blob: 704852e6d50ce9d57b15353c065c9129a5dbe86b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/plugin/analysis/occurrences/occurrences_core.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart' as protocol;
* A concrete implementation of [OccurrencesCollector].
class OccurrencesCollectorImpl implements OccurrencesCollector {
final Map<protocol.Element, protocol.Occurrences> elementOccurrences =
<protocol.Element, protocol.Occurrences>{};
List<protocol.Occurrences> get allOccurrences {
return elementOccurrences.values.toList();
void addOccurrences(protocol.Occurrences current) {
protocol.Element element = current.element;
protocol.Occurrences existing = elementOccurrences[element];
if (existing != null) {
List<int> offsets = _merge(existing.offsets, current.offsets);
current = protocol.Occurrences(element, offsets, existing.length);
elementOccurrences[element] = current;
static List<int> _merge(List<int> a, List<int> b) {
return <int>[...a, ...b];