blob: 49c4d7cfe030b70643e42383cd742a2e20d58f04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// This library helps run parallel thread-like closures asynchronously.
/// Borrowed from dartdoc:src/io_utils.dart.
// TODO(jcollins-g): like SubprocessLauncher, merge with io_utils in dartdoc
// before cut-and-paste gets out of hand.
class MultiFutureTracker {
/// Maximum number of simultaneously incomplete [Future]s.
final int parallel;
final Set<Future<void>> _trackedFutures = Set();
/// Wait until fewer or equal to this many Futures are outstanding.
Future<void> _waitUntil(int max) async {
assert(_trackedFutures.length <= parallel);
while (_trackedFutures.length > max) {
await Future.any(_trackedFutures);
/// Generates a [Future] from the given closure and adds it to the queue,
/// once the queue is sufficiently empty. The returned future completes
/// when the generated [Future] has been added to the queue.
Future<void> addFutureFromClosure(Future<void> Function() closure) async {
assert(_trackedFutures.length <= parallel);
// Can't use _waitUntil because we might not return directly to this
// invocation of addFutureFromClosure.
while (_trackedFutures.length > parallel - 1) {
await Future.any(_trackedFutures);
Future<void> future = closure();
future.then((f) => _trackedFutures.remove(future));
/// Wait until all futures added so far have completed.
Future<void> wait() => _waitUntil(0);