blob: 7d20887694391b5c18e63d632a700eeffbd4a250 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#if defined(DEBUG)
#include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_checker.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/loops.h"
namespace dart {
DECLARE_FLAG(bool, trace_compiler);
"Definition count threshold for extensive instruction checks");
// Returns true for the "optimized out" and "null" constant.
static bool IsSpecialConstant(Definition* def) {
if (auto c = def->AsConstant()) {
return c->value().raw() == Symbols::OptimizedOut().raw() ||
c->value().raw() == Object::ZoneHandle().raw();
return false;
// Returns true if block is a predecessor of succ.
static bool IsPred(BlockEntryInstr* block, BlockEntryInstr* succ) {
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = succ->PredecessorCount(); i < n; ++i) {
if (succ->PredecessorAt(i) == block) {
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if block is a successor of pred.
static bool IsSucc(BlockEntryInstr* block, BlockEntryInstr* pred) {
Instruction* last = pred->last_instruction();
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = last->SuccessorCount(); i < n; ++i) {
if (last->SuccessorAt(i) == block) {
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if dom directly dominates block.
static bool IsDirectlyDominated(BlockEntryInstr* block, BlockEntryInstr* dom) {
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = dom->dominated_blocks().length(); i < n; ++i) {
if (dom->dominated_blocks()[i] == block) {
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if instruction appears in use list.
static bool IsInUseList(Value* use, Instruction* instruction) {
for (; use != nullptr; use = use->next_use()) {
if (use->instruction() == instruction) {
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if definition dominates instruction. Note that this
// helper is required to account for some situations that are not
// accounted for in the IR methods that compute dominance.
static bool DefDominatesUse(Definition* def, Instruction* instruction) {
if (instruction->IsPhi()) {
// A phi use is not necessarily dominated by a definition.
// Proper dominance relation on the input values of Phis is
// checked by the Phi visitor below.
return true;
} else if (def->IsMaterializeObject() || instruction->IsMaterializeObject()) {
// These instructions reside outside the IR.
return true;
} else if (auto entry =
instruction->GetBlock()->AsBlockEntryWithInitialDefs()) {
// An initial definition in the same block.
// TODO(ajcbik): use an initial def too?
for (auto idef : *entry->initial_definitions()) {
if (idef == def) {
return true;
// Use the standard IR method for dominance.
return instruction->IsDominatedBy(def);
// Returns true if instruction forces control flow.
static bool IsControlFlow(Instruction* instruction) {
return instruction->IsBranch() || instruction->IsGoto() ||
instruction->IsIndirectGoto() || instruction->IsReturn() ||
instruction->IsThrow() || instruction->IsReThrow() ||
instruction->IsStop() || instruction->IsTailCall();
void FlowGraphChecker::VisitBlocks() {
const GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& preorder = flow_graph_->preorder();
const GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& postorder = flow_graph_->postorder();
const GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& rev_postorder =
// Make sure lengths match.
const intptr_t block_count = preorder.length();
ASSERT(block_count == postorder.length());
ASSERT(block_count == rev_postorder.length());
// Make sure postorder has true reverse.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < block_count; ++i) {
ASSERT(postorder[i] == rev_postorder[block_count - i - 1]);
// Iterate over all basic blocks.
const intptr_t max_block_id = flow_graph_->max_block_id();
for (BlockIterator it = flow_graph_->reverse_postorder_iterator(); !it.Done();
it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = it.Current();
ASSERT(block->block_id() <= max_block_id);
// Make sure ordering is consistent.
ASSERT(block->preorder_number() <= block_count);
ASSERT(block->postorder_number() <= block_count);
ASSERT(preorder[block->preorder_number()] == block);
ASSERT(postorder[block->postorder_number()] == block);
// Make sure predecessors and successors agree.
Instruction* last = block->last_instruction();
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = last->SuccessorCount(); i < n; ++i) {
ASSERT(IsPred(block, last->SuccessorAt(i)));
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = block->PredecessorCount(); i < n; ++i) {
ASSERT(IsSucc(block, block->PredecessorAt(i)));
// Make sure dominance relations agree.
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = block->dominated_blocks().length(); i < n; ++i) {
ASSERT(block->dominated_blocks()[i]->dominator() == block);
if (block->dominator() != nullptr) {
ASSERT(IsDirectlyDominated(block, block->dominator()));
// Visit all instructions in this block.
void FlowGraphChecker::VisitInstructions(BlockEntryInstr* block) {
// To avoid excessive runtimes, skip the instructions check if there
// are many definitions (as happens in e.g. an initialization block).
if (flow_graph_->current_ssa_temp_index() >
FLAG_verify_definitions_threshold) {
// Give all visitors quick access.
current_block_ = block;
// Visit initial definitions.
if (auto entry = block->AsBlockEntryWithInitialDefs()) {
for (auto def : *entry->initial_definitions()) {
ASSERT(def != nullptr);
ASSERT(def->IsConstant() || def->IsParameter() ||
// Special constants reside outside the IR.
if (IsSpecialConstant(def)) continue;
// Make sure block lookup agrees.
ASSERT(def->GetBlock() == entry);
// Initial definitions are partially linked into graph.
ASSERT(def->next() == nullptr);
ASSERT(def->previous() == entry);
// Visit the initial definition as instruction.
// Visit phis in join.
if (auto entry = block->AsJoinEntry()) {
for (PhiIterator it(entry); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
PhiInstr* phi = it.Current();
// Make sure block lookup agrees.
ASSERT(phi->GetBlock() == entry);
// Phis are never linked into graph.
ASSERT(phi->next() == nullptr);
ASSERT(phi->previous() == nullptr);
// Visit the phi as instruction.
// Visit regular instructions.
Instruction* last = block->last_instruction();
ASSERT((last == block) == block->IsGraphEntry());
Instruction* prev = block;
ASSERT(prev->previous() == nullptr);
for (ForwardInstructionIterator it(block); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
Instruction* instruction = it.Current();
// Make sure block lookup agrees (scan in scan).
ASSERT(instruction->GetBlock() == block);
// Make sure linked list agrees.
ASSERT(prev->next() == instruction);
ASSERT(instruction->previous() == prev);
prev = instruction;
// Make sure control flow makes sense.
ASSERT(IsControlFlow(instruction) == (instruction == last));
// Visit the instruction.
ASSERT(prev->next() == nullptr);
ASSERT(prev == last);
// Make sure loop information, when up-to-date, agrees.
if (flow_graph_->loop_hierarchy_ != nullptr) {
for (LoopInfo* loop = block->loop_info(); loop != nullptr;
loop = loop->outer()) {
void FlowGraphChecker::VisitInstruction(Instruction* instruction) {
// Check all regular inputs.
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = instruction->InputCount(); i < n; ++i) {
VisitUseDef(instruction, instruction->InputAt(i), i, /*is_env*/ false);
// Check all environment inputs.
intptr_t i = 0;
for (Environment::DeepIterator it(instruction->env()); !it.Done();
it.Advance()) {
VisitUseDef(instruction, it.CurrentValue(), i++, /*is_env*/ true);
// Visit specific instructions (definitions and anything with Visit()).
if (auto def = instruction->AsDefinition()) {
void FlowGraphChecker::VisitDefinition(Definition* def) {
// Used definitions must have an SSA name.
ASSERT(def->HasSSATemp() || def->input_use_list() == nullptr);
// Check all regular uses.
Value* prev = nullptr;
for (Value* use = def->input_use_list(); use != nullptr;
use = use->next_use()) {
VisitDefUse(def, use, prev, /*is_env*/ false);
prev = use;
// Check all environment uses.
prev = nullptr;
for (Value* use = def->env_use_list(); use != nullptr;
use = use->next_use()) {
VisitDefUse(def, use, prev, /*is_env*/ true);
prev = use;
void FlowGraphChecker::VisitUseDef(Instruction* instruction,
Value* use,
intptr_t index,
bool is_env) {
ASSERT(use->instruction() == instruction);
ASSERT(use->use_index() == index);
// Get definition.
Definition* def = use->definition();
ASSERT(def != nullptr);
ASSERT(def != instruction || def->IsPhi() || def->IsMaterializeObject());
// Make sure each input is properly defined in the graph by something
// that dominates the input (note that the proper dominance relation
// on the input values of Phis is checked by the Phi visitor below).
bool test_def = def->HasSSATemp();
if (def->IsPhi()) {
// Phis are never linked into graph.
ASSERT(def->next() == nullptr);
ASSERT(def->previous() == nullptr);
} else if (def->IsConstant() || def->IsParameter() ||
def->IsSpecialParameter()) {
// Initial definitions are partially linked into graph, but some
// constants are fully linked into graph (so no next() assert).
ASSERT(def->previous() != nullptr);
} else {
// Others are fully linked into graph.
ASSERT(def->next() != nullptr);
ASSERT(def->previous() != nullptr);
if (test_def) {
ASSERT(is_env || // TODO(
DefDominatesUse(def, instruction));
if (is_env) {
ASSERT(IsInUseList(def->env_use_list(), instruction));
} else {
ASSERT(IsInUseList(def->input_use_list(), instruction));
void FlowGraphChecker::VisitDefUse(Definition* def,
Value* use,
Value* prev,
bool is_env) {
ASSERT(use->definition() == def);
ASSERT(use->previous_use() == prev);
// Get using instruction.
Instruction* instruction = use->instruction();
ASSERT(instruction != nullptr);
ASSERT(def != instruction || def->IsPhi() || def->IsMaterializeObject());
if (is_env) {
ASSERT(instruction->env()->ValueAtUseIndex(use->use_index()) == use);
} else {
ASSERT(instruction->InputAt(use->use_index()) == use);
// Make sure each use appears in the graph and is properly dominated
// by the defintion (note that the proper dominance relation on the
// input values of Phis is checked by the Phi visitor below).
if (instruction->IsPhi()) {
// Phis are never linked into graph.
ASSERT(instruction->next() == nullptr);
ASSERT(instruction->previous() == nullptr);
} else if (instruction->IsBlockEntry()) {
// BlockEntry instructions have environments attached to them but
// have no reliable way to verify if they are still in the graph.
} else {
// Others are fully linked into graph.
ASSERT(IsControlFlow(instruction) || instruction->next() != nullptr);
ASSERT(instruction->previous() != nullptr);
ASSERT(is_env || // TODO(
DefDominatesUse(def, instruction));
void FlowGraphChecker::VisitConstant(ConstantInstr* constant) {
// Range check on smi.
const Object& value = constant->value();
if (value.IsSmi()) {
const int64_t smi_value = Integer::Cast(value).AsInt64Value();
ASSERT(compiler::target::kSmiMin <= smi_value);
ASSERT(smi_value <= compiler::target::kSmiMax);
// Any constant involved in SSA should appear in the entry (making it more
// likely it was inserted by the utility that avoids duplication).
// TODO(
// ASSERT(constant->GetBlock() == flow_graph_->graph_entry());
void FlowGraphChecker::VisitInstanceCall(InstanceCallInstr* instr) {
const Function& function = flow_graph_->function();
// Force-optimized functions may not have instance calls inside them because
// we do not reset ICData for these.
void FlowGraphChecker::VisitPolymorphicInstanceCall(
PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* instr) {
const Function& function = flow_graph_->function();
// Force-optimized functions may not have instance calls inside them because
// we do not reset ICData for these.
void FlowGraphChecker::VisitPhi(PhiInstr* phi) {
// Make sure the definition of each input value of a Phi dominates
// the corresponding incoming edge, as defined by order.
ASSERT(phi->InputCount() == current_block_->PredecessorCount());
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = phi->InputCount(); i < n; ++i) {
Definition* def = phi->InputAt(i)->definition();
BlockEntryInstr* edge = current_block_->PredecessorAt(i);
ASSERT(DefDominatesUse(def, edge->last_instruction()));
void FlowGraphChecker::VisitGoto(GotoInstr* jmp) {
ASSERT(jmp->SuccessorCount() == 1);
void FlowGraphChecker::VisitIndirectGoto(IndirectGotoInstr* jmp) {
ASSERT(jmp->SuccessorCount() >= 1);
void FlowGraphChecker::VisitBranch(BranchInstr* branch) {
ASSERT(branch->SuccessorCount() == 2);
void FlowGraphChecker::VisitRedefinition(RedefinitionInstr* def) {
ASSERT(def->value()->definition() != def);
// Main entry point of graph checker.
void FlowGraphChecker::Check(const char* pass_name) {
if (FLAG_trace_compiler) {
THR_Print("Running checker after %s\n", pass_name);
ASSERT(flow_graph_ != nullptr);
} // namespace dart
#endif // defined(DEBUG)
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)