return Utils::StrNDup(name, i + 1);
return strdup("");
: use_dfe_(false),
application_kernel_buffer_size_(0) {
// The run_vm_tests binary has the DART_PRECOMPILER set in order to allow unit
// tests to exercise JIT and AOT pipeline.
// Only on X64 do we have kernel-service.dart.snapshot available otherwise we
// need to fall back to the built-in one (if we have it).
(defined(DART_PRECOMPILER) && defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64))
kernel_service_dill_ = nullptr;
kernel_service_dill_size_ = 0;
kernel_service_dill_ = kKernelServiceDill;
kernel_service_dill_size_ = kKernelServiceDillSize;
platform_strong_dill_for_compilation_ = nullptr;
platform_strong_dill_for_compilation_size_ = 0;
platform_strong_dill_for_execution_ = nullptr;
platform_strong_dill_for_execution_size_ = 0;
platform_strong_dill_for_compilation_ = kPlatformStrongDill;
platform_strong_dill_for_compilation_size_ = kPlatformStrongDillSize;
platform_strong_dill_for_execution_ = kPlatformStrongDill;
platform_strong_dill_for_execution_size_ = kPlatformStrongDillSize;
DFE::~DFE() {
if (frontend_filename_ != nullptr) {
frontend_filename_ = nullptr;
application_kernel_buffer_ = nullptr;
application_kernel_buffer_size_ = 0;
void DFE::Init() {
void DFE::Init(int target_abi_version) {
if (platform_strong_dill_for_compilation_ == nullptr) {
if (!InitKernelServiceAndPlatformDills(target_abi_version)) {
bool DFE::InitKernelServiceAndPlatformDills(int target_abi_version) {
const char kAbiVersionsDir[] = "dart-sdk/lib/_internal/abiversions";
const char kKernelServiceDillFile[] = "kernel_service.dill";
const char kPlatformStrongDillFile[] = "vm_platform_strong.dill";
if (frontend_filename_ != nullptr) {
return true;
// |dir_prefix| includes the last path seperator.
auto dir_prefix = std::unique_ptr<char, void (*)(void*)>(
GetDirectoryPrefixFromExeName(), free);
if (target_abi_version != Options::kAbiVersionUnset) {
kernel_service_dill_ = nullptr;
kernel_service_dill_size_ = 0;
platform_strong_dill_for_compilation_ = nullptr;
platform_strong_dill_for_compilation_size_ = 0;
// Look in the old abi version directory.
char* script_uri =
Utils::SCreate("%s%s/%d/%s", dir_prefix.get(), kAbiVersionsDir,
target_abi_version, kPlatformStrongDillFile);
if (!TryReadKernelFile(
&platform_strong_dill_for_compilation_size_)) {
Syslog::PrintErr("Can't find old ABI dill file: %s\n", script_uri);
return false;
script_uri = Utils::SCreate("%s%s/%d/%s", dir_prefix.get(), kAbiVersionsDir,
target_abi_version, kKernelServiceDillFile);
if (!TryReadKernelFile(script_uri,
&kernel_service_dill_size_)) {
Syslog::PrintErr("Can't find old ABI dill file: %s\n", script_uri);
return false;
} else {
frontend_filename_ = script_uri;
return true;
// Look for the frontend snapshot next to the executable.
frontend_filename_ =
Utils::SCreate("%s%s", dir_prefix.get(), kKernelServiceSnapshot);
if (File::Exists(nullptr, frontend_filename_)) {
return true;
frontend_filename_ = nullptr;
// If the frontend snapshot is not found next to the executable, then look for
// it in the "snapshots" directory.
frontend_filename_ =
Utils::SCreate("%s%s%s%s", dir_prefix.get(), kSnapshotsDirectory,
File::PathSeparator(), kKernelServiceSnapshot);
if (File::Exists(nullptr, frontend_filename_)) {
return true;
frontend_filename_ = nullptr;
return true;
bool DFE::KernelServiceDillAvailable() const {
return kernel_service_dill_ != nullptr;
void DFE::LoadKernelService(const uint8_t** kernel_service_buffer,
intptr_t* kernel_service_buffer_size) {
*kernel_service_buffer = kernel_service_dill_;
*kernel_service_buffer_size = kernel_service_dill_size_;
void DFE::LoadPlatform(const uint8_t** kernel_buffer,
intptr_t* kernel_buffer_size) {
*kernel_buffer = platform_strong_dill_for_execution_;
*kernel_buffer_size = platform_strong_dill_for_execution_size_;
bool DFE::CanUseDartFrontend() const {
return (platform_strong_dill_for_compilation_ != nullptr) &&
(KernelServiceDillAvailable() || (frontend_filename() != nullptr));
class WindowsPathSanitizer {
explicit WindowsPathSanitizer(const char* path) {
// For Windows we need to massage the paths a bit according to
// Convert
// C:\one\two\three
// to
// /C:/one/two/three
// (see builtin.dart#_sanitizeWindowsPath)
intptr_t len = strlen(path);
sanitized_uri_ = reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(len + 1 + 1));
if (sanitized_uri_ == nullptr) {
char* s = sanitized_uri_;
if (len > 2 && path[1] == ':') {
*s++ = '/';
for (const char* p = path; *p != '\0'; ++p, ++s) {
*s = *p == '\\' ? '/' : *p;
*s = '\0';
~WindowsPathSanitizer() { free(sanitized_uri_); }
const char* sanitized_uri() { return sanitized_uri_; }
char* sanitized_uri_;
Dart_KernelCompilationResult DFE::CompileScript(const char* script_uri,
bool incremental,
const char* package_config) {
// TODO(aam): When Frontend is ready, VM should be passing vm_outline.dill
// instead of vm_platform.dill to Frontend for compilation.
#if defined(HOST_OS_WINDOWS)
WindowsPathSanitizer path_sanitizer(script_uri);
const char* sanitized_uri = path_sanitizer.sanitized_uri();
const char* sanitized_uri = script_uri;
return Dart_CompileToKernel(
sanitized_uri, platform_strong_dill_for_compilation_,
platform_strong_dill_for_compilation_size_, incremental, package_config);
void DFE::CompileAndReadScript(const char* script_uri,
uint8_t** kernel_buffer,
intptr_t* kernel_buffer_size,
char** error,
int* exit_code,
const char* package_config) {
Dart_KernelCompilationResult result =
CompileScript(script_uri, use_incremental_compiler(), package_config);
switch (result.status) {
case Dart_KernelCompilationStatus_Ok:
*kernel_buffer = result.kernel;
*kernel_buffer_size = result.kernel_size;
*error = nullptr;
*exit_code = 0;
case Dart_KernelCompilationStatus_Error:
*error = result.error; // Copy error message.
*exit_code = kCompilationErrorExitCode;
case Dart_KernelCompilationStatus_Crash:
*error = result.error; // Copy error message.
*exit_code = kDartFrontendErrorExitCode;
case Dart_KernelCompilationStatus_Unknown:
*error = result.error; // Copy error message.
*exit_code = kErrorExitCode;
void DFE::ReadScript(const char* script_uri,
uint8_t** kernel_buffer,
intptr_t* kernel_buffer_size) const {
int64_t start = Dart_TimelineGetMicros();
if (!TryReadKernelFile(script_uri, kernel_buffer, kernel_buffer_size)) {
if (!Dart_IsKernel(*kernel_buffer, *kernel_buffer_size)) {
*kernel_buffer = nullptr;
*kernel_buffer_size = -1;
int64_t end = Dart_TimelineGetMicros();
Dart_TimelineEvent("DFE::ReadScript", start, end,
Dart_Timeline_Event_Duration, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
// Attempts to treat [buffer] as a in-memory kernel byte representation.
// If successful, returns [true] and places [buffer] into [kernel_ir], byte size
// into [kernel_ir_size].
// If unsuccessful, returns [false], puts [nullptr] into [kernel_ir], -1 into
// [kernel_ir_size].
static bool TryReadSimpleKernelBuffer(uint8_t* buffer,
uint8_t** p_kernel_ir,
intptr_t* p_kernel_ir_size) {
DartUtils::MagicNumber magic_number =
DartUtils::SniffForMagicNumber(buffer, *p_kernel_ir_size);
if (magic_number == DartUtils::kKernelMagicNumber) {
// Do not free buffer if this is a kernel file - kernel_file will be
// backed by the same memory as the buffer and caller will own it.
// Caller is responsible for freeing the buffer when this function
// returns true.
*p_kernel_ir = buffer;
return true;
*p_kernel_ir = nullptr;
*p_kernel_ir_size = -1;
return false;
/// Reads [script_uri] file, returns [true] if successful, [false] otherwise.
/// If successful, newly allocated buffer with file contents is returned in
/// [buffer], file contents byte count - in [size].
static bool TryReadFile(const char* script_uri, uint8_t** buffer,
intptr_t* size) {
void* script_file = DartUtils::OpenFileUri(script_uri, false);
if (script_file == nullptr) {
return false;
DartUtils::ReadFile(buffer, size, script_file);
if (*size <= 0 || buffer == nullptr) {
return false;
return true;
class KernelIRNode {
KernelIRNode(uint8_t* kernel_ir, intptr_t kernel_size)
: kernel_ir_(kernel_ir), kernel_size_(kernel_size) {}
~KernelIRNode() {
static void Add(KernelIRNode** p_head, KernelIRNode** p_tail,
KernelIRNode* node) {
if (*p_head == nullptr) {
*p_head = node;
} else {
(*p_tail)->next_ = node;
*p_tail = node;
static void Merge(KernelIRNode* head, uint8_t** p_bytes,
intptr_t* p_size) {
intptr_t size = 0;
for (KernelIRNode* node = head; node != nullptr; node = node->next_) {
size = size + node->kernel_size_;
*p_bytes = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(malloc(size));
if (*p_bytes == nullptr) {
uint8_t* p = *p_bytes;
KernelIRNode* node = head;
while (node != nullptr) {
memmove(p, node->kernel_ir_, node->kernel_size_);
p += node->kernel_size_;
KernelIRNode* next = node->next_;
node = next;
*p_size = size;
static void Delete(KernelIRNode* head) {
KernelIRNode* node = head;
while (node != nullptr) {
KernelIRNode* next = node->next_;
delete (node);
node = next;
uint8_t* kernel_ir_;
intptr_t kernel_size_;
KernelIRNode* next_ = nullptr;
class StringPointer {
explicit StringPointer(char* c_str) : c_str_(c_str) {}
~StringPointer() { free(c_str_); }
const char* c_str() { return c_str_; }
char* c_str_;
// Supports "kernel list" files as input.
// Those are text files that start with '#@dill' on new line, followed
// by absolute paths to kernel files or relative paths, that are relative
// to [script_uri] "kernel list" file.
// Below is an example of valid kernel list file:
// ```
// #@dill
// /projects/mytest/build/bin/main.vm.dill
// /projects/mytest/build/packages/mytest/lib.vm.dill
// ```
static bool TryReadKernelListBuffer(const char* script_uri,
uint8_t* buffer,
intptr_t buffer_size,
uint8_t** kernel_ir,
intptr_t* kernel_ir_size) {
const char* kernel_list_dirname = DartUtils::DirName(script_uri);
if (strcmp(kernel_list_dirname, script_uri) == 0) {
kernel_list_dirname = "";
KernelIRNode* kernel_ir_head = nullptr;
KernelIRNode* kernel_ir_tail = nullptr;
// Add all kernels to the linked list
char* filename =
reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer + kernel_list_magic_number.length);
intptr_t filename_size = buffer_size - kernel_list_magic_number.length;
char* tail = reinterpret_cast<char*>(memchr(filename, '\n', filename_size));
while (tail != nullptr) {
*tail = '\0';
intptr_t this_kernel_size;
uint8_t* this_buffer;
StringPointer resolved_filename(
? strdup(filename)
: Utils::SCreate("%s%s", kernel_list_dirname, filename));
if (!TryReadFile(resolved_filename.c_str(), &this_buffer,
&this_kernel_size)) {
return false;
uint8_t* this_kernel_ir;
if (!TryReadSimpleKernelBuffer(this_buffer, &this_kernel_ir,
&this_kernel_size)) {
// Abandon read if any of the files in the list are invalid.
*kernel_ir = nullptr;
*kernel_ir_size = -1;
return false;
KernelIRNode::Add(&kernel_ir_head, &kernel_ir_tail,
new KernelIRNode(this_kernel_ir, this_kernel_size));
filename_size -= tail + 1 - filename;
filename = tail + 1;
tail = reinterpret_cast<char*>(memchr(filename, '\n', filename_size));
KernelIRNode::Merge(kernel_ir_head, kernel_ir, kernel_ir_size);
return true;
bool DFE::TryReadKernelFile(const char* script_uri,
uint8_t** kernel_ir,
intptr_t* kernel_ir_size) {
*kernel_ir = nullptr;
*kernel_ir_size = -1;
uint8_t* buffer;
if (!TryReadFile(script_uri, &buffer, kernel_ir_size)) {
return false;
DartUtils::MagicNumber magic_number =
DartUtils::SniffForMagicNumber(buffer, *kernel_ir_size);
if (magic_number == DartUtils::kKernelListMagicNumber) {
return TryReadKernelListBuffer(script_uri, buffer, *kernel_ir_size,
kernel_ir, kernel_ir_size);
return TryReadSimpleKernelBuffer(buffer, kernel_ir, kernel_ir_size);
} // namespace bin
} // namespace dart